blushweddinggowns · 1 year
Steve was trying his damndest to not cry again, but Eddie was making that damn near impossible. Not when he insisted on slow dancing to their damn wedding song in the middle of their living room- the masochist. 
It was sickeningly romantic, and Steve wouldn’t have it any other way. 
They were married. They were actually married. He had always been a sucker for shit like this. Always fantasizing about the day he would fall in love and live happily ever after. 
He just never expected it to actually become his reality.
Maybe the marriage wasn’t “real” but Steve didn’t give a fuck. It was real in all the ways that mattered, and Steve was more than ready to be the first one to concede that a ceremony had been a great fucking idea. He was so grateful to have such weird control freaks in his life, especially the girls. It was without a doubt going down as one of the best days of his life, amazing enough for Steve to never want it to end.
He was so fucking happy, he didn’t even know what to do with himself. So he just clung onto Eddie tighter, burying his face into Eddie’s shoulder as he let the happy tears fall. 
“Y’know,” Eddie murmured into his hair, “I did write vows. And if you weren't so stupidly gorgeous I would have been able to say them.”
Steve laughed, muffled against the fabric of his shirt, “Oh yeah?”
“Mmhm,” Eddie hummed, leaning down to press a light kiss to Steve’s temple, “Made them perfect and everything.”
How was he supposed to resist that? Steve pulled back to smile at him, head cocked, “Well let’s hear them then.”
Eddie straightened a little, trying and failing to put on a serious face. It didn’t really work with the dopey smile, but he got points for trying, “Steve Harring- No, sorry it’s Steve Munson now isn’t it?”
Steve grinned, “Damn right it is.”
Eddie laughed, leaning in to kiss his nose before continuing, “I vow to always love you the way you deserve to be loved. I’ll never let you doubt it. Because you’re perfect. Maybe not as a human being, but as my soulmate? There’s no one better. I’ll always be there for you, in any way that looks like. If that’s listening to Queen or ABBA albums on loop, then so be it. No price is too high when it comes to you.”
“I’ll be holding you to that,” Steve softly laughed, “Just so you know.”
“I wouldn’t have it any other way,”Eddie said, squeezing him a little tighter. He brought a hand to Steve’s face, tilting his chin up to look him straight in the eye, “And most of all, I promise that as long as I breathe, you’ll never feel alone again.”
Steve could feel the tears building up, a pleasant heavy feeling in his chest. And then Eddie was kissing him again, hard and deep enough for Steve to almost forget about his own vows. 
“Wait, wait!” Steve wetly laughed, barely managing to hold Eddie back with a hand to the chest, “It’s my turn now.”
But Eddie wasn’t waiting. He was too busy hefting Steve up into his arms, bridal style, all while smiling like an idiot, “We can talk and walk.”
And just like that, he was kissing him again. Walking blindly to their bedroom. Steve laughed into it, especially when Eddie kept knocking shit over as he went, “You’re so dumb. I love how dumb you are.”
Eddie gently tossed Steve onto the bed, crawling over him with a grin. He was already unbuttoning his shirt, jokingly chastising him, “Princess, if these are your vows then I think I win at the romance here. By a landslide.”
Steve rolled his eyes before wrapping his legs around Eddie's waist. He batted his hands away, squeezing him with his thighs just hard enough to get some leverage to flip them over. He grabbed Eddie’s hands in his, pinning them down right above his head. He smirked over him, completely eating up the lovestruck look on Eddie’s face. 
His lips were parted, the smallest sliver of pink tongue peeking out as he blinked up at Steve with wide eyes,“It’s so hot when you do that.”
“Stop being horny and listen!” Steve laughed, “I vow to give you inside of me. It’s all yours, for as long as you want it.”
Eddie adjusted their hands, moving to lace their fingers together while still letting Steve hold him down, “Forever then.”
“That’s right,” Steve agreed, giving his hands a little squeeze, “I will never love anyone like I love you. No one else compares. You are everything to me. I love the way you take care of me, I love the way you let me take care of you. I love it when you’re loud, when you’re so happy you don’t know how to shut up. I love it when you’re so nervous or excited you can’t sit still, and I’m the only one who can calm you down. There isn’t a thing about you that I don’t adore.”
Now Steve really had his attention. Eddie stared up at him, his eyes getting wetter by the second, but Steve wasn’t done yet, “I never thought that I would find someone who could make me feel like this. I didn’t even know people could feel like this, but here we are. And sometimes it’s scary, how much I love you. How I’d do anything for you. But there’s no one else I’d trust to have that power over me. No one else could even come close. And I am so fucking happy that I met you, and so, so ready to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you Eddie, forever and always.”
Eddie blinked a few tears down his face, surging up fast enough to make Steve squeak. He smashed their mouths together, his arms shaking as he wrapped them around Steve’s back.
“You win,” Eddie mumbled against his mouth, the tears still falling, “Best vows ever, hands down.”
Eddie didn’t give him a chance to answer, too busy trying to shove his tongue down Steve’s throat. But he didn’t mind, he just smiled into it. He was right anyway.
Steve really had won, hadn’t he?
From the last chapter of this fic
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thekillermaretwinz · 20 days
Horror!Lunar is here!
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@gremlininthedark @liminal---nightmare-aliza @multifandomcutie13 @escapetheslaughter @animatronic-assistant @eclipsen-smiles @bumble-the-sun-bee @silly-a-777 @deadlycreechur @reynadesilly @librarian-computer
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scrollonso · 5 months
First Kiss (Race 13)
A strollonso AU where 18 year old rookie Lance Stroll falls helplessly in love with the notoriously mean world champion. (3.5k words, angst at first, just a little overthinking, then fluff, Fernandos a big sap, sloppy kissing, they're desperate, choking, daddy kink kinda, dry humping, unprotected sex, overstim) [@v3lnys @biancathecool] {Now that they can be cute this is so easy to write}
last part - masterlist - next part
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It'd only been a few days since Lance and Fernando had seen eachother so it made no sense for them to be as excited as they were but that didn't change anything.
Lance had persuaded his father yet again to book the same hotel as the Spaniard, not wanting to spend a moment away from him now that they were together.
They were together, right?
Lance hadn't gotten a straight answer, ahen he asked Fernando what they were he felt stupid, he really felt like a teenager as he looked up to the man and uttered the words.
Fernando said he was whatever Lance wanted him to be but he wasn't sure, did Fernando want to be with him? Was it just casual sex? Is this casual to him? Does he do this with everyone? He felt like his head was spinning as he shoved his face into the pillow of his hotel bed.
Lance was getting bored waiting to see the Spaniard again, knowing he'd been booked a later flight so he wouldn't arrive for ages (he texted Lance 10 minutes ago saying he was 15 minutes away)
His stomach was in knots as he thought about seeing Fernando again, worried things would be awkward, worried Fernando was going to say he made a wrong choice, he felt childish for worrying about things like this. He knew Fernando was more mature than the people he'd had little crushes on, nicer than all of them too, but he couldn't stop worrying that he was going to change.
He was torn away from his thoughts when he heard a knock on his door, jumping out of his bed and peeking through the peeper before opening the door to the Spaniard. He was about to pull him in when Fernando came forward, pulling the Canadian into his arms
"Missed you so much, mi vida" He whispered, squeezing Lance as the boy giggled
"I missed you too, Nando" He responded, closing the door behind them. Lance's hand found its way to the mans head, running his fingers through his overgrown hair
"How are you? Was the flight fine?" Fernando spoke, pulling away to look at him as they spoke
"I'm good, Nando, we were just texting a few hours ago" Lance smiled, still playing with the mans hair "The flight was good, wished you were there"
"Really? Am here now" Fernando hummed, hands settling on the boys hips "Why did you want me there?"
"Not for anything dirty!" Lance said, hitting Fernandos chest and pulling away with a scoff "Dirty, dirty, dirty!"
"You don't wanna go again, Lancito?" The man frowned, trailing after the boy with a whine, it was funny to see how Fernando acted away from the cameras
"I'm jet lagged" Lance lied, turning away from Fernando to hide the smile on his face
"I could help" Fernando whispered, kissing the boys jaw between his words, earing giggles from the ticklish rookie
"Later" He answered, turning to face the Spaniard who looked fairly pleased with the answer
"I can live with that" He smiled, placing his hands on Lance's cheeks as he brought him closer for a kiss, the Canadian happy to give him what he wanted this time. "You look lovely" He felt the Spaniard whisper against his lips, breaking out into giggles, flustered at the sweetness.
They got to the paddock together, walking and talking before they parted ways to get ready for quali, both of their teammates quick to notice what was going on
"So," Nico started, looking at Lance from his side of the garage "Anything exciting happen last week?"
"Uhm" Lance thought, lifting himself up onto the counter behind him "Not that I can think of"
Nico scoffed, shaking his head as he listened to Lance, mr "i'm not gay"
Fernando was pissed, he'd just gotten pole then his team informed him he was given a 2 second time penalty for some bullshit ass reason. Those two fucking seconds bringing him from p1 to p15.
His irritation subsided when he heard a cheery Canadian coming his way, calling his name in a sing-song tone
"Hola, Lancito" He hummed a response, turning around to face Lance as he pulled out the chair next to him
"So, on pole again, feel good to be back?"
"Not anymore" He responded, seeing the confused look on Lance's face "Me and Michael got a time penalty for each part so I'm p15"
"What?" He scoffed, Lance confused at the decision "What'd you do wrong?" He asked, the man just shrugging, Lance felt bad especially considering how he'd just walked in talking about Fernando being p1
"Is alright, am winning the championship still" Fernando added, feeling bad at the sight of the sad boy, glad when his face lit up, knowing Fernando was right.
The race started and Lance was off to a good start, passing De La Rosa once again and getting closer to Button ahead of him, it seemed to be going well until turn 6 when his rear wheels locked up, sending him spinning into the barriers in a matter of seconds, all he could do was groan.
"Are you okay, Lance?" Brad asked, Lance feeling like he'd heard that constantly all season
"Yep, I'm fine, sorry." He responded, getting out of the car just in time to see his boyfriend drive past
He was in his drivers room, laying on his stomach since him and Nico both retired at this point of the race.
He was about to fall asleep when he heard a knock on his drivers room door, sitting up to see who it was "Huh?"
"Lancito, can I come in?" His eyes lit up, Fernando being greeted by a very enthusiastic looking Lance
"Is the race over? That was quick."
"Did not finish, they put my wheel on wrong." Fernando laughed as he stepped in, Lance closing the door to meet the man on the couch
"Isn't this your first retirement in a while?"
"23 races, yeah." He hummed as he sat down, leaning his head on the wall behind him, race suit unzipped half way down to his waist
"I'm sorry, Nando, are you okay?" Lance frowned, leaning his head on the Spaniards shoulder
"Mhm, I do not mind" He nodded, turning to look at Lance as his arm snaked around his waist, pulling the Canadian against him, planting gentle kisses on the side of Lance's face
"You sure? If you were upset I was gonna offer my help.." He whispered, head settling in the crook of the older mans neck to conceal the giggles from the feeling of the mans facial hair brushing against his cheek, leaving soft kisses near the tattoo on his neck.
"Did I say I don't mind? I mean..." He dragged out his words, resituating himself as he pulled Lance onto his lap "I'm so upset, Lancito," Fernando frowned, making eyecontact with the Canadian "It's so sad, I really wanted to do well"
"Oh, my poor Nando," Lance cooed, lips curving up as he leaned forward to plant a kiss on the mans forehead, hands settled on his shoulders
"Can you make me feel better, Lancito?" He questioned, looking up at the boy on his lap, pleading eyes admiring the sight of him from above
"Since you're so hurt I guess it's the least I could do" He spoke quietly, well aware of how thin the walls around them were. After he got quiet Fernando was quick to connect their lips, done with waiting for him, it was already enough torture to keep his hands off of Lance all day that now that he could he wasn't planning on holding back.
He started slow again, gentle, not wanting to make the boy overwhlemed but as soon as he could he brushed his tongue on the boys lip, grinning slightly as his lips parted, taking it as a chance to slip his tongue in, refusing to wait before exploring his mouth.
Lance whined quietly, hands gripping tighter onto Fernandos shoulders as he took breaths between each kiss, not wanting to stop the man but he hadn't exactly gotten the hang of kissing yet.
As the kisses got sloppier the two got more desperate, Lance whining quietly as he rocked himself back and forth on the stronger mans lap, adoring the different feeling of this kiss, he liked how it felt to have Fernando somewhat manhandle him.
He was no longer being careful, no longer treating Lance as if he was glass that could shatter at any moment, he was rougher. His hands were gripping him tighter, guiding his hips as he finally pulled back, Lance whining at the loss of the Spaniards lips on his.
"Shh, be patient mi vida" Fernando whispered, turning to lean back further, liking Lance on top.
"Nando, please" He begged, seeing how quick Lance was to get desperate caused Fernandos dick to twitch, Lance grinding down as a response.
The Spaniard groaned, the feeling of Lance pressing down on him made him feel like he was on cloud nine, he knew if he kept moving how he was the boy could easily make him finish untouched. Fernando was truly in awe at how much of a natural Lance was, how quick he was to catch onto things and get good.
"Fernando" Lance muttered, leaning down to rest his head between Fernandos neck and shoulder again
"Si, Lancito?" Fernando spoke "What do you want, mi sol?"
"You, Nando" He breathed, the shorter mans eyes closing at the feeling of Lances lips brushing against his lips "Please, need you so bad" He spoke quietly, part of him scared of being caught but the other eager to know what would happej if he was.
"Okay, baby" Fernando nodded, propping himself up on his elbows as he moved the boy to sit up, wanting to look at him "Move like you were before, Lancito, can you do that for me?" He asked, the Canadian nodding eagerly as he did what the man asked, supporting himself with his two hands on his boyfriends chest as he rocked his hips, eyebrows furrowing at the friction, he'd never considered himself to be horny before but as soon as he found out how it felt to have Fernando in him it was all he wanted.
As Fernando started to guide the boy Lance couldn't stop the noises he made as a response, embarrassed at how loud he'd become at barely anything.
Fernando bit his lip, one hand leaving the boys side to wrap around his neck, pulling him down by it as if he was picking a kitten up by his scruff as he connected their lips again, Lance breathlessly whimpering into Fernandos lips as he began to move faster, deeper, body needing more.
"Fuck, Lancito" Fernando breathed, hand tightening around Lance's neck, pleasently surprised at just how receptive he was to it. "Sound so pretty, mi vida, who's making you feel this good, Lancito?"
He whined, eyes lidded as he struggled to continue, legs beginning to ache as he rocked back and forth "You, papi" Lance couldn't help himself as the name slipped out, Fernando absolutely adoring it.
The man loved knowing he was the only person to ever make Lance feel this way, the only one to ever have Lance on him like this
"Nando, please, please, need you in me" His grinding slowed down, practically stopping as he panted, the grip on his neck loosening, Fernando not wanting to stop the boy from catching his breath. It was endearing, how quick he got out of breath considering he was a literal athlete.
Fernando leaned to kiss the boys jaw, leaving wet kisses and bite marks on his skin as he pulled his race suit down more, wasting no time before pulling the waistband of his underwear down as well, just enough for the cold air of the room to hit his cock
"Lancito, need you to get up if you need me so bad" Fernando couldn't help but laugh at how quick Lance was to listen, being off the mans lap in seconds. "Take it off for me, baby, need your suit off"
The Canadian listened again, finding his way back onto him after he finished
"So good for me, Lancito, always so good for me, baby" He praised, fingers brushing over the tattoo on the boys torso, the two drivers' cocks pressed together as he waited for Lance to get situatied "Tell me when you're ready, mi sol, we need to be quick." He leaned back again, half lidded eyes watching as the pale boy moved on top of him
"I'm ready, please, need you."
"Put it in, Lancito." He instructed, hands moving down from his bare hips to Lance's thighs "Do you think you can do that for me, princesa?"
The boy nodded, quick to lift himself up and line the Spaniards cock up to his hole "Do I.." He began to ask, unsure if he was doing anything right on his own.
"Just sit, baby, you're doing great" Fernando reassured him, hands moving up and down his thighs as he felt his tip be pushed inside, the two of them breathing shakily at the now familiar feeling.
Lance shut his eyes tight as he felt himself sinking down, hands gripping onto Fernandos shoulders as he took him in fully, the Spaniard unable to tear his eyes away from the sight, seeing how Lance's eyebrows furrowed at the feeling and lips parted slightly as he panted drove Fernando crazy.
"Fuck, Lancito." He groaned, hand wandering to Lance's neck again as he leaned forward to finally kiss him, not noticing how he'd absentmindedly began moving the boy on his lap "Taking me so well. You're so billiant, mi vida"
The boy whimpered, not satisfied with the slow pace Fernando had set so he took matters into his own hands, bouncing himself on the Spaniards cock.
"God" Fernando groaned quietly, grabbing onto Lance harder as he let the boy set his own pace.
The taller boy leaned forward, bringing Fernandos hand back up to his neck, missing the pressure.
"What do you want, Lancito?" He asked, hovering his hand over the rookiee throat "Use your words, princesa."
"Choke me, please papi." He whined, his movements getting sloppier as his legs began to give out, struggling to keep a steady pace.
Fernando obliged, not going to deny Lance of something he asked so nicely for. He tightened his grip on his throat as he sat up slightly, leaving the two drivers chest to chest, their position familiar.
"Doing so good, Lancito, such a good boy for me" He cooed, praising Lance as he connected their lips again, adoring just how desperate he'd become after not having Fernando for a week.
The kisses were wet, neither of them in a position where they could be gentle, gentle was the last thing Lance wanted now that he knew how it felt to be choked and bit by the Spaniard.
Fernandos eyes lingered to his hand adorning the boys neck as he pulled away from the kiss, settling on the now red and purple marks he'd left on the boys jaw and neck, leaning forward to kiss them softly, even as they got rougher the last thing he wanted was for the boy to be hurt by him.
"Nando" He whined, laying his head in the crook of the mans neck
"Yes, mi sol?"
"I can't-" He started, practically just sitting with the mans cock in him "Need your help, Nando"
Fernando couldn't help but smile, kissing the boys cheek as he lifted him up, laying him on his back on the sofa.
"Look so pretty under me, Lancito" He purred, connecting their lips in order to contain his moans as Fernando began to move, pleased with the string of sounds that left Lances mouth as he did.
He set a steady pace, one hand tight on Lances neck as the other settled on the rookies waist, adoring the sight of the boy under him being reduced to whimpers and whines.
He parted their lips to get a better view, needing to see just how much Lance relished in the pleasure Fernando was bringing him.
Fernando loved knowing he was the first to make him feel this way, the first to hear his perfect moans as he thrusted in and out. The Spaniard adored knowing he was the best Lance would ever had.
The Canadian felt the eyes on him, whining as he brought his arms up to cover his face to hide the pink tint covering his cheeks.
"Nando" He moaned, unable to stop himself from being loud as Fernando fucked into him
"Shh, you need to be quiet, mi sol" Fernando whispered, hand gripping the boys throat harder to pull his head up "Can you be a good boy for me? You don't want to be caught, do you?" He raised his eyebrows slightly, knowing the boy was still learning what exactly he wanted.
The Canadians breath hitched at the idea, cock twitching on his stomach as he heard the man above him scoff
"Would you like that, hm?" He cooed, moving Lance's hands away from his face "You want someone walking in and seeing just how much of a mess you are under me? How pathetic you look begging for my cock?"
He tried to respond, his words getting caught in the back of his throat, the thought of being caught causing Lance to react more than either of them thought it would.
Fernando continued thrusting into the boy, feeling himself slowly getting closer as the Canadian mewled. His sounds were so sweet, music to the Spaniards ears. He leaned down to nip at the skin on his neck, not bothering to care about the full garage on the other side of the door as Lance panted his name.
His hand left the pink drivers waist, wrapping his fingers around the base of the boys cock, knowing they needed to hurry up.
He began stroking his member at the same pace as his thrusts, enjoying the feeling of his hips bucking into the Spaniards hand, head arching back as he felt his orgasm creeping closer
"Fuck, fuck Nando, I- I- God, I'm gonna..." He struggled to form a sentence, gripping onto the material he was laid back on
"Cum, Lancito, Cum para papi." He instructed, biting harder onto the skin surrounding his collarbone, his goal to leave marks on the boys skin, claiming him.
As soon as Fernando told him to cum for him he did, his load coating both of their chests, Lance prepared for Fernando to slow down until he didn't, hand continuing to stroke the boy at the same pace
"Nando" He moaned, body shaking at the overwhelming amount of pleasure, the two cumming together seconds later, filling the room with gasps and pants at they both caught their breaths
"Fuck, Lancito, Took me so well, Such a good boy for me, mi vida" Fernando spoke, praise spilling out of his lips as he slowly rode out his high, feeling how full Lance was.
Lance moved his arms around Fernandos shoulders, pulling their chests together as Lance blushed, something so romantic about just laying in eachother presence after doing something so..... so.
Fernando found a hand towel and wet it, figuring the two had laid still for long enough. He sat Lance up, whiping off the boys torso before cleaning his own
"Si, mi sol?"
"I love you"
Fernando smiled, setting the towel aside now that the two of them had been cleaned off. He leaned forward, softly planting kisses across the boys face, adoring hearing the giggles that came out of him as a response
"Stop, stop, stop" He breathed, wide smile on his face as he tried to push the Spaniard away "You could at least say it back"
"Te quiero mucho, Lancito" He spoke, patting the boys hair to lay smoothly on his head as he spoke "Now, If we stay here any longer people are gonna start worrying"
"I guess you're right" The Canadian whined, getting into the jeans and team shirt he'd came in while Fernando put his race suit back on, the two walking out of the drivers room as if nothing had happened.
As if everyone in the garage hadn't heard them and were now acticaly trying to not look at the bruises on the Canadians neck or make eyecontact as the drivers left together
"I think you were a little loud, mi sol" Fernando teased, Lance hitting him on his shoulder before hiding his face in his hands
"God, Nando, that's so embarrassing!"
"You sure seemed to like the idea before" Fernando hummed, wrapping his arm around Lance as he headed to the Renault garage, needing to change before the two could go back to their hotel.
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lover-of-mine · 11 months
i'll come tackle the monsters
Pairing: Evan Buckley and Eddie Diaz (911)
Word Count: exactly 4.5k lol
But Buck didn't seem ready to talk. He just shifted, moving so he could drop his head to Eddie's shoulder, before nodding slightly and hiding his face on his neck. That is also new, Buck allowing himself to seek comfort. So Eddie waits, lets his hand find Buck's hair, fingers lazily moving through it until he relaxes against him. “I thought you were dead,” Buck mumbles into his skin, still hiding, almost as if he's hoping that if he stays like this, it can't hurt him. “It was just a bad dream,” Eddie tries to reassure him, fingers still moving on his hair, but he shakes his head. “No, not- not now, I mean, yes, in the dream too, but when you- I thought you were dead. You went down and you were looking at me, but then you weren't and I- I thought you were dead,” Buck explains and Eddie breathes out a soft oh once he understands what he means. “We never talked about it, about how it was for you,” he says, carefully, because even if Buck seems to be in a more open mood, he knows how fast he can shut down. or Buck has a nightmare and they talk about the shooting.
read it on ao3
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cactuschewinggum · 1 year
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What's up Babypop?
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attollogame · 1 year
Operator's route is now in the first round of editing :)
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emblazons · 2 years
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"Please tell me you understand."
El Hopper's Expressions While Rejecting Male Influences Listening S04E08 - Papa (Brenner's Dying Speech) S04E09 - The Piggyback (Mike's Monologue)
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deathsweetblossoms · 1 year
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Flower Face: an Elain Archeron playlist
This is my love letter to Elain Archeron, my interpretation of what she sounds like were she to exist as music. Consider this more as an experience and less a list of songs with lyrics that relate to Elain. @elainarcheronweek
My Elain is made up in part of deeply personal headcanons, plus versions of her in works by @bloomingdarkgarden (What Bloomed in the Dark Garden) and @thefangirlofhp (sillage). She is Danielle De Barbarac, a quiet girl with a rich internal world and a heart capable of feeling every emotion ten fold. She has one foot in The Dreaming world of the mystics, and one foot in her rapidly evolving life in Velaris. She wants to be seen for who she is and loved for who she is, gardening-scarred hands and all. She quietly yearns for someone she can't have, never once sharing her woes with any of her sisters. She brings things to life and values learning, creation, travel. This is a musical journey that represents my interpretation of Elain's soul, her internal world, her life in Velaris, her hopes for the future. (It is Elriel leaning, as a disclaimer, because ... I simply cannot help it.) I started off the journey with nature sounds, because Elain is so deeply tied to the land in my mind, and with lush, atmospheric music representing how she presents to the world. As the list goes on, we go deeper and more secrets are revealed until the songs become almost entirely instrumental (moody and brooding in nature to represent an emotional landscape). There are songs in different languages or without words entirely, to represent her displacement into an unfamiliar land, in a changed body, and the uprooting of her ingrained beliefs about that land and the creatures living there; about her integration into the Night Court and her insistence that she belongs. It ends with her prayer to The Mother.
(Sometimes I will include my decisions for including certain pieces. Other times, I hope you can glean your own meaning <;3) PART I
(nature sounds)
I often imagine Elain waking up at sunrise, before the rest of the city, and just imbibing the land, the birds, the flowers. Noticing things other's don't notice. Seeking solace among nature.
James Newton Howard - A Hidden Life (instrumental)
Mariee Sioux - Wild Eyes tiny darling ghost holder you our soft spirit breather... you plant your burderns way deep down in
Wickerbird - Llewellyn sleep, interred within old Avalon
A song that evokes visions, dreams, prophecy, distant lands
AURORA - Under the Water under the water, we can't breathe we can't breathe under the water, we die hearts will dream again lungs will breathe in feet won't fail you now arms won't let you down
This song has been on my Elain playlist since the start. I always reminds me of her journey into the cauldron, the terror and grief that befell her afterward, and learning how to keep going despite everything.
Flower Face - Cornflower Blue i wanna lay on the kitchen floor with you i wanna do all the things that lovers do bruised on your face like a watercolour bloom moonlight paints your skin cornflower blue
Elain develops feelings for a quiet Shadowsinger...
Steven Price - Ophelia (instrumental) Jean Luc Lenoir - The Mermaid's Croon (instrumental)
"The quiet dreamer"
Ane Brun - Joga (live version) all that no one sees, you see what's inside of me every nerve that hurts, you heal deep inside of me you don't have to speak i feel emotional landscapes
This is a quintessential Elriel song for me, so perfectly capturing how I believe she feels about him (how they feel about each other, honestly).
AURORA - Exist for Love and then you take me in and everything in me begins to feel like I belong
Joe Hisaishi - Heartbroken Kiki (instrumental)
Rachel Portman - Three Women (instrumental)
Elain, Nuala, and Cerridwen's blossoming friendship. Them in the kitchen learning how to make bread, them teaching Elain how to slyfoot, them whispering secrets about lovers and childhood to each other.
PART II (Powers Awakening, Hidden Secrets of the Magic of Velaris, Witches and Mystics)
AURORA - The Forbidden Fruits of Eden (an interlude)
Powers brimming just below the surface, unseen, but felt by Elain.
(nature sounds)
Elain starts visiting the Sidra more and more as her powers develop stronger. I just imagine her sitting by the water, with a scarf around her head, and a small picnic basket, just enjoying the quiet and thinking about her visions and dreams.
Thomas Newman - Starlit (instrumental)
Night-blooming Jasmine, Elain discovers her place in the shadows of Velaris
Karliene - The Fields of Ard Skellig
Elain digs her fingers into the soil of Velaris and night-blooming flowers blossom all around her. She learns the secrets of the mystics and how to control her powers. Our Lady Kingslayer comes into her own and surprises everyone with her strength of spirit.
The Naked and the Famous - Teardrop night, night of matter black flowers blossom fearless on my breath Runah - Witch how she bathes in it she never had a lover that said her name before the way it drops from his lips it's like she's never heard her name sound like a song and she craves it oh she has woken the witch she's becoming Kati Ran - Vinda slowly the journey goes like the walk of an old man seeking in waves and seeking in sand hear the psalm of the wind, its being sung over the mountain and you, will you listen to the melody in the evening Mykur - Nordlys (instrumental) Thomas Newman - Luthien Tinuviel (instrumental) Agnes Obel - Rosian (instrumental) Helisir - Brisingamen (instrumental) Johannes Bornlof - Wolfpack (instrumental) Honey Gentry - Aphrodite Aphrodite, hear my pain I want to fall in love again Not in love with a man of this world Fall in love with life itself
Elain's prayer to the mother
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vapolis · 11 months
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cloudymistedskies · 1 year
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boo.. he will forever haunt you..
Ghost noises
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“Okay, I’m sorry to everyone I’ve hurt. I’ve learned my lesson and will promise to never say that again.” <- was forced to say it by Riko
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Shes Finished decided not w do a tail..will def try on next WIP MH art doll. Eyes been replaced & still move if choose 2 & her hair jst lifts back & is held dwn wth double sided tape which can b refreshed wen needed. clothes R removable..shes wearing another outfit in pics ment 4 another work IP..but jst wanted 2 see how it fit. will b 4 sale wen ive sorted my etsy page & on display at a store were im from..
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soft-cristobalite · 2 years
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Phoenix: I'm a nice person, but I'm about to start throwing rocks at people.
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ghost-of-you · 2 years
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And i think i have the ultimate swiftsos artifact now.
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starry-night-rose · 2 years
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“Oh hello there! Where did I come from? Oh now that’s unimportant”
Character Playlist / Character Inspirations
Full Name: Artemis Cynthia Woodman
Nicknames: Barracuda (Floyd), Mademoiselle Chasseresse (Rook), A headache (Leona), Fellow Hunter (Rook)
V/A: Romi Park (JP) Allegra Clark (EN)
!Twisted from Man from Bambi!
Age: 17
Birthday: November 29th
Horoscope: Sagittarius
Species: Human
Gender: Demi-Girl
Pronouns: She/they
Height: 182 cm (or 6’0)
Hair Color: Dark Black
Eye Color: Golden Yellow
Homeland: Shaftlands
Family: Unnamed Father, Unnamed Mother, Unnamed Twin Brother, Unnamed younger Sister
Dominant Hand: Left
Dormitory: Savanaclaw
School Year: 2nd Year
Class: 2-C (No. 5)
Best Class(es): Physical Education, Animal Linguistics
Worst Class: Astrology
Favorite Food(s): Venison, Chicken, Pancakes
Least Favorite Food(s): Salads, Cantaloupe
Hobbies: Braiding Hair, Knife Tricks, Hunting
Dislikes: Staying Indoors, Inactivity, Heavy Smells
Talent(s): Marksmanship, Tracking, Cooking
Sexuality: Asexual/Demiromantic
Personality: Artemis is a relatively friendly individual at first glace, albeit just a tad bit strange. Cheerful and Easygoing, Artemis is seen in a positive light by most although she does have a threatening aura at times. Almost always seen smiling, Artemis goes through life with a gleeful grin on her face.Although charming, Artemis is not one to be messed with. When “on the hunt,” she adopts a more calm, deadpan, and almost sadistic persona who won’t stop until she gets or “hunts” down her goal. Artemis doesn’t care what others think of her and loves being herself! She tries to not come off as threatening but usually forgets this until the last second.
Backstory: Artemis comes from a remote village in the Shaftlands where she lives with her family. Artemis is particularly close to her twin brother. Her fondest memory from her childhood is learning how to figure out what type of animal passed by just by it’s footprints. Later on in life, Artemis was accepted into NRC and was sorted into Savanaclaw.
Artemis has a habit of walking without making a sound
Artemis loves braiding her hair! She braids it every morning when she wakes up! She absolutely loves braiding other’s hair as well!
If the person Artemis is with doesn’t eat meat, she will gladly make another dish without meat for them!
Deer Beastmen always seem to be a bit skittish around her...
Artemis is extremely good at doing animal calls such as a deer or a bird
Artemis is very close with Rook but also is friendly to all students however, few can tolerate her such as Lilia, Vil, Kalim, Jade, and Floyd
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