#Rubén Dario
petaltexturedskies · 6 months
She was there in the middle of the lake, surrounded by the awestruck swans, a nymph, a real nymph, submerging her skin like roses in the crystalline waters. Her hips like a flower shrouded by foam seemed to turn golden, bathed by the light coming through the leaves. Oh! I saw lilies, roses, snow, gold...
Rubén Dario, from "The Nymph"
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ronnydeschepper · 9 months
Juan Ramon Jiménez (1881-1958)
Het is vandaag 65 jaar geleden dat de Spaanse Nobelprijswinnaar Juan Ramon Jiménez is overleden. Continue reading Untitled
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raiquen · 2 months
Book Review: Azul..., Cuentos and Poemas en prosa, Rubén Darío
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My Review in a Tweet:
Such a small book, and yet filled with wonders, rich in intertextuality that I doubt exists nowadays: it shines in his works a dedication to cultivate his knowledge of the contemporary literature and all that came before that I wish I could emulate.
My Full Review:
These poems and short stories decorate this books like the things that fills the house of someone who traveled.
And yet, at the moment of the first draft of the book and according to his friend Juan Valera, Ruben Darío had never left Nicaragua, his writing has elements of a hundred other poets and styles while making them their own, from places he never visited and times he never lived in.
Despite that, the collection of intrincancies and small tokens of the world make this book a very interesting but complex reading: you soon begin to feel too ignorant to really appreciate it, but I decided to view it as pulling the curtain to peek at a world that I felt was lost, one of true dedication to the culture and art as an inmportant facet of human experience.
Even more so today than ever before, when there seems to be an active anti-intellectualism stance when contemplating art, it is important to push ourselves to go beyond what we can fuly comprehend, to dive deeper into genres and authors that we deem too old or too far removed from our daily experience.
In terms of the quality of the writing, I can't really judge it, but I did enjoy it. Some passages of the poems struck me as particularly beautiful or mordant, depending on the tone. Some short stories were inscrutable, others were so simple and brilliant.
I'll add some fragments that I really liked, all from different poems or short stories. If I tried to translate them myself, I wouldn't do them justice, so I'll leave them in Spanish, as a small treasure for those followers that speak it, or a small challenge for those who wish to translate them by themselves.
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Again, I won't score poetry, not even that in prose.
My Other 2024 Readings.
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ibebizi · 5 months
Un día como hoy de 1970, muere el poeta, escritor, periodista, médico y diplomático costarricense Rubén Darío Contreras, hijo del poeta Rubén Darío y la escritora Rafaela Contreras.
Me puse a meditar sobre lo que pudiera hacerse en este caso. Ya he dicho que aunque en forma apenas empírica conozco bastante bien los efectos mortíferos que suele acarrear la ingestión de esa terrible bebida…
(Del libro El Sapo de Oro)
Rubén Álvaro Darío Contreras, nació el 11 de noviembre de 1891 en San José, Costa Rica, hijo del poeta Rubén Darío y la escritora Rafaela Contreras, quien murió cuando Darío Contreras tenía un año de nacido, quedando al cuidado de su tía Julia Contreras y su esposo, el banquero, Ricardo Trigueros.
Rubén estudió la primaria en el Colegio Centroamericano, posteriormente comenzó su secundaria en el St. Edmund's Collage de Ware y en 1908 ingresa a la Universidad de Cambridge, continuando sus estudios en Barcelona, España.
En noviembre de 1909, se entera de que el ilustre poeta Rubén Darío es su verdadero padre, a quien siempre miró como un tío, a pesar de todo, Rubén Jr. ansiaba conocerlo.
En 1910 inicia sus estudios de medicina en la Universidad de Glasgow en Escocia, en sus ratos libres leía las cartas y libros de su padre, tres años después regresó a España, donde por fin se dio el día en que conoció a su progenitor, quien se encontraba hospedado en el Hotel Colón, en Madrid. Fue un encuentro inolvidable, padre e hijo se abrazaron y entre lágrimas y sonrisas comenzaron a vivir momentos felices.
Contreras se dio cuenta del mal estado de salud del poeta, todo debido a sus problemas con el alcohol. Juntos viajaron a Barcelona, y en 1913 llegaron a París, Francia, donde conoce a Francisca Sánchez y a su hermano menor Rubén Darío Sánchez "Güicho", con el que tuvo una buena relación.
Mientras vivía con su padre, este le obsequió la foto con su traje diplomático, pero después de un mes de estar con ellos, Rubén Jr. se traslada a Alemania para continuar sus estudios de medicina en la Universidad de Heidelberg, obteniendo su título de médico en 1915, detalla Edelberto Torres en su libro "La dramática vida de Rubén Darío".
Para ese entonces ,su padre se encontraba en Nueva York, Estados Unidos, donde enfermó de pulmonía, este lo mandó a llamar, el cual acudió y cuidó de él. Darío Jr. siempre estuvo pendiente e insistiéndole que ya no ingiriera licor.
En el mes de abril, parten juntos a Guatemala, llegando el día 20, estos se hospedan en el Hotel Imperial, Rubén está cada vez enfermo, meses después, Rubén Jr. viaja con su padre y Rosario Murillo rumbo a Nicaragua, llegando el 26 de noviembre, deja a su padre con Murillo y regresa a Barcelona, España.
A inicios de 1916 se va a Argentina por recomendación de su padre, durante su viaje conoció a la argentina Eloisa Basualdo Vignolo, con quien inició una relación.
El 6 de febrero de 1916 muere su padre de 49 años, poco después se compromete con Eloisa y meses después regresa a Nicaragua y visita a Rosario Murillo, quien le brindó una grata bienvenida. Darío Contreras siempre la consideró como una segunda madre.
Estando en Argentina empieza a laborar en el diario La Nación, donde su padre fue corresponsal, el 24 de enero de 1918, contrae matrimonio con Eloisa, por la mañana civil y en la tarde en la Iglesia de la Victoria.
El 11 de noviembre de 1918, nace su hija Stella Teresa, (en honor a su madre Rafaela), el 7 de junio de 1920, Eloísa Virginia y en mayo de 1922, Rubén Darío Basualdo.
Rubén Jr. obtuvo la nacionalidad nicaragüense, y gracias a las recomendaciones de Rosario Murillo, obtuvo el cargo de Cónsul de Nicaragua en Buenos Aires, Argentina, también se especializó en Neurología en la Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires.
En 1938 es nombrado Ministro Residente en Argentina, en 1940 Ministro Plenipotenciario de Nicaragua en Argentina y en 1944 publica la obra "Wakonda".
Rubén siguió ejerciendo importantes cargos diplomáticos, fue nombrado Embajador de Nicaragua en Chile en 1948, año en que deja su trabajo en el diario La Nación y publica "Cerebros y Corazones".
El 22 de octubre de 1948, muere su hermano Rubén Darío Sánchez, a causa de tuberculosis en México. Contreras tuvo una excelente relación con su hermano.
En 1950 publica "La amargura de la Patagonia", en 1952 es nombrado Embajador de Nicaragua en Gran Bretaña, donde publica el libro "En busca del alba" y el 23 de junio de 1953, muere Rosario Murillo, quien le dejó el crucifijo de plata que fuera de su padre.
El 27 de agosto de 1954, su hijo menor Rubén Ricardo Darío, contrajo matrimonio con María Martha Elena Lacayo Rosales.
En 1958 publica la novela "El Manto de Ñangasasú", ese año se reúne con Guy Salisbury-Jones, Mariscal del Cuerpo Diplomático, en compañía de su hijo Rubén Darío Basualdo, quien fungía como consejero.
En 1962 publica El Sapo de Oro. El 7 de junio de 1969, recibe un golpe muy duro, su esposa Eloisa muere a los 81 años, en ese año publica la obra ¡Argentina llega tu hora!
Rubén Darío Contreras murió el 9 de enero de 1970, a causa de un infarto, a pocas horas de haber contraído matrimonio por segunda vez, tenía 78 años de edad.
Al igual que su padre, murió con el crucifijo sobre su pecho, fue sepultado en el Cementerio La Recolecta de Buenos Aires el día 11.
En ese mismo año fallecieron los escritores: Salvador Reyes, Erle Stanley Gardner, Julio Torri, Giuseppe Ungaretti, Edward Morgan Forster, Leopoldo Marechal, Augusto Meyer, John Dos Passos y Jan Syrovy.
— Harley Ezel
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pearl-tarotist · 6 months
☽˚。How will your future spouse know you're their special person? ☽˚。⋆.
As the second PAC of my collection "cliche moments with your fs", this tarot reading tries to describe the moment where your FS knows you are the person they want to spend their life with.
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For some of you, your fs will realize you are their special person when they start thinking of you as family. It will happen gradually and naturally, little by little you have conquered a piece of their brain and heart.
A main scenario that appears on the cards is that they will realise you are their person when they keep picturing you as the mother of their children. They suddenly thought of it and they were like "God, Y/N is just…so perfect and good", with adoration in their eyes. They believe you are naturally nurturing and warm. From that day on, they will want to deepen their relationship with you and take care of you even more. It's a serious decision that they make, a realisation and a promise at the same time. It's possible that one day they have forgotten their jacket and you will go and get them for them or that they have hurt themselves with a wall or something and you kiss their hand and tell them it's okay. The fact that you keep taking care of them makes their heart beat faster and makes their chest warm. And at the same it makes them get protective and selfish about you because "no one deserves the attention of someone as pure and good as you". They truly see you as a wish fulfilment. Another scenario I got was a woman laughing at a beach and their partner being absolute smitten by said woman.
Channelled messages:
Russian, english, french, love at first sight, soft kisses, hand holding, red clothes, office work, 20s, office chairs, black and brown hair, Lana del Rey, fairy tales and authors (books).
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This scenario starts with a fs that's apathetic, hard working, cold (lacking warm) and that's not interested in love. Do not get me wrong because they are not bad people, it's just that they are a candle that has been extinguished for a long time and now warmness does not come easily to them. With the king of swords, they are lost in their work and their logical sense, they are a soul focused on getting their business at the right position. They see love as something distant and that they cannot have, even when they just have to extent their hand and take that "cup full of love" that's presented to them. I think they do not know how to take those steps as no one has taught them. Kind of making themselves a victim there. But, once you are in their life, you could be a really funny person and a positive presence that brightens their day. One specific scenario is that they could not have laughed in a long time and when they are speaking to you, you make them laugh... and they suddenly realize that they just smile around you and that their checks had been deprived of laugh until you arrived. It's as if their world was black and white until you came along. I'm sure that they did not even realize their romantic feelings for you at the time but they knew that they wanted you in their life, for sure. They will become quite interested in your privat life and always wait to see you. I am sensing an office love in this pile with a grumpy co-worker but it's a general reading so just take this if resonates.
Channelled messages:
Meeting in bright rooms, a place with windows, Excel and numbers, Rome and Italy, vintage clothing, Crimson Peak (movie), The hunger games (book), Azul by Rubén Dario, Studio Ghibli, Romanticism.
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The first card that you got was the lovers so they realize you are their person, probably, the first time they see you, and as typical as it sounds, you both are struck by cupid's arrows. (This is prominent for those who have blond hair) They will like your hair and smile, they will randomly think that your hands are soft and a bit cold. They will think about your smile for days on and if you were wearing thigh clothing...well, let's say you have a nice chest. I think you both were introduced by an acquaintance, an old (in thier 40s-50s) man or woman in the street or at your work. However, it's not that easy because your future spouse is extremely nervous around you, it's that new crush energy where they are smitten by you. I think they have trust issues and they had their heart broken in the past and they keep trying to surpass all of those paralizing feeling while meeting and getting to know you better without giving you any signal that they are extremely interested. They will put effort to beat their own fears for a chance to meet you, I think their friends will support them while they get to know you.
Channelled messages:
Romeo and Juliet, yellow, the moon, orchids, Ireland, the police, 10 things I hate about you, the sea, Greece, bulls and butterflies.
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homomenhommes · 5 months
based on: The White Crane Institute's 'Gay Wisdom', Gay Birthdays, Gay For Today, Famous GLBT, glbt-Gay Encylopedia, Today in Gay History, Wikipedia, and more … January 18
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1726 – Frederick Heinrich Louis, more commonly known as Prince Henry of Prussia was born in Berlin (d.1802). He also served as a general and statesman, and, in 1786, was suggested as a candidate for a monarch for the United States, but before he could make up his mind on the offer, the U.S. had opted to be a Republic.
The younger brother of King Frederick II of Prussia, Henry's conflicts with "Frederick the Great" are almost legendary.
In 1752 Henry married Princess Wilhelmina of Hesse-Kassel in Charlottenburg, but they had no children. Henry lived in Rheinsberg after receiving it as a gift from his brother. Despite the marriage, he scarcely concealed his passion for other men and developed intimate friendships with the actor Blainville and the French emigre Count La Roche-Aymon. One favourite, Major Kaphengst, exploited the prince's interest in him to lead a dissipated, wasteful life on an estate not far from Rheinsberg.
Henry successfully led Prussian armies as a general during the Seven Years' War (1756-1763), in which he never lost a battle. After the Prussian Army's initial success against one wing of the joint Russian and Austrian Armies in the Battle of Kunersdorf, Henry urged his brother Frederick to stop attacking. The king, who had already sent a message of victory to Berlin, pressed the attack. The day ended with a virtually destroyed Prussian army, a virtually defenseless Kingdom of Prussia, and a complete victory by the Russo-Austrian force. Afterwards, Henry reorganized the routed Prussian forces. Frederick came to rely on his brother as commander of the Prussian forces in the east, Frederick's strategic flank. Henry later won his most famous victory at Freiberg in 1762.
After the Seven Years' War, Henry worked as a shrewd diplomat who helped plan the First Partition of Poland through trips to Stockholm and St. Petersburg. In the 1780s he made two diplomatic trips to France. He was a friend of Jean-Louis Favier.
Henry attempted to secure a principality for himself and twice tried to become King of Poland, but was opposed by a displeased Frederick. The king frustrated Henry's attempt to become ruler of a kingdom Catherine II of Russia planned to create in Wallachia.
In 1786 either Nathaniel Gorham, then President of the Continental Congress, or Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben, the Prussian general who served in the Continental Army, suggested to Alexander Hamilton that Henry should become President or King of the United States, but the offer was revoked before the prince could make a reply.
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1867 – Félix Rubén García Sarmiento (d.1916), known as Rubén Darío, was a Nicaraguan poet who initiated the Spanish-American literary movement known as modernismo (modernism) that flourished at the end of the 19th century. Darío has had a great and lasting influence on 20th-century Spanish literature and journalism. He has been praised as the "Prince of Castilian Letters" and undisputed father of the modernismo literary movement.In November, 2012, the University of Arizona acquired a privately-held collection of manuscripts and letters created by Dario. This distinctive collection of archival material contained documents pertaining to Darío's life and work as a poet, journalist and diplomat. Several of the manuscripts are signed transcripts, written in Darío's hand, of some of his most important works including "Coloquio de los Centauros," two versions of "Los motivos del lobo" and "Canto épico a las glorias de Chile," a manuscript of 76 pages, which was one of Darío's first long poems.
The documents have already begun to alter the scholarship on Darío. The peer-reviewed "Bulletin of Spanish Studies," a prestigious academic journal from the United Kingdom, has published an article by Professor Alberto Acereda in its August 2012 issue based on letters found in ASU's collection. The article, "'Nuestro más profundo y sublime secreto': Los amores transgresores entre Rubén Darío y Amado Nervo," ("Our Most Profound and Sublime Secret: the Transgressive Love of Ruben Dario and Amado Nervo") reveals for the first time a secret romantic relationship between Darío and famed Mexican poet Amado Nervo (1870-1919) the Mexican Ambassador to Argentina and Uruguay, journalist, poet, and educator. Acereda said,"The exact nature of this relationship is evidenced in a series of intimate letters exchanged between the two poets and they help us to better understand the respective works of these modernist authors, as well as to establish a re-reading of certain texts."
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1904 – Cary Grant, born Archibald Alexander Leach, (d.1986), was an English actor who later took U.S. citizenship. Known for his transatlantic accent, debonair demeanor and "dashing good looks", Grant is considered one of classic Hollywood's definitive leading men. His good looks, charisma, and ambiguous sexuality enchanted women and men alike. As the star-struck comedian Steve Lawrence once said, "When Cary Grant walked into a room, not only did the women primp, the men straightened their ties."
Born Archibald Alexander Leach on January 18, 1904, near Bristol, England, Grant began his career in vaudeville. In 1932 he signed with Paramount and moved to Hollywood, where he developed the debonair persona that made him famous. After appearing in half a dozen films, his big break came when the sultry Mae West handpicked him to star with her in She Done Him Wrong (1933). Based on West's Broadway hit Diamond Lil, the film made Grant a bankable star.
Grant's best-known films include The Awful Truth (1937), Bringing Up Baby (1938), Gunga Din (1939), The Philadelphia Story (1940), His Girl Friday (1940), Arsenic and Old Lace (1944), Notorious (1946), To Catch A Thief (1955), An Affair to Remember (1957), North by Northwest (1959) and Charade (1963).
Grant was married five times. But there were well-founded rumours that he was bisexual or gay. Homosexual screenwriter Arthur Laurents wrote that Grant "told me he threw pebbles at my window one night but was luckless". Grant allegedly was involved with costume designer Orry-Kelly when he first moved to Manhattan, and lived with Randolph Scott off and on for twelve years.
Richard Blackwell wrote that Grant and Scott were "deeply, madly in love", and alleged eyewitness accounts of their physical affection have been published. Alexander D'Arcy, who appeared with Grant in The Awful Truth, said he knew that Grant and Scott "lived together as a gay couple", adding: "I think Cary knew that people were saying things about him. I don't think he tried to hide it." The two men frequently accompanied each other to parties and premieres and were unconcerned when photographs of them cozily preparing dinner together at home were published in fan magazines. Biographer Roy Moseley claims that Grant and Scott were seen kissing in a public carpark outside a social function both attended in the 1960s. William J. Mann's book Behind the Screen: How Gays and Lesbians Shaped Hollywood, 1910-1969 recounts how photographer Jerome Zerbe spent "three Gay months" in the movie colony taking many photographs of Grant and Scott, "attesting to their involvement in the Gay scene." Zerbe says that he often stayed with the two actors, "finding them both warm, charming, and happy."
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Cary Grant (R) with Randolph Scott
For more pictures and backround of this 1930s 'bromance' see Cary Grant and Randolph Scott: A Love Story.
Barbara Harris, Grant's widow, has disputed that there was a relationship with Scott. When Chevy Chase joked about Grant being gay in a television interview Grant sued him for slander; they settled out of court. However, Grant did admit in an interview that his first two wives had accused him of being homosexual. Betsy Drake commented: "Why would I believe that Cary was homosexual when we were busy fucking? He lived 43 years before he met me. I don't know what he did. Maybe he was bisexual."
Although most of his career was spent playing a static archetype, Grant was unafraid to take risks, professionally or privately. He is credited with using the word "gay" for the first time in a homosexual context on screen. In Bringing Up Baby (1938), Grant plays a shy paleontologist against Katharine Hepburn's spoiled New York heiress. During one scene, Grant appears in a frilly pink dressing gown and to incredulous observers delivers his famous line "because I just went gay all of a sudden."
Knowing his audience did not want to see him age, Grant retired from films in the 1960s, secure as one of Hollywood's brightest stars. He died on November 29, 1986.
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1913 – Danny Kaye, born David Daniel Kaminsky, (d.1987) was a celebrated American actor, singer, dancer, and comedian. His best known performances featured physical comedy, idiosyncratic pantomimes, and rapid-fire nonsense songs.
Kaye starred in 17 movies, notably The Kid from Brooklyn (1946), The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (1947), The Inspector General (1949), Hans Christian Andersen (1952), and — perhaps his most accomplished performance — The Court Jester (1956). His films were extremely popular, especially his bravura performances of patter songs and children's favorites such as The Inch Worm and The Ugly Duckling. He was the first ambassador-at-large of UNICEF and received the French Legion of Honor in 1986 for his many years of work with the organization.
Kaye and his wife, Sylvia Fine, both grew up in Brooklyn, living only a few blocks apart, but they did not meet until they were both working on an off-Broadway show in 1939. They were married on January 3, 1940.
During World War II, the Federal Bureau of Investigation investigated rumors that Kaye dodged the draft by manufacturing a medical condition to gain 4-F status and exemption from military service. FBI files show he was also under investigation for supposed links with Communist groups. The allegations were never substantiated, and he was never charged with any associated crime.
After Kaye and his wife became estranged, he was allegedly involved with a succession of women, though he and Fine never divorced. The best-known of these women was actress Eve Arden.
There are persistent rumors that Kaye was either homosexual or bisexual, and some sources claim that Kaye and Laurence Olivier had a ten-year relationship in the 1950s while Olivier was still married to Vivien Leigh. A biography of Leigh states that the alleged relationship caused her to have a breakdown. The alleged relationship has been denied by Olivier's official biographer, Terry Coleman. Joan Plowright, Olivier's widow, has dealt with the matter in different ways on different occasions: she deflected the question (but alluded to Olivier's "demons") in a BBC interview. However, in her memoirs Plowright denies that there had been an affair between the two men. Producer Perry Lafferty reported: "People would ask me, 'Is he gay? Is he gay?' I never saw anything to substantiate that in all the time I was with him." Kaye's final girlfriend, Marlene Sorosky, reported that he told her, "I've never had a homosexual experience in my life. I've never had any kind of gay relationship. I've had opportunities, but I never did anything about them."
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1973 – The Chilean journalist Juan Manuel Astorga was born today. Astorga is a major media personality having hosted radio, television and cable shows in his long and storied career. In 2008, Astorga gave an interview to Caras magazine, in which he discussed his homosexuality .
He chose to disclose his sexuality before he was outed by an attorney who was a member of the Fascist-connected Catholic order Opus Dei. The attorney attempted to extort money from Astorga by threatening to out him. Astorga beat him to the punch. The Movement for Homosexual Integration and Liberation of Chile supported Astorga and condemned this kind of blackmail.
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1986 – Eugene Lee Yang is an American filmmaker, actor, and internet celebrity, best known for his work with BuzzFeed (2013–2018) and The Try Guys (2014–present). Yang is also known for his work with various human rights and LGBT advocacy charities such as The Trevor Project.
Yang, the only son of Korean immigrants Min-Young and Jae Yang, was born and raised in Pflugerville, Texas. He is the middle child of two sisters. Growing up in Pflugerville, Yang's family was one of the few Asian Americans in their community. He struggled with body image issues and low self-esteem as, in his own words, no one looked like him, and suffered bullying due to his appearance.
At school, he engaged in artistic activities including visual arts, illustration, theater, choir, and dance. However, a seventh-grade teacher recommended that he should consider studying filmmaking. He later went to the University of Southern California and, during his studies, had written and directed six short films discussing wide-ranging social and political topics, including mental health care, gay marriage, and school shootings. He graduated with a B.A. in cinema production degree in 2008. On June 15, 2019, Yang came out as gay in a video titled "I'm Gay" which he wrote, directed, and choreographed with the song "A Moment Apart" by Odesza.
In 2013, he started working for the video branch of the internet media company, BuzzFeed, at the recommendation of a colleague who saw his potential in creating short format videos. He was given free control on experimental video productions and exploring new modes of storytelling.Reaction to some of his early works was positive particularly on their distinct candor and reliability, which led to more provocative sketches such as
The Try Guys, which was established in Buzzfeed in 2014, together with co-stars Ned Fulmer, Keith Habersberger, and Zach Kornfeld. The show is a mix of social commentary and humor depicting scenarios such as men going through labor pains and prostate cancer check at a doctor's office. The cast initially were hesitant about stepping out from behind the camera as they had limited acting experience, but they continued producing videos for the show after receiving positive feedback.
Yang is the only openly gay member among the cast of The Try Guys, which also produced LGBTQ-themed videos such as season 1 episode 3 The Try Guys Try Drag for the First Time. On October 31, 2018, he published the video, My Dad’s First Drag Show (Featuring Kim Chi), where he adopted a similar approach into exploring drag culture by inviting his father and stepmother to a drag show.
He also executively produced and hosted Buzzfeed's Queer Prom five-part video series that documented the journey of eight high school seniors who attended the company's first LGBTQ-themed prom together with other students.
On October 11, 2018, commemorated as the 30th year of National Coming Out Day, he took over the website of the advocacy group Human Rights Campaign, publicly sharing his experience growing up as a young queer man and advocating for LGBTQ representation in the media. Furthermore, he collaborated with The Trevor Project, a non-profit LGBTQ suicide prevention organization, to raise awareness on the incidence of suicide among LGBTQ youth and in inviting volunteers in the video Eugene Volunteers at the Trevor Project, which was posted on December 3, 2018.
He referred to himself as queer and LGBT, however, on June 15, 2019, Yang explicitly came out as gay in a music video. Two days later, Yang released an accompanying video documenting the creation of the video, his feelings, and his thoughts surrounding his coming out process.
In 2019, he announced that he is in a relationship with Matthew McLean
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2009 – On this date the Right Reverend Gene Robinson, the bishop of New Hampshire, and the first openly gay bishop of any denomination opened the inaugural festivities of Barack Obama's presidency when he gave the opening prayer at the Lincoln Monument. HBO, which had paid for exclusive rights to the event did not broadcast Bishop Robinson's prayer. So those watching the event live or later in replay would never have known it had occurred.
Curiously, National Public Radio chose not to air the prayer live either. There was no record of Bishop Robinson or his prayer in images placed on the sites of Getty Images, the New York Times and the Washington Post.
Very curious indeed. After some lame excuses HBO later aired a complete version of the afternoon's proceedings with Bishop Robinson's prayer included. No good excuse was ever given by the inaugural committee.
On an added note the Gay Men's Chorus of Washington also performed at the event but there was no announcement or caption of any sort to identify the group performing (perhaps to not upset any viewers out there).
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2010 – Undercover cops are working Dubai's chat rooms to bust gay men for trying to hookup online. The National reports that one 22 year old man is charged with prostitution, consensual homosexual sex, producing pornographic material, cross-dressing and insulting religion, while the second, an 18-year-old student, is facing prostitution charges. Homosexuality is illegal in the United Arab Emirates, and if found guilty both face a minimum of three and a maximum of 15 years in prison.
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Studio ACTE, Rubén Dario Kleimeer · CIRCULAR PAVILION
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luna-pink-blogpost · 2 years
"When a man truly loves, his passion penetrates everything and is capable of piercing the earth"
Rubén Dario…… Hercai
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amor-barato · 8 months
Che carregava consigo, ao ser aprisionado na Bolívia, três cadernos: um diário de guerra; um caderno de reflexões e um caderno verde em que tinha anotado, ao longo de anos, 69 poemas preferidos. Sua fama de grande leitor de literatura e poesia era muito bem conhecida por todos os companheiros combatentes. Quando Che assumia o grupo de vanguarda, todos já ficavam tensos porque alguém teria que carregar suas pesadas mochilas cheias de livros. À noite, ao redor da fogueira, enquanto outros dormiam, durante os poucos descansos, era comum encontrar Che perdido entre páginas, lendo incansavelmente. Chana, amiga campesina, dizia que Che, nesses momentos, “ficava caladinho, meio ido, com a cara muito suavizinha e como se estivesse em outro mundo”. Em vários outros momentos, Che falava nas rodas aos soldados e campesinos de Victor Hugo, Rubén Dario, Tagore, Neruda. Um jovem de catorze anos, chamado Acevedo, se surpreendeu ao fuçar os livros na mochila de Che: “Não havia Mao, nem Stalin, e sim o que eu menos esperava, ‘Um ianque na corte do Rei Arthur’”, livro do escritor norte-americano Mark Twain. Che não leu só os escritores sociais ou mais politizados, mas também se apropriou da leitura dos clássicos.
Mas qual seria o papel da poesia para as revolucionárias e para os revolucionários? Há, claro, uma função mais direta e mais reconhecida: instrumento de propaganda da luta e de denúncia da miséria capitalista. Mas há outra função, muito esquecida, e ainda mais importante: ser um instrumento para compreensão das contradições específicas que um militante revolucionário enfrenta, um instrumento para compreensão de si e do mundo, da luta que trava externa e internamente (pois, sim, o inimigo também é íntimo e pode colonizar nosso peito e coração).
O militante que luta para superar o capitalismo e construir uma nova sociedade enfrenta situações extraordinárias, desafios únicos em seu momento histórico. Por isso mesmo, sofre de alegrias, tristezas e angústias igualmente únicas na busca por se fazer um novo homem e uma nova mulher. Vivenciamos, ainda que de forma embrionária, novos valores, novos sentimentos, novos dilemas que demandam novas palavras, novos canais de expressão! Todo esse movimento subjetivo e singular precisa vir à tona, tornar-se palavra comum, imagem compartilhada, símbolo e questionamento coletivo, permitindo a construção da identidade do ser revolucionário.
Jeff Vasques
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angelgaona12 · 8 months
Literatura del modernismo de Perú
INICIA: Perú buscá separarse de la burguesía y su materialismo,por medio de un arte refinado y estetizante.
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Leónidas Yerovi (1881-1917),poeta y dramaturgo festivo,nacido en Lima.
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Enrique Bustamante (1883-1937),poeta limeño,uno de los más finos e intelectuales del Perú.
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Alberto Uretra(1885-1965),poeta y catedrático, autor de poemas y melancólico.
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En 1888,Rubén Dario pública su libro AZUL.Dario hace una tarea excepcional que consolida el modernismo como movimiento continental.
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En 1896 se edita prosas profanas,el libro de Dario que oficializa el modernismo en hispanoamérica.
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José Santos Chocano en 1906 público Alma América.Fue el máximo exponente.
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En 1914 en Europa vivían la euforia de el progreso conocida con el nombre de "BELLE EPOQUE".A inicios de la primera guerra mundial en los primeros años de el siglo.
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Angel Gaona de el curso 701
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somehow---here · 1 year
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Rubén Dario, Notte, frammento
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saturmsworld · 1 year
Para tu corazón
Fresa y melocotón
Esta es nuestra canción
Vamo' a decir adiós
A lo que alumbra el sol
Quiero quererte más
De lo que te quiero hoy...
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"Juventud divino tesoro, ya te vas para no volver... (Rubén Dario) "
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archgulo · 2 years
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Circular Pavilion by Studio ACTE, 2021 photos by Rubén Dario Kleimeer Rotterdam, the Netherlands
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cartas-huerfanas · 1 year
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Somos muchos los enfermos con un pájaro azul en el cerebro, y algunos quiénes permiten que alce el vuelo al cielo azul pronto y con desespero.
Azul, Rubén Dario (1888).
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gamboagarcia · 1 month
Gracias de antemano por sus comentarios Un día como hoy pero de 1867 nace el creador del Modernismo Hispanoamericano Rubén Dario Un día como hoy pero de 1867 nace en la localidad de Metapa, Nicaragua, el iniciador y máximo representante del Modernismo Hispanoamericano Félix Rubén García Sarmiento, conocido en el mundo literario, como Rubén Darío. Ciudad Juárez, Chih .- La administración municipal 2021-2024 que encabeza el Presidente Cruz Pérez Cuéllar recono... Sigue leyendo: https://www.adiario.mx/de-viaje/un-dia-como-hoy-pero-de-1867-nace-el-creador-del-modernismo-hispanoamericano-ruben-dario/?feed_id=154118&_unique_id=6635058864401
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¿Cómo puedo ver los próximos partidos del CB Málaga en la Liga ACB?
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¿Cómo puedo ver los próximos partidos del CB Málaga en la Liga ACB?
Calendario CB Málaga Liga ACB
El calendario del Club Baloncesto Málaga para la Liga ACB es una de las piezas clave para los aficionados que siguen de cerca al equipo. La Liga ACB es la máxima competición de baloncesto en España, y el CB Málaga es uno de los equipos con mayor historia y seguidores en el país.
Cada temporada, el calendario se presenta con gran expectación, ya que los aficionados están ansiosos por conocer las fechas de los partidos que tendrán lugar en el pabellón Martín Carpena. Los enfrentamientos contra los principales rivales, como el Real Madrid, el FC Barcelona o el Baskonia, son especialmente esperados por los seguidores del equipo malagueño.
Además, el calendario también incluye los encuentros contra los demás equipos de la Liga ACB, tanto en casa como fuera, lo que permite a los aficionados planificar sus visitas al pabellón y prepararse para animar al equipo en cada partido.
El CB Málaga ha logrado importantes éxitos a lo largo de su historia en la Liga ACB, incluyendo títulos de liga y participaciones destacadas en competiciones europeas. El calendario de la temporada actual ofrece a los aficionados la oportunidad de disfrutar del mejor baloncesto en directo y apoyar a su equipo en la búsqueda de nuevos triunfos.
En resumen, el calendario del CB Málaga en la Liga ACB es un elemento fundamental para los aficionados, que esperan con ilusión cada partido y sueñan con celebrar nuevas victorias y logros para su equipo favorito. ¡Vamos Málaga!
Próximos partidos CB Málaga
El CB Málaga es un equipo de baloncesto reconocido por su historia y tradición en la liga española. Los próximos partidos del CB Málaga prometen emoción y competitividad para todos los aficionados al baloncesto.
En los próximos encuentros, el CB Málaga se enfrentará a rivales de alta categoría, lo que sin duda pondrá a prueba la destreza y habilidades de sus jugadores. Los partidos se llevarán a cabo en el emblemático pabellón Martín Carpena, donde la afición malagueña se congregará para animar a su equipo.
Los seguidores del CB Málaga esperan con entusiasmo cada partido, ya que confían en el potencial de sus jugadores para lograr la victoria. Jugadores como Jaime Fernández, Rubén Guerrero y Dario Brizuela son piezas clave en el equipo y cuentan con el apoyo incondicional de la afición.
La lucha por los primeros puestos en la clasificación y la ambición de llegar lejos en la liga motivan al CB Málaga a esforzarse al máximo en cada partido. La pasión por el baloncesto se respira en cada encuentro, creando una atmósfera vibrante y emocionante para todos los presentes.
No te pierdas los próximos partidos del CB Málaga y disfruta del mejor baloncesto en vivo en el pabellón Martín Carpena. ¡Apoya a tu equipo favorito y vive la emoción del baloncesto de alto nivel!
Horarios partidos CB Málaga
El Club Baloncesto Málaga, también conocido como Unicaja, es uno de los equipos más emblemáticos de la Liga Endesa española. Los horarios de los partidos del CB Málaga son muy esperados por los aficionados, ya que cada encuentro promete emoción y espectáculo en la cancha.
Los partidos del CB Málaga se disputan en el Palacio de Deportes José María Martín Carpena, un recinto que vibra con la pasión de los seguidores del equipo. Las fechas y horarios de los partidos se anuncian con antelación, lo que permite a los aficionados planificar su asistencia y disfrutar de la intensidad del baloncesto en directo.
Tanto en la Liga Endesa como en competiciones europeas, el CB Málaga demuestra su calidad y competitividad en cada enfrentamiento. Los jugadores, con su talento y entrega en la cancha, hacen que cada partido sea una experiencia inolvidable para los seguidores del equipo.
Además, los horarios de los partidos del CB Málaga suelen atraer a una gran cantidad de espectadores, que llenan el Palacio de Deportes para animar a su equipo y vivir la emoción del baloncesto en vivo. La afición del CB Málaga es conocida por su pasión y fidelidad, creando un ambiente único en cada encuentro.
En resumen, los horarios de los partidos del CB Málaga son momentos que los aficionados esperan con entusiasmo, ya que representan la oportunidad de disfrutar del baloncesto de alto nivel y apoyar a su equipo favorito en cada jugada.
Fechas encuentros CB Málaga
Los encuentros de baloncesto son momentos emocionantes para los aficionados del CB Málaga, un equipo que ha dejado una marca indeleble en la historia de este deporte en España. Las fechas de los encuentros del CB Málaga son eventos muy esperados por los seguidores del equipo, que se congregan en el Martín Carpena para animar y apoyar a sus jugadores favoritos.
Cada temporada, el calendario de encuentros del CB Málaga se llena de emocionantes enfrentamientos contra otros equipos de la Liga Endesa. Desde los clásicos enfrentamientos locales hasta los desafíos contra equipos de renombre nacional e internacional, los partidos del CB Málaga ofrecen espectáculo y competición de primer nivel.
Además de los partidos de liga, el CB Málaga también participa en otras competiciones, como la EuroCup, donde se enfrenta a equipos de toda Europa en búsqueda del prestigioso título. Estos encuentros internacionales añaden un extra de emoción y rivalidad a la temporada del CB Málaga, atrayendo a aficionados de diferentes partes del mundo que siguen de cerca el desempeño del equipo.
Para los seguidores del CB Málaga, conocer las fechas de los encuentros es fundamental para no perderse ni un solo partido. Muchos aficionados planifican sus agendas en torno a estos eventos, reservando tiempo para disfrutar de la intensidad y la pasión que se vive en cada encuentro.
En resumen, las fechas de los encuentros del CB Málaga son momentos especiales que reúnen a la comunidad baloncestística en torno a su equipo favorito. Ya sea en el Martín Carpena o en cualquier otra cancha, el CB Málaga continúa emocionando a sus seguidores con su talento y determinación en cada partido.
Programación Liga ACB CB Málaga
El Club Baloncesto Málaga es uno de los equipos más reconocidos de la Liga ACB, la principal liga de baloncesto en España. Fundado en 1992, el equipo ha logrado importantes victorias a lo largo de su historia y ha contado con destacados jugadores en sus filas.
La programación de la Liga ACB es siempre un momento emocionante para los aficionados del baloncesto en Málaga. Los partidos que enfrentan al CB Málaga contra otros equipos de la liga son muy esperados y generan una gran expectación entre los seguidores del equipo.
Los aficionados al baloncesto en Málaga tienen la oportunidad de disfrutar de partidos emocionantes y de alta calidad gracias a la programación de la Liga ACB. Los encuentros en los que participa el CB Málaga son una oportunidad para ver en acción a jugadores talentosos y presenciar la intensidad y la emoción propias de este deporte.
Los partidos en los que participa el CB Málaga suelen atraer a una gran cantidad de espectadores, que llenan el pabellón para animar a su equipo y disfrutar de la emoción del baloncesto de élite. La programación de la Liga ACB ofrece la oportunidad de vivir experiencias únicas y de apoyar al CB Málaga en su búsqueda de la victoria en cada partido.
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