indigozeal · 2 years
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From the ‘90s RPG zine Shining Forth: a capsule review of Lunar: The Silver Star (it had been out for a while when the zine launched) and a feature review of Lunar: Eternal Blue by Robert Schmitz.
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u11ps1071a · 3 months
RCCG YAYA SUNDAY SCHOOL STUDENT’S MANUAL SUNDAY 24TH OF MARCH, 2024 LESSON THIRTY (30) TOPIC: SHINING FORTH BIBLE PASSAGE: Matthew 5:13-16. [13]“You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men. [14]“You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be…
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tickle-fight-club · 2 months
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Does radioapple go brrrr or crackle crackle🤔
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cadaverette · 7 months
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my child is finally home ♡
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stivya · 11 months
WAIT. DID KALADIN EVER SEE THE OCEAN? i know i made a beach au once but he needs to see the ocean at least once in his life. The ocean could fix him.
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shoshiwrites · 3 months
Un-comprehensive Ep. 7 thoughts in which I keep the spiciest ones to myself
It should have been twice as long
I appreciate the decision to show more of Sandra's work but the way they're handling it with Croz is awkward because his lines are clearly just to set up the entrance into her storyline, and read as out of character of him imo.
I don't think we needed the second scene of them but it was FINE. It was clunky dialogue but it was fine. I actually liked the first one, the clear sense of equal respite and distraction.
Bucky looks so good I wanna cry
The gravel in Rosie's voice in the last scene I'm actually going to lose it, please give Nate Mann an Emmy
I have .5% of an OC idea and i don't know how to feel about that
My little kriegie Marconi
Buck was A+ here, 10/10 would want him with me in a high-pressure scenario
I think the worth-knowing line was kind of terrible but it was so earnest that I can't really be mad
Episode 8 get fucking readyyyyyyy
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dulcevenganzaa · 9 months
whatre your thoughts on teenagers
ohhh i know people tend to brush her aside bc it's pretty overplayed but it's good. it's a great song even. i love the 70-esque vibe it brings (t.rex hi), tho i wish it leaned a bit more into its bluesy influence a little more. umm you could also probably line dance to it which is a good marker for me, personally.
but tonally (thematically?) it doesn't make a lot of sense in the record:( and i stand by what i said, i don't believe any song on tbp is a filler (and mayyybe you could say that they needed a 2nd (3rd?) single), but i think there's more layers to the song rather than just simply being a commentary on violence in adolescence, especially bc of the perspective it comes from, sure, it's an adult looking in but it's also an adult in a rock-band. < i do think the music video does a lot more to explore that dynamic in particular with the nod to pink floyd, which is i think the only direct (visual at least) link between tbp and the wall ? and the single cover art is a great moment in mcr graphic history imo
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also any song with a vibraslap moment is kind of a winner
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momentsbeforemass · 7 months
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Today’s first reading describes Wisdom (the Old Testament name for the Holy Spirit) as “the refulgence of eternal light.”
“Refulgence” isn’t a word you hear much. If ever. I had to look it up.
It means shining, radiant with brilliance. Not as a reflection of something else. But shining forth, from what’s on the inside.
The thing is, that shining forth isn’t just how the Holy Spirit works. It’s also how you and I work.
The only thing that ever shines forth – from any of us – is what’s already inside of us.
Your first impulse? That response I made without thinking? Whatever we blurted out? That’s what’s shining forth, from our inside.
If your first impulse, what you blurt out, is full of hope, peace, patience, strength, wisdom, forgiveness, love, then you know what’s on your inside. You are full of the Holy Spirit. That’s the only way any of that can shine forth.
If your first impulse, what you blurt out, is full of other stuff. Stuff like fear, anger, scorn, derision, hatred, resentment, envy. Then that’s what you have filled yourself with. That’s the only way any of that can shine forth.
Today, listen to that first impulse, what you blurt out. Be honest with yourself.
If what’s shining forth isn’t full of hope, peace, patience, strength, wisdom, forgiveness, love? Then it’s time to change what you’re filling yourself with.
Today’s Readings
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rainia · 2 months
someone immediately unfollowed me after I posted about being traumatised by pingu as a child im so sorry pingu lovers,,,, was that really the breaking straw…..
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deltanite · 9 months
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conjectureand-gloom · 4 months
spamming christian primary school hymn songs in my taylor swift gc :)
@like-the-stars-i-shine (you aren’t on this gc but. you went to said christian primary school and yk which hymn i mean- look at the tags)
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indigozeal · 2 years
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Comic by artist John Watkins-Chow from issue #2 of the RPG fanzine Shining Forth.  You were writing the same crossovers if you were around in the '90s.
I don't know how Luna was elected the apparent leader of this group; possibly due to her lack of combat skills compared to the other members.  Those who can't do, delegate.  Then again, she did have ample administrative experience in a past life.
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luminesnake · 10 months
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spookymultimedia · 1 year
Me everytime I sit and work on Helpless To Defy His Fate
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rhysnolastname · 8 months
What if I got a Rhys tattoo
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labelleizzy · 1 year
You are not just the things you like.
You are so much more than that.
Go out and find yourself.
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Go find more beautiful things.
Potato chip and paua shell photos by me, succulents photo by @codenamefinlandia , text image stolen off Facebook.
Text ID: "Due to personal reasons, I will be shining brightly & unapologetically taking up space for the foreseeable future."
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