coconut530 · 2 years
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bixels · 5 months
The idea that uni protesters are "elitist ivy-league rich kids larping as revolutionaries" on Twitter and Reddit and even here is so fucking funny to me if you actually know anything about the student bodies at these unis. Take it from someone who's going to one of the biggest private unis in the US, 80% of the peers I know are either from the suburbs or an apartment somewhere in America, children of immigrants, or here on a student visa. I've heard about one-percenter students, but I've never met one in person. Like, don't get me wrong, the institution as a whole is still very privileged and white. I've talked with friends and classmates about feeling weird or dissonant being here and coming from such a different background. But in my art program, I see BIPOC, disabled, queer, lower-income students and faculty trying to deconstruct and tear that down and make space every day. So to take a cursory glance at a crowd of student protesters in coalitions that are led by BIPOC & 1st/2nd-gen immigrant students and HQ'd in ethnic housings and student organizations and say, "ah. children of the elite." Get real.
#also idk how to tell you this but even if it were true. wealthy children potentially sacrificing their educational careers to protest is#a good thing actually. idk how to tell you that caring about people from other nations is good#personal#“this war has nothing to do with most students cuz nobody's getting drafted” idk how to explain to you that we should be angry#that our tuitions of 10s of thousands of dollars that we pay every year for an education is being used to fund a genocidal campaign#also the implication that if you go to a uni institution you are automatically privileged by participation no matter your bg#i didn't /want/ to go to this school. i was supposed to go to a school with an art/animation program. but i realized my immigrant#parents have been working their whole lives to get me here. and turning the opportunity down would be a disservice to their sacrifice#this is getting into convos of “what 2nd gen kids owe their parents” which is different for everyone but. yeah#i just get pissed off at seeing people misrepresenting student bodies as “wealthy” and “privileged” and “elite” when it's such a blatant li#i remember a year ago a friend told me they can't fly home to hong kong for winter break because the plane tickets are too expensive#so they have to find temporary housing around the area#last quarter for a film doc class my film partner made a doc on a small group of marxist grad students from india discussing praxis#during a rally a few months ago in response to police presence the coalition invited palestinian students to speak about their experiences#and lead songs and read poems they wrote. these are STUDENTS. are they elitist too?#this is not to disregard my own personal privilege either.#this whole narrative's just to rationalize a lack of empathy to me. seeing a 19yo student get shot by a rubber bullet and your first#reaction is “HAW! HAW! bet richy rich didn't see THAT coming when she put on her terrorist hood!”#newsflash. these big uni campuses are HAUNTED by the violence of past protests and revolutions and police brutality. we know.#why do you think these coalitions have been making reinforced barricades at record speed
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violetc4ts · 7 months
i was listening to seven by taylor swift and now i have this elaborate fic idea in my head of the sea three starting with them all being little kids
fresh after what happened with mal when they were kids, uma is more determined than ever to have the best crew and be the best leader and make her mother proud and also as a colossal fuck you to mal. harry is the very first member of that crew, he's her first mate.
enter gil. gil is the youngest of his family and constantly being compared to his brothers. he just can never be good enough. he's not strong enough, big enough, and far too clumsy. he's an embarrassment. which leads to yelling & neglect.
uma's young and innocent and she needs to find more people for her crew fast. and thats when they find gil, alone by the docks after a big fight with his dad. he's weak and he's vulnerable but what uma sees? a crewless boy whos twice her size and can definitely come in useful. and also, uma was never a monster she is more than capable of empathy and sure, she's been taught otherwise but she wants to help. it's a good test of her leadership skills anyway. and now her little crew is coming together.
i've been meaning to tell you, i think your house is haunted, your dad is always mad and that must be why. i think you should come live with me and we can be pirates, then you won't have to cry, or hide in the closet.
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myloveforhergoeson · 11 days
stolen from @praetoravila but i thought the height comparison chart was cute…
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bored-libra · 10 months
absolutely insane for jack to confirm you're losing me was written in 2021
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septembersghost · 1 year
it's just that "i was half-convinced i'd waken, satisfied enough to dream you" is such a delicate declaration, yet so ardent. if perhaps you aren't real, if you are something my own mind has concocted, that's enough. (come back to me, even as a shadow, even as a dream.) the mere gossamer thread of fantasy would be enough to fill my heart, would be real enough if you don't exist in this waking world, i'll bring you into it, i'll find you in a dream. "happily, i was mistaken," and have never been so glad to be wrong. you do exist, some miracle of fate led me to that window, and as long as you are real, there is hope to hold onto. that love could be realized too. anthony is the only person in the story who still believes in anything, and it's love. my heart has followed a winding path, and that you exist is enough to persist. in the cracks of light, i dreamed of you. it was real enough to get me through. 'til i'm with you, then i'm with you there.
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linddzz · 8 months
hello, here for your opinion on odysseus! have you read madeline miller’s “circe”? if so, what did you think of odysseus?
Ooooohhhhhhhh you're nudging at a pandoras box asking me my opinions of Madeline Miller 🙃
To answer while holding the full ranting instinct back on a leash (partially bc I legit don't have much time for much typing rn AND I know lots of people like MM and idk I generally don't enjoy making people feel like they shouldn't like a thing, but I also love being salty and this is my constant internal struggle):
With a lot of her characterizations I feel like M.M. either goes too hard making them sympathetic (Circe and Patrocles being the top contenders who come to mind) or she swings too hard the other way. Odysseus is like....fine? He's not outright terrible? But he does fall into her "they are either sympathetic (cougboringcough) beauties with maayybe a couple Tragic Flaws (that are barely flaws, goD why couldn't she just let Circe have full agency and purposely curse Scylla why can't maybe Penelope be as much of a scheming suspicious fucker as her husband GOD these "feminist retelling" authors are too cowardly to touch Medea-nonono the rant is leashed I'm staying on target!) or they are horrible awful people." But she's made so many comments that make me baffled about her academic background in classics (why would you say all the gods are sociopaths Madeline??? that is an actual ancient cultures religion you're trashing??? do you not get how gods are used narratively in stories is not the same as they're worshipped esp in a religion without strict canon??? You know how we all understand that Paradise Lost isnt Christian canon what the F-Not ranting not ranting I'm good!!) lmao. She seems to fall into the common take I see where modern Anglo morality is projected on the characters divorced of the time/culture/narrative they are set in, and then go "omg how did people think this was a hero?"
Anyway I just don't see how people can look at Odysseus being a scheming ratfuck compulsive liar (who is also a great warrior in violent times bc it...was a warrior society who told his story) and go "um he's terrible why would anyone like him as he is originally????" while MCU Loki was so popular they kept bringing him back from the dead to continue being A Scheming Little Bastard.
(EDIT: uh tldr is I read Circe. The entire experience was me going "oooo it's about to get good" and then realizing that Circe is just boring the whole time. Came out the other end with more feelings about how M.M. writes women than Odysseus, but her Odysseus is part of a trend of doing a lot of black and white morality shenanigans)
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pardonmydelays · 6 months
how was mean girls??
honestly, i had so much fun!
i know people had different opinions about this movie, i expected something more cringey, but it wasn't really bad. the only disappointment for me was "stupid with love" cause this song is much more powerful in broadway version, the one from the movie was just so boring... the rest was absolutely fine tho & really i had a blast!
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soartfullydone · 2 years
For fifty years, Rhysand was not doing the Calanmai ritual for the Night Court. 
That means the supposed most perfect and powerful court was missing out on fifty years’ worth of revitalizing magic from their High Lord conducting the Great Rite. Fifty years that would’ve likely led to famine and biting cold, making the entire land, court, and people weak AF and desperate, their High Lord appearing to all but abandon them. And there’s Valeris in the center of it all, its citizens unable to leave, unable to get any food or supplies in or out of the city. They’re trapped and dying while the Illyrians and the Court of Nightmares fight over what lingering bounties they can scrounge up.
A stand-in for him has never been established to my knowledge, and it never will be because SJM didn’t think this through at all. I actually don't believe the stand-in method works, like when she claimed that Lucien stood in for Tamlin. For one, why would the High Lords choose to make themselves vulnerable to both potential enemies and foreign magic if they could appoint anyone else to do it? Better, if they could spin it as an honor to serve? Endless ways to politically, socially, and culturally spin this one. Endless ways a volunteer could be rewarded for service, but whatever. We all know it doesn’t work like that.
Also, Lucien’s connection to the Spring Court is through loyalty to Tamlin. He is not connected to that court’s land and magic like native-born Spring Court fae are. He’s still Autumn fae through and through. At best, he could potentially contribute a smidgeon of magic by having sex, but it wouldn’t be any more powerful than any other fae’s contribution, and no one’s contributions would matter at all without the High Lord at the center of it all, performing the Rite. Like,,,, that’s the whole point,,,,,
If I was Amarantha making that bargain with Rhysand to leave the Night Court alone in exchange for his loyalty, I’d honor that to the letter (and she would, too!). Yeah, the Night Court will be completely left to its own devices. No Calanmai for you, Rhysand :). It would ensure another Prythian court would become weaker and weaker, unable to rise up beyond their own dire problems. And also, what a power trip for Amarantha, who gets to bed Rhysand whenever she wants without his full consent, and none of it will make a positive impact to his court. 
I won’t even fully get into SJM’s throwaway line that Rhysand and Feyre having sex just so happened to fall on the Night Court’s Calanmai. We all know that’s bullshit. There was no ritual (eating a bowl of soup for a mating bond isn’t it). There was no foreign magic entering Rhysand’s body (a mating bond isn’t it). There was no magical revitalization to the Night Court. Making a mountain explode because you orgasmed sO hArD didn’t help your land, babes. It probably just made some more poor Illyrians homeless.
It’s like this because she didn’t plan it for book 2. She didn’t plan anything. Not Valeris or Illyrians or the Inner Circle. Calanmai, however, was planned. It was one of the few world-building elements that SJM firmly established in book 1, so firmly in fact that she couldn’t figure out how to incorporate it into her fake feminist Night Court that she made up much later. So she decided to ignore it and rely on that one throwaway line, and it doesn’t work. She established that every High Lord has to perform the Rite.
Well, now it’s been what? 51, 52 years? And Rhysand still hasn’t done it.
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klarolinexluv · 8 months
History of man belongs to Lily Evans. I rest my case.
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sesamestreep · 1 year
Taylor Swift prompts: Matt/Foggy, 13
13. hands around a cold glass (from the SECOND Taylor Swift prompt list) I was struggling with some writer's block a few weeks ago and my dearest Zainab was kind enough to give me permission to write a tiny Matt/Foggy-centric one-shot set in her Great British Bake-Off AU and I absolutely leapt at the chance, because I love this 'verse and I've been bothering her with texts about what these two would be up to in that AU since like January. I think this makes sense without reading her previous entries in the series (which focus primarily on Sam and Bucky, with an ensemble cast of other MCU characters), but you should read them anyway because they're very good and they will make your life better! Cross-posted to AO3 here (with more notes) if that's your jam 🍯
Even though they’ve set aside their evening for the express purpose of making a decision, Foggy waits until they’ve finished the takeout they ordered to the office (neutral ground, so no one has home field advantage) and cleaned up all the various cartons and silverware and settled back at the conference table with each of their second beers of the night before he brings up the thing they’re supposed to be talking about.
“Okay,” Foggy says, setting his beer down firmly and flipping a page over on his legal pad to find where he scribbled some notes earlier. “Reason number one that you should move into my apartment: you love me.”
“You can’t use that as one of your reasons,” Matt replies, tapping a pen against the table in a fidgety gesture that’s unlike him.
“Why not?”
“Because you also love me, which means you should move into my apartment. They cancel each other out!”
“Oh, my bad,” Foggy says, as he crosses it off his list. “I didn’t know we were playing by Boggle rules…”
Matt scrunches his nose in confusion. “I’m not familiar.”
“Really?” he asks. “You don’t know Boggle? It’s like a classic word game, you have these little cubes with letters on them that you shake and—you know what, saying it out loud, it makes sense that you haven’t played it. I understand that now. It would be impossibly boring even if there was a braille version. Moving on! Reason number two that you should move in with me!”
“I’m super handsome.”
Matt shakes his head. “I’m also handsome,” he says, quietly, after a minute.
“Damn, that’s true,” Foggy says, as if it had never occurred to him.
“Please take this seriously!”
“Fine! Reason number three: I have a lot more stuff than you do. It will take me so long to pack and it will probably make me cry and possibly throw up. You, comparatively, would have a much easier time packing, because you live like a weird, sad monk.”
“Hey! I do not! Just because I don’t like clutter…”
“Until we started dating, you owned one singular blanket,” Foggy points out. “It was a blanket for your bed and your couch that you moved back and forth as needed.”
“It was a perfectly good system,” Matt grumbles.
“Right, but isn’t it better now that you have a bed blanket and a couch blanket?”
“I guess,” Matt admits, as though he’s being tormented. “To be fair, it would probably take you at least a week just to pack up all of your cookbooks.”
“I don’t have that many!”
“You bought three new ones last week! That’s already three more than I own!”
“I can’t help it that my friends keep writing cookbooks,” Foggy objects. “What was I supposed to do, Matt? Not buy Daisy’s book?”
Matt crosses his arms, irritably. “No, but you didn’t know the authors of the other two books you bought. You could’ve skipped theirs.”
“Cookbooks make me happy! I don’t tell you not to…go to the gym!”
“You do, in fact, tell me that all the time.”
Foggy makes a hand gesture that’s meant to convey the sentiment of duh, except that such things are generally lost on Matt, for obvious reasons. “Yeah, well, usually it’s because I want you to stay in bed longer.”
“And I want you to own fewer cookbooks so that there’s room in the apartment for us to actually have a bed.”
“Okay, fine,” he concedes. “Give me one of your reasons, then.”
“I know where everything is in my apartment,” Matt says, simply, “whereas at your place, I’m always looking in the wrong cabinets for stuff or tripping over things.”
“That’s just because you’re not as used to it. I’d go through the same thing if I moved to your place!”
“You’d still have an easier time of it than me.”
“That’s…fair,” Foggy concedes. “I can’t really disagree with that without being an asshole.”
“My favorite way to win an argument,” Matt replies, with a smile. “Playing the blind card.”
Foggy shakes his head. “You devious son of a bitch.”
“Also, my apartment is closer to the office and my rent is cheaper.”
“I’ll give you the cheap rent thing, though it is only because of that terrible billboard with the crazy LED lights that come through your windows at all hours, which does not bother you but would definitely bother me.”
“I remember you sleeping through three separate fire drills in college. I think you’d somehow manage to deal with the unique lighting situation of this apartment.”
“Fine,” Foggy admits, begrudgingly. “But I absolutely contest it being a mark in your favor that your apartment is closer to the office. I think it helps with work-life balance that my place is a little farther away.”
Matt thinks this over for a moment and then nods. “Okay, fine. We’ll call it a draw.”
“Good. Moving on, then. Reason number…whatever that my apartment is better: I live right next door to that bodega with those amazing breakfast sandwiches and the good, cheap coffee you love.”
“Fuck,” Matt says, with feeling. “That’s a really good point.”
“Yeah, it is!”
“Okay,” he says, in the tone Foggy’s been hearing him use in court and mock trials and even drunken debates for over a decade now.  It means Matt is currently running through his rebuttal in his mind, devising the best and most efficient way to win this round. Foggy loves that tone of voice, and the expression of intense thought that always accompanies it, even if it usually means he's about to lose whatever argument they're having. He really should be more immune to it by now, but love has made him weak and he's truly not even mad about it.
“My apartment,” Matt says, finally, “has an in-unit washer and dryer.”
That’s a solid point, but Foggy is not going to admit defeat so easily. “Okay,” he says, “but—counterpoint—mine has a dishwasher!”
“I don’t mind hand washing dishes,” Matt replies with a shrug.
“Wait until you live with me to say that,” Foggy says. “I bake all the time! It’s a lot of dishes!”
“It’s still not as bad as having to go to a laundromat and pay whenever you need to do laundry!”
“Well, my landlord says the machines in the basement will be fixed soon, so my laundromat days are numbered.”
“I will believe that when I see it.”
“You can’t see anything, sweetheart.”
“Exactly,” Matt says, smugly. He may have a point. Foggy’s landlord has been saying the washing machines will be fixed “soon” for six months now.
Foggy blows out a breath, making as much noise as humanly possible to express his frustration. “So, where does that leave us? Is somebody winning?”
Matt laughs and distractedly runs a finger through the layer of condensation on his beer bottle, dividing it down the middle with a thick line. “Honestly, I don’t know. It feels like we’re even, at this point.”
“In the spirit of honesty, then, can I ask you something?”
Matt shrugs, the gesture completely at odds with how tense the rest of his body became at the question. “Sure.”
“You do want to move in with me, right?” Foggy asks, hating himself a little for even needing to. “I know we’ve discussed it, and you said you wanted to, but it’s okay if you’re not ready yet or you changed your mind. It’s a big step—”
Matt leans forward to cover Foggy’s hand with his own, letting his fingers, still cold and damp from holding the glass, brush over Foggy’s wrist, raising goosebumps in their wake. “Of course I want to! Does it seem like I don’t?”
“No, it’s just—I know you like your space and that you value your independence a lot, and I get that but I also don’t necessarily relate to it on the same level. I wouldn’t want to pressure you into doing something that’s going to make you miserable.”
“Well, for one thing, you’re not pressuring me and living with you is not going to make me miserable. It will do the opposite, in fact.”
“Yeah, but—”
“It’s not even going to be our first time living together, dumbass,” Matt says, fondly. “You do remember college, don’t you?”
“Very little of it, in fact,” Foggy quips. “I think I was drunk for most of Spring 2010. It’s more or less a blank spot.”
“Still, we didn’t hate living together then, did we?”
“No,” Foggy replies. “One could even argue that we loved living together.”
“And that was with us sleeping in twin beds. Imagine how much better it will be, uh…not in twin beds…”
Foggy stifles a laugh. “Matt, did you seriously get all blushy at the idea of a queen sized bed?”
“No,” Matt says, tipping his chin down to hide his face. "Shut up!"
“You’re so cute. I want to have sex with you immediately.”
“No! No sex! In fact, I’m breaking up with you.”
“No, you’re not! You love me!”
“Yes, I do,” Matt says, sullenly, “And for what it’s worth, I only got embarrassed because it felt like I was implying that we slept together in our dorm in college, which obviously wasn’t true and I didn’t want to…”
“You didn’t want to admit how big of a crush you had on me back then, I get it,” Foggy says. “Oh, wait, sorry! That was me!”
“Again: shut up!”
“Okay, but now you’ve got me thinking: maybe we should do twin beds…”
“Foggy,” Matt groans.
“I don’t want our relationship to be in violation of the Hays Code, Matt!”
“Well, we’re both men, so that ship has already sailed, I’m afraid…”
“I’m just saying: if it’s good enough for Mary Tyler Moore and Dick Van Dyke, it should be good enough for us!”
“To each their own, I guess, but I sleep better when I share a bed with you.”
“I’ll pretend your reasons are romantic,” Foggy says, aiming for sarcasm and missing by a wide margin, “and not just because you turn into a koala when you sleep.”
“Have you considered being less huggable, maybe?” Matt asks, with a straight face.
“That’s like asking the sun to be less radiant! It is counter to my very nature!”
He smiles. “Fair point.”
Foggy leans back in his chair, making sure to keep his fingers tangled together with Matt’s as he does. He sighs, closing his eyes, and tries to come up with an answer to their problem. It’s a big step for their relationship and huge life changes tend to require sacrifice or compromise on some level, but it’s difficult to think of an option that doesn’t require much more of that from one of them than the other. Except…
“I have a very stupid idea,” Foggy announces. 
“Okay,” Matt replies, warily.
“And I know it’s stupid, okay? I just said that, but I want to be very clear that I’m aware of it. I’m just going to say it anyway, to put it out there.”
“Should we just look for a place together?”
Matt furrows his brow, puzzling through the implications of this option. “As in, we both leave our current apartments for a completely new one?”
“Yeah. That way we both have to pack, and move, and get used to a new space, instead of only one of us having to do it. I know it’s more expensive and more trouble, so—“
“Is it weird that it makes me feel better?” Matt asks. “The idea that we’d both have to be inconvenienced, equally?”
“No,” Foggy admits. “It makes me feel better too. I want it to feel equal. And we could find a bigger place, maybe with an extra room.”
“For an office?”
Foggy laughs. “Honestly, it’s a sign of how low my standards are that I’m just relieved your mind didn’t go immediately to an in-home gym.”
Matt’s eyebrows lift, excitedly. “We could find a building that has a gym, though.”
“Like you’d ever cheat on Fogwell’s like that.”
“I meant for cross-training…”
“Of course you did,” Foggy says, rolling his eyes. “We could make a list. Things we need—“
“Close to the bodega with the good coffee,” Matt interjects, smiling.
“And a functional laundry room, somewhere on site,” Foggy adds, nodding. “And then a list of things that would be nice to have, like a gym or no nearby billboards that will fry my retinas in the middle of the night.”
“So, you’re saying we’d get to debate and write out two more lists?” Matt asks. “Are you trying to seduce me right now? In our office? Where solemn attorney-ing is done?”
“No, it just comes so naturally to me,” Foggy replies, running his thumb over Matt’s knuckles affectionately. “Though it sounds to me like that’s a yes?”
Matt gives him a surprised look. “Yes to…?”
“God, keep your pants on for two minutes, Murdock! I’m talking about the plan!”
“Oh, yeah. The plan. I mean, I know it’s more work for us and more trouble, but…”
“I’d go through a lot more trouble for your sake, if it means making you happy,” Foggy says, simply. It’s the truth, and he tries to make it a habit to say what he means, especially with Matt. It took them long enough to get here. What’s the point in hiding how he feels now?
Matt rests his chin in the hand that isn’t holding Foggy’s. “You’re very sweet, you know that?”
“I’ve heard it before, once or twice.”
“I don’t know what I did to get so lucky.”
“You smiled at me once when we were eighteen and it was all over for me. And then fifteen years later, you got jealous of a woman I met on a reality show and finally fell in love with me.”
Matt turns an adorable shade of pink and takes his hand away to cross his arms petulantly over his chest. “That’s not true.”
“Oh, so it didn’t take me going to a wedding with one of my best friends under completely platonic circumstances for you to admit you had feelings for me?” Foggy asks, grinning.
“I don’t recall, actually,” Matt says, primly, as he reaches for his beer again and takes an uninterested sip. 
“Speaking of Daisy,” Foggy says, enjoying this way too much, “I should talk to her. She and Daniel said their realtor from when they moved was great. They might be able to put us in touch with someone.”
“We could always use the realtor who rented me my place,” Matt suggests, in the neutral tone of someone who definitely wouldn’t rather eat glass than ask Daisy for help with anything. “She was very helpful and I remember she gave me her card. I could probably find it.”
“Yeah, she gave you her card because she wanted to sleep with you,” Foggy says, shaking his head. “Pass.”
“You don’t have to be jealous, Foggy,” Matt replies, with an evil smile. “She showed me the apartment under completely platonic circumstances.”
Foggy rolls his eyes at that. “You’ve never been in platonic circumstances with anyone, Matt! Every person who meets you wants to sleep with you immediately.”
Matt shrugs, like this means nothing. “Too bad for them. I have a boyfriend.”
“Oh, yeah?” Foggy laughs. “Is it serious?”
Matt nods, and his smile isn’t evil at all anymore. “Very,” he says. “We’re moving in together.”
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h-f-k · 9 months
Die 4 me is just that song huh…
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hoodienanami · 4 months
since were living in this new age of understanding when it comes to how becoming famous (especially tabloid famous/infamous) at a young age negatively effects your mental health and psychological development i think its time that ppl start reevaluating how they talk about the sex pistols
#sex pistols#hoodie talks#i mean i would think this regardless but seriously#any conversation about the sex pistols that doesnt include just how young they were and how mistreated by the public and press they were#is an incomplete one that doesnt address crucial aspects of their story#you cannot understand why sid vicious ended up dead from suicide at 21 without talking about this!#you cannot understand why johnny rotten is the way he is now without talking about this!#johnny got famous at 19! he spent his entire adult life famous! and by famous i mean infamous aka The Bad Type Of Famous#he was the designated acceptable target of an entire nation during some of the most formative years of his life#'why is he so mean and defensive?' oh idk maybe its bc ppl stabbed him bc he sang a song they didnt like!#imagine being 20 years old and every journo in the country is either writing about you being the voice of your generation#or about how youre the spawn of satan who should be hung from the nearest lamp post#imagine youre 20 and the government is saying that shit about you too#imagine youre 20 and every single thing you say is picked at and poured over and ascribed countless different meanings#imagine youre 20 and you cant even walk down the street without being harassed by someone you dont know#imagine youre 20 and someone sticks a razor in your hand and disables you for life bc you wrote a song they didnt like#imagine youre 20 and your neighbor barges into your flat bc your music was too loud and stabs your 14 year old friend#and then when you ask the police for help they tell you that she deserved it for hanging out with you#now imagine the kind of person youd be if you lived through all of that#and now imagine that every time you ever sorta lashed out or were kinda mean ppl said 'shut up you whiny attention whore'#imagine if everyone collectively got together when you were 19 and decided that you didnt get to be a person anymore forever#thats what johnny lydon's life has been since 1975#punk rock posting
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vogelmeister · 5 months
anyways i am feeling kinda brave today so im gonna share a potentially unpopular taylor swift hot take. when i was talking to my friend yesterday about ttpd i realised that i kinda have a similar problem with the anthology as i do with evermore.
like don't get me wrong, both have absolute gems (willow, tolerate it, long story short, gold rush and NBNC from evermore are great and i love the albatross, so high school, the prophecy black dog, manuscript etc) but i think both collections (bc anthology is not an album) suffer because they came out connected to a much superior more cohesive work, and both almost feel like rejects from the body of work that proceeded it.
#actually like i said to my beloved mutual “thanK you aIMee” kinda feels like she woke up one day and went “fuck you kim actually”#which i can kinda relate to in a way bc the amount of times i randomly go “fuck you”#but my mutual said if there were more songs about being screwed over by people that could be a storyline. but theres not. its just there#like its a great song but also i kinda went “we are covering this ground again”#if there were new developments in the relationship i could kinda understand it#like how she wrote innocent and then backtracked that with rep bc things happened#but idk the anthology just feels like scraps she deemed good enough for release but in my opinion needed editing#the stupid ass 1830s lyric highlights this bc i get what shes trying to say but she worded it so badly#that i kinda see why its being clowned on#also imgonnagetyouback... yehahahahah liv did it better. now it feels like a done concept. im shocked she included it#she knew it was coming come on#anyways the anthology while good kinda felt unfinished#she should have given it a few more months and polished it#bc holy hell at least folkmore felt polished#even though evermore is cohesively weaker#my friend who is a folkmore swiftie kinda also feels like this fyi so dont come at me screaming “burn 1989 rep midnights stan!”#burn me idc#and while im at it both are in my bottom three only right above debut#tldr: both collections are tied to another work thats just so much better and cohesive#this is just me saying i cant get into anthology hahaha#and i felt weird bc everyone liked it but when my friend a literal folklore girl said “no im not feeling it” i felt better#bc so many people were saying it was better and those swifties were going 'all of us' and i kinda went... no i prefer standard#i love taylor sm and i love og ttpd its currently no 5 but the anthology has issues and one of them is similar to why i rank evermore lowl#i just went off on a tangent about the issues with the anthology and its songwriting and lack of narrative#i will say so i win you all over i loved the evermore set at eras i thought it was so beautifully done#taylor swift#ttpd: anthology#evermore
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linagram · 11 months
me right after a new milgram song drops trying to assign it to one of my ocs
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abunchleoftadishes · 10 months
Watching all the hunger games movies again because the prequel came out, and now I'm bawling my eyes out because of everything in the story. Fucking help 😭
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