illustratus · 5 months
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Saint James the Moor Slayer at the Battle of Clavijo by Belisario Corenzio
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koredzas · 3 months
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Benvenuto Tisi - Saint James the Great. 1550
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José María Casado del Alisal (Spanish, 1832-1886) Santiago en la batalla de Clavijo (Saint James Moorslayer), 1885 Royal Basilica of Saint Francis the Great
Este cuadro, que representa al apóstol Santiago el Mayor combatiendo a favor de los Cristianos en la mítica y legendaria batalla de Clavijo, fue pintado por José Casado del Alisal en 1885. Se encuentra en la capilla de las Órdenes Militares de la Real Basílica de San Francisco el Grande de Madrid, (España).
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Saint James converts the Magus Hermogenes (Ἑρμογένης), an illustration in Vincent de Beauvais, Historical Spesulum vol 2, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris, Arsenal 5080, fol. 10v° Saint James first controls the demons that Hermogenes had sent against him, then shows mercy towards Hermogenes himself, who remains in James' thrall notwithstanding his magic books. Confused, Hermogenes converts. :: [Robert Scott Horton]
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“And some things that should not have been forgotten were lost. History became legend. Legend became myth. And for two and a half thousand years, the ring passed out of all knowledge.” ― Galadriel in The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, The Lord of the Rings
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dorrance30 · 2 months
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The Transfiguration.
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sovaghoul · 4 months
Saint James
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newmexicophotographer · 10 months
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santa fe, nm.
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etiennedaho · 5 months
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Suite au succès de la première collection capsule, la maison 100 pour 100 française Saint James m’a demandé de poursuivre cette collaboration. C’est pour moi un pas de côté récréatif et pour cette nouvelle collection, j’ai eu envie, entre autres, de reproduire mon blouson rouge adoré, celui que m’avait offert Elli Medeiros et que je portais jour et nuit jusqu’a ce qu’il tombe en poussière. Je porte ce blouson sur la pochette de mon premier album « Mythomane ».
J’ai moi même shooté en Bretagne les photos des 3 modèles Tristan Julia et Antoine, qui sont surtout des amis et Antoine Carlier a réalisé les petits films qui accompagnent la collection.
Saint James
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jcksphotos · 1 year
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illustratus · 1 year
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St James the Greater Conquering the Moors
by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo
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koredzas · 1 year
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Benvenuto di Giovanni - Madonna and Child with Saint and Pieta. 1483
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lounesdarbois · 6 months
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Princesse visitant un ascète, Inde (1820)
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yourwholepurpose · 2 years
Saint James Infirmary Blues sung by Cab Calloway (1933)
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Princess Stephanie || coat by Saint James
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pulpwagon · 10 months
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SAINT JAMES(セントジェームス)
ウェッソン “ボーダー”
SAINT JAMES(セントジェームス)
北海道釧路市錦町5ー1 幅口ビル 1F
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tabernacleheart · 2 years
What does it mean to be humble in our relationship with God? There are three things that the apostle James mentions that can help us [surrender to God daily].
1. Submit to God. Submitting to God means coming under His authority. Rather than living according to our own desires and ways of living, we should submit those things to God and live according to His desires and standards. [Yet] in order to truly submit to God, we must first recognize that His ways are better than ours. We must recognize that He knows better than we do. We must also believe that He has our best intentions in mind, [even when His decision is completely different than what we would have chosen]. He cares for us [unconditionally, seeking only the highest good of our souls, and we can take refuge in that truth].
2. Resist the devil. The devil desires to keep us from our relationship with God and cause us to stray from God. When we resist him by God’s strength [not our own!], he will flee from us.
3. Draw near to God. The best way to submit to God and resist the devil is to draw close to God in our relationship with Him. Not only does He promise to draw close to us, but [through that nearness] He will also give us strength and grace to endure every trial.
Take a moment to think about your own life. Are there parts of your life or plans that you haven't surrendered to God? [Consider this, and] right now, think of ways you can make [moments of surrender] part of your daily habits. [For example, you can] speak words of encouragement and hope to anyone He puts in front of [you, instead of ignoring them or being judgmental. You can] choose to not take part in activities that pull [you] away from Him, [or that will damage your relationship with Him. And perhaps most importantly, you can commit to spending honest] time with God before [you] do anything else.
Every day, [every moment even,] is a new opportunity to submit ourselves to God and to draw near to Him [in loving humility. He is always waiting with open arms!]
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