#whichever is easiest
batsyvie · 5 months
14 staying on Earth has SO many opportunities for angst. He needs to visit the companion support group! He needs to reunite with them all! Making amends with Martha and Mickey, his old face returning to Jack, apologising to Rory’s father for failing to bring the Ponds back, meeting Yaz again and telling her that yes, he still loves her, and he’s sorry that it’s not enough.
I need him to find the families of those he couldn’t save and to give them closure! i need him to wake up in a cold sweat and let thousands of years worth of hurt spill out so that he can be looked after!
i need him to look at Rose Temple-Noble and be haunted by how her smile and enthusiasm is all too similar to Rose Tyler. For him to look at Donna and mistake her for another red-headed best friend he once had. For him to feel a gaping hole where Clara Oswald had once made herself at home during his past lives whenever he passes a brunette. To see a puddle of water and be unable to restrain himself from peering in and praying he sees a glimpse of Bill in there. 14 visiting a museum and remembering there was a time where he would just point and laugh at archaeologists. now he just hurts.
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heartofspells · 8 months
I have finished the first chapter of my Prongsfoot Epic (it's not, really, that's just what i'm calling it because i've yet to decide on a title, no one get excited). And now I desperately want to post it, but I won't be until it's completely finished, and maybe not for a while after that. I actually have a definite date set for it. BUT the urge. It is strong.
So. Who wants to talk about all things Prongsfoot to help settle my brain? Blurbs, quips, exchanges, headcanons, endless misdeeds, messy-headed, grey-eyed babies running rampant around their legs. The possibilities are ceaseless. Let's goooo!
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atomicniire · 4 months
You were cursed by a dark lord
What is this about because honestly it could apply to a lot of things. Also is the dark Lord in the room with us. Are they interested in me still. Please contact me if so. For sinning purposes.
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bearyourbro · 1 year
There are two kinds of overstimulation
Overstimulated cold: there is too much every hurts I want to scream and curl up into a ball at the bottom of a well and never return to the surface and when did I start crying!!!!!
overstimulated fire: there is too much every is burning I hate everyone im gonna bash someone’s scull in and rip off my own skin and burn everything to the ground and build a sandcastle out of the ashes and when did I start crying!!!!!
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cerebipalsy · 1 year
I hate that it takes me so much conscious effort to sit up straight. My back is hurting really badly lately because I’m always hunched over.
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theslimeologist · 3 months
Its viscerally upsetting that our preferences are apparently respected but we’re all automatically opted in for tumblr’s AI 3rd party “partners” to supposedly scrape our posts and content? L O L
If you’re on mobile *you must first update the tumblr app*
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bardengarde · 2 months
Mike Farrells Bonanza character is actually going to be a problem for me oh no
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honorhearted · 1 year
"take your bloody hands off of me!" from claire
The air was thick with smoke from musket-fire, and shouts arose from varying vantage points as Ben remained hunkered low behind a tree. He and his men had been out on a reconnaissance mission – it was supposed to be quick and open-and-shut – yet despite assurances of otherwise, they’d been thwarted by a small group of loyalists.
Aiming his flintlock as silently as he could, Ben glanced around the tree in his cramped position, his vision momentarily blinded by sweat as he searched through the woods. His cheek stung from a shallow cut he’d received from a low-hanging branch, and with a grimace, he paused to wipe his sleeve across the wound. Blood and perspiration smeared across his white cuff and further dirtied up his uniform.
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Fresh musket-shot zipped through the air and Ben dove to the side before running in a zigzag. Not pausing to look over his shoulder, he wove in between various trees and tore through the underbrush, all the while searching for the perfect place to take cover. Nearly losing his balance across the forest floor, he righted himself again and stumbled onward, but not before slamming headlong into a figure…something petite and warm.
Cursing, Ben managed to keep his flintlock from discharging as he landed harshly onto the stranger. He was suddenly peering directly into two wide eyes, and his breath caught once he realized he’d fallen over stop of…a woman? What in God’s name…?
Scanning the stranger from head to toe, he balked in mortification once he realized this woman was indecent – her odd-looking shift ended well above the knee, and her stockings, though a decent enough cover, were a peculiar color and fabric. Good God, who would have been cruel enough to steal this woman’s skirts? And why?
"Take your bloody hands off of me!"
Oh. Well, that had certainly been sobering...
Amidst trying to keep himself from being overheard by the enemy, let alone targeted, he now had to deal with a screeching, hysterical woman on top of it all. Had he been any less shocked, he might have slapped the sense into her -- he'd seen the camp physicians do this more than once -- but he remained stock-still and frozen before stammering, "I...I-I...m-madam, I am only trying to help...please! You must keep your voice down!"
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quinloki · 11 months
Me when someone starts a multi-chapter story I've finished:
Ahhh, yes, I enjoyed writing that, I hope you enjoy reading it.
Me when someone starts a multi-chapter I haven't finished:
Ahh, yes, I'm enjoying writing that, I'm sorry about the possible wait. Please have some tea and crumpets. Might I interest you in a volume of completed smut? Perhaps some head canons, or random drabbles? There's also some writers I absolutely enjoy, if you're in need of more options - some of you are voracious readers.
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starsimpact · 1 year
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hi i would like to throw my boys out into the wild 👁️ so if you’d like either arvad or khalid sneaking into your inbox, pls like this <3
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whoreiaki-kakyoin · 1 year
Me: fights alongside Abbacchio with zero hesitation
Also me, shaking crying throwing up: Leone you’re gonna have to kill the bug please
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yandere-daydreams · 2 years
Sorry for the dumb question but are requests open? I love your writing so much and have ideas I want to share but I don't want to bother you lol
requests literally do not exist.
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1spooky-dad · 2 years
I love making hyper complex ocs that fit into whatever story they're for, idk how people can stand to just slap an oc into a story with no explanation. Where did they come from? Who is their entire extended family? What environmental changes shaped them into who they are today? How close to canon can you get them while still being op as shit but also still likeable and believable?
#anyways i made a soul eater oc cuase im rewatching it#yes theyre a love interest for stein who do you take me for?#theyre from tsubakis clan like her much older second step cousin or something#so they can transform into lots of different things#but their soul is super tiny and not easy for a meister to like. know whats going on in there#instead of a meister connecting to them they are able to just worm their way into a meisters soul and transform into whichever weapon#would be easiest for them to weild. which they knlw from merging with their soul ofc#they use this as a way to teach young meisters how to get a grip on handleing a weapon#some meisters get it right away but others need practice with a weapon thats gentle on them and doesnt hurt them#the catch tho is that stiens used to matcjing his soul to the weapon and theyre used to matching their soul to the meister#so they clash with him hard#which doesnt matter to them much cause they dont interact with him much considering theyre basically just a remeidial teacher#stiens students are usually more advanced so theyre in completely different parts lf the school#but stein is stein and hes a nosey bastard and wants to know whats up with them and why he cant get a good read on them#oh and their actual weapon form when not conforming to a meisters prefered weapon is a spray bottle of neurotoxin#and they look like a mushroom#they can change the components of the toxin to have varying symptoms and lethalities#stein: so you change weapons a lot but which one is your actual main? OC: oh you know. a spray gun filled with VX neurotoxin. Stein: what.#yeah idk what their name is yet but its probably gonna be a bastardized version of some sort of poison name
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sanguinesorcery · 1 month
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:: Home :: Ask :: Info ::
I hold no cross and I pay no toll Race with my wings on fire To a place far beyond the
Dropped-Down Sky
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::An OC Roleplay Blog for The Legend of Zelda franchise:: ::Featuring Custom Lore and Magical Mechanics:: ::Independent and Non-Selective:: ::OC/AU/Crossover/Multimuse-friendly:: ::Follows back from @schwarzwaldcr ::
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luvring · 1 month
what's Akaashi's favorite dish and what has he made for you so often he considers himself an expert in the making?
been saving this because i couldn't think of dishes. unfortunately I still cannot think of dishes. IMSRLSBDJSKDB Umm guys.. well canonically his is nanohana karashiae iirc! 👩🏻‍💻 for pinoy foods maybe he'd like pancit bihon... i hope he'd like pandesal. i'm sure he would. warm bread.. 🩷🩷🩷
not a dish buttt i always improvise my lemon honey water ratio when i'm sick and i think he'd figure it out before me...which i won't complain about but i'd need him to spill the beans because Omg? and i think i eat my favourite dishes pretty equally, so i'm not too sure what he'd cook most often... if i ever think of something I'll be back.
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paging-possum · 8 months
VERY stuck on which drawing option I want to do next so I’m doing the obvious method of decision and attempting to make playlists for each of them
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