#SEND ME AN INSULT to prove you are a worthy opponent. I dare you.
smudged-red-ink · 8 months
Anybody want to be my nemesis?
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Never Let Them See You Cry (Platonic! Aizawa x student Reader)
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A/N: I don’t really know what to write right now so please send in requests if you have them! In the meantime, here is some Aizawa being an amazing teacher because he really is and I love the big sleepy dork.
Quirk: Puppeteer: The user can connect strings to another’s body through physical contact. It allows them to essentially turn them into a puppet. The drawbacks are that if the strings are not placed correctly, it is harder to control the person. Additionally, the victim of the quirk does not lose consciousness, so they can try to fight back. If trained enough, the user can shoot the strings out like strings or webs to trap someone.
It had been a rough day, worse than the others at least. You had been training with your quirks in Class 1-B today, and general studies or management kids were occasionally brought out for class (management was learning about publicizing and general studies was studying the development of heroes). Either way, the condescending mumbles and whispers directed your way were not good for your concentration. After a particularly rough hit from Tetsu (which he excessively apologized for), you had to limp your way off to Recovery Girl’s office. Then some of the management kids decided to follow you on the way. 
“God, I would hate to be their manager! Imagine how bad a so-called hero with a villain quirk is when she can’t even win a fight.”
“I’m surprised they even let someone like that into the hero studies. I mean, how is it going to look on UA when she turns into some psycho villain!”
Ignore them, you thought, hands clenched tight around your arms as you hobbled through the nearly empty hallways. If you lash out, you will only prove them wrong. People never believed you when you said you wanted to help people. Fate is cruel, giving you the ability to control another person’s movements. Thankfully, as you got to Recovery Girl’s office, their insults shouted directly at you turned into a normal conversation between the two of them, laughing as they continued down the hall to loop back to class.
That is what led to you standing in the middle of the training field as everyone started to leave. Shaking from the strain on your body, breath uneven, and training uniform jacket stripped to reveal the black tank underneath. The mannequin you dragged out to practice on was undamaged, but strings tightly pulled the arms back to restrain it. Your knees gave out from under you, making you tumble to the ground. Tears pricked your eyes as your forearms and thighs pressed into the dirt. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. What a stupid dream of being a hero.
“You should probably head home, you know.”
A gruff voice spoke out monotonously nearby, causing you to slowly lift your head. Eraserhead, the Class 1-A teacher stood a few feet away, with his arms crossed over his chest, and the infamous scowl on his face. You stumbled to your feet, muttering a quiet ‘sorry’. You hung your head, ready to be reprimanded for staying past school times. The sound of him walking closer filled your ears. To your surprise, when he got close enough, he laid a gentle hand on your shoulder.
“You have the puppet quirk right? I think I remember you from the entrance exams. What’s got you out here?” He mumbled, looking down at you with same tired look as always. The tears that had once pricked your eyes came streaming out, a shaky sob wracking your body. He let out a quiet sigh before moving the hand on your shoulder to the back of your head, pulling you in for a surprisingly comforting hug. It lasted for a few moments before you pulled back, rubbing your red and puffy eyes with the back of hands. 
Your gaze lowered back down to the ground, the situation dawning on you that you just cried on the teacher of the main hero course. “I’m sorry that you had to come out here to get me, sir.” You mumbled, not daring to look him in the eye. 
He placed the hand back on your shoulder, continuing to stare down at you. “Never let them tell you who to be. If you want to be a hero, then there is no way that a misleading quirk could turn you into a villain, you hear me?” You looked up at him in shock, mouth agape that we knew. “I heard some of those management kids earlier today. Next time they watch your class, I want you to stand your ground against any opponent and show them how capable you are.” A small smile formed on your face that Aizawa mimicked. You nodded, going to gather your stuff that you had thrown to the side. “Oh, one last thing (Y/L/N).”
You turned to look at him, tilting your head in curiosity. “What is it?” He started to walk back toward the entrance of the school, before turning to look back at you.
“Never let them see you cry. When you are a hero, you need to seem happy. Also, talk to the school about getting tutored by me. You ever thought of trying to restrain someone without touching them?” He hummed. “Now get out of here before I have to write you up and make more paperwork for myself.
“Thanks, Mr.Aizawa,” You smiled, before running to the gate of U.A. Tomorrow is a new day. A day to be the best hero you can be. Never let those who will only judge you on the bad things see you cry. Show them how strong you can be, and let those who accept you for everything, the good and the bad, see your vulnerable side.
A/N: Ugggghhh I can’t write endings I’m so sorry but please listen to those last few sentences if you feel that way. You are worth it. No matter what flaws you have, you are worthy of a happy and healthy life. It won’t always be easy, but if you work to be a hero, either for yourself or for others, it will pay off. I care for you and so many others do. Never feel afraid to message me, either with a request or you just need to rant <3.
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rebelracket · 6 years
☭ "We finally doin' this?"
send ☭ for a vs. battle quote to your muse (selectively still accepting)
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Battle Theme: Serris / Yakuza Boss Theme (Metroid Fusion)
Battle intro: “This has been a long time coming, yeah. Don’t you dare insult me by freezing now, Plumeria. I’ll show you who I really am.”
Victory: [A long silence, followed by a shrug]. “…What. Were you expecting me to brag or something?”
Defeat: “I…Wow. Colour me shocked…you had me running in circles just trying to keep up with you. I don’t remember the last time I had this much fun in a battle…or when I last saw my Pokémon looking so alive. Real good game.”
Assist: “I’ll cover your back. You’ve got this.”
Taunt: “Big Sis is just a big softie really, ain’t she.”
Reacting to Taunt: “Nice try, but your tongue’s better for other things than trying to be clever.”
Tie: [Breaking into breathless laughter] “…That’s just us, ain’t it. Somehow I can’t be disappointed.”
Perfect Victory: “You… I don’t know which makes me angrier, Plumeria. That you’re holding back on me after everything, or that you might really be so weak and still have the gall to call yourself a leader to your so-called family. I can’t even look at you now.”
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Battle Theme: Hopes & Dreams / SAVE The World (Undertale)
Battle intro: I am a Shadow, the TRUE self “I’m taking back everything that belongs to me. I really have you to thank for all of this, Melia. Can I call you Melia? You and your gullible, bleeding heart. Letting a dangerous stranger into your home because you saw just a little of yourself in her. Well, hey. If you need some time to reflect on the pawn you’ve been, then go ahead. I can wait all night.”  
Victory: “You were a worthy opponent. Don’t beat yourself up more than I already did…things were bound to end this way. I was born for just one thing in this world. My team needs me. Your sweet little game of house ends here.”
Defeat: “You—!! Do you really think you’ve won here? If you love your precious Clarissa so much then I’ll bury you with her, under 20,000 leagues of broken glass.”
Assist: “I’ve been shattered and refracted for so long I don’t remember who I was trying to be in the first place. I don’t think you can save me but I’ll walk as your ally until you prove me right.”
Taunt: [Messing with the layout of the Mirror Maze as Plumeria attempts to fight her] “Stop hitting yourself! Stop hitting yourself! Stop hitting yourself!”
Reacting to Taunt: [Plumeria’s reflection mirrors her taunt back at her, a couple seconds delayed]
Tie: “Shit. Mirrors can only reflect whatever appears in front of them, after all.”
Perfect Victory: “Having all your failures reflected into infinity. Does it make you choke, Plumeria? To die here alone in this cage with only your miserable self for company? I’ll give my regards to your family on my way out.”
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