nappotuna · 5 months
blocking ppl for having vaguely annoying opinions has done wonders for my mental health
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adoredmarigold · 3 months
Went onto TikTok and saw someone call Violentine abusive
I knew I should’ve never gone back to that fucking app
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taizi · 10 months
This is what it looks like in print!
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angeltism · 1 month
Stupid ass feelings that I probably only have because of some stupid ass dude I knew two years ago who did stupid ass abusive and manipulative bullshit
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theonpilled · 1 year
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daisyrella · 10 months
dude in my class who always goes on tangents to hear his own voice literally just said "the microcosm of aliveness and tangibility" .... about a pond. a big puddle.
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pepprs · 2 years
not to keep workposting but. every single day I come to work and i get rained on and i don’t have an umbrella. every single day i come to work and return home with arrows sticking out of me like in minecraft.
#if i see another human being in the next 8 minutes i will go fucking crazy. also why are there so many stressors all the time. i just want#to go home and play cookie run or wobbledogs. like i shouldn’t be like this bc i love my job. but i am so distressed and scared and#exhausted by the sheer volume of tasks and of laser beams that make a lattice that i have to tip toe through in order to get to the gem.#like it’s insane. and i do not want to facilitate this workshop. please please please no one show up. LOL#purrs#literally like no one shows up to this stuff either it’s just insane like we spend all this time preparing and then no one shows up#at some point i have to be honest and say this. i love my job in theory. right now i do not love it though. i might not even like it. i am#scared and miserable and stressed all the time. i just want us to have enough staff and i just want us to have a break#im fucking tired of going unrecognized im fucking tired of being made fun of and hushed about. like the rest of these people fucking suck#honestly and idc if im a bitch or a loose canon for saying that. we are working so ficking hard and we need the BASIC things that everyone#else seems to have and it doesn’t fucking seem to matter. i literaly haven’t even been able to finish my fucking onboarding yet because#ive had to take on the work of all the vacant positions and it doesn’t even seem tofucking matter outside of us like everyone just thinks im#a student and i even got sneered at easier today as a joke but it s like it’s not fucking funny i work here JUST LIKE YOU!!!!!! I WORK HERE#AND I FUCKING NEED HELP!!!!! SHUT UUUUUPPPPP!!!!!!!
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ieropilled · 2 years
you wreck me you scoundrel you... and for that i am forever indebted btw. if you even care
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mystrothedefender · 2 months
I love utterson so much I really do but his sense of humour being how it is I know if I knew him in real life I'd make slapping him into a sport.
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dwohttv · 1 year
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colognedecigarette · 2 years
i legit can't stand most talks about books like 50sog or 365 days because the conversation legit devolve into "won't someone think of the poor stupid women who might read them and think it's romantic and ok? :(" REAL QUICK.
like, sure. talk about how badly written they are or whatever. in case of after, the cautionary talk of "hey, this isn't ok irl. if someone does this thing to you in your relationship, get out quick" still make sense and acceptable bc the series audience are predominantly teens. but the other two series were meant for adults. just because they're trashy erotica meant for adult women doesn't mean you have to treat their inteded audience as stupid.
people point out sometimes how the criticisms of these series are often drenched in misogyny and the critics would quickly argue that pointing out all the dangers and red flags depicted in the stories isn't misogyny and neither is criticising books written by women meant for other women. but that's not it. it's the way you go about it. it's the way you treat adults like they don't -- and can't -- know any better if they pick up these books and, god forbid, like them. it's the way your criticisms seem to assume that the audience of these books would immediately look for their irl counterpart of christian grey or whatever.
you can't talk to adults like they're children. and these stories are so concretely aimed for women, and the way they're criticised for all their dumb stuff is so different than the way other books of other genre get criticised for their dumb stuff; of course people would link that to misogyny. and it is. even if you don't realise it, you're still operating with the biases that women need to be protected and coddled because their stupid little tiny brain can't know better. you just think it's okay and fair game because the subject matter is something so ridiculous and, indeed, contains reckless handling of dangerous scenarios. that's still not reason to assume its audience are dumb.
this rant is brought to you by: i adore amanda the jedi but good lord, her comment section can be so unbearable at times when it comes to these sort of stories.
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unleaveable · 2 years
The way they made mike so unlikeable
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imabiteurankles · 7 months
i sound so fucking stupid when i talk i need to shut uuuuuppppp oh my gooooooddd
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lmaopuli · 5 months
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arinthehunter · 1 year
Shut the fuck uuuuuppppp and don’t blaze your stupid fucking posts
Just for that, I'm gonna blaze this. Suffer more.
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morphestic · 1 month
fuck satosugu fuck satosuf uckisng sagosu aahi hate theahhrhhhrggrhgrhh argh oughgoyouohouggohough bfi hate asatusugu sjs how could they how cuas uuurghhh satusugu adgtgs wtf wtf uagsghhh nono "my one and only" SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UUUUUPPPPP
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