#SAH caregiver
bitchesgetriches · 10 months
The Ultimate Guide to Helping a Sick Friend
I’ve spent the first months of my early retirement as a full-time caregiver. That definitely wasn’t the plan! My partner was diagnosed with a femoroacetabular impingement: the ball-and-socket joint of his hip wasn’t quite ball-enough, and the socket was too-sockety. So he had corrective surgery. Obviously, getting bone shaved off a weight-bearing joint ain’t something you bounce back from quickly. For him, it meant 6-8 weeks of bed rest, plus 5-6 hours of physical therapy every day, to fully recover within six months
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animeshrink · 10 months
Naruto...A Lesson in Attachment
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This is Naruto Uzumaki.
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And so is this.
So, how did he go from doing this:
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Desecrating and vandalizing the village
To doing this:
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Leading it.
We'll explore that, but first want to start where it all began.
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These are Naruto's parents: Minato Namikaze, his dad. All around great shinobi, a prodigy, super talented, became Hokage at a really young age. And Kushina Uzumaki, his mom, quite an impressive kunoichi (female shinobi) in her own right.
So, yes, from the start Naruto had an extra leg-up with two loving parents who loved him and cared for him.
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At least for a couple of hours.
Yes, he lost both of his parents as a newborn. So, what happened to that child? Well, it's below, but first a lesson about attachment and why it's important.
First there are four types of attachment:
Secure - confident, non-reactive, comes back from adversity; kids feel safe, secure, and trusting
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Adult Naruto and his own family.
2. Avoidant-Dismissive - Independent, show little emotional needs, unemotional, little physical contact, manage own distress
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Hear me out here, I would say Little Sasuke (sahs-kay) and his relationship with his father. Sasuke was independent and parents focused their attention primarily on his older brother. He eventually grew to become self-reliant and used other people to get his needs met, forming very few attachments along the way.
3. Disorganized/ Avoidant-Fearful - Inconsistent emotional support, crave attention from but also fear caregivers; often stemming from trauma
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Anybody with this man, Orochimaru. Orochimaru thrived on creating disorganized attachments in the children he experimented on, kidnapped, worked with.
Or anybody with Danzo. Both preyed on orphans and their lack of secure attachments.
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4. Anxious - Inconsistent parenting, so seeks reassurance to elicit caring response. May become really attached, dependent on others in a relationship to fulfill emotional needs, may become preoccupied with others. Place high hopes on others and get attached to potential. Sounds a little like our hero.
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Inconsistent parenting
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Granted, it wasn't the village leader's job to raise him, but he did step up and take responsibility for him. Just was inconsistent.
Becomes easily attached and preoccupied with others and their potential.
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He literally chased Sasuke around for years (!) to force a friendship. He became obsessed not with the person Sasuke was, but the person he could be.
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No matter how many times Sasuke tried to kill him or refused to come home.
Anxious attachment.
Poor attachment also can lead to behavioral struggles.
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And poor academic performance
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Naruto finished last in his academy class and failed three times.
So, what changed?
Healthy Relationships!
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Iruka sensei, his first teacher, and ramen!
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Team 7! Sasuke, Naruto, Sakura, and Kakashi-sensei!
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And friends!
*As always, this post is for entertainment-educational purposes only. If you do need mental health assistance, please reach out to a local (!) mental health provider. If in crisis, please in the US, call 988.
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taylortruther · 1 year
Also a financially imbalanced relationship will put strains on the couple at some point. The guy WILL resent being the only one to make the money and more likely than not will want to have the last say on all things financial because at the end of the day he is the sole provider and wants to manage what he is making specially if he has to work for two to make ends meet and the woman will resent him for never having time to be home and help in the domestic duties bc he has to be always working
(note: this isn't about joe and taylor, this is about tradwives!)
yeah, those resentments are very common. and even if the guy does help out, or even if she does work or manage the finances, there is still tension because of that power dynamic. and there is misogynistic history behind why those dynamics exist! men are taught to rely on women to do domestic/emotional labor for them; women are expected to be natural caregivers and to defer to men; men are expected to be the decision-makers in their households, and women are expected to be the demure pillar of purity and morality.
so even if this theoretical feminist man who wants a sah wife exists, he is still gonna act in ways that are sexist, because we live in a society where sexism is engrained in our personal behaviors and in our institutions.
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splendidreads · 1 year
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This is a friendly mental health checking point!!
If you are struggling, no matter what it is, drop a comment. Or, if you want to leave encouraging words for others :)
This is a judge free zone! Vent, cuss at the world, cry, or reach out for someone to talk to!!
I am ALWAYS available, for ANYONE to talk about ANYTHING! No topic is off limits, seriously. I have a toddler, I’m a SAH mom, I’m a caregiver, and I am completely open minded.
If you need someone to talk to, feel free to DM me <3
“Do the best you can.
No one can do more than that.”
―John Wooden
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cannabiscomrade · 3 years
How did you and your husband decide it was time to have children? I'm struggling right now between wanting for us to have kids a little younger while some of the older relatives are still around, and having a bit more overall stability. I'm not sure what is right or if there even is a right answer. Thank you!
I really don’t think that there’s a right answer that applies to everyone, ya know, but I’ll try to hit a lot of points here.
For us, a lot of it came down to the medical constraints I have on my fertility. I was told at 16 when I was diagnosed with PCOS that I might never conceive on my own. I did my own research and found that while it wasn’t exactly true, it can be extremely difficult for intersex folks with PCOS to conceive, and the earlier in your life that you can, the better pregnancy outcomes you’ll have. I was faced with deciding to start trying NOW, or risk never being able to.
I think it’s important to start thinking about factors that affect your fertility and the method you’d want to use to conceive, whether or not that’s gonna be sooner or later. Some people who planed on having children in their 30s end up having to change their plans because they find out they have a low ovarian reserve, or they find out they’re having anovulary cycles. Some people have to discuss pre-conception concerns with perinatologists because they find out they have a septate uterus, or they find out they’re a carrier for a genetic condition, or they’re intersex.
Stability is absolutely important, but it’s also vague and often culturally defined. What’s more important is whether or not you know how to provide their emotional needs and foster their growth, physically and mentally. I helped raise my nephews and I went into the child development field, and Frank worked as a swim instructor and coach to learn more about children and practice interacting with them. These are things we had to learn and practice, but like, if you have grown up with younger children, or work as a caregiver/teacher already these may be skills you already have. Think about your parenting philosophy now, and if you don’t have one, start looking into them. I personally follow Gentle (Evidence-Based) Parenting and if you follow me, you probably would too.
And then there are obvious factors like financial readiness. We are blessed that we are a multi-generational home and don’t have to worry about paying for childcare/preschool. Unfortunately, childcare cost is the reason a lot of people are holding off on having kids, and the reason that stay-at-home parenting is on the rise. And I’m wholeheartedly supportive of SAH parents (I’d love to be one) but it’s not for everyone. And controversial take- finances shouldn’t bar someone from having kids, especially when they can change at any time. I think my biggest concern with regards to finances is the childcare aspect, because I’m assuming if you’re starting to wonder if you’re ready to have kids that you’re able to attain their basic physical needs, so I won’t lecture you on that.
I really don’t think there’s ever going to be a perfect time to have children, but there are things you can do to make sure you’re ready to have them, if that makes sense. I wish there was a checklist I could give you so you could check all the boxes and be confident that it was time! But there’s always gonna be something you missed and that’s okay.
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deathwitch-wra · 5 years
Wolf’s Eyes: Part 1
Far off in an old farm house still kept warm with fire, a white haired woman kept her watch. Swirling a glass of wine in her hand as she browses through her scripts. The flame of the fire with in and under the mantle danced in her eyes. Appearing human, but to any who saw her, her eyes would show there was more than appearances let on. A heavy conflict, a lifetime worth of battle beneath the surface. With all the turmoil that had been brewed, there was always the lingering hope that fed and kept the battle going. "We're fine here, there are plenty that come through to feed on..." The woman sighed heavily. A darker voice familiar to the first. "Foolish woman, we need family like before. Don't you wish to see her once more? Besides, what good are a few savage animals in comparison to seeing the world with her? You know that woman just waited for a moments weakness to take what she can't manage on her own." The softer voice, "She wouldn't do that. She's my best friend..." The voice wavered. She had wanted to believe all she'd done was right but after so many years even her hope waned from time to time.
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The darker voice, "Tell me of those long conversations. Why would a woman of her stature befriend you? Some one of your... assets? It just doesn't mix. An educated 'Lady' of the church. Why on Azeroth would she befriend a criminal marked by the crown? She only followed you long enough to take the babe." The white haired woman shook her head, "No! Sah wouldn't..." she fell quiet as tears filled her eyes. She missed her friend and missed her daughter all the more. As her head was turned the red eyes caught glimpse of the parchment and inks set out on the table. Scrolls of runes and clean parchments. There was the sound of a grin on the darker voice, "It wouldn't be difficult you know. To get her back. You've done just what the job requires for all but yourself. It's time to take care of your family. Unless you plan on leaving her with the evil nobility that your father left you with... If you're that weak then you made the wrong bond, doll." The thoughts continues to reel through the white haired woman's mind. The other was right. She held plenty of skill of a scribe. She'd forged plenty of documents, it'd not be difficult to forge the church's hand. A saving grace crossed reminding her why she had let the two go so long ago. But the grace and light was pushed back by the darkness that always came with the other's enforced presence. She had grown impossible to ignore and more and more impossible to keep out. The other sent images of her daughter in the hands of the white haired woman's step mother. Forced and mistreated. Prompted and heckled. A pebble in the shoe of the caregivers eyes. Shaking her head and blinking away the tears, she washed down the glass of wine, "I'll do it. But if this does not work we stop here." The darker voice grinned yet again, "Whatever you wish." And the white haired woman, Josalora, sat at her table and began to delicately use specialized inks and parchment to mimic an official crown and church order of custody.
It was not long after Sahirra had returned to Westguard with the Valterics that orders had come from the church that she was needed for duty in Stormwind. She'd offered to take Josylyn along with her but at the protest of the Lord and Lady insisting she remain due to previous threatening circumstances, the Noble Priestess allowed the girl to stay. Trusting the couple and their guards to call to protect the cherished package even more so if not the same as she had. Sahirra had in fact helped the girl's mother birth her, remained as supportive as she could be as her mother followed the winding path known to those who practiced darker things. And it was Sahirra that had whisked the girl off to safety after her own blood had crossed a line. Raising the child as her own, growing to love the girl as her own daughter. To any who saw them pass in the streets it wasn't natural to doubt that the girl was not the priestess' own blood. Fate was kind in that aspect. Dawning her gold and green robes she had arrived back in Stormwind. The priestess having been raised in it's service was still responsible for the debt of gratitude. When some one was needed else where for a time she'd be summoned. Serving time taking confessions, offering a shoulder and guidance of the light as well as any medical services the Cathedral might see need for. She remembered the times of war. A bloodied soldier was not a new sight. It came with the territory. Save whom you could, her mentor had guided her. "Hold the hands of those meant for better reach the light.." She repeated the words as she looked over her attire once more. She took up her libram from the small side table of the bed and made for the door. Another night's work, and how she had disliked the night shifts, either too quiet or too bustling to truly be any good. It had always struck her funny how the light could not manage it's er on the terms of waking men and women. Then again it was not her place to say, but to abide and aide. The journey back was it's usual, nothing outstanding. The men who wished to let their smile linger as they begged forgiveness, those who truly meant it and sought honest answers, and a few light bandaging of those incarcerated from a bar fight. Another night in Stormwind over a long weekend. In the later hours of the evening she took a break to find a bite of food. Discarding a soiled apron and unpinning her hair and washing the basins and beds. One she truly had a moment to breath she reached for an apple from an alter boy and made her way out to rest near the fountain. She took solace in the steady woosh of the water. And as she thought over her return little did she know that Dalaran was only a small beginning to an issue that was misguidedly thought to be handled.
White hair of the warlock was tousled in her face. It had been days of gathering supplies and the scrolls had turned out rather well. It would take much digging to learn the documents were forged. By that time she planned to have the deed finished. In and out, quickly as a fleeting sparrow. A grin curled wickedly at her lips as she looked over her handy work. It had been sometime she'd put this much effort into a job. Even though she was being pushed by her demon to convict a priestess of the light, there was some part of her true self that had missed these sort of dealings. A stray thought echoed, "Why had I ever stopped?" She chuckled. As she used her staff to press herself upward, she thought over just who else might be needed. In her time in and out of the guard shacks destroying documents or adding to orders, whatever her mistress had once bid. She looked down to the branded mark of the cog on her left palm with a fondness. Setting to her wardrobe preparing for a night on the city for the last of a recipe of the demon's destruction.
It was her last night of duty before being allowed to return to the Northern lands with her daughter. A young Alterac pup followed her steps into the Cathedral Square. It was a beautiful night, the moon shining brightly. In loving her work, but her daughter more nights like this were always bitter sweet on both parts. She held her libram in a hand as she whispered warm prayers of thanks for her blessings. She watched the water of the fountain and the children at play. Suddenly one of the matrons beckoned the children quickly to tuck in for the night. Sahirra thought it odd the woman's voice, but assumed it was because she was new... or was she? As she began to wonder, she heard a voice that brought her attention to the Cathedral stairs, "What do you mean I can't go in?!" A man shouted. A woman near the man's side looked at the row of the guards keeping people out, a paladin baring marks of General speaking stearnly to the gathering crowd, "This area is under quarantine. There have been a number of reported outbreaks of an infection. The Cathedral is needed space for treatment. See a medic at the designated areas if you believe to suffer the symptoms. I'd suggest you all return to your homes." The flame haired priestess neared the stairs looking over with concern. She'd been present in events like this and so she made her way slowly through the crowd so as not to add to the panic. A woman yelled in a worried tone, "My son is in there! Let us in!" Scanning the faces, it seemed mostly couples or younger citizens aiding parents, either for mass or what Sahirra had figured worried over those held within the walls. She remembered from her studies that the infections that passed through the city and camps usually hit smaller children and elderly or those who suffered a wakened state previously, the hardest. Sahirra made her way to one of the bishops she was able to spy near the side of the guards line. He was being aided by a few alcolytes at what she assumed, again, was one of the designated areas specified by the General. There were more and more people collecting at the stairs, demanding to know what was occurring. The priestess was quickly filled in and set to work. She had been informed that as of the moment the infection was not known to effect those of the light, though some who had claimed to hold the light, had fallen ill. The Bishop spoke that it was the Light's way to show truth of one's faith. The over heard ramblings of the church's leader's called as many as the Cathedral could hold and work effectively with the rising influx of ill filtering in through the guards. Among the warnings and bustling, the priestess was informed that with her entry she too was under a sort of quarantine as the extra hands were needed more where they were. Her heart sank realizing she'd not make it back as soon as she had planned. Through out the night, she made her way out for a breath of air and slip word to one of the guards to please deliver her status to the Valterics and a paladin known as Adlai Pheonixdown if nothing more than at least gave where his sister might be found at a clinic on the canals.
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fthbarlingtontx · 5 years
Homes For Disabled Veterans Program
Warriors support foundation awards mortgage-free
Affordable manufactured. funds
Handicap wheelchair ramps
Va. buying foreclosures
Grant program highlights. veterans cemetery
Project HOME provides a variety of services that cater specifically to veterans and veteran families currently without homes or in danger of losing their homes.
Since the program began in 2012, more than 650 veterans have entered the Homes on the Homefront (HOTH) program. The HOTH program provides veterans with the opportunity to move into an Operation Homefront (OH) home and work directly with OH caseworkers and other financial counselors to learn and plan for home ownership.
Va Special Home Adaptation Grant Va Home Improvement Loans In Texas The Texas Veterans Loan Program may be used to buy a home that meets these requirements: The home will be the Veteran’s primary residence. The home is located in the State of Texas.Find out how to apply for a specially adapted housing (sah) grant or a Special Home Adaptation (SHA) grant. These grants offer financial help so you can make changes to your home to live more independently with a service-connected disability.
APPLY FOR A HOME THAT SUITS YOUR NEEDS Military warriors support foundation awards mortgage-free homes to combat wounded veterans and to unmarried Gold Star spouses whose loved ones were Killed-In-Action.
Veterans FIRST. In 2004, the body of a homeless veteran was found along the banks of the Nashua River in New Hampshire. Staff from Harbor Homes was outraged and began researching ways to provide veteran-specific housing and supportive services to local servicemen and women in NH.
AFFORDABLE HOME PURCHASE PROGRAM – affordable manufactured. funds are also available to disabled veterans needing handicap wheelchair ramps,
Va Home Loan Amount Calculator Quick tip #1 The amount of money you can borrow is a function of your credit and ability to pay and your down payment. Check out Bills.com mortgage affordability calculator to see how. talk of.How To Buy A House Using Va Loan First Time Home Buyer Va Loan Tips This includes special mortgage programs for a variety of different types of government employees, such as offered through HUD and the FHA. Depending on what type of government employee you are, we will help you determine what is the best home loan program for you. Our loan programs include conventional, FHA, VA, USDA, and jumbo home loans.Getting a VA Loan: 8 Steps. Grant Moon. 1. Find a real estate agent in the community that you are looking to buy your home and discuss details.
Discharge Upgrade Advisory Board. New York is the first in the nation to offer Veterans free access to a board comprised of seven attorneys who provide a non-binding advisory opinion to Veterans with discharge upgrade appeals that a majority of the Board’s members deem to be meritorious.
Under the current regulations for the Program of Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers, only Veterans who incurred or aggravated a serious injury in the line of duty on or after September 11, 2001 are eligible to apply.
Va Loans For Second Homes Va Homes For Sale Washington State This makes VA homes a great opportunity for anyone looking to save money on a home or a rental or investment property. How to Buy Foreclosures from va. buying foreclosures from the VA starts by searching foreclosure listings. While the VA owns all VA foreclosures, they usually choose to have the sale of the property managed by a local listing.. the opportunity to refinance their conventional or VA loan into a lower rate while extracting cash from the home’s equity. This should not be confused with a home equity loan, which is a second.
This program, through State of New York Mortgage Agency (SONYMA), offers fixed-rate mortgages with interest rates 0.375% below the already low interest rates charged on SONYMA mortgages with down payment assistance. The Homes for Veterans Program features the following: Veterans and their spouses or co-borrowers need not be a first-time homebuyer.
Overview. The HUD-Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (HUD-VASH) program combines Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) rental assistance for homeless Veterans with case management and clinical services provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).
Shelters, Transitional Housing, Day Centers, and Programs · Tiny Housing: Veteran Employment and Homelessness Solutions (Feasibility Study, 2016).
Building Homes for Heroes is strongly committed to rebuilding lives and supporting the brave men and women who were injured while serving the country during the time of the wars in Iraq or Afghanistan. The organization builds or modifies homes, and gifts them, mortgage-free, to veterans and their families.
Veterans Grants For Home Improvements The mission of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is to fulfill President Lincoln’s promise "To care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan" by serving and honoring the men and women who are America’s veterans. grant program highlights. veterans cemetery Grants Program
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