losttranslator · 8 months
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j'aime trop le détail de léodagan qui donne le bras à séli après l'avoir tellement fait chier qu'elle se lève et retourne au camp avec lui. la dépendance affective, ça touche aussi les ours mal léchés sanguinaires :D
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dagonet · 4 months
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Kaamelott, Livre III, Cryda de Tintagel
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ismisevy · 1 year
I'm having a little too much fun with these
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moijedismerde · 4 months
Par pitié j’ai besoin d’une fic Leodagan/Séli. Ça devient vitale.
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jananabananawithnopeel · 11 months
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NSFW Kaamelott Art - Chapitre 10 : Léodagan/Séli (un cadeau pour @cheryllollst <3)
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laudys83 · 1 year
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Pour les Lyonnais.es
Via le compte d’Alexis Henon
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sloubs · 2 years
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La Soupe Picte
(je sais pas si tu te souviens @pia-writes-things mais tu m'avais parlé d'une trope soupe avec arthur et guenièvre une fois) (bah voilà)
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kaantt · 1 year
Kaamelott incorrect quotes:
Yvain : *starts screaming at 3am*
Séli : *half asleep* Your turn.
Léodagan : Ugh, fine.
Léodagan : *starts screaming*
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"Je dors avec ma mère maintenant toutes les nuits en Carmélide... Parce que dès que je ferme les yeux je vois tout le sang qui vous manque..."
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diesiraekaa · 6 months
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◼️ La citation du lundi ◼️
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Listen, I'm not trying to blame Leodagan and Seli for anything, like I love them both very much, but they're also very sitcom-y? Like they're incredibly functional and they've both got this strange respect for each other, which is great, but its very easy to miss and they come off as a very sitcom kind of couple? Like they're basically the "God I hate my wife she keeps nagging me" and "God my husband's awful why am I putting up with his garbage" pair you see in older TV shows.
And I can't help but think about how Guenievre and Yvain would've interpreted that as children, seeing their parents argue and bicker all the time, because how would that have affected the relationships that their children have? Would Guenievre have left Arthur for Lancelot earlier? Because I don't think she has self worth issues, and we know she's not the kind of person to stay in a relationship if she knows the other person doesn't care (as we see from her leaving arthur at the end of book 3) so that leads me to conclude that she stayed with him because she thought that people were supposed to be mean to each other when they cared.
"But dude," you say, "She's supposed to be a little dumb, that's obviously why she stayed with Arthur even though he ignored her in favor of his mistresses and never treated her like an equal." But I disagree! She's naive but she's not dumb? (at least I don't think she's dumb) She just convinced herself that the crumbs she got were okay until she found out about Arthur and Mevanwi and Arthur chose her over Guenievre.
Obviously this changes in the later seasons, Arthur isn't outright mean to her anymore, and they start to have a dynamic that's more similar to the bickering dynamic her parents have (the big difference is now we can see they both care about each other, its not just one sided), but then we see Yvain, who married Demetra, and who, according to her, speaks down to her a lot? Now again, yes we know he's also dumb, but again, he's not that dumb??
So anyway, the point of this whole thing is, I feel like we see them both behaving like this because they grew up thinking it was okay, and I wonder how different things would have been if they hadn't.
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losttranslator · 8 months
goustan qui veut pas que léodagan et séli forcent guenièvre à épouser arthur si elle veut pas de lui.......... papi goustan for the win
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dagonet · 10 months
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Kaamelott, Livre II, Le secret d'Arthur
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ismisevy · 1 year
Ils ont piqué dans les caisses du royaume et manipulé deux trois registres.
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tireur-de-carte · 2 years
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La Sorcière, Le Corbeau, Le Confesseur
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Lancelot qui revendique Guenièvre d'après les lois picte.
“Je l’ai enlevée, de son héritage picte elle doit subir la loi picte. Je l’ai enlevée, elle me revient de droit.”
Quand l’idée lui est venue il y a 10 ans et il en était fière. C'était parfait, sa Guenièvre veuve, enfin libre, l'enlever était le moyen le plus sûr de s’assurer qu’elle serait à lui. 
“Donc Guenièvre est a m…”
La gifle qu’il reçoit est si puissante qu’il s’effondre sur le sol, sonné. Et le rugissement près de son oreille résonne jusque dans ses côtes.
Les insultes en picte se mirent à fuser et il fallut pas moins de 3 hommes pour empêcher Séli de sauter à la gorge du blond et même ça n'arrêta pas le coup de genoux perdu qu’elle lui envoya en pleine face, brisant son nez et une bonne partie de sa fierté.
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