#Roya Heshmati
Forty-five years of the illegal regime of the Islamic Republic in a single video
This is the face of Iran, the one puppeteering numerous Islamic terror organizations, among which are Hamas and Hezbollah.
The same crowd cheering as Iran and its proxies launched over 300 drones, ICBM missiles and Cruise missiles on Israel is the one calling for a ceasefire and condemning Israel for its actions. The hypocrisy is not lost on the rest of us.
Iranians deserve so much better than pasty westerners supporting the persecution they've endured & survived for decades.
Video by officialrezapahlavi.
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art-is-art-is-art · 9 months
Roya Heshmati was flogged yesterday by the Iranian regime for not covering her hair in public
She was punished with 74 lashes for the “crime”
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ahb-writes · 7 months
"In the name of woman, in the name of life, the garments of slavery were torn apart. May our dark night turn into dawn."
-- Roya Heshmati, Iranian woman sentenced to 74 lashes ("Merciless Iran," American Purpose)
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vartavakian · 8 months
Roya Heshmati, 33, was handcuffed to a bed with iron bands and lashed with a whip 74 times by Iran’s misogynistic Sharia law enforcers. (Image: @AmnestyIran)
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thenewsart · 9 months
Iranian woman whipped 74 times for refusing to wear hijab
Roya Heshmati, 33, was told she was being punished because she had violated public morals An Iranian woman received 74 lashes for refusing to wear the hijab, defying the strict dress code even as she was taken to be whipped. Roya Heshmati, 33, was charged with “encouraging permissiveness” after appearing unveiled on several occasions in the capital, Tehran. “Her penalty of 74 strokes of the lash…
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Iran: 74 frustate a una donna, pubblicò un post senza il velo
AGI – Punita “secondo la sharia”, la legge islamica, una donna iraniana colpevole di avere pubblicato un post che la ritraeva senza velo: Roya Heshmati ha ricevuto 74 frustate per “attentato ai pubblici costumi” e la condanna al pagamento di un’ammenda. Lo ha reso noto Mizan Online, organo di informazione giudiziario. La legale della donna, Maziar Tatati, ha dichiarato al giornale riformista…
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swldx · 9 months
RNZ Pacific 1409 7 Jan 2024
7390Khz 1357 7 JAN 2024 - RNZ PACIFIC (NEW ZEALAND) in ENGLISH from RANGITAIKI. SINPO = 55344. English, music until pips and news @1400z anchored by Angie Skerrett. The Israeli army says it has "completed the dismantling" of Hamas's command structure in the northern Gaza Strip.Army spokesman Daniel Hagari told reporters that Palestinian militants are now operating in the area only sporadically and "without commanders". He said Israel had killed around 8,000 militants in north Gaza. Israel has killed more than 22,000 people since the war began, according to the Hamas-run health ministry in Gaza. On Sunday, the territory's health ministry said it had recorded more than 113 deaths over the past 24 hours. But none of these numbers can be independently verified. Parents express concerns as 23 cases of Covid19 were confirmed at the Scout Jamboree in Hamilton where over 4000 have gathered from all over the world. A Kurdish-Iranian woman named Roya Heshmati was whipped 74 times after a photo of her was published a few months ago in which she was seen not wearing a hijab in Tehran, Iranian human rights activists reported on Saturday. Heshmati has been an outspoken critic of the Islamic regime's hijab law. As she was flogged, Roya Heshmati chanted "in the name of woman, in the name of life, the clothes of slavery are torn..." Stricter rules around fires are coming into force in Wairarapa. Fire and Emergency has declared a restricted season will start on Monday 8 January, meaning any open air fires will need a permit. The change has been made as the region is so dry, with forecast high temperatures, reduced rainfall and high winds due to the El Niño weather system. Former American President Donald Trump on Saturday suggested the Civil War could have been avoided through “negotiation,” arguing that the fight to end slavery in the US was ultimately unnecessary and that Abraham Lincoln should have done more to avoid bloodshed. @1403z trailer for RNZ "Bon Appetit". @1404z Weather Forecast: fine with isolated showers. @1406z "All Night Programme" anchored by Angie Skerrett. Backyard fence antenna, Etón e1XM. 100kW, beamAz 35°, bearing 240°. Received at Plymouth, United States, 12912KM from transmitter at Rangitaiki. Local time: 0757.
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ilcercatoredicolori · 9 months
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epicfacepalm-org · 9 months
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This is Roya Heshmati, a woman in Iran who just received 74 lashes from the islamic regime for not wearing an Islamic veil to cover her head .
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Iran: punita con 74 frustate per una foto senza hijab
E’ stata punita con 74 frustate per aver diffuso una sua foto senza l’hijab, cioè il velo, scattata sul Keshavarz Boulevard a Teheran. Roya Heshmati, 33 anni, attivista iraniana che si oppone all’uso del velo obbligatorio, era stata condannata a un anno di reclusione con la sospensione della pena, a 74 frustate e al divieto di lasciare il Paese per tre anni, riporta Hengaw, ong curda per i…
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