#Rosalind x Theo
goldenlilium-ocs · 11 months
Assigning 1989 Taylor’s Version songs to oc’s but some of the og songs I’ve never even heard before. I struggled a lot
Welcome to New York - all I can think of is this being the opening song to Juliette Rogers’ own movie
Blank Space - Leyla and Marcus
Style - Sera and Nico // Phoebe and Troy
Out of the Woods - Dani (P) and Theo
Had To Do Was Stay - Talia and Sam
Shake it Off - Dani Price // Kingston Chance
I Wish You Would - Julie and Cedric (they always get the heartbreaking ones I’m not sorry)
Bad Blood - Leyla // Cam
Wildest Dreams - Rosalind and Renfield // Julie and Peter
How You Get the Girl - Dani (P) and Theo //Bonnie and Killian
This Love - Julie and Cedric
I Know Places - Julie and Mattheo
Clean - Polexia
Wonderland - Julie x Mattheo
You Are in Love - Julie and Cedric // Jasper and Elara
New Romantics - Dani Price
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fanfics4all · 1 year
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Request: Yes / No Day one of Halloween fics! (This is based on a Drawlloween made by RikiSayPOOF I believe)
Requests are closed  <3 Have a nice day/night
Harvey Kinkle x Fem!Reader 
Word count: 5586
Warnings: Death, drowning
Y/N: Your Name 
Y/N/N: Your Nickname
Y/L/N: Your Last Name
Y/M/N: Your Middle Name
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(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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*Harvey’s POV*
The four of us were sitting at a booth in Cerberus Books. We all had our favorite milkshakes, but I wasn’t totally into it. It was getting closer to Halloween and ever since the accident three of us haven’t really been the same. Since Brina joined us it’s been better, but still not the same. 
“Harvey, you alright?” Sabrina asked. I looked up and saw everyone was staring at me. 
“Yeah, sorry… just zoned out.” I said. Rosalind reached over and grabbed my hand. I looked up at her and she smiled at me sadly. 
“You shouldn’t think about it.” She said and I sighed. 
“Think about what?” Sabrina asked with a furrowed brow. The three of us looked at each other and Theo sighed. 
“We had a friend, her name was Y/N, we went to the lake in the woods for a swim on Halloween.” He said. 
“It was her idea, she always loved to swim and that was kind of our special spot.” Ros smiled. 
“We had a cannonball contest and Y/N went first…” Theo trailed off. 
“She hit her head on a rock and there was blood all around her as she floated up… She was unconscious and drowned as she was floating to the surface…” I said and a tear rolled down my cheek. I felt Ros tighten her grip on my hand and Sabrina gently rubbed my back. 
“She was Harvey’s girlfriend…” Theo said. I wiped my tear away and took a deep breath. 
“Have you guys been back there?” Sabrina asked. We all shook our heads and Sabrina smiled. 
“What if I told you guys that you could see her again?” She said and we all looked at her with wide eyes. 
“You can bring her back?” I asked, hope clear in my voice. 
“I’ll ask Ambrose if he knows any spells that can bring her back for good, but I can bring her spirit back temporarily.” She said and we all smiled. 
“When can we do it?” Ros asked. 
“Halloween night, when she died. That’s when her spirit will be her strongest.” She said and we nodded. 
“I’ll get to see Y/N again?” I asked quietly and Sabrina nodded with a smile. 
*Halloween Night* 
The three of us met Sabrina and Ambrose outside of their house. They came out with candles, herbs, and a large book. Sabrina had a smile on her face as she rushed over to us. 
“Ambrose has a spell, do you have anything of Y/N’s?” She asked and I nodded. I pulled her necklace out of my shirt and she smiled. 
“Great, we’ll need it for the spell.” She said. We followed her and her cousin into the woods. As we got closer to the lake my stomach was twisting and I felt like I was going to throw up. Theo came up next to me and grabbed my hand. 
“It’s gonna be alright.” He whispered and I nodded. We got to the lake, and Sabrina and Ambrose placed candles around the lake. Sabrina took out a bowl with some markings on it and placed it in between a gap in the candles. 
“Okay, everyone sit down around the lake and join hands.” Ambrose said. We did as he asked and Sabrina sat next to me. 
“Cousin I need you to summon her sprit before we get her back into the world of the living.” Ambrose said. Sabrina nodded and we all joined hands. 
“Harvey, can I have the necklace?” She asked. I took it off and gave it to her. She placed it into the bowl and grabbed my hand again. 
“Spirits below and above, spirits in between, caught in the fabric betwixt worlds, we ask that the veil be lifted and that you send forth the spirit of Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N, you’re welcome to this circle. If you’re here, we ask that you make your presence known.” Sabrina said. The wind blew around us and the flames of the candles flickered. The lake rippled and soon the air was cold. We looked up and there she was, floating above the lake. She looked just as beautiful as I remember… Her Y/H/C flowed against her shoulder, the dress she was buried in was her favorite color, and her eyes still held so much happiness. 
“Y/N?” I whispered and she looked down at me with a smile. 
“Harvey! Ros! Susie! You guys came back!” She said and tired to reach for us. She furrowed her brown when she couldn’t. 
“It’s actually Theo now, Y/N…” Theo said and she smiled. 
“Oh… sorry.” She said and Theo just smiled at her. 
“Where have you guys been? I feel like it’s been forever since we’ve seen each other.” She asked and I couldn’t hold back the tears anymore. 
“Y-You don’t remember?” Ros asked. 
“She’s a lost soul…” Ambrose said. 
“Oh… sorry I didn’t see the two of you there, why didn’t you tell me you guys brought new friends?” Y/N asked with a smile. 
“This is Sabrina and her cousin Ambrose.” Ros said and Y/N smiled. 
“Nice to meet you both.” She said. 
“Y/N, what do you remember?” Sabrina asked. 
“I remember coming here on Halloween, we went swimming and then I…” She trailed off and frowned. 
“I-I saw black, then blood, then… then I was alone…” She whispered. 
“I’m sorry, baby…” I whispered, tears falling harder. She smiled down at me with sadness in her eyes. 
“It wasn’t your fault.” She said. She kneeled down and floated in front of me. 
“I didn’t pay attention to wear I was jumping.” She said with a sad smile. 
“Cousin, it’s time.” Ambrose said. 
“It’s time?” Y/N asked, tilting her head slightly. 
“We’re bringing you home, Y/N/N.” Ros said with a smile. 
“W-What?” She asked with wide eyes. 
“We’ll explain later, we need to do the spell now.” Sabrina said, placing the herbs into the bowl with Y/N’s necklace. 
“This isn’t going to damage her necklace, right?” I asked and Sabrina smiled. 
“No, it’ll be fine.” She answered. 
“Vires superne et inferis invocamus, spiritum invocamus Y/N Y/L/N, ad mortem revocamus et spiritum ad nos revocamus!” (We call upon the powers from above and below, we call upon the spirit of Y/N Y/L/N, we call to reverse death and bring her spirit back to us!) Ambrose said as he lit a fire in the bowl. Y/N grabbed her head and screamed as the wind picked up and the water rippled as the ground shook. 
“What’s happening to her?” I called over the wind, worried that she was in pain. 
“Ambrose?” Sabrina asked. 
“She’s fighting death, her spirit is breaking into our world again.” He answered. Y/N continued to scream and I tightened my girp on Sabrina and Ros’s hands. Y/N’s spirit pulled apart and vanished into nothingness. The ground stopped shaking, the water stopped moving, and the wind died down. Y/N was no longer in front of us and the fire in the bowl was gone. I looked inside and her necklace was gone as well. 
“What the hell just happened? Where’s Y/N and where is her necklace!?” I shouted as I got up. 
“I-I don’t know…” Brina answered, with worry in her eyes. 
“Where the hell is Y/N?” I asked as Theo pushed against my chest. 
“Chill out Harvey, Sabrina didn’t mean for whatever just happened.” He said. 
“She was just trying to help.” Ros said. 
“Ambrose, did it work?” Sabrina asked. 
“I-I don’t know… I told you this spell was risky.” He answered. 
“You knew it was risky and you still did it!?” I shouted. 
“Harvey I-” 
“Um, guys?” Her voice cut Sabrina off. My head shot over and Y/N was standing there just as she was when she was floating above the lake. 
“Y-Y/N?” I whispered. Theo let go of me and Y/N was smiling brightly at all of us. 
“Hey baby, I missed you.” She said quietly. I ran over to her and pulled her into me tightly. I lifted her off the ground and spun her around. She giggled and hug me just as tightly. I placed her back down and desperately pressed my lips to hers. 
“I missed you so much…” I whispered as I rested my forehead against hers. She smiled and pecked my lips again. She pulled away from me and I reluctantly let her go. Theo ran up to her and wrapped his arms around her stomach. Y/N laughed and hugged him back. Ros came up behind Theo and as soon as he let go Roz engulfed her in a hug. 
“Don’t you ever leave us again, Harvey was a mess!” She said and Y/N laughed. 
“I won’t, no more jumping into lakes without looking for me.” She said. 
“I’m not letting you near water anytime soon.” I said as I pulled her into my chest. 
“But I love swimming!” She pouted and we laughed. 
“I’m not losing you again…” I whispered and she sighed, dramatically. 
“Fine… but what are we going to tell my parents?” She asked and we all froze. 
“We’ll get to that when the time comes, you can stay at my place for now.” I said and she nodded. I buried my head in her neck and sighed happily. I had Y/N back and I wasn’t going to let her go anytime soon. I’d protect her this time, from everything.
Tag list: @les-bio-lie @tashy-bear @ashwarren32 @hollie-blogs-blog1 @schisbro87 @lover-of-books-and-teas @nerdygaloresposts @teenwolfbitches28 @genius2050 @drw0301bieber @lady-of-lies @ravenmoore14 @ravenempress101 @cillianchamp @rowanthomasknapp @rachelxwayne @ready-4-fanfiction @lover2448
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Finally They Have A FC!
Yes, I had some (read: too much) ocs without fc that were already on my masterlist... but now they have one! (Everyone thanks my brainstorming for my new ocs)
Good Omens
Althea Price - witch; Eltanin’s girlfriend; immortal being (kind of? it’s complicated)
Her faceclaim is Diana Silvers!
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Nico Lightwood - Shadowhunter; descendant of Violet & Samuel’s kids; Vienna’s younger brother; lives in Rome Istitute; main character in TWP (Yes, I know that series is not out yet)
His faceclaim is Finn Wolfhard! 
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Alice Knight - witch/warlock; adoptive “mother” of Lydia Knight; Alice and Magnus are like the fixed points of all the series lmao; angst queen
Her facelaim is Lily James!
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Lydia Knight - witch/warlock; Elys’ childhood friend; Brian’s girlfriend
Her faceclaim is Vanessa Morgan!
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Brian White - werewolf; Elys’ childhood friend; Lydia’s boyfriend
His faceclaim is Mark Mckenna!
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Jackson Milligan - Mundane; Elys’ adoptive father
His faceclaim is Tyler Hoechlin!
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Samuel Milligan - Ascent Shadowhunter; Mundane raised in a Shadowhunter family; Alistair Carstairs’ parabatai; madly in love with Violet Lightwood
His faceclaim is Josh Whitehouse!
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Vienna Lightwood - Shadowhunter; Nico’s older sister; been to the Academy the same year with Simon Lewis
Her faceclaim is Shelley Henning!
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Cassandra Blackthorn - Shadowhunter; Ty and Livvy’s twin sister (they’re a triplet); main character in both TDA and TWP
Her faceclaim in TWP is now Emilia Jones! (Her fc in TDA is Malina Weissman)
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Downton Abbey
Lady Elisabeth Crawley - second daughter in the Crawley family; takes shit from no one; her and Sybil could run the world if they wanted to
Her faceclaim is Keira Knightley!
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Madeline Barrow - Thomas Barrow’s niece; the most rebel girl in town; a menace to society
Her faceclaim is Millie Bobby Brown!
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Victoria Vill (2) - Spider-Girl; Vicky from Raimi!Verse
Her faceclaim is Emmy Rossum!
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Victoria Vill (3) - Aranea; Vicky from TASM!Verse
Her faceclaim is Willa Holland!
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Ate Erisdottir “Aimee” - goddess; daughter of Eris; Loki ship (they’re literally soulmates okay? 🥺)
Her faceclaim is Emilia Clarke! 
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XCU (X-Men)
Leia Forbes - Mutant; half-aware of the fourth wall; Wade ship
Her faceclaim are Zoe Kravitz & Margot Robbie! (Trust me, it has sense, okay?)
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Ness Fitzgerald - Hellfire; Ness from the original timeline
Her faceclaim is Angelina Jolie!
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Ness Fitzgerald - Hellfire; Arcane; Ness from the New Timeline (but not First Class)
Her faceclaim is Nina Dobrev!
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Catarine “Cata” Johnson - Redacted; parents Redacted; Apollo/Lester’s friend (her story is setted during TOA); powerful lesbian
Her faceclaim is Rachel Zegler!
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Evelyn Chase - Magnus’ adoptive sister; daughter of Loki; TJ ship
Her faceclaim is Kiernan Shipka!
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Teen Wolf
Redacted “Addie” Lewis - werecat; Stiles ship
Her faceclaim is Anya Taylor-Joy!
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Stranger Things
Autumn Hopper - 013; Anya Richards; Hawkins Lab experiment; Miles Henderson’s sister figure; Steve ship
Her faceclaim is Jenny Boyd!
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Under this you have my Harry Potter ocs! You’ve been warned!
Harry Potter 
Nath Andrews - wizard; part of the S.Q.U.A.D.; Ravenclaw;
His faceclaim is Jordan Fisher!
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Theo Denton - wizard; part of the S.Q.U.A.D.; Gryffindor
His faceclaim is Evan Mock!
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Callisto Black - witch; daughter of Rosalinf and Sirius; sister of Jan us and Justine Black; Hufflepuff
Her faceclaim is Danielle Campbell!
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Janus Black - wizard; son of Rosalind and Sirius; brother of Callisto and Justine Black; Gryffindor; Luna Lovegood ship
His faceclaim is Joe Keery!
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Justine Black - witch; daughter of Rosalind and Sirius; sister of Callisto and Janus Black; Slytherin
Her faceclaim is Alba Baptista!
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mattmurdocksthighs · 5 months
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amelia thompson x rafe cameron outerbanks
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astraea collins x matt simmons criminal minds
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celia rhodes x reggie peters julie and the phantoms
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juliet shepherd x alex karev grey's anatomy
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lady dove x sir leon merlin
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astryn stark x jacaerys velaryon house of the dragon
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riley morris x reggie mantle riverdale
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nina grey x raphael santiago shadowhunters
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lucas callahan x jace herondale shadowhunters
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celeste lucas x daryl dixon the walking dead
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celeste lucas x eliza moore the walking dead
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olivia cohen x toni shalifoe the wilds
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mila carson x kirin o'conner the wilds
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rosalind lahey x lydia martin teen wolf
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nathaniel wilkes x stiles stilinski teen wolf
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theo barnett x michael gray peaky blinders
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leah calloway x finn shelby peaky blinders
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caossource · 3 years
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Theo's Last Scene In Every Season
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sprnklersplashes · 3 years
Theo: Roz... did Robin just tell me he loves me?
Roz: Yes, Theo, he did.
Theo:... And did I respond with the phrase "cool beans"?
Roz: Yes, Theo, you did.
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chapter two - the a closer look 
ambrose spellman x oc (princess magdalena “maggie” morningstar)
warnings :: angst. that's like it. maggie and ambrose barely meet 
song of the chapter : hurts like hell by fleurie 
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sabrina walked into the spellman family house. “how did i not know i had a older sister…?” her aunts and cousin all sat down in shock. “everyone thought her dead…” zelda explained. “when the dark lord couldn’t fin her...anywhere… she was disinherited her. and then you were born...ten months later.” ten months? sabrina thought to herself. he only waited a month to move on. “she can have the throne… i only took it to get nick back.” zelda held up a finger to her niece. “no...you will not just easily hand over your throne!” sabrina looked confused at this. “auntie ze- it’s her’s rightfully!” zelda moved to hold out her hand. “the same thing happened to mary tudor! the true heir was disinherited, only to gain the throne in the end!” zelda had to admit, her niece had a point, up until- “and who was the better ruler?! the daughter of the great witch, anne boleyn!” sabrina groaned and ran up the stairs to her bedroom. it seemed she was more like her older sister than she thought. 
magdalena sat in her chambers, absolutely heartbroken. her beloved father had disinherited her. sure, parents and their children fight, but she would always come home. and maggie had intended on returning, ironically a week before she heard. she picked up a painting and threw it onto the floor. she picked up anything that she knew would break, excluding anne boleyn’s skull, which she had kept on a pedestal in her chambers. she let out a heartbreaking scream as she finally let herself cry. a knock came from the door and her friend, who she had missed, walked into the room. maggie ran into his arms and let out a heartbreaking sob. “just let it all out…” and she happily did. “he...he told me...he loved me...and yet he so quickly turned his eyes to another…” she managed to say between her sobs. “is it possible that you’re not upset that he gave your thrown away…?” the princess sniffled and wiped her nose on her sleeve. “what else would it be…?” caliban sighed softly and wiped her tears away. “is it possible that this is just about your parents choosing sabrina over you…?” the heiress looked down at her hands, saying nothing and not making eye contact with her friend. “possibly… i always knew my father had a temper...and my mother would do anything for me...but to say i am but a bastard? to disinherit me? even if they thought me dead...it’s too cruel for their only child…” caliban kissed her forehead softly. he too had missed his dear friend. they had known each other for millennia. “maybe go see your sister…? and talk this out? you’ve always wanted a sibling...this is your chance.” the princess nodded and stood up. she opened her chamber doors and called for her demon ladies-in-waiting: a pair of succubus twins she had known since her birth, called aryana and tatyana. they had been apart for sixteen years, so the reunion was magical. “ladies...i’m going to the mortal world...it’s time i talked one-on-one with my sister...i must get ready.”
magdalena looked up at the spellman home, silently longing for a family that wasn’t filled with treachery. her long, red dress, which flowed behind her as she walked up the steps. a loud knock on the door echoed throughout the family home. a tall and beautiful man, one that would give her angel cousins a run for their money, opened the door. “hello...can i help you…? his english accent made maggie smile. “i’m here to see sabrina.” this caused him to open the door more and invite her in. “how do you know sabrina?” he asked walking her to the family room where his aunts were sitting. “she is my half sister-” zelda gasped and bowed to the girl. after all, she was a princess. “you need not bow- as it seems i’ve been disinherited.” she didn’t mean to come off as rude, but she had so many emotions in that moment she didn’t know what else to do. “magdalena…?” sabrina asked walking down the stairs. she was confused as to why her half-sister was there. “i was hoping we could talk…” the demoness said softly. in that moment, she wasn’t a rival to the throne, she wasn’t a demon, she wasn’t the daughter of the devil. she was a sad little girl who needed some form of family. she needed sabrina. and sabrina needed her.
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sleepymalu · 4 years
I liked the caos finale okay leave me alone
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theo would never fit in right with these people. too reserved, too quickly flustered, he couldn’t compete with the smooth-talking, debonair types that roamed these sorts of events, words like venom sweetened by a cherry smile. and so, as usual, his sister marie was captivating the room while he stood by the side, glass of champagne in hand and fumbling with his vest as he simply observed, waiting for the appropriate time to call it a night.
“oh – i wouldn’t do that if i were you, i just overheard a server say that’s two-day-old fruit,” he told a somewhat familiar face as she reached for the fruity drink. he knew the woman vaguely, from events much like this one, but they had never actually talked before. rosalind eichel, if he remembered correctly. “the möet is probably a safer choice.”
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initiumseries · 5 years
CAOS Part 3 - review
Uh, okay, so I think by now, we all know this show is terrible. Netflix gives showrunners a lot of creative freedom, and I think, for better writers, you could get some really interesting content, but they just seem to keep giving these assholes who wrote the travesty called Riverdale, so many opportunities to make more shitty television, and I feel like they really deserve to be limited in their ability to create/write if not stopped completely and thrown into a well with Julie Plec.  Anyway, I’ll try to break this down as best as I can into different piles of shit and this will contain spoilers:
Prudence and Ambrose
So, to be really honest, I watch this show exclusively for Prudence and Ambrose. Because, well, look at them: 
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I wish they had more chemistry because they are super hot together, and I still ship it. A young Black couple? On TV? In this sea of shitty interracial relationships? I’ll take it. Anyway, of course, the progression of their relationship is ridiculous and frustrating. Ambrose decides at the last minute, not to kill Father Blackwood because he has a weird time egg thing that they don’t really understand, also he has the twins under some weird mind control for no clear reason, so they stay their hands. It doesn’t make sense, but it becomes clear, Father Blackwood has an insane amount of plot armour and ultimately would have to serve as a vessel for Satan. Father Blackwood uses the manipulated mind of the other weird sister to sic her on the coven, and she ends up killing Dorkus, whom Prudence finds. She then blames Ambrose for not allowing her to kill FB, and they break up. Now...this would kinda make sense, if not for the fact that they trapped one of the pagan witches and forced her to change everyone back, but no one bothered to do anything about the mentally ill witch who you all strapped up for a reason? Lol ok. Seems like an oversight on your part Prudence, but...okay. Clearly manufactured breakups are exhausting, especially since [young] Black couples with no serious relationship dysfunction are now an endangered species. It’s also frustrating because we barely got to see them....*be* together, especially after they returned home. 
Nick & Sabrina
So, I know from the beginning, we were supposed to believe that Nick and Sabrina had that kind of, Bad Guy, seduces the girl Good Girl, luring her into the dark side, hot, intense, passionate relationship. But their lack of chemistry and really shitty acting just made them really dry (which I get into here). I don’t believe them, and I definitely don’t believe that Sabrina would, once again, break a shit ton of rules to get Nick back. I just don’t buy that they had that kind of an intense, desperately in love, kind relationship, because they do not look all that comfortable around each other, much less in love. 
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I personally find Sabrina utterly unlikeable as a main character, largely because who IS she? She has no personality, she just does whatever the plot needs her to do in the moment, and the actress makes Sabrina appear smug and unremorseful while she fucks up everyone’s lives. There is a lot of exposition of everyone telling us she’s this power hungry, manipulative character, but we never see that. She just does stuff and everyone is all “Sabrina how could you?!” and there are never, ever any consequences. I would have liked to see her push so hard to get Nick back and the struggle being, sure she wants him back, but mostly she’s doing it because she can. But that’s not what happens. 
So Nick ends up in this weird drug addiction, alcohol, sex demon spiral because he has parts of Satan still in him and it all just falls so flat and lame, because this show is SO bad at pacing, and these actors suck, so nothing is believable. The idea of him scrubbing his club foot, having nightmares, suffering PTSD, is fine, the execution was trash. Nick sees Caliban and Sabrina have one interaction and he’s like WELL, GUESS I GOTTA CHEAT. And just ends up in some S&M situation with sex demons and heavily self medicating, but none of this has any weight, and we don’t really see him...spiralling. He just immediately resorts to these things and it has no real impact on anyone or even him really, and that’s it. 
Harvey and Roz
Uh, they’re probably the most confusing match here, because there is no lead up to their relationship, there’s not suggestion, there’s no pacing. Just BOOM, we’re into each other now. BOOM, Roz is the only sexually active person in her friend group (lol of course the Black girl is sexually active. Gotta maintain white innocence at all costs), so she’s just ready to jump Harvey’s bones any second now. So of course, the show punishes her by having the pagans turn her to stone. And as if that’s not bad enough...
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Which I talk about here and here, because honestly I’m just sick of this show’s antiblackness.  Theo & that other guy
So I was watching this unfold like, yeeaahh, they’re gonna make the trans guy get with the enemy aren’t they? And yes, they did. Cool, they didn’t kill him off, but I’m still perplexed at how Theo isn’t even a little upset that this guy was basically sent to infiltrate his friend group and sat by while his people harmed Theo’s friends, and also...used him? Like...we just...are gonna...gloss over that because he changed his mind? Lol ok. Sure.
Mambo Marie and suddenly Zelda?
I...I mean her name is Mambo Marie. I love the idea of Black witches finding Black spirituality and magicks through Vodun and a Hatian Priestess. But they quickly undo that, by ensuring that Mambo Marie only teaches Prudence in the presence of these white witches. And we see her...doing...an African drum circle (eye roll), only to be interrupted by the High Priestess of White Feminism, Zelda Spellman. It quickly devolves into thinly veiled racism where Zelda doesn’t trust Marie because she’s Catholic (says the woman who worships Satan, has an anti Pope and prays to Lilith with the same prayer for Mary mother of Jesus? LOL. Not even unpacking the fact that Vodun is an African spirituality having 0 roots in catholicism WHITE WRITERS). Then suddenly, out of nowhere, Marie and Zelda are a thing for no reason? After the way Zelda treated her? Why did Marie even stay? This isn’t her problem. This is a white witch problem. Okay. That’s too much to unpack. 
So, my biggest problem with almost all Netflix English programming is that they are so obsessed with aesthetics, and don’t pay enough attention to actual character chemistry, plot, story flow, details, pacing etc. Like...things that actually make stories interesting to watch. So they slap all these people together and throw them into aesthetically pleasing backgrounds, shake it up with so much exposition that nothing actually happens, and are like BEHOLD A STORY. And CAOS is *especially* guilty for this.
First of all those musical breaks were annoying as fuck. Musicals serve 2 story functions: advancing the plot or telling a story. These musical numbers did neither and were honestly ridiculously gratuitous, highly annoying and totally pointless.
What time of year is this? Why are we having pep rallies and how the fuck and when did Sabrina and Roz join the cheeleading squad, and why?
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for the aesthetics and not for any real plot reason. It just seems stupid because now I don’t know how much time has passed between Nick going to hell and this, because you’re all handling it like it’s been a few weeks and is still relatively fresh, but suddenly, Theo, Harvey and Roz are in a garage band? You’re a cheerleader? For what? Since when? Why? These choices introduce more questions than they answer and serve no narrative purpose. So much wasted time on shit that doesn’t matter. 
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Sabrina is supposed to be fighting Caliban (who is literally the only person she has chemistry with on this show and they killed him bc ofc they did), for her seat on the throne, and yet the trials only seem to come up when it’s convenient, and also seem to be directly related to her dealings with her coven, which is also convenient.  I’m so confused about Satan. His powers come from being a celestial being, and so, because his coven mistreats him he’s like...lol okay, well fuck you guys and goes through all these convoluted small motions to greatly inconvenience them and withdraws his powers? This is so petty and pathetic. Also, what’s the point? He could just wipe them out and start over, instead of skulking around inside FB then suddenly decides to track down Lilith. Again, convoluted. This plot is all over the place. Why does Satan need Sabrina to be Queen of Hell in the first place? He seems perfectly healthy. Why can’t he just rule it? Like...that makes no sense. What is he gonna do? Retire? WHAT is going ON?
How did Sabrina come back in time to herself stuck in stone? Is that trip to Pontius Pilate (lol) supposed to have created a loophole for her to save herself and everyone? This is giving me hardcore Twilight Breaking Dawn vibes, where, the show finally, FINALLY gets interesting, there’s real stakes, shit is actually happening instead of everyone talking about things happening (Hilda ending up killing her fiance was literally the only time I felt something watching this show because it was genuinely sad, and well acted, and Hilda coming through with that doll at the end was pretty disturbing, I’ll give them that), and ofc, Sabrina goes back in time and undoes it all. Lol. Okay. God forbid there be real consequences to anything on this show.
Final thoughts
Once again, the white feminism runs high on this show. They treat this Black Vodun Priestess Marie, like garbage, allude to her “foreign” magic, but Marie is sitting here like “we’re not men, we’re women, let’s work together.” This is why I hate white writers writing for Black characters. Black characters should have Black motivations, and a Black Vodun Priestess, should know that white women and Black women do not have aligned motivations just because they share a gender. Once they started with the bullshit right from her arrival, she should have handed Prudence her card and peaced tf out. Instead she tolerates the isolation, ostracization and thinly veiled racism...and decides to stay, and help. WHY? Marie has gained nothing by sticking around helping these ungrateful ass witches. I honestly would have preferred Prudence asking her to stay to learn more about Vodun, and them building a mentor/mentee type of relationship, especially since Prudence was the one who invited her and stepped to Zelda to defend her. I want(ed) to see that relationship go somewhere. The deliberate denial of healthy Black female friendships on tv is frustrating.
 These witches finally finding their power in their ancestors and I donno, some female creator or whatever, reminds me of white women “finding” wicca and praying to “Gaia”, (reminds me of BTVS s4 when Willow joins the wicca group) which is basically what happened but lol okay whatever. I guess they aren’t satanic witches anymore. Lol, I love how Harvey and Roz and Theo are teenagers, human teenagers, who have lead largely normal teenage lives up until this point, but see their loved ones tortured, deformed or murdered in hell, with basically no residual issues, and are all like, YES, let’s roll up on these adults with shotguns and swords and kill the FUCK outta these people!! That absolutely sounds normal! Like...what? Lol. God this is just so bad.
Also, I’m so confused by this aesthetic choice for Sabrina as Queen of Hell. Like what the fuck. Why is she dressed like a Victorian era queen, with shoulder and a broken rib bodice? What?!
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This show is truly awful, this season made no more sense than the last two and now that Prudence and Ambrose aren’t together, I might be done watching. 
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buffyfan145 · 5 years
Finished season 3 of "Chilling Adventures of Sabrina" and loved it!!! :D I know it's divided some fans but I didn't mind these 8 episodes being more like an 8 hour film unlike the "monster of the week" format.  It reminded me a lot more of my first fandom "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" mixed with "Dark Shadows" and of course the original "Sabrina" comics/90s series.  I liked the time travel twist and like Barry Allen on "The Flash" Sabrina messed some things up. LOL Will be interesting how that plays out in season 4 with two of her. Also loved seeing vampires and wouldn't mind seeing more of that and werewolves. Then I liked the twist at the end with Blackwood releasing whatever sea monster was in the egg. It's weirdly like the Leviathan storyline on "Dark Shadows" and oddly enough my family's been watching those episodes lately as I never saw that watching on Syfy in the early/mid 90s.
On the romance front I'm very happy it looks like Sabrina and Harvey are working their way back together. I've loved them since 1996 with the original series and they've been a main couple in Archie Comics since the 1960s. I've always felt like they were headed back towards each other even if Netflix and the cast seem to have pandered the fans with Nick and now Caliban. After what Nick did Sabrina deserves better, and I feel bad for Roz even though she likely knows what's coming and my guess will end things with Harvey. Caliban is a fun character though and looking forward to more of him. Loving Theo and Robin together, Hilda and Dr. C engaged, and Zelda and Mambo Marie together now too. Sad about Ambrose and Prudence as I liked them together.
So I'm very excited about season 4 and hopefully it'll air later this fall, hopefully more Salem, and hoping for a proper "Riverdale" crossover on either or both shows soon. :)
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dalekofchaos · 5 years
Season 2 of CAOS should’ve just had Sabrina and Harvey take a little break, but ultimately get back together. Then Roz and Theo would be together. Nothing against Harvey and Roz as I like them together, but I love Harvina, I love Roz and Theo’s dynamic and just think they’d be adorable together and I hate Nabrina lol
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caossource · 2 years
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~Being seen~
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kajaono · 5 years
The only reason why i am still watching this dumb show  are these two and my hope that they will eventually date. Why did season 2 ruined all the potential they had in season 1?
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ackermansz · 5 years
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Roz and Theo being absolutely adorable in Episode Eighteen: The Miracles of Sabrina Spellman (+ Theo being lowkey in love with her)
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chapter one - the return of the heiress 
ambrose spellman x oc (princess magdalena “maggie” morningstar)
warnings :: none that i can think of. 
song of the chapter : all the good girls go to hell by billie eilish
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magdalena had been born in utter chaos.  born to lucifer morningstar and his demon concubine, lilith, in the early days, she was the firstborn to the dark lord. although not being a male heir upset lucifer, he loved his daughter, and was struck with love for her. she was born with dark brown hair and dazzling, blue eyes. raised to one day take queen, she lived at the court of darkness, a throne besides her father for herself. as she and her powers grew, so did her throne. everyone knew the princess of darkness was also the demon of transfiguration and mother of banshees.  whenever she got upset, her hair would turn to hellfire, and she had the ability to summon hellfire any and every time she wanted. she had a second sight, which let her see the past and any possible future. she can sense death and is called the first banshee, in her own right. the younger generations were known to pray to her and saw her as the second coming of her father. the girl was known for her pansexuality, having a mix of different lovers: mortal, pagan, witch, and demon alike. her father once killed one of his demon councilors when it became aware that they had an affair. as a result, he lost his only child for many years. she, with tools given to her by her paternal grandfather, god, would manage to hide herself from her father, mother, and all their demons. she let herself live carefree and settled in rome for a time, setting up a bookstore in the roman terrain. until she heard through some of her loyalest of demon friends, caliban, that she had a half-sister, who was put upon the throne by her father, and was being assisted by her mother. this enraged magdalena. not only had her father disinherited her, but her mother allowed her father to disavow her. when she was told, she accidentally burned down her store in the process. she managed to get to the throne room of her father’s hell estate at the same time caliban was showing that he got the signatures he needed to challenge her. hellfire rained down as she appeared in the center of the room. she heard her mother gasp at her sudden entrance. all of the demons, including her dear friend and her mother, all fell to their knees in front of her. “who are you…?” sabrina asked, trying to appear as if the woman in the long black dress, which was fitted to her body perfectly, didn’t cause fear to stir within her. “i…” maggie started, pointing her finger at her half-sister as she moved forward. “am your big sister...and that...is my rightful throne…” lilith fell to her knees, taking her child’s hands in her own. maggie looked at her mother, a mixture of heartbroken and disgust. “this is why father refused to make you his queen, dear mother… a true ruler would never bow or kneel to no one…” the demon kings, along with caliban, started to chant for her. “all hail the true heir of darkness, magdalena morningstar!” she smirked at her half-sister, her father filtering through. maggie knew a lot, and most importantly, she knew how to win over the court. she had done it with each court appearance since she was born. she was a demoness and knew how to charm any and everyone. maggie could just walk into a room and they would kneel. she was her father’s daughter, and she wouldn’t allow anyone to say her throne wasn’t hers.
hey! i know this is kinda short but i will have the next part up rather soon! i hope you all like this bit! happy holidays and stay safe!
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