#Dr. Wicked
dzthenerd490 · 4 months
File: Resident Evil 5
Code Name: The Uroboros Virus/ The U Virus
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: Samples of SCP-ADU are contained within six biohazard capsules that are contained within one of the biohazard freezers at the Level 5 Biohazard Labs of Site-AN. Any testing must be approved by at least three Level 5 Clearance staff. It is because of SPC-ADU that the AFA-2 units guarding the Level 5 Biohazard Labs are armed with Foundation Assault Rifles loaded with N Rounds. Anyone who is accidentally infected with SCP-ADU is to be shot on site by the AFA-2. There are no exceptions.
During testing AFA-2's must always be present in the testing chamber and have Necrosis Venom based weaponry to ensure SCP-ADU never grows out of control.
In the event of a containment breach, Foundation staff that have unfortunately been locked down in the containment area of SCP-ADU will be given the following instructions. They will be shown where the nearest hidden stash of Necrosis Venom vials are and be asked to inject themselves before SCP-ADU can devour them. Injecting it directly to the eye is believed to be the least painful as it kills the victim much faster. It should always be noted that this fate is much more merciful compared to infection with SCP-ADU. 
Description: SCP-ADU is an extremely volatile, adaptive, mutagenic, and seemingly incurable virus. Dr. Wicked has dubbed this as a Sinoima Class plague, a sort of combination of a virus and a parasite; quite similar to SCP-AUX. Though SCP-ADU is a virus by all accounts of its biological nature it has the ability to form into large and black worm-like parasites. These parasites consume and fill all organic life they encounter with the virus. A host of SCP-ADU normally ends up being devoured by the worm-like parasites and any remains are used as a puppet allowing the parasites to find more food to eat.
The infection of SCP-ADU is more like assimilation of the SCP-ADU parasites the more they eat the more they grow and become a much larger mass as a result. At this point SCP-ADU will resemble a large Eldrige monster. Physical contact with the black worms is enough to get someone infected with SCP-ADU's virus form. After about 1-2 days they're body will also be consumed by the SCP-ADU parasites and quite possibly start a whole new infection. This means that the smallest loose instance, even a single virion can cause an XK Class end-of-the-world Scenario. It is for this reason that SCP-ADU is contained at Site-AN and labeled as Object Class Keter.
SCP-ADU might seem quite destructively simple compared to other viruses and plague contained by the Foundation. This is because it's so effective at infecting and consuming all organic life around it that it simply has no reason to adapt or evolve, only assimilate and devour. Shockingly, its kill and infection rate has made it arguably even more fearsome than the Foundation's oldest and deadliest pathogen in containment, SCP-610. Unfortunately, like SCP-610 when SCP-ADU comes into contact with a Sarkite it will mutate to obey their every command becoming a symbiotic weapon for them. 
SCP-ADU was discovered in 2009 during the [data expunged] incident when Foundation MTF units and Global Occult Coalition agents clashed while trying to apprehend Person of Interest: Albert Wesker. Not only were the new variants of SCP-ADN discovered but also SCP-ADU. After containment it was revealed that SCP-ADU was created from various viruses including SCP-AAY, SCP-ABE, SCP-ADN, and even antibodies form various hosts who have shone immunity to the following viruses and parasites.
The work of both the modified SCP-ADN and the creation of SCP-ADU was by the hands of not only Person of Interest: Albert Wesker but also Group of Interest: Tricell, Inc. They were a known competitor against the destroyed Group of Interest: Umbrella but had no Sarkic Employees only customers. In order to satisfy their customers after the fall of Umbrella they joined with Albert Wesker to create new bioweapons hoping to make a profit selling them to powerful Neo Sarkic Clans. Thankfully they lost their product because of the [data expunged] incident and the Global Occult Coalition led to the downfall of their company. Please see Addendum X-35 for details.
"Hopefully that's all of them. I wasn't even there but I'm still sick and tired of all this biological virus and parasite shit. Now that Albert is dead there shouldn't be anything left to help these fuckers. Umbrella and Tricell, they're all gone. Every last one. Granted we lost track of a few of the Neo Sarkic Families involved but we'll find them eventually. *sigh*... With this, hopefully the nightmare can finally end." -Dr. Wicked
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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bloodybarbrawl · 5 months
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commission for "Bring It On! Occidental entertainment fan convention" 2023
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wickcipher · 2 years
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A semi-continuation of this post, but mostly based on this
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shrewdoodle · 5 months
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RAHHHHHHHH‼️‼️‼️‼️ I LOVE SECRET BOSSES‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
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liongrl321 · 1 month
Hey Wicked Fandom,
if Dr. Dillamond was married to a guy what do you think he should be?
(I cant wait for the Wicked movie to come out fr)
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bakanokiwami · 7 months
To make this bar chart race, all series titles in the Plays Crossovers Section on November 29 (or the closest date to it) of every year were copy-pasted from Wayback Machine to Google Sheets, rearranged according to number of fanworks, and then inputted to Flourish to turn into a bar chart race.
In March 27 2009, FFN launched support for crossover fanfiction. Before this date, authors either posted their crossovers in just one category and noted that it was a crossover in its summary, or posted them in one of the generic crossover categories in the Misc. section (such as X-overs, or Cartoons X-overs). There wasn’t a filter to screen all crossovers of specific fandoms back then.
Originally, the fanfiction list was sorted alphabetically, but was changed to number of fics at around early 2013.
Interestingly enough, the crossover sections don’t seem to be suffering from a total fanfiction discrepancy, unlike the sections for non-crossover fanfiction.
Please refer to this post for more fanfiction bar chart races.
Thanks for understanding and hopefully I didn’t mess up anywhere! 🙏
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aperrywilliams · 1 year
They Will Never (Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader)
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(Not my gif. Credits to the creator!)
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Summary: Spencer's girlfriend is jealous. During the Christmas party at their daughter's school, the other moms don’t stop hitting on him.
Word Count: 3.5k
Warnings: 18+; Minor DNI. Suggestive and dirty talk. Smut (fade to black) at the end of the fic. If I forgot something, let me know.
A/N: I’m back!!!! This past months have been a rollercoaster in many ways. Well, talking about this fic, it could be a sequel from "That Wicked Love" multipart I wrote a while ago. Nonetheless, it could be read as a stand-alone.
I never thought it would be easy. When I discovered that I was pregnant and Spencer wasn't going to support me, I was sure the world had ended.
There were weeks of thinking over and over again about what I would do with my life. Then I decided I would have Olivia, and that's it.
I don't regret my decision. Liv is my little girl, and I love her with all my heart, but motherhood is hard.
Since Olivia was born, my life has mostly revolved around her. Being a mother is a full-time job. But I have been managing the best I could. I continued working after she was born, and with time, some of my personal life returned too.
However, the stability of our little family was broken when a bloody bastard kidnapped my little girl two years ago. She was four back then.
That wasn't enough, though.
What were the chances of Spencer working on my daughter's kidnapping case?
I forgot to mention that I never told him I would continue my pregnancy, so it was a surprise for him to see me and know that he had indeed been a father.
Fortunately, Spencer’s team recovered Olivia and three more kids kidnapped by the same guy.
What followed was a rollercoaster of events and emotions. Spencer wanted to be in Liv’s life, and although I swore never to talk to him again, I couldn't deny my daughter of her father.
He showed regret and swore that leaving me alone while pregnant was the worst thing he had done in his life. He looked genuinely sorry, and he wanted to make it up to Olivia.
Against the odds, I let him.
He became the best dad for my girl. Since then, he has been for her at every step.
The problem? Having him close awoke those feelings I thought were buried the day he left.
I tried to ignore it. I really tried. Even if he never did something to make me uncomfortable in our co-parenting roles, I did feel off with it.
I still loved him. And months after, Spencer confessed that he still loved me too.
Would it be a bad idea? Maybe. But I left my heart to speak louder than my brain. That's why we have been dating for the past three months.
So you can guess how odd it is having your daughter’s dad as a boyfriend. Some people think we are married or living together when we are not. Others believe we are just co-parenting and don’t have a relationship.
Usually, I don't care what people think. But right now I wish things between us were clearer to the world, specifically for the moms who had Spencer cornered in the venue of this year’s school Christmas party.
Am I jealous? Yeah. But how could I not be? Spencer is the epitome of the young-hot dad, caring and lovely. And polite. Very very polite. So much so that even if he had noticed their advances, he hadn’t said anything. Maybe he likes that.
This has me overthinking, and I wouldn't say I like it because it brings all kinds of insecurity thoughts to my mind.
Right now, for example, instead of going to interrupt this obscene flirtation, I'm walking to the opposite side to check if Olivia needs anything. I can't bring myself to do something different.
It didn't help to hear part of their conversation when I was passing by a while ago.
“Your wife is a lucky girl, then,” Kimberly chimed, patting Spencer’s forearm.
“My what?” the man asked, confused.
“Your wife? Olivia's mom?” Kim explains, tilting her head. Then Spencer realizes she’s talking about me.
“Oh! No, actually, we are not married,” he corrected. God, Kimberly’s eyes go wide as if she found a gold mine. The rest of the moms there reacted in the same way.
I have nothing against that fact, but with them knowing it? It's like a door was opened. A door to the shameless coquetry, and I hate it.
I knew Spencer wouldn’t be consciously flirting with them, but seeing him laugh at their jokes and don’t even flinch when one of them gripped his forearm not only made me see red.
It was even worst: it made me self-conscious.
I know it's an irrational feeling. Of course I know there are people better than me in many things. I wouldn't pretend to be a superwoman or something close to that. But since Olivia started preschool, I have been feeling less than the other moms. At first, it was because I was raising her alone and working simultaneously. I couldn't make it to every school event or whatever they planned during the year. Now, also, there is the fact that it’s Spencer who can fulfill that role, and I still can’t. He is the cool dad with a cool job. And there are cool moms with cool jobs too, who he’s talking to at this precise moment.
Doing the math, it doesn't look like I could be up to that kind of expectation.
For the rest of the evening, I avoided being close to Spencer and the other moms. Instead, I focused on the kids and that Olivia could have fun at the party. After all, it was the primary purpose of this activity.
The ride home was mostly silent. I tried to concentrate on driving and not look at Spencer from the corner of my eye. Liv was fast asleep in the back seat.
The streets were filled with snow, and you could see the Christmas lights on the windows of each building we passed. The ambient was clearly festive, but I didn't feel or look that way.
Maybe Spencer felt something was off, but I guess he didn't want to bring it up in the car. He only made some random comments about the party, and for all of them, he got from me a curt hum in response.
When I parked, he took hold of a sleepy Olivia in his arms and helped me upstairs.
It was a well-known routine since we told Liv that Spencer was her dad, and she warmed up to him. Every time we got to my apartment after an afternoon together, he carried our daughter to her room and got her ready for bed. The little girl would open her eyes and demand a bed story from her dad.
Spencer loves reading to her, even if he knows most of the stories by heart. That's one of the many things they share as father and daughter, and I try to give them the space to do that. That's why this time, like others, I headed to the kitchen to make myself some tea.
With a mug in hand, and after switching on the Christmas tree lights, I plopped on the couch. I didn't notice before how much my feet hurt. What can I say? The afternoon’s overthinking even dimmed my body aching.
Great, now I can add ‘old and wasted’ to my self-deprecation list.
I let my eyes be entertained by the colored lights, wondering if I was being overdramatic. My thoughts were interrupted by Spencer sitting beside me.
“I couldn't finish the story, and she had already fallen asleep,” he announced, lifting my legs so they could rest on his lap. Thoughtlessly, he started rubbing my feet.
Silence took over the room. I tried to concentrate on the pleasant feeling of his hands on my aching feet, but my face sure didn't hide my sour mood.
“What's wrong?” Spencer asked cautiously, inspecting my features. I tried to play ignorant.
“Uh? What do you mean?” I lied. Spencer frowned.
“You are too quiet. You didn't say anything during the car ride, and I could tell you avoided me most of this afternoon,” he recounted.
Shit. Obviously, he noticed.
“I’m just tired,” I lied again. I didn't want to explain what was bothering me. It was silly, and I felt stupid for it. He was about to say something to question my answer, but I didn't let him.
“Maybe you should go home. I think it's better I go to bed,” I pointed, detaching my feet off his lap and sitting straight on the couch. By all means, I avoided making eye contact because I knew he would realize what I was trying to do.
During the past months, he had spent the night at mine before, but it wasn’t a habitual thing. We decided to take it slow, and neither he nor I had put pressure on that matter.
Spencer’s frown deepened, nonetheless.
“Okay. I’ll go,” he announced. “But first you need to tell me what is bothering you. I don’t bite the ‘tired’ thing,” he declared, shifting his posture on the couch to have a better look of me.
“Nothing is wrong,” I repeated, but my voice sounded even less convincing than before. The man hummed, thinking about what to say first.
“Did you know that in the US the 95% of people who are asked for a confirmation to a statement actually lie about it?” He commented. I huffed, already feeling trapped.
“Great. Now is where your 187 is displayed,” I said under my breath. It was a thought that wasn’t meant to be said at loud. But it slipped.
Spencer tilted his head.
“Hey! Now I’m worried. What happened? What did I do?” he asked in a high pitch tone, scooting to my side. I shook my head, sighing.
Maybe it was better to get clean and tell him everything.
“You - you didn't do anything. I mean, yeah. You were there, all cute and sexy. It's your fault! And they? They were all over you, gawking at you as someone looks at their prey!” I grumbled.
“They?” Spencer asked in confusion.
“The other moms, Spencer! Now you will tell me you didn't notice?” I scoffed, folding my arms over my chest and placing some distance between us on the couch.
“You mean at the party? No way. That not happened,” he refuted, shooking his head.
The bastard was denying the most obvious thing! That made anger fill my body, and I had to stand and start pacing. It was that or scream at the man.
At the loss of words, Spencer stood too, following my pace with his gaze.
I knew he could see the fuming escaping from my ears, but I didn't care.
He wanted to say something, but he didn't know how to start. I bet my pacing in the room wasn’t helping him.
“(Y/N)...” he mumbled softly to catch my attention. I turned to see him. His confused look only fueled my irritation.
“Fuck, Spencer! How can you be so clueless? They were hitting on you! God, if it were up to them, you'd already be tied to their bed frame,” I shouted, hands waving in the air to accentuate my point.
Spencer’s eyes widened.
“What? That's not true. They were being nice. That's all,” Spencer defended. Sure, he has to be oblivious right now. I would have punched him to make him realize the truth.
“Nice, uh? I didn't know nice meant touching the guy in front of the whole people every chance they got. Or are you going to deny they did that, uh, genius?” I sneered now with my hands on my hips. My blood was boiling inside as I remembered the scene.
Spencer cleared his throat. He was recalling those details, and they were hitting him now. Cautiously he took a step forward, hands trying to reach mine.
“Hey, don’t get upset. I - I didn't see that. I’m sorry,” he said, stepping in front of me and prying my arms from their position on my hips. His fingers traced delicate patterns on the back of my palms.
“I should have seen it. I didn't think it was something like that. You know I’m pretty stupid in that kind of thing. I’m really sorry,” he apologized.
I really wanted to stay angry, but seeing those puppy dog ​​eyes, looking intently at me made it difficult.
Argh! Why just one look from him it's all that it takes to feel my knees go weak?
“Don't look at me like that!” I protested.
“Like what?” He asked, kind of amused by the reaction he provoked in me.
“Like you were an innocent pigeon. All men are the same, honestly,” I complained, leaving the grasp of his hands. A new rush of anger came quickly. Spencer pursed his lips; he could tell the reason why I was upset wasn’t just the moms flirting with him.
Before I could turn and walk away, Spencer stopped me grabbing my hand and squeezing it gently so I could look at him.
“Please, don’t go. I’m sorry I didn't notice. But you know why I didn't? Because they are not you,” he declared, intertwining our fingers and grasping our hands with his free one. I looked at him, with some treacherous tears fighting to come out.
He continued.
“They are not you. You are the only one that can get my attention that way,” he declared, bringing my hand to his lips to kiss my knuckles.
“I’m not that special, you know?” I mumbled, pursing my lips to stop the tears.
There it was. The intrusive thought in my mind replayed over and over since it hit me this afternoon.
Spencer narrowed his eyes, realizing there was more than jealousy because of him.
“Don’t say that. Of course you are that special, and much more!” He rebutted, and I chuckled bitterly.
“Am I? I mean, why would you be happy with me when you can get a successful well-manicured super mom like them?” I pointed.
“What are you talking about? What is that thing about super moms?” he asked, now taking hold of both my hands.
I sighed. It was something that was hard to explain, even to me. I left the grasp of his hands, running mine through my hair, collecting my thoughts.
“Look. I don't expect you can fully understand it. Honestly, I think I can’t understand it either. It's just - I don’t know. Sometimes I think I’m not doing enough. I’m not a successful businesswoman with a six-year-old daughter, a nice car, all dolled up, perfect makeup, and baking cupcakes for the whole school, like Kimberly, you know?” I shrugged, feeling small and vulnerable.
Of all that people, I chose to compare myself with Kimberly Garland. The incarnation of a super mom. She was known as a successful CEO at a technological company. Mom of three and recently divorced. She always shows up to school activities, no matter what. And not only that, she actively participates, whether cooking, taking care of the ornaments and decorations, or whatever it needed.
How could you compete to that?
“And do you think that no being like her is a bad thing?” Spencer asked me.
Did I believe that? Perhaps I did.
“Maybe it is. Don’t you think Liv deserves a mom like that? Or you a girlfriend like that? I saw you talking to her today, and I couldn't stop thinking she could offer more than I could.”
It hurt to say those words out loud, but they were the ones plaguing my thoughts at the time.
Spencer's face softened. Great, now I'm sure he felt pity for me.
“She can’t. Kimberly or whoever you’re comparing to. You're an excellent mom, (Y/N). And the best girlfriend I can ask for," Spencer stated now strocking my cheek.
I felt silly making a fuss but the insecurities were there. I couldn't help it. The embarrasment made me downcast my gaze to the floor.
“My sweet girl. Look at me, please," he asked, tilting my chin up. I did so, my cheeks turning red under his gaze.
“Olivia is a lucky little girl, you know? She has the best mom in the world. A mom who loves her and would do whatever it takes so she can be happy and safe. Who cares if you can’t be in all those school activities? Not her, because she knows you love her. It doesn't matter if you are not a company CEO. You have your job, and thanks to that our daughter has had everything she needs. You took care of her alone in her first years. On top of that, you have always sought her well-being and happiness. You let me be in her life even after I hurt you years ago. I will always be grateful that you did,” he said, pulling a strand of hair behind my ear.
“She deserves having her father around,” I pointed. It was a decision that I made when we spoke again after Olivia’s kidnapping. Although my hurt feelings, I couldn't deny my daughter of her father if he genuinely wanted to be in her life. Our problems as adults didn't have to be a problem for her.
“And she deserves the wonderful mom she has,” Spencer declared, kissing my forehead. I blushed at the compliment.
“Now, regarding this relationship,” he began pointing between the two of us. “You have nothing to worry about. They don't stand a chance, and you know why? Because they don't even compare to the most beautiful, smart and brave person I've ever met. Who owns a small bookstore downtown, and my heart. The woman I fell in love with the moment I saw her—the mother of my child. Who gave this idiot a chance to be in her life again even when he didn't deserve it. They are not you, my sweet girl. They will never be, and that's why I could never even look at them the way I look at you.“
Fuck Spencer Reid and his ability with words.
“You mean it?” I asked tentatively. Still unsure if he was being serious.
“Of course I mean it. I’m here for the long run, and I hope someday - sooner or later - we can take the next step. I want everything with you, (Y/N), but I’ll go at your pace. I promise.”
I couldn't help the giggles that left my lips.
Could love make you this way? I felt lighter and confident. Spencer's words made me see that I have no reason to sulk that way.
“Keep talking like that, and you'll get the world, Dr. Reid," I stated, now wrapping my arms around his neck. He chuckled.
“I don't need to get it. I already have it with you,” he said, giving a peck to my nose.
"You're a sap," I teased.
"And you love it,” he added, leaning down to kiss me. I happily obliged and kissed him back, tightening my grasp on his neck. His hands planted on my hips to keep me steady.
The kiss deepened, and only we parted when the need for air was too much.
He looked at me with a devilish smirk on his face.
“You know?” he started, kissing my cheek and then my jaw. “There is only one bedframe I would rather be tied to right now. And there is only one person I wish would do indescribable things to me as I’m tied up at her mercy,” he whispered in my ear, and immediately, I felt shivers down my spine.
“Spencer, don’t. That's not helping,” I mumbled with my eyes fluttering shut.
“Isn’t it? Why? Are you thinking about it right now?” He teased. The bastard knew what he was doing. “You would like to see me all tied up, waiting for my sweet girl to do what she wants? Would you like to be in control and show those moms who own me?” he asked, as his lips left traces of kisses on my neck. His hot breath was hitting on my skin and making my desire grow.
“Spencer,” I moaned, lost in his words and eager for his touch.
"Tell me what you want. I'll give you anything," he whispered in my ear, hands running down my sides, giving me goosebumps.
“You. I want you.” Those words left my lips like a prayer—the utter confession of desire and pent-up tension. Spencer grunted.
“You already have me. I’m yours,” he murmured, pulling up the hem of my shirt, so his hands could sneak under to feel my skin.
“And I’m yours. Totally yours. But I need to feel you,” I confessed. I was so lost in his touch and starved for more.
Spencer understood the meaning of my words, so he kissed me hungrily, walking us backward in the direction of my room.
That night Spencer proved to me, with kisses, caresses, and words of adoration, that my insecurities were unfounded. It's true that I'm not like Kimberly Garland, but I don't have to be. I have a daughter whom I adore and who
loves me, a job that fills me with satisfaction, and a boyfriend that I love and who does an excellent job of showing me how valuable and loved I can be.
Spencer Reid’s Taglist: @dreatine​ @nomajdetective @jayyeahthatsme @rosalinasam2 @averyhotchner @tvandfanfic​ @lovelyxtom @princessmiaelicia @pastelbabygirl19  @reidsbookclub @alexxavicry @gspenc @spencerreidisbae123 @calmspencer @pauline5525mgg @disaster-in-waiting @pebble-has-a-mirgraine @anamiad00msday @chlochlosworld @milivanili99
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lupinblacktheone · 22 days
I was watching a video essay about the newsies strike and the editor used a clip of livesies. I accidentaly let out a little scream (after waiting like, 20 minutes, for a reference) and my sister was like: "What's wrong with you, weirdo?"
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lxdyblackthorn · 15 days
friendly reminder that thais' name is pronounced tah-ish peh-droh-zu here in her country rio de janeiro
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mok-a-chino · 1 year
Obsessing over fictional people is not a hobbie. Is a game. And I'm winning.
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wanna-bewitch-you · 1 month
Why did Dr. Dillamond shock me in the new trailer💀 of course he isn’t going to be a man in a goat costume
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dzthenerd490 · 1 year
Addendum: x-1
Warning! the following is to only be seen by administrators and O5 council members.
the following is a written unredacted report of the details within the recording of Dr. Wicked during his encounters in the town of Wheelsy, South Carolina.
"Is this thing on? testing? testing? Ok good it works. ahem! Good evening, I am Dr. Wicked, and I am with a small investigation squad composed of disguised Iota-10 operatives. We are here to assess the situation on whether or not this squid man actually exists."
"Come on Doc, I think this is another prank call or mass hysteria. you know like that other small town that kept talking about sasquatch visiting their church."
"Uh, Bigfoot is real, man."
"Wait seriously?"
"Yeah, it's SCP-1000, don't you ever read the files?"
"Nah, I'm too scared to do that, I heard there was this one SCP that when you talk about it, it takes you away."
"Oh yeah that thing, but seriously man you really should know more about the SCP's."
"Ok that's enough, let's not make this recording longer than it needs to be. ahem! Anyways in case this is a biohazard anomaly two different de-briefing biohazard stations have been placed to keep anyone who might be infected with whatever this is from escaping and spreading any possible infections. Said biohazard stations are employed with MTF's Iota-10, Epsilon-6, and Epsilon-9 Troopers on standby should they be required. Oh, it looks like we have made it to the police station where most of the reports have been made so we will be departing right now.” One of the soldiers then opened the door and Dr. Wicked was the first of them to exit the small truck. Dr. Wicked was disguised as a CDC researcher while the three Iota-10's were wearing their FBI disguises, they then enter the sheriff's office to gain any local information and have the local law enforcement cooperate in containment if possible.
"Look Bill, just control this however you-" everyone in the station then goes silent when Dr. Wicked and the three Iota-10 agents enter the station.
"...huh... ahem! I am Dr. Wicked of the CDC and as you can see behind me are three FBI agents. We are here because we have heard several reports of a uh... squid man, who is causing trouble? We have reason to believe that this man is infected with a terrible disease, so we are here to find, contain and hopefully cure him."
"Oh no! no! no! no need! no need! we don't need the government coming here and causing trouble-"
"Well sorry sir but if not handled properly this could be a national emergency. So, we just need to speak to the sheriff and-"
"Ok listen, I am the mayor of this fine town and I say we got this under control." The sheriff and other law enforcers at the office then started chuckling to which the mayor quickly tried to shush them all.
"... really, well then Mr. Mayor, if you have this under control then would you mind telling me what uh... Mr. Grant is infected with."
"Oh... uh... well that's easy he uh... well he's obviously infected with Lymes disease!"
"... Lymes disease... you're sure about that?"
"Yeah, I mean you know, when you touch deer feces and then eat a sandwich without washing your hands and then bam!"
"... bam? you suddenly turn into a squid person?" The mayor looked back at Bill in anger while he and the other officers started laughing again. The mayor then turned back to Dr. Wicked who was looking more unamused and disappointed as time went on, leaving the mayor to smile nervously.
"Ok well um I think that's just people wanting attention. I mean, you know how boring life in a small town can be, some people just need to make stuff up."
"Uh Mayor the last time we saw Grant, his hand was all long and limping around like a noodle or something." The Mayor then looked at Dr. Wicked in fear but then smiled while the doctor just glared in disappointment.
"Ok um... Witcher right?"
"Dr. Wicked actually."
"Yeah, whatever anyways-"
"...right, Dr. Wicked. um you know if your government folks start rolling in then people are gonna start to freak out, I can't have that."
"Wait so government folks are bad but Grant killing everybody's cows is ok?"
"Can you just shut your mouth for five seconds!"
"Ok, Mr. Mayor, listen to me. Like it or not we are here and you need us, and please rest assured during our time here we will be as discreet as possible, but if we need to evacuate this entire town then under the law of the U.S. Government as well as the safety of this town, we will do what is necessary, because with all due respect you're not the highest authority here anymore." The Mayor was dead silent out of intimidation and some of the officers even chuckled and so did the Iota-10 soldiers.
"Uh Bill, sorry to interrupt but there's been another attack."
"Oh yeah, our honest-to-god Mayor forgot to tell you that Grant's been taking animals off of the farms from the edge of town."
"Ok then everyone, get your guns, this time we got these FBI folks with us but uh keep an eye on them we don't want to be at fault if they get Lymes disease!"
"Oh haha! fucking ha!"
"Oh, right uh, your government boys need a ride?"
"No, we got a van, we'll meet you there."
"... so, this is what the attacks normally look like." Dr Wicked and Sheriff Bill were at the farm field of the latest attack. Both were watching an officer and an Iota-10 soldier examine the field with a large blood trail and dog corpses.
"Naw this is actually pretty decent compared to the last one, you see Grant used to cut up the cows and just take the stomach and sometimes the head too but now he's taking the whole body."
"Interesting, how uh, how do you think he does that?"
"... you know for a guy from the big cities you don't seem very spooked by this, aren't your government folks supposed to be rich clean freaks?"
"Uh, no, and for the record just because I work for the CDC doesn't mean I'm a clean freak, I just happen to know more about diseases than most people. it's my job after all, which is the exact reason I'm asking as much as I can."
"... uh, right sorry."
"It's fine, so uh, it's normal for Grant to leave bits of the corpse of the dead livestock?"
"Yeah, guess he's starting to clean up."
"Hey Chief! I found another dog!" an officer in the tall grass then showed Bill, Wally and Dr. Wicked a mostly cleanly cut dog head.
"Oh god! put that down, numb nuts!"
"No wait! let me see that."
"You sure?! ok then” The officer then tossed the dog head to the ground in front of Dr. Wicked causing him to jump back.
"God damn it! I meant hand it to me you idiot!" Dr. Wicked glared at the officer while they just shrugged and walked off. Dr. Wicked then grunted and reluctantly picked up the dog head and started examining its neck.
"So, uh... you think he's gonna make it doc?" Dr. Wicked glared at Bill unamused while Bill who was smiling quickly stopped and remained silent. Dr. Wicked then sighed and looked back at the head of the dog.
"... Jesus, look at this cut, it's almost clean! How do you think Grant could do this?"
"Well, I'll tell you what I do know, Grant absolutely hates dogs." Dr. Wicked again glared at Bill with much more anger this time.
"I mean you know, because uh... this whole thing doesn't really strike me as the work of a dog lover..."
"Hey Bill! The trail ends in the forest!"
"He dragged the whole damn cow in there, how does one man do that?"
"Uh we've heard reports that Grant was a uh... squid man, could you elaborate on that?"
"I'm gonna be honest doc I know just as much as you, I haven't seen Grant since he tried to kill Starla and that was when his arm got all stretched out and was waving everywhere like a noodle or something. His face was all messed up too, it looked like he was hit with a mix of poison ivy and some kind of cancer."
"So, he's mutating, that would explain how he's able to drag a whole cow, he's probably twice his original size now."
"Twice his... Doc, that's crazy."
"I've seen crazier."
"Shit... ok Wally! make some calls, we need to get a posse ready, there's only one farm left that's close to the forest, we gonna get this son of a bitch tonight."
Dr. Wicked did not bother recording this moment as it was just the Sheriff Bill discussing the plan to capture Grant with his police officers and the local posse. Recording resumes after planning has ended.
"Alright everyone this ends tonight! lock and load!" Dr. Wicked then got on the phone and requested additional assistance from Epsilon-6 and two Epsilon-9 units. He made sure to inform them not to bother with disguises and just arm themselves. However, upon finishing his Call Starla showed up and started begging Bill to let her come. When Bill caved in, Dr. Wicked quickly intervened.
"Wait a civilian?! no, no way, out of the question! we are not letting a civilian join our manhunt... squid hunt... we can't endanger a civilian! I'm sorry Ma'am but you need to leave!"
"Doc, it's ok Starla is Grant's wife."
"All the more reason for them not to make contact, what if he's contagious?! Do you want her to get infected?"
"Look Mister! Grant is my husband! I promised him I would be by his side for better or worse! And if you want to stop me then you're gonna have to shoot me!"
"... ok." Dr. Wicked then pulled out his pistol and pointed it right at Starla's head. Bill pulled out his pistol at Dr. Wicked, but the MTF quickly drew their guns much faster on him. in response the other officers and possie volunteers drew their weapons as well. They were quickly out gunned; However, Dr. Wicked did not stand down, in fact he had little reason too. Soon two more vans pulled in and out of both came out four Epsilon-6 Troopers in standard Military armor and a single Epsilon-9 flamethrower unit. The Epsilon 6 Troopers quickly surrounded everyone with their rifles ready to fire. Bill and the other officers and volunteers laid their guns on the ground and put their hands up.
Dr. Wicked smiled at their defeat but glared at Starla in disappointment when he saw that she wasn't budging. Instead, she put her hand on his gun and pointed it right on her forehead thus ensuring her own fate should Dr. Wicked pulled the trigger.
"Ain't no stuck-up government prick gonna keep me from helping my husband. So, either shoot or fuck off!" Dr. Wicked looked like he was actually going to pull the trigger for a moment, but he quickly pulled his gun up and sighed in annoyance.
"... Hmph, of all places, why did it have to be here?" Dr. Wicked then ordered the MTF's to stand down as he got into his Van without saying a single word.
Later that night the police force and volunteers as well as reinforcements from Iota-10, Epsilon-6, and Epsilon-9 were all hiding around a field where a single cow was eating grass in pieces. At one of the hiding spots Bill and Wally were watching in boredom while Starla and Dr. Wicked were sitting in the back. Dr. Wicked was still very unhappy that Starla was there.
"So uh, Starla, are you in any medical profession or military at least?"
"Uh no, I'm actually a schoolteacher."
"... right."
"But uh, you're from the CDC so you can help Grant, right?"
"*sigh* ma'am, we are going to do whatever we can to find the source of Grant's sickness, contain it and hopefully find a cure for Grant, but um... I want you to be prepared should we need to find more... lethal methods to stop the infection." Starla then looked at Dr. Wicked in fear while he continued to look at her in all seriousness.
"Hey Doc, come on. Why do you gotta say stupid shit like that?"
"I just think she should be prepared for the possibility that we may have to get more drastic in order to keep the safety of the public in check."
"Is that why you brought all these damn military soldiers, I mean come on what is this Afghanistan?"
"They're an extra safety measure, we know absolutely nothing about Grant's current situation, so we need to be prepared for any possible..."
"... Doc?" Dr. Wicked then pointed out to the field and then Starla, Bill, and Wally turned to see a heavily mutated Grant slithering his way toward the cow.
"G- Grant?"
"Ho. ly. shit."
"That is the most fucked up thing I have ever seen..."
"...meh, I've seen worse." Bill, Starla, and Wally then looked at Dr. Wicked in both confusion and Horror. Just then Grant killed the cow and started dragging its corpse away into the forest.
"Ok good he's on the move, I think we should follow his trail so that we can find his nest and hopefully the source of- where the fuck is she going?!" Bill and Wally then turned back to the field and saw that Starla was walking after Grant. The other policemen and troopers then left their hiding spots in confusion to which Bill and Dr. Wicked quickly ordered them all to follow her and Grant. It didn't take long for them all to stumble across another wide field in the forest and to which Starla cried out to Grant which surprisingly made him stop. Everyone then quickly surrounded Grant while Starla continued to talk to him.
"... it's ok Grant, you're just sick is all. you're just sick." Some of the soldiers and police officers looked at each other wondering if Starla actually believed that or if she was just trying to comfort Grant.
"We got some people from the CDC! here to get you the help you need." Starla then looked at Dr. Wicked and he looked at her frightened knowing that now he had to step forward. He was shaking the entire time but regardless he continued to walk toward and stand right by Starla.
"*sigh* God damn it, Ahem! uh, hello Grant. I am Dr. Wicked of the CDE- ABC- bah! the- the CDC! Ahem! A- And believe it or not we’ve seen cases like yours but believe me there are those that have got it way worse than you! um, regardless we learned a thing or two so if you just come with us then we can help you, we can build you a brand-new body. you just need to take Starla's hand and let her lead you to the biohazard debriefing station."
"That's right, Grant, I'm gonna stay by you just like I swore I would! for better or worse!"
"Much fucking worse." Grant then growled at Bill, to which Dr. Wicked glared back at him in fearful frustration.
"Shut up! For the love of God!"
"Grant! marriage is a sacred bond, right baby?" Again, the soldiers then looked at each other in disgust wondering how Starla could say that to an abomination of flesh and tentacles. Grant then roared at them all and was about to leave but then one of the farmers got in front of him.
"Stop right there, you son of a bitch!" Dr. Wicked then signaled two soldiers to stand by him and keep Grant from escaping.
"Now I don't care what kind of leprosy you got! We need to find that girl, so you can either make this peaceful or me and these boys will blow a hole in your tentacle ass." The two soldiers then looked at the farmer in disgust. Dr. Wicked noticed how aggravated Grant looked and panicked.
"Tranquilizers! Open fire!” The soldiers armed with tranquilizer guns then shot Grant in the back, but he just looked at them all in annoyance then he turned back to the farmer and two soldiers and then swung his tentacle at them. Luckily one of the soldiers ducked in time but the farmer and the other soldier weren't so lucky and instantly fell apart from being cut in two.
"TAKE EM OUT!" Just then everyone started shooting at Grant, but he slithered away, though he happened to slither by the one soldier that ducked. When the soldier noticed him, he quickly jumped on Grant and tried to grab onto him. The soldier held on tight and pulled out his knife and started stabbing Grant. Grant quickly used his tentacles to throw him off and whip him into pieces while in the air. The pieces of the soldier then went flying into the trees. The sight was horrific, but no one was stopping; they were all chasing through the forest to get Grant once and for all. However, it was quite clear quickly they weren't making good progress. Grand was slithering extremely quickly, and in the woods, he was impossible to catch up to.
"Shit! activate the drones!" Two of the soldiers then stopped in place while two other soldiers reached in their backpacks and activated anomalous biohazard detection drones. They were new models and still experimental, but desperate times call for desperate measures. Thankfully the worked and were able to not only fly correctly but detect the anomalous mutations on Grant. The drones were pursuing him quickly and with the connected computer pads the soldiers were able to see what the drones saw. Bill saw the drones in the air and looked at Dr. Wicked who was right by him.
"Doc? what the hell are those things?"
"Their drones! It's a miracle they work since they're still in the experimental phase! We adapted them from the kinds of drones that the military uses!"
"Military! Doc what they hell are you using military tech for?!" Dr. Wicked then stopped running and held his hand in front of Bill to keep him still. Dr. Wicked then glared at Bill in disappointment.
"Sheriff Bill, the livestock of your town are dying, a woman is missing, and one of your citizen's named Grant has turned into a giant squid monster. Do you really think using military tech is overkill right now?"
"... Fair enough..."
"Dr. Wicked! Over here!" Dr. Wicked and Bill then ran over to where everyone else was and found them all huddled around an old shed where the drones were hovering in front of. One of the soldiers then walked up to Dr. Wicked and showed him a pad screen to see what the drone saw.
"It looks like a large anomalous biological entity in that shed."
"Hey, I hear Brenda crying in there!"
"Interesting, that must mean we found the nest, either that or we found the source of Grant's mutations. which means he's probably mutating this Brenda right now."
"Uh, wait does that mean we could be mutated too if we go in the shed?"
"Only one way to find out, I'm afraid." Bill and his officers along with the MTF soldiers were now all filled with fear at the possibility of becoming an abomination like Grant. Bill then sneaked over to a soldier and nudged him in the shoulder.
"Alright you heard him, open it."
"Wha-?! me?! you open it!"
"Hey, your military, you should be prepared for this kind of shit."
"You're the sheriff! this is your deal, you open it!"
"Will one of you morons just open it!" Both the soldier and Bill grunted; Bill then held out his hand to signal he wanted to play Rock, Paper, Scissors. The Soldier Agreed and they went on three with Bill giving Paper and the soldier going for Rock but quickly changing to Scissors.
"... you suck." Bill then grunted in annoyance and went over to the door of the shed. Bill looked back and all the officers and soldiers had their guns ready. Bill then quickly opened it and was the first to charge inside. However, he quickly stopped when he saw the state of Brenda.
"Somethings wrong with me!"
"... uh... yeah..."
"Oh my god!"
"Dear lord!"
"... Meh, I've seen worse." Everyone, even his own soldiers, looked at Dr. Wicked in either fear or annoyance.
"Sorry! sorry... it's become a habit of me to say that." Brenda's torso then moved which spooked everyone but then she just stayed still just as fast.
"Ok that's interesting. Hey Bill! go talk to her, keep her calm while I do a checkup." Bill then looked at Dr. Wicked in confusion.
"You sure doc? I'm no doctor but... I think it might just be a cold."
"Just talk to her will you!"
"Bill? Is that you? How's my boy? Is he alright?"
"Oh uh, your boy is fine Brenda." Bill then walked up to Brenda to talk to her while Dr. Wicked walked to her side to examine her. He got out a handheld bio scanner to see what was going on with her internally.
"Ahem! So uh, what's... what's going on here... exactly?" Dr. Wicked then looked at Bill in disappointment while Bill just shrugged.
"I'm so fucking hungry Bill, I never knew anyone could be so hungry... could you uh, pass me a bit of that possums over there. just a little bit." Just as the mayor left the shed to puke. Dr. Wicked realized from the results he was getting that under Brenda's skin were thousands of slugs.
"Ok, I think we best get you to a hospital right quick."
"What the fuck are they supposed to do with her in a hospital, Bill?"
"Shut up. Doc can help her. Doc, you can help her, right?"
"Uh... no, we need to go!" Just then Brenda started moving.
"Why is she doing that?!"
"Her torso is moving!"
"Doc do something!"
"There's nothing I can do! we need to go!" Brenda started moving even more.
"Someone, make her stop doing that shit!"
"Doc, we are not leaving Brenda! Give her some penicillin or something!"
"... what?" Just then Brenda's flesh started tearing up.
"Oh, fuck it. I tried to warn them." Dr. Wicked then ran for the barn door and quickly closed it.
"BURN IT DOWN!” Then the two Epsilon-9 units started their flamethrowers and lit the barn up while the other troopers backed up and were ready to fire. However, it was too late, the slugs burst the door down and quickly overwhelmed everyone. Though of course not right away some of the soldiers managed to keep standing long enough to shoot a few of the slugs but in the end most of the soldiers were overwhelmed.
Those who were left heard Bill shout, "cover your mouth!" and most listened instantly though others didn't need to since their mouths were already covered by helmets and mouthguards. In the end the slugs left and the only ones not infected were the Mayor, Starla, Bill, Margaret, Dr. Wicked, and five soldiers.
"Ugh! they tried to get into my mouth! pfft! What kind of thing wants you to eat it?!"
"a parasite that's what, be thankful it didn't get you." Bill left the shed and confronted Dr. Wicked while filled with frustration and annoyance.
"*cough, cough* ugh... hey yeah- by the way thanks for the help doc! Yeah, you're a regular saint ain't ya!"
"oh, stuff a sock in it! I told you there was nothing I could do, if you would have just listened to me and ran, we would have burned this barn down by now and no one would have been infected by those parasites." Bill then calmed down for he couldn't deny that Dr. Wicked was correct. However, he didn't blame himself either since no sane person would have believed that Brenda would have exploded into a thousand parasite-like slugs, yet it did happen. However, what caught Bill's attention the most was how Dr. Wicked only seemed a little annoyed but not as scared as everyone else given the Nightmare that just happened.
"You... You know Doc, you act like you know these things, do you know what this is, please say yes."
"... no, I've never encountered anything like this, just worse."
"Worse?! god damn it you keep saying that! You mean there's stuff like this happening in other places?!"
"That's all I can say, so just use your imagination." Dr. Wicked then walked to one of the dead MTF's and administered a strange syringe into him. Dr. Wicked then looked at the other MTF's and just shook his head to which they all looked frustrated.
"... fuck... ok, Shelby, Shelby come in... Shelby, come in! ... shit! I can't contact the station."
"Allow me, checkpoint 1 come in, we have a biohazard breach... checkpoint 1 come in... checkpoint 2 can you hear me... checkpoint 2 respond! damn it we're too deep in the forest we need to get back to town to get a clearer signal."
"Hey, wait doc, what about your guys and our guys? We can't just leave them here."
"We don't even know what's happening to them and even if we did, we don't have the proper equipment to help them. The best thing we can do is get back to town and radio back up."
"Alright, fine, but I'm comin with you."
"That's fair, the rest of you should stay here, you four, I want you to stay behind and keep them safe, as for you, come with us and watch our backs in case Grant ambushes us. Alright then let's move out."
Dr. Wicked, Bill, and the Epsilon-6 soldier were walking through the forest. All of them are quite shaken and ready to get out of the forest given the horrible experience they both witnessed and experienced. The soldier was especially on edge wondering if one of those slugs were going to ambush one of them again.
The soldier's paranoia ended up being justified when he heard something roaming around the forest. Bill pulled out his pistol and Dr. Wicked did the same, the three of them then huddled together with their guns all pointed out ready to shoot at anything that shows up. Then suddenly an entity then jumped out of the bushes and all three of them jumped back with Dr. Wicked giving off a high-pitched screaming. The three of them pointed their guns at the entity only for it to just be a simple deer.
"Huh... she's a beauty..."
"Yeah... he, nice reaction there, Doc."
"Oh, shut up, for all you know it could have been Grant." Now that the three were calm they looked at the Deer as it peacefully walked away. For a moment it was like the nightmare had ended. Then they were reminded of the nightmare when a slug slid on the deer and entered its mouth forcing it to fall into a comatose state.
"Ugh! God damn it, Grant! you killed the beauty of nature!"
"Shit we can't let these worms get into the town. Come on, let's pick up the pace!" Dr. Wicked grunted and followed Bill but then the Epsilon-6 soldier grabbed Dr. Wicked's hand to hold him back.
"Sir, it's more than likely the parasites have made it into the town and if they do it's extremely likely that all infected hosts will become anomalous variants of Grant. shouldn't we consider this town lost?"
"... of course, it's lost, that's why we're trying to contact the Checkpoint bases to get us and the remaining civilians out of here so we can blow this city to oblivion before the entity gets out."
"Oh, uh, of course sir."
"Don't worry, we know its parasite-based pathogen anomaly now and the parasites aren't microscopic, meaning we have viable evidence that we aren't infected. The Foundation won't abandon us, not with all the data we collected. As for the civilians... well in normal circumstances they would be expendable but I'm not as heartless as the O5, so let's at least try to save who we can."
The Following is another recording from one of the soldier's assisting the civilians with the infected hosts. The following audio is added for context in future events of the recording.
"Hey, are they still alive?" After checking their pulse, Starla nodded to confirm.
"Praise Jesus."
"Praise Jesus?! All of this shit is as far from God as the devil himself, I never seen this kind of shit before! and I watch Animal planet!" The MTF soldiers started laughing a little to which the mayor looked at them annoyed.
"Well glad to know you boys are still having fun!" The MTF soldiers were dragging the bodies and putting them closely together. Starla noticed this and was confused.
"Um excuse me, I think it would be better if we keep them farther apart." the MTF looked at Starla for a little bit and then just ignored her and went to get another body.
"Hey! We need to give them space!" Starla tried to stop one of the MTF soldiers, but he just shook his arm out of her grasp and continued to ignore her. The Mayor and Margaret then got one of the bodies out of the barn, the MTF soldiers quickly just pushed them out of the way and took it to put it close to the others.
"Ha?! You see that! These government folks don't care if we fall so long as they get what they want! I bet you they're gonna try to turn Grant into some kind of weapon! I saw that in a movie once! government folks' are always doing stupid shit like that! Not me though, I'm like one of the people you know? I tell you what when all this shit ends, I'm gonna sue that CDC doctor! you'll help me right Margret?! I don't care that you're a Lesbo, we all gotta stand together against these corrupt cock suckers!" Once the MTF's were done they looked at the mayor, who looked scared at first but then flipped them off. The MTF just ignored him and focused on the bodies again.
Starla couldn't help but look at the MTF's in anger as they just ignored the people around them. Starla was then shocked to see one of the MTF grab a flamethrower from the body of an Epsilon-9 soldier. He then armed it and pointed it at the bodies while the others stood back, He didn't ignite but the sight still shocked Starla.
"Hey! what are you doing?"
"It's just a precautionary measure ma'am."
"Ha! see! I told you government folks are bad news! they're trying to erase the evidence of this even happening! You’re not gonna erase us, cock suckers!" The mayor then tried to lift up his rifle but one of the MTF proved to be faster by pulling out their own pistol and shot the rifle out of the mayor's grip.
"Ah! ... uh... ok I surrender."
"*sigh* I already said it's a precaution. We don't know what the parasites are doing to them. If push comes to shove, we need to be ready to face whatever the parasites have in store, even burn the bodies if we must."
"And let me tell you, keeping the hosts alive is normally not a good sign."
"You don't even know if the parasites are killing them!"
"Trust me, I would prefer they did do that, but as I said, keeping the host alive is a really bad sign. we're not actually going to burn them if we don't have to, but we need to be prepared."
"Prefer they kill them?! What kind of soldiers are you?! aren't you supposed to protect civilians?!"
"Look man'am humanity's survival is our priority! But frankly, if we have to burn a few people to ensure this. Then we will do it without hesitation!" Starla was now furious with the MTFs and tried to walk towards one to push him away. However, the MTF with the flamethrower pointed it right at her, making Starla stop in her tracks.
"No single life is above the survival of all humanity, not your friends and most certainly not you!"
"He... hey! .... hey!" Starla and the MTF unit felt chills up their spine as they heard Wally start talking. Wally then raised himself up and started standing up while his body was standing crooked and flimsy like something that wasn't familiar with his body was possessing him.
"You... You outta watch... where you point a weapon like that... especially when you point it at someone's wife..."
"Wally? You, ok? You don't look so good."
"I don't think that's the Wally you know." Suddenly the others started rising up as well, quickly surrounding everyone and two even grabbed Margret.
"Listen... sugar plum..." suddenly they were all now talking at once.
"I'm sorry for scaring you earlier like that... I just... nature calls you know? ... and this... is my nature now... I know it's a lot to take in... but just so you know... I never stopped thinking about you... but sometimes... you gotta do what you gotta do..." The Wally host then spat at Margaret, she started screaming in pain as her neck started swelling up, then she died due to the massive inflammation.
"Oh my god!"
"Jesus Christ!"
"Grant! if that's really you then please stop baby! just stop!"
"Sugar plum, this is who I am! ... I can't stop this, and neither can you! ... but why would you want to anyways? you said it yourself... Marriage is a sacred bond... for better or worse... are you saying... now that you've seen my worst... you want me gone?!" Several of the hosts started hissing and roaring to show the acid building up in their mouths. one or two of them even started laughing thinking they had all the power. However, the MTF soldiers still had their guns and flamethrower but also made it clear to the hosts when they raised them up. The hosts only had enough time to react in fear before being torched and shot down by the MTFs. The only host left was Wally, the MTFs were about to fire on him but Starla got a shotgun and aimed it at him instead.
"You... You bitch! ... you think you can stop me! ... no one can stop me! ... Besides, admit it! ... you're nothing without me! ... I gave you a comfortable life and this is how you repay me! ... I am your husband! ... sacred bond my ass! ... you just like take and take-” Starla then shot the Wally host in the head. In response the parasite slug crawled out of the head and started fleeing. One of the MTFs saw where it was going and quickly jumped after it, grabbing it before it could escape.
The MTF then struggled to keep the slug still while another MTF grabbed a biohazard sample bag and opened it up. After they got it bagged, they both took a deep breath of relief after catching the sample.
"Alright we got a sample! now let's get out of here before the situation gets worse."
"Worse? Most of my police force is dead, Brenda turned into a goddamn balloon filled with parasite slugs, and those slugs are turning people into Grant talking zombies! How the hell could it possibly get worse?!" as if one que, several straggler slugs started slithering form the woods and right towards them.
"Shit! Run!" The MTF with the flamethrower blazed the ground to cut off the slugs and quickly ran with everyone else before the slugs started going around the flames. Every so often he scorched trees and bushes with flames to keep the slugs off their trail.
The MTF's recording from this point was unintelligible due to all the running and fire blocking out their voices. The following audio is back to Dr. Wicked, Sheriff Bill, and the MTF soldier for clear context.
"Hey, is that drone working yet?"
"Uh no sir, I think we pushed it over its limit, it was a prototype."
"I tell you Doc, I still don't know why the CDC has military tech but right now I certainly ain't complaining. I just wish we had more."
"don't worry Sheriff, once we get into contact with the Biohazard Checkpoints, we'll be able to call in reinforcements, tell them what happened here so they can come prepared, then contain this whole nightmare while we get out."
"Wait, get out? Doc, don't you want to help these people?"
"I work better in a lab than in the field, besides we need all the help we can get to contain this thing before it spreads. Frankly I think myself to be WAY too under equipped for this situation. But hey, if you wanna stay and fight this head on without the proper equipment then by all means go for it." Bill was annoyed by how cold and logical Dr. Wicked was, but he had nothing to say in response. It was true, they were massively unprepared for what Grant had in store for them. Also, Bill didn't really want to admit it, but he also wanted to leave and just let the CDC handle this mess. Now that they were out, the forest, the three of them started running while Bill was trying his radio and Dr. Wicked was trying his. However, they were still too far away from town to get anything. Then suddenly Dr. Wicked managed to contact Checkpoint 2 since they were at the edge of town.
"This is Biohazard Checkpoint 2, who the hell is this?!"
"This is Dr. Wicked! Requesting immediate assistance now! Sent out a request for MTF Lambda-12 to be deployed with Chi-7 on standby! As well as three evacuation vehicles with a medical team! I have survivors and MTF forces incapacitated by an unknown parasitic pathogen!"
"Ah! damn it, burn them! Sorry sir, but that request might be delayed! We're being overrun by an unknown swarm of slugs! they have a crimson blood texture and no visible sensory organs!"
"What?! Those are the parasites! Don't let them into your mouth! Repeat, do not let them into your mouth! ... hello? Hello?! Damn it, I can't reach them anymore! How they hell did the slugs get that far so fast!"
"Shit they probably already hit the town! Come one Doc, pick up the pace!" Bill then ran towards Otis's house with the MTF soldier and Dr. Wicked following him. Suddenly they heard yelling and screaming coming from the front of the house. Bill ran up to the house and saw Otis and his family attacking their own car.
"Hey! Hey, what's going on?! what the hell are you all doing?!" Kylie then ran out of the truck and right towards Sheriff Bill.
"Whoa, easy, easy."
"Hey! Are you alright? you're covered in boils! Did those slugs get you?!"
"Oh hey Doc... this... no, no... this must be poison ivy... from out back I recon."
"Ok, that's definitely not normal."
"No, don't listen to them! they're not my parents! The worms are in their brains!" Dr. Wicked and Bill looked at each other in fear, they then looked at Otis and his family and sure enough. They were not moving or acting normal, like they were possessed. Both Dr. Wicked and Bill knew that Kylie was right about the worms but that didn't make them any less afraid.
"Shit... uh ok! you guys stay right there! Kylie's going to come with me! And uh... I'm gonna get you folks paramedic!" Dr. Wicked glared at Bill in disappointment as it was clearly not convincing the infected hosts. Bill noticed Dr. Wicked's glare and just shrugged since he couldn't think of anything better to say.
"Hey there Killer!" Suddenly another Host showed up with a shovel ready to strike down Bill, but thankfully the MTF soldier behind Bill noticed this and shot him down. The host was on his knees and filled with holes but was still twitching as if the Worm was trying to maintain control.
"Starla's... my woman... you prick..." the host then died but before anyone could react, another host ambushed the MTF and tried to steal his gun. However, the soldier managed to shake off the host and shoot him too. Dr. Wicked then got out his pistol and Bill did the same and they started shooting as many of the hosts as they could. However, Bill started to hesitate as Kylie's family was getting closer, then he had to dodge when one of the little girls spat the bio acid. Dr. Wicked then had to dodge as well with the hosts getting closer.
"Damn it, there's too many of them! We gotta get out of here now!"
"Our vehicles are right there! Come on, haul ass!" The MTF Trooper ran to the cars and Dr. Wicked, Bill, and Kylie followed him. After clumsily getting over the fence, Bill got Kylie in his car while standing outside and shooting at more Hosts. Dr. Wicked and the MTF soldier did the same for their van to hold the Hosts off as much as possible.
"Sheriff! Just get in and get the girl out of here!"
"My friends are still out there! we can't just leave them!"
"Uh, but I guess we can wait for them to come to us!" Dr. Wicked then pointed at Starla, Jack and the other three MTF Troopers running from several hosts.
"God damn it! what the hell is going on?!" Bill then got in his car after barely managing to dodge several acid spits. Dr. Wicked saw that one of the running MTF Troopers had a captured parasite and ordered them to quickly get to the Van. With the Host's closing in and surrounding them Dr. Wicked was cut off from the van and went to Bill's car instead.
"Sir, hold on, we'll clear a way for you!"
"Negative! get that sample and get the hell out of here! go now!" The MTF units all went into the van and just barely managed to dodge the acid spits. The Van then drove off but not before hitting a Host that was attacking Jack. As the van passed by it stopped and opened a door and an MTF Trooper got out to let Starla in. However, she instead grabbed his gun and shot several Hosts and even the Host the van hit several times while screaming in anger. All while Jack, Bill, Dr, Wicked, Kylie, and all the MTF soldiers watched in both horror and amazement.
After Starla unloaded the entire clip on a single Host, she took a deep breath and handed the gun back to the MTF soldier who fearfully took it. The MTF then pushed her away and shot down another Host trying to ambush them. The van then drove off and Starla helped Jack up and got into Bill's car. They then drove off as the remaining Hosts chased after them.
Bill drove his police car, with Starla in the front seat, Kylie and Jack in the back and Dr. Wicked uncomfortable sitting in-between them. Nobody really said anything because they were all still coping with the fact that the townsfolk were now all zombies possessed by bloody slugs.
"so... How's everybody's evening? Good?"
"What. Do you think?"
"... I'm just trying to stay positive Doc." Dr. Wicked just groaned in annoyance, he then saw the MTF van in front of them and got his radio out.
"All remaining Units, this is Dr. Wicked, can you read me? Over."
"We read you sir. What are our orders? Over."
"Get to Biohazard Checkpoint 1 and send that sample to the Foundation as soon as possible. Don't wait for us, we will catch up with you. Over."
"Sir, shouldn't we turn around and head to Biohazard Checkpoint 2? Over."
"Negative Checkpoint 2 has been compromised, head to Checkpoint 1 and hurry. Over and out!" Now that Bill was calm, he could think more clearly and remembered about Shelby. He quickly got his own radio and called her.
"Shelby... Shelby you there?"
"Hey Chief, how you doin?" Everyone then sighed in relief except for Dr. Wicked for he forgot who Shelby was.
"Shelby, have you seen these uh... well I don't know what to call them, just these big red slugs that are really fast."
"Uh no... no slugs, but your mamma called. she said the toilet is backed up again."
"Shelby, I need you to listen to me we-"
"She says it's because of your accident last Sunday."
"... Alright I need you to get the CDC on the horn for me, ok? tell them we got Dr. Wicked with-"
"The CDC?! Just tell her to get the hell out of there!"
"wha? But Doc what about the-"
"Bill! tell her to evacuate and to get as many people as she can to do the same! Tell them to get to the road leading out of town they'll find Biohazard Checkpoint 1. Tell her that now!"
"Ok, ok! Shelby listen to me, scratch that call to the CDC, go home, get your stuff, and get the hell out of town. Tell anyone you come across to do the same! ... Shelby, are you nodding?"
"Oh, uh yeah, I'll get to it. you want me to stay in contact?"
"Yes, Shelby, just get out of there and please pick up my mom, ok?"
"she's gonna be mad that you're ignoring the toilet issue."
"... Shelby, just do it." Bill then put down the radio and noticed everyone looking at him.
"Uh... my mom has a tree in the front yard, it messes with the sewage line. you know how it is."
"Sheriff Bill, we have bigger issues, let's just get out of here and let the reinforcements take care of it... but seriously CDC, pfft! what the hell could they do." Jack, Bill, and Starla then looked at Dr. Wicked with concern and confusion.
"... What?"
"Aren't- Aren't you from the CDC?" Dr. Wicked's eyes widened for he just realized he messed up and revealed something
"Uh... about that..."
"Oh god damn it..."
"This better be fucking good..."
"*sigh* ok I guess you have all seen enough to not get shocked anymore so fuck it. I'm not from the CDC, I'm actually a researcher that works for an organization called the SCP foundation. We secure, we contain, and we protect anomalous entities and objects that interfere with the normalcy of everyday life... kinda like what's happening right now."
"... What is that why you keep saying you've seen worse? Because you quite literally seen worse?!"
"so, wait you fucker's deal with this shit on a regular basis yet even you don't know what they fuck this is?!"
"Every anomaly is different, Mayor! It's kinda why they're called anomalies! because they don't make sense when compared to our standards of normalcy and understanding of the laws of physics. Ahem! As far as we could tell, the worst thing about this anomaly was that there was a squid person roaming around. I personally thought it was a Sarkic cultist but no, apparently it's worse than that."
"Sarkic cultist?"
"Never mind! Look, the point is that we failed at the first attempt of containment but it's ok! Once we get to Checkpoint 1, we can deliver the sample and info we've cataloged and have MTF Lambda-12 and Chi-7 forces contain this mess and get you all to safety."
"You won't be safe... not from him..." Dr. Wicked, Jack, Bill, and Starla were now looking at Kylie in concern and fear.
"I was him... part of him..."
"Who? Kylie, who?"
"Grant, Starla's husband." Dr. Wicked, Bill, and Jack then looked at Starla in shock.
"Wait, now that I think about it those acid spitting freaks were talking to Starla like they were Grant when they woke up."
"Hey Bill, didn't one of the Hosts tell you that Starla was his woman?"
"Yeah, then he called me a Prick... just like Grant would. So wait, Kylie, are you saying all these worms are connected to Grant?"
"Yeah, but he wasn't always Grant. His real face looks like a needle, and he comes from." Kylie then starts shaking out of fear as she pointed to the sky.
"Wait, are you saying it's a goddamn Martian?"
"Martians are from Mars, Jack."
"It's a general term meaning out space, fucker."
"No, it ain't!"
"Look it up cocksucker!"
"Both you idiots shut up!" Dr. Wicked growled at them both; Bill and Jack just grunted as they remained silent.
"... and for the record Martian is not a general term at all... also Martians don't look like that." Bill and Jack then looked at Dr. Wicked again in confusion.
"Ahem, anyways Kylie please continue, you're saying this needle creature is what's causing Grant's anomalous state and it's from outer space?"
"He goes from place to place, entire worlds and planets... killing them. Some he gets pregnant, others he infects with his worms, and the rest he eats. He doesn't stop till they're gone. That's why we're not safe, he's been doing this for centuries across hundreds of worlds. He won't stop hunting us down till we are either pregnant, infected, or his food."
"So, are all the worms are connected? Like they're all one big deal?"
"They're a conscious disease..."
"And Grant is right at the center." Dr. Wicked then checked his audio recorder to see if it was getting all of this and sighed in relief that it was.
"I see, thank you Kylie, with this information the MTF's and researchers will be able to stop this thing."
"No, you don't understand. He gets stronger the more he infects and eats. If you want to stop him, you need to rip him apart or even burn him!"
"Ok... then we'll do that." Kylie couldn't understand how Dr. Wicked was so calm considering he just experienced the same nightmare they did.
"Hm, if there's anything to admire about the Foundation it's that we're persistent bastards. Regardless of how dangerous it is, we don't stop until it's contained."
"Doc, I don't mean to be critical here but maybe it would be better to kill this thing instead of containing it." Starla looked at Bill fearfully.
"Ah, well I mean... "
"If it comes down to it, Sheriff, we might just do that. However, it's always better to at least try to contain the unknown first so that you can study it. Can't properly kill something until you know how it works first." Dr. Wicked then noticed Starla seeming increasingly depressed; he then leaned forward to place his hand on her shoulder.
"Containment is only the first step. Once we understand this monster, we will know how to deal with it. If it's possible to save your husband, we will be the first to know and the first to help." Starla actually smiled and thanked Dr. Wicked, they weren't on good terms at first but now that they were in this mess together it seemed only fitting that they rely on each other more.
"Jack what the hell is it?!"
"God damn it there's no Mr. Pib!" Starla, Bill, and Kylie sighed in relief while Dr. Wicked glared at Jack in seething rage.
"I fucking told your secretary to pack a Mr. Pib! God damn it!" Dr. Wicked then smacked Jack on the back of the head.
"Ah! you cock sucker!"
"Shut up you idiot! We have bigger things to worry about!"
"Ok everyone, calm down! We're at the edge of town, everything's going to be ok!" Starla smiled at first but as they got close everyone saw the town sign covered in slugs.
"God damn it there here too." Dr. Wicked then got on his radio to contact Checkpoint 1.
"Hey! This is Dr. Wicked. Did you boys get the sample out of here? Over?"
"Dr. Wicked? yes, we got the sample but- ah! God damn it!"
"What is it? what's wrong?!"
"Sir we managed to seal ourselves at Checkpoint 1, but the base is currently surrounded by parasites! We already sent a request for appropriate MTF reinforcements, but we don't know how long it will take!"
"Damn it!"
"Sir, you should know, after we reported our situation... a proposal was made to incinerate the town."
"Sir, the infection is spreading too fast. Higher ups are getting scared and thinking it would be better to cut our losses. Sir if you have anything left to do, I recommend you do it now and get the hell out of here! Shit, Hosts are coming everyone get ready for a breach!"
"Hey, wait did Shelby and my mom get there?!"
"Uh wait, Checkpoint 1, did any civilians make it out of the town?"
"What?! uh, no! No Sir! No civilians have left the town! Shit! Sorry sir, I need to help reinforce the door!"
"Ok! We'll be passing you by soon, keep us posted! *sigh* Damn it... Sorry Bill."
"God damn it, what the hell is that girl doing?" Bill then got his radio to contact Shelby.
"Shelby where are you? For the love of god, please don't tell me you forgot to bring your radio."
"Welcome back... Killer..." Chills went up everyone's spine, they were too late, the parasites got everyone; they were now the only ones left.
"Grant you son of a bitch!"
"don't be like that killer... After all... I got a surprise for the lot of you... right around the corner!"
"What? what the hell are-" Suddenly the truck rammed into them, forcing them to crash.
The Recorder is undamaged, but nothing can clearly be heard other than muffled groaning, glass breaking, and screaming. It takes a few minutes before the recording could properly resume.
"Ugh... damn it." Dr. Wicked's vision was still faded but as he got his seat belt off, his vision cleared only for him to see Jack and Starla getting dragged away.
"Oh shit!" Kylie screamed as more hosts tried to grab them, Dr. Wicked then pulled out his pistol and shot several of them allowing Kylie and himself to escape. Dr. Wicked saw that Bill who also managed to escape, they covered one another as they got out of the area. Unfortunately, the host numbers were growing, and they had to leave while the hosts grabbed Starla and Jack. Bill and Dr. Wicked escorted Kylie into the woods where they were out of sight of the hosts and hopefully the worms too.
"Ah... God, damn it the worms beat us here."
"... Fuck, we need to get out of here as soon as possible."
"What? What about Starla and Jack?"
"Bill, look around you! They might as well be dead." Bill did as Dr. Wicked asked and sure enough he saw several dead bodies being dragged away by hosts. The entire town was quickly being deserted, leaving nothing but dead bodies and hosts. However, Bill's gaze fell onto the police station, and he quickly remembered the grenade he left.
"Doc, how much ammo you got?"
"Only one clip left, why?"
"I got a grenade back at the police station, right over there. I say you and me, get it. If we kill Grant this whole mess will end."
"...Ok, theoretically that could work but frankly we don't have the forces to get such an operation done. Sheriff Bill, for our safety and the safety of this civilian we need to get out of here as soon as possible."
"Doc, Starla is still out there and I'm not going to leave her. Leave if you want but I'm staying and I'm killing Grant! You wanna leave, then take Kylie with you and get the hell out of here."
"No. No way, Bill. Grant killed my family, if you're gonna kill him I wanna help." Bill and Kylie then looked at Dr. Wicked as he looked at both of them shocked then his expression changed to disappointed defeat.
"Ugh... fine, as a Foundation staff member I'm obligated to at least try to minimize casualties when I can. So, I will help."
"Heh, you make it sound like casualties happen all the time at your workplace." Dr. Wicked continued to look at Bill in disappointment. Soon Bill's smile turned to a look of regret when he realized his joke was actually right on the money.
"Uh. Sorry."
"No need to be sorry, like everyone else at the Foundation I've practically become numb to it." Dr. Wicked just made his statement so casually only to see the shock and fear in Bill's and Kylie's faces.
"*sigh* IN ANY CASE, let's just get the grenade and be done with this suicide mission shall we."
"Hey, come on Doc, don't call it like that."
"I call it what it is." Dr. Wicked just walked out onto the street and headed toward the police station while watching out for wandering hosts. Bill just sighed and followed him, telling Kylie to stay there in case they were to be ambushed. Thankfully it didn't take long before Bill and Dr. Wicked made it to the police station. Bill went right to the radio that Shelby operated and tried to call for local reinforcements. However, Dr. Wicked quickly shut down the radio.
"Wha-? Doc what are you doing?"
"Sheriff Bill, the purpose of our foundation is to maintain normalcy. We Secure, Contain, and Protect the Anomalous. Now we can't do any of that if more people know about what's going on."
"Wha- Doc, come on! we need to get some help here."
"Foundation reinforcements are already on their way, let them be the ones to handle this."
"Doc, no offense but your boys don't sound like they're doing well, I would rather-" Dr. Wicked then pulled out his pistol and aimed it right at Bill.
"Sheriff Bill, I have legal right to execute any civilian I deem a threat to the work of the Foundation, I don't want to kill you, but I will if I have to." Bill then raised his hands to show surrender but quickly grabbed onto Dr. Wicked's arms and got his pistol. Or at least that would have happened, instead Bill was having a lot of trouble actually overpowering Dr. Wicked. Dr. Wicked proved to be very strong and was looking at Bill unimpressed as he tried but failed to get the gun out of his hand. Dr. Wicked then just shocked off Bill's grip, Bill looked up at Dr. Wicked in fear and just made a piece sigh to show he surrendered.
"... ugh... hold on." Dr. Wicked then got out his radio and contacted Checkpoint 1.
"Hey, are you boys still alive or am I talking to Grant now?"
"Uh Grant? no Sir, this is Checkpoint 1. The slugs and hosts retreated and are going back into the Town. Where are you Sir?"
"I'm still in the town, look we think we have a way to stop the entity and in order to prevent this situation from getting worse were going forward with the plan now."
"What?! Sir the request to incinerate the town was denied but that doesn't make this plan of yours any less dangerous! Please just take the civilians and get out of there! Lambda-12 forces are on their way!"
"Then tell them to pick up the pace, cause one way or another this ends tonight. over and out." Dr. Wicked then cut off his radio and gave Bill a hand to get up.
"Thanks Doc, it does feel good to know you believe in me."
"I don't believe in you, in fact I'm sure you're either going to get eaten or get impregnated by Grant. Fucking Christ, I can't believe I just said that, ahem! However, I need to observe whatever I can of the entity, and I believe following you on your suicide plan might lead to the best results. And to comfort you please be aware that I will protect Kylie and get her out of here after Grant has killed you horribly."
"... Doc have your friends ever told you that your great at inspirational speeches because I really think-"
"Shut up and get the Grenade."
"Yup, on it." Bill then went for the weapon's locker and reached for the locker for Gernade after unlocking it. However, before he could actually grab it, he heard strange chewing noises. Bill looked to his left to see a host deer eating a corpse on the floor.
"Bill what the hell is taking so lo-!" Dr. Wicked then saw the host deer and at the same time it noticed the two of them and growled. Dr. Wicked then patted Bill on the shoulder as if to comfort him.
"You got this Sheriff."
"What?" Dr. Wicked then quickly ran off as the Deer quickly pounced on Bill and started biting him.
"Gah! God! Doc, help me!"
"Don't worry Bill, I'll tell Starla and Kylie you were brave!"
"Doc for fuck's sake get this god damn deer off of me!"
"Ugh, fine!" Dr. Wicked was about to get his pistol but knew better than to waste the ammo. Instead, Dr. Wicked got on the host deer and tried choking it while punching its face. The host deer was clearly getting hurt but its anger managed to cloud the pain and shock of Dr. Wicked. The host deer then walked over to Dr. Wicked and growled in anger.
"*sigh* this is what I get for trying to help someone." The host deer then pounced on Dr. Wicked and started biting into his chest. Dr. Wicked grunted in frustration while trying to get the deer off of him. Bill noticed as he got up that Dr. Wicked strangely didn't seem to be in actual pain, he was just angry the host deer was on him and was trying to get it off. Bill tried to help him, but the host deer sensed him and quickly used its hind legs to kick him in the stomach. Now Bill was in pain on the ground while Dr. Wicked was getting attacked by the host deer.
"Hey, mother fucker!" The host deer then looked up to see Kylie with a fire extinguisher, she quickly rammed it right into the host deer's face, smashing its head in and killing it instantly. Kylie then quickly helped Dr. Wicked and Bill up.
"Ah... thank you."
"We have to move, when one of them sees us they all do." Bill then quickly grabbed the grenade from the weapons locker and reloaded his pistol with new ammo.
"Ok, come on."
After managing to dodge several hosts and getting out of sight they managed to find an area to lay low. However, they quickly noticed that on the other side of a fence there were some survivors being killed by hosts with the bio acid and then getting dragged away.
"Kylie. Sweetheart, don't look."
"God, what are we gonna do if we can't kill Grant."
"Die horribly and get eaten."
"That's awfully negative."
"Well, it's been that kind of day. Doc can attest to that." Dr. Wicked looked at Bill for only a second before looking away back to the hosts.
"By the way, thanks for saving us from the deer. But for the record, when I tell that story it's gonna be me saving you." Kylie just scoffed while Dr. Wicked noticed the hosts who were dragging the last of the bodies.
"Hey, they're taking all the bodies in the exact same direction."
"Wait, I know where they're going, they're going to Grant's house. That must be where Starla's at."
"You really care for her huh?" Dr. Wicked and Bill then looked at Kylie.
"Grant could see it, it's why he hates you so much. He knows you two used to dream of going to Hollywood together when you were young. But you couldn't do it so neither could Starla. But even after you drifted apart, Grant could see the way you looked at her."
"... yeah... I abandoned her once I won't do it again, that's for god damn sure."
"Bill, as touching as that is, are we actually doing this because you really believe a grenade of all things will actually kill Grant or is this just a desperate attempt to save the woman you love because if it is-"
"Doc... look, I know you think I'm an idiot. But this son of a bitch parasite turned Grant into a monster that killed my friends and is fucking up my town. Of course, this is desperate, but it's all I got. I'm sorry Doc but I ain't gonna wait for your boys to get their asses over here. I'm ending this tonight or die trying. Besides, you said you'd protect Kylie and Starla if I died right?"
"... heh, alright then, Sheriff Bill. Let's go get this son of a bitch."
Though it too some time Dr. Wicked, Bill, and Kylie managed to get to the outskirts of Grant's house where several hosts were wandering around like guards. Dr. Wicked was making sure to observe as much as he could about their behavior.
"Look, that's where they gather the food for the Wombs." Kylie then pointed at the back door of the house where several hosts were dragging the dead bodies into.
"The people Grant gets pregnant to make more worms."
"Shit so the cycle is already starting. If we're going to do this, we need to hurry."
"What the hell... is that?" Bill pointed out another door where a large amount of flesh was practically leaking out.
"That's how Grant eats, while most of the worms go out finding more meat, others get absorbed into Grant to make him stronger." Just then a fat man walked up to the flesh blob, got naked, and started sinking into the flesh as it started fusing its flesh with his.
"Now that... is some fucked up shit... let me guess doc you've seen worse?" Bill then looked back to Dr. Wicked only to be quite shocked to see that he was actually close to throwing up.
"... no... this is about as bad as it gets." Bill almost laughed at the sight but then he saw Starla inside.
"there's Starla! She's alive! I'm going in."
"What, that's it? You're just going in? you're not going to come up with a plan first?"
"I got a plan, Kill Grant and save Starla." Bill then ran ahead leaving Dr. Wicked and Kylie alone there.
"... We could just leave him and wait for Foundation reinforcements." Kylie looked at Dr. Wicked in disappointment and held her hand out. Dr. Wicked knew what this meant, he groaned and gave her a spare gun he found at the police station. Dr. Wicked and Kylie closely followed Bill but almost immediately was separated from him due to wandering host guards. Then the both of them heard gunshots indicating that Bill was under attack. Kylie was about to run to help but was grabbed by a host, thankfully her quick reflexes allowed her to shoot the host before it could spit on her.
Dr. Wicked sighed as he pushed Kylie forward to catch up with Bill while he covered her by shooting any host trying to ambush them. Finally, then managed to catch up to Grant at the front of the house and quickly entered. However, upon entering the house Bill was stopped by a mutated Jack.
"Kill me! please for the love of God, kill me!"
"Oh, stop being such a baby!" Dr. Wicked then grabbed out another vial, a similar one he used on the dead MTF earlier and injected it into Jack. Suddenly he started feeling better and the large growth on his neck started shrinking.
"Ah! so, it works on Wombs, that's good to know."
"Doc what the hell was that?"
"An experimental drug that's meant to reverse the effects of extreme biological mutation."
"Why didn't you use that on my friends?"
"I tried but it didn't work. I guess, I guess parasites are immune to the medicine. Anyways Jack you might feel some side effects such as headaches, rashes, flaky skin-" Jack then barfed on Dr. Wicked's face a large amount of white substance.
"... Nausea, but besides that you should be ok." As Dr. Wicked wiped his face, the four of them heard Starla screaming. Bill was the first to run toward the noise with Kylie following him, Dr Wicked was about to follow but Jack stopped him.
"Hey, didn't your boys earlier say that they were gonna blow up the town? Let's just get out of here!"
"Now someone agrees with me? Look Jack, the house is surrounded by hosts so if you wanna leave I'm not going to stop you but don't be surprised if you get a face full of acid." Dr. Wicked then ran after Bill and Kylie, Jack grunted and decided to follow as well. The four of them then showed up to the living room of the house to see a heavily mutated Grant. With several hosts infused with his biomass.
"Dear god!"
"Yup, this is definitely as bad as it gets." Bill then noticed that Grant was using one of his large tentacles to strangle Starla. In response he raised the grenade to show Grant he meant business.
"Alright Grant let her go!"
"What the- Bill! Just throw the Grenade!"
"Don't worry Doc I got this-" Then one of Grant's tentacles slapped the Grenade out Bill's hand. The Grenade landed behind a couch and unfortunately the pin was already pulled.
"Shit!" Bill then went right after the Grenade.
"Goddamn it, help me cover him!" Kylie and Dr. Wicked started shooting at Grant in hopes it would stall for time so that Bill could get the grenade before it explodes. However, it wasn't long before the both of them ran out of ammo. Grant then slapped Dr. Wicked into a wall; Starla tried to get away but was slashed on the face by Grant's tentacles. Grant was about to slash Kylie in two, but Jack pushed her out of the way and got slashed himself.
"Oh, goddamn it! I just saved him!"
"Hey I got it!" Bill got the Grenade and Grant saw this, so he tried to slash him with his tentacle. Dr. Wicked saw this and tried to save Bill by jumping in the way hoping that Bill would use that last second to throw the Grenade. However, Grant proved to be too fast and slapped them both through the window and out of the house. Bill ended up losing the Grenade again and it went off right inside the pool. Dr. Wicked and Bill looked at each other with Bill looking defeated and Dr. Wicked having disappointment written all over his face.
"Nice plan there, Sheriff."
"As if you had any better ideas."
"I wanted to wait for help! But no! Let's jump in and fight against the psychotic obsessive asshole of a husband that was possessed by a planet conquering parasite! I mean seriously how could this possibly get any worse!" As if on cue, Bill and Dr. Wicked heard the groans of hundreds of hosts surrounding the house. Then to make matters worse Grant unleashed his womb tentacles and one stabbed Bill in the stomach. Before the other one could stab him, Bill managed to catch it in time. Dr. Wicked quickly helped him pull it away, Dr. Wicked even started grunting in frustration as he tried to tear the tentacle apart. Bill then noticed the propane tank next to Dr. Wicked.
"Doc! The tank!" Dr. Wicked looked at Bill confused, then looked to where Bill was pointing and saw the propane tank.
"The gas! Fill Grant with the gas!" Dr. Wicked then did as Bill asked and forced the tentacle toward the tank and stabbed it into the opening releasing the gas. Dr. Wicked then set the propane tank on full release, it was now pumping gas into Grant. Dr. Wicked tried to grab the tentacle stabbing bill and find a place to stab it into the propane tank as well. However, Grant quickly started retracting the tentacles which dragged them both back into the house.
"Starla shoot!" Dr. Wicked then noticed that Starla was holding Bill's pistol, the one he dropped after Grant slapped away the Grenade. Dr. Wicked realized they were dangerously close to the explosion and quickly shielded Bill from the incoming explosion. Then, after a second of hesitation, Starla shot Grant and the gas in his body ignited causing him to explode and all the hosts and infected wombs to die. Just like that, it was over, the nightmare was finally over, and the only ones left alive were Starla, Kylie, Bill, and Dr. Wicked. Dr. Wicked had flames on his back because of the explosion but he quickly rolled away from Bill and landed on his back, extinguishing the flames instantly.
"Ugh... Nice plan there, Sheriff."
"Haha... told you it would work."
"Bill, are you ok?" Starla then ran over to Bill to help him up and get the tentacle out of him.
"That depends on whether or not this tentacle did its job."
"Both have to be in, Grant needs to stab you with both tentacles or else it won't work."
"Well Hala-fucking-luya!" Kylie then helped Dr. Wicked up and Starla helped Bill up and they all got out of the house only to see it surrounded by dead bodies.
"... I was kinda hoping they would all be ok after we killed Grant."
"We can't save everyone; you'll get used to it."
"We’ll get used to it? what do you mean by that?"
"Well, thanks to the protocol I made. I have the pleasure to ask you three an important question. You have all witnessed firsthand an anomalous attack and have contributed to its destruction, Normally the Foundation prefers containment but none-the-less a win is a win. Now under Foundation protocol you will be given two options. First you can get your memories wiped by Foundation Amnestic and live completely normal lives in new towns with new families without ever knowing any of this happened in the first place. Or you can take the second choice where you join the Foundation and help us fight and contain anomalous threats like this one. I know it's a big choice but at the Foundation we need people like you to help us combat these threats or at the very least to forget we ever existed. But for now, it's entirely your choice." Bill, Starla, and Kylie looked at each other unsure of what to do since both options were so drastic.
"So, you're saying we can either keep fighting stuff out our nightmares for the government or forget all this shit happened and let the government get away with it regardless."
"Well technically we are above the government. Look, I know this stuff is insane but it's thanks to you three that this anomaly didn't spread further. I'm not saying it will always be this easy but frankly the Foundation is the best chance humanity has to maintain its normalcy. Without the Foundation, there would be chaos, destruction, and death everywhere. But not everyone would want to know that so again if you think you can't handle it then just follow me and we'll get your memories wiped and relocated."
"What if we say no to both?"
"... Then we'll choose for you. I know it's harsh, but I don't make the rules. I only write proposals and hope they get approved. kinda like the proposal I made that allows me to even ask this question... normally the Foundation would just erase all your memories forcefully and get it over with." Again, Bill looked back at Kylie and Starla, Starla looked back at the house that she and Grant lived in. Starla was still depressed over it, but she knew she'd rather die than forget what happened here; Starla nodded at Bill. Kylie had already lost her family and it really weighed on her heart, but she would be lying if this whole experience was an adrenaline rush. Besides, if she could help the Foundation improve and prevent this from happening to anyone else, she was all for it, so she nodded as well. Bill was actually surprised to see the two of them agree to it but he just sighed and looked at Dr. Wicked with a smile of determination.
"We're in."
"Heh, then let's head over to Checkpoint 1 and get debriefed, a research and cleanup team will be deployed afterwards to take care of this mess." Bill almost stumbled so Dr. Wicked quickly helped him up while the four of them walked toward Checkpoint 1.
"Oh! Kylie, why don't you tell Starla how I saved you from that deer?"
"Oh yeah... Bill saved me from a deer... that's the story."
"What? That's not true, the host deer nearly killed Bill and I. Kylie was the one who saved us."
"What the- Doc!"
"What? that's the truth."
"Ugh, for fucks sake."
"What?! Bill for crying out loud, what did I say?" Starla and Kyle started laughing while Bill walked forward in anger, Dr. Wicked just sighed as he was regretting not just amnesticing them all. 
End Log
End Note: Though the subjugation of SCP-AAA was a success Dr. Wicked was still reprimanded for his rash decisions, and thus was punished with exposure to SCP-682 for about a week. Afterwards he was given back his level 5 Clearance and class F status.
Bill was processed into Foundation security and works alongside Dr. Wicked as a bodyguard. Because he was assigned to Dr. Wicked, he was given the same training as MTF Alpha-1. It’s been reported that Dr. Wicked was watching and laughing at Bill as he was training. 
Starla originally had undergone training as a field researcher. However, upon learning about the Fire Suppression Department she became a researcher there. She hopes to one day work her way up to the Ethics committee. After seven months of service, she and Bill got married. She requested Dr. Wicked to marry them off and under order of the Ethics Committee, he begrudgingly obliged.
Kylie has only recently completed her training as a field researcher, thanks to her exposure to SCP-AAA her mind has expanded allowing her to recall and absorb more knowledge than the average human. As such, she has been given F class status the same as Dr. Wicked. She works as a trustworthy and hardworking field researcher and thanks to her improved combat experience she works especially well in missions alongside MTF.
The proposal that was referred to in Addendum X-1 was created by Dr. Wicked and called "Sole Survivor” which states: "should a civilian survive an encounter with an anomalous entity and assist the Foundation in its containment or destruction. That civilian should be given the choice to either be Amnestied with a new life or to put their luck, talent, and services to assisting the Foundation." Through heavy debate by the O5 council and Ethics committee, the proposal was eventually approved and made an official Foundation protocol.
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SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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