#Rosie answers
moonflower-rose · 8 months
The WIP Snip One
This one is really embarrassing, I have tags going back months from @thehoneybeet (March 2023!), @wolfpants (May and June!), @tackytigerfic (August '23 and January this year), and more respectably, @citrusses and @thecouchsofa. I'm so bad at this lol.
This WIP currently has no name, but it's both a Drarry and a RONSY.
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AND! I originally started writing it in 2012. Let it be known that I never give up on a WIP and this one is having it's moment now.
A snip for my snip
One of the most common misconceptions following the defeat of You Know Who was that everyone would live Happily Ever After, and that the only sorts of trouble that may mar the otherwise blissful aftermath of the Second Wizarding War would be comparatively minor peccadillos, like your favourite Quidditch team losing a match, or finding you were out of milk having already made a cup of tea.
Harry often thought that perhaps some of his life choices, especially immediately after the aforementioned war, were born of a desire to make that fairytale ending a reality. He attended the parades, and the balls, and the press conferences. He sat for the interviews and answered all the questions (Merlin’s balls, there were a lot of questions), and he completed his NEWTS by correspondence along with Ron, Hermione, and most of his surviving year level. There had been a celebratory ball after that, as well.
He applied for the Auror training programme, and was, of course, accepted. He went out with Ginny Weasley. He set up a charity for orphans, and a charity for dragons, and put in more than his fair share of effort in the Hogwarts Rebuilding Project. He put his foot down when Harry Potter Day was proposed by the Ministry, and when the letter writing campaign had been launched by Witch Weekly, he chose not to press charges for sexual harassment, even though he received hundreds of pairs of underpants in the post because of it. He simply banished them en masse to the bin on the back steps, and tried to see the funny side of it (Ron and Ginny were having no trouble seeing the funny side; if anything, they were having trouble seeing Harry through their hysterical tears of laughter). When he later found Kreacher asleep on a rainbow mountain of knickers at the bottom of an unused cupboard, a pair of lace French-cut pants atop his head like a frilly crown, he closed his eyes, shut the door, and hoped that Kreacher had at least laundered them first.
Harry lived the fairytale determinedly for nine months.
And then one morning, he woke up and changed his mind.
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roseverdict · 17 days
So how's your reaction to the Green Stick Figure channel? Have you commented on one of the videos yet? The fact that Green is responding in character to comments is wild.
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cannibal-queen-rosie · 3 months
"howdy misses Rosie!"
"Well hello to you too, sweetie!"
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rosebloodcat · 5 months
About bringing back tumblr ask culture I have a wild question
What's your favorite color?
Ooo! I haven't been asked that in ages.
My favorite color is green. Olive Green to be specific! I especially love it in clothing, because it goes with a ton of other colors and patterns comfortably. I have two jackets, three sets of shorts, and a bag in that color!
I also like deep purples.
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Absolutely no pressure, but I'm curious about when you might finish 'spring'...???
Hi, darling!
I'm currently working on it while also writing for another of my projects. I can't give you an exact date of when it'll come out but I am working on it, promise. I haven't forgotten about it as I know so many one of you are waiting to see how it ends!
Thanks for not forgetting about 4 Seasons, though. It means a lot, sweetie.
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rosielav · 1 year
Related to some tags you wrote about naruto on a post recently: I agree that 1 adult stepping in earlier would've fixed everything, but I have a counter point: if Rin had avoided/been protected from getting kidnapped EITHER TIME, literally none of the bad things in the entire show could have happened. My fiance and i talk abt this constantly
You are so right, literally so right
Naruto but 1 singular adult (*cough* the third hokage for instance *cough*)
stepped up and gave Naruto a Hug + Rin being FINE = Naruto: The Slice of Life Ninja Show
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get-your-fics · 2 years
I'm sorry but the back to back reblog of the same meme had me dying like-
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i love this meme 💀
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rottenrosethorns · 1 year
this is just a silly thing but the RIZE PFP IS EVERYTHING (i love her. she was kind of used just as a plot device by the end of TG:re than an actual character but her actual character plot points are so cool omg )
anyways haiiii >:)
and nonsense, it's not silly at all! what's silly is that they totally did her dirty when she had so much more potential for the plot ://
but u've got a keen eye and great taste in anime :P
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rosie-with-knives · 2 years
I am asking about deretima
I got your other ask about seeing my pinned post but I am SO pleased you asked this!! If you have further questions please tell me. The brain rot never stops.
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moonflower-rose · 1 year
ROSIE! Since I'm a buffoon and can't think of anything specific, but I do want to yell at you about your fics, can please tell me about a line from one of your fics that you just think SLAPS
omg happy monday you legend, Matildas tonight!!
i'm going to instantly break the rules and quote multiple lines from possibly the best thing I've ever written, Pissing for England:
“I’m not in charge of Ron’s penis.” He was barely in charge of his own, to be fair. “Perhaps not, but you’d better do something about it, or that penis, and the wanker attached to it, are going to be in very finely diced pieces, very soon!” “It’s too early to be saying ‘penis’,” Neville said sleepily from the other bed, and under a mountainous duvet. “That’s an after breakfast word.” “I pity the life you’ve led, Longbottom, if you’ve not had a reason to say ‘penis’ before breakfast.”
and also:
“Are you just going to grab my wand again like the mannerless oaf you are?” “By wand, do you mean wand, or do you mean penis?” Malfoy moaned, and arched his back. His arse was very nearly perfect. Harry bit his shoulder. “Wand, penis, just grab something and move.” “Please grab the wand before the penis, Harry,” Neville said loudly, and in a very put upon tone. “I feel like I shouldn’t have to ask, after all the complaining about loud pissing this week.”
and finally:
“I think I might be sitting on your wand, Potter,” Malfoy said, and took a whole strip of bacon off Harry’s plate. “Might be my penis, actually,” Harry said, and Neville, who had just walked in from the sitting room, turned directly around and back the way he came. Ron frowned at them. “You’re not going to be humping each other all over the flat, are you? That’s not good housemate etiquette.” Malfoy brandished a fork at him. “Don’t think I won’t still kill you, Weasley.” Harry started to laugh, and went to hoist Malfoy up and off to their room for another round, before realising he was not in a decent state to be seen, and promptly sat down again. “Ron, you might want to turn around for a minute.” “Why,” Ron said warily. “His erect penis,” Malfoy said, emphasising the ‘tee’ and ‘pee’ as obnoxiously as possible. “AFTER BREAKFAST, IT’S ALL I ASK!” Neville shouted from the sitting room.
I don't have much of a story to tell about these particular words, except I found them really funny to write, and I have been the unfortunate housemate of more than one arsehole who was incapable of using any consideration at all when bringing a special friend home, so Neville's struggles were very relatable to me.
Ron's loud pissing (not quoted here) is also inspired by my life wherein my brother is Ron (loud pisser), my late father is Harry trying to excuse the noisy urination, and Draco is my very peturbed uncle who was staying with us one Christmas and who found it extraordinary that nobody at breakfast but him was put out by the deafening pee and lack of toilet etiquette (pissing against the side and not directly down into the water like a hydrant). I was disturbed for the record, but likewise I had given up years before on rehabilitation and had simply moved out so I didn't have to listen to it daily anymore and just on major religious holidays.
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roseverdict · 5 months
Thank you so much for the reblog! Here's your daily Mario gif:
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!!!!! DAD MOMENCE!!!!! ty!!!!!
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lokiandbuckysdoll · 2 years
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you're supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you're beautiful inside and out!😘💛
Thank you Cheleah🥹💗
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rosebloodcat · 4 months
17 and 18
17. Do you share identity with any of your ocs? Which ones?
Well, I follow the Muppet method of making characters by taking a piece of yourself, separating it, and then polishing it up to make someone new. So a lot of my characters, or at least the ones that end up MCs, share something in common with me.
It's pretty common for them to be on the Ace spectrum just because I find sexual attraction weird and don't understand it very much. I have some non-ace characters through which I explore ideas and feelings about those.
But overall I don't have a lot of them.
18. Do you prefer to give your ocs specific labels, or keep it unspecified? Why? If applicable, do you change their labels depending on the circumstance?
Usually, I keep it unspecified to let readers come up with their own ideas and have the chance to relate to them. But if asked I'll say what the labels the characters would use for themselves.
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Hi! I just started following you mainly for the Run Against time story as it caught my eye (your other stories look good too tho!) but then saw you wrote it’s exclusive for your Kofi account - does this mean you won’t post the story here on tumblr at all? 🥺 or does it just mean kofi people get to see chapters first and then you’ll post on here after? Would just suck if we tumblr users don’t get to read it coz not everyone can just give money away🥺
Hi darling, i'm at work rn. I'll answer your question on my break. Sorry for the inconvenience 🙏😬
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rosielav · 2 years
I loved the bright sessions, reading your thoughts has been so interesting! There's two sequel shows to it (and a crossover with ars paradoxica)
Haha it's very nice that my thoughts are reaching the right audience! I love being wrong about things, being surprised, but it's also cool getting things right time to time.
What're the sequels to it? I'd love to have more stuff in the same universe :)
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rosypixels · 2 years
9, 16, 30 for the simblr asks game c:
9. What type of CC can you never resist downloading?
really cute clutter... which is so funny because i don't think i use enough clutter in my builds, but i LOOOVE seeing cute things! also really cute clothes, especially for toddlers or children.
answered 16 already!
30. What’s your favorite thing to do in the game?
honestly i love to just... play. i really love the scuba diving skill, and anything to do with world adventures. those are probably my favorites! building and cas are fun, but i really really love just getting into the gameplay.
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