#Russian theives
"Look, when a hot Russian thief breaks in and offers to feed you, smart people agree."
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Well then same to you (music ask) - a song in a different language you enjoy.
Murka - La Minor
Мурка - Ля-минор
Мурка, ты мой Мурёночек, Мурка, ты мой котёночек, Мурка, Маруся Климова, Прости любимого.
Murka, you are my Muryonochek, Murka, you are my kitten, Murka, Marusya Klimova, Forgive your loved one.
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_chanson  -> Themes ->
"The execution of a traitor to a criminal gang (the first such song is probably "Murka"). This is usually in the context of the Russian criminals' law, which punishes betrayal very harshly."
German Wiki - Murka
German Wiki - La Minor
Russian Wiki - Murka
Lyrics in Russian
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solardick · 3 days
Almost fell over today from a dizzy spell. I almost lost conscoousness. Ass rot, continues.
Why go to the hospital? Their just going to tell me to go fuckmyself lije everytime ive ever been. Why go to a ckinic? I wont see a foctor that soeaks my language. Why go to the dentist, gheir just going to sabotage my teeth or take advantage for money.
No one move too fast now. A testosterone ridden “You talking to me?!” Just keep walking. Talking to all of you. Conceded ass. Not caring that you’re all holding up traffic and people have to squeeze by while you just stand there. Trying to pick a fight to feed your “ego” while with your little children.
Rich with symbolism. The more i learn the more enamoured I become to russian culture. The slanted dash represents to two theives on either side of the christ man. The side slanting up is for the man who repented and the one slanting down is for the one who cursed him. And so went to hell while the other ascended to heaven.
Though with my own, here not ever taking any position. As i walk through the valley i see naught but sickness. Being an enemy doesn’t leave room. But as i walk through the fields i see naught but, presence. Beyond the man that speaks as crows. All the while being called black.
Psychological violence. By the sick side. Well known enough. The manure i sprout from.
Though do not be mistaken as by eating the crow. For they know not what they speak. Its just a clever spell to conceal the truth. As one who speaks as crows. And not one that is spoken to by them. There so much of this that it is difficult to know what is real from what is prapogandabh. As it is often soeke. To be coming from without by the very ones condemning the other. As russian’s spies is a common place heard voiced, concern of prejudice.
Never mind the world stage. Its all fallows a script. I am an enemy in strange lands. Being risen by voices that are condemned by others.
There are some interesting facts about italy and russia on the same time frame as the emergence of the tarot is questioned to be. The 14th century had a heavy traffic between the two countries which maybe may be assumed why they are all spies, while secretly shuffling a deck of cards culturally ingrained in mainf stream coach potatoism.
And it’ll probably turn out thst tarot is a Pictionary for the itslian 21 letter alphabet comprised of Russian imagery. From rhe interbredding of italian and russian royalty. A tool to aid in language learning and cultural understanding.the same method is used today for toddlers and interactive battery powered Pictionary games.
Raven came by to see me today. To say hello. I said hello back. Eye contact and everything. Though that was nice of it. If i had any grub i’d have offered it. Fun too cause i received an Odin article in my mailbox instead of at my front door.
Though, Unfortunately I’m not allowed being friendly with a girl, or trying to correct any immoral disposition towards me, without being punished. Well in most cases. Though its not like ive ever really had a converstaion with one before that wasnt old enough to be my mother. Or wasnt messing with me. Somits a touchy subject. Uhm. Eh raven. And the ones that do give off matting calls and sayign i have a boifriend. Instead i continiously get paired withother i cant communicate with or Druggies, drunks, criminals, or homo’s which 90% of them are spychologically or emotionally abusive. So i have nothing to say in person. All my communication jow is from god and its non vocal. Are they talkign to me? Ok, just nod. And agree witheverything. Let them speak for me. People have been doing that my whole life. Forcing their agendas on me. Uhm. Well, we’ll see what’s next. And lay off the negative. Even if that an impossibility. And if their messing with you don’t give back the same. Cause it’ll worst later.
Usualy the summer heat is bothersome. Not this year. Not so much. Maybe it’s because there wasn’t a winter this year. So there’s no adaptation to the consistent cold and the heat is tolerable.
Hot cold hot cold hot cold, tempering a sword. Diesnt seem like i gave room for the hermit card in my deck. Though, will have to play with positions and read through the dictionary. One finds alot of english words in russian. See if i cant find any more convenient letter card associations. Cause the tower card is obviously russian. Interreting considering it was the italians that built was is now considered the modern day Kremlin.
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chessinventor · 2 years
There are those bloggers who are shamelessly praising Putin who had a farsight to wage a long term war with the Western democracies so to destabilize the very states they survived on by restricting the food exports from the Black sea so that would bleed the Western democracies out. I don't quite understand how evil is the Western democracies when they have a rather high standard of living as compared to the Russians who are so poor that they have no choices but to join the war against Ukraine. It is usually the poor who loot the rich by robbery which is basically this war is really about. Russia economic is only 1 of 15 of South Korea, and akin to Nazi Germany which loot the wealths of the Jews as the fastest way to regrow the German post First World war economy.
Gathering from all the things I had seen Putin would expect an easy victory and quick surrender of Ukrainian troops. In Psychology one have the mechanism of self rationalization, when Russia state army is suffering a lot of lose in invading Ukraine then it would deemed irrational or face losing for Putin and his party to withdraw from Ukraine without any concessions from Ukraine. I suspected a lot of Russian soldiers are not rapists or terrorists or theives when they depart from Russia to the border of Ukraine in the first place, then they are put in the situation where there's a lot of opportunities to take advantage of the weak who had no weapons in their hand. Now Putin and his generals chose to put a blind eyes to any self-benefitting behavior that is taking the resources and women or girls from the other side to keep the morale in the invading army. Then it is effectively making the war personal and self-benefitting and now they supported the invasion. The same tendency also existed in US invasion of Iraq when anyone against the invasion is deemed unpatriotic as well as not supporting the American soldiers as an American. Thus Putin found a mechanism to perpetual the war that also perpetuates his own political career instead of the other way around. If the opposite is true that Putin is intended to defeat the corrupted Western democracies using whatever means possible, then the supporters are admitting Putin want the Russian army to commit war crimes against Ukraine civilians. Then there is no moral grounds for the invasion of Ukraine to begin with unless some people thought war crimes is beneficial to the world and humanity.
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i-like-castles · 2 years
TSC characters as things my friends have said part 5
Will planning Jordelia wedding, probably: All we have right now is a bouncy thing and some chips. Does that sound like a fun party to you?
Helen: Your ass is up against my cabinet and you fucking farted?
Alec knowing everything is CoFA: It spoke Spanish in the book, but Japanese in the musical. And in the play, it wore a sombrero.
Alastair: Maybe it was another red-head, Grace, they all look the same.
Kit, talking about Jem: He had, like, a crisis at age fifteen, saw a vision of the world ending, and then he became the first male nurse.
Dru: welcome to the Hip-hop extravaganza
Simon, learning about the philosophers: He said live laugh love and called it a day and now he’s in the declaration of independence?!
When Will and Tessa leave the Merry Theives at the institute for a day: Matthew: Someone tripped down the staircase, and the other person got high on beard glue. Also, we defaced Mona Lisa with googly eyes.
Mark: Polyamorous break-ups be like among us. They just vote people out.
Ty: I think I’m going to start an after school necromancy club, just because I was told not to.
Lucie, writing another villain for her book: And he’s Russian so that’s another layer. Nobody can stop a russian.
Zara and the Cohort: They’re dying, but they’re gay, so that’s okay.
Emma, at some point: I'm so hungry at this point i'm willing to eat sanitizer
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Attention to HxH fans on Instagram-
An account but the username of @chrollo.luciferx has been reposting art without credits, and blatantly is refusing to add them to their posts for no reason other than that they're lazy. Several accounts have been commenting credits on their posts, but guess what? They deleted all of them. They even restricted the accounts that were doing so- the next slides will be screenshots of mine and chrollo.luciferx's dms. Normally, on this account, we prefer to talk to the people reposting and explain to them how it's bad and what they can do to change it, even offering to help them, but this person went too far.
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I tried to explain to them what they were doing wrong, but they removed by ability to see the posts (they're still up on every other account so I took screenshots with my alt.) It became obvious that they were deleting comments so that they didn't have to go through and edit all their posts once I messaged the person who had been commenting credits.
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Missing comments. I confronted chrollo.luciferx again, and at the end of the conversation, they began cursing in Russian. (I do not speak Russian so my translations may be off.) However, roughly translated, they asked who this account is, are when we responded with 'a person who hates it when people repost art,' they began insulting us and saying slurs. Keep in mind the translation may be a bit off because I had to use Google Translate.
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It's clear that they aren't willing to listen, by losing their composure it's obvious that they know they're in the wrong but still aren't willing to go and change anything. At this point, the only option is to take their account down. I will be messaging the artists of some of the world they reposted, and submit multiple copyright claims. Report the account and the posts, for whatever reason since Instagram has a habit of not listening unless reports are spammed, and that happens to be the best option. Thank you for reading, and remember to always give credits.
Notes: This post is also on Instagram under @/genocidechrollo, our account dedicated to removing art theives and adding credits. It was added to Tumblr for both higher recognition and so that if the text was too small, it could be read here instead. Thank you.
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liberalsarecool · 5 years
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Republicans opinions/values are worthless.
They are no consequences within Republican Party for any bad behavior, criminal activity, or attempts at breaking the law.
You can cheat on your wife, conspire with Russians, never release your taxes, and give your theiving family security clearances after they failed multiple times and the GOP will look the other way.
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cityandking · 4 years
random question (and i feel like you may have mentioned it before) but does eniko speak any other languages in modern au? how about bran?
he does! I haven’t entirely settled on which ones, though. I figure he’s a native hungarian speaker because so much of his nomenclature/my inspiration for him is hungarian so it just seems right (tho tbh arabic or farsi would probably make more sense given his ethnicity, or russian even). I feel like the modern au equivalent of theives cant would be sign language so he probably knows a decent bit of ASL. and there’s a third language in there for flavor which is probably something classy and european. spanish or italian or something. german maybe?? idk. but he’s definitely multilingual. not middy-levels, of course, but he can hang)
bran was supposed to learn French in school and had a private tutor and everything and hated the language and hated the tutor so her French is super choppy and bad BUT to stick it to the tutor (who told her she was a lost cause and would never learn another language) she’s fluent in mandarin, which she picked because she heard it was the hardest language for native english speakers to learn
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eurazba · 5 years
All of my Trollhunters AUs
Well not all of them, but as many of them as I could find/remember
Below is a list of just about all of the Trollhunters Aus I’ve come up with in the past year or so. This only counts the Aus that are completely mine, there are a bunch that I also share with friends that I’ll add later.
I don’t really have a reason for this I just wanted to organize them, there are links for the one’s that I’ve produced content for and posted online but most of them I’ve only ever written down for myself or described on Discord. You’re welcome to send me asks about the AUs, even if it’s just “what is this AU?” Some of them have a lot of thought put into them, some of them are vague concepts.
List below the cut ‘cause there’s like 70+
-Celestial Beings (Sun!Toby)
-Strickdad (Heretic of Her Creation)
-Monty Crispy Au 
-Miraculous Trollhunting 
-Madoka Magica Au 
-Arranged Marriage AU 
-Assassin’s Mask AU 
-Bad Boy Good Man (Role Swap)
-Trollhunting is Magic 
-Jlaireby Soulmate Marks Au
-Jiminette Soulmates Au (Marinette and the Present Changelings)
-Wing Au 
-Cat Sanctuary Au
-Stuck in the middle with you (Jlaireby Neighbors)
-Russian Doll Au 
-The Conman’s Time Loop
-Redacted Toby Au 
-Stuck in Arcadia 
-Jlaireby Half Trolls 
-In a Heartbeat Au (Kindness is Reciprocal) 
-Fusion Au 
-Little Red Riding Hood Au
-Weretroll AU
-Chaotic That 70’s Show Au (Domestic Au???)
-Pokemon Trainers
-Binan AU
-Uncle Stricklander and Evil Stuart
-Bestfriend AU
-Alien Toby Zadra Apprentice
-Self-indulgent Joby Fic
-Stoby Resurrecting Soulmates Au
-Stoby Soulmates Names
-Last Man On Earth AU
-Atla Au
-Dumb Bob’s Burger’s AU
-Gregory Horror Show Au
-Freaky Friday Au
-Stoby Body Swap
-Joby Fake Dating AU
-Howl’s Moving Castle but Stupid (Stoby)
-Nightmare Before Christmas AU
-The Good Place AU
-Stoby Cat Locksmith
-Jeves Bolt AU
-Steven Trollhunting Universe
-SU Au (very messy)
-Jeves Double Trollhunters AU
-Spiderverse Au (With Th!Toby, Canon Jim, Th!Strickler, Th!Claire, and Book Jim)
-Mind Reader Toby Au
-Stoby Long Exposure AU
-Merlin has a Plan
-Horrible Bosses Au
-Cake Shop AU
-Flower Shop AU
-Cat Café Bookstore | Also this
-YouTube Cooking Channel
-Podcast Hell
-Jim Does it all again Speedrun
-Animal Sanctuary Au
-Secret Life of Walter Mitty Au
-Jlaireby Vampire Jlaire
-Spirited Away Au
-Tangled and the two Worst Theives in the Kingdom of Arcadia
-Chat Strickler MLB Au
-Soul Eater AU
-The Worlds End
-Lake Mermaid AU
-Jeveby King, Guard, and Gardener AU
-The Sun, The Moon, and the Immortal
-Hammer Curse 
-Pet AU
-Angor Rapunzel Caretaker
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ivors20 · 2 years
Harsh Theives (a Tanka)
Harsh Theives (a Tanka)
The harsh baltic windsWhistle through frozen bordersDestroying old treesAnd crushing dead Ukraine leaves Then departs as Russian thieves Ivor Steven (c) March 2022
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shieldsupportstaff · 7 years
Virtanen, Taina H. - Translator/Negotiator.
Taina Hilkka Virtanen, PhD. Born in 1984.  Translator/Negotiator. Born in Helsinki, Finland.  Dark brown skin, grey eyes, keeps her hair in short twists, tall and slender.  Favors slim fitting skirt suits with soft ruffled blouses in pastels.  First in her class, graduated with Masters in Psychology from the University of Tampere in Finland, a Masters in Linguistics and a PhD in Political Science from Oxford in England.  
The only child of a Finnish Ambassador, Taina has lived all over the world.  She does not know her father.  Her mother told her he was a fling while she was stationed in Jamaica, and she had never spoken to him again.  Uncharacteristically, Taina took her at her word and quit asking.  
In crowds, Taina remains quiet until her skills are needed, officially or unofficially.  But she watches and listens, taking in everything going on around her.  Long before she actually speaks to you, she already has your number.  There are a few exceptions to this:  Ethel is the main one.  Taina cannot get a read on Ethel no matter how hard she tries.  For this reason Ethel fascinates her.  
Taina had decided to follow in her mother's footsteps with a career in ambassadorial service, when she happened to be at the scene of a bank robbery in New York during a vacation.  Not only did she negotiate the release of the hostages, including herself, but she convinced the theives to turn themselves in.  This pinged hard on SHIELD's radar and Ethel recruited her.  
Taina frequently flies to hot spots around the world to negotiate the release of prisoners or prisoner exchanges, for information, or other goods.  She has disguised herself as a man to work in more hostile areas, and laid the helpless female schtick on in others.  She is a social chameleon and would appear as at home in a biker bar as she does in a fancy lounge on Fifth Avenue or in Paris.  
Taina was in the middle of complex negotiations for the release of several SHIELD agents from China when the news came of the Helicarriers fall.  The second they heard, one of the agents acting as her bodyguards drew a weapon on her and her other bodyguard.  Taina managed to talk him down long enough to grab the gun and knock him unconscious with it, before strangling him with a handy curtain cord in her hotel room.  
Then she and her remaining body guard packed minimal clothing into a briefcase and large purse, and walked out of the hotel room as if going sightseeing, saying her other guard was taken ill and not to disturb him.  The two of them made it to an extraction point and her pilot, who was nearby and thankfully not HYDRA picked them up and they flew back to DC citing an emergency call.  Taina feels bad about leaving those SHIELD agents in the hands of the Chinese, but with just three of them, she didn't feel they could get them out, or that there would be a guarantee that any of them weren't HYDRA.  
She did return several months later on a Stark Industries jet, apologizing for leaving in such a rush, and if the Chinese know she killed her bodyguard, they still haven't mentioned it.  After interviewing the SHIELD Agents China held, she allowed them to execute the four HYDRA plants they had, and took the others home.
Taina listens to Scandinavian Death Metal through noise-cancelling earbuds to relax.   She works out in the gym, and since joining SHIELD has taken several hours of hand to hand combat, knife and gun training.  She also enjoys ballroom dancing, and periodically borrows Anton from Gigi as an escort.  Taina would rather go with Gigi, but she's not sure if she wants to sleep with someone in the company.  
The HYDRA Agent in China was not the first person Taina has had to kill in the line of duty.  She is not thrilled about that facet of the job and tries not to, but some people cannot be reasoned with, and nazis are all of them.  
Currently, she works for Pepper, negotiating business deals and translating.  She admires Pepper greatly, not only for her business sense, but for her ability to still flind Tony lovable after everything he's put her through.  She and Pepper tend to cut a swathe through international meetings like Bilderberg.  
Taina speaks English, Finnish, French, Russian, German, Mandarin, Japanese, Vietnamese, Thai, Arabic and Hindi.  She reads ancient Greek, Latin and Sumerian.
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ghostsapling12-13 · 4 years
You want me to stop Russian raspberians from scorpion mailing or something, because it really doesn't do much, and the Russians get to feel like theives.
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art-full-dodger · 5 years
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ramrodd · 6 years
In your judgment, should an American company operating in a foreign country in which collusive price fixing is not illegal obey the U.S. laws against collusion? Why?
Doing business outside of the American Free Enterprise Zone is a step into Free Market economics. Our country innovated fixed price retail sales. Everything was haggling like the Cairo black markets in ancient manuscripts for everything.
Trump is using haggling skills he brings from American trade among theives which can be a life-threatening practice anywhere but outside the American Free Enterprise Zone.
Pax Romana was the first large scale Free Enterprise/Free Trade Zone. Free Trade in a Free Market Zone is characterized by a great deal of piracy, sea-borne hijacking just like the Somalia pirates fishing without nets in Captain Phillips starring Tom Hanks.
The kidnapping of Julius Caesar seems to have set a chain of thought more or less universially among all the contenders jousting for God Father of All God Fathers, which Julius won for his family. Augusta installed by tradition the anti-piracy coast guard mission to the Roman fleets . I think this is where crucifixion really got traction: the Romans crucified pirates at ports to announce the Free Enterprise ground rules of business. One of the first things that jumped out me in reading Ben Hur was that letters of credit were being employed in the Mediterranean. That is very advanced capitalism. Letters of credit are still a handy way to move money around for big projects across a lot of boarders. Letters of Credit defines Warton and Warton produces a military apparatchek with very similar entrepreneurial skill sets, majors/Lieutenants and lieutenant colonels/Commanders. James Bond was a commander, but his authorites seemed to be capped at the lieutenant commander strata. He would retire as a captain, perhaps even a flag-rank. Lawrence of Arabia was a major. He had enough status to move easily through the military bureaucracy with near perfect autonomy, but not a lot of swerving out of his lane. As major, he would have been issued a letter of credit from a lieutenant colonel who was the comptroller of the larger shop headed up by flag rank. A full colonel would be in there like John Kelly in a COS/XO status. He would be the banker and spare change for the office of the commanding officer. And the tombstone for all the letters of credit operating in the field in this command would reside in this office.
And the crucifixions said that the rule of law was present and correct: it was still very crude compared to, say, Whilshire Blvd or Amazon Prime, but Free Enterprise Zones, because the sort of crime that John Gotti, Al Capone and Don Corleone operated was systematically purged from the system, allowing for the sort of standardized and uniform retail sales we employ at the grocery store/711/dodega to get through the day. I picks my size and pays me money, No worries, Mon!
Jefferson’s commitment to global Free Enterprise/Free Trade Zones is immortalized in the Marine Hymn: Gaddafi died in a running gun fight outside of Tripoli. Not all that much has changed, but institutions like Lloyds of London have been established to enforce Free Enterrpise/Free Trade Zones against the constant encroachment of the elements of Free Market protocols.
Now, as I say, just going to Mexico and Canada takes you outside the America Free Enterprise. Free Trade Zone into Free Market protocols. Canada doesn’t have much black market, but Mexico, because of our stupid War on Drugs, is nearly overwhealmed by black market protocols in a John Gotti/Don Corleoane/G OP Deep State kind of way. America has a lot more black market than it needs and it began as a cancer growing around the Presidency that is captured in the Powell Memorandum of 1971 and became the law of the land with Bob Dole’s 1986 Tax Reforms which Trump repeated with his Tax Reforms of 2017. I don’t know what kind of disaster this has unleashed but things like Somalia pirates won’t be a problem after John Galt makes the sign of the dollar over the smoking ruins of everything we take for granted.
Including posting on Quara.
Reagan inherited what history will record the leading edge of the Pax Columbia set into motion by George Marshall set into motion in 1942 in anticipation of the economic disaters the looming war was going to create. FDR had begun to mobilize America as an agricultural-industrial complex with the New Deal not unlike Hitler’s social engineering but based on the aspirations of the Declaration of Indepence and the generosity of spirit embedded in the US Constitution. Then the war came along and Marshall knew from his years at VMI just how devastating war is on an economy, win, lose or draw plus he had the historical example of the failure of Reconstruction and by 1956, it was apparent that the Marshall Plan was going to win the Cold War and the combination of NATO and the United Nations, a Pax Columbia could be installed in a Peace Through Superior Kind of Way and, even though going off-shore to do business, it meant entering a Free Market Zone, some of that Free Market quality was cultural, like doing business in Rome is languid and Madrid is the brillian gesture and Moscow a sort of comforting paranoia of state surveillance because the Russian mafia is so Tombstone Territory.
So, you got to play the game and pay respect as is the local custom and that’s where it gets tricky. In Russia, there is a tradition of “blat”, which is literally the sound mone makes hitting the palm in a bribe. Or housewives demanding the paycheck on Friday “Show me the money!”: you slap the back of one hand into the palm of the other “Show me (blat, blat, blat) the (blat) MONEY! (blat, blat, etc). The Soviet Union couldn’t have worked at all without this very Free Market institution, a sort of stylized hiway robbery as in “I’m Donald. I’ll be your mugger to night”. Some niggardly Americans consider tipping to fall into that catagory, but you’re just cheap. “Blat” is really the best demonstration of the folly of Marxism, but it had it’s roots in the top-down free market behaviors of the Czars.
And there’s stuff like that in all cultures that seems Free Market to American businessmen who are used to Free Enerprise. The thing is that Free Enterprise is breaking down all over the globe because of 37 years of Reaganomics, the Somalia pirates being just one symptom. The Tory Socialism of Reaganomics is the economic time bomb John Galt began to wire into the economy with William F. Buckley’s Sharon Statement in 1960, then the Powell Memo in 1971, then Bob Dole’s 1986 Tax Reform and Trump’s 2017 Tax Reform. Blowing up globalism is blowing up the Monroe Doctrine to finance the Koch brother’s tax subsidies.
Following the laws of American Free Enterprise off-shore was made possible by the Marshall Plan doing business off-shore in an American best practices kind of way. The Deomocratic Socialism of Ford’s “living wage” policies and the New Deal from 1933 onward provided the Demand-Side economics that is the actual engine of American constitutional capitalism and not Supply-side command economics like Tory Socialism and Soviet Marxism.
American retail sales is based on price fixing. That’s what Trump’s tarriff wars are all about. There is a harmonic to tarriffs that he inherited that he is disrupting. Until I found out that it was Clinton’s analytics that shaped his design of his campaign in October and not his intuitive insights he was developing from rating, I though he knew what he was doing.
He doesn’t. The question is likely to be moot before 2020, if not Thanksgiving.
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