dzthenerd490 · 7 months
File: Resident Evil 4
Code Name: Las Plagas/ The God Parasite
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: All samples of SCP-ADN were transported to Site-AG due to their overall danger. Each instance regardless of variation is contained at the on-site Level 5 Biohazard labs. They are contained within 20 separate containment capsules all contained within a single biohazard freezer that is locked by an 8-digit passcode. Any testing regarding SCP-ADN must be approved by at least three Level 5 Clearance staff members. The one testing must do it within the Level 5 Biohazard Labs unless given permission to go elsewhere. Regardless of where testing is taking place, all participants must weak the Keter Biohazard Suit at all times and until at least 20 minutes after testing has concluded. 
Around the freezer where SCP-ADN is contained; there are AFA-3's wearing Stalker Helmets, Smart Cloaking Suits, and Mosaic Armor and armed with Foundation Laser Rifles. The AFA-3 are ready to kill anyone who tries to take SCP-ADN without the proper clearance, there are no exceptions. 
In the event of a containment breach the AFA-3 units are to open the fridge and destroy all but one sample of SCP-ADN. After control at Site-AG has been established again, Foundation staff are to utilize D Class to help reestablish the original SCP-ADN population of 20. This process is delicate and must not be rushed, anyone who tries or utilizes unapproved equipment during the process will be regulated to D Class and used as part of the breeding process, there are no exceptions. 
Description: SCP-ADN is a species of ancient parasitic organism of unknown origin resembling an elongated insectoid creature with multiple segmented limbs. SCP-ADN has can have a symbiotic relationship with its host organism though how this relationship works is determined by a hierarchy within the SCP-ADN species. Infection occurs through injection of eggs of the parasite, the parasite entering the body via any available orifice, or exposure to bodily fluids. Each SCP-ADN parasite is able to manipulate the host depending on which variant infects the host. 
As stated before, SCP-ADN is an ancient parasite and shouldn't be strong enough to live in the modern world especially since it's been encased in amber for so long. However, a researcher form Group of Interest: Umbrella Corporation managed to revive the parasite using a sample of SCP-AAY. By doing so the SCP-ADN parasites regenerated form centuries of damage on the DNA and became strong enough to possess humans. Upon infection of a human SCP-ADN implants itself into the central nervous system, specifically right above the Ganglion area. Why it attaches here and not near the brain is unknown. Normally the first host to be infected either is or has a 5% chance of evolving into an SCP-ADN-King.
SCP-ADN-King is the most essential to the SCP-ADN species, like a queen bee is to a beehive. Once one is infected with SCP-ADN-King they will be able to control all other hosts of SCP-ADN. The most common variant of these is SCP-ADN-Pawn. SCP-ADN-Pawn is the slave variant of the species, once it infects a host it will work as the exact opposite of SCP-ADN-King. A host of SCP-ADN-Pawn will suffer assimilation of the neural tissue allowing the parasite to assume control over the host's motor functions. This will lead to several side effects including heightened aggression, enhanced physical abilities, reduced pain perception, cognitive deterioration, and loss of higher brain functions. This allows the host of SCP-ADN-King to control them through telepathic communication between the parasites. 
However, though they can obey some orders and mumble words, they are no different than animals that can only follow basic orders. This is not to say they are not a threat; each one has the ability to handle weapons well and the strength to easily overpower the common man. Furthermore, they can even survive heavy damage to their head and become more aggressive to their attackers as a result. When out of sunlight, the parasite is able to mutate and grow stronger. The most common mutation is able to burst out of the head and transform into a thick fleshy tentacle with a single eye and a blade at the end. Though it's possible for other similar mutations to occur it usually at the cost of the head. Though this also means that once they get into sunlight again the parasite will weaken and without the head the host will die. 
Being dissatisfied with the results the host of SCP-ADN-King wanted newer and more powerful parasites that could follow orders better and protect him with their increased power. This led to the creation of SCP-ADN-Queen, SCP-ADN-Rook, SCP-ADN-Bishop, and SCP-ADN-Knight. SCP-ADN-Queens are those infected with a variant of SCP-ADN that is superior in every way. They are still loyal to the host of SCP-ADN-King but are able to keep their original personalities and intelligence allowing them to follow more complex orders. Furthermore, they are much stronger and faster than hosts of SCP-ADN-Pawn; they can even regenerate from certain forms of damage essentially making them super soldiers. It is even possible for hosts of SCP-ADN-Queen to give orders to other SCP-ADN variants as SCP-ADN-King does. When out of the sunlight and/or badly damaged they are able to shift their bodies with more complex mutations. Such mutations include transforming into giant slug-like monsters with acidic mucus, being able to grow additional insectoid-like limbs, and being able to grow biological blades out of the body. 
SCP-ADN-Rook are parasites that have been heavily altered resulting in the hosts being heavily altered as well. This has led to a wide variety of variants each one having a unique ability and attribute that makes them dangerous. Those recorded during the [data expunged] incident are SCP-ADN-Rook1, Rook2, and Rook3. Hosts of SCP-ADN-Rook1 are basically giants, not really that different to a Sarkic Behemoth. Hosts of SCP-ADN-Rook2 are people who have been mutated into humanoid giant bugs that sometimes carry rare traits of bugs such as flight, acidic spit, and camouflage. They are deadly in combat but normally weak and can be taken down by conventional firearms however in a swarm which is their usual behavior, they can be quite the threat. Hosts of SCP-ADN-Rook3 become much larger and stronger than hosts of SCP-ADN-Rook2, they can even develop even more unique and anomalous abilities as a result. What anomalous properties they can get are not well known or documented as only two have been known to exist and testing to create more has been forbidden by Foundation administrative staff. 
SCP-ADN-Bishops are also heavily altered parasites of the species that result in even more anomalous results. SCP-ADN-Bishop1 is a variant that is too big to fit inside a body and can live quite a while without a host. They normally work as support for other SCP-ADN hosts by latching onto the host and taking control to make them run faster and get stronger as a result. SCP-ADN-Bishop2 are parasites that can infect animals, most notably dogs, and as a result make the dog much more ferocious with larger teeth while also giving them the ability to grow whipping tentacles on their backs. It is unknown if the SCP-ADN-Bishop2 parasite can infect any other kind of animal besides dogs. 
SCP-ADN-Bishop3 hosts are the most ferocious of all variants in that they heavily mutate the host due to multiple parasites occupying the body. The face becomes grotesque with glowing sunken eyes and large ferocious teeth. The body becomes bloated and aquatic like being able to slip and slide on the floor and even able to stretch limbs Because of the multiple parasites, they are able to regenerate from any wound with the only way to kill them is to hit the parasites directly. Though even if one could manage this there is a 20% chance the host will mutate further allowing them to grow thin but long and sharp spikes all over their body. 
Finally, SCP-ADN-Knights are the most peculiar instances in that they don't need a host to survive. Instead, they normally occupy empty sets of armor and can move them as if they are normal humanoids. They can seemingly hibernate within these armor sets for years without having to worry about food. Unlike other instances that feed on the nutrients of their hosts or the feed on what their host eats, they seem to drink the blood of passing victims through vampiric tendrils. They are able to fill any form of metal or even clothing so long as it's humanoid and able to cover the body. They can also hold heavy and deadly weapons though they are extremely slow and can easily be outrun. 
As stated, before SCP-ADN-King has the ability to control all other SCP-ADN parasites and their hosts but that is not all that makes it dangerous. Surprisingly the host of SCP-ADN-King will always have its own free will and be able to control not only its own parasite but all other SCP-ADN instances. How this is possible or even works is unknown. When out of the sunlight and at any time it desires, the host of SCP-ADN-King is able to control the growth of the parasite and have it mutate their body to create a new insectoid like body. The limits to this growth are unknown as recordings of the previous SCP-ADN-King host was able to grow a mass of [data expunged] meters. 
Though like always, even SCP-ADN-King can be killed and is weak to the sun, fire, and bright flashes of light. Testing has shown that no matter how much SCP-ADN is genetically altered or grows in strength these UV rays are and always will be the best method to suppress and even kill SCP-ADN parasites and their host. Unfortunately, testing has also shown that it is impossible to remove an SCP-ADN parasite after infection. Once someone is infected, they must remove the parasite before 8 hours of infection otherwise it will be impossible to remove. The only way to extend this time limit is to be given suppressant medicine which the Foundation has proven quite easy to mass produce. 
SCP-ADN was discovered in 2004 when the president of the United States' daughter was kidnapped by a mercenary displaying anomalous behavior and strength. Believing this to be the work of a Group of Interest, the Foundation sent their force Mobile Task Force Aphrodite-6 “Eagle Hunters” composed of MTF units that were actually there during the Raccoon City incident. They were assigned to the mission under order of Dr. Wicked, why he gave this order is unknown. Though on the mission they ended up encountering Person of Interest: Leon Kennedy, who escaped Foundation custody along with Person of Interest: Clare Redfield during the end of the Raccoon City incident. Unfortunately, he ended up nearly costing the mission and the Foundation its chance to obtain SCP-ADN as well as allowing Person of Interest: Ada Wong to escape. Please see Addendum X-33 for details. 
Update 2009 - New variants of SCP-ADN have been discovered during the [data expunged] incident. Group of Interest: Tricell created them to make biological weapons on the black market as most of their customers were powerful Neo-Sarkic Clans. These new variants seem to originate from [data expunged] village of [data expunged], Africa. Like previous variants they have been revitalized by SCP-AAY. As such these SCP-ADN variants do also have insectoid like mutations but also aquatic mutations such as slimy skin and barnacle growths. However, unlike previous SCP-ADN variants, hosts of these variants do not need to be in darkness in order to mutate freely. They have been divided into SCP-ADN-Spirit, and SCP-ADN-Demon, and SCP-ADN-Ghost. 
Hosts of SCP-ADN-Spirit can be slightly stronger than SCP-ADN-Pawns especially regarding mutations. Like previous variants they require a master in order to function properly or else they'd be nothing more than twitching corpses. Though it is possible for SCP-ADN-Spirit parasites to leave the host and use their body parts to build new bodies to become small but dangerous organisms. Those that achieve this don't really need a master and can instead become no different to dangerous animals without one. 
Hosts of SCP-ADN-Demon are much stronger and have visible mutations all over their body. Such visible mutations are visible crimson veins on the body, growth in size and muscles, small tentacles coming out of the head, barnacle growths on the shoulders and torso, or biological and reptilian resembling armor. Like previous variants, once the host is damaged the parasite mutates the body as a defense mechanism. Though SCP-ADN-Demon parasites are able to inflict even greater and horrific mutations. The most common mutation is a large and gory mouth with lots of teeth and mandibles for devouring human's whole. 
Hosts of SCP-ADN-Ghosts are seemingly weaker than SCP-ADN-Pawn variants but in reality, they are much more dangerous. Hosts of SCP-ADN-Ghosts do not need master's to be active and their bodies are generally used to breed more SCP-ADN-Ghost parasites. As such when hunting non-infected, they normally don't kill them but instead restrain them so that a host with newly born SCP-ADN-Ghost parasites can implant it into them via the mouth. It's possible for a host of SCP-ADN-Ghost to become a master of the SCP-ADN parasite but the chances are only 5%. Once one becomes a master of SCP-ADN-Ghost they are able to control all other SCP-ADN parasites and can even control variants of SCP-AAY. However, as time goes on their bodies will become unstable and the parasite will eventually take over so they must be put down in time.
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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nomsfaultau · 2 months
Daily ask №27!
Turn the lights off x Fault edition because why not!
For context TTLO is my unpublished fic that I'm working on. The main plot is that Tommy accidentally gets into the cryptid world where he meets new friends and uncovers the truth about his past.
1. In TTLO cryptids are people who have died in some unusual way and then stayed in the community's memory as folklore, cautionary tales, etc. After some emotions and belief are poured into them, they reappear as monsters aka cryptids. That could include anything from vampires to sirens to a girl who cut their head open on a rock and emerged as some mushroom monstrosity. Now that that's out of the way, what sort of cryptids would Fault characters be, if they were one?
2. What sort of a cryptid would YOU be? On that note, I might've made you canon in TTLO for the funsies. You're a mute author who lived in the main town quite some years ago, but one time the town's connection to the other towns got temporarily cut off for whatever reason and with that, a paper and ink shortage happened. You, due to not being able to express your stories and ideas, went completely mad and wrote all over your walls with blood. And died shortly. Now you're chilling in the cryptid world. Thoughts?
3. Do you have any fic ideas that you really enjoy but don't even try to fulfil because you know you won't be able to? Share 'em!
4. How would YOU like to mess up my story if you got the chance to enter it? Yk how I interact with the Fault characters but in reverse. Go on, cause chaos.
5. Would you actually be interested in me ranting about TTLO? Not in asks, of course, just in general? °👉👈°
There’s an old man who lives at the edge of town. Been there far longer than you or me, and some say our grandparents could claim the same, and so could theirs. His smile is meltingly warm, but something ain’t right. Might be the look in his eyes, distant, like he’s lookin at a memory instead of you. Might be the crows that always circle over head, like they know he’s already decomposing. The old man’s nice enough folk if you ever talk, but don’t ever linger too long. Not that you’ll run out of welcome; it’s the opposite you best be worrying about with that one. Every few years a kid gets too curious, gets taken underwing by the old man. He collects the oddballs, the ones who don’t quite fit in. Always young, always someone who won’t be missed. The kids who go to him look happier but…only for a little while. Hard to smile when you’re gone. Anderson was the most recent, good head on that one. He is going big places one of these days. Or was. Now his only destination is 6 feet under. And the old man? Well. There’s a young man who lives at the edge of town. Been there far longer than you or me, and some say our grandparents could claim the same, and so could theirs. 
Nobody looks the homeless in the eyes. Fingers drumming on dashboards, pinned on stoplights and passengers and mirrors and anywhere but the man on the street corner whistling for loose coins. Nobody looks the homeless in the eyes, and so no one sees when the winter hollows them out to something hopeless. No one sees when starvation claws out everything inside until all that’s left is hunger, hunger, hunger. No one sees when life leaves those eyes. No one sees. Today there was a new stranger in town. It doesn’t draw more than glances despite being a head taller than the crowd. No one can bear to look the new stranger in the eyes. Maybe he doesn’t have any. But the town does notice when people begin to go missing, if only because these ones were important enough for their deaths to matter. The new stranger doesn’t beg like the others do. He doesn’t need to. The new stranger whistles a jaunty tune as it drifts in and out of so-called society, its lips stained with blood. 
The Blade. 
A good soldier never falters, never loses, never ceases. They say he was the best soldier, once. The war was a brutal one, long and cruel. Maybe there was honor in it, maybe there wasn’t. It doesn’t matter so much when there’s an enemy before you and a threat to your life. It matters even less when you’re losing. The fort was over run, the flag long since ripped down. His fellow warriors bled out in messy, unremarkable ways. Sudden, with no time to mourn or care, as if they weren’t his brothers in arms. The invading army was taking prisoners if you lay down your weapons and accepted indignity. Not for a second did he consider surrender, though there wasn’t a hope of surviving when outnumbered twenty to one. But a good soldier never falters. They say he was the best soldier, once. He did not hesitate, throwing himself at the next foe, and the next, fighting tooth and nail. One man can’t take on an army, but he tried. The soldier fought day and night. It was not an enemy that laid him low but the collapsing of his own exhausted body. Sleep claimed him once and for all. But a good soldier never loses. They say he was the best soldier, once. So he simply picked himself back up and continued until panting and soaked in viscera he alone stood in the husk of the ravaged fortress. And yet, he had not yet won. A soldier’s duty does not end with one battle. One man can’t take on a war, but he did. The soldier hunted down every last opponent, a wave of slaughter shredding through battalions until the brutal was over. But what is a soldier during peace? Nothing. Relentlessly, the soldier continues to wage war upon any and all he encounters, prowling the wilderness and waiting for the next fight. Because a good soldier never ceases. They say he was the best soldier, once. They don’t say what he is now. 
You hear about Rhodes’ kid? Shame. Damn shame. Such a sweet kid, friendly. Too friendly. Got drawn in like a moth to flame with those- well, I mean cult’s strong language and I don’t want to tread on toes with whose god is right, but…mm. Bad sorts. Sweet as honey, sure, but I had a feeling in my gut it was going to break bad when the kid started hanging around at their church meetings. Should’ve opened my mouth, but you know how desperate they were for friends. You remember the news article, right? How many pieces did they find the kid in again? Somethin like four hundred thousand? Huh. Well all I’ll say -and you don’t tell Rhodes this yah hear? He don’t need no more heart break. But I don’t see how the cops figured out it was them. And- and you really can’t repeat I said this- but I could’ve sworn I saw his kid today, handing out fliers for that cult like they weren’t all arrested years ago. Hey! I know they’re dead! And yet…well. Couldn’t’ve been anyone else. Maybe it’s nothing, Mrs. Fletcher, but I saw Jasmine talkin to them, and- and has she come back from school yet? …oh. Maybe we should round up the search party. Better safe than sorry. 
They had to chain the door to the water tower, though it’s far too late. Not that anybody lives in the surrounding town anymore despite all the new vacancies; they say the tap still tastes of iron. The chain is bulky and intimidating, but everyone knows it was locked before too and it didn’t save anyone. If anything it makes it a challenge, and all the threatening signs they put up after would only tempt more dares from reckless teens if the town still had those. It had to have been a dare gone wrong. Had to be. Because otherwise that meant there was someone in town who’d drag a teenager all the way up a water tower just to drown him, and nobody could handle the thought. The faucets ran red for weeks after. The health officials swore up and down it was safe despite the color. Maybe they were right. Maybe what happened after had nothing at all to do with the dead kid, but nobody really believes that. Because even if no one held that kid down thrashing and gurgling, surely there was someone to blame. Everyone, maybe. The friends who pressured him to climb up, the parents who didn’t enforce curfew, the maintenance worker who forgot to lock the facility. Each dragged out, their every flaw magnified and contorted into something intolerable. The lucky were ran out of town mottled with bruises. The justice didn’t stop there, of course. Onto the bully who must’ve driven the teen to it, the neighbor who could’ve warned the parents when he snuck out of the house, the passerby who might’ve seen them crossing the street. Fewer and fewer survived the trials, the fingers pointed at one another quick to turn into claws. It spiraled out into uncontrolled accusations, mobs descending upon any and all and soon unraveling into pure anarchy. The town ripped itself apart. Literally, viscerally. The rivers ran scarlet with their blood, staining the banks and their hands. It couldn't be helped. The town had developed a taste for blood. 
brooo your world building is so sickkkkk ahhh.
2.Yeah that’s probably how I go out tbh. I’d not be functional without the ability to write or draw. Hope someone at least copied down the bloody words otherwise that was waste of time smh. Some people just don’t appreciate the fact that the ~5 liters of blood the average person has doesn’t actually go that far. 
And God already assigned me vampire for my monstersona. But a couple years ago I had a dream about a fallen angel who was deeply in denial about it. They were a thick ring of white feathers and periodic wings covered in golden eyes that wept as they were forced to confront the fact that the human world was soon to be invaded by demons, and the forces of hell would be slaughtered. So like ideal bod am I right gamers. 
3.Not a fic, but a game. Multiple endings. Had it before SBI, but more vague notions in the years I’ve had it. Starts with Phil moving into a new house. Some clear trauma hidden, world building set up. Then teen hero Tommy stumbles into his house suffering a concussion, thinking it’s his house. Real bad off. Phil helps him out natch, ends up with a bleeding kid asleep on his couch and is just trying to cope with that. When Tommy gets better he’s freaked out and defensive and runs away immediately. But also…now he knows someone who can do stitches. And so the next time is weeks later and he’s dragging in a hissing and panicking fellow teen hero, who is far less okay with a civilian knowing they’re hurt and possibly learning their identity. Cue Phil beginning to run into more and more teen heroes and slowly earning their trust. It’s mostly about picking the right dialogue to build up rapport, though with some minigames for things like giving the kids medical aid, getting them the right presents that are helpful for either vigilante or civilian life, and making tasty food to fill their scrappy bodies and win them over. It is very, very difficult though. 
Cause like. The reason they’re all kids is because heroes kinda don’t last long enough to become adults? It’s a very gritty setting, focusing on the factors that drive kids of all different backgrounds into becoming heroes and the poor ways they cope with the pressure. With Tommy it’s like a sanctioned way to get out his anger issues and receive adoration. Techno’s dead parents were villains so he feels like he has to prove he isn’t like them bc of societal pressure. Probably in foster care, so it’ll be time consuming to try and adopt him. Tubbo was meant to be a sidekick but got shoved into the role, technically with the support of a hero agency but there’s way too much pressure to fill an adult role. It’s a toxic situation, but Tubbo is convinced he has to do this to save everyone (but himself) and the heroes have enough power to make things very difficult for Phil if he tries to help Tubbo too much. Niki is absolutely seething about the state of things, and is honestly more a vigilante because she refuses to sit back on corrupt ‘good guy’ practices. She’s homeless, but wary of any authority figures so has to warm up to consider crashing at Phil’s. Stuff like that idk its very nebulous and I’m kinda making stuff up rn. Thoughts about abusive parents, or parents that force into the good hero role in a perfectionist way (Ranboo maybe?), maybe a kid starting villainy? It’s a very extended cast thing. 
Some are way more trusting, others have bad experiences with adults, others think Phil is a civilian and so needs to shut up and be protected. Bonding scenes like helping protect a secret identity, or distracting a villain in a fight, or patching up wounds, or baking to keep up with superhero metabolisms, or giving life advice (be it for prom date or nemesis). Phil is running around herding cats and lots of the time supporting one means others might not stay safe. Also Phil in the past got like ptsd from a villain attack and so has to deal with his own problems, idk details. And also finds out his corporate job is helping the BBEG uh oh. Phil probably get kidnapped to draw out all the heroes to save him. Or, well, the ones with negative relationships are unlikely to help, making it harder for the rest to succeed. 
The endings come into play considering how many kids you’ve managed to take care of/win the trust of/get to safer situations. Some are far far harder to convince to trust Phil, or may be down but Phil’s ability to help may be limited. Essentially, the higher the relationship bars are with everyone the better the ending. Neutral or negative relationships lead to stuff like injuries or deaths, though not necessarily related to the kid with the low stats always. Cause obviously you’d care more about the kids that you went through the effort of getting their routes right. So it could be like a teammate failed to help, or they weren’t able to cohesively function as a group, or Phil hadn’t knocked in enough sense to stop being self sacrificial/more invested in taking the villain down than making sure no one’s hurt, or the kid that could’ve dragged the injured one to get healed by Phil didn’t trust him and the injured hero died without medical intervention. With better endings being very difficult since a lot of the kids have conflicting needs and you’d have to play like perfectly to get even good stats with everyone (impossible to max out everyone). But that leads to things like no one getting hurt, and progressing to getting kids with the highest stats into safer lives thereafter and more support for others.
4.I don’t know too much, but based on the world building I would try to disrupt all the folklore that the characters survive off of. Make like a youtube/podcast debunking all the myths, get hella famous, and do everything I can to disrupt the word of mouth belief that the cryptids rely on. In the human world I'm hailed as fighting disinformation. In the cryptid world I'm like thanos probably.
5.I am SO DOWN oh my God yes please. 
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txttletale · 3 months
i think control also imo loses something of the fun of the SCP foundation or even other inspired porperties like LobCorp in that it fits everything into one cohesive overarchign system which is ultimately irtself just not that interesting. a little more variety and mystery in the things the bureau deals with would be nice but instead it's all just Magic Items adn Evil Magic Items which fundamentally all work the same
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butchdykekondraki · 6 months
''average scp fan is obsessed with at least 2 scp mcrps from 2015-2019'' factoid actually just statistical error, dork ass cyrus, who somehow manages to be obsessed with multiple at once despite them being literally so unpopular he had to go out of his way to rewatch them again, is an outlier adn should not have been counted
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darkhopping · 1 year
"average foundation site (inside time) hosts at least 10 instances of time travel bullshit" factoid actualy just statistical error. average foundation site hosts only 3 instances of time travel bullshit. SCP Foundation Research and Containment Site-43, located in Ipperwash Provincial Park, Lambton County, Ontario, Canada & has some very smart shitheads uisng scp 5956 over 10,000 times each day, is an outlier adn should not have been counted
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brunomacedo1977 · 2 years
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Vou alargar ao Instagram o apelo que fiz no Twitter. Guilherme Geirinhas, queremos o Pedro Marques dos Supporting no ADN! Queremos saber como chegaram ao "Força Brutal", "De Geração em Geração" ou o "Dia de Jogo". Se há novas músicas a sair. Se um grande concerto no estádio é possível ou mesmo só um sonho? Acho que seria interessante. Vamos fazer acontecer! Mandem mensagens ao Geirinhas. Ajudem a divulgar o apelo. #SportingClubeDePortugal #SportingCP #SCP #DiaDeSporting #DiaDeJogo #EuSouCampeão #EuAcredito #OndeVaiUmVãoTodos #ESeCorreBem #ESeVoltaACorrerBem #supporting #ADNdeLeão https://www.instagram.com/p/CloPLBxs6rm/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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beheeyem-moved · 8 years
hey hey give me some scips to doodle
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dzthenerd490 · 7 months
File: Resident Evil 5
Code Name: The Uroboros Virus/ The U Virus
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: Samples of SCP-ADU are contained within six biohazard capsules that are contained within one of the biohazard freezers at the Level 5 Biohazard Labs of Site-AN. Any testing must be approved by at least three Level 5 Clearance staff. It is because of SPC-ADU that the AFA-2 units guarding the Level 5 Biohazard Labs are armed with Foundation Assault Rifles loaded with N Rounds. Anyone who is accidentally infected with SCP-ADU is to be shot on site by the AFA-2. There are no exceptions.
During testing AFA-2's must always be present in the testing chamber and have Necrosis Venom based weaponry to ensure SCP-ADU never grows out of control.
In the event of a containment breach, Foundation staff that have unfortunately been locked down in the containment area of SCP-ADU will be given the following instructions. They will be shown where the nearest hidden stash of Necrosis Venom vials are and be asked to inject themselves before SCP-ADU can devour them. Injecting it directly to the eye is believed to be the least painful as it kills the victim much faster. It should always be noted that this fate is much more merciful compared to infection with SCP-ADU. 
Description: SCP-ADU is an extremely volatile, adaptive, mutagenic, and seemingly incurable virus. Dr. Wicked has dubbed this as a Sinoima Class plague, a sort of combination of a virus and a parasite; quite similar to SCP-AUX. Though SCP-ADU is a virus by all accounts of its biological nature it has the ability to form into large and black worm-like parasites. These parasites consume and fill all organic life they encounter with the virus. A host of SCP-ADU normally ends up being devoured by the worm-like parasites and any remains are used as a puppet allowing the parasites to find more food to eat.
The infection of SCP-ADU is more like assimilation of the SCP-ADU parasites the more they eat the more they grow and become a much larger mass as a result. At this point SCP-ADU will resemble a large Eldrige monster. Physical contact with the black worms is enough to get someone infected with SCP-ADU's virus form. After about 1-2 days they're body will also be consumed by the SCP-ADU parasites and quite possibly start a whole new infection. This means that the smallest loose instance, even a single virion can cause an XK Class end-of-the-world Scenario. It is for this reason that SCP-ADU is contained at Site-AN and labeled as Object Class Keter.
SCP-ADU might seem quite destructively simple compared to other viruses and plague contained by the Foundation. This is because it's so effective at infecting and consuming all organic life around it that it simply has no reason to adapt or evolve, only assimilate and devour. Shockingly, its kill and infection rate has made it arguably even more fearsome than the Foundation's oldest and deadliest pathogen in containment, SCP-610. Unfortunately, like SCP-610 when SCP-ADU comes into contact with a Sarkite it will mutate to obey their every command becoming a symbiotic weapon for them. 
SCP-ADU was discovered in 2009 during the [data expunged] incident when Foundation MTF units and Global Occult Coalition agents clashed while trying to apprehend Person of Interest: Albert Wesker. Not only were the new variants of SCP-ADN discovered but also SCP-ADU. After containment it was revealed that SCP-ADU was created from various viruses including SCP-AAY, SCP-ABE, SCP-ADN, and even antibodies form various hosts who have shone immunity to the following viruses and parasites.
The work of both the modified SCP-ADN and the creation of SCP-ADU was by the hands of not only Person of Interest: Albert Wesker but also Group of Interest: Tricell, Inc. They were a known competitor against the destroyed Group of Interest: Umbrella but had no Sarkic Employees only customers. In order to satisfy their customers after the fall of Umbrella they joined with Albert Wesker to create new bioweapons hoping to make a profit selling them to powerful Neo Sarkic Clans. Thankfully they lost their product because of the [data expunged] incident and the Global Occult Coalition led to the downfall of their company. Please see Addendum X-35 for details.
"Hopefully that's all of them. I wasn't even there but I'm still sick and tired of all this biological virus and parasite shit. Now that Albert is dead there shouldn't be anything left to help these fuckers. Umbrella and Tricell, they're all gone. Every last one. Granted we lost track of a few of the Neo Sarkic Families involved but we'll find them eventually. *sigh*... With this, hopefully the nightmare can finally end." -Dr. Wicked
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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darin64 · 3 years
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Espíritu a fin, porque enserio es aburrido no tener un alma
**Ítem #:** SCP-ES-XXX
**Clasificación del Objeto:** --Seguro-- /Euclit
**Procedimientos Especiales de Contención:** --SCP-ES-XXX-- SCP-ES-XXX-2 debe ser contenido en un área de contención humanoide estándar en el Sitio-88, --cuando SCP-ES-XXX genere un recipiente humanoide se deberá observar y registrar cualquier actividad inusual, en caso de que SCP-ES-XXX se presente algún comportamiento extraño notifique inmediatamente con la Investigadora Principal del proyecto.-- Se le dispensaran 3 comidas diarias estándares a SCP-ES-XXX-2 y una vez a la semana proporcionar animales recién nacidos con propósitos alimenticios “especiales”, en caso de cualquier problema ocasionado --por-- a SCP-ES-XXX-2 contacte con la Investigadora Principal del proyecto.
Solicitudes de SCP-ES-XXX-2:
Monitores para observar el mundo exterior: Negado
Una TV y equipo recreativo: Aprobado
Irse y explorar el mundo exterior: Negado (Solo ocurrió una vez durante un incidente)
Explorar el multiverso: --Negado -- Solo con fines de investigación y bajo compañía de 5 guardias además de la compañía de la Investigadora Principal del proyecto.
Después del Apéndice XXX-X: Convertirse en investigadora: Aprobado
**Descripción:** SCP-ES-XXX Es un objeto con la forma de rombo tridimensional de 11 cm pesando pesa 9 kg compuesta por una aleación metálica con inscripciones lineales desconocidas
SCP-ES-XXX pasa la mayor parte del tiempo en su estado inactivo, además de activarse en periodos de tiempo cortos e irregulares, las únicas acciones que SCP-ES-XXX ha realizado son: levitar, generar y liberar energía anómala, --fabricar recipientes humanoides hechos de energía anómala pura desechables y poco duraderos-- adquirir ADN de la **Dra. Yaneth** creando a SCP-ES-XXX-2
Cuando SCP-ES-XXX --crea un recipiente humanoide formado por energía pura-- Re-crea a SCP-ES-XXX-2 desde 0, SCP-ES-XXX se ubica en el vientre --de la entidad humanoide-- de SCP-ES-XXX-2, las pruebas han demostrado que es imposible separar a SCP-ES-XXX de SCP-ES-XXX-2 (véase experimento B XXX-1487)
SCP-ES-XXX parece reaccionar a ciertos objeto y entidades sin importar su naturaleza, lo que --les hace daño a los recipientes destruyéndolos-- le provoca a SCP-ES-XXX-2 un insoportable dolor de estómago del que puede o no recuperarse automáticamente
SCP-ES-XXX-2 --Son recipientes humanoides creados a partir de energía anómala provista por SCP-ES-XXX, estas entidades no poseen inteligencia y solamente se les ha visto circular por el área de contención realizar movimientos motrices básicos y desintegrarse por periodos indeterminados de tiempo, el tiempo máximo visto hasta la fecha solamente duro 24 horas-- Es una entidad humanoide aproximadamente de 21 años de edad, género femenino, 1.68 de altura y pesando 59.9 hg, cabello largo negro con puntas azules, ojos azules celeste. Lleva vestimenta deportiva color azul y morado, una chaqueta con el símbolo
[[size x-large]]∞[[/size]] Morada, pantalones negros, y calzado negro proporcionada por SCP-ES-XXX. SCP-ES-XXX-2 posee rasgos Sobre-humanos, así como piel parcialmente invulnerable, fuerza, velocidad, reflejos y agilidad elevados.
(Después del incidente XXX-1, SCP-ES-XXX se volvió capas de materializar los pensamientos de SCP-ES-XX-2 tales como: crear portales extra-dimensionales sin límite establecido con un alcance indeterminado de tamaño variado, capaz de transportar objetos, personas etc. Trasferir el uso de energía anómala a la entidad, auto-reparar o reformar por completo a SCP-ES-XXX-2, producir objetos imaginados por SCP-ES-XXX-2)
SCP-ES-XXX-2 Fue creada a partir de una muestra genética de la **Dra. Yaneth Rivero** tomada por SCP-ES-XXX el 12/01/2005 (Véase incidente XX-1) en ese entonces SCP-ES-XXX-2 tenía el aspecto de una infanta de aproximadamente 5 años de edad, con el paso del tiempo SCP-ES-XXX-2 creció hasta el día 12/01/2021 dese ese entonces SCP-ES-XXX-2 no ha mostrado más signos de crecimiento o envejecimiento.
La nutrición de SCP-ES-XXX-2 suelen ser alimentos estándares del ser humano, pero tiende a recibir mejor nutrición al alimentarse de “Almas/Espíritu/SER/███” de animales recién nacidos o seres vivos “Buenos o inocentes”
Nota: Cuando a SCP-ES-XXX-2 se le ordeno intentar consumir un alma de un Clase-D lo rechazo diciendo “Las almas de los Clase-D son asquerosas” desde ese día SCP-ES-XXX-2 no ha intentado consumir almas humanas afirmando que se sentiría mal si lo hiciera, además del hecho de no tener buen sabor
SCP-ES-XXX-2 ha demostrado sentir un gran odio hacia la COG entre otras comunidades ocultistas/religiosas o grupos de cuando se le pregunto la razón ella nos contó que “No lo sé, simplemente quiero matarlos eso es todo” después de eso no se le preguntara más sobre el tema, SCP-ES-XXX-2 es considerada “inofensiva” la mayoría del tiempo, aunque muestra violencia, frialdad y odio al masacrar a miembros de la COG
SCP-ES-XXX-2 Parece sentir un apego emocional fuerte hacia la **Dra. Yaneth** al punto de seguir ordenes, además de ser capaz de arriesgar su propia vida con tal de preservar la de la **Dra. Yaneth**, SCP-ES-XXX-2 en múltiples casos se ha referido a la **Dra. Yaneth** como su **Madre**, este comportamiento ha sido aprobado mientras no comprometa el profesionalismo de la investigadora principal del proyecto
Desde el 14/2/ SCP-ES-XXX pasa a formar parte del personal y debe referirse a ella como **Investigadora Ema Rivero**, para más información Véanse anexos X,X,X,X,X Y X
**Incidente: XXX-1** Fecha 12/01/2005
<Comienzo del registro>
A las 00:00 horas, SCP-ES-XXX comenzó su proceso de fabricación de recipientes habitual, pero cuando la formación llego al 90% inexplicablemente SCP-ES-XXX empezó a actuar de manera extraña, comenzó a brillar y agitarse de manera errática sacudiéndose por el área de contención hasta que SCP-ES-XXX logro romper la contención, después de moverse de un lado a otro por las instalaciones, SCP-ES-XXX se acercó a la investigadora ayudante **Yanet**revelando un objeto punzante proveniente de su interior, SCP-ES-XXX procedió a hincar a la investigadora extrayéndole una muestra de su ADN
(momentos después SCP-ES-XXX volvió a su estado inactivo y fue trasladado devuelta al área de contención)
SCP-ES-XXX comenzó su proceso de creación nuevamente, pero con la diferencia de que, en lugar de usar su usual energía anómala, comenzaban a formarse: nervios, huesos, sangre, tejido muscular y piel, cuando el proceso finalizo se pudo observar a una entidad humanoide femenina aproximadamente de 5 o menor
(En este punto se clasifico momo SCP-ES-XXX-2)
SCP-ES-XXX-2 comenzó a agitarse con nervios y miedo alrededor del cuarto de observaciones
(Aparentemente la entidad es auto-consiente y pensante)
(Atreves del micrófono)
Dra. ████: SCP-ES-XXX-2 cálmese
SCP-ES-XXX-2: (con lágrimas y llanto) … ha ahahahahahahah mamá dónde estás?
<Fin del Registro>
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scp-watch · 7 years
I got something, reader taking off scp76 mask off for the first time adn seeing the tired old man underneath ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
You expect something inhuman. Something monstrous. Something surreal, beyond your ability to comprehend. There are a lot of things that you expect behind his mask, but the last thing on your mental list is exactly what meets your gaze when you finally pull off the mask, hiding away the face of the SCP you’ve been spending most of your time with over the past several months.
SCP-076 looks like a man. It’s not overly surprising, considering the rest of him is humanoid, and that has been marked down on his log time and time again, but...his face looks so human. You’re so used to fangs, to shadow, to inexplicable void or inhuman, lovecraftian horrors that the face of an old, tired man is the last thing you expect to be hiding behind the mask he clutches so tightly to wear.
There are no cameras, no artists on standby, no record-keeping equipment of any sort. As promised. Nothing but you and him, alone, within his containment unit. The trust between the two of you is almost palatable, a physical medium in which he’s allowed you to actually touch the mask let alone remove it from his face.
He looks so tired, years worn over his face in what you’d might have guessed was a middle-aged man, hair graying, eyes filled with wisdom.
His soft, beautiful blue eyes.
For once, you see SCP-076′s lips pull into a smile.
“Expectin’ something different?” He asks, amusement clear in his low, gravely voice. “Somethin’ a little more scary?” The lack of change in timbre is enough to suggest that the mask hadn’t been modulating the sound of his voice--he was always low, gravely and firm.
“No.” You smile in return, gently dropping the mask in your lap so you could cradle his face between your palms. “I think that you are exactly what I was expecting to see.”
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butchdykekondraki · 6 months
''average scp fan disavows canon every 5 seconds'' factoid actually statistical error, hater cyrus, who only enjoys canon when it can be used to back seraphim personal headcanons and/or be used as interesting lore and reasoning for how a character acts and/or behaves in certain situations or around certain people, is an outlier adn should not have been counted.
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timogsilangan · 5 years
30 of my friends tagged me in this
rules: 21 questions & tag 21 mutuals you wanna get to know better! i was tagged by max thea n sig i m not tagging em JGDSKLDGSJ
underrrrrrrrrrr readmoreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
nicknames: vic adn bisyo .:} but my fuckkng friends keep calling me diovic guess im diovixc now
zodiac sign: libra sun libra moon leo rising uuwu
height: 160cm/5′2..very sad very azn
hogwarts house: no
last thing i googled: jade mantis
fave musicians: fuck. so many. abba queen marina lady gaga mika SEXBOMB GIRLS christopher larkin ig coz the hk ost goes fucking hard
following: 1012... no self control mothers n fuckers of the jury
followers: 173 .:} like thge scp
do you get asks: not often but i do sometimesssss
amount of sleep: girl idk JDSGKLJDGSALKSDG
lucky number: 6,10, 3
what youre wearing: rlly loose espn shirt that is NOT cotton so im feeling that goddamn philippine heat n basketball shortzzzzzzzz
dream job: MEDICAL ILLUSTRATOR... fuck dude jus lemme cut in2 a cadaver n b like hmmm yes this is indeed meaty then scribble that shit 
dream trip: boracayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yes im basic 
instrument: PIANO!!!! i recently learned super trouper on it 2 so im HEAHEHAGHAHGEHA and my voice ig if it countz
languages: inglesh n tagalog .:} im bad at both
favourite song: also super trouper
random fact: iput on lip balm way 2 much.. regina george much
aesthetic: i was gonna write some verbose shit but im LAZYYYYYYY so just go thru @hollywoodmatd SHAMELESS PLUG LMAOOOO
i dont wana tag any1 coz im like that but if u see this u can do it loool
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xspookycattox · 6 years
guens,,,, who finallu made a scp wiki account,,, adn probably wont ever post,,,,, anxiety hahahaha
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dzthenerd490 · 2 years
SCP: Horror Movie Files
Description: Throughout the multiverse, the SCP foundation prides itself in capturing and containing the anomalous and unknown. Of course, if you want to see the SCP's contained in our universe just look it up on their website but what about in the Cinematic or any other Universe? They are contained right here in this little collection called the Horror Movie Files! 
Obviously, most of these will be based on horror movies, shows, cartoons, video games and MAYBE, but don't count on it, Anime. I will include anything and everything that I believe deserves to be an anomaly. It will sort of be like several fanfictions in one big fanfiction universe if that makes any sense... which it probably doesn’t. Also, I will be including my own fanmade SCP's, MTF's and GoI's because why not.
Disclaimer: I do not own anything from the SCP mythos. This will be a fanfiction based on the American side of the SCP foundation, International SCP’s might be mentioned but that’s it. Also please don’t assume I know everything about every cannon because let’s be honest no one does. So, if I say something that contradicts the current SCP universe then just assume I don’t know or don’t care about it. This is a fanfiction after all so things are bound to get messy. So please bear with me as I try to make this mess work.
SCP: HMF - Departments and Divisions Hub
SCP: HMF - Mobile Task Force Hub
SCP: HMF - Groups of Interest Hub
SCP: HMF - Tales Hub
SCP: HMF - Documents of Interest
SCP: HMF - YouTube Playlist
SCP-AAA - Slither
SCP-AAB - The Ritual
SCP-AAC - Killer Klowns from Outer Space
SCP-AAD - The Thing
SCP-AAE - The Ruins
SCP-AAG - It Follows
SCP-AAH - Pet Sematary
SCP-AAI - Hellraiser
SCP-AAJ - The Stuff
SCP-AAK - The Bay
SCP-AAL - Body Melt
SCP-AAM - X-files S1 E3 Squeeze
SCP-AAN - Mimic
SCP-AAO - Silent Hill
SCP-AAP - Christine
SCP-AAQ - X-files S1 E8 Ice
SCP-AAR - The Blob
SCP-AAS - Firestarter
SCP-AAT - Critters
SCP-AAU - X-Files S1 E12 Fire
SCP-AAV - Child's Play
SCP-AAW - A Nightmare on Elm Street
SCP-AAX - Back to the Future
SCP-AAY - Resident Evil - T Virus
SCP-AAZ - Terminator
SCP-ABA - The Evil Dead
SCP-ABB - The Mist
SCP-ABC - Evolution
SCP-ABD - Assassin’s Creed: Apple of Eden
SCP-ABE - Resident Evil - G Virus
SCP-ABF - Pulse
SCP-ABG - Assassin's Creed: Ring of Eden
SCP-ABH - Resident Evil 3
SCP-ABI - Smile
SCP-ABJ - Assassin's Creed - Hnituðr
SCP-ABK - The Hallow
SCP-ABM - Assassin's Creed - Gungnir
SCP-ABN - X-Files S1 E14 Genderbender
SCP-ABO - Cloverfield
SCP-ABP - Assassin's Creed - Spear of Leonidas
SCP-ABQ - Godzilla
SCP-ABR - Friday the 13th
SCP-ABS - Antlers
SCP-ABT - Assassin's Creed: Staves of Eden
SCP-ABU - Mothra
SCP-ABV - Assassin's Creed - Swords of Eden
SCP-ABY - Assassin's Creed - Ankh
SCP-ABZ - Splinter
SCP-ACA - Jeepers Creepers
SCP-ACB - Blood Sickness of The White Sands Village
SCP-ACD - Deadman Wonderland
SCP-ACE - Goosebumps - Monster Blood
SCP-ACF - Apollo 18
SCP-ACG - Junji Ito - Tomie
SCP-ACH - Tron
SCP-ACI - Fullmetal Alchemist - Alchemy
SCP-ACJ - Ghidorah
SCP-ACK - Junji Ito - Headless Statues
SCP-ACL - Halloween
SCP-ACM - Terrifier
SCP-ACN - King Kong
SCP-ACO - The Polar Express
SCP-ACP - Carrie
SCP-ACQ - Splice
SCP-ACR - Ghosts of Mars
SCP-ACS - Godzilla - Hollow Earth
SCP-ACU - Leprechaun
SCP-ACV - Malignant
SCP-ACW - Russian Sleep Experiment
SCP-ACX - Mechagodzilla
SCP-ADA - Goosebumps - Say Cheese and Die!
SCP-ADB - X-Files S1 E18 Miracle Man
SCP-ADC - Pacific Rim
SCP-ADD - Jurassic Park
SCP-ADE - Man in the Suit
SCP-ADF - Five Night's at Freddy's
SCP-ADG - Nes Godzilla
SCP-ADH - Hakaijuu
SCP-ADI - Final Destination
SCP-ADJ - Choo Choo Charles
SCP-ADK - Bioshock
SCP-ADL - The Faculty
SCP-ADM - Ao Oni
SCP-ADN - Resident Evil 4
SCP-ADO - The Shining
SCP-ADQ - The Shape of Water
SCP-ADR - Prototype
SCP-ADU - Resident Evil 5
SCP-ADV - Doctor Sleep
SCP-ADX - Benny Loves You
SCP-ADY - Elfen Lied
SCP-ADZ - Life
SCP-AEA - Gremlins
SCP-AEB - Candle Cove
SCP-AEC - Thankskilling
SCP-AED - Angel Hare
SCP-AEE - Cardboard
SCP-AEF - Re Animator
SCP-AEG - Intro to the Alien Invasion
SCP-AEH - Gamera
SCP-AEI - Polybius
SCP-AEJ - The Wyoming Incident
SCP-AEK - Pikmin
SCP-AEL - Jack Frost
SCP-AEN - A Quiet Place
SCP-AEO - Pikmin - Goolix
SCP-AEP - Tremors
SCP-AEQ - The Birds
SCP-AER - Attack of the Killer Tomatoes!
SCP-AES - Pikmin - Smoky Progg
SCP-AET - Dave Made a Maze
SCP-AEU - Candyman
SCP-AEV - Picture Inspiration 1
SCP-AEW - Pikmin - Bulborbs
SCP-AEX - Brightburn
SCP-AEY - Junji Ito - Uzumaki
SCP-AFA - The Invasion of Godzilla
SCP-AFB - Stung
SCP: AFC - The Magic School Bus
SCP-AFD - Transformers - Energon
SCP-AFE - The Twilight Zone S1 E6
SCP-AFF - Truth or Dare
SCP-AFG - Resident Evil 6
SCP-AFI - Yume Nikki
SCP-AFJ - Tommy Taffy
SCP-AFK - The Babadook
SCP-AFL - Five Nights at Freddy's - Springtrap
SCP-AFN - Rubber
SCP-AFP - About Time
SCP-AFQ - Bendy and the Ink Machine
SCP-AFR - The Rake
SCP-AFS - Unbreakable
SCP-AFU - Pontypool
SCP-AFV - Goosebumps - Let's Get Invisible
SCP-AFW - Garten of Banban
SCP-AFX - Coraline
SCP-AFY - Attack the Block
SCP-AFZ - Resident Evil 7
SCP-AGB - Dead Space
SCP-AGC - Happy Death Day
SCP-AGD - Courage the Cowardly Dog S1 E2A
SCP-AGE - Resident Evil 8
SCP-AGF - Casper the Friendly Ghost
SCP-AGH - Split
SCP-AGI - X-Files S1 E20 Darkness Falls
SCP-AGK - Nanny McPhee
SCP-AGL - The Crazies
SCP-AGM - The Twilight Zone S1 E20 Elegy
SCP-AGN - Destroy All Humans
SCP-AGP - Hell House LLC
SCP-AGQ - Spooky’s Jump Scare Mansion
SCP-AGR - My Neighbor Totoro
SCP-AGS - Assassin’s Creed - Crescent Amulet
SCP-AGT - Beyond: Two Souls
SCP-AGU - Kirby
SCP-AGW - 4.n0m4ly - They Found Something Underground
SCP-AGY - Colossal
SCP-AGZ - Krampus
SCP-AHC - Sharktopus
SCP-AHA - Trick r Treat
SCP-AHE - Annabelle
SCP-AHF - As Above So Below
SCP-AHG - Adventure Time - The Lich
SCP-AHH - Alan Wake
SCP-AHM - Assassin’s Creed - Crystals
SCP-AHO - Coco
SCP-AHP - Children of the Corn
SCP-AHS - Sharknado
SCP-AHT - The Smile Tapes
SCP-AHU - Mary Poppins
SCP-AIA - Harmony and Horror - Bonzo
SCP-AIC - My Life as a Teenage Robot
SCP-AIF - Harmony and Horror - Sophia
SCP-AII - Paul
SCP-AIJ - 4.n0m4ly - The Cult of M’rohoj
SCP-AIL - Harmony and Horror - Henry
SCP-AIN - Transformers - the Covenant and the Quill
SCP-AIP - .Flow
SCP-AIQ - X-Files S2 E3 Blood
SCP-AIR - Yume 2kki
SCP-AIS - Omega Mart
SCP-AIU - The Secret World of Arrietty
SCP-AIW - The Twilight Zone S1 E34 The After Hours
SCP-AIX - The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl
SCP-AIZ - Inspector Gadget
SCP-AJE - Pikmin - Man-at-Legs
SCP-AJI - Turning Red
SCP-AJK - Puppet Master
SCP-AJW - Oculus
SCP-AJX - Hellboy
SCP-AJY - Arrival
SCP-AKS - Goosebumps - Stay out of the Basement.
SCP-ALK��- The Ring
SCP-AMS - The Last of Us
SCP-AMZ - Gemini Home Entertainment - Wood Crawlers
SCP-ANE - Gemini Home Entertainment - Nature’s Mockery
SCP-ANJ - Gemini Home Entertainment - Neptune
SCP-ANO - Gemini Home Entertainment - The Iris
SCP-AQO - Parasyte
SCP-ARF - Resistance
SCP-ARN - Slender Man
SCP-ARR - Raving Rabbits
SCP-ASR - Siren
SCP-ASZ - Before I Wake
SCP-ATA - Junji Ito - The Long Hair in the Attic
SCP-ATI - Goosebumps - Welcome to Dead House
SCP-ATP - Annihilation
SCP-ATQ - Infamous: Ray Sphere
SCP-ATV - Infamous - The Beast
SCP-AUX - Vintage Eight - The Tangi Virus
SCP-AVC - Vintage Eight - The Oracle Project
SCP-AVH - Vintage Eight - Prophet
SCP-AVM - Vintage Eight - One of Us
SCP-AVQ - Local 58
SCP-AWS - Winter of 83
SCP-AXA - Vita Carnis
SCP-AXI - Hell Girl
SCP-AYJ - Junji Ito - Dying Young
SCP-AZJ - Village of the Damned
SCP-AZX - Zalgo
SCP: HMF - Departments and Divisions Hub
SCP: HMF - Mobile Task Force Hub
SCP: HMF - Groups of Interest Hub
SCP: HMF - Tales Hub
SCP: HMF - Documents of Interest
SCP: HMF - YouTube Playlist
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butchdykekondraki · 11 months
"average foundation worker has tried to fuck at least 1 scp" actually statistical error, dr "jack james bright", who has tried to fuck every scp he's come into contact with, is an outlier adn should not have been counted
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dzthenerd490 · 2 years
Document of Interest: Foundation Sites
Description: Since we have been [data expunged] in a new [data expunged] with new [data expunged] and therefore new anomalies it only makes sense that we make new Foundation sites. Granted by pure miracle we still have our old sites, but we will need more room to contain new anomalous threats.
Site-AA: Site Director: Nancy James/ Location: [data expunged], Greenland/ Purpose: Common containment, testing facilities for anomalies/ Contains: SCP-AAJ, SCP-AAK, SCP-AAL, SCP-AAN, SCP-AAP, SCP-AAV, SCP-AAY, SCP-ABI, SCP-ABY, SCP-ACA-Beta, SCP-ACK, SCP-ACL, SCP-ACX, SCP-ADA, SCP-ADF-Ε, SCP-ADG, SCP-ADS, SCP-ADX, SCP-AEK, SCP-AEW, SCP-AEO, SCP-AFN, SCP-AFQ, SCP-AFV, SCP-AFW, SCP-AFY, SCP-AGF, SCP-AGI, SCP-AHB, SCP-AHI-1, SCP-AHP, SCP-AIB, SCP-AIU, SCP-AJE, SCP-AJK, SCP-ALF, SCP-ALK
Site-AB: Site Director: Isaac Cortez/ Location: [data expunged], Greenland/ Purpose: Memetic and cognitive containment/ Contains: SCP-AAX, SCP-ABD, SCP-ACC-3, SCP-ACG, SCP-ACM, SCP-ADY-Alpha, SCP-AEV, SCP-AFO, SCP-AIM, SCP-ARR, SCP-ATQ
Site-AC: Site Director: Brain Veil/ Location: [data expunged], Iceland/ Purpose:  Containment of highly dangerous anomalies through freezing, containment of anomalies with limited or restricted testing/ Contains: SCP-AAA, SCP-AAD, SCP-AAE, SCP-AAQ, SCP-AAR, SCP-AAU, SCP-ABW, SCP-ABZ, SCP-ACE, SCP-ADE-beta, SCP-ADZ, SCP-AEC, SCP-AEG, SCP-AFL, SCP-AOY
Site-AD: Site Director: Dr. Wicked/ Location: [data expunged]/ Purpose: Experimental Containment of dangerous anomalies/ Contains: SCP-AAG, SCP-AAI, SCP-ABB, SCP-ACA-Beta, SCP-ACC-5, SCP-ACT, SCP-ACU, SCP-ADF-Α, SCP-AEK-Ξ, SCP-AFJ, SCP-AGD, SCP-AIV, SCP-ANE, SCP-ARN, SCP-ASS
Site-AE: Site Director: Elanore Whitlock/ Location: [data expunged], Atlantic Ocean/ Purpose: containment of dangerous anomalies that are or produce resources that are beneficial to the Foundation, Foundation transportation hub/ Contains: SCP-ADE-Alpha, SCP-ABO, SCP-ACQ, SCP-AEE, SCP-AEF, [data expunged]
Site-AF: Site Director: Dr. tutela/ Location: Inside a pocket dimension within in a blast bunker hidden in the [data expunged] desert, Brazil/ Purpose: Containment of dangerous human and humanoid anomalies/ Contains: SCP-AAM, SCP-ABX, SCP-ACA-Alpha, SCP-ACC-1, SCP-ACD, SCP-ACY, SCP-ADF-Γ, SCP-ADF-Ζ, SCP-ADQ, SCP-ADY-Beta, SCP-AEX, SCP-AFI, SCP-AHK, SCP-AIL, SCP-AQC, SCP-ASZ
Site-AG: Site Director: Cornelious Nex/ Location: Salkum desert, Rubrum on Mars/ Purpose: Containment of Anomalies too dangerous to be left on earth/ Contains: SCP-AAT, SCP-ABC, SCP-ACC-4, SCP-ADN, SCP-AEN, SCP-AEP, SCP-AFG, SCP-AHI, SCP-APT, SCP-ARF
Site-AH: Site Director: Nova Davis/ Location: Kinos, Pulvis on Mars/ Purpose: Containment of anomalies found on Mars/ Contains: SCP-ACR, SCP-AGN, [data expunged]
Site-AI: Site Director: Maxwell Johnson/ Location: New Eriksson, Skoni on Mars/ Purpose: Living, work, and research city for Foundation staff living on Mars, Spaceship development and mass production/ Contains: Does not contain anomalies.
Site-AJ: Site Director: Cullen Artia/ Location [data expunged], Canada/ Purpose: Full containment of SCP-AXA and similar instances/ Contains: SCP-AXA, no other anomalies are allowed at Site AJ.
Site-AK: Site Director: Lucy Doven/ Location: [data expunged] of the Sahara Desert/ Purpose: Production of AFA-1, AFA-2, and AFA-3. Also responsible for containment of special hazard anomalies/ Contains: SCP-ABS, SCP-ADF-Δ, SCP-AFT, SCP-AHV, SCP-ATA
Site-AL: Site Director: Dr. Malik/ Location: [data expunged], Madagascar/ Purpose: Containment of highly dangerous anomalies through burning or superheating, containment of anomalies with limited or restricted testing/ Contains: SCP-ADT, SCP-AEL, SCP-AFZ, SCP-AMS, SCP-AWS, [data expunged]
Site-AM: Site Director: Veronica Pérez/ Location: No set location/ Purpose: Invisible sky fortress acts as a base for sentient and humanoid anomalies aligned with the foundation, also contains non-hazardous or low threat anomalies that are useful to the Foundation, homebase for Alpha-9 and Omega-45/ Contains: SCP-AAS, SCP-ABG, SCP-ABJ, SCP-ABL, SCP-ACC-2, SCP-ACV, SCP-ADV-Warden, SCP-ADW, SCP-AEZ, SCP-AGC, SCP-AZJ
Site-AN: Site Director: Tanaka Eto/ Location: the bottom of the Mariana Trench/ Purpose: Containment of extremely dangerous anomalies that can possess a constant XK class: End of the World scenario should they break containment but are still available for testing and research, also acts as a defensive base against SCP-[data expunged]/ Contains: SCP-ABA, SCP-ABT-1, SCP-ADR, SCP-ADU, SCP-AFB, SCP-AHD, SCP-AID, SCP-ATV, SCP-AXP
Site-AO: Site Director: [data expunged]/ Location: [data expunged] of the North Atlantic Ocean/ Purpose: Primarily for the testing of long-term effects anomalies can have on the public through an artificial city environment populated by [data expunged]. Secondary, for the purpose of either temporary containment or permanent containment of biohazardous, chemical, and aquatic class anomalies/ Contains: SCP-ABE, SCP-ADK, SCP-AES, SCP-AFU, SCP-AGE, SCP-AGL, SCP-AKS, [data expunged]
Site-AP: Site Director: [data expunged]/ Location: [data expunged]/ Purpose: [data expunged]/ Contains: SCP-ABP, SCP-ABV-4, SCP-ABV-6, SCP-AGS, SCP-AHM, SCP-AJY-Prime
Site-AQ: Site Director: 476F64/ Location: The Arctic/ Purpose: containment and study of digital anomalies such as A.I., virtual worlds, and anomalous video games/ Contains: SCP-ACH, SCP-ADP, SCP-AED, SCP-AEM, SCP-AVH
Site-AR: Site Director: Malcom Wyllt/ Location: underneath the islands of Hawaii/ Purpose: Headquarters of the Department of Technology, Alchemy, Science, Magic, and Warfare. Containment of literature-based anomalies as well as containing extremely dangerous anomalies by other anomalous means. Most active Foundation Site for experimentation/ Contains: SCP-ACI, SCP-ACX-2, SCP-AGT, SCP-AHG, SCP-AIJ, SCP-AJW
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