beardedmrbean · 3 months
YON, France (AP) — A French court ruled on Monday that the American man accused of sexually assaulting a Pennsylvania college student in 2013 and later sending her a Facebook message that said, “So I raped you,” can be extradited to the United States.
Ian Cleary, 31, of Saratoga, California, was detained in April in the city of Metz in northeastern France after a three-year search. He has been held in custody pending extradition proceedings since his arrest.
The Court of Appeal in Metz said that Cleary can be extradited. When asked if he wished to be extradited or not, in line with French law, Cleary refused, prosecutors said in a statement Monday. His refusal may delay the extradition process, but it won't stop it.
The ruling is final. Cleary's case is now the responsibility of the French Justice Ministry, which must prepare and submit the extradition order for the French prime minister. While he awaits the prime minister's signature, Cleary remains detained in France.
Justice Ministry officials didn't immediately respond to a request for comment.
Cleary had been the subject of an international search since authorities in Pennsylvania issued a 2021 felony warrant in the case weeks after an Associated Press story detailed the reluctance of local prosecutors to pursue campus sex crimes.
The arrest warrant accuses Cleary of stalking an 18-year-old Gettysburg College student at a party, sneaking into her dorm and sexually assaulting her while she texted friends for help. He was a 20-year-old Gettysburg student at the time, but didn't return to campus.
The Gettysburg accuser, Shannon Keeler, had a rape exam done the same day she was assaulted in 2013. She gathered witnesses and evidence and spent years urging officials to file charges. She went to authorities again in 2021 after discovering the Facebook messages that seemed to come from Cleary’s account.
“So I raped you,” the sender had written in a string of messages.
“I’ll never do it to anyone ever again.”
“I need to hear your voice.”
“I’ll pray for you.”
The AP doesn't typically identify sexual assault victims without their permission, which Keeler has granted. The accuser’s lawyer in Pennsylvania, reached on Monday, declined to comment on the development.
According to the June 2021 warrant, police verified that the Facebook account used to send the messages belonged to Ian Cleary. Adams County District Attorney Brian Sinnett, who filed it, declined to comment on developments when reached Monday.
After leaving Gettysburg, Cleary earned undergraduate and graduate degrees from Santa Clara University, near his family home in California, worked for Tesla, and then moved to France for several years, according to his website, which describes his self-published medieval fiction.
Keeler, originally from Moorestown, New Jersey, stayed on to graduate from Gettysburg and help lead the women’s lacrosse team to a national title.
By 2023, two years after the warrant was filed, Keeler and her lawyers wondered how he was avoiding capture in the age of digital tracking. The U.S. Marshals Service thought he was likely overseas and on the move, even as he was the subject of an Interpol alert called a red notice.
Across the U.S., very few campus rapes are prosecuted, both because victims fear going to police and prosecutors hesitate to bring cases that can be hard to win, the AP investigation found.
Keeler, when the warrant was issued, said she was grateful, but knew it only happened “because I went public with my story, which no survivor should have to do in order to obtain justice.”
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readingforsanity · 3 months
A Talent for Murder | Peter Swanson | Published 2024
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A newylwed librarian begins to suspect the man she married might be a murderer - in this spectacularly twisty and devious clever novel by Peter Swanson, NYT bestselling author of The Kind Worth Killing and Eight Perfect Murders.
Martha Ratliff concede long ago that she'd likely spend her life alone. She was fine with it, happy with her solo existence, simulated by her job as an archival librarian, constantly surrounded by thought-provoking ideas and the books she loved. But then she met Alan, a charming and sweet-natured divorcee with a job that took him on the road for half the year. When he asked her to marry him, she said yes, even though he still felt a little bit like a stranger.
A year in and the marriage was good, except for that strange blood streak on the back of one of his shirt's he'd worn to a conference in Denver. Her curiosity turning to suspicion, Martha investigates the cities Alan visited over the past year and uncovers a disturbing pattern - five unsolved cases of murdered women.
Is she married to a serial killer? Or could it merely be a coincidence? Unsure what to think, Martha contacts an old friend from graduate school for advice. Lily Kintner once helped Martha out of a jam with an abusive boyfriend and mary have some insight. Intrigued, Lily offers to meet Alan to find out what kidn of man he really is...but what Lily uncovers is more perplexing and wicked than they ever could have expected.
Lily Kintner is back, this time reuniting with a friend from grad school that she hasn't seen in quite some time. Martha is a quiet librarian, who spent the majority of her life believing that she had a "love curse" and that she would remain alone and unmarried for the rest of her life. It wasn't until Martha met a traveling salesman named Alan.
Alan spent the majority of his time traveling to teacher conferences and conventions around the country, selling graphic t-shirts, ties and other assorted items that would relate to teachers. Martha becomes suspicious of Alan when, to her, it appears that he has to rehearse to get back into his own life when he returns home from the conferences. Martha is able to discern that several woman were involved in unsolved homicides in the same cities that Alan had just been in.
Martha begins to question whether or not Alan is involved, and this is when she recruits Lily's help. Back in grad school, Lily had helped Martha get out of a potentially dangerous situation with an adjunct professor named Ethan Saltz, who called her "his project" and got her involved in various sexual scenarios that Martha hadn't truly been comfortable with. But shortly after that, the two of them lost contact and haven't spoken.
Lily agrees to help, and follows Alan to a convention taking place in Saratoga Springs, New York. She begins to watch him closely, waiting to see if anything bad would happen. But, Lily realizes that she isn't the only one keeping a close eye on Alan. The other person is none other than Ethan Saltz.
For the last 15 years, Ethan has kept a relatively quiet existence, however, he has also killed 26 people since the time he was 11 years old, his first victim having been his grandfather and his latest victim was Martha herself. After he and Lily had a brief confrontation, Ethan drove to her home and slit her throat, effectively ending her life.
Once Ethan had realized that Martha had married someone, he began to come up with schemes to get revenge for Martha having left him, believing her to be the one that got away (and by this, I believe he means the one he couldn't murder).
He began stalking Alan, and would murder the woman that Alan had previously had some sort of interaction with, more than likely not a sexual encounter. After a few times of this, Ethan began to get bored and was attempting to leave clues in order to bring Alan into the spotlight, but the police never questioned him, and it went unnoticed until Martha found a bloody finger print on the back of one of Alan's t-shirts when she was going to do laundry.
Lily enlists the help of Henry Kimball, once again, and they begin to work out who Ethan has become today. Lily is able to come up with a potential name, and gives that information to Henry but not before Ethan locates her and kidnaps her, taking her to a property that he owns until one of his assumed names, Brad Anderson. He intends to keep her alive as long as possible, but when Henry begins questioning Ethan's partner at an art gallery that he owns until the name Robert Chornack, he knows that he needs to get rid of Lily once and for all.
When he returns, he finds Lily, assumed to be dead due to the amount of blood around her neck, but instead, she inflicted herself with an injury producing enough blood to make Ethan believe that she was dead, instead, allowing him to get close enough to her to pierce his carotid arterty with a nail she produced from the wall.
With Henry's help, the two of them are able to hide Ethan's body inside an empty pantry in the basement of the property, fully knowing that at some point, his body would be found, but he would not receive the notoriety he was hoping for.
In the end, Lily notes that of the victims that Ethan had murdered in his many years spree, Josie Nixon, the victim from Shepaug who had fallen from a sixth floor balcony and was ruled a suicide, was actually a victim of Alan's, just like Martha had initially thought.
Lily is able to locate him at a convention in Ann Arbor, Michiga, and she kills him, knowing that he was the true culprit behind Josie's murder and she knew that if he could do it one time, he could do it again.
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mommydearestella · 3 years
pets are killed.
knocking on the door: no one is there or the person is at the wrong apt.
synchronicity: things happen (an engine starts up, someone coughs, a vehicle horn honks, etc) precisely as the target does something (e.g. moves around or exits his apt, etc).
the same harassment happens every single day, day after day, year after year.
deception: the stalkers may pretend to be members of a "community group," "concerned citizens" who are "informing" the community about a "bad person" who is living among them. These are lies: The stalkers are members of a right-wing hate-vigilante group.
the target's residence is entered and vandalized or items are taken. Sometimes the stalkers do this (in an apt complex) by convincing the resident manager or the maintenance person that the target is a child molester, some other kind of criminal, a spy, etc. Sometimes the stalkers play upon the resident manager's or the maintenance person's "patriotism" to get access to the target's residence. Deception is used at every level in gang stalking. mail is stolen or damaged.
goals: The stalkers wish to drive the target insane & to get him forcibly taken to (and incarcerated in) a psychiatric institution. They wish to make the target became violent, so that he can be violently assaulted, arrested, and taken to jail. They wish to make the target suffer so much that he kills himself. They wish to make the target become poor by making him lose his job and spend his money moving from place to place trying to escape from the stalkers. They wish to completely isolate the target, so he can have no support from anywhere or anyone. Overall they wish to destroy the target emotionally, financially, socially, and physically.
My personal experiences below:
In my case I am spied on against my will by a number of different methods.  The Stalkers and Abusers, I suspect, think if they say it is out of concern or some other excuse that makes it acceptable.
They have sought to portray me as inept.  Have gone to great lengths to sabotage me.  They will pay some people or try to to say or do certain things at certain times.
The Terrorist Stalkers have broken into my former home and stolen documents, replaced documents or notes all in efforts to confuse me, cause, me more work and to make me look inept.  Meanwhile they have spied on me and used my research and business plans to enrich themselves.
Two years ago I did alot of research into banking and before that about 6 years ago.
A little over a year ago I did research on the Vending Machine business in an unconventional model.
Five and a half to 6 years ago or so I did alot of research into the trucking industry and incorporated the location of the business, available incentives, zones, etc. into my plans.
One evening the Terrorists were rambling on and bombarding me with dialogue thru a nearby hidden speaker about several different properties that had been for sale.  I quickly realized that these were properties that I had aggressively pursued in the past.  They rambled on about the financials incredibly and even if they were going off of a proforma it is incredibly unprofessional to discuss the details of properties that you may have looked at and were for sale in the past.  They rambled on about 10 properties or so and probably had been spying on me back then unknown to me and bidding against me in some cases.
Hacking into computers and cell phones and seeking to interfere in a persons communication are examples of Economic Terrorism and Economic Espionage.
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the-sabalda-region · 3 years
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Become what you must
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deehollowaywrites · 5 years
The textbook knowledge of Funny Cide’s significance hits differently when described by a jock who loves New York tracks and New York-breds. The reminiscence of Aqueduct and Belmont at the tail-end of their heydays stings in this raw late spring, when Big A’s racing has halted and disease stalks Big Sandy. The idyllic depiction of Saratoga summers should be a balm for anxious minds fearful that the Spa may not open this year. And yet, despite the meticulous recapping of Santos’ most notable races, despite the laundry list of fin-de-siecle equine luminaries, despite the juicy tidbits of youthful excess and turbulent romance--there’s something missing.
March’s gloom-and-doom newsletter is part elegy for a time long gone, part examination of Jose Santos’ relationship to the current rumblings in American jockdom.
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migleefulmoments · 5 years
Abby and co are still whining about who was or wasn’t at the wedding. It was months ago, get over it! Just because Mandy Moore didn’t go to Darren’s wedding it doesn’t mean it was fake. 🙄
Anonymous said: Why the fuck would Mandy Moore have been at Darren's wedding? There is no evidence that they are close friends. They gushed all over each other when they did that interview but that's it. They're both in Midway but from what we've seen it doesn't look like they ever even filmed together. Just bc Darren fanboys over a person doesn't mean he's going to invite them to his wedding. They need to get a grip on reality.
It’s hilarious that I referred to Abby’s ridiculous insistence that the wedding guests weren’t Darren’s “real friends” simply to make a point the other day and now the ccers are once again fully engaged on this pointless debate. 
Anonymous asked:
There were several friends of D’s absent from the wedding. Hai/lee, Alli/son Will/iams, Luc/y Hale, Sar/ah Hy/land, Al/an Cum/ming, I could go on. The only friends present outside of D’s closest G/lee friends, clearly there for moral support, were the Starshits and that’s bc they support M. Literally no one at the wedding was someone who D was friends with independently outside of that select group of former cast members. Says a lot.
Anon. The wedding and everything about speaks volumes. From who was there. Who wasn’t. The fact that they made a shit ton on ads. The paps before the wedding. the fact that we’ve practically seen the entire thing from self proclaimed private couple. Who was there but didn’t really participate. No original song. Lack of officiant. Marriage in a state were licenses aren’t not accessible. Mocking of fandom. D not bothering to shave, wearing a wrinkled suit. D ignoring her and failing to help as she maneuvered that monstrosity into the car. Etc etc etc.
Nothing in her answer is true- it’s all lies and misconstrued BS. However, I’m only addressing the guest-list trope. 
Anonymous asked:Another gem, mandy m whom darren GUSHES about and loves dearly was also not present at the sham wed
No one that i would consider a close Hollywood friend outside of the G/lee peeps was present. No one. But people accept it and make excuses.  
Abby clearly believes she knows everything about Darren’s personal life from stalking him on social media. She believes that social media gives her an accurate, comprehensive understanding of his private life and access to his feelings. She believes she knows where he is, what he is doing, how he feels, what is important to him, and who is important to him simply from publicly available pictures and videos. She largely ignores what he says in interviews since it overwhelmingly contradict what she imagines she knows from stalking social media. 
Trying to “read” a social media photo is that all you can learn is what is verifiable- who is in the photo, what they wearing, maybe where they are, and what they are physically doing. Assuming anything about feelings, backstory, or emotions is how you end up making an ass out of you and sumption. Almost all of the photos and videos of Darren that we see - the ones Abby uses to “understand” Darren- are publicity photos used to promote something- he’s at an event, on the red carpet, promoting his own project, promoting a friends’ project, taking a cast photo at a show he attended, or #ad. This is what actors in Hollywood do, but Abby refuses to acknowledge that the vast majority of Darren pics and mentions are work related and not a diary of his full life and even during a busy week of heavy promotion, we see only a small percentage of his work day.  
 I have no doubt that Darren adores Allison Williams and Mandy Moore but they aren’t the kind of friends you invite to a 200-300 guest wedding. Darren is actually a private person, he isn’t doing to go on social media to lay out his feelings about someone who really means a lot to him. He doesn’t share those kinds of feelings with the world, those are special feelings he keeps private.
The group of people listed today: Hailee Seinfeld, Lucy Hale, Sarah Hyland and Alan Cumming were all former coworkers of his which means there were PR photos posted to social media. This is why Abby believes these people are his “best friends”. I don’t see any evidence that these people are close enough to be invited to his 200-300 guest wedding.  It is also possible that he did invite a few of those people and they simply weren’t able to come. He isn’t the kind of person to share that with his fans..  
He did tell Allison Williams when they were both on James Cordon “I adore you” but it doesn’t look like he was at her 2015 wedding: 
PEOPLE has learned that the wedding took place at Brush Creek Ranch in Saratoga, Wyoming, and among the 150-200 guests included Williams’ Girlsco-stars Lena Dunham, Jemima Kirke, Zosia Mamet, as well as pals Katy Perry, John Mayer, Barry Diller, Diane Von Furstenberg, Bruce Springsteen and Late Night‘s Seth Meyers.
A source tells PEOPLE that Tom Hanks officiated and that Brian Williamswalked his daughter down the aisle.
Three things that are off topic- 1. Tom Hanks officiated! How cool is that? 2.  Two days ago they announced that they are  getting divorced and 3. She wore an Oscar De La Renta couture gown that looks exactly like my gown which was a made by a seamstress based on a photo of an Oscar De La Renta that I could never afford. It’s crazy how similar the 2 dresses are- minus the couture and 20 years. Mine only had lace on the bust and I didn’t have that gorgeous veil.  My skirt was dupioni silk.
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None of the people that Abby claims are Darren’s true friends-the ACS cast, the Glee cast (minus Chord, Harry, Lea and. Max who did attend), Lucy, Allison, Sarah, Alan and Mandy- are people he is particularly close to and that makes it easier for her to think about. Abby is full of jealous rage over the people Darren really loves- Ben, the StarKids, Ricky, and Ashley. She cannot stand those people because they have the relationship with Darren that she wants but can’t have. She deludes herself that social media gives her access to his personal feelings and then lies to the fandom about his relationships. Darren doesn’t share vulnerable feelings on social media or in interviews but he does tell use that these people are “like family” or “one of my best friends”. Are you paying attention, Abby? Are you listening? 
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realprincipalbroker · 3 years
Square Barrels, emerging and ever unfolding egos at Bishop, and limitless mental power - The Mathew F. Ursua sky, land and sea series
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And we’re open!
Now to Ala Moana Shopping Center. 
Because of low income and growing up in poor environments, hailing from the most public that a public school can be kind of places, these security guards in the yellow long sleeve shirts with Allied Universal looking at the CCTV cameras from the little glass box where you can look in on them looking in on us for a little while before you cross over to Ala Moana Hotel where Rumors has finally shuttered so I guess you can't say it's a place for geriatrics anymore, in the bowels of the mall, would never even see their open secret.  
That touch. Just straddling alongside him. I guess that's her boyfriend, then. He grabs her. They must’ve met before. But if they were to rewind time enough, break free of the mind control the victim's rights advocates started forcing on them through the news reports, No More!, all these rapes across the country on girls in dorm rooms, there are all legitimate, and therefore the addendum are legitimate, too, we made this very easy, we have a special one for the fellatio ad-don, elementary school, anti-stalking mentalities, anti-rape mentalities, pro pull out, an addendum at these particular stages of the sex act to get dual consent documented, I guess take a picture of your derriere, too, right, bent over your bed with your lower back tattoo, adding to beauty of the dirtiness I like, with the contract there and some proof of date and time like a watch and the newspaper from the day, proof of consummation and pre-consent to said consummation, really get this right, you know, if they break free of that, do a little stalking, get a little curious, de-hypnotize themselves from some preconceived notion that Marsha Brady, there, with the male model lookalike just all of a sudden straddling alongside her, well-to-do "haole" families staring at Trump International off Saratoga where they have Waikiki Beach Walk, or Royal Hawaiian along Kalakaua, this pre-conceived notion that you can't be the virtually trust fund baby on vacation, staying at one of those resorts, with full-license to just take one look at Marsha Brady, and grab his cat, right there, and take her. If they rewind time enough for indeed all of the right reasons, not the wrong ones, they're never the wrong ones, boys, being the wealthy landlord bound for a much larger lot in life than your hours with Allied Universal alone can give you is never a wrong one, if you'll rewind time for the right reasons, perhaps you'll identify the little cues, piece it all together, see even the look down to the micro-expression he interprets that gives him the go before he pulls her in that way. That'll be the one he buys something or at Prada, maybe the girl that hails from San Diego gets a new pair of heels, and this is shopping night so he'll get a Tissot brand Swiss quartz watch with a fine band of brown leather, classic, business, from Macy's for himself, and that's what we to do with our girlfriends, she surely has turned out to have impeccable taste and style, in everything, so she knows which watch face matches this glorious occasion, of you and I. Maybe rewind time, guys, and we'll all get somewhere, and someone, if not Marsha then Jan, actually. The way we all watched really grow up right in front of us, Jan Brady, at a certain point, we weren’t vying for her just to get in with Marsha, Marsha, Marsha, this was Jan, really the contender, you know.
And we will be talking a little more about this going forward, but watch this and tell me you aren’t absolutely convinced we are looking at literally Full-CIA. 
So what’s the problem, here?
I need to start clubbing and socializing immediately, here, and partake in precisely these activities, in advance of, and in preparation for, the faster paced gambling-oriented, Texas Hold’ Em poker, or Baccarat, they’ve got that now worse than blackjack for full retards, banker games, I prefer the real ones on Bishop Street and Wall Street, but you start playing the Slot Machines that in Art of the Deal, Donald Trump prefers to own, right? We are talking about the environments the Las Vegas strip offers. Sure you’re “aging out of the system” as we social workers say here in Hawaii about the ones we try to help after the age of 18 when they’re from Foster Care, but we can’t help them, only Mathew Ursua can, actually, and it’s something we know. It’s better if they keep taking their medication. There’s no way the world can afford this many enlightened individuals that moreover are fully alive, that way. But there’s always Westgate for us geriatrics. And you think this stuff is crazy, all true.
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This image is one example. Square Barrels. Right there, across the promenade with ponds at Pauahi Tower in Honolulu’s financial district. Sure, it’s toned down compared to Bar 35. But this, it’s for the professionals. It's for us $75,000-plus a year earning, JD from William S. Richardson School of Law civil lawyers and, okay, even if you’re Title Guaranty, you can afford Square Barrels, too. You go there. We can achieve access to intimacy and human sexuality with similarly well endowed and like-minded partners, professionals, business oriented, take them to bed and hike up TheDress on them in our Ward Village or Kapiolani Boulevard condominiums, right from there. Of course I analyzed the crowd, it’s also for Doing Deal. We can have full old boys club. Lunch for “the team.” I was studying that place pretty closely for a couple of hours one evening. There’s a lot to be gleaned from the height of the bar counters, the stools, the menu, the unique layout and interior decoration, the commercial space being full look right through from the outside, we built a glass house, us Bank of Hawaii BSEcon private bankers, here on Bishop Street, but we have these big partitions on the inside hiding us from view, mostly, as we “wine and dine” our prey in the booths. You see those two working professionals there, of course it’s the whole girlfriend from another office thing. There's a pretty good lunch special today, but I’d say decent quality, they’re very decent quality, this passes my inspection kind of ladies, going in there. As I’ve studied restaurants all across the American southwest and throughout Hawaii, there’s always something like the host’s counter, in these places, even at a chain American diner like Dennys, and it’s where you’re going to wait to be seated. You go in. And if it’s crowded, you’re going to have to wait a bit, but during certain hours, and we all get this innate feel, by the way, for the environments we like and Bar 35 and Square Barrels, similarly, you look at the Google crowd counters, they peak at certain times and then they really slow down, things are going to get really quiet, and it’s as simple as some of us like lunch and some of us like dinner but you know what I mean. The differing atmospheres presented by these establishments, says a little about our personalities, preferences, and cognitive styles and even overall general cognitive ability, to the extent that there is a kind of tolerance level for noise and stimuli, a threshold, that is informed by one’s ability to filter out the unnecessary. You’re going to think about clubbing and hooking up in a bar, here.
The reason my head is so slow and creative, “designer,” like a liberal democrat, and by extension I really wouldn’t be able until this sexual and cognitive awakening, here, actually do any work or be of any real use in an office setting, really exercise my incredible leadership and business acumen, is because my lack of ever having been “socialized” into these settings, leaves half or more of the entire universe of human experience undetectable and therefore off limits to me. I’m talking about literally entire domains of the human experience, here. This is beta to gamma hertz ranges measured by electrodes when they stick it on your head. This is the incredibly visual spatial, you’re looking at cognitive batteries, this is the digit span kind of stuff, the symbol swapping kind of stuff, real Yaeggi N-back task kind of stuff that we’re going to have these gains. And the only cure for this, this is depression outside the “mood,” stuff the clinical psychologists look for and they’ve got Prozac for you to keep you earning minimum wage taking calls at the call center, this is depression of the existence of the human by keeping these “waves” from the reality around us from reaching us and, even worse, us from affecting them. This is a worthless existence, and it is evidenced by lack of resources to be in environments where moving toward sexual contact is encouraged, rather than discouraged, and where the girls simply through their presence in that location, in that venue, are saying, “sweep me off my feet,” and want to be taken back to their apartments or homes and have sex.
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In the words of one BIlly Zane, in the 1997 Hollywood blockbuster, Titanic, “I hope you two enjoy your time together.” These ultra-conservative wealth-defenders just had to get on YouTube and say Cal’s the good guy, he’s really the good guy. It isn’t impressing Paris Hilton, Gia Pirrolo, or Olivia Jade Gianulli, unfortunately for you. But the thing with stories, with these antagonists, it’s the circumstance itself that makes them the enemy. With that gun in his hand, and something to fight for, for once. I put the jewel in the coat. And I put the coat on her. 
That’s how we say I love you in Rich-Family.
Rose descending the steps at Aloha Tower, this time to get it right, you remember? I talked about the argument from Vale, Colorado. Sexual morality and hands-off, that really changes when the religion of slavery leaves the picture. Turns out that place was Honolulu’s very own City University, and I take it that mezzanine level was probably student housing. Those “rules,” and policies they put forth that still don’t appease the liberal democrats enough to stop them from raiding their campus at UC Berkeley for pussy they’ll never find that way. They might have to make me a professor with his own yacht docked at Ward Village, if you know what I mean. And now we’re talking. The Old Spaghetti Factory. Right around the corner. Maybe then, those rules we were all taught, all bets, they’re off the table. Maybe just maybe. 
That’s how we say I love you in Rich-Family.
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literaryromps · 4 years
Whale Facts# 13🐳🐳🐳🐳🐳🐳🐳🐳🐳🐳🐳🐳🐳
I’m going to let Melville provide his own whale facts this time by highlighting the two whole chapters (Ch 55-56) Ishmael spent ranting about hilariously terrible whale imagery. Mind that the “Ishmael says” bits are actual quotes from Moby Dick. [see: collection #2, collection #3]
Collection #1: “Curious imaginary portraits...which challenge the faith of the landsman”
Image: The Cavern-Pagoda of Elephanta
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ISHMAEL SAYS: Though this sculpture is half man and half whale, so as only to give the tail of the latter, yet that small section of him is all wrong. It looks more like the tapering tail of an anaconda, than the broad palms of the true whale’s majestic flukes. 
Image: “Andromeda” by Guido Reni (detail)
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ISHMAEL SAYS: Where did Guido get the model of such a strange creature as that?
Image: “Perseus Descending” by William Hogarth (detail)
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ISHMAEL SAYS: The huge corpulence of that Hogarthian monster undulates on the surface, scarcely drawing one inch of water. It has a sort of howdah on its back, and its distended tusked mouth into which the billows are rolling, might be taken for the Traitors’ Gate leading from the Thames by water into the Tower.
Image: Jonah and the Whale, Folio from a Jami al-Tavarikh
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ISHMAEL SAYS: ...what shall be said of these?
Image: Festina lente printer’s mark by Aldus Manutius
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ISHMAEL SAYS: As for the book-binder’s whale winding like a vine-stalk...that is a very picturesque but purely fabulous creature.
Image: “Instauratio Magna” book cover by Francis Bacon (detail)
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ISHMAEL SAYS: You will at times meet with very curious touches at the whale, where all manner of spouts, jets d’eau, hot springs and cold, Saratoga and Baden-Baden, come bubbling up from his unexhausted brain.
 These facts scathing art history lessons were brought to you by Moby Dick:
Chapter 53 ~ The Gam Of a long-winded dictionary definition
Chapter 54 ~ The Town-Ho’s Story Of a briny sea pup’s tale to entertain the many Dons
Chapter 55 ~ Of the Monstrous Pictures of Whales Of art critique with Uncle Melville
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countrymusicandcher · 4 years
The McGarrigles got you covered
Let's see if there is a topic they DON'T cover! (Obs: only compositions they wrote/helped write are included & some songs reappear)
Cheating/Useless Partner? - Go Leave, I cried for us, Kitty Come Home, Hang out your Little Heart
Sex? - Side of Fries, Talk about it, Kiss & Say Goodbye
Heartache? - Hang out your little heart, I cried for us, Go Leave, Heart like a wheel, Kitty come home, Stellar by Artois, St. Valentine's Day 1978, Blues in D, I'm loosing you, Pronto Monto (Prends Ton Monteau)
Love? - Love is, Kiss & Say Goodbye, Love Over and Over, Excusion a Venice, Tu vas m'acompagner, Oh My Heart, Petit announce amourese, Southern Boys, St. Valentine's Day 1978, Saratoga Summer Song, Heartbeats Accelerating, The Walking Song, La Belle S'est Étourdie
Grief? - The Bike Song, Song for Gaby, Why must we die, La Vache Qui Pleure
Lonliness? I eat dinner, I'm loosing you
Childbirth? - Bundle of Sorrow, Bundle of Joy
Lullaby? Lullaby for a doll, Babies if I didn't have you
Metaphors for life? Cheminant A La Ville/On my way to town, Entre La Jeunesse Et La Sagesse, Matapedia, As fast as my little feet, You tell me that I'm falling down, I am a Diamond
Existensialism? Entre La Jeunesse Et La Sagesse, Why must we die, Why must we die, Ce Matin
Siblings being treated diffrently? First Born
Political satire? Complaint pour Ste. Cathrine, Petites Boîtes
Historical? Jacques et Gilles
Science? NA Cl
Stalking: Going out lookin' for you
World Peace? A place in your heart
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riverlyvz112-blog · 5 years
Ask The Dad Advice Column: On Teens Dating Losers And Adult Neglect
In a 36 page decision handed down by the New York City State Commission on Judicial Conduct, the commission identified that Saratoga County Family Court Judge, Gilbert Abramson, is not fit to be a judge and must be eliminated from workplace. Gilbert's term expires at the end of the year, when Jennifer Bergan who was recently elected to workplace will take his place.
Keep in mind, you care the most about your case, no one else. You need to get the understanding and take control of your case. Don't depend upon your Lawyer, or the Judge, for a fantastic outcome. They are just human and have lots of other cases to deal with. Your case is a priority just to you.
Joint Custody Contracts And Visitation Schedules - Ignoring Kid Support
This can impact your case greatly. In family mediation you state realities, and the judge makes a judgment; which I will stroll you thru for a short while. In Bad guy Court you need to show abuse, stalking, and so on, beyond a reasonable doubt. This means you should prove your case with not only statements however difficult evidence. Lawbreaker Court is more detailed, and hard than family mediation procedures, so a legal representative is highly advised.
You'll have arguments with your spouse. You'll be handling expensive attorneys-- two of them. You'll be stressing over your kids and how the divorce will impact them. You'll fret about who's getting what, who'll take care of the children, where to move. bottom line is, it's not going to be simple, so don't expect it to be.
Therapist: Well what does any affair mediation families have to do with all the hard work and deposits that are made into a pension if you were to get 1/2 of it right off the bat?
Separated Dads Suggestions - How To Convince Your Family Court Judge
Be flexible. Life tosses us curves, and you might require to select another place to go, or dine at. This need to be an adventure. Explore. Observe. Observe how you engage with your date. Were you anxious? What did you like? Would you change anything?
In Family mediators, a special professional called a "divorce mediator" processes your divorce both for you and your spouse. That suggests you'll only be handling one professional rather of 2. This makes an amicable divorce a lot more likely to happen.
Considering the long term implies that you prepare initially prior to taking any action. Divorce can be a bitter battle, no doubt, and fighting without thinking of the long term can only injure you in the end. Determining what is truly essential to you is the first crucial action. It is so easy to combat about everything, and it even feels good. What is winds up doing is costing you more cash and just drags out what is currently an unpleasant process. It makes no sense to spend $10,000 in legal charges to get $1,000 more in your divorce settlement.
Remember this fundamental truth of Rhode Island kid custody cases. Usually the judge will ignore assertions made by both sides and look solely to independent sources such as the guardian advertisement litem, child psychiatrists, psychologists, mental assessments, detectives, dcyf and scientific social workers. Why is this real? Judges get completely opposite and diametrically opposite factual assertion from the celebrations and do not have the time to attempt to sort it all out. In most cases it is impossible to figure out who is telling the truth. Therefore, the judges want to the above mentioned relied on sources.
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Free Pick4win.com Saratoga Horse Pick for Wednesday 8/7
OK, For Wednesday I've completely handicapped races 2-10 from Saratoga with Pick5, Pick4 and Pick3 wagers suggested with Off Turf Picks provided as storms are in the forecast. Still rolling hot with 37 Top Pick Winners over last two weeks for 38% - remarkable when you think about it. I like the races today regardless of the surface, some horse I like on both surfaces so we'll see how the day unfolds. Visit Pick4win.com to purchase your selection package. For Wednesday's Free Pick ~ Saratoga race 3 - #7 CRACK SHOT - This son of Freud showed good speed last time after breaking slightly slow. He draws a outside post today, should be able to stalk the rabbit and sneak away late for victory. The very best of luck!
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tvgnetwork · 6 years
$200k Florida Oaks
$200,000 Florida Oaks (G3)
Tampa Bay Downs
Race 10 (Saturday, March 9, 2019: 4:50 p.m./ET; 1:50 p.m./PT) Mile and a sixteenth on turf (three-year-old fillies)
The 39th running of the Florida Oaks (G3) is a turf race in Florida, so naturally trainer Chad Brown has a strong hand, but nine others in the field look to play spoiler while sporting solid resumes themselves:
#1 LA FEVE (FR) made her first start in the United States for Chad Brown in the Sweetest Chant (G3) at Gulfstream on February 3 and ran third, beaten five lengths. Second start off a four-and-a-half month layoff and with a race under her belt, she has a right to take a step forward with top jockey Irad Ortiz Jr. aboard. Contender.
#2 MEGA FORTUNE faces winners for the first time after a front running score last time out at odds of 41/1. Her most recent race was the first time that she had ever routed on grass. Maybe that’s what she’s always wanted to do, but now she faces proven winners and a legit group of stakes quality fillies. Improvement needed once more.
#3 WINTER SUNSET is a perfect two-for-two after a pair of victories routing on turf at the Fair Grounds. This Wayne Catalano trainee is a royally bred filly, by TAPIT out of multiple Grade I winner WINTER MEMORIES. Player.
#4 ELSA went off as the heavy 2/5 favorite in the Shantel Lanerie Memorial at the Fair Grounds and was out finished by #3 WINTER SUNSET while finishing a no-excuse second. Before that runner up effort, this Godolphin homebred won the Jimmy Durante (G3) at Del Mar. Joe Bravo was aboard for the Durante (G3) win and hops back aboard today.
#5 CONCRETE ROSE broke her maiden at first asking and came back to win the Jessamine (G3) at Keeneland. Her most recent start, a no-show in the Breeders Cup’ Juvenile Fillies Turf (G1), was a subpar effort with no excuse. She makes her three-year-old debut here for trainer Rusty Arnold, who wins with 7% of his trainees in their first start off a layoff between 61-180 days.
#6 ZARINA broke her maiden for a tag in her career debut and most recently won a starter optional claiming over this turf course in February. This is a much tougher group than what she’s used to running against, so class is a big question mark.
#7 BLOWOUT (GB) is the second Chad Brown entrant in the race. This gal stalked the pace in her only career race, a maiden event over this turf course, winning that contest by a head. Jose Ortiz rides for the first time and they win at a 27% clip together when teaming up.
#8 HER ROYAL HIGHNESS makes her career debut on turf for top connections Graham Motion and Joel Rosario. Two starts ago, this filly won an allowance optional claimer at Laurel but, most recently, was a non-factor in the Suncoast Stakes over the Tampa main track.  By El Prado stallion Paddy O’Prado, there is reason to believe this gal might like the grass. Nonetheless, improvement is needed for her to beat the best.
#9 WINNING ENVELOPE was also well beaten in the Suncoast Stakes on February 9, but she was coming off a four-and-a-half month layoff. Her only career turf try resulted in her best race, a four-and-three-quarter length romp at Churchill Downs in September. Getting back to a surface she likes while making her second start off a break, maybe she can run a peak race. Live.
#10 STELLAR AGENT makes her three-year-old debut and first start off a four-month layoff in this spot. The daughter of MORE THAN READY broke her maiden easily sprinting on turf at Saratoga, came back to run third in the Miss Grillo (G2) behind NEWSPAPEROFRECORD and, in her most recent start, finished behind the aforementioned rival in the Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Fillies Turf (G1).  The class of the field.
#11 MARGARET’S JOY is a maiden who will need to pick up the pace to be competitive from this outside post.
1. #1 LA FEVE – In Chad Brown We Trust.
2. #10 STELLAR AGENT – Grade 1 placed.
3. #3 WINTER SUNSET – Royally bred.
LONGSHOT VALUE PLAY-#9 WINNING ENVELOPE – Only turf try was terrific.
I’ll make a straight win bet on my top choice, exacta box my top three picks and box all four of my selections in a trifecta.
BANKROLL PLAY ($50 Budget)
$14 Win: #1 LA FEVE
$2 Exacta Box: #1 LA FEVE and #3 WINTER SUNSET and #10 STELLAR AGENT ($12).
$1 Trifecta Box: #1 LA FEVE and #3 WINTER SUNSET and #9 WINNING ENVELOPE and #10 STELLAR AGENT ($24).
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natashamriel · 6 years
$200k Florida Oaks
$200,000 Florida Oaks (G3)
Tampa Bay Downs
Race 10 (Saturday, March 9, 2019: 4:50 p.m./ET; 1:50 p.m./PT) Mile and a sixteenth on turf (three-year-old fillies)
The 39th running of the Florida Oaks (G3) is a turf race in Florida, so naturally trainer Chad Brown has a strong hand, but nine others in the field look to play spoiler while sporting solid resumes themselves:
#1 LA FEVE (FR) made her first start in the United States for Chad Brown in the Sweetest Chant (G3) at Gulfstream on February 3 and ran third, beaten five lengths. Second start off a four-and-a-half month layoff and with a race under her belt, she has a right to take a step forward with top jockey Irad Ortiz Jr. aboard. Contender.
#2 MEGA FORTUNE faces winners for the first time after a front running score last time out at odds of 41/1. Her most recent race was the first time that she had ever routed on grass. Maybe that’s what she’s always wanted to do, but now she faces proven winners and a legit group of stakes quality fillies. Improvement needed once more.
#3 WINTER SUNSET is a perfect two-for-two after a pair of victories routing on turf at the Fair Grounds. This Wayne Catalano trainee is a royally bred filly, by TAPIT out of multiple Grade I winner WINTER MEMORIES. Player.
#4 ELSA went off as the heavy 2/5 favorite in the Shantel Lanerie Memorial at the Fair Grounds and was out finished by #3 WINTER SUNSET while finishing a no-excuse second. Before that runner up effort, this Godolphin homebred won the Jimmy Durante (G3) at Del Mar. Joe Bravo was aboard for the Durante (G3) win and hops back aboard today.
#5 CONCRETE ROSE broke her maiden at first asking and came back to win the Jessamine (G3) at Keeneland. Her most recent start, a no-show in the Breeders Cup’ Juvenile Fillies Turf (G1), was a subpar effort with no excuse. She makes her three-year-old debut here for trainer Rusty Arnold, who wins with 7% of his trainees in their first start off a layoff between 61-180 days.
#6 ZARINA broke her maiden for a tag in her career debut and most recently won a starter optional claiming over this turf course in February. This is a much tougher group than what she’s used to running against, so class is a big question mark.
#7 BLOWOUT (GB) is the second Chad Brown entrant in the race. This gal stalked the pace in her only career race, a maiden event over this turf course, winning that contest by a head. Jose Ortiz rides for the first time and they win at a 27% clip together when teaming up.
#8 HER ROYAL HIGHNESS makes her career debut on turf for top connections Graham Motion and Joel Rosario. Two starts ago, this filly won an allowance optional claimer at Laurel but, most recently, was a non-factor in the Suncoast Stakes over the Tampa main track.  By El Prado stallion Paddy O’Prado, there is reason to believe this gal might like the grass. Nonetheless, improvement is needed for her to beat the best.
#9 WINNING ENVELOPE was also well beaten in the Suncoast Stakes on February 9, but she was coming off a four-and-a-half month layoff. Her only career turf try resulted in her best race, a four-and-three-quarter length romp at Churchill Downs in September. Getting back to a surface she likes while making her second start off a break, maybe she can run a peak race. Live.
#10 STELLAR AGENT makes her three-year-old debut and first start off a four-month layoff in this spot. The daughter of MORE THAN READY broke her maiden easily sprinting on turf at Saratoga, came back to run third in the Miss Grillo (G2) behind NEWSPAPEROFRECORD and, in her most recent start, finished behind the aforementioned rival in the Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Fillies Turf (G1).  The class of the field.
#11 MARGARET’S JOY is a maiden who will need to pick up the pace to be competitive from this outside post.
1. #1 LA FEVE – In Chad Brown We Trust.
2. #10 STELLAR AGENT – Grade 1 placed.
3. #3 WINTER SUNSET – Royally bred.
LONGSHOT VALUE PLAY-#9 WINNING ENVELOPE – Only turf try was terrific.
I’ll make a straight win bet on my top choice, exacta box my top three picks and box all four of my selections in a trifecta.
BANKROLL PLAY ($50 Budget)
$14 Win: #1 LA FEVE
$2 Exacta Box: #1 LA FEVE and #3 WINTER SUNSET and #10 STELLAR AGENT ($12).
$1 Trifecta Box: #1 LA FEVE and #3 WINTER SUNSET and #9 WINNING ENVELOPE and #10 STELLAR AGENT ($24).
$200k Florida Oaks published first on https://tvgnetwork.blogspot.com
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footballscoreslive · 7 years
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Green Mask Scorches In Sunday’s Troy; Rally Cry Serves Notice In Alydar Abdullah Saeed Almaddah's Green Mask narrowly missed the track record for 5 ½ furlongs, crossing the wire in 1:00:49 after a perfect stalk and pounce trip to win the $ 250,000 Troy on Sunday at Saratoga Race Course, and solidify himself as one of the top turf sprinters in North America.
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tinymixtapes · 7 years
Future to tour the world on “The Future Hndrxx Tour” in the very near-future
In 2017, the presence of Future is near-ubiquitous. Check the charts: Future. Turn on the radio: Future. Watch Ellen: Future. Go to bed: wake up to Future. Open your refrigerator: What are you doing, get your foot out of the potato salad, Future! Try to file a restraining order against Future because you swear he’s following you around, get laughed out of court because how or why would Future be stalking you, collapse outside your car and cry due to the combination of shame, sleep deprivation, and outright fear: Future. Yeah, that guy is definitely everywhere. And with the announcement of “The Future Hndrxx Tour,” Future’s stranglehold on 2017 is set to go worldwide. With two Billbort Numbero Won albums – FUTURE and HNDRXX – along with the massively successful “Nobody Safe Tour” under his belt, it makes sense that Future would want to combine all three entities into one super-duper successful Cronenbergian monstrosity with “The Future Hndrxx Tour.” This tour (which follows a whole bunch of US dates currently underway) will send Future to Europe, to Australia and New Zealand, to his first ever shows in Africa, and to a mysterious land known only as “Canada,” from July through October. Watch the video for “Mask Off,” check out all of Future’s upcoming tour dates, and of course, listen to Future say “NOBU” for 10 minutes, all down below. If you don’t think you’ll be able to make it to one of the several outdoor amphitheaters Future will be playing on this tour, you can always check him out THIS SATURDAY, June 25, when he performs live on the BET Awards. (See? EVERYWHERE!) The Future Hndrxx Tour: 06.23.17 – Austin, TX – Austin360 Amphitheatre 06.24.17 – Dallas, TX – Starplex Pavilion 06.27.17 – San Diego, CA – Sleep Train Amphitheatre 06.28.17 – Phoenix, AZ – Ak-Chin Pavilion 06.29.17 – Albuquerque, NM – Isleta Amphitheatre 06.30.17 – Las Vegas, NV – T-Mobile Arena 07.08.17 – Milwaukee, WI – Summerfest 07.14.17 – Lisbon, Portugal – Super Bock Super Rock 07.21.17 – Maputo, Mozambique – Adil Water Park 07.22.17 – Dar es Salaam, Tanzania – Leaders Club 08.05.17 – Toronto, ON – Veld Music Festival 08.13.17 – West Palm Beach, FL – Perfect Vodka Amphitheatre 08.14.17 – Tampa, FL – MidFlorida Credit Union Amphitheater 08.16.17 – Jacksonville, FL – Daily’s Place 08.18.17 – Birmingham, AL – Legacy Arena at BJCC 08.19.17 – Charlottesville, VA – John Paul Jones Arena 08.20.17 – Virginia Beach, VA – Veterans United Home Loans Amphitheater 08.21.17 – Baltimore, MD – Royal Farms Arena 08.23.17 – Saratoga Springs, NY – Saratoga Performing Arts Center 08.24.17 – Atlantic City, NJ – Boardwalk Hall 08.26.17 – Syracuse, NY – Lakeview Amphitheater 08.27.17 – Uncasville, CT – Mohegan Sun Arena 09.16.17 – Queens, NY – The Meadows Music & Arts Festival 09.17.17 – Atlanta, GA – Music Midtown 09.23.17 – Melbourne, AU – Listen Out Melbourne 09.24.17 – Perth, AU – Listen Out Perth 09.28.17 – Auckland, NZ – Spark Arena 09.30.17 – Sydney, AU – Listen out Sydney 10.01.17 – Brisbane, AU – Listen Out Brisbane 10.10.17 – Trondheim, Norway- UKA-17 10.11.17 – Stockholm, Sweden – Hovet 10.12.17 – Copenhagen, Denmark – Valby-Hallen 10.13.17 – Berlin, Germany – Columbiahalle 10.15.17 – Cologne, Germany – Palladium 10.16.17 – Amsterdam, Netherlands – AFAS Live 10.17.17 – Paris, France – Zenith 10.18.17 – Frankfurt, Germany - Jahrhunderthalle 10.20.17 – Manchester, UK – Manchester Academy 10.22.17 – Birmingham, UK – O2 Academy Birmingham 10.23.17 – London, UK – The O2 Arena http://j.mp/2t4ePYU
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