#SAARC summit
civilmentor1 · 11 days
Current Affairs - 10 September 2024
1. Revival of SAARC Syllabus: GS2 – International Organisation Context Muhammad Yunus, the head of Bangladesh’s interim government, has emphasized the revival of the “spirit of SAARC”, arguing that the eight-member South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) holds the potential to resolve many of the region’s significant challenges. SAARC’s Dormancy The SAARC Summit, scheduled…
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aruni-8 · 1 year
SAARC Summit SAARC: Promoting Regional Cooperation and Economic Integration
The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) is an intergovernmental organization founded in 1985 with the primary objective of promoting regional cooperation and economic integration among its member states. Comprising eight countries in South Asia, namely Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka, SAARC aims to foster mutual understanding, cooperation, and collaboration in various areas of development. This article will delve into the significance of SAARC, its objectives, achievements, challenges, and future prospects.
Historical Background:
The idea of regional cooperation in South Asia dates back to the early 1950s when leaders recognized the need for collective efforts to address common challenges. However, it was not until 1985 that SAARC was formally established with the signing of the SAARC Charter in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The charter laid the foundation for promoting economic, social, and cultural cooperation among member states.
Objectives of SAARC:
SAARC has set forth a comprehensive set of objectives aimed at achieving regional integration and sustainable development. These objectives include:
a) Promoting mutual understanding and good neighborly relations among member states. b) Enhancing cooperation in economic, social, cultural, technical, and scientific fields. c) Strengthening cooperation in agriculture, rural development, and poverty alleviation. d) Fostering cooperation in trade, industry, investment, and infrastructure development. e) Facilitating collaboration in education, health, population, and human resource development. f) Promoting cooperation in energy, transport, and communication sectors. g) Encouraging collaboration in environment and natural disaster management. h) Strengthening cooperation in combating terrorism, illicit drugs, and organized crime.
Achievements of SAARC:
SAARC has made significant achievements over the years in various domains. Some notable accomplishments include:
a) Trade and Economic Cooperation: SAARC has played a pivotal role in promoting intra-regional trade and economic cooperation. The South Asian Free Trade Area (SAFTA), established in 2006, aims to reduce trade barriers and enhance economic integration among member states. SAARC has also initiated discussions on a South Asian Economic Union (SAEU) to further deepen economic integration in the region.
b) Social and Cultural Cooperation: SAARC has facilitated cultural exchanges, people-to-people contacts, and cooperation in the fields of art, literature, sports, and tourism. The SAARC Cultural Centre promotes cultural diversity and heritage conservation.
c) Poverty Alleviation and Social Development: SAARC has undertaken initiatives to alleviate poverty, improve healthcare, and enhance education and skills development in the region. The Social Charter of SAARC provides a framework for addressing social issues and promoting social justice.
d) Regional Connectivity and Infrastructure Development: SAARC has emphasized the development of transport and communication infrastructure to enhance connectivity among member states. The SAARC Development Fund supports infrastructure projects, including roads, bridges, and power transmission lines.
Challenges and Constraints:
Despite its achievements, SAARC faces several challenges and constraints that hinder its progress:
a) Bilateral Disputes: Persistent bilateral disputes and conflicts among member states, such as the India-Pakistan conflict, have limited the scope for regional cooperation and hindered the achievement of SAARC's goals.
b) Unequal Economic Development: The wide economic disparities among member states pose challenges in fostering equitable development and economic integration. Disparities in infrastructure, trade imbalances, and development levels create obstacles to regional cooperation.
c) Security Concerns: The region faces security challenges, including terrorism, transnational crime, and political instability. These issues undermine trust and cooperation among member states and hamper progress in various areas.
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questlation · 2 years
Transcript of Press Briefing by the Official Spokesperson
Transcript of Press Briefing by the Official Spokesperson
The following press releases were issued on: The statement made by the Official Spokesperson condemning the violent attacks by Maoists in Nepal. The appointment of Shri Kaikhosrou K. Framji as the next High Commissioner of India to Ghana, in succession to Shri A.K. Banerjee. In response to questions the Spokesperson said the following: Asked whether SAARC Summit would be postponed, the…
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oddeven · 3 years
India’s Ministry of External Affairs & LPU organizing 5-Day IT Course for Participants from 20 Countries
LPU in collaboration with ITEC (Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation) Division of Ministry of External Affairs (Government of India) has been organizing a five-day Information Technology (IT) Course for nearly 100 participants from 20 countries. Participants are from government offices, High Commissions, Ministries of SAARC, and Latin American, African countries, Turkmenistan and more. All of them are attending the program, which will be concluded today. The time-needed important topic being covered is “IT Tools for Effective Administration“.
The online certificate course in IT tools for effective administration is slated for managers and team leaders who handle reporting of teams and spend time on analysing productivity. This course is an introduction to IT tools used for routine tasks in offices. Google offers free tools for personal/educational usage. After learning day-to-day IT tasks including reports, documents, e-mails and more; these can be managed in a very efficient and productive manner by the invited learners. The contents of the course include introduction to Google products for office; power of Gmail; time management through Calendar; Drive-a tool for collaborative working and anywhere access; Data analysis using Power Pivot and more.
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vilaspatelvlogs · 4 years
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विदेश मंत्री जयशंकर ने कहा- सीमा पार से होने वाला आतंक दक्षिण एशियाई देशों के लिए बड़ी चुनौती, इसे हल करने से ही विकास होगा Hindi News International India Pakistan | S Jaishankar Virtual SAARC Meeting Today Update: External Affairs Minister On Pakistan Cross Border Terrorism…
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विदेश मंत्री जयशंकर ने कहा- सीमा पार से होने वाला आतंक दक्षिण एशियाई देशों के लिए बड़ी चुनौती, इसे हल करने से ही विकास होगा Hindi News International India Pakistan | S Jaishankar Virtual SAARC Meeting Today Update: External Affairs Minister On Pakistan Cross Border Terrorism…
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harpianews · 3 years
No consensus on holding SAARC summit: India
No consensus on holding SAARC summit: India
A few days later, Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi reiterated Islamabad’s point. Proposal to host long pending summit The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC), India on Thursday said there has been no material change in the situation since 2014 and there is no consensus that would allow holding the summit. Qureshi had said on Monday that India can virtually…
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kupwaratimes-fan · 3 years
Pakistan ready to host SAARC Summit, India can join virtually: FM Qureshi
Pakistan Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi on Monday reiterated the invitation for the 19th SAARC summit. If India is not ready to come to Islamabad, it can join virtually but it should not stop others from attending the moot, he said. Islamabad: Pakistan Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi said on Monday that his country was ready to host the 19th SAARC Summit and India can join it…
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rupsunar · 4 years
Divided Region United by Caste Oppression
The South Asian region is looked at by the world with three intersecting interests. First, the region’s moderate development in infrastructure and welfarism. Second, the multitudes of diversity the region holds. And thirdly, the geopolitical tensions dominated mostly by India-Pakistan war. The troika of South Asia sits between development-culture-politics. However, other regional differences such as India-Nepal trade strife, India-Sri Lanka regional difficulties, Pakistan-Afghanistan do not account to sustaining disagreements. India, Pakistan and Bangladesh occupy overwhelming importance in the regional politics.
South Asian region is home to one fourth humanity of the world. Aside from human capital, there are flora, fauna and natural gifts that this region has as its treasure carefully handed down from over thousand years. Of the 8 countries that are part of South Asia there at least six known countries who retain experiences of age-old discriminations emanating from their native historical context. One of it is oldest surviving discriminatory tactic is caste. Human Rights Watch has identified caste like “corollaries” across South Asia in India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh.
Caste inspired discrimination is not unique to India, although it offers most fertile space for caste like virus to take birth, thrive and contaminate every person in sight. The history of the region as such has a complex historical political-economy. That is why it is always insightful for one to detangle those past baggages by looking at the political space through the lens of subaltern, the working class, women, and the oppressed.
Each state policy heavily relies on the extraction of labor and abstraction of its value. In a society that hangs on to historical values as sacrosanct, distribution of labor’s value does not feature in its scope. How to credit someone for their labour who are meant to performing the duty as part of ordained duty? Asking for a favor in terms of service from lower considered body is a sin and therefore that body needs to be condemned. Such has been the practice for the most part in the region when it came to invasions and colonization.
Every religions and sects have developed anti-Dalit, casteist tendencies towards the lower considered others even if their scriptures do not have caste-based distinction. Six major religions have assimilated Vedic practices of discriminating people who are lowered as outcaste for their advantage. Although their scriptural doctrine discourages any form of discrimination Jain, Sikh, Muslim, Zoroastrians, and Christians have largely benefitted by assimilating with the caste system.
The hatred and fear of the lower considered caste assigns designated lowest job positions that has no respect and standard wage. The job of cleaning the filth, human waste and animal carcasses are single-handedly done by Dalits in India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and Nepal. Due to the draconian rule of Taliban in Afghanistan there are no studies that could explicate the exploitation of caste bodies in the hyper-Islamist violence.
It is because of this the South Asian region is plagued with enumerable hurdles that have limited its overall development. On economic front the GDP per capita approximation is USD $ 7,600 while the US alone has GDP per capita at $60,000. In the global ranking on inequality, poverty and corruption, South Asian region stands as a leader in negative performance indexes.
The primary and secondary educational enrollment is sobering. However, when it comes to the breakup of caste, religion and gender one would see the apparent losses. For India, the Dalit student enrollment slides down from 81% in primary education to less than 11% in graduate education. The pass out rate for Dalit graduates is only 2.24%. In Nepal the primary education enrollment of Dalits and indigenous groups was 34% compared to their population of 57%. While in higher education it was merely 3.8% with a high dropout rate. College level graduation for Dalit in Nepal is depressingly 0.4% Completion of studies is equally low where gender plays an important part of disadvantaging Dalit females further. Along with this the Hill and Terai region's differences recreates more gulf.
Due to border related conflicts, the South Asian region has seen brutal wars since the departure of colonial powers. Luxurious spending on military aggressions makes it difficult to redirect some of those bucks for the social welfare and development of human capital as opposed to exploiting it in senseless battles. War and cross-border conflicts have been cornerstones of some of the hegemonic states in the region. What rationalizes one to impose such draconian policies? I think it is the inherent, imperialistic wishes aided with mistrust of Others.
Buddhist South Asia
There is possibly only one commonality that connects this vast region. It is the rich heritage of indigenously grown Buddhist culture. The Buddhist values have vast expanse over any other colonized religious, spiritual doctrines. And perhaps this is an ideal path to reimagine our current problematics. Buddha’s doctrine not only spread in this region, but it also prospered to give this region an iconic reputation.
In the spread of Buddha’s doctrinaire, through Ashokā one cannot see the colonized brutal invasions unlike other spiritual experiences. And it was Buddha who formally challenged caste on a macro level. It is to his credit that many anti-caste, and acaste initiatives were propagated in an otherwise oppressive Vedic caste society.
Through Buddha we can complicate the history and as well as geography of South Asia. It offers us an opportunity to reclaim a regional past that will usher a sense of belonging through expressions of solidarity and unity. As it stands, South Asia is a deeply divided entity. Apart from government sponsored scholarships and few SAARC-like annual initiatives there are not much people to people interactions. Much of it is mediated with stereotypes of each others propagated by the cultural industry and hostile governments.
Regional blocks like Latin America, Africa, Europe have a sense of belonging to the region. While in the South Asian context, one would not even acknowledge their nationality with the region. A balkanized, sovereign supreme identity of one’s nationalism—of whatever worth is strongly rooted in the individuated South Asian identity. At a recently held 2020 SAARC summit held over video conference, Pakistan's representative, health minister Zafar Mirza lamented, "SAARC region remains the least integrated region in the world". Mirza hoped SAARC can be used for "pooling of resources, expertise, and even financing".
South Asia still remains in a shadow of colonial powers and that is why perhaps the foreign sponsored NGO industry and other capital investment has an unequal balance of power. Development related issues like poverty, atrocity, caste discrimination, religious fundamentalism among others inform the region’s politics. To overcome this dependability and to preserve self as a united, strong block with a vast human reserve and natural abilities the region has every reason to aim for a solid economy rooted on people’s welfare.
This doesn’t happen because caste and its attitudes will continue to control our logics of operation. Caste creates mistrust and lack of faith. Due to this, there is no free sharing of knowledge and mobility of human capital. Caste produced insecure groupings amongst its own citizens in a national framework. Each South Asian country takes itself back every time it employs the creative labor and hardworking individuals to the designated caste jobs. A Brahmin becoming priest, a Baniya holding business and a Dalit or Adivasi doing the inhumane jobs of polluting nature becomes an unnatural organization of productive economy.
This then legitimizes the authority and power brokers to certify their discrimination upon the huge mass of people who could have been trained, equipped and prepared for more innovative tasks. Caste system not only deprives one from exercising their fullest potential, but it creates more barriers for a society to grow as a collective. This then puts the pressure on select few who have taken the responsibility to run the economic affairs. By not including a huge mass of people in formal employment the economic and social elites continue to bear the burden of huge taxes. Caste system disadvantages their own purse, yet the powerholders of caste regime involve in the sadist action of imposing caste punishments upon its own citizens at the cost of their own social, economic worth.
One day this has to end, and it will end. And when the time of reconstructing the society will arise the people who are enjoying their unearned, aristocratic privilege will have to go back and check their vile acts that have imposed such harsher measures on fellow humans. It is upon everyone to eradicate caste; however, the onus is more on the privileged ones as they are most invested in it.
This article is written by Dr. Suraj Yengde, who is an author of bestseller ‘Caste Matters’ and a fellow and postdoc at the Harvard’s Kennedy School. 
Naya Patrika Daily published its Nepali translation: https://jhannaya.nayapatrikadaily.com/news-details/911/2020-03-21
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bhaskarlive · 4 years
Saudi king to hold G20 leaders video summit on coronavirus
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Taking a cue from Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s initiative of holding a web-summit of South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC), the Saudi Arabia is to chair a G20 group’s video conference on the novel coronavirus on Thursday.
As per an official statement, King Salman Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud will chair the meeting to “advance a coordinated global response to the Covid-19 pandemic and its human and economic implications”.
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investosena2621 · 5 years
Pak likely to skip meeting of SAARC election management bodies in Delhi
Pak likely to skip meeting of SAARC election management bodies in Delhi
Pakistan is likely to skip the 10th annual meeting of the Forum of the Election Management Bodies of South Asia being organised by the Election Commission here on Friday, senior poll panel functionaries said.
They said though Pakistan is part of FEMBoSA, it is unlikely to attend the event where India will take over as Chair of the body for 2020.
To mark the occasion,…
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hellopulakesh · 6 years
Modi will not join SAARC on Pak call : Sushma
Modi will not join SAARC on Pak call : Sushma
Modi, Prime Minister of India will not participate in the SAARC summit being held in Pakistan. External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj said on Wednesday that opening of Kartarpur Corridor does not mean that the talks between the two countries will begin. Terrorism and negotiations cannot be together.
The Pakistan Foreign Ministry had said on Tuesday that we would send an invitation to Narendra…
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myeditorialsarchive · 7 years
सहयोग का संचार
दक्षिण एशिया संचार उपग्रह अंतरिक्ष अनुसंधान तथा तकनीक के क्षेत्र में अंतरराष्ट्रीय सहयोग का एक और उदाहरण है। यह भी कहा जा सकता है कि यह उम्दा कूटनीति की एक मिसाल है। यह उपग्रह एक तरह से सार्क के अन्य सदस्य देशों को भारत का तोहफा है। सार्क के आठ सदस्य देशों में से सात यानी भारत, नेपाल, श्रीलंका, भूटान, अफगानिस्तान, बांग्लादेश और मालदीव इस परियोजना का हिस्सा हैं। और, सफल प्रक्षेपण की खबर आते ही इन…
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newstimes-blog · 5 years
Interview with Dr. (Prof.) Raju Vaishya
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Dr. (Prof.) Raju Vaishya , a surgeon of international repute, is best known for his swift surgical skill in the field of Orthopedic & Joint Replacement. He has been working at Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, New Delhi as a professor and senior consultant for the last 23 years having total working experience of over 35 years.
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Dr. Raju Vaishya is currently in Tashkent to participate in the 10th International Conference of the Orthopaedic Association of SAARC Countries (OASAC).
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Dr. Raju Vaishya is Editor-in Chief of Journal of Clinical Orthopaedics and Trauma (2019–21) and Assistant Editor of Indian Journal of Orthopaedics. Apart from his distinguished clinical work in the field of arthroscopic and joint replacement surgery, he is well known for his academic contributions. He has more than 150 published articles in various International and national peer-reviewed medical journals and has been regularly invited to give lectures, chairing sessions,etc. in Orthopaedic conferences around the world. His work was recognized in the Limca book of records in 2012, 2013 & 2015 for doing bilateral Total Knee Replacement in 93 years old gentleman, bilateral Total Knee Replacement in the oldest couple in a single sitting, ACL reconstruction on oldest man.
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Here is an interview with Prof. (Dr.) Raju Vaishya.
What are the changes you find in healthcare sector?
There is a sea change as far as patients’ awareness is concerned. They have various options like google search machine etc. of searching doctors and gaining some knowledge before coming to doctors. Things are changing very fast.
What are the challenges as a healthcare provider?
Need to understand the patient’s problem, expectations and provide an amicable solution, holistically.
According to you, What is the most important aspect of the healthcare to be focused?
Lot of emphasis needs to given for preventive medicine than the curative therapy, as ‘prevention is always better than cure’.
What are the steps Government should initiate to provide quality healthcare to the masses?
National programs to improve the sanitation, to provide clean and safer water, basic education to children about the health, safer roads and working environment for workers and laborers. Government should also provide the healthcare facilities within easy reach to all the population across India.
What is your opinion so far corporatization is concerned?
Corporatization should be taken as a blessings and boon for the Indians. A lot of new technologies have been transferred as a result highly professionals retain in our country. Instead of brain drain it has become a brain gain a reverse trend.
What is future of medical tourism?
A. It is a good concept and successful one. Patients from other countries visit Indian and also take treatment which have been cheaper in comparison to their states. It has a lot of potential to boost the healthcare business. India on move, many things will be happening in years to come.
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          Dr. RAju Vaishya receiving prestigious “SIEMENS-GAPIO Innovation        
         Award in Medicine during inauguration of the Global Health Summit, 2018
As a successful doctor, what is the secret of your success?
Passion, dedication and honesty towards the profession.
How do you take your career as a doctor?
It is a very noble profession and gives us the opportunity to heal the sufferings of people.
Usually, doctors have more or less hectic schedule of clinical activities, how do you balance between your work and family?
It is often very difficult to keep a strict balance between the professional work and the family commitments, as a doctor. But an efficient time management can help in coming over this challenge.
What are your hobbies? How do you find times for those?
I like sports like playing Lawn tennis, Table tennis, Swimming and watching Cricket. Medical research and publication is another passion and hobby for me.
Had you not been doctor, what would you have been?
What makes you happy or satisfied?
Relieving peoples’ sufferings to the best of my abilities and a happy & supportive family.
How do you see yourself after 10 years from now?
A. Would love to retire from an active clinical practice, but would provide guidance, teaching and social work for the younger doctors and general public.
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                 Dr. Raju Vaishya receiving award from Dr Prathap C Reddy
Any event in your life, professional or personal which has influenced you most?
Meeting, Dr Prathap C Reddy, Chairman, Apollo group of hospitals in London (in 1989), when I was working in UK. He showed a glimpse of hope and light of better healthcare opportunity in India. This helped me in returning back home to serve the needy people of India. And there has been no looking back since then.
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ask-pakistan · 6 years
You need to get along with Bangladesh. She's seems alright, overall.
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“ We’re thousands of Kilometers apart and our governments don’t interact that much , I wanted to talk with her a bit in the last SAARC summit which i was suppose to host , but due to Hindustan being snoobish ,it was cancelled.”
//I’m talking about the 2016 SAARC summit that was supposed to be hosted in Islamabad But due to political tensions , India boycotted the summit , and Bangladesh and Afghanistan soon followed, Maldives and the remaining SAARC countries couldn’t attend since the members weren’t enough and thus Pakistan had to cancel the meeting altogether.//
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..with her hairs open , i practiced a new style today (even tho i feel sick af) , and attempted to color but meeeh doesn’t looks THAT different :”D i should try harder.
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This can be used as an icon for anyone who wants to ^ But let me know first.
//I May or may not do a similar drawing of Paki soon , but rn im too tired ahaaa//
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marwahstudios · 2 years
CEGR President Sandeep Marwah Briefed Education Committee of WPDRF
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New Delhi: India has entered into Educational Exchange Programmes (EEPs)/Memorandum of Understandings or through Joint Statements with 51 countries of the World. Idea is to support the education industry to its best ,” informed Dr. Sandeep Marwah President CEGR- Centre for Education Growth and Research and Chancellor AAFT University of Media and Arts in a conference organised by WPDRF- World Peace Development and Research Foundation at its international headquarters at Noida Film City.
These countries are Mongolia, Armenia, Tanzania, Guyana, Israel, Australia, Myanmar, Hungary, Syria, Uzbekistan, New Zealand, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Mexico, Brazil, Afghanistan, Croatia, Ecuador, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, China, Portugal, France, Ethiopia, Vietnam, Oman, South Africa, Norway, Chile, Kuwait, Botswana, Malaysia, Turkmenistan, Canada, Indonesia, Mozambique, Russia, Trinidad & Tobago, Mauritius, Yemen, Qatar, Tajikistan, Burundi, Belarus, Republic of Korea, Germany, Estonia U.S.A., United Kingdom, Czech Republic and Peru added Dr. Marwah.
We have also created these international committees in ICMEI- International Chamber of Media and Entertainment Industry to pursue further in education. The EEPs or MOUs envisage cooperation through several initiatives like Exchange of scholars, students or researchers, Sharing of information and publications, Organizing joint seminars, workshops & conferences, Working towards mutual recognition of qualifications and Developing institutional linkages informed Dr. Marwah now on the board of AICTE, Ministry of Education, Government of India.
India also has educational cooperation activities with different international organizations and multi-lateral bodies like UNESCO, Commonwealth of Learning, E-9. BRICS, SAARC, India-Brazil-South Africa (IBSA), East Asia Summit (EAS), Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN), Indian Ocean Rim-Association for Regional Cooperation (IOR-ARC), Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), European Union (EU) etc.
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