#Royal College fellowship Courses Certificate
medscertification · 2 years
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drishanshevate · 22 days
Best Orthopedic and shoulder specialist Surgeon in Baner | Dr. Ishan Shevate
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When it comes to orthopedic care, especially for shoulder injuries and sports-related conditions, you want to make sure you're in the hands of an expert. If you are in Baner, Balewadi or Pune, Dr. Ishan Shevate is one of the best orthopedic doctors and shoulder specialists.
Who is Dr. Ishan Shevete?
Dr. Ishan Shevate is a highly qualified and experienced orthopedic surgeon based in Baner. His educational background and professional journey highlight his dedication and expertise in the field of orthopedics and sports medicine.
Educational background
MBBS: Dr. Ishan Shevate has completed the prestigious B.J. of Pune. Completed his primary care degree from Government Medical College and Sassoon General Hospital.
MS in Orthopedics: He pursued postgraduate studies at the internationally recognized Sancheti Institute of Orthopedics and Rehabilitation in Pune.
International qualifications
MRCS, Edinburgh: To further enhance his skills and knowledge, Dr. Ishan Shevate sat the Intercollegiate Examination of the Royal College of Surgeons in Great Britain and Ireland and obtained Membership from the Royal College of Surgeons (MRCS), Edinburgh, Scotland. Earned Diploma.
fellowship training
Dr. Ishan Shevate's commitment to advanced training is evident through his many fellowships:
Hinduja Hospital, Mumbai: Under the guidance of Dr. Abhay Narvekar, a pioneer in shoulder and knee arthroscopy in India.
Arthroscopy and Sports Medicine Fellowship: Trained under expert Dr. Umesh Jadhav in Pune.
Sports Injuries Fellowship: Completed 1 year certificate course in Sports Injuries at Dr. DY Patil Hospital and Medical College, Pune. additional certificate
Diploma in Sports Medicine: Awarded by FIFA, this course provided Dr. Ishan Shewate with specialized knowledge in the management of sports injuries, especially in football.
Areas of expertise
Dr. Ishan Shevate has honed his skills in various aspects of orthopedic and sports medicine, with a special focus on the following:
Arthroscopy: Minimally invasive surgical procedures are used to diagnose and treat joint problems.
Shoulder Surgery: Specializing in the treatment of shoulder injuries and conditions.
Sports Injury Management: Comprehensive care for athletes, helping them return to their sport as quickly and safely as possible. treatment approach
Dr. Ishan Shevate believes in a patient-centered approach, emphasizing conservative management and physiotherapy rehabilitation. This means that whenever possible he prefers non-surgical methods to help patients recover from traumatic injuries, sports injuries and degenerative diseases.
conservative management
Conservative management includes:
Physiotherapy: Customized rehabilitation program to restore function and strength.
Lifestyle Modifications: Advice on activities and exercises to prevent further injury.
Medication: Pain management and anti-inflammatory medications as needed.
surgical expertise
When surgery is necessary, Dr. Ishan Shevate adopts the latest techniques and standards, ensuring that the results are at par with best practices in Western countries.
Patient Success Stories
Dr. Ishan Shevate's patients often praise his compassionate care and effective treatment plans. Thanks to their expertise and dedication many people have returned to their daily routines and sporting activities.
Why choose Dr. Ishan Shevate?
Comprehensive Care: From diagnosis to rehabilitation, Dr. Ishan Shevate provides holistic care tailored to the needs of each patient.
Expertise: With extensive training and international qualifications, Dr. Ishan Shevate is well-equipped to handle complex orthopedic cases.
Patient-Centered: He focuses on conservative treatments and individualized care plans, ensuring that patients receive the best possible outcomes.
If you're in Baner, Pune and need orthopedic care, especially for shoulder injuries or sports-related problems, Dr. Ishan Shevate is a trusted specialist who can help you get back on track. Are. Whether you are an athlete dealing with a sports injury or someone in need of advanced orthopedic treatment, Dr. Ishan Shevete's expertise and compassionate care make him the ideal choice.
For more Information:
Mobile Number: 9405783493
Address: office no, 203, 2nd floor, Synergy Clinic, Krishna Avenue, opp. D- mart, above Dominos, Veerbhadra Nagar, Baner, Pune, Maharashtra 411045
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studymedicc · 3 months
Unlocking a World of Opportunities in FRCR
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The Fellowship of the Royal College of Radiologists (FRCR) is a prestigious qualification sought after by radiologists worldwide. Obtaining the FRCR unlocks a multitude of opportunities in the field of radiology:
Career Advancement: Achieving the FRCR credential is a significant milestone in a radiologist’s career. It demonstrates a high level of expertise and commitment to the field, which can lead to enhanced job prospects, promotions, and leadership opportunities within healthcare institutions.
Global Recognition: The FRCR is internationally recognized and respected, opening doors to employment opportunities in various countries. Radiologists with FRCR certification are highly sought after by healthcare organizations worldwide, offering the potential for diverse and fulfilling career paths.
Specialization Options: The FRCR qualification allows radiologists to specialize in various subspecialties, such as neuroradiology, musculoskeletal radiology, interventional radiology, and oncological imaging, among others. This specialization enables radiologists to focus on areas of particular interest and expertise, leading to career fulfillment and advancement.
Research and Academia: Radiologists with FRCR certification often engage in academic research and teaching activities. They may pursue roles in academic institutions, contributing to the advancement of knowledge in radiology through research, publication, and mentorship of trainees.
Clinical Excellence: FRCR-certified radiologists are equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to provide high-quality patient care. They are trained to interpret complex imaging studies accurately, diagnose various diseases, and guide appropriate treatment strategies, thereby making a positive impact on patient outcomes.
Leadership and Management: Holding the FRCR qualification can qualify radiologists for leadership and management roles within healthcare organizations. These positions may involve overseeing radiology departments, developing clinical protocols, and participating in strategic decision-making processes to improve service delivery and patient care.
Continuing Professional Development (CPD): Maintaining FRCR certification requires ongoing CPD activities, ensuring that radiologists stay abreast of the latest advancements in the field. Engaging in CPD activities not only enhances professional knowledge and skills but also demonstrates a commitment to lifelong learning and continuous improvement.
Networking Opportunities: The FRCR community provides a valuable network of peers, mentors, and collaborators within the radiology profession. Networking opportunities may arise through conferences, workshops, and professional organizations, facilitating knowledge exchange, collaboration on research projects, and career development.
In summary, obtaining the FRCR qualification unlocks a world of opportunities for radiologists, including career advancement, specialization options, global recognition, research involvement, leadership roles, and continuous professional development. It serves as a testament to a radiologist’s expertise and dedication to providing excellent patient care, while also offering pathways for personal and professional growth within the field of radiology. if you are preparing FRCR Course. Join StudyFRCR .
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themedicity099 · 5 months
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Top Institutions for Gynae Endoscopic Training: A Comprehensive Guide
Understanding the intricacies of gynae endoscopic training is pivotal for any medical practitioner aiming to specialize in this field. This blog explores some of the top institutions that offer quality endoscopic training, focusing on hands-on training and FOGSI accreditation.
Explanation of gynae endoscopic training
Gynae endoscopic training encompasses the medical studies related to minimally invasive surgical techniques used in gynecology. These techniques include laparoscopy and hysteroscopy. The training equips healthcare professionals to diagnose, operate, and manage patients with gynaecological conditions more efficiently.
Importance of hands-on training for gynae endoscopy
Hands-on training forms the core of gynae endoscopic training. It allows trainees to understand and practice the actual surgical procedures in a controlled environment. This aspect of training helps to enhance surgical accuracy, reduce operation time, and improve patient care.
Overview of FOGSI accreditation for endoscopy fellowships
The Federation of Obstetrics and Gynaecological Societies of India’s (FOGSI) accreditation is a crucial factor that adds credibility to endoscopy fellowships. FOGSI-accredited institutions consistently adhere to high-standard training protocols and educational guidelines. Hence, undertaking a fellowship from a FOGSI-recognized institution is highly coveted in the medical fraternity.
Top Institutions for Gynae Endoscopic Training
Pursuing gynae endoscopic training demands effort, dedication, and a top-rated institution. Let us now delve into the world of some exceptional institutions that offer high-quality, comprehensive training programs.
Institution 1 — The Johns Hopkins Hospital, USA
Curriculum Details
The Johns Hopkins Hospital offers an extensive gynae endoscopic training program, focusing on advanced laparoscopic procedures, hysteroscopy, and robotic-assisted surgeries. The trainees are exposed to a wide range of clinical conditions with an emphasis on hands-on training and intensive surgical exposure.
Features and Benefits
- The program quality is top-notch with the latest technological instruments. - The hands-on training allows the trainees to gain experience on actual cases. - World-renowned faculty assist the learning process.
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FOGSI Accreditation Status
While the program presents globally recognized certification, it’s crucial to note that it doesn’t hold a specific FOGSI accreditation.
Institution 2 — World Laparoscopy Hospital, India
Curriculum Details
The gynae endoscopic training curriculum at World Laparoscopy Hospital is a four-week course that effectively blends theory with practical sessions. The program encompasses Basic and Advanced laparoscopy with a deep-dive exploration of endoscopy.
Features and Benefits
- The course provides intensive hands-on training, bolstering surgical skills. - Learners get access to expansive online educational resources. - The program uses real-life case studies to enhance practical understanding.
FOGSI Accreditation Status
The World Laparoscopy Hospital’s program is FOGSI accredited, underscoring its commitment to high-level gynecological education.
Institution 3 — Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, UK
Curriculum Details
The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists’ training courses cover a range of endoscopic techniques, including hysteroscopy, laparoscopy, and culdoscopy. They maintain a strong focus on safety measures and potential complications.
Features and Benefits
- The training involves skill-building sessions and case discussions. - You have access to numerous e-learning resources and regular assessment opportunities. - The training also instills a deep understanding of patient communication and ethical considerations.
FOGSI Accreditation Status
This institution’s courses are FOGSI-recognized, demonstrating its dedication to providing quality education.
Institution 4 — The Cleveland Clinic, USA
Curriculum Details
The Cleveland Clinic offers a gynae endoscopic training program focusing on standard and advanced endoscopic procedures, including the use of robotics in such surgeries.
Features and Benefits
- The program offers an immersive surgical experience and a high volume of cases. - Training is provided using a simulation lab for hands-on experience. - It hosts renowned faculty from various sub-specialties.
FOGSI Accreditation Status
This program does not hold specific FOGSI accreditation.
Institution 5 — All India Institute of Medical Sciences, India
Curriculum Details
AIIMS provides a structured program for hands-on exploration of gynae endoscopy, stressing both diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy techniques.
Features and Benefits
- The program ensures access to a vast patient pool, diverse case experiences, and state-of-the-art facilities. - Extensive hands-on training helps to refine surgical skills. - The institution boasts an excellent faculty lineup.
FOGSI Accreditation Status
The gynae endoscopic training program at AIIMS is accredited by FOGSI.
Institution 6 — European Academy of Gynaecological Surgery, Belgium
Curriculum Details
The Academy offers a comprehensive fellowship program that equips trainees with a broad range of endoscopic techniques and specialized gynae procedures.
Features and Benefits
- The fellowship provides extensive hands-on training. - It promotes an interactive learning experience with operations, case discussions, and journal clubs. - There’s a focus on peer review and feedback.
FOGSI Accreditation Status
While this fellowship program does recognize FOGSI, it does not hold a specific FOGSI accreditation.
Institution 7 — RCOG (Royal College) Advanced Skills Training Modules, UK
Curriculum Details
RCOG provides advanced skills training modules in gynae endoscopy techniques, including hysteroscopy and laparoscopy.
Features and Benefits
- The program focuses on case-based learning. - It provides an opportunity to gain confidence in managing high-risk pregnancies. - It offers continuing post-course support.
FOGSI Accreditation Status
RCOG’s advanced skills training modules are recognized by FOGSI, demonstrating their commitment to upstanding training standards. By considering the curriculum, features, and FOGSI accreditation status, you can select the institution that best aligns with your career objectives in gynae endoscopic training.
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Comparison of Institutions
Choosing the right institution for your gynae endoscopic training can be a tough decision. Our comprehensive guide equips you with detailed comparisons of top institutions, helping to simplify the selection process.
Overview of Key Similarities and Differences among the Top Institutions
All top-notch institutions provide rigorous training and exposure, a chance to work under distinguished faculties, and hands-on practice experience. Each of them is unique in its own way though. Some may excel in offering more research oriented programs, while others may have an intense focus on clinical excellence or technology-driven practices in gynecology endoscopy.
Factors to Consider When Choosing an Institution for Gynae Endoscopic Training
When selecting an institution, consider the following: - The curriculum: Look for comprehensive coverage of theoretical knowledge and practical skills. - FOGSI accreditation: Institutions recognized by FOGSI, which stands for Federation of Obstetric and Gynecological Societies of India, are deemed credible. - Hands-on practice: The more practice you get, the more proficient you become, so ensure that the institution makes this a priority. - Faculty expertise: The experience and reputation of teaching staff are critical factors. - Lastly, the infrastructure and technologies available in the institution can significantly impact your training. Remember, it’s about finding the institution that best aligns with your career goals and learning style!
Recap of the importance of gynae endoscopic training
Excelling in gynae endoscopic procedures not only enhances your surgical skills but also elevates the level of care you can provide to your patients. Embracing an endoscopy fellowship offers an invaluable in-depth understanding of the female reproductive system, enabling the mastery of minimally invasive procedures. Essentially, comprehensive hands-on training at a top institution is a foundational step to becoming an expert in this field.
Recommendations for further research and decision-making
- Always verify the accreditation: A FOGSI-endorsed course is an excellent marker of quality training. - Consider the curriculum and training methods: Some courses offer an immersive practical experience which can be advantageous. - Consult with alumni or current students of the program: They can offer personal insights and experiences. - Examine the course length: Depending on your career trajectory and time commitments, select a course that best fits your needs.
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medicalsdegree · 1 year
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dobsononeal · 2 years
Dr Gregory Bradshaw
She has a really keen curiosity in Pediatric Chiropractic, and has accomplished varied Pediatric courses in South Africa. Ashleigh works mornings only, and has a very full afternoon schedule along with her three daughters. Graduating from UJ in 2004, Jenny has been part of the practice ever since. A ‘family practice specialist’, there is no patient too old or young for Jenny. dr gregory hough south africa His fields of curiosity embody all aspects of urological most cancers, urinary incontinence and urinary stone disease. He then pursued additional postgraduate training in reconstructive surgical procedure on the Institute of Urology in London, passing his Fellowship in Urology from the Royal Colleges of Surgeons in 1997. Two publish graduate fellowships in Paediatric Orthopaedics have been subsequently awarded. As Harvard South African Fellow, Davids additionally accomplished a Programme for Management Development at the Harvard School of Business within the USA. Davids has authored, edited and supervised numerous books on the matters of governance and public sector administration. Dr Gregory Webb grew up in Kwazulu Natal and matriculated from Michaelhouse in 1979. Dr Rita Thom is a basic psychiatrist with various pursuits and work experience. She has expertise within the assessment and management of adults, adolescents and kids with a spread of psychological disorders. She holds an educational position in the Department of Psychiatry on the University of the Witwatersrand, as an honorary Adjunct Professor, and is concerned in instructing and training, analysis, voluntary work and advocacy. At the Johannesburg Paediatric Surgery Practice we are particularly centered on a team approach to the care of your baby, and have a broad multidisciplinary team of specialists and allied health care professionals dedicated to their care. Although typically citizens give attention to the public debate taking place in major chambers, the majority of MPs' time is spent working inside committees. With the Fellow of the College of Physicians certificates behind his name in 2008, he went on to complete his fellowship in Pulmonology and Critical Care in 2010 (Cert. Pulm.). Thereafter Greg remained concerned with the Division of Pulmonology at Groote Schuur Hospital and established Cape Pulmonology with the help of Dr. Greg Calligaro. Greg does enjoy all sides of basic drugs and his special interests embrace infectious diseases and the lung, particularly drug resistant tuberculosis along with sleep disordered respiration, lung most cancers and pulmonary hypertension. Greg’s future plans embrace the event of a sleep heart of excellence in addition to a specialised center for lung cancer diagnosis and staging. Dr Duncan’s experience in psychiatry and child and adolescent psychiatry is broad. She has labored in both outpatient and high-care inpatient settings, with involvement in youngster and family-centred work in addition to rehabilitation psychiatry in mentally disabled kids and youth. As a half of her current practice, Dr Duncan is involved in the inpatient treatment of adolescents with emotional difficulties. As a dedicated GP in Witbank, we diagnose, treat, and help in the prevention of accidents and ailments among adults, infants, children and adolescents. Dr Ramguthy is the opposite consultant who performs a pivotal function within the operating of the unit, together with other employees that rotate – these embody two registrars, an intern, a medical officer and currently an international Fellow. The Unit is extraordinarily busy – we see weekly as a lot as 200 sufferers, with in patients numbering up to 60 at a time and about 20 surgical instances being carried out per week. Gregory John Lee is a member of the Digital Business team at Wits Business School. He is a number one professional in digital transformation, with a selected give attention to the transformation of labor and workplaces via robotic process automation and analytics.
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painspecialist · 2 years
Best pain specialist in Delhi - Dr. Amod Manocha
Shoulder pain treatment in Delhi,Pain specialist doctor in Delhi,Pain specialist doctor in Delhi,Pain Specialist in Delhi. Dr. Amod Manocha
Dr. Amod Manocha is the Head of Pain Management Services at Max Super Speciality Hospital, Saket. He is trained as a Pain Management Specialist and an Anaesthetist in the UK. He has over 13 years of work experience in the UK including working as a Chronic Pain Consultant in many UK hospitals. Dr. Manocha believes in multidisciplinary approach and providing evidence-based treatments at par with international standards. He is committed to providing quality care and believes in building long-term relationship with patients based on honest communication and keeping their interests foremost.Professional Qualifications
Fellow of Faculty of Pain Medicine, Royal College of Anaesthetists (FFPMRCA)
Royal College of Anaesthetists, London.
Fellow of Royal College of Anaesthetists (FRCA)
Royal College of Anaesthetists, London.
Post Graduate Diploma in Musculoskeletal Ultrasound (PGD MSK US)
University of East London, UK.
Post Graduate Diploma in Rheumatology
University of South Wales, UK.
European Diploma in Regional Anaesthesia & Acute Pain Management (EDRA)
European Society of Regional Anaesthesia.
Certificate Course in Essentials of Palliative Care
Indian Association of Palliative Care, India
Diploma in Anaesthesia (DA)
Safdarjung Hospital, Delhi University, India
Certificate course in Acupuncture Training
Acupuncture Association of India
Post Graduate Diploma in Medico Legal Systems (PGDMLS)
Symbiosis Centre of Health Care, India
University College of Medical Sciences, Delhi University, India
Advance Pain Fellowship, UK - 1 year
National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery & Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, London
Pain Research Fellowship, UK- 1 year University College Hospital, London
Regional Anaesthesia Fellowship- 6 Months
Royal Free Hospital, London
Pain Medicine and Anaesthesia training from the Central London School of Anaesthesia, UK
Dr. Manocha has over 17 years experience of which he had spent more than 13 years working in the UK. During this period he trained in Pain Medicine and Anaesthesia in many renowned London Hospitals including University College London Hospitals, Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital and Royal Free Hospital.
Dr. Manocha subsequently worked as a Chronic Pain & Anaesthesia Consultant in renowned UK hospitals like
National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery- University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Lister Hospital, East & North Herts NHS Trust
Barnet and Chase Farm NHS Trust
Pain Specialist in Delhi and Gurgaon
Shoulder pain treatment in Delhi,Pain specialist doctor in Delhi,Pain specialist doctor in Delhi,Pain Specialist in Delhi.
He has vast experienced in managing different types of chronic pain conditions including spine pain, nerve pain, musculoskeletal pain and persisting post surgical pain.
Dr. Manocha is part of teaching faculty for various international pain conferences, workshops and symposiums
Research and Teaching
Dr. Manocha has invested a year doing pain research in one of the leading UK Hospital- University College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. He has a keen interest in teaching and is a part of teaching faculty for many pain related national, international conferences, symposiums. This includes
Faculty at London Society of Regional Anaesthesia (LSORA) Ultrasound in Pain Medicine Workshop, University College London Hospital, UK 2016-18
Course Organiser & Faculty, Education Without Barriers Ultrasound in Pain Workshop, Max Hospital, Delhi, India 2018
Faculty at a National Level Symposium on Abdomino - Pelvic Pain National Hospital of Neurology and Neurosurgery, UK 2015-17
In charge Regional Anaesthesia Teaching, Lister Hospital, UK 2016
Dr. Amod Manocha is a leading pain medicine expert. He helps patients with all kinds of chronic pain conditions including back pain, neck pain, joint pain and nerve pain. For him every pain is an unsolved mystery that doesn’t let him rest. Dr. Manocha and his team offers evidence based, non-surgical treatments using multi disciplinary approach to maximise your gain.
For More Information : click on this link -
TAG: Shoulder pain treatment in Delhi,Pain specialist doctor in Delhi,Pain specialist doctor in Delhi,Pain Specialist in Delhi.
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sayyalhealth · 2 years
Why do you choose Sayyal Health for GP Services?
The structure of health care in Australia is a mixture of the State Government and Commonwealth funding services. Its purpose is to deliver more than an average health-related service as an outcome. Australia is among those countries that are progressing well in the health sector. So many GP, specialists, physicians, and pediatricians are available here. There are many health care service providers including Sayyal Health Services. They are providing health facilities along with many other ones.
Here, the main discussion is about the main reasons for choosing Sayyal Health for gp services. 
The gp services does more than diagnosis including coordination for your whole health care, sending for tests, and referring to the correct specialists. Below are the reasons why to proceed with Sayyal Health if you are looking for gp Sydney region specifically:
Consulting for the first time: 
Meeting with the GP for the first time is just for communication about your necessities and expectations. In Sayyal Health, GPs are always present to listen and give time to the patients for detailed discussions. They make you comfortable and ask you to say whatever question is in your mind. If he seems misfit, you can consult another one.  He will examine you completely and show you the whole plan regarding your treatment. 
Building your trust and long relationships: 
At Sayyal Health, GPs assure your medical history. They are always willing to build strong relationships with you and their patients for developing trust. It is a long-time investment regarding the health of you and your family. You can ask for recommendations as well in your contacts. 
Qualifications and Certifications: 
All the GPs available at Sayyal Health are fellows from the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners. It is the process where there is an involvement in the training and development of professionals. So, all of them take short courses as well to keep themselves up-to-date about modern developments. Each of them has a fellowship that is visible by the name FACRRM just after their full name. 
Managing your health-related matters regularly: 
You can visit the GP for managing and monitoring your health. You can also get referred to specialists if your treatment and illness are serious and complex. 
Kind of practice: 
Sayyal Health is a large medical center offering suitable opening hours and multiple services. Here, you can look for the GPs according to their kind of practices. It is dependent on your preferences and the choices you are making among them.  Many patients visiting Sayyal Health have commented that visiting the same general practitioner multiple times can provide benefits within a period. 
Billing techniques:  
The fees of all the GPs are set here according to their providing services. It includes consultation fees and provides compensation in short sessions. For the detailed consultation, you need to pay private fees for resolving your health issues. 
Consultation length: 
High fees mean spending additional time on every patient. Luckily that’s not the case in Sayyal Health. You can enjoy the benefits even if you are bulk-billed such as satisfying the patient and precautionary care. Even some of the specific groups are getting incentives that include children below 16 and concession card holders by CommonWealth. 
Immunization and screening of the patient’s health: 
GPs at Sayyal Health always help in understanding and making sure that you don’t miss any immunization and important check-ups. They are ready to help and prevent you from health problems. This causes a reduction in the risk factors affecting the lifestyle. It includes checking blood pressure, advice about managing your weight, and other clinical tests. 
Staying up-to-date in terms of health advice: 
You can keep yourself up-to-date about health, fitness, and changes in your lifestyle to prevent chronic diseases. It can also provide information about the Covid-19 booster shots and vaccines for influenza in the cold season. 
You can easily find Sayyal health service whenever you are searching for gp near me in Sydney. So, no worries now whether it is a regular check-up or any health process. All the patient’s requirements and desires are liable on the evaluation of the GP.  The team of GPs is here to serve you as much as possible. 
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isitgintimeyet · 5 years
Letting Go
Thanks for reading. The journey’s not over yet!
Thanks to @mo-nighean-rouge for the beta and to @happytoobservenolongerdistant
Chapter 5: Girls’ Talk
Got a loaded imagination Bein' fired by girls talk It's a more or less situation Inspired by girls talk
Elvis Costello
It was just after one in the morning when Claire finally felt able to leave Mrs. Crook’s flat and return to her own. She hadn’t really been listening out for the return of the others, but as she got ready for bed, it was clear that they appeared to be making a night of it. Not that it was any of her concern, of course.
The next morning, having checked on her patient and found her to be a bit sore and bruised but otherwise in good form, Claire stepped outside for a run. She wasn’t actually keen on running, but it seemed a necessary evil, based on the amount of baked goods she knew would be coming her way from Mrs. Crook in the very near future. And, she thought as her feet led her to the park nearby, my style can’t exactly be classed as running.
Nine years ago
“I waited fer ye tae catch up wi’ me, Sassenach. Are ye out of breath?”
“... er… can’t... talk… need... a minute…”
“We’ve no’ gone verra far, and ye’re no’ even doin’ proper runnin’. Ye’re jes’ kinda bobbin’ up and down and flappin’ yer arms a bit. Come on, let’s go a wee bit further.”
“How.. how… can you not be out of breath at all?... This will be the death of me, James Fraser... I’m only doing this because I love you.”
“I ken, and I’m only doin’ this so I can watch yer arse jigglin’ around...aye, like that.”
“Let go, I’m all sweaty and stinky… oh, where’re we going?”
“Back tae yer place. I have plans tae get ye even sweatier and then clean ye up… see, look how fast ye can run when ye want tae.”
Red-faced and slightly smelly, Claire stood at the entrance to the flats trying to extricate her key from her pocket while juggling a large cup of coffee and the heavy mass of Sunday newspapers. The door suddenly opened from the inside and Jamie appeared in the doorway.
Startled, Claire’s grip on the newspapers relaxed and they began to slide out of her hand. Instinctively, Jamie reached out and grabbed them, tucking them securely under Claire’s arm.
“Er, thanks.”
“Ye seem tae be making a habit of dropping things.” Jamie responded, no trace of humour in his voice.
“Sorry.” Claire wasn’t sure what she was actually apologising for, but felt compelled to say something. “Er… did you have a good time last night?”
“Aye, it was grand, verra good food.” Jamie spoke formally, as though to a stranger. “And how is yer neighbour now?”
“She’s doing well. She’s one tough cookie.” Claire winced inwardly, the obvious Americanism sounding false to her ears.
“That’s good tae hear. Well, goodbye then.”
The pile of newspapers lay untouched on the sofa next to Claire. She leant her head back and closed her eyes, trying to make sense of her emotions over the past twenty-four hours. So many questions crowded her mind. Was he married, or was it a coincidence that a Mr. And Mrs. Fraser were currently living in her house? Would she see him again, and if so, would the frigidity between them ever thaw? Could they ever become, well, not exactly friends but amicable acquaintances? And, he had obviously stayed the night in one of the flats, but which one? He had never agreed with the idea of casual sex, but that was eight years ago. A lot can change in that time. And if so, would it have been Mary or Anna?
In the interests of being neighbourly, Claire told herself, she decided to go and see Mary and Anna to give them an update on Mrs. Crook’s condition.
It was a very bleary-eyed and pale Anna, wrapped in a faded bathrobe, who opened the door to Claire. Coughing, she shuffled her way into the semi darkness of the living room, Claire following behind. Mary sat, similarly attired, nursing a large glass of orange juice.
Mary cleared her throat. “Morning, fancy a coffee then, Claire?”
“Tell you what, you both relax and I’ll make coffees for all of us. And where do you keep the paracetamol? I think you could do with some.”
While the coffee was brewing, Claire found the paracetamol and gave two to each of the sisters. Ignoring their cries of protest, she opened the curtains and let the midday sun stream into the room.  
The combination of coffee, orange juice and medication seemed to do the trick. By the time the first mug of coffee had been consumed, followed by a second mug with thickly buttered toast (all prepared by Claire), the sisters were able to fully engage in a conversation, rather than their initial monosyllabic responses.
“So was it a good night last night?” Claire asked casually.
Anna groaned. “I want to say yes… I seem to remember laughing a lot… and we went to a bar… was there karaoke, or am I imagining that?”
Mary laughed. “It wasn’t actual karaoke. That was the bar’s background music… that you insisted to sing along to… at the top of your voice… and with your hairbrush as a mic.”
Anna put her head in her hands. “God, no. How can you remember all this? Were you not drunk too?”
“Apparently not as much as you. Could have been worse, you did ask me which would make a better microphone- your hairbrush or a tampon. I advised the brush!”
“Is that all?”
“Well, you did rather try to force Jamie to sing too. I think he did it to humour you… well, don’t think it could be called singing… more a kind of chanting on one note.”
Nine years ago
“I feel wonderful because I see… The love light in yer eyes… And the wonder of it all… Is that ye jes’ don't realise how much I love ye”
“Christ, Sassenach, have ye no romance in yer soul? I’m serenading ye here, a wee bit of Eric Clapton”
“Oh, is that what it was? Thanks, that’s a lovely thought, but… er… no… nothing.”
“What? I can tell from that glass face of yers, ye’re no’ impressed. Ok I admit it, I canna sing, I canna hear the music but I listen tae the words, ye ken. Ma voice may be lackin’ but I meant it all, every single word.”
“Oh, Jamie. Come over here and I’ll show you how much I appreciate it.”
“So was everyone drunk then?” Claire continued the interrogation.
“Well, maybe not as much as Anna, but everyone was certainly merry. In the bar, we ordered a bottle of wine but Jamie and John moved onto whisky and I’d stopped drinking at that point, so basically Anna had a full bottle to herself.”
Anna groaned again. “I’ve just remembered walking home. Did I really make Jamie give me a piggyback?”
Mary nodded. “Yup. And you kept stroking his hair while he did.”
“Oh, did Jamie not go home then?” Claire tried to appear indifferent.
“No, John said he could crash at his. Jamie’s home isn’t in Glasgow anyway. It’s somewhere miles away, in the Highlands, I think. He’s been staying with his uncle, or cousin or something down here. Apparently, Jamie’s been in America for years and years and now he’s home for good and reconnecting with everyone.”
Claire thought for a moment and tried to think how best to phrase the next question. There was no way to be subtle about it. “And there’s no Mrs. Fraser, then?”
“Don’t think so. I’m sure he said he had no ties.” Mary answered.
Anna groaned for a third time. “God, don't you hate it when your memory starts coming back? Ignorance really is bliss, you know. I think I asked him why he was single, with a body like his. Don’t look at me like that, you two. I mean, come on, you saw him, what woman wouldn’t want a piece of that?”
“And what did he say?”
“My memory goes a bit hazy then. I think he said something about travelling around too much to settle, and then something about synchronicity... and then I had to go to the bathroom to throw up.”
Claire looked round her office in frustration. Why Human Resources had to perform another audit was beyond her, but, as part of this totally necessary skills and qualifications audit, she had been asked to produce several certificates and diplomas relating to her current role -- originals, not copies. She had found most of the certificates, but was now struggling to locate her diploma for Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons. It wasn’t anywhere in her flat, nor was it in any of her office cabinets. She had a sneaking suspicion she knew exactly where it was… in the document safe, in the loft, back at the house. Bugger.
“Ye’ll be staying fer a brew, then will ye?”
“If you’re sure I’m not bothering you, Mrs. Fraser.”
“Och, it’s nae bother… and, please call me Jocasta. Ma husband will be here in a minute. I’m sure he’ll be wantin’ tae meet ye.”
Claire sat in her kitchen (no, remember, not her kitchen any more) while Jocasta busied herself making a pot of tea and adding a tin of shortbread to the table.
“I guess mebbe we should use another room tae sit in, but I do love this kitchen. Murtagh and I eat most of our meals in here.” Jocasta poured the tea and passed it over to Claire.
Sitting across from Claire and picking up a shortbread finger, she continued. “We’re verra happy here, ye ken. I’d been in New Zealand fer nigh on thirty years, went over wi’ ma first husband, but always wanted tae come back. Then when I met Murtagh and we talked about getting married, we kent we’d come home together fer good.”
“Were ye talking about me?” Murtagh came up behind Jocasta and planted a kiss on the top of her head.
“Murtagh, this is Claire. This is her, weel, her uncle’s house. She needed tae collect something, and now she’s staying fer a cup of tea and a wee chat.”
“Please tae meet ye, Claire. I dare say Jocasta’s told ye we’re mightily fond of this house.” Beneath the heavy dark beard, streaked liberally with silver, he smiled softly. “It’s tae big fer us really, but it means we can have plenty of visitors coming tae stay with us. Ma goddaughter has three bairns. And ma godson is jes’ back in Scotland himself. He’d been in America fer several years.”
Claire started at the mention of Murtagh’s godson. It couldn’t be, and yet… she placed her cup on the table a little too quickly, banging against the biscuit tin.
Murtagh continued. “Aye, he did well over there but there’s always the pull of yer own home. He and his sister live up no’ far from Inverness. A quiet wee place, sae I think he likes tae come and stay fer a bit of excitement, mebbe a lassie or two has caught his eye.”
He gave an exaggerated wink as Jocasta playfully punched his arm. Claire tried to appear calm, but worried about her ‘glass face’, she picked up her cup, holding it in front of her face as some sort of shield.
“Ow, what was that fer?” Murtagh joked. “I’m jes’ sayin’ what I think. ‘Tis high time the lad settled down. Even more so now he’s runnin’ Lallybroch since his da’s heart attack.”
Shocked, Claire inhaled sharply. “Heart attack?” she asked without thinking.
Jocasta studied Claire’s face. “Aye, Murtagh’s cousin had a heart attack six months ago. Why, dear?”
“Oh, no matter,” Claire struggled for a reasonable response. “I’m a cardiothoracic surgeon. Professional interest, that’s all.”
“Professional interest, is it?” Jocasta replied, with a smile. “Aye, that’s all.”
Note: Quote from Wonderful Tonight by Eric Clapton
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International Day of Women and Girls in Science - 2019
The Royal Alberta Museum is fortunate to have many amazing women doing scientific work on our staff. As February 11 is International Day of Women and Girls in Science, we are highlighting a few members of our conservation team, who utilize scientific methods of preserving and conserving our precious objects.
We’d love for you to meet Carmen, Katherine, Genevieve and Brenna!
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(Conservation team - Top: Katherine Potapova. Middle L to R: Lisa May, Carmen Li. Front L to R: Brenna Cook, Alison Fleming and Genevieve Kulis)
What do you do here at RAM?  
Carmen Li
I am head of the conservation program here at RAM. The goal of the conservation program is to ensure the long term preservation of the specimens and artifacts in our collection through treatment or preventive conservation.
Katherine Potapova
I'm a paper conservator. For the most part, I repair damaged documents, maps, photographs, and other artifacts that are made of paper. Sometimes, I also help out with other conservation-related task, like preparing objects for exhibition in the galleries, and operating the equipment that we use to run tests  to better understand what our artifacts are made of.
Genevieve Kulis
I am a Natural History Conservator here at the RAM. I am one of the people responsible for ensuring the ongoing care and preservation of museum’s Natural History collections. As part of this work, I get to carry out various treatments that help to repair and stabilize damaged or deteriorating specimens and objects.
Brenna Cook
I am a textile conservator. I work with textile-based objects to treat and preserve them while also preparing them for display.
 What first made you interested in conservation as a career? 
Carmen Li
I first heard about conservation as a career at a high school career fair, but never thought I could pursue it because of the chemistry requirements. I began studying architecture and art history, but really started reconsidering during the third year of university. I decided to follow my passion and started intensively taking first, second and third year chemistry courses in preparation for a graduate degree in art conservation. Conservation allows me to exercise both the artistic and creative side of my brain as well as the materials science part. It allows me to engage in meaningful work, and since every project is different and since we work on such a diverse collection, conservation work really is endlessly fascinating and a source for lifelong learning.
Katherine Potapova
I've always had diverse interests, and had a hard time deciding on the one thing that I wanted to pursue. In university, I was torn between fine art, history, and science. When I found out about conservation, it seemed like the perfect solution: conservators need to have skills and knowledge from all these areas. Conservators need to think systematically, like scientists. Conservators also need to understand the materials they work with on a molecular level. At the same time, they also need the creativity and craftsmanship of artists, as well as an understanding of the history of materials.
Genevieve Kulis
I have always loved museums and have found them wonderful places to learn and discover new things. Growing up, I always felt that working at a museum would be a dream come true, but didn’t know in what capacity I wanted to do that. After some research into various museum careers, I came across conservation. It had a great balance of all of the things I was interested in. It allows you to use both science and art-based skills, there is a great deal of diversity in the projects you get to work on, and it allows you to work with incredible objects and help preserve them for other people to enjoy and learn from. To me, nothing seemed to match my interests better than that.
Brenna Cook
I always had an affinity for working with textiles and a strong interest in history and material culture. I enjoyed the combination of craft and science as well as the deliberate, measured pace of work.
What was your education and career path that lead you to your current job?  
Carmen Li
I pursued a bachelor’s degree in Architectural Studies and Art History, followed by a certificate in Collections Conservation and Management and then a Masters in Art Conservation. I completed internships and fellowships at the Canadian Conservation Institute, the National Museum of the American Indian, Fitzwilliam Museum, Royal Ontario Museum, and others. I coordinated a major collections move at the Museum of Northern Arizona, and then was hired as the Preventive Conservation Manager at the University of Alberta Museums which brought me to Edmonton. I joined the RAM team in 2014.
Katherine Potapova
I was halfway through a bachelor's degree in art history when I decided to try my hand at conservation. After receiving my art history degree, I went on to pursue a Master of Art Conservation degree at Queen's University. To meet the admission criteria for the conservation program, I also had to take general and organic chemistry courses, and also fine art courses, while I was finishing my art history degree.
All the conservation programs in North America are postgraduate, meaning that you need to have a degree in some other discipline to be eligible. People come to conservation from a great variety of backgrounds: fine art, history, and chemistry are some of the more common ones. Conservation is such a crossroads that skills from many different disciplines can be applicable. Everyone who wants to be successful in conservation also needs to have some knowledge outside their own discipline: a scientist needs to have some experience with art or crafts, and someone from a humanities background needs to have at least a basic knowledge of chemistry. And of course, everyone needs to be comfortable working with their hands.
Genevieve Kulis
I first attended McGill University, where I majored in Anthropology and minored in Earth and Planetary Sciences. I was fortunate enough to have a number of my classes at the University’s Redpath Museum. Having classes at the Museum allowed me to work with the collections for various lab sessions and research projects, and really solidified my interest in working at a museum. I also began volunteering there, when I could. After I graduated, I attend Fleming College for their post-graduate program in Cultural Heritage Conservation and Management. The program was really immersive and hands-on, and included a full-time internship in the final semester, which I completed at the Textile Museum of Canada. After completing my internship there, I continued to volunteer and eventually was hired on a project contract. After my contract was over, I began working as a conservator for private collectors and short-term contracts. Soon after, I found my way to the Royal Alberta Museum, where I’ve been working for the past two and a half years.
Brenna Cook
I started my post-secondary education interested in archaeology but over the course of a bachelor’s degree in the subject I discovered it wasn’t a career I wanted to pursue. I rearranged my coursework and volunteer experience to support an application to a graduate degree program in textile conservation. Following that I completed several years of internships until I secured this position at the RAM.
Tell me about some of the ways you use science in your work.
Carmen Li
The most obvious way that I use science at work is through analysis of objects or specimens. For example, we can do X-Ray Fluorescence to identify what elements are present in or on the surface objects, or we can do Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy to try to determine what an object is made of. But more generally, through an understanding of materials science, we can try predict how materials will degrade over time, how our conservation treatments would interact with original materials, and they would age over time.
Katherine Potapova
Science is really just a systematic way of figuring out what things are made of and how they work. This kind of systematic understanding is at the heart of many fields, including conservation. When working with museum artifacts, it can be very important to understand what each artifact is made of, and how these materials will behave over time. For example, some materials, like some papers and many plastics, are inherently unstable: over time, these materials often turn yellow and become very brittle. Sometimes they become so brittle that they crumble if you so much as touch them. To preserve these materials in the best conditions possible, special accommodations are needed. We wouldn’t know this without a scientific understanding of the artifacts.
When I do conservation treatments on damaged artifacts, it is also important to understand on a molecular level how the materials that I use will interact with the materials of the artifact, and how they will change over time. For example, many people who are not conservators might use sticky tape to repair tears in documents and book pages. What these people don't realize is that over time, the adhesive in most tapes undergoes a chemical reaction that causes it to turn yellow. This can happen in just a few years, although sometimes it takes 20 or 30 years. The yellowed adhesive creates an indelible yellow stain in the paper. When conservators repair tears in paper documents, they do not use tape, but rather adhesives like wheat starch paste, which have been thoroughly tested by scientists to make sure that they remain stable over time.
I have also had the opportunity to use some fairly sophisticated instruments to run tests that help to better understand the behaviour of the materials in our artifacts. For example, it is well known that many coloured materials fade when they are exposed to light for an extended time. But different materials fade at different rates. How can we know for how long we can keep a particular artifact in the light before it starts to fade? To help answer this question, we borrowed a microfade tester from the Canadian Conservation Institute. This instrument shines a narrow beam of very bright light on a very small, barely visible spot on an artifact for a specified length of time (for example, for 10 minutes). The instrument also takes repeated measurements of the colour of the spot. The computer software uses these measurements to calculate how much the spot has faded. These data can then be used to extrapolate how quickly that particular colourant would fade under regular museum lighting. I got the chance to use the microfade tester on some of our most light-sensitive artifacts, and we used the results to decide for how long these artifacts could safely be displayed in our galleries.
Genevieve Kulis
Science finds its way into my work in a number of ways. It’s a fundamental part of understanding how and why an object may be deteriorating. Understanding and identifying the types of chemical reactions that are taking place within the object itself, or between the object and something from the surrounding environment, that are causing deterioration is very important. This information informs a conservator on how to best proceed with treating the object. Science is also used during the treatment and preservation of the objects. It is important to know how an object will react with the materials being used in a treatment. Some materials or substances can be used to slow or stop types of deterioration, which can be very useful. In other instances, even just knowing what materials are safe to use with or around an object that won’t cause any adverse reactions is extremely important. Having a solid understanding of material science is quite essential.
Brenna Cook
We use scientific instruments broadly in conservation to discover information about the physical nature of materials. Most applicable to my work is our Fourier-transform infrared spectrometer (FTIR) which can tell me the chemical makeup of mystery textile fibers. I also use very precise lab equipment when custom dyeing fabric as minute changes in dye stuffs, water and additives can have a great effect on the resulting colours of the fabric.
What is the coolest thing you have had the opportunity to do in your career? 
Carmen Li
I’ve had the opportunity to travel and work on projects in museums and archaeological sites around the world - Canadian Arctic, Turkey, Peru, Hong Kong, UK, the Netherlands, Kosovo. All these experiences enrich my understanding of conservation of different material types, from different cultures, and in different contexts. In terms of the single coolest thing, I’ve had the opportunity to help with the installation of the Durham Cathedral’s copy of the Magna Carta when it came here to Edmonton, which was pretty special.
Katherine Potapova
Working with museum artifacts can feel pretty special. I don't really know what the "coolest" thing that I've had to do would be, but my favourite thing that I get to do is inpainting. When a photograph, poster, or some other kind of picture has scratches or cracks in it, the damage often prevents you from seeing the image properly. In that case, I sometimes paint over the scratches with watercolour paints. I do this with an extremely fine paintbrush, and I have to mix colours so that they match the colours of the area around the scratch very closely. If I'd done a good job, you would then no longer notice the scratches, unless you looked very closely. When my inpainting turns out well, I always feel like I have a kind of magical power. Suddenly the image comes together, and you see it clearly for the first time. It always amazes me what a tiny amount of well-chosen paint can do.
Genevieve Kulis
I don’t think there is a single coolest thing I’ve had the opportunity to do as a conservator. All the objects I get to work on are unique and have their own interesting set of preservation challenges. There is so much diversity in what I get to do as a conservator; I’m never bored and always excited about what I’m working on.
Brenna Cook
I’ve had the chance to get right up close to clothes that people wore hundreds of years ago, I was particularly excited to work on some French dresses from the mid-eighteenth century. You can’t get more intimate with the people of the past than that!
What is your advice to young girls interested in pursuing a career in science-related careers like conservation?
Carmen Li
Courses in science and math can lead to so many interesting and diverse career paths. Anyone can learn anything with curiosity, drive, and passion. Be fearless and follow your dreams!
Katherine Potapova
Do what interests you! Scientific thinking has applications in just about every field, not to mention everyday life. If more people had a science-based education - who knows, there might even be less nonsense in the world.
Genevieve Kulis
If you find something you’re passionate about and interested in, pursue it. Find ways to learn more about what interests you, whether that be through independent research, reaching out to someone already in the field or finding a way to volunteer in some capacity. In particular, I would say volunteering is an amazing way to get practical, hands-on experience and is a good way to find out if your area of interest is something you want to get into as a career. Even if you aren’t able to find someone in your field of interest to get in touch with, or volunteer with, immediately, don’t let that discourage you. Perseverance does pay off, so do your best to keep at it and eventually, an opportunity will come up that will allow you to get your foot through the door.
Brenna Cook
I would advise young girls to indulge their curiosity. Information is becoming more and more accessible and really digging down into a question is what science is all about!
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medscertification · 2 years
Become a member of the ROYAL COLLEGE in the UK, EDINBURG, IRELAND, CANADA without examination.
The importance of MRCP is in its recognition abroad. A Member of the ROYAL COLLEGE is given a higher status and a higher pay package in gulf countries than MD general medicine even in Indian hospitals. There is a better job opportunity for members of the royal college.
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healthcarecpt · 3 years
Education Timeline
My journey to becoming a medical oncologist.
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1. Earn my Bachelor’s Degree (4 years)
Major in Chemistry at University of Waterloo 
Chemistry Undergraduate Program
Prerequisites: Ontario students must have at least 6 U/M course including English (ENG4U) with at least a 70%, Advanced Functions with at least a 70%, Calculus and Vectors with at least a 70%, and 2 of either Biology, Chemistry, Earth and Space Science, Mathematics of Data Management, or Physics. 
Some Courses in this Program: Physical and Chemical Properties of Matter/ laboratory (CHEM 121/ CHEM 121L), Communication in the Sciences (ENGL 193/SPCOM 193, Calculus 1 for the Sciences (MATH 127), and Mechanics lab (PHYS 121/121L)
Tuition for Canadian Citizens and Permanent Residents 
$9,990 CAD for eight months of school based off on September 2020
Take a MCAT preparation course at Atlius for $2,499 CAD
2. Take the MCAT (costs $320 CAD)
3. Medical School (4 years) 
University of Toronto MD Program 
Prerequisites and requirements: have at least 3 years of undergraduate study (15 credits), minimum 3.6 GPA on a 4.0 scale, at least 2 courses in life sciences (ex. Anatomy or Biochemistry), at least 1 course in Humanities (ex. Political Science), at least 125 in each of the 3 sections of the MCAT, MMI (Multiple Mini Interviews) with the school, Standard First AID or BLS training, and less than full course load.
Some Course in this Program: Introduction to Medicine, Concepts, Patients, and Communities 1 + 2, and Life Cycle. 
Tuition for Domestic students
$25,219.35 CAD (1 year) plus $1700 CAD for books
4. Pass licensing exams 
Take  MCCQE part 1 and 2 to obtain a Licentiate of the Medical Council of Canada (LMCC)
$1,330 CAD for part 1 and $2,780 CAD for part 2.
5. Complete Residency (5 years)
I get to work with medical oncologists and gradually gain responsibility. This will exercise my skill, knowledge, and professionalism as a future physician. 
Apply for residency through CaRMS 
(To apply I must complete an Internal Medicine Residency core program approved by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.)
Prerequisites and requirements (provincial): must be a graduate from University of Ottawa, Queen’s University, Northern Ontario School of Medicine, University of Toronto, McMaster University, or Western University
Must be a medical school student or graduate, 
$302.89 CAD
6. Fellowship (1-2 years)
Takes place in a hospital, here soon to be physicians learn to develop and use their skills in a real environment. I will learn to communicate with patients, fulfil tasks, and work with other health care providers. 
Clinical Cancer Genetics Fellowship from University of Toronto at Princess Margaret Cancer Centre (for medical oncology)
Prerequisites: Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery or Doctor of Medicine, fluent in English, has a medical background, and exposure to basic research methodology  
Application Requirements: 3 reference letters, CV, and a letter of intent
7. Specialty Certifications
Through Canadian Association of Nurses in Oncology I must obtain a certain amount of hours and experience to qualify for certification. All of the previous steps are the prerequisites of obtaining my license. 
$416 CAD
Return to Education + Career Plan Navigation 
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studymedicc · 3 months
Unlocking a World of Opportunities in FRCR
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The Fellowship of the Royal College of Radiologists (FRCR) is a prestigious qualification sought after by radiologists worldwide. Obtaining the FRCR unlocks a multitude of opportunities in the field of radiology:
Career Advancement: Achieving the FRCR credential is a significant milestone in a radiologist’s career. It demonstrates a high level of expertise and commitment to the field, which can lead to enhanced job prospects, promotions, and leadership opportunities within healthcare institutions.
Global Recognition: The FRCR is internationally recognized and respected, opening doors to employment opportunities in various countries. Radiologists with FRCR certification are highly sought after by healthcare organizations worldwide, offering the potential for diverse and fulfilling career paths.
Specialization Options: The FRCR qualification allows radiologists to specialize in various subspecialties, such as neuroradiology, musculoskeletal radiology, interventional radiology, and oncological imaging, among others. This specialization enables radiologists to focus on areas of particular interest and expertise, leading to career fulfillment and advancement.
Research and Academia: Radiologists with FRCR certification often engage in academic research and teaching activities. They may pursue roles in academic institutions, contributing to the advancement of knowledge in radiology through research, publication, and mentorship of trainees.
Clinical Excellence: FRCR-certified radiologists are equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to provide high-quality patient care. They are trained to interpret complex imaging studies accurately, diagnose various diseases, and guide appropriate treatment strategies, thereby making a positive impact on patient outcomes.
Leadership and Management: Holding the FRCR qualification can qualify radiologists for leadership and management roles within healthcare organizations. These positions may involve overseeing radiology departments, developing clinical protocols, and participating in strategic decision-making processes to improve service delivery and patient care.
Continuing Professional Development (CPD): Maintaining FRCR certification requires ongoing CPD activities, ensuring that radiologists stay abreast of the latest advancements in the field. Engaging in CPD activities not only enhances professional knowledge and skills but also demonstrates a commitment to lifelong learning and continuous improvement.
Networking Opportunities: The FRCR community provides a valuable network of peers, mentors, and collaborators within the radiology profession. Networking opportunities may arise through conferences, workshops, and professional organizations, facilitating knowledge exchange, collaboration on research projects, and career development.
In summary, obtaining the FRCR qualification unlocks a world of opportunities for radiologists, including career advancement, specialization options, global recognition, research involvement, leadership roles, and continuous professional development. It serves as a testament to a radiologist’s expertise and dedication to providing excellent patient care, while also offering pathways for personal and professional growth within the field of radiology. if you are preparing FRCR Course. Join StudyFRCR .
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anthonysimontx · 4 years
The Complete Manual to What Does A Physician Do
Table of ContentsThe Definitive Overview for What Does A Physician Do In A Hospital The Of What Does A Physician Assistant Do In Surgery A Partial View of What Does A Physician Assistant Do In Surgery Some Strategies on What Does A Physician Do In A Hospital You Need To Learn What Does A Physician Do - Truthfulness
Apart from the skills detailed above, Physicians needs to have gained a bachelor's degree in Medicine, Biology, or Wellness Scientific research, adhered to by a Clinical Physician (MD) postgraduate degree at a recognized university, as well as a household medication or specialized post-graduate degree. An approved specialty residency training program in their designated field of experience is typically liked, considering Physicians without residency training are usually needed to have a minimum of 3 to 5 years of work experience contrasted to 1 to 2 years for those who have actually finished such training.
In addition, additional qualifications are typically called for and will certainly vary according to the Physician's place as well as expertise. In Canada, these credentials consist of, however are not restricted to, the following: Qualification in the University of Household Physicians (CCFP) and/or Royal University of Physicians of Canada Fellowship (FRCPC), and/or Royal University of Surgeons of Canada Fellowship (FRCSC); Qualification in the University of Household Physicians with a field of expertise in Emergency Medicine (CCFP-EM) and/or American Board of Emergency Situation Medicine (ABEM) Qualification; Canadian Medical Register Registration as a Licentiate of the Medical Council of Canada (LMCC); Registration with the provincial/territorial regulative body; Canadian Medical Protective Association (CMPA) Coverage; Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) Qualification; International Trauma Life Support (ITLS) and/or Advanced Injury Life Assistance (ATLS) Certifications; Pediatric Advanced Life Support (FRIENDS); and Canadian Organization of Pediatric Surgeons (CAPS) Subscription - Physician Assistant Karl Simon.
Physicians likewise need to demonstrate audio clinical and also practical knowledge of medical procedures, tools, and devices, consisting of clinical terms and also drugs. They must also abide by existing clinical concepts as well as plans, together with well established treatments as well as methods, regulations as well as regulations, as well as health and wellness criteria. Physicians' work is likewise psychologically difficult; therefore, they must demonstrate extraordinary anxiety management skills. Karl Simon PA.
Many Understood Truths About What Does A Physician Do On A Daily Basis.
A doctor (also called a medical practitioner or doctor) cares for patients in a selection of means. A physician's main obligation is the well being of their patients. Sometimes it can extremely demanding due to treating patients with life-threatening injuries or persistent ailments. Physicians consist of anesthesiologists, family as well as general practitioners, internists, obstetricians and also gynecologists, doctors, psychoanalysts, as well as doctors.
Karl Simon
From: Houston Dr. Simon's Website
Who is Anthony Simon PA?
Karl Anthony Simon PA is a PA, NPI# 1356671630.
Where does Karl Anthony Simon live?
PA Karl Anthony Simon lives in Houston, Texas.
Each of these two groups of doctors supplies therapy to patients. Nevertheless, the D.O.s likewise use precautionary medicine and holistic care treatment methods. Medical physicians often choose field of expertise at the end of their normal training (Dr. Karl Simon). Being a doctor is extremely satisfying provided the duties medical professionals play in the enhancement of individuals's wellness and life.
  Anthony Simon Memorial Hermann Anthony Simon PA Anthony Simon PA Nccpa Anthony Simon PA-C Nccpa Anthony Simon Racist Anthony Simon Team Health Anthony Simon TMB Cause No. 2018-49584; Ozgur Gol Vs. Karl Anthony Simon Deposition Simon Doctor Karl Anthony Simon Dr Heather Simon Houston Dr Karl Anthony Memorial Hermann Dr. Anthony Simon Dr. Karl Anthony Simon A Physician Assistant Dr. Karl Anthony Simon Houston Dr. Karl Anthony Simon MD Dr. Karl Anthony Simon Memorial Hermann Dr. Karl Simon Heather Simon Memorial Hermann Karl Anthony Simon, not racist Anthony Simon is not racist Anti-racism by Anthony Simon Anti racist Karl Anthony Simon Houston ER Physician Assistant Houston ER Worker Admits Houston Memorial Hermann Hospital Racist Doctor Houston Physician Assistant Racist Houston Physician Assistant Simon Karl Anthony Simon Karl Anthony Simon Houston Karl Anthony Simon Houston, TX Karl Anthony Simon Lawsuit Karl Anthony Simon MD Karl Anthony Simon Memorial Hermann Karl Anthony Simon NCCPA Karl Anthony Simon PA Karl Anthony Simon PA Memorial Hermann Karl Anthony Simon PA NCCPA Karl Anthony Simon PA-C Karl Anthony Simon PA-C NCCPA Karl Anthony Simon Physician Assistant Karl Anthony Simon is not Racist Karl Anthony Simon on Reddit Karl Anthony Simon Team Health Karl Anthony Simon TMB Karl Simon Karl Simon Houston Karl Simon Memorial Hermann Karl Simon NCCPA Karl Simon PA Karl Simon PA Houston Karl Simon PA Memorial Hermann Karl Simon PA NCCPA Karl Simon PA-C Karl Simon PA-C NCCPA Karl Simon Physicisan Assistant Karl Simon Racist Karl Simon TMB Memorial Hermann Doctor Memorial Hermann Employee Racist Video Memorial Hermann Hospital Karl Simon Memorial Hermann Hospital Racist Doctor Memorial Hermann Karl Simon Memorial Hermann PA Racist Memorial Hermann Racist Memorial Hermann Racist Hoax Memorial Hermann Simon Memorial Hermann Youtube Ozgur Gol Ozgur Gol Karl Anthony Simon Ozgur Gol Vs Karl Anthony Simon; In The 129th Judicial District Court, Harris County, Texas Ozgur Gol Vs. Karl Anthony Simon Physicisan Assistant Simon Racist Doctor Memorial Hermann Racist Doctor Video Racist Houston Doctor Racist Physician Assistant Memorial Hermann Team Health Racism Tony Simon Team Health
  Anthony Simon Anthony Simon Houston TX Anthony Simon, Houston Anthony Simon, Houston Texas Anthony Simon, Houston, TX Anthony Simon, Houston, Texas Karl Anthony Simon Houston TX Karl Anthony Simon, Houston Karl Anthony Simon, Houston Texas Karl Anthony Simon, Houston, TX Karl Anthony Simon, Houston, Texas Anthony Simon PA Anthony Simon, PA Anthony Simon, PA in Houston Anthony Simon, PA in Houston, TX PA Anthony Simon PA Karl Anthony Simon PA, Anthony Simon PA, Karl Anthony Simon Houston PA Anthony Simon Texas PA, Anthony Simon Houston, TX PA Anthony Simon Houston, TX PA Karl Anthony Simon TX PA - Anthony Simon TX PA Karl Anthony Simon TX, Houston PA - Anthony Simon TX, Houston PA Anthony Simon TX, Houston PA Karl Anthony Simon TX, Houston PA - Karl Anthony Simon Texas Physician Assistant Anthony Simon Texas Physician Assistant Karl Anthony Simon Texas' Anthony Simon Texas' Karl Anthony Simon Texas, Anthony Simon Texas Karl Anthony Simon Texas Anthony Simon Anthony Simon, Physician's Assistant Anthony Simon Physicians Assistant Anthony Simon MD Karl Anthony Simon MD Anthony Simon, MD Karl Anthony Simon, MD Karl Anthony Simon Karl Simon Karl Simon Memorial Hermann Karl Simon Nccpa Karl Simon PA Karl Simon PA Houston Karl Simon PA Memorial Hermann Karl Simon PA NCCPA Karl Simon PA-C Karl Simon PA-C NCCPA Karl Simon Physician Assistant Memorial Hermann Simon Anthony Simon Memorial Hermann Dr Karl Anthony Simon Dr. Karl Anthony Simon PA Dr. Karl Anthony Simon PA in Houston, TX Dr. Karl Anthony Simon Houston Dr Karl Anthony Simon Texas Dr. Karl Anthony Simon Houston, TX Dr. Karl Anthony Simon Houston, Texas Houston TX PA Dr. Karl Anthony Simon Houston PA Anthony Simon Anthony Simon, Houston Anthony Simon, Houston Texas
It is likewise expensive to train as a clinical doctor. The monetary prospect of being a physician is extremely high especially if you want to operate in a personal practice. However, being a doctor involves a lot of stress and anxiety so you must likewise be emotionally steady to be able to practice as a medical professional.
Some Of What Does A Physician Assistant Do In Surgery
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The Definitive Guide for Karl Anthony Simon Pa Memorial Hermann
Most gain a bachelor's in biology in chemistry to prepare you for medical college and also to make the courses required to use. Listed are instance programs you would certainly complete prior to you'll be confessed into the medical institution: Biology with a labChemistry with a labOrganic Chemistry with a labBiochemistryCalculusStatisticsPhysics with a labHumanities coursesNext, you would attend 4 years of clinical institution, and relying on the location you intend to specialize, have 3-7 years of extra training in a residency program.
On top of that, it is highly urged that you offer in a clinical setup such as a health center or facility to get experience in a healthcare setup while pursuing your level. Clinical institutions are extremely competitive so it is crucial to obtain experience as well as succeed academically. You are additionally required to take the Medical College Admission Examination (MCAT) to enter Medical College.
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As a result, it is essential that you offer and take part in after-school activities while in senior high school and also your undergraduate degree program. Inspect out the short article exactly how to end up being a medical professional for a detailed guide of the whole process to come to be a medical professional. A doctor's key duties include giving preventative treatment, assessing clients, identifying their issues, as well as developing a therapy strategy.
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The Dr. Karl Anthony Simon A Physician Assistant Analyze This Statement on Houston Physician Assistant Racist
Key physicians concentrate on all areas of technique, nonetheless, some doctors focus on different locations such as heart, skin, digestive system systems, bone, and also allergic reactions (in addition to numerous other clinical locations). Physicians deal with a group on clinical experts as well as team, however are thought about the decision-makers as well as leaders in directing their team in a patient's care and also treatment.
Several possess their own techniques, but in a much more current trend you see groups of practitioners sharing office and also equipment and also many others function in medical facilities, inpatient, or outpatient facilities. With the expanding age and also durability of Americans there will certainly be a faster than ordinary development in possibilities for those desiring to get in the clinical field as a medical professional.
Nonetheless, it can be very fulfilling once you are functioning as a physician. Bureau of Labor Stats, U.S. Division of Labor, Occupational Expectation Manual, Physicians and Surgeons. National Facility for O * WEB Growth. 29-1062.00. O * WEB OnLine.
Some Known Elements About What Does A Physician Do
Different sorts of doctors exercise various kinds of medication. Everyone understands that a family doctor isn't educated to perform a heart transplant. Nevertheless, exactly what do various kinds of physicians do, as well as what problems do they most commonly treat? Allow's take a look at several different specializeds as well as subspecialties. We'll initially begin with a check out medical professionals who focus on medical care and after that we'll look at some various other fields.
When sensible, web links will certainly be provided to learn more regarding these areas. The purpose of this write-up is not to give detailed protection. Rather, this article must offer to encourage you as a patient and assist you reduce through the jargon that occupies medicine. By recognizing what some of the most common specialists and subspecialists do, you can much better comprehend the treatment you receive and also the duties as well as responsibilities of the doctor who gives you therapy.
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hemapriya022-blog · 4 years
RCP Exams:The best avenue to practise as a specialist
The MRCP (Membership of the Royal College of Physicians) exam has become an important pathway to practice medicine in the UK. For Indian MBBS graduates, the MRCP exam opens up a range of opportunities not just in the UK but also in most of the other commonwealth countries.
Upon clearing the MRCP exam, graduates become a member of the respected Royal College of UK. They can have a better career in medicine or further advance their academics or clinical skills. The MRCP pathway is also the easiest way to practice medicine in the UK without appearing for the PLAB examination.
Table of Contents
Why Choose the MRCP Pathway?
Royal College Examinations: Global Recognition
The Global Need for Specialists
Scope and Prospects for Specialists
Texila American University’s Unique Royal College Training Program
Eligibility for MRCP
MRCP Examinations: Key Factor to Be Considered
Our Program Highlights
Are You Looking for RCP Training Program?
Why Choose the MRCP Pathway?
The MRCP Diploma and Certificate Exams intend to improve the behavior, knowledge, and academic and clinical skills of doctors. It is a three-part knowledge-centric exam that will ensure that you are ready to practice medicine across the world.
Eligibility for MRCP
The eligibility for the MRCP exam is relatively straightforward, and one must be an MBBS graduate. Also, one must register and pay the appropriate exam fee for all three parts as per the Royal College guidelines.
MRCP Examinations: Key Factor to Be Considered
It is approved by the General Medical Council (UK)
It consists of both written and clinical components
It is recognized by the Medical Council of India
It qualifies graduates to start specialized training for internal medicine
It opens up job opportunities in both the private and Government sector
Royal College Examinations: Global Recognition
Exams conducted by the Royal College of the UK are recognized globally such as:
MRCP (Membership of the Royal College of Physicians),
MRCPCH (Membership of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health),
MRCOG (Membership of Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists),
MRCS (Membership of the Royal College of Surgeons), and
FRCR (Fellow of the Royal College of Radiologists).
Apart from the UK, these exams can be undertaken in 34 locations around the world. In India, one can take up the exam in the following test centers:
New Delhi
Countries like Iceland, Hong Kong, and Singapore consider the MRCP exam as a compulsory part of their assessment and training. Malaysia considers exams such as MRCP, MRCPCH, MRCOG, MRCS, and FRCR as a substitute means of proving knowledge and skills. However, this pursued along with their locally recognized training curricula.
The Global Need for Specialists
It has become mandatory to complete RCP exams. The trends have grown exponentially in the past few decades both in the UK and globally. Due to its high significance, it will be considered in both private and Government organizations.
Also, the shortage of specialized doctors in the UK and its obligatory place in UK medical training significantly improve job prospects for graduates. In 2006, a report published by the World Health Organization estimated that, on average, 57 countries face a shortage of physicians.
Despite the global increase in demand for doctors in various specialties, structured formal training remains limited in several countries. In such cases, the MRCPCH, MRCOG, MRCS, and FRCR exams take on special importance.
Scope and Prospects for Specialists
To become a member of the RCPCH, one has to pass three theoretical exams and one clinical exam. Increasingly, international students are undertaking the MRCPCH exam to demonstrate that they have their knowledge and skill levels as a part of their local training requirements.
Upon completion of the MRCPCH exam, Indian graduates can pursue super-specialization courses. Some of the sub-specialties available include Neonatal Medicine, Pediatric Allergy, Pediatric Clinical Pharmacology, Pediatric Diabetes, and Emergency Medicine, etc. Additionally, one can also work in the private sector with salaries comparable to MD/MS specializations.
The Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynecologists conducts the MRCOG exam. One must complete all three parts of the examination to be awarded the membership. Indian students can undertake the exam in Mumbai and Kolkata.
Graduates are eligible to pursue their super-specialization in:
Gynecological Oncology,
Fetal Medicine,
Reproductive Endocrinology,
Infertility, etc.
Pay scales may vary depending on several factors such as level of specialization, hospital, city, state, etc.
The Royal College of Surgeons conducts the intercollegiate MRCS exam. It is designed to enable one’s progress from core training to specialty training. In India, the two-part examination can be taken up in Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi, and Pune.
There are several sub-specialties that one can pursue upon becoming a Member of the Royal College of Surgeons such as:
Cardiothoracic Surgery,
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,
Plastic Surgery,
Trauma, and
Orthopedic Surgery, among others.
The Royal College of Radiologists conducts the FRCR exam, which consists of three parts. Highly qualified and competent radiologists are always in demand in India and across the globe. Clearing the FRCR exam can boost one’s profile immensely. Some of the sub-specializations that one can opt for in radiology include Interventional Radiology, Diagnostic Radiology, and Radiation Oncology.
Texila American University’s Unique Royal College Training Program
At Texila American University, we understand that preparation for the RCP exam can be arduous and time-consuming. However, we provide a unique and structured training program to make your preparation for the RCP exam go smoothly.
Our fellowship program is designed specifically for MBBS graduates to build on existing knowledge, skills, and experience. They can gain mastery in the clinical while preparing for the RCP exam.
Our Program Highlights
In-built OSCE training
Structured three-year program
Conducted by certified Royal College doctors
In-sync training with Royal College of UK examination
Conducted in affiliation with leading teaching hospitals across the country
Are You Looking for RCP Training Program?
Texila American University offers an extensive training program for RCP exams along with a post-graduate fellowship program.
Enquire Now
With the help of our intensive training program, preparation for RCP exams will become extremely easy. We will also ensure that you are provided with all the necessary support to clear the exams.
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hakotenuwa-blog · 5 years
IVF Doctors in Bangalore at Elawoman
Dr. Reshu Saraogi is a properly-famend obstetrician and gynecologist located in Bangalore. She is a professional in Cervical Cerclage, In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), Mirena (Hormonal Iud), Artificial Insemination, Caesarean Section Delivery, Hysterectomy, Laparoscopic Surgery, Normal Vaginal Delivery (NVD), Endoscopy, Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) and Gynae Problems.
Dr. Reshu Saraogi has finished great effects at some point of her academics. She attained her MBBS from PSG Institute of Medical Science & Research in 2005. She excelled her MS from University College of Medical Sciences and Guruteg Bahadur Hospital in Delhi. She additionally did a certification course in ultrasound on infertility from Dr. Nagori’s Institute of Ultrasound and Infertility, Ahmadabad. She has the experience and the recognize-a way to additionally perform all kinds of Gynecological and Infertility Ultrasounds. She further pursued fellowship in Minimal Access Surgery in RGUHS, Bangalore in 2011.
Services:- IVF,IUI,Surrogacy
Location:- Whitefield, Bangalore
Rating :- 4.3 / 5
Dr. Vijaykumar PK is an IVF Specialist working towards at Caree Fertility Center and Vardhan Fertility and Laparoscopy Centre. Dr. Vijayakumar P.K. Finished MBBS from Vijayanagar Institute of Medical Sciences in 1996. Then, he went on to pursue MD in Obstetrics and Gynecology from G S Medical College, KEM Hospital, Mumbai in 2002 and FNB from Institute of reproductive medicine, Kolkata Diplomatic National Board in 2004. He makes a speciality of Infertility evaluation, IUI, IVF, Antenatal care and Gynecology Laparoscopy. For further info, visit elawoman.Com
Services:- IVF,IUI,Surrogacy
Location:- Banaswadi, Basaveshwaranagar, Bangalore
Rating :- 4.6 / 5
Dr. Sandhya Mishra is the maximum visited Gynecologist, Obstetrician and Laparoscopic Surgeon in Bangalore. She has extra than 2 decades of experience on this discipline and has helped many couples and girls get better and deliver start to their toddler. Some of the offerings furnished with the aid of the physician are Semen freezing, Colour Doppler, Surrogacy, Treatment of Superovulation & IUI, Blastocyst Culture, Embryo freezing, Male Infertility Clinic, IVF Donor Semen & Donor Oocyte. She carries ultra-modern gadgets and effective techniques in her treatments approaches to make sure global-elegance requirements and to enhance probabilities of achievement. She has completed masses of a hit Treatment, consequently, maximum of the sufferers favor to visit her for gynecological issues. With its greater than a decade of experience, she is one of the great infertilities
state of the ART laboratory, non-public care and main-edge packages we are able to provide a superb hazard of conceiving and having a successful being pregnant.
She has received a variety of worthful experience within the discipline of obstetrics and gynecology. She is presently practising as a Gynecology Consultant at Dr. Ramas Test Tube Baby Center.
Services:- IVF,IUI,Surrogacy
Location:- Indira Nagar, Bangalore
Rating :- 4.6 / 5
Dr. Kamini Arvind Rao, the founder and Medical Director of Milan is a pioneer within the subject of Assisted Reproduction in India. Across her prominent Clinical and Research Career in Reproductive Medicine, Dr. Kamini Rao Specialized in Reproductive Endocrinology, Ovarian Physiology and Assisted Reproductive Technology.
Among her early contributions to the field is the status quo of South India‘s first semen bank, India's First Sift Baby and South India’s First Babies born through ICSI (IntraCytoplasmic Sperm Injection) as well as via laser-assisted hatching. Across a medical and research profession spanning 3 decades, Dr. Kamini Rao has taught and educated hundreds of Fertility Specialists and has served as a beacon of hope to lots of infertile couples. Dr. Kamini Rao obtained her schooling in Fertility and Assisted Reproduction in the United Kingdom and lower back to India to installation the Bangalore assisted theory middle, now called Milan, the Fertility Centre in 1989.
Dr. Kamini Rao is the editor-in-leader of the International Journal of Infertility and Fetal Medicine, is a member of the National Advisory Committee on Assisted Reproductive Technology of the MOH & FW and the ICMR, as well as a member of the National Apex Committee for Stem Cell Research and Therapy Instituted through ICMR and DBT. Dr. Kamini Rao is likewise the chairperson of the International Institute for Training and Research in Reproductive Health.
Services:- IVF,IUI,Surrogacy
Location:- Kumara Park East, Bangalore
Rating :- 4.6 / 5
Dr. Arati Rama Rao is a graduate of MS Ramaiah Medical College and has finished MD from Command Hospital in Bangalore. She has received the Diplomate of National Board in OB Gyn, New Delhi and the Membership of the Royal College of OB Gyn (MRCOG), UK. Dr. Arati Rao is one of the few specialists in the united states to have acquired schooling from two global leaders of their respective fields of drugs. In addition to being trained beneath the expert tutelage of Padmashri Dr. Kamini Rao in all factors of reproductive medication, she has spent several years in London, at Kings College Hospital, schooling below the world-famed Professor Kypros Nicolaides, in Fetal Medicine and Obstetric Ultrasound. Following this, she labored on Harley Street in London for several years before returning to Bangalore in 2009. Dr. Arati Rama Rao is a reputed Gynecologist and Infertility Specialist in Bangalore. The services provided by means of her are Infertility Evaluation and Treatment, Gyne Laparoscopy, High-Risk Pregnancy Care, Intrauterine Insemination(IUI), In Vitro Fertilisation(IVF) and Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery. She completed her commencement in MBBS from Ramaiah Hospital, in 1992 and went on to do MD in Obstetrics and Gynecology from Command Hospital, Bangalore in 1997.
She has over several years of scientific experience. Dr. Arati Rao is one of the few specialists in the country to have obtained training from two world leaders in their respective fields of medication. She skilled underneath the professional steerage of Padmashri Dr. Kamini Rao in all aspects of reproductive medicine. She additionally spent several years in London, training beneath the arena-renowned Professor Kypros Nicolaides, in Fetal Medicine and Obstetric Ultrasound. At Kings College Hospital. She attained her qualification in Diplomate of National Board in Obstetrics and Gynecology from New Delhi. She additionally holds the Membership of the Royal College of OB-Gyn (MRCOG), UK. And the National Academy of Medical Sciences which is extraordinarily valued in the industry.
Services:- IVF,IUI,Surrogacy
Location:- Whitefield, Bangalore
Rating :- 4.6 / 5
Dr Haritha Rao is one of the pleasant doctors inside the field of infertility. She has great information in Follicular Monitoring, Semen Analysis and Wash, IUI, Natural Cycle IVF, IVF, ICSI, Blastocyst Culture and Laser assisted hatching. She also makes a speciality of Oocyte (Egg) Donation, Embryo Donation, Embryo Cryopreservation, Gynaecological Endoscopy, Laparoscopy and Hysteroscopy. Andrology and Surgical Sperm Retrieval which include TESA, PESA, MESA, and TESE. Dr. Haritha Rao is talented in coping with crucial instances of infertility and which makes her one of the most respected names in Bangalore. She studied in elite establishments and finished her MBBS and MD with pinnacle ranking outcomes. She attained her MBBS degree from Mahadevappa Rampure Medical College, Gulbarga in 1997 and MS in Obstetrics & Gynaecology from M.S Ramaiah Medical College, Bangalore in 2003.
Services:- IVF,IUI,Surrogacy
Location:- Indira Nagar, Bangalore
Rating :- 4.5 / 5
If You Want to More Information Our Services and Treatment so Consult at This Number :- +91-8929020600
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