Round 1 Stage 6 Poll 2
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Wuyun Gates, Wildemount: The Wuyun Gorge is the primary passageway south out of the Dwendalian Empire towards the Menagerie Coast. The Wuyun Gates are a border checkpoint here. It may not house a permanent settlement as such, but the soldiers who man it live here while assigned to it.
Shandal, Marquet: Shandal is a small village in the Rumedam Desert. C1 NPC Shaun Gilmore was born and raised here, and Vox Machina passed through while traveling to Ank’Harel.
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butwhatifidothis · 2 months
Talking from a fe3h discourse perspective I get hating Rhea, as a Rhea lover. To a lesser extent I GUESS I get Seteth. But Flayn??????? She's just vibing and eating fish??? She has NOTHING to do with Rhea's decisions? Like at that point you're (not you op, general you) just looking for issues. To be clear if you hate her because of her personality or whatever sure, to each their own. But hating her because "church bad" feels really stupid to me. That's like a rhea/church fan hating the black eagles on principal because they're part of edelgard's house or because they don't hate edelgard.
When you realize they ascribe to this kind of mentality
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it starts to make a lot more sense. Yeah, if two members of a race being bad if enough for you to ascribe malice and evil to every single member of said race, it's pretty easy to also say that the very blood of that race is evil and having it course through your veins makes you evil.
Which they've been saying for a while now!
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Yes, you are in fact seeing a ~year-and-a-half old screenshot of them saying the exact same racist garbage they're saying now.
Also, just. This fucker keeps repeating this stupid fucking point about Nemesis and frankly it pisses me off.
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Two years. From as early as two days ago (as of July 11th 2024) to as far back as two fucking years, they've been repeating "Nemesis couldn't have been THAT BAD you guys, because the people he's been tyrannically ruling over for over a century and who didn't know the full extent of his actions which include the genocide he committed believed in the lie about him being a liberator! A supposed liberator of a group of people these oppressed ignorant civilians would have had literally no contact with whatsoever given Nemesis has been ruling for over a century! Meaning any human alive during the actual reign of the Nabateans would have been fucking dead by the time Nemesis was killed, meaning any alive during Nemesis' reign had no way of knowing how that rule actually was! This lie was so imprinted into the people's conscious that Rhea couldn't erase it, so it has to be true and not a lie anymore!"
Literally saying that Nemesis was right to do what he did because he said he was and the people who had no choice but to believe him believed he was. Like I said, they are so fucking desperate to defend this genocider and to degrade the Nabateans as an entire race to be biologically inclined towards evil, and have been desperate to do this for years.
Here are a couple more choice words Shandale has said!
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"He didn't genocide them because he WANTED to, he did it because he HAD to! If he didn't, anyone he brought with him to genocide the Nabateans would have been killed!"
Oh, but silly me! What I am talking about?
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It wasn't a genocide! It was getting rid of oppressor and conquerors! Those oppressors and conquerors, you know, just so happening to be the entirety of the Nabatean race.
Which, hm! Guess what nonnie!
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Explicitly includes Flayn! Someone who literally never did anything to anyone! Oh, except be willing to kill followers... who are a direct threat to others and are desecrating her mother's grave. Oh, but who cares about silly little nitpicks like that, she's willing to kill her followers!! ...Oh wait, there's only reference to Cichol in that paralogue? Cethleann isn't even mentioned once anywhere in the paralogue? Like literally anywhere? Bah! Who cares! Flayn is evil, just like all the other Nabateans! Let's """"""""joke"""""""" about killing her over and over and over and over and over again!
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Teehee isn't it so funny guys! They're killing Flayn, haha, soooo funny! Ignore how they think Flayn's race in its entirety needs to be killed and how they lie about what Flayn's done to paint her as evil, they're just jokingly killing Flayn and joking about how fun they find the idea of killing this member of a race they clearly hate over and over keekeekee!!! This race isn't real guys you're not allowed to find this disturbing plus they're just joking anyway hahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!
(there's actually more of these "jokes". Like way more of them. Just, lettin' everybody know)
And, oh, wow!
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This includes Indech and Macuil! Nabateans who cut off all contact with humanity after they had helped kill the genocider of their race. Macuil isn't even in Fodlan anymore, he's in the middle of a Sreng desert, but, nope! They helped kill Nemesis, meaning they are also completely evil :)
Funny how every single Nabatean who stood up against the human who killed them all is deemed irrevocably evil no matter what, but the human Agarthans are just poor little victims who deserved more nuance and sympathy even after they literally murder children. But we're the mean ones for pointing all of this out as bad tho
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bebagerie · 7 months
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i am always thinking about the time gap. constantly. its important to me
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deathbirby · 2 months
Shandale: If Nabateans prove that they can live peacefully with humans or aren't a threat to humans THEN I'll give them basic human decency!!
Rhea: *lets humans rule themselves*
Shandale: She started a church that gives her power!! Doesn't count!
Seteth: *fucks off from humans for like 980 years and comes back to help Rhea with church work*
Shandale: He made himself an authority figure! Doesn't count!
Flayn: *goes into a coma for nearly a 1000 years from healing humans too much and comes back as a person living in Garreg Mach, isn't even a student until Byleth convinces Seteth to let her be one*
Indech: *fucks off from humans entirely*
Macuil: *fucks off from humans AND FODLAN entirely*
Shandale: They helped take down Nemesis!! Doesn't count!
Shandale! See!!! All Nabateans are evil!!
Nabatean literally cannot win 😭
How DARE they take down the man who genocided their species? Clearly all of them deserved it!!!
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aestherin · 2 years
a-a-a-ako po si zushikiss 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯 -RABIZZISM (END OF THE ANON ERA???)
wait. pause. sandale.
t-t-t-totoo b-ba yan?
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violetren · 1 year
Blood of the Basilisk Chapter 28
I wanna be like Oh Shit Yenara really was an undead cave elf, but I'm mostly too budy trying to get my breath back from laughing at Kota punting her head into an exploding mineshaft and then letting the decapitated body run through a portal to the middle of fucking no where. There's some Looney Tunes level bullshit there that I find deeply deeply enjoyable.
I am also imagining Yenara as Death Becomes Her style Meryl Street.
It is very sad that Yenara managed to get the bomb trigger phrase out first. It's a credit to how the fall out is written that it feels like a tragedy despite only one named character only loosing part of an arm, while all the deaths are unnamed workers and a number of family members of those unnamed workers. I think its in the brief glimpses of pain in others (Shandal wailing) and the dry facts that carry haunting implications (a detectives child got out, his husband didn't).
Kota welding the city gate shut feels like peak DnD party shenanigans. How does someone get in the city? They don't. How do we get out of the city? We don't. Ok, but what if we have to get out of the city? Probably dragon. Sure, but what if other people need to get out of the city? Look, can we just deal with the first problem of the assholes trying to get into the city first?
I think Kota's right. At this point they should break the keystone. There's no contract, and depending on how much prep has been done on the cults end the only use for it at this point may well be opening a portal to some kind of demon lord prison, and uhhh, no thanks.
I suppose Thilde isn't wrong for her hesitance here. If the keystone CAN be used to reach out to known allied planets then it might be worth a shot using it for that instead, but that's gonna be difficult considering the cult trying to overrun the city and inviting chaos.
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wolfsclothing6 · 1 year
Well well well....One lucky fellow has contacted me and said that he is currently a bearish guy that has muscle but he wants to be more. He really wants to push that bear body of his to the max and I’m all for it. So all I can say is just wit for it. The things of change are about to set in on you and a new further awaits.
So first things first. I know that you have a prized set of abs. But those don’t really say bear to me. So those have to go. I’ll give you one last night with them. But after that you’ll never have them again. I’ll make sure of that. From this day forward you’re going to struggle to keep the pounds off. You wake up in the morning and you feel your muscle aching from the workout the day before. You stumble to the bathroom only to realize that your stomach has a slight bloat to it and you hear your stomach growl. Lucky for you your kitchen has been stocked with high protein high fat foods that guaranteed to pack on the pounds. You’re going to find that your body now naturally flexes to show the muscles that is growing. You make it to the gym and find that you have nothing to wear expect your speedo but somehow that seems like normal gym wear for you now.
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Hair seems to be traveling across our body now. Even after just a day you can tell your body had changed dramamtically. You start to wonder if you should have asked for your bear body to be pushed to max. You’re on you way home and your hunger intensifies to the point that you have to stop for fast food. You shove the greasey burgers in your now bearded fast but the food doesn’t seem like it can get in you fast enough. You get home after demolishing 3 burgers but that only finished you appetite a little. You get to your kitchen and make a protein shake or 4 and slam them back in one long gulp. Now that your hunger is gone you feel tired to the point that you just want to fall asleep in the kitchen. Still dripping sweat from the gym. You make it to the living room and crash on the leather sofa on now realizing how amazing the leather smells against your sweaty hairy skin. You quickly fall asleep. As you sleep your body changes more. Softening edges to you muscles. Hair thickening in all places of your body. You iq even starts to diminish. Loosing a point here and there. By the time the morning comes you’ve lost 10 points leaving you at 115 iq. You roll over on the couch forgetting your not in your bed and fall to the floor with a loud thud. You manage to sit up and looking down notice that you belly sticks out further now resting on your lap. The hair has definitely thicken and has even started sprouting over the tops of your feet which now look bigger than they did before.
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Just like the day before you get the intense hunger. Making it to the kitchen you demolish it making a high protein breakfast topped with several protein shakes. You catch a huff of your body. Dropped sweat thanks to the added heft making you work harder at simple tasks. And now that you slept on the couch. Leather. Something you never though would make you horned up. But you were hard. But your growing body demanded you workout. Pleasures had to come later. You get to your car noticed only now that you had the clothes on from the night before. And no shoes. Looking down you wiggle your hairier toes and almost right before you eyes you can see more hair sprouting on them. You’re shoes definitely won’t be fitting them anymore. You look to you right and see a pair of slip on shandals. They are a tight fit. But they will work. Good thing it’s weight day. Who are you kidding. Cardio isn’t for a body like your anymore. You look in the rear view mirro to leave only joe noticing that you bald. But where that hair fell out it all seems to have landed on your back as you can see hair going over to it shoulders and poking up from behind. You make it to the gym and your already sweating again. When you’re working out you hear some of the other meat heads making comments about the hairy beef that you are now. It instantly angers you and you threaten to beat them if they don’t stop. After that run in you made quick work of the rest of workout. You make it back to the car and right when you are getting in you slip as you sandal breaks under the increased size of your foot. You leave it on the ground and speed away. You’re so hungry that you follow the same pattern you did the previous day. Only this time you get 6 burgers and cram them into for bearded face. You too if off with 3 large cokes. By the time you get home your belly is rounded than ever but your still hungry and continue to consume the protein shakes that you know will undoubtedly make you beefier than you were before. You know you wanted your bear body pushed to the max but you begin to the feel that this is too much. Your shoes don’t fit you anymore. And you haven’t stopped sweating since this started. You pull out your phone to message the person that is making all these changes happen to you but you find the phone is really hard to use for some reason. You struggle to operate the small object with your big bear hands. Hair now spreading over the backs of them. You didn’t know it but over the course of say you’re iq dininished even more. Now at 105. After finding the phone too complicated to work you try to find the number written down in the living room but you get distracted watching a body building show on tv. Now even noticing that your own muscles are swelling more as well. You fall asleep on the couch in a puddle of your own sweat.
That night you dreamt of the ansimlle life. One where thinking didn’t really need to be done and you were only good for one thing. Lifting and eating. You remember having a conversation with a man and telling him how you wanted to be HUGE. A mirror in front of you and your reflection is too big to fit in the mirror. You’re happy. Why would you want to stop the change. As you sleep you having your simple dreams your iq drops even lower. More rapid this time leaving you at 85 when the sun touches your bearded face. You slept sitting up through the night and when waking up you see nothing but hair. And big boulder gut. You hear an inhuman growl coming from it and putting your hand on you belly you can feel the growl coming from hunger. Again you destroy the kitchen. You’re almost out of protein you find as you eating more and more. Fueling your body to blimp our even more. You go to the bathroom turning sideways to get into the room and see that not only are you bigger. You seem to have aged several years over night. You had to be in you late 40s now.
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By now the diminished iq is making these changes easier to accept. You love being a huge guy. That’s why you’re always inspired to eat and lift more and more. You go to the bar down the road where you there is always some bikers. You just wanted some beer to fill the tank that is your gut. He was working on his 7th beer when he realized that everyone in the bar was looking at him with lustful eyes. Then it occurred to him that he was only wearing shirts. And muscles glistening from sweat with matted hair. It didn’t help that the bar was like a sauna. He was welcomed to the bar again the following day and this time was asked to show up in proper leathers by the bears that drank there. Only problem was that there weren’t really any leathers that could fit the Massive bulk that he was. By the end of the week you have changed and aged even more. The gym being in the past but still your body maintains the incredible bulk that you had. Only now you look to be 60 and as hairy as ever. Country and leather is life for you now.
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Now that your bear body has been pushed to the limits you’ll find that life is more interesting for you now. You’ll always have problems finding shoes and you’ll always be a sweaty man smelling of leather now. And I think that you give HUGE a new definition. So what do you think ?
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laurelnose · 5 months
the problem with hatesex in MoE is this series somehow manages to avoid having a single pair of characters that mutually loathe each other on any level more intense / personal than “you are preventing me from getting what I want,” to the point where i’m not even 100% sure which pairing is supposed to be the “favored” hatesex ship. but if I had to wring hatesex out of this cast, the ships I would go for before I got to Cheris/Kujen include:
Cheris/Inesser — This isn’t quite textual, but I would buy a version of Inesser that genuinely loathed Cheris. Cheris (or Cheris-Jedao) has complicated enough feelings about the Kel that she would likely mostly feel wistful and guilty about the whole thing, but esp. in the nine years between Raven & Revenant you could probably squeeze out some animosity towards Inesser for having had the chance to start fresh and choosing to preserve the status quo, and with it the worst version of the Kel, instead.
Cheris/Brezan — They do it one night in the fifteen days leading up to the calendrical spike. Khiruev passed out in the middle of a conversation earlier that day. He’s already worked up and she goads him into it, and afterwards she smiles crooked at him through the nosebleed and the split lip.
Mahar/Kujen — Inherently crack due to the embodiment situation, but if they could actually stand face-to-face, just think about how much shit Mahar has been bottling up for sixty-odd years.
Tseya/Mikodez — Okay okay okay hear me out. Tseya spent her whole life pressured to live up to the Andan ideal. But of all the things Andan does, she picked espionage / special ops as her specialty, the one area where they notably overlap with Shuos, and she was closer to Mikodez as a child than any of the other hexarchs including arguably her mom. There’s an alternate world where Tseya and Brezan both went fox rather than continue their family legacies is what I’m saying. Position Mikodez as the symbol of everything Tseya has fought not to be, as well as the killer of her mother and a traitor to her nation. Set them up post-Raven Stratagem, with them both grieving the family members they lost when the calendar broke. Position Tseya as a representative of the remains of the state that was terrible but stable and prosperous, a stability & prosperity which Miki traded Istra’s life to destroy. Position her also as a person who he liked as a child and whom he has committed a grievous personal injury against. Wind ’em up. I think you could get Miki to indulge a hatefucking situation out of grief & guilt/obligation.
literally any two people with stronger feelings about each other than cheris and kujen: Talaw/Jedao Two. Dhanneth/Jedao Two. Shandal Yeng/Tseya. Jedao/Yeren after Ruo’s death. Cheris/any hexarch that actually backed the Mwennin genocide. Cheris/Jedao. Come on, man.
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datadegroove · 6 months
just got my head crushed by a shandaleer
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ravendruid · 1 year
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Since a couple of people were interested. I'm going to post a few inspiration boards for Be In My Eyes (you can read it here or on AO3), starting with the inspiration for Glorious.
Glorious is located on a nondescript street near the campus. The outside of the building is just like the others in its vicinity, with dark red bricks that blend too well with each other. Above the wooden door hangs a sign with a golden unicorn over a dark background with the world Glorious written above it in gold calligraphy.
On the other side of the wooden door is a curtain of beads of different shades of purple and pink, and a few golden and white. The inside looks bigger than the outside, and the purple aura underneath the door comes from the purple glow of lights spread around the area. The first floor is the main bar area, with wooden tables and booths that have seen better times, the black leather seats at the boots are worn but not ripped, and the chairs have matching cushions. Each table has a bowl with floating purple candles and rose petals, and the walls are adorned with various curtains and fabrics in shades of purple, lilac, soft pinks, and golden accents. On the opposite side of the entrance is a wall displaying dozens of bottles behind a long wooden counter. To the right of the entrance is a set of doors that lead to the bathroom and the employees' area, and to the left is a wooden staircase with deep purple carpet and golden trim that leads to the first floor.
The upper floor of Glorious looks even bigger than the lower floor due to the mirrored wall behind the DJ Booth on a small stage. A few microphones and musical instruments are set aside on the stage, and there is a small Karaoke machine in the corner. The dancefloor takes most of the center of the room, with a disco ball spinning above it on the ceiling, creating light effects. Around the dancefloor are several alcoves, with couches and armchairs, surrounded by white and light purple curtains and gold string lights hanging from the ceiling, creating some sort of privacy. Each alcove has a small table in the center, a very comfortable lilac rug, and several comfy pillows with different colors within the bar's color scheme. Although the music is louder on this floor, the curtains help dampen the sound.
Check below for a sneaky surprise about Gilmore's backstory.
Shaun Gilmore was born in a small village in Marquet named Shandal, and he moved to Emon shortly after finishing high school. All he had on him was a small backpack with clothes and his belongings, a pouch with some gold, and all the dreams in the world.
Because he couldn’t attend university, and to be honest, he wasn’t really that interested in it, Gilmore quickly found work within the city, aiding store owners by running errands for them, cleaning up the shops, and restocking overnight. He climbed his way up the ladder until he earned a job as a counter clerk at a bookstore during the day and a barman at night. 
A couple of years after handling two jobs at the same time, Gilmore realized that being behind a register was not something he wanted to do forever and that he really enjoyed his time at the bar, where he got to meet many interesting people around his age and hear stories of many different backgrounds. His love and dedication to the establishment drove him to pick up more work in the back room: he learned the ropes of ordering goods, establishing contacts with suppliers, and managing stock and personnel. It didn’t take long for him to be promoted to manager and to learn how to handle the books from the owner. 
A year and a half ago, the bar owner decided it was finally time for retirement. The bar had done well in the past twenty years he owned it, and he had a decent amount saved for his retirement. So, without a second thought, the keys were handed to Shaun, and the deed was signed in his name. For the next month, Gilmore worked tirelessly in redecorating the establishment to his vision. Due to his love and respect for the place and the person who had welcomed him with open arms, Gilmore kept some of its characteristics, like the wooden tables and counter, the booths and their worn leather seats, and the small stage on the top floor. 
Somewhere in the back room, in the office Gilmore now calls his own, is a secret binder with ideas, plans, and graphs for his next project.
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teaveetamer · 11 months
If people on the server are disagreeing with Shandale, doesn't that mean he has not radicalized it?
If the mod threatens to ban anyone who calls him out for using Nazi rhetoric, do you think people are going to keep trying to call him out? No, which is why they’re all loudly trying to defend his abhorrent shit now.
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butwhatifidothis · 2 months
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You know, I find it so interesting that you say that Raxy. Not just because the post you pulled this from was in fact talking about people saying this about Flayn, but specifically because of the date of your tweets here.
July 12? You mean a day after I posted more of Shandale's disgusting shit they've said?
Which includes this
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And further digging shows these aren't the only times they've said this either!
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Did you mean to say that you aren't talking about Flayn, Raxy boy? Because trust me, this mod of the biggest Edelgard discord certainly is, and has made that a very clear thing for quite a while now. Something you would have to know, given that you would've had to scroll past this post in order to get to the one your screencapping.
Wonder why you left that out, in your tweety tweet tweet tweeter post? Is it because you recognize that trying to make Flayn out to be this evil boogeyman would get you either laughed out or tossed out the room and make you look stupid and/or insane? And so you just conveniently look over your buddy doing that thing you say never happens?
You know Raxy boy, the effort it takes for you to go around my block of you and lie about me and what's been going on in your circle of the fandom would be far better spent trying to talk to this shit stain stinking up the discord you're in into cleaning their act up some so this wouldn't keep happening. After all, you did that for ol' Dolphin! You were super willing to cut her out cuz of what she'd been doing! Why won't you do the same here? That's mighty strange, wouldn't ya say?
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olajiii · 5 days
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Y-3 SLY Shandal
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deathbirby · 2 months
Have you seen any other fandom group deny and defend racism & genocide this badly? Because I haven't up until 3H.
I remember Attack on Titan having some people who were frothing at the mouth for mass genocide Crazy that 3H has people like that.
Crazy that the 3H fandom has genocide defenders when the story basically spells out "humans did a genocide and everything went to shit because of it."
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divinesouldariax · 1 year
▵ ✎ and ✦ for the ask game!!
▵ pick a fic and I’ll tell you my favorite line
Since u didnt pick one for me (all good!), I will pick my own to share a line I didn't get to in the ask I did abt this a while ago! Let's hop back in time to campaign one and my "Gilmore and Pike bond over chronic pain during the Chroma Conclave arc" fic...
He tried not to think about the fact that he currently didn't have a magic shop to run. How his life's work, his pride and joy, had been stomped to rubble and ruins by four overgrown fucking lizards. No...just his pride. His joy remained intact. He was alive. Sherri was alive, Vox Machina were alive. Vax'ildan was alive. He didn't have his store anymore, but he had his friends, and that was far more than he'd had when he'd left Shandal for new horizons years and years ago. He could rebuild. He would rebuild.
✎ how do you think readers would guess a fic was yours if you posted anonymously?
Other than the obvious answer of "it would have some minor character in it that, if I hadn't started the tag for them, it would be pretty damn close" flkdsjhfkj I think that my characterizations are fairly consistent. Also I write about characters making each other tea a lot.
✦ what was your easiest fic to write & your hardest?
Easiest fic to write is a really tough question, but...hmmm...On Being In Pain all flowed really well for me, if I remember correctly. Writing about chronic pain is a specialty of mine lmao. Hardest fic...there were definitely several chapters of Path that were very difficult to write (16-18 especially), but overall, it's probably Slow (and a little faster) 'cause writing explicit stuff just ain't my forte.
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lilfashiongurl · 1 year
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#874🍄 “ ✨ One day at a time.✨ ”.
›› Me:
› Head // ToddleeDooBaby Mesh Head / EvoX #Cherry › Body // ToddleeDoo Body Fitted › Hair // barberyumyumT13(03)
› Birthmark // ~:Dudadreams: Moon Birthmark (EvoX)
› Outfit // {Seams Legit} Zoey / 5 Color Huds ( Bright, Dusties, Pastels, Vivids, Greyscale/Brown. - Daydream Event
› Shandals // {L.F} Classic flip-flop/ Variety Colors.
›› Extra:
› Bottle // {L.F} Little Baby Bottle / 8 Colors + Bento Animation
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