#Rossiya Airlines
flymeandtiememaam2 · 4 months
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Sorting Out Vodka Man 1
Natasha and Katina of Rossiya Airlines were quickly on the scene when their rookie male colleague, Pyotr, struggled to deal with a drunken passenger who demanded more vodka and told the hapless lad to “F**ck of!”when he tried to remove the miniature that the obnoxious character was already drinking from. “Don’t worry, Pyotr,” Natasha told the steward reassuringly as she and Katina removed their uniform hats and jackets, allowing the the young man to flee to the galley to compose himself, “we’ll take it from here.”
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The two women swiftly moved into action. Katina seized the man’s head holding it firmly in both hands. The drunk, surprised by this direct and unexpected move, did not immediately react. Meanwhile Natasha moved in to attempt to extract the vodka bottle from the unruly man’s grasp. “Come on, sir, let me have it,” she urged him, and almost soothing tone to her voice. The man seemed then to revert to child-mode. “No I won’t!” he replied petulantly. “It’s my bottle!”
To be continued.
Sources: behance.net and video footage of a real incident aboard a Rossiya Airlines flight, formerly available on YouTube.
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olivia2010kroth · 9 months
HAVANA TIMES / TASS: Russia - Cuba / Russland - Kuba
HAVANA TIMES / TASS: Russia – Cuba / Russland – Kuba Russia’s UAZ Opens a Vehicle Assembly Plant in Cuba / Russlands UAZ eröffnet ein Fahrzeugmontagewerk in Kuba The company was founded in 1941 to provide the USSR with vehicles to face the advance of German troops. (TASS/Izvestiya) Das Unternehmen wurde 1941 gegründet, um die UdSSR mit Fahrzeugen auszustatten, mit denen sie dem Vormarsch…
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runwayrunway · 11 months
No. 31 - Croatia Airlines (and other shapes)
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I'll be honest, anon - I'm with you. I like the squares. I don't love the entire package, but I love the squares. I feel like that's just not a shape you see often when it comes to liveries. You see a lot of lines and rectangles but it's so rare you even see a rhombus or something. The world of parallelograms is so much wider! (Or in this case equilateral.) Croatia Airlines is working with something pretty nice here, and I just wish they'd lean even further into it.
I think it's very nice that they didn't stop at the tail, either. They recognized that this pattern of staggered squares can and should extend off the tail to the main body, and I appreciate that. I just wish they'd committed to the bit a little more, which is sort of the running theme - they are working with a fantastic base idea that could really stand out if they just pushed it a little farther.
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Now, in their most recent deliveries (this plane, 9A-CTN "Osijek", was delivered 2020 and is their second newest plane with the actual newest being in a [clenches fist] Star Alliance livery) they've stopped painting the belly blue and in a slightly uncharacteristic moment I actually prefer this. I like the sleekness of the white engines and I like that the squares get more room to spread out and breathe.
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Plus, now there are more squares visible from below! Honestly, I think my main criticism is that this needs more squares! Bigger squares and more of them! It creates this lovely unusual dithering effect and making it cover more of the fuselage, adding some to the nacelles...I think you'd have a solid livery!
I'm going to contrast two liveries I think are kind of conceptually similar but ultimately succeed and fail in different places. Rossiya's 2016 livery, Brussels Airlines' 2021 livery, and Croatia Airlines are sort of a shape trifecta. Croatia is of course squares.
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Brussels gets off easy, because they use circles, and polka-dots are a relatively easy shape to work with. Though admittedly they contrast with angular airframes, the color-blocking Brussels uses is pretty intuitive to pull off while creating a nice bit of excitement. Any airline which uses circles ends up looking a bit pop-art (and I will say I like the Brussels Airlines wordmark in this sense as well) but this is where the white body really hinders this livery and prevents it from quite hitting home. Just look at it next to Flair Airlines, which also uses circles - the difference is extremely clear. Plus, the red being limited to the tail does make the airframe look asymmetrical despite there being a fairly equal distribution of Stuff. This is mitigated on stubbier airframes, but I don't really factor that in for this or other liveries - you have to alter your design for other airframes, otherwise you're judged for your weakest links.
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So Brussels gets a C. It is completely adequate.
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Rossiya (a very strangely named airline) is triangles. I really like the approach here, where everything clusters in and then spreads out, and I like the amount of the fuselage it covers. Unfortunately, I feel like the way they've chosen to handle the spreading-out is just worse than how Croatia Airlines does it. The dismantling of the triangles leads to a sort of pockmarked appearance and I think just making them smaller and smaller, like Croatia's squares, could be far more elegant. Liveries that only use white and one other color, even if it's this super vivid shade of red, also tend to look a little flat to me - both Brussels and Croatia use a combination of secondary blues and reds and that suits them both very nicely. It's, I don't know...it's flat and crowded at the same time. It's bizarre.
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Look, even a tiny bit of blue and white really adds a nice pop! Imagine what could happen if it was used for, say, shading. After all, Russian carriers are working with the same flag colors as Croatia is.
(I just want to put out there that this plane - the as-of-yet-undelivered-and-probably-won't-be-for-a-while Irkut MC-21 launch airframe - is named Дед Мороз, which could be considered the Russian equivalent to something like Saint Nicholas.)
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This looks a lot better on the 747 due to the extra space balancing it a little. A lot of liveries do. I feel like this blog makes me seem like a massive humphead (new term for 747 fans) when I actually am not a huge 747 fan, but the extra vertical space and inherent balance against the height of the tailfin just makes a lot of liveries sit nicer on them.
I do like the wordmark, though R is probably the easiest letter to work with for logos (and I do think it's strange that the Latin R is used in place of the Cyrillic Р given that this airline is...Russian. I mean, its name is literally 'Russia', in Russian. Also, Riyadh Air does it better).
Rossiya gets a C, though a far more conflicted one than Brussels.
I like the concept way more, but there are a few major stumbles in implementation which make me unable to fully like it. They probably have time to design a better livery before they actually get their MC-21, though.
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Now back to our actual subject, Croatia. I don't even mind the shiny white the way I do most of the time because it gives the squares room to play and matches the flag of Croatia. As do, as it were, the squares.
To be honest, though, I think the current iteration of the livery is saved by the fact that Croatia Airlines operates a relatively small fleet of 13 aircraft, with the jet portion exclusively comprised of lovely stubby A319s (and one Star Alliance A320). The limited coverage of the squares would be...a lot more apparent on a longer plane (see: Brussels Airlines).
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A super long-looking turboprop like the Q400, for example.
Now, props (heh) to them: the blue underbelly really saves this on a plane where the square pattern, when projected exactly as on an A319, doesn't even reach the main fuselage underside. I think the squares look better on a triangular tail for contrast too, and the t-tail does it no favors. (This is why you should adjust your livery for different models of airplane! Barely any modern carriers do it and it's a real shame, because square-on-triangle can create such a nice staccato effect, especially on an already-stubby airframe!) On the other hand, the shorter airframe makes the drop-off in square size a little less dramatic, which I like.
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Not a fan of just the website on the nacelles, either. You're a flag carrier! Take yourself a little more seriously!
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I like what Croatia Airlines is starting with. They're sitting on something really admittedly neat that could really be a showstopper if they leaned into it more. I think Croatia, if they tried harder, could easily get a B+ at least from me, just for how cool and unique the squares are. They're a hard shape to work with, but they're already off to a good start here - if they follow this path onwards they could make something really special.
Like I mentioned earlier, Croatia Airlines has a very small fleet. It began with very questionable economic prospects given its emergence from the turbulent mire that was late Yugoslav SFR, and it's basically never turned a profit given it's a government-owned full-service airline that only flies small planes (and, from what I've heard, provides pretty solid service on par with other European flag carriers). That said, it's been able to grow pretty consistently, and this has included new airplanes, with the most recent development being plans to acquire several (between 6 and 15) A220 models. I think the small A220 will suit the squares well, and they'll certainly have time to refine the design while they rework their fleet.
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Croatia Airlines...gets a C.
That said, I think this is the best of the Shapes Trifecta and I think it has a lot of room to grow. Unlike Rossiya and Brussels, which feel like they need to rethink their implementation, Croatia just needs to do more with it - they've made the back half of a good livery and just need to add the front half. But I think, if they take my advice (and I do know the government of Croatia reads my blog), they could make a really fantastic livery that punches above their fleet's weight class. As is, I'm already very endeared to their planes, and they just need to do what they're already doing but commit to it even more, because they've got something really nice going.
I'm excited to see their A220s arrive!
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aviaposter · 5 months
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Sukhoi Superjet 100-95 Rossiya Airlines
Registration: RA-89060 Named: Torzhok Type: 100-95B Engines: 2 × SaM146 Serial Number: 95103 First flight: Dec 1, 2015
Rossiya Airlines is one of the largest air carriers of the Russian Federation, part of the Aeroflot Group. It was founded on May 7, 1934, as an independent detachment within Aeroflot, serving the Leningrad-Moscow route. In 1992, the airline was transformed into the Pulkovo Aviation Enterprise, which was succeeded in 2006 by Rossiya Arlines. In 2011, the airline was transformed into a joint-stock company. All aircraft of the fleet of the airline "Russia" are named after the cities of the Russian Federation. The Russian airline began accepting domestic-made Superjet 100 aircraft into its fleet in January 2021.
Poster for Aviators. aviaposter.com
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thewaybackcloset · 3 months
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The interior of my AFT galley with different accouterments from various airlines:
1) trash bin in German 🇩🇪
2) atlas container from Air France 🇫🇷
3) Nouvelair (Tunisian private airline) atlas container 🇹🇳
4) Sichuan Airlines (western China) atlas container 🇨🇳
5) Cabo Verde Airlines (Cape Verde island) galley cart 🇨🇻
6) Rossiya Airlines galley cart 🇷🇺
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pacosemnoticias · 6 months
Transportadora russa Rossiya retoma voos diretos entre Moscovo e Havana
A companhia aérea russa Rossiya retomou no domingo os voos diretos entre Moscovo e Havana, suspensos desde março de 2022 devido às sanções impostas pela UE à Rússia pela invasão da Ucrânia.
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O Boeing 777-300ER da Rossiya, subsidiária da transportadora russa Aeroflot, aterrou com mais de 300 passageiros no aeroporto internacional José Martí, em Havana, na primeira operação, informaram os meios de comunicação social oficiais.
Os voos que vão voltar a ligar as capitais da Rússia e de Cuba serão efetuados duas vezes por semana e, devido ao aumento da procura, está prevista uma operação adicional na rota para sábado, 30 de dezembro.
O Ministro do Turismo da ilha, Juan Carlos García Granda, sublinhou a importância da reativação dos voos entre Moscovo e Havana, uma vez que o turismo russo é atualmente a terceira maior fonte de viajantes internacionais para Cuba, depois do Canadá e dos Estados Unidos, de acordo com a televisão estatal cubana.
Este verão, a companhia Rossiya retomou os voos diretos entre Moscovo e a estância cubana de Varadero e, desde então, mais de 40 mil passageiros aproveitaram o voo de Moscovo.
Já em outubro de 2022, a Nordwind Airlines tinha retomado os voos diretos entre Moscovo e dois destinos cubanos, Varadero e Ciego de Avila, através de uma rota próxima do Polo Norte para o Atlântico Norte.
Entre janeiro e outubro deste ano, o fluxo de turistas da Rússia para Cuba aumentou 3,5 vezes, o que significa que mais de 146 mil turistas russos visitaram o país das Caraíbas, tinha afirmado, depois de retomados os voos da Norwind, o vice-primeiro-ministro russo, Dmitry Chernishenko.
De acordo com o responsável, a Rússia poderá enviar até meio milhão de turistas por ano para Cuba e tornar-se a principal fonte de turistas para o país.
O turismo é um setor essencial para a economia cubana, a atravessar atualmente uma grave crise, agravada pelos efeitos da pandemia da covid-19 e pelas sanções dos EUA.
Este ano, o número de turistas que visitaram a ilha não ultrapassou os dois milhões, em comparação com o objetivo fixado, no início do ano, pelas autoridades do setor, de 3,5 milhões de visitantes.
A nova previsão para 2024 aponta para três milhões de viajantes internacionais, muito longe dos mais de 4,2 milhões de visitantes registados na ilha em 2019, antes da pandemia.
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phonemantra-blog · 8 months
This is the result of cooperation between Rossiya Airlines and the State Hermitage Museum Rossiya Airlines and the State Hermitage Museum presented their first joint project - a new livery for the SSJ-100 aircraft, which was named “Kaluga”. [caption id="attachment_71099" align="aligncenter" width="780"] SSJ-100[/caption] Now the SSJ-100 is decorated with an image of a deer figurine - a monument to the decorative and applied arts of the Scythians and one of the symbols of the State Hermitage. "Kaluga" is presented - a new livery for the SSJ-100 Let us remind you that the Sukhoi Superjet 100 (SSJ-100) is a Russian narrow-body short-haul regional passenger aircraft designed to carry from 87 to 108 passengers over a range of 3050 or 4600 km. This is the first large-scale passenger aircraft developed in Russia and the former USSR after the collapse of the USSR. https://youtu.be/XLBPVBtyvWA Earlier, two Sukhoi Superjet 100 aircraft made an emergency landing at the airfields of Vladivostok and Khabarovsk, as reported by the press service of the Eastern Interregional Investigation Department for Transport of the Investigative Committee (IC) of Russia. Superjet 100 chief designer Kirill Kuznetsov said that imported SSJ 100 aircraft will be produced with horizontal wingtips as standard, which will reduce costs for airlines. In Rostec, speaking about the import-substituted SSJ-100 airliner,  they say that they are creating a new aircraft.
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shahananasrin-blog · 9 months
[ad_1] A mass cyberattack on Russia’s air booking system Leonardo sparked flight delays among major carriers on Thursday. Russia's flagship airline Aeroflot said the denial-of-service attack resulted in delays of up to an hour for departures at Moscow’s Sheremetyevo International Airport. Aeroflot’s subsidiary Rossiya Airlines reported similar delays at Sheremetyevo, according to Interfax. Less than an hour after the cyberattack was reported, Russia’s defense and industrial conglomerate Rostec said it fully restored Leonardo’s functionality. However, “localized problems persist” despite the restoration, an anonymous source at an unidentified airline told Interfax.  Rostec said the “massive DDoS attack came from abroad” without identifying the country of origin. The defense conglomerate said Leonardo has been subjected to dozens of “large-scale and unprecedented” cyberattacks in recent months. “It’s clear that a real cyber war is being waged against the country, whose goal is to damage Russia’s IT infrastructure and disrupt critical industries,” Rostec said. [ad_2]
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andronetalks · 1 year
U.S.-Made Technology Is Flowing to Russian Airlines, Despite Sanctions
The New York Times By Ana Swanson and Niraj Chokshi May 15, 2023 Last August, Oleg Patsulya, a Russian citizen living near Miami, emailed a Russian airline that had been cut off from Western technology and materials with a tempting offer. He could help circumvent the global sanctions imposed on Rossiya Airlines after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine by shuffling the aircraft parts and electronics…
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briefnewschannel · 1 year
U.S.-Made Technology Is Flowing to Sanctioned Russian Airlines
Last August, Oleg Patsulya, a Russian citizen living near Miami, emailed a Russian airline that had been cut off from Western technology and materials with a tempting offer. He could help circumvent the global sanctions imposed on Rossiya Airlines after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine by shuffling the aircraft parts and electronics that it so desperately needed through a network of companies based…
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mehmetkali · 1 year
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flymeandtiememaam2 · 4 months
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Sorting Out Vodka Man 2
As Katina slowly slid the vodka bottle from the man’s grasp, making coaxing and soothing sounds all the time, Natasha approached him with a length of seat belt strap in her hands. “That’s right, sir,” she cooed, “just let my colleague have your bottle and then keep your wrists pressed together for me.” The suddenly looked cross. “Why?” he demanded petulantly, his eyes shining. Natasha didn’t miss a beat. “So I can tie you up, sir,” she replied reasonably, “for your own protection.” The Rossiya Air flight attendants held their breath, waiting for an explosion, but instead the passenger, now relieved by Katina of the bottle, began to sob gently. “They are tying my hands…” he wailed to no one in particular, “why have you deserted me?”
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Katina helped Natasha tie the man’s hands together quickly with the strap. They then hurried to the rear of the plane and regrouped. “We need to get that oddball into handcuffs pronto!” Natasha remarked as Katina urgently tapped the opening code into the restraint kit keepsafe.
Sources: Air Rossiya video no longer available on YouTube and AirplanePictures
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nayaknews-uk · 1 year
Unidentified Object Shuts Down Russia's Third Busiest Airport - What Could It Be?
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(above picture is representational) St. Petersburg's Pulkovo airport in Russia has temporarily suspended all flights due to an unidentified object reportedly seen in the air. The airport management said in a statement that it received information about a sighting of an unidentified object above the airport's administrative building. The decision to suspend flights was taken after the sighting was confirmed by the airport's air traffic control services. Passengers have been advised to check with their airlines for updates on their flights. According to reports, the sighting was made at around 5:30 pm local time. A source told Russian news agency TASS that the object was detected by the airfield's control tower and was described as resembling a drone. However, this has not been confirmed by officials. The suspension of flights has caused significant disruption to travel plans for many passengers. Pulkovo airport is the third busiest airport in Russia and serves as a hub for several airlines, including Aeroflot, Rossiya Airlines, and Nordwind Airlines. It is not yet clear when flights will resume, and passengers have been advised to follow updates from the airport and their airlines. This incident comes just days after an explosion at St. Petersburg's Institute of Technology, which injured three people. The explosion was caused by an improvised explosive device, according to Russian authorities. Read the full article
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mariacallous · 2 years
According to Kommersant’s sources, employees of at least five Russian airlines (including Aeroflot Group) and more than ten airports received military summons less than a day after mobilization was declared on September 21.
The paper was told that many of the pilots working in the airline industry are reserve officers who have trained at the military departments of flying schools, or as privates who served in the army.
Sources at three of the companies admitted that potentially fifty to eighty percent of their employees could be mobilized. A source close to Aeroflot Group suggested that mobilization would affect more than half of the company’s staff, as well as Pobeda’s and Rossiya’s, which are part of the same group.
At least five airlines surveyed by the newspaper are looking into the possibility of requesting exemptions for employees needed to continue company operations. Aeroflot has set up working groups that will compile lists for exemptions for a number of specialties.
Aeroflot, S7, UTair, Ural Airlines, Red Wings, and other carriers have refrained from official comments. The Russian Ministry of Transport and Rosaviatsia did not reply to journalists’ questions.
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aviaposter · 6 months
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Tupolev Tu-154M Donavia
Registration: RA-85626 Type: Tu-154M Engines: 3 × D-30КU-154 Serial Number: 0753 First flight: 1987
Donavia, a former Russian airline, was a division of Aeroflot and operated domestic and international flights from southern Russian cities. Donavia's base airports were located in Rostov-on-Don, Krasnodar, Sochi and Mineralnye Vody. The company's head office was located in Rostov-on-Don. The Rostov United Aeroflot Squadron was founded on June 15, 1925, which later became one of its largest divisions. In 1993, squadron was reorganized into Don Airlines (Donavia). In the spring of 2000, Donavia, with the support of Aeroflot, founded the airline Aeroflot-Don, but in 2009 the airline returned to its former name Donavia. In 2016, the airline was integrated into Rossiya Airlines.
Poster for Aviators. aviaposter.com
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carcer-mods · 2 years
[GTA SA] Boeing 747-400 GE [Livery Pack]
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CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD A livery pack for Boeing 747-400 GE, includes 18 liveries:
- Aerolineas Argentinas LV-ALJ - AeroSur 'Súper Torísimo' CP-2603 - Air France F-GEXA - Air France 'Farewell' F-GITD - Atlas Air N464MC - Canadian C-GMWW - China Airlines 'Dreamliner' B-18210 - Eva Air B-16410 - Garuda Indonesia PK-GSI - Japan Airlines JA8914 - KLM PH-BFN - Lufthansa D-ABVA - Lufthansa D-ABVM - Qantas Airways 'Wunala Dreaming' VH-OEJ - Rossiya 'Amur Tiger' EI-XLD - Varig PP-VPH - Virgin 'Lady Penelope' G-VFAB - Virgin 'Forever Young' VS-VROS
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