sbjnirmalproducts · 2 months
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Introducing the SBJ Nirmal Side Disc Assembly Landforce, meticulously engineered to elevate agricultural operations with seamless compatibility for the Dashmesh NR-492 series. Crafted with precision and dedication, this assembly embodies the pinnacle of excellence in agricultural machinery.
At SBJ Nirmal, we uphold the highest standards of quality, ensuring that each component surpasses expectations. The Side Disc Assembly Landforce is no exception, boasting unparalleled durability, reliability, and performance. Designed to withstand rigorous farming conditions, it ensures optimal functionality and longevity, providing farmers with peace of mind and confidence in their equipment.
Our commitment to excellence extends beyond product quality. With SBJ Nirmal, you can expect nothing but the best service. Our knowledgeable and friendly team is dedicated to providing prompt assistance and support, ensuring a seamless experience from purchase to operation. Additionally, we understand the importance of affordability in farming operations. That's why we offer the Side Disc Assembly Landforce at the best price, providing unbeatable value without compromising on quality.
Experience the difference that SBJ Nirmal brings to your agricultural endeavors – from superior quality and reliability to exceptional service and affordability. Elevate your farming efficiency with the best quality product, service, and price. Choose SBJ Nirmal for excellence in every aspect of agricultural equipment.
Visit us:- https://sbjnirmal.com/
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zegalba · 6 months
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Gorillaz: G Sides (2001)
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anemiic-dreams · 6 months
Korn Album CD’s
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doodlebloo · 1 year
When you're just chilling and then like a wave of ice cold seawater dwarfing you entirely you think "Oh fuck, L'Manberg."
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maxsix · 5 months
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charles-simmons · 5 months
"Do you ever wish there was fanfiction of a fanfic?" I do. I do so fucking bad. I want fanfiction about Tommy's Clinic for Supervillains, because sometimes I genuinely forget that's a fanfic and not a book that should have its own fandom.
Every time I see that book on my shelf I'm just filled with this urge to read it all again, learn everything about the world building and write my own multi chapter fanfic about it, but focused on Disc Duo. Like, I need it. There's so much potential and so many things that could happen after the end of TCFSV. I'm such a sucker for vigilante/hero/villains aus AND for disc duo AND for that fanfic because it is so good
The only problem is that I want it to just exist so I can read it, not to actually write it. Which is such a struggle because I don't think anyone will write it.
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kingscooterthe8th · 17 days
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GUESS WHO I MADE WITH PERLERS =-3 + Him with my rubber duck collection and a few exceptions ^_^
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im not making an au out of this (I don't wanna figure out the logistics of it) but I think I kinda went off with this loop design so enjoy a doodle sheet
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i am very susceptible to crack aus
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thedisablednaturalist · 7 months
That the occupational therapist/ergonomic advisor I met with today was appalled by how I've been treated by doctors when bringing up mobility aids shows how the more knowledgeable one is about mobility aids the less likely they are to dismiss people who could actually benefit from them. Who knew
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library-whale · 3 months
Pearl: “This bitch empty!
Y E E T”
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riaki · 4 months
hey guys !! i’ve been seeing a lot of people step away from blogs/leave tumblr as a whole lately n while i most likely won’t be doing the same i want to take the time to tell u all to take care of yourselves. reminder that ur blog should be ur safe space, and u have no obligations to anyone. keeping up with social media can be stressful
with that said, i decided i’ll be takin a break for an indefinite amount of time. schools been ramping up n i’ve been really busy lately— which is why i haven't been posting... but don’t worry!! i won’t leave this blog and i definitely won’t stop writing. but i encourage anyone experiencing burnout or stress to do the same! i love all of u, have a wonderful spring
- riko :)
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front-facing-pokemon · 11 months
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dawnthread · 2 months
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five gil for a flower? :3
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the-everqueen · 3 months
And please give me all your unpopular opinions on Sandman 🙏🏼
[maniacal laughter]
we know my feelings about hob gadling
dreamling is not THAT compelling
the tragic end of morpheus' arc in the comix fulfills a narrative function, which is the most in-character thing it could do
in this house we love and respect danny!dream
the only good thing to come out of the spinoffs was nick robles' danny art (and possibly jt4's nightmare country but we have yet to see how he concludes it)
if the neilman weren't a coward, he would have cast toshiro mifune as destruction for s2 ("horse," you might say, "mifune died almost 20 years ago, how would he get the role?" that's not my job to figure out. i would have also accepted manny jacinto, though)
bailey bass should be delirium
the comix, the series, and the fandom are too anglocentric (perils of an english speaking creator and audience)
i have Thoughts about how Despair in the comix is the only fat Endless and also the one who is most often drawn as inhuman. i also have Thoughts about how Despair is the significant fat representation in the series.
the neilman and the fandom should read saidiya hartman
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theridgebeyond · 9 days
how do you write scenes when you have no idea what the scene is going to be? readers be like "ooooooh i wonder what happens next!" bitch me too
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dr3amofagame · 9 months
Ok there are a lot of things I don't understand about Wilbur and Dream's interactions, but one of the main things that I don't quite get is the whole breaking into the prison and burning the disks with Tommy , like ok why was Wilbur so convinced that by threatening to kill himself he was gonna make Dream do what ever he wants ( burn the disks)
And well we can say that Dream was just agreeing to whatever the hell the wanted because he wanted them out of his living room ( and because he didn't need the disks) but like ,Wilbur didn't know that, what made him so sure that Dream wanted him alive especially after the prison break ( Dream didn't need his help anymore) to the point that he thought he could use it ( his life ) as leverage
Did Dream want to keep Wilbur alive, if so, then why? I don't know man, seems like the only person that would be losing in this situation is Wilbur himself.
I got more questions but like this is what confuses me the most. Idk just don't get it
Honestly I'm going to assume you know about these reddit posts, but while like I think that people should be able to draw their own conclusions to a text without strictly subscribing to what is said by the authors, like, cc!Dream and cc!Wilbur did give explanations behind what happened in this stream that I think are worth checking out: x x
A lot of people perceived cc!Wilbur's comment specifically as speaking for c!Dream in a way that was uninformed and therefore dismissed the post, which I think is...unwise? Like, cc!Wilbur literally says that he's posting from the perspective of his character's thought process, not an out of character word of god on what c!Dream actually values and believes. Further, he literally clarifies that his character isn't entirely correct and is an unreliable narrator.
But looking between the posts and looking at c!Dream's behavior, I mean. What we can say, rather definitively, that c!Wilbur was right about is that c!Dream didn't want to lose that feeling that he had leverage over c!Wilbur. Like, he's pretty damn desperate not to lose it, actually. c!Wilbur "believes that Dream has nothing if not himself"--a perspective that obviously leaves out c!Punz, considering c!Dream's secrecy in terms of this one particular ally, but is otherwise I mean. Like. Correct? cc!Dream emphasizes repeatedly that c!Dream doesn't want to lose "that feeling of control over Wilbur," that c!Dream's power over c!Wilbur is "just in his head," that he's holding onto it even though "it's seemingly gone after the exile reveal." The rest of the server's story only throws this in sharper relief--c!Wilbur literally fucking leaves the whole damn server and c!Dream is cowering in the prison worrying about him A MONTH LATER.
When c!Wilbur makes the assessment that c!Dream is going to hold onto the perceived leverage he has over c!Wilbur tightly, EVEN WHEN SAID LEVERAGE DOESN'T EXIST, to the point of doing almost everything c!Wilbur tells him to? He's 100% right. c!Dream doesn't want to break the illusion. When cc!Dream gives the two examples of what c!Dream wouldn't do, he mentions that c!Dream wouldn't "kill himself" or "give over the revive book," which, I mean. Is literally just saying the same thing twice. Which, again, just goes to show how far c!Dream is willing to go in order to keep holding onto a feeling of control, that--once again! Is emphasized by both ccs AND by the literal text (as we can see that c!Dream at no point is able to actually use the "leverage" he has over c!Wilbur from reviving him to do LITERALLY ANYTHING AT ALL) as not existing in any meaningful manner. This isn't a case of c!Wilbur having an inflated sense of self-importance or a case of him pushing his way into this conflict recklessly w/ a delusional belief that his pitch will work. This is a case of c!Wilbur (as is like, usually the case with him and c!Dream) reading c!Dream like an open book and getting exactly what he fucking wants by force, literally shouting down at c!Tommy and c!Dream until they both comply.
(And it's worth pointing out that like. This whole thing does have a visible toll on c!Dream. He's extra jumpy and defensive in the stream on the same day after Inconsolable Differences, says he went for a stroll outside the prison (something he basically Doesn't Do after he gets the prison back in Daedalus) explicitly to "keep his mind wandering," he bristles at the perception that he's being accused of a terrorist--the exact wording that c!Wilbur uses against him when he makes him write the book in the prison. c!Dream's behavior, while not yet pushed to the point where he starts lashing out in self-defense, was pretty obviously off as soon as c!Wilbur started making demands--he grows quieter, more still, visibly less comfortable--honestly, not at all unsimilar to certain behaviors that we saw in the prison arc.)
And I mean. At the end of the day. Why wouldn't c!Dream want some reason to believe that c!Wilbur would work with him? Why wouldn't he want some kind of leverage? The guy is pretty obviously worried about him, if not outright scared of him. He was ranking c!Wilbur with the likes of c!Sam and c!Quackity when he mentions him in the Finale, for god's sake. c!Wilbur was the person that first called him the tyrant that c!Dream ends up believing he has always been. c!Wilbur was the originator of L'manburg, which c!Dream blames for the literal loss of his home. c!Wilbur is like. Extremely charismatic, extremely good at convincing people that he's well-meaning, that what he's saying is right, that this-person-is-the-enemy and you-want-to-stand-for-freedom and that so-and-so is a cause worth dying for, isn't it. c!Dream was The-Man-That-L'manburg-Opposed from the minute that c!Wilbur decided so and this narrative would follow him literally for the rest of his life.
So yeah c!Dream wanted to keep c!Wilbur alive out of the delusional belief that doing so would mean he has leverage over him. Why he wants that leverage (even though he never uses it and the fact that it literally doesn't exist), I mean.
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