mommydearestella · 3 years
pets are killed.
knocking on the door: no one is there or the person is at the wrong apt.
synchronicity: things happen (an engine starts up, someone coughs, a vehicle horn honks, etc) precisely as the target does something (e.g. moves around or exits his apt, etc).
the same harassment happens every single day, day after day, year after year.
deception: the stalkers may pretend to be members of a "community group," "concerned citizens" who are "informing" the community about a "bad person" who is living among them. These are lies: The stalkers are members of a right-wing hate-vigilante group.
the target's residence is entered and vandalized or items are taken. Sometimes the stalkers do this (in an apt complex) by convincing the resident manager or the maintenance person that the target is a child molester, some other kind of criminal, a spy, etc. Sometimes the stalkers play upon the resident manager's or the maintenance person's "patriotism" to get access to the target's residence. Deception is used at every level in gang stalking. mail is stolen or damaged.
goals: The stalkers wish to drive the target insane & to get him forcibly taken to (and incarcerated in) a psychiatric institution. They wish to make the target became violent, so that he can be violently assaulted, arrested, and taken to jail. They wish to make the target suffer so much that he kills himself. They wish to make the target become poor by making him lose his job and spend his money moving from place to place trying to escape from the stalkers. They wish to completely isolate the target, so he can have no support from anywhere or anyone. Overall they wish to destroy the target emotionally, financially, socially, and physically.
My personal experiences below:
In my case I am spied on against my will by a number of different methods.  The Stalkers and Abusers, I suspect, think if they say it is out of concern or some other excuse that makes it acceptable.
They have sought to portray me as inept.  Have gone to great lengths to sabotage me.  They will pay some people or try to to say or do certain things at certain times.
The Terrorist Stalkers have broken into my former home and stolen documents, replaced documents or notes all in efforts to confuse me, cause, me more work and to make me look inept.  Meanwhile they have spied on me and used my research and business plans to enrich themselves.
Two years ago I did alot of research into banking and before that about 6 years ago.
A little over a year ago I did research on the Vending Machine business in an unconventional model.
Five and a half to 6 years ago or so I did alot of research into the trucking industry and incorporated the location of the business, available incentives, zones, etc. into my plans.
One evening the Terrorists were rambling on and bombarding me with dialogue thru a nearby hidden speaker about several different properties that had been for sale.  I quickly realized that these were properties that I had aggressively pursued in the past.  They rambled on about the financials incredibly and even if they were going off of a proforma it is incredibly unprofessional to discuss the details of properties that you may have looked at and were for sale in the past.  They rambled on about 10 properties or so and probably had been spying on me back then unknown to me and bidding against me in some cases.
Hacking into computers and cell phones and seeking to interfere in a persons communication are examples of Economic Terrorism and Economic Espionage.
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mommydearestella · 3 years
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