#SIGH my friends a huge debut girlie
liverpool-enjoyer · 7 months
yall pray for my friend. aint nothing wrong w her shes jus convinced taylors announcing debut tv tonight
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secondhand-trash · 4 years
Family Matters
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Kinktober 2020 — stepcest
A/N: This idea had been sitting in my brain for months and getting to write it out AND be on time for the last day of kinktober is the perfect wrap up for this crazy month.
Description: You would do anything to get yourself a place in this family.
Pairing: Todoroki siblings (Touya, Fuyumi, Natsuo, Shouto)x reader
Warning: stepcest/pseudo-incest (absolutely do not proceed if this isn’t something you’re comfortable reading), no relationships portrayed in this fic is healthy, toxic family dynamics, reader is bit of a manipulative bitch, consensual but not exactly the traditional sense of consent, Rei died, brief mention of cheating, nee san/nii san kink, vaginal penetration, oral (giving), choking, face fucking, creampie, marking, voyeurism, threesome, spitting, degradation, thigh riding, fingering
Word count: 16025 (wtfwtfwtf-)
**please read the warnings through before clicking the read more, very important**
You attended your mother’s wedding with the sweetest smile you could manage and a painful ring in your ear the moment she said: “I do”.
It was a small ceremony with only close friends and family, which also meant that there was little to no one in the audience as your mother walked down the aisle to meet the man at the other end. 
You would think that marrying the reigning no 1 pro-hero would finally bring your mother the fantasy of being part of a fortunate family she never got to have, but we couldn’t always get what we want, could we?
You and your mother were the family underdog, the number of your relatives you had met up with the last several years since your birth father passed away and left a huge loan on your back waiting to be cleared up could be counted with less than the fingers on one hand. The first time someone showed up at your doorsteps screaming murder was a blur to you. You were around 17 at the time, not young enough to forge ignorance to what was going on but not mature enough to push the foul words seeping into your ears away, all you could remember was the way your mother clutching you close to her chest like it wasn’t her that was sobbing until the banging at the door finally ceased. 
You switched schools, having no way to afford the tuition of the one you were attending when your family was struggling to stay under a proper roof, essentially disappearing from the circle you used to exist within in a matter of days. Sometimes, you would feel the impulse to cackle at the thought that there was a time when you thought you were so brilliant and you had a whole life ahead. You got into the hero course of one of the best schools in the country, you were not the best but you did think there was something in you that people must not be willing to let go of this easily. You truly did think the world wouldn’t just let you sunk down like that, but it turned out that dropping out of the spotlight was enough for people to forget about you when there were hundreds and thousands of other equally brilliant people stepping under the public eye each day. 
You realised at the point in your life that some days you were simply alone, and no one would help you without a good enough reason for them to do so, something that your mother seemed to have either genuinely or deliberately chose to ignore. She went from person to person, hoping that one of them would be the answer but it was a fruitless journey. When you needed someone, people would pick it up, and it was a dangerous thing to be the one that was in need and couldn’t get away. You had witnessed countless of arguments, a scary amount of things crashing and frantic sobbing late at night when the crying echoed in the darkness you tried to surround yourself with by burying your face deeper and deeper into your pillow like it blacking out could make things go away.
This went on for years, and at some point you chose to turn your head away from it like not going home meant you could run away from the broken family you were bound to. Until one day, your mother crashed into you with a suffocating hug the moment you stepped into those doors you had so dreaded returning to every day, her voice barely coherent as she choked her words out through broken sobs and hiccups.
“We’re free... we’re finally free!”
She said it with such relief that you couldn’t even process the emptiness in your heart when she held your face in her hands before pulling you close to her again.
You figured out from bits and pieces that she let slip through her giddy words that someone had paid up the rest of the loan and interests that was left, and from the way her voice got just a little louder when she talked about that someone and the flush on her face, you knew it wasn’t just some chivalrous stranger that stepped in during a time of need like she had wanted to mask it up to be.
You had never met Todoroki Enji until your mother announced at the dining table one night with an expression so sheepish and girly that she was to marry this man you had only ever heard the name of. But even with the lack of exchanges before you sat down opposite to him the first time when you accompanied her to discuss the details of the wedding, you would expect that someone of his status and respect would at least have someone other than his own kids at his wedding.
His kids. You knew things wouldn’t go as easily as your mother had made it out to be. She had acted like you were finally out of the hot waters and secured comfort for the rest of your life just because she married a wealthy man but you knew the moment you met the eyes of the four Todoroki children, sitting side by side in one straight row opposite to you, that it wasn’t just the man of the house that had a say in what would become of you. 
Touya was the eldest and the least bothered to pretend like he was pleased about this arrangement. He was leaning back against the chair with one leg propped up when you walked in, his eyes scanning you from top to bottom in a scruntinising stare until he was given a hiss in warning from his sister, to which he replied with a snort and a very showing eye roll as you sat down. There was no hiding the sneer in his voice whenever he spoke up, each word lacing with an evidential edge and the clear distaste he was showing towards his new stepfamily. The way he looked down at you when he bumped against your shoulder before walking out the door was nearly uncomfortable, but he seemed to be somewhat pleased when you didn’t shy away from his gaze, walking out with his hands in his pockets and a smirk toying against his features as his father sighed.
The sister, Fuyumi, had apologised when Touya offhandedly pointed out that his father didn’t even wait until his mother’s corpse was cold before finding another woman. Her smile was empathetic and the way she carefully picked up your hand when she greeted you should have been enough to make up for the hostility her brother had showcased but if you had paid attention enough, you would pick up that despite the apology, she didn’t exactly disagree with the statement either. She was always friendly, her eyes curling into two thin strands behind her glasses as she walked you through each step of the ceremony without a chance for you to interrupt. She was nice enough, but also just enough and the distance she kept from you was something that you picked up on in your initial encounter. It was also through her that you found out what happened to Enji’s last wife, and the practiced look on Fuyumi’s face when she recalled how her mother died after a long battle against her illness sent chills creeping up your back far more than any mean remarks could.
Which explained why the wedding venue looked eerily empty as the march played. After all, what would the world say about how little it took for the man to step out of mourning for his dead wife and found himself another one?
Todoroki Natsuo gave you nothing but a hasty nod when you sat down opposite to him, staying quiet for the most parts of the meeting except for a short word of reply here and there when Fuyumi cued him. He had his arms crossed in front of his broad chest all during the process, his eyes looking down at the document but clearly not focused on any of the things that his sister was explaining. There were a few times when you caught him glancing at you for the brief moment when you looked up, flicking his gaze away from you almost immediately with your eyes barely meeting. Of the four siblings, he seemed the most... normal, if you would. The way he acted almost a bit awkward around the new sister that he suddenly had around when he was well into his twenties and gave nothing but bare minimal answers whenever you even tried to initiate a conversation was what you thought would happen.
Then there was Shouto. Oh, sweet Shouto. You had never expected that this was the way you met your formal underclassmen once again after you dropped off of your road in being a hero completely without so much as a proper announcement. There was no mistaking the way his eyes widened and shoulders tensed up when you walked into the room that he remembered you well which came as quite the surprise to you. You had heard of him even after leaving Yuuei, of course. A real star, so talented and came from such a background, already climbing up near the top even though it had only been a good year since his real debut into the professional world. You simply found the boy one year your junior endearing when you were still his senpai, the way he was so serious about every little tease and remark you made could only be described as adorable.  
But certainly, he had changed so much since you last saw him years ago. His back just a little wider, his jaw stronger, the look in his eyes did not belong to the same boy who did not shy away from staring when you walked past but of a man who had seen his handful of the world to know what you being there meant. You had a strong feeling that he would have acted way more hostile than he did have you been anyone else, his lips pursing tightly together like he was forcing himself to hold back as he stared straight at you.
All in all, sneers or polite chuckles or skittering glances or straightened backs, it did not take much to know that none of them was particularly pleased about their father’s remarriage and if the empty wedding was any sign, you and your mother were still utterly outsiders despite the documents with your changed names claiming otherwise.
The tall wall they had built was all the more apparent when you moved into the Todoroki residence, feeling more like you were mouse scrambling to find a gap you could hide into under this roof that had taken you in than anything else. If the four had gave your mother a cold shoulder or straight up pretend like she wasn’t there, then each and every single little gesture they made towards you reminded you time and time again that you did not belong. 
Touya always bumped against your side just a little bit too hard for it to be an accident when he walked past you into the dining room, the “apology” he threw down sounding almost like a cackle as you were nearly knocked off your feet. Fuyumi always bringing up childhood memories or family traditions that you wouldn’t know of, only to brush it off with a smile and explaining it to you like she was the silly one for assuming that you would know about these things when you “only just moved in”. Natsuo was rarely around due to his job at the hospital as a whole, but when he did he made sure that his interactions with you remained to be limited to standard small talk. Each mundane topic always ending on a dead end and both of you looking away. Shoto was decent to you, but there was still an evidential wariness in his gaze as he walked past you and somehow it was the deliberate distance from him that acted like a stake right through your heart, a constant reminder that you took up a space that was never yours to begin with.
There was hurt, but then it was the unwavering fear of being isolated that sent chills down your spine at the cold stare from your supposed family. 
Your mother was convinced that she unlocked the key to a life of security by marrying Todoroki Enji, but you knew better than to be fooled by the current state of you getting a pass because of the one mountain this shaking wall called family was leaning against.
Once he was out of the picture, it was his four children that would get to have a say on what they were to do with you, and you swore you could already see how that would go for you.
You were not going back to that low point in your life, not ever again, and you would do anything to make sure you secured a place for yourself within the family one way or another.
Jerking up awake at night in cold sweat was not fun, especially when it still took your brain a good few moments before registering where you were when your eyes shot open to see the high ceiling that you still hadn’t gotten used to yet.
You wonder if you would ever get used to it.
You groaned inwardly as you rolled to your side, wincing at how tight your throat felt at each swallow of the burning liquid that pooled in your mouth. You dreamt of your old life again, one when you still hadn’t gone to living under someone else’s roof. You had thought that you were over it by now but the hollowness left in your chest somehow irritated you even more than the dream itself. 
Fucking hell, it felt like every muscle in your back was hurting.
Slowly stretching your limbs out, you held your head in your palm as you suffered through the dizziness in your head when you sat upright at the edge of your bed. A string of shivers crept up your spine when your toe touched the cold floor, the tatami rough under the tip as you fumbled to find your room slippers. It took some adjusting for you to find your way out of the pitch black room, trying your hardest to slide the door open as lightly as you could as you clutched your arms closed to your body under the chill on your exposed arms.
The house was in radio silence and you were cautious of the drag of your slippers as you made way down to the kitchen, careful to lower the volume of your steps with your feet arched and holding the slipper tight to the heel.
You let out a shaky breath when you finally got downstairs. Your hand felt around the side of the door to find the switch, pressing your eyes tightly together as the light pained you the moment you flicked the switch and light blazed in the kitchen.
The clink of the ceramic made you feel alive again as the water ran down your throat, the cold soothing the tautness at the back as you gulped down. A content sigh slipped out of your lips as you put the mug down, a droplet threatening to roll down your chin and you brought the tip of your finger up to wipe it away.
“Look what we have here...”
You jumped at the sudden voice, earning you a wolfish chuckle from the man who was leaning against the door frame. Touya looked a lot more at ease than he usually was when he was around his family, the sweatpants that were almost a bit too big for his lean frame hanging loosely around his waist as his back arched, pushing himself off the wooden frame before sauntering to your side.
You straightened your back, feeling tensed as he seemingly ignored your presence as he got his own cup and poured it full of water with his other hand on his waist. You weren’t sure if you were supposed to look as he tilted the cup up, his slender neck arching back as his throat bobbed, the muscles at his stomach flexing with each swallow.
Your fingers clutched tightly around the mug you were holding when he let out a muffled cough, piercing up at you from the back of his hand when he saw that you were not moving away.
You were taken aback when he snorted, throwing his head back a little before fixing his gaze on you again with an amused smirk lingering his pierced lips.
“Oh, relax,” your eyebrows locked together at the dismissive huff from your usually sneering stepbrother, “it’s too early for me to start making your life miserable, save the defense for after 8.”
His stare was almost invasive as he grinned at you but despite the twist in your stomach at being alone with arguably the most unbearable of the siblings, you did not move your own eyes away as you put down the cup in your hand. “So you do it on purpose,” you said, trying to make yourself sound sterner as you crossed your arms in front of your chest. 
You did not think anyone else other than you would be up at this hour, or else you would have grabbed a jacket before slipping out of your room. If his gaze was already uncomfortable to be under, than the fact that your body was covered by nothing but a thin spaghetti strap and cotton shorts did not help how exposed you feel. 
Touya laughed and it took all the will in you to not shrink your form down even more at the cackle. “Why else would I bother?” he said matter-of-factly, "Someone has got to tell the old man that none of us is happy with what he did.” He paused, “It isn’t really about you, if that’s something you want to hear.”
“I’m not interested in your family drama.”
“Well, too bad you’re part of the family now,” he mused, his eyes still following you as he slowly strided towards the door. “Remember to look just as pissed as you are now when I poke fun at you in the morning.”
The swaying of his frame stopped when you opened your mouth.
“What do I have to do for you to leave me alone?”
Your heart was pounding in your chest when he stopped in his tracks before slowly, very slowly turning around to face you again. 
“Leave you alone?” he repeated, accentuating each syllable that rolled off his tongue as he stepped closer and closer to you.
“I’m just trying to get by,” you looked straight at him when he stopped right in front of you, towering over you slightly as he stared down, “if you want to stir shit up then I can help as long as you leave me a piece of what’s left.”
“Hm... a fighter, aren’t you?” his voice came out as a purr, the rumbling in his chest almost transferring to you with how close he was. His eyes raked across your form when he saw that you didn’t back away, the defined dent of your collar bone and the supple skin that was pressing against the elastic of your low collar.
He could allow a change of plans if it meant he could get a piece of a little something for himself.
“Then tell me,” he licked his lips, “what are you willing to do for my help?”
The glint in his eyes grew at how you didn’t hesitate with your words. 
“Anything?” he asked with a crock of his head to the side, his fingers barely trailing along your bare arms as he drank in the way you were fighting against the shivers rising on your skin, “because I can think of a few ways for cute little sisters to get on their big brother’s good graces..."
His touch on your arm was distracting but your mouth still ran dry at the implication of his offer. You could not deny that when you lie awake on your bed, staring at the ceiling and thinking of how you could possibly slither your way through in this house that you had briefly contemplated if you could get intimate with your siblings in a less morally-accepted way but you brushed it off as a silly thought almost as quick as you came up with it when you felt how hostile they were towards you.
You were convinced that they would not wait until Enji was gone to kick you out if you made a move on them, but the fixed stare and gravel in Touya’s voice was telling you a whole other truth.
The chills on your spine settled into the pit of your stomach as excitement when you made the realisation that he wanted you, and it meant the others could too.
His grin looked like it was spilling his face in half when you pushed yourself against his chest, your thinly clad breast pressed up against his bare skin when the light touch on your arms turned into full blown caresses as his hand got bolder. He could feel the slight pebble of your nipples taunt against the fabric and the thrill sent his blood boiling.
His palm was burning against your skin as he got rougher and rougher, the press of his fingers turning into gropes when he reached the swell of your waist and down to your hips. The sudden dug of his nails into your flesh took you by surprise when he shoved you away from him, smiling from ear to ear like the chesire cat when he hooked his hand at the elastic of his sweats where a print was starting to strain against the fabric.
“Then get on your knees, baby sister.”
The tiles were not forgiving on your skin when you sunk down, looking up at the man who was palming himself from under his pants with his eyes slanted and fixed on your kneeling form. You winced when he fisted your hair in his hand, pulling your head back a bit too forcefully when he pulled his half-hard cock out of its constraints. The pain on your scalp seeped through your head until it was nothing but a tingle on your skin when his slender fingers wrapped around the base of his length that was right at your eye level, drinking in the way you could only stare at him from behind your lashes as he held you still.
He hummed in approval when you parted your lips, your tongue lolling out almost performatively when he gave a firm tuck to his cock. The silver bud at the crown of his cock left a strange numbness on your lips as he traced his tip along the rim of your mouth, leaving a slight sting on your tongue when he brushed against the muscle.
“Make sure to get all of it...” he whispered, releasing the tension of his pull on your scalp when he pushed his cock in with a languish surge of his hips. You bit back a whine when you felt the many more piercings at the underside as it brushed against your tongue, your hands flying up to grip at his thighs when he gave a slight pat to the back of your head.
He groaned when you took more of him in, hollowing your cheeks out as you set a pace for the bobbing of your head. The piercings were rigid against your tongue and you made sure to give each nub equal attention while your hand fisted around where you could not fit into your mouth. He kept one hand in your hair while the other found support on the kitchen counter, eyeing the way your lips wrapped around his cock as you tried to please him.
His head tilted back with a sigh when you cupped his balls, your palm warm on his sack when you sucked in a deep breath and sunk in all the way. Tears prickled at the corner of your eyes when his hard tip hit the back of your throat, the burn shooting up to your nose as its tip brushed against his pubic hair. Touya felt the pulse at the side of his neck as your throat contracted around him, the tightness making his hand clutch at the back of your head as his length throbbed in your mouth. He snapped down to look at you when you pulled away with a cough, sucking in a deep breath as your chest heaved and your hand pumped his cock sloppily with your spit that was coating him.
You could sense his muscles taut under his skin as you let him go, his thighs flexing under your hands while you jerked him off like he was holding himself back deliberately.
To have someone that was just mocking you earlier today now stiff in your hand, lips parted and biting back a moan felt really, really good.
You were staring up at him, almost in challenge as you run your tongue along his shaft. “Someone’s good at this,” he cooed, sounding a little breathless when he laughed. The sound was replaced by a chocked moan when you took him in again, a soft hum from the back of your throat in reply had him nearly losing control when the vibration sent shocks down his core. 
You gagged when he pulled you off his cock, the string of saliva that connected your lips and his leaking tip sending him into an overdrive as he decided that he could not wait any longer. A yelp was ripped from the back of your throat when he pulled you up, shoving you against the counter with your face facing down.
Your hand fumbled to prop your body up with your palms flat on the marble surface, a silent whimper leaking pass your lips when you felt your shorts and underwear being peeled off of you with a swift pull. He pressed on your back with the tips of his fingers, each knuckle of his digits propping up as he arched your ass up with the help of his hand. Your face heated up at the way you perched up, bare cunt exposed for him to see as you clenched around nothing in reflex with the cold air that fanned against your folds.
Your body shifted with each exhale, the warm breaths spreading over your face as your cheek squished against the marble that was growing hotter and hotter from the heat on your face. Touya gripped onto the side of your hips, fingers digging into the flesh as he pulled the cheeks apart, licking his lips at the sight of the light sheen on your slit.
You whimpered when he ran a finger along your folds and the uncontrollable gush of wetness as the calloused pad pressed down on your hooded clit. His eyes were fixed on your cunt and how you immediately pushed your hips back for more friction when he positioned his tip at your opening, rubbing the bead of pre along the slit as your folds parted around him.
“Who knew our new sister is such a whore...” 
His hand was fast to clasp around your mouth when he sheathed in you without a warning, the stretch leaving a burn in your core and threatening to make the cry slip past your lips when he held himself still. His cock was hot inside your walls, like he was melting in with your guts until all that was left of you was a puddle. 
You moaned into his palm when he started thrusting up. His hand might be able to muffle the lewd noises you made but there was no way to hide the sounds of skin slapping against skin that bounced off the walls. The position you were in made each slam of his pelvis against your ass hilting his cock deep in you until you could feel him leaving a print in your womb, the piercings adorning his length dredging along your insides with each snap of his hips. The nubs rubbing against you made your back arched and your knees weakened, leaving a permanent feeling in you even as he bottomed out.
“To- Touya!” 
His hand ran down your neck at the panting call of his name, fumbling with the elastic of your top before yanking it down and spilling your tits. You turned your head back with a struggle, his hand that was groping your chest pulling you up against his back until he could meet your lips in a sloppy kiss.
“Nu-uh, that’s not how you should call me,” he growled into your mouth, a mean-spirited pinch at your nipple had you squeaking against his hot touch.
“Touya nii-”
The mewl earned you a forceful plow of his length in you, the coil in you tightening when he drilled into you at a much more vicious speed.
“That’s a good little sister...” he mumbled in your ear, his hand now right below your chest while the other held tightly onto your ass. You threw your head back, pushing yourself deeper on his cock as he grunted, pulsing in you as he fug his nails into your skin.
Your lips fell open but nothing came out when he wrapped his free hand around your exposed throat, pressing down just enough for you to feel a rush of adrenaline pumping through your veins into your head when he hilted in you one more time before shooting ropes of his release deep into your core. His breath was shaky and warm at your earlobe as he cum in you, his load filling you up as he squeezed down on your neck to rip a breathless gag from you.
You could feel his cock going limp inside of you while he held you still, his cum threatening to leak out of your fluttering folds but was stopped by his cock still pressing snugly against your sex. You could smell the sweat on his body when he leaned down, heaving chest right at your back as he brought his hands up to cup your tits. His breath tickled against your skin, the piercing at the corner of his lip brushing at the sensitive area as he spoke lowly and slowly.
“Let’s have a lot of fun helping each other.”
Touya was always the latest to show up for breakfast each morning and this morning was no exception, but the entire table fell into deadly silence when he looked at you first before he did everyone else as he slammed himself down on his chair.
“Good morning, sis.”
The silence was almost uncomfortable and the sickly sweet tone of his voice echoed in the room before vanishing into thin air. You were facing him directly but your eyes did a brief glance around the room. Your mother and Enji were dumbfounded, Natsuo had his mouth agape, Shouto’s eyes were as big as the moon and Fuyumi’s eyebrows locked together slowly but visibly.
A lot of fun indeed.
You smiled, and the crisp ring of your voice shocked everyone when you parted your lips.
“Good morning, nii san.”
The mutually beneficial relationship with Touya continued. Some nights, you would feel a slight brush against your calf under the dining table and you knew he was to pay you a visit. He slipped into your room when everyone else was asleep, jackhammered you onto the mattress and make you scream into your pillow before whispering things about the family that you would otherwise never know of against your lips as his cum spilled out of your abused hole.
He was rough with his hands, especially when he was taking out his frustration on you, but there was no denying that the fucking was good and the information was valuable. He told you about how he had three siblings instead of being an only child because he was a disappointment and why his mother was sent away. The snort he let out was chilling as he told you how his sister was desperately holding the family together through the years and that the second son of the Todoroki family could be worse than him in terms of temper once the right buttons were pushed.
And they knew, they had to know or had made a guess at the very least, because there’s no other way you could explain why there were bruises littering all across your inner thighs when the skin just showing below the edge of your shorts was clean the night before. Occasionally, you would catch the boys staring at the barely visible mark right at your collar at the table, Natsuo a little bit more subtle with his eyes flickering away the moment you looked up and Shoto not hiding the fact that he was looking as he pressed his eyebrows together. Fuyumi was a whole lot more nonchalant about it, either she really didn’t know or she was very good at staying away from things that weren’t her business. Your guess leaned towards the latter. 
You were waiting to see which one of them would finally let their concern snap first and approach you about it, and it seemed like what Touya told you about his siblings was rather accurate when you were left along the house with your second stepbrother one weekday afternoon.
You were rarely left alone at the house with any of your step siblings, much less Natsuo. Doctor Todoroki was always the first one out the door and the last one to come back each day, slipping into his room by the time he got back in the early mornings from the hospital and not appearing until he had to go back again. 
Today was a bit different. Today, Todoroki Natsuo got to sleep past his alarm and sat in the living room as the sun shined through the window while the rest of his family was out doing their own thing. Except you, who coincidentally had nowhere to do during his precious day off and was staring absentmindedly at the tv while he tried to not pay too much attention to the limp in your walk and the hickey that was very much so not hidden by your loose shirt.
Natsuo gulped down the words that were stuck at the back of his throat, feeling his tongue laying flatly against his mouth as he felt the air around him thicken. 
No one had said anything about the clear elephant in the room when the rest of the family was around. His father and your mother were clearly oblivious, but he was sure the same question definitely appeared in his siblings’ heads. It frustrated him that Fuyumi only brushed it off as him being overly suspicious when he tried to hint that something but be going on between the new stepsister and the oldest Todoroki, even more so when Shouto was straight up in denial about how obvious it was. 
If anything, he was more concerned than anything else. He was sure Touya couldn’t be the nicest man to be involved with especially when he recalled all the malicious things his brother had said about how much he loathed the idea of a new stepsibling before his father got married.
“Did he hurt you?”
You froze in place at the abrupt question. Turning your head to the side, you saw Natsuo with his jaw clenched and lips pursed together at the other end of the coffee table. “He?”
“Touya,” he repeated, this time sounding a little firmer than before, “he is taking advantage of you, isn’t he?”
You glanced to the side, lowering your head a little as you toyed with the hem of your shorts. A slight thrill welled up in your chest when you heard him scooching closer to where you sat at your timid posture. He looked so concerned, like he was truly believing that you were in a compromisable position that you couldn’t tell anyone about.
What a good man he was, Todoroki Natsuo, you almost feel bad for pretending to hesitate before you slowly hook your finger under your shirt and lifted it over your head.
Natsuo’s breath hitched when he saw the bruises that covered your chest in the areas that weren’t covered by your bra. Bite marks darted along your skin, the subtle scars in the shape of finer prints burnt into the side of your waist. Touya got into a particularly fiery argument with Enji last night, and the aftermath was what Natsuo was now seeing as you stripped of your top in front of him. You had winced when you woke up that morning to see how fucked up you looked, fully planning to get Touya back for bruising you up this badly next time he touched you but you didn’t expect that his lost of control would be of use later on.
You looked battered, and you didn’t miss the gasp that left his lips as you folded your arms in front of your chest to make yourself smaller, pressing the marked skin of your chest together and pushing your cleavage out in the process.
“He’s so rough with me, Natsu nii...”
You sounded like you wanted to cry as you shy away from him, and his heart broke when you flinched away from his touch as he gently held onto your forearm. 
You were so delicate and fragile, how could anyone treat you as horribly as this? 
He let out a shaky breath when you latched onto his broad chest the moment he pulled you onto his lap. “Poor baby...” he whispered against your skin as he dipped his head down caging over you as he gingerly pulled your folded arms away. His throat bobbed at the sight of your curves and the many bruises dotting on your supple skin. You whimpered when he planted a soft peck on your neck, tilting your head back to allow him more access as his hand fumbled with the hook of your bra. 
You whimpered when he took it off of you, the strap sliding off your arms until it was thrown to the side. He could see all the marks and scars on your skin much more clearly now and it only fueled his urge to touch you all over and make sure he drowned you in affection even more. 
You whimpered when he rubbed circles against the side of your hips, his lips pressing against a particularly gruesome bruise below your collar bone.
“Natsu nii-
“Shh... it’s ok,” he hushed you with a peck on your pouting lips, pulling at your bottom lip softly when he pulled away, “nii chan will take care of you.”
His hand was cautious as he caressed your skin, soft lips trailing down your neck and darting his tongue out to swipe across each bruise and mark along the way. The brush of the tip tickled, leaving a spark of numbing tingles down your spine as his miniatures took over your head. Natsuo took his time, reducing you into mush with each press of his thumb at the side of your thighs and nibble of his teeth. A breathy moan slipped past your lips when he traced your pebbled nipple with his tongue, the air fanning against your skin making you all the more sensitive as he rolled the perked bud between his fingers. He treaded against the clouds of purple at the underside of your chest lightly, placing open kisses at each bruise like he was trying to erase the trails of what his brother had left on you.
Your hands held onto his shoulders when he buried his face in your chest, cupping the soft mounds in his palm as he licked each swell and dent on your torso. You whimpered as his large hands slipped past the elastic of your shorts, groping your ass as he lifted you off his lap just enough to pull the article off of your limbs. You felt a strange bashfulness when he eyed your naked form, almost looking like he was in awe when he slid his arms around your waist. 
Perhaps you were getting too into the mindset of a sweet baby sister wanting their brother’s attention that your body was starting to adopt the role a little bit too well.
“Lay down.”
His hand supported you at the small of your back, his much larger frame shadowing over you almost immediately at you touched the cold surface of the floor. The textured front of the tatami rubbed against your skin as he planted a firm kiss on your lips and you hissed into his mouth when the scratches down your back from last night by one very impatient Touya burned on your senses. 
Natsuo noticed your discomfort, cooing into your lips as his tongue slipped past your teeth and explored the warm cavity greedily. Your eyes were glassy when he pulled away, looking like a veil had draped over your vision hastily as you stared at him blankly and your lips parted. 
If he thought the marks on your upper body was bad, then seeing your naked form proved that he had severely underestimated what you had gone through before he took notice. You looked dazed as he perched on top of you, his eyes raking all over your body as he took count of the many bite marks and bruises that dipped down the v that led to your sex and your thighs that were pressed together tightly. There were clear marks of fingerprints littered over the plump flesh of your legs, evidential of how exactly did Touya take you last night.
You shuddered underneath Natsuo when he gripped onto your knees and parted your legs, arching your back off the ground and looking to the side to hide your face when he stared straight at your bare cunt. Your folds clenched with each heave of your chest, looking all the more inviting with the sheer shine that coated your core from his earlier touches. But he found himself immediately noticing the faded marks at the back of your thighs where they were connected to your hips, the prints permanent on your skin and whispering to him exactly what you had been doing with his brother when no one was around.
The image of Touya digging his fingers into your thighs as he folded your legs up despite your whines burned into his head, his vision growing redder and redder at the thought of your tight hole being railed so hard you tear up in pleas but to no avail.
He was supposed to be the nice brother, the gentle one who kiss you all over and holds you in the center of his palm before putting you back into one piece after the other had shattered you, but all he could think of was how much he wanted to replace the same tears with his own marks right now when he was looking right at the tiny body that his brother had messed with.
“Natsuo...? Ah-” you squeaked when his previously soft hold was replaced with a sudden squeeze at your inner thigh, your limbs being manhandled into a position that was challenging your flexibility. You could not help but throw your head back when he pushed your legs all the way up until they were hooked over his shoulders, the back of your knees almost touching your chest when he leaned down once again.
His tongue tangling with yours distracted you from the sounds of belt buckles rattling for a second, until the feeling of something prodding at your entrance brought your eyes snapping open. 
“Don’t worry about a thing...” he muttered against your lips as he dragged his leaking tip along your folds, his hand pulling the hood of your clit back and rubbing at the sensitive nub to ease more of your wetness out until his cock threatened to glide past your fluttering folds with the lubrication. His eyes were fixed on your face, but your reflection appearing on his blown out eyes seemed almost empty as he talked but more like to himself than to you.
His length felt heavy as the tip pushed past the muscle of your walls, earning him a breathless sigh from you as you took his hot inch bit by bit until it settled at the pit of your stomach. You could feel every part of his pressing against you in this position, your core flexing to accommodate his girth but still felt a white burn at the back of your head when he rolled his hips before slamming down again.
He was much... thicker than Touya, and the vein that was throbbing at the side of his shaft left a phantoming feeling in your walls with every thrust. His face was buried at the crook of your neck, each grunt and pant warm on your skin and seeping into your core as vibrations from his chest. There was no space between your bodies as he drilled into you, his plows short and rapid like he did not even want to have a second of his body not touching yours. 
Your voice sounded foreign to your ears as you gripped onto his hair for leverage, the broken notes of each mewl and the pathetic cries making you feel possessed as your knees shook with each hilt of his tip in that spongey spot deep inside of you.
“Na- Natsuo nii...”
He groaned at the sweet moans of his name rolling off your tongue, his hand running up and down at the back of your thigh in encouragement when you clamped down strongly around him with each slap of his balls against your ass.
“Fuck-” he gritted in your ear, his thrusts growing sloppy as you tried to lift your hips up to meet him and pushing his cock deeper into you, “you’re so pretty like this... so pretty taking your nii chan’s cock-”
You whined at the compliment, even though the reaction felt so off for the mindset you went into this with. There was something about how differently demanding he was when he was fucking into your tight cunt, the way he wanted to drink in all of your attention and send you into a spiral making thrills boil up in the waves of pleasure that crashed onto you.
He thought he was the one with the power, but we all take what we need from who we want it from.
“Cum around me- that’s it... that’s it...”
He let out a choked moan as your walls spasmed around his aching cock, his hands holding your legs firmly as he held himself still with his hips pressed up snugly against your hips. Your head fell back as your lips parted when you felt the warmth of each spurt of his cum painting your insides, each pulse and throb of his length printing against your walls. A soft whimper was pulled from the back of your throat when he pulled out, the last few drops of his load darting across your lower stomach as he remained his hold on your legs. Natsuo felt breathless at the beads of white that was seeping past your slit, his hands moving before he could think to push the leaking substance back into your hole despite the weak moans you made as you shook under his touch.
Natsuo pressed his palm flat against your sex like he was blocking the mixture of your arousal and his released from slipping out when he brought his hand under your arm. You couldn’t do anything but laid soundly in his arms when he lifted you up, your legs felt like jelly as he held you close to his chest.
“Get some rest, baby, I’ll tuck you in after cleaning you up...”
The arrangement continued, but this time with one more man into the mix.
Every night after Touya arrange your guts, Natsuo would put you back together with languish thrusts and not an inch of your skin untouched the next day. Where the eldest burned, the other would soothe over with icy breaths and gentle coos. All Natsu nii asked for return was the loving stare you gave him from behind your fluttering lashes and sheepish nods when he asked you if you feel good from your nii chan’s touch.
What you nearly forgot about, however, was that every night there was another Todoroki you had pushed to the back of your head just a wall next to you while you were getting your brains fucked out.
Todoroki Shouto was probably the most conflicted of the bunch when you walked into the meeting room for the first time. If anyone had asked, he would not deny that back when you were still his upperclassman by a year, before you suddenly dropped off his horizons one day out of nowhere, he was head over heels smitten with you. He was not the only one, if the way you surround yourself with others that gave a sickly sweet grin as they came up to you was any sign, but he liked to believe that he was the only one that really caught your eye. How could you not? If anything, it sufficiently flattered you that someone like Todoroki Shouto would eye you like a dumbfounded puppy when you came down to his year. You made sure to be extra nice to him too, smiling widely and laughing louder than you did for anyone else when he replied to each of your teasing questions with a degree of seriousness that you could not help but found yourself cooing at. 
(You never liked him the way he hoped you had, not that he would know or you would ever hint at it. It was just fun for you to have his attention and you would be the first one to say that you could not be blamed. Anyone else would have said the same thing had they been in your place.) 
By the spring he was about to move into your second year, you were gone. He had tried to ask around about your whereabouts but no one could give an answer. There were rumours, but all of them were so drastically different that it was near impossible to narrow down the possibilities. And so his innocent, bittersweet school crush was shattered into dust without even a proper heartbreak or revelation.
Now imagine how he felt when he saw his dead crush appearing in front of him years after he last saw them, now as his new stepsister that he never asked for.
You seemed to have latched onto him at first, striking up a conversation with him when everyone else made it clear that you were not welcomed. He felt an overbearing weight in his chest every time you flashed him a wide smile that was so nostalgic but also felt oddly different, like it was you had the same shell as before but the contents in it were missing. He told himself again and again that he had been over you for years now, but the pounding in his chest whenever you laughed around him was a brutal reminder that this could be the chance for him to finally get his hands on what was never his.
The thoughts that clouded his head when he thought of how you were just a room away from him at night was terrifying, and he wasn’t sure what to do with the realisation that there was something as ugly as that stirring deep in his mind. So he took the complete opposite approach to what his yearning was whispering at the back of his head and stayed away from you as far as possible, even when the center of his palms felt like they were about to start seeping blood at how deep his nails dug in at the sight of his brothers getting friendlier and friendlier with you.
Then one day, at the unholy hour when he had to lower each step he took striding back to his room after a late patrol, he heard a soft noise coming from the back of your door that could not be anything other than a moan.
He froze, his eyes widening as he questioned his own hearing when the same sweet sound rang again. It was subtle and he would not have caught on unless he was expecting it, but it sounded almost mocking in his ear as his leg moved on their own until his ear was pressing right at the wooden board that blocked him from seeing what you were doing inside that drew those tempting notes out of your lips. 
This was wrong, he swallowed the bitterness in his mouth as the stir in his stomach sunk in, very wrong, but he could not stop himself from wondering how good you must be looking at that moment with your legs parted and fingers pumping in your cunt, your back arching as you tried to bury your face in your pillow as you imagined that it was someone else touching you.
The wire in his head snapped into half when he heard a voice so familiar but yet so strange that mixed into the incoherent string of lewd noises.
“Stay quiet, or do you want people to hear how much of a whore you are?”
His head went blank, and then he turned almost robotically stiff towards his own room when he finally connected the dots of what was going on.
He did not look any bit suspicious when you greeted him the next morning, but he swore he was seeing white when he spotted the way Touya’s hand lingered at your forearm just too long for it to be friendly when he was asking you to pass him the milk.
It got incredibly hard for him to ignore everything that was going on once he found out what happened every night when the house was supposed to be asleep. It was Touya most of the time, but occasionally he would hear the muffled voice of his other brother seeping into his ears through the thin walls too. He should not have listened, especially with how clearly he knew the burn in his chest was a result of anger. How could they just fuck around with you like this when he was there, suffering because you were so close but he could not reach out? 
Yet when his hand ghosted over the bulge in his pants as he listened to the broken cries of someone else’s name from the back of your throat, it was jealousy that made him tug at his length almost violently as the squelching and panting died down until there was nothing left but the stickiness lacing his fingers as an evidence of what happened.
He listened with intent, wondering if you would eventually come onto him too. He heard the way you call his brothers’ “nii san” and found it harder and harder for him to even look at you straight without imagining the way you would look coming undone underneath him when he heard the same words dripping off your tongue in a seemingly innocent manner in the day. 
But you never did, and he was starting to lose patience from waiting.
Why his brothers but not him when he was the one that had wanted you for so long? What was it that his nee san never wanted to fall into his bed when you so gladly let other men crash into yours?
You did not hear the door creaked open as you laid with your stomach on the bed, your legs arching from the knees onwards as you lounge around with a book in hand. You jumped with a gasp when you saw Shoto standing at the side of your bed, putting your book down carefully with the page you stopped at facing down as you looked up.
“Why are you here, Shouto kun?”
You called him “Shouto kun” when it was “nii chan” for Touya and Natsuo. 
He furrowed his eyebrows at how clueless you looked as you stared at him. Your chest were pushed together against the mattress as you rolled to your side, the exposed skin of your legs ticking him off as a reminder of how different you sounded from when he eavesdropped at your little rendezvous every night.
He took your by surprise when he leaped onto the bed, his knees causing a dent at each side of your body when you could not react except allowing your mouth to fall apart at his sudden and strange behaviour.
“Shouto! What are you- mhp-”
You were taken back by the force at which he crashed down on you. You could not process what was going on until the feeling of his burning lips kissing and nibbling at your own settle in as a numbing pain, his tongue forcing it’s way past your teeth as he trapped you underneath his frame.
You took a hasty breath when he pulled away, his eyes staring you down like he was waiting for a reaction as you looked at him with wide eyes.
“Do you not like it when I kiss you, nee san?”
All the words got caught at the back of your throat when his voice rang in your ear, almost eerily calm considering how his teeth were just clashing against yours moments ago. You did not put as much thought into buying your way into Shouto’s side as much as you did the rest of the family, knowing that no matter how small, there had got to be a certain place for you in his heart from the melancholy of an old crush somewhere. 
“Even though you like it when it was Touya nii and Natsu nii touching you?”
But now he was on top of you, his eyes quirking up as his hand gripped onto the sheets at the side of your head, his lips almost like he was pouting as he trapped you there.
Nee san...
Right, how foolish of you to forget. 
He was your brother too.
“Come here,” he leaned into your touch almost immediately when you reached out for him. His breath was shaky as you sat up, your lips ghosting against his before you whispered all while looking into his eyes. “let nee san show you how to do it...”
He did not react at first when you kissed him, your fingers threading into where the white met the red at the back of his head as you deepened the kiss. The little whimper he made when you moved his hand onto the side of your waist did something to you, and suddenly you wondered why you waited so long before doing this. 
You chuckled into his mouth when he clumsily held onto your jaw, his tongue swiping at your bottom lip before slipping past. You made sure to moan almost a bit exaggeratedly when you felt his hand running up your abdomen and stopping at your tits, pressing down encouragingly when he fondled with the soft mound. 
He got bolder and bolder as you replied to each miniature, the years of longing erupting in him as he gripped onto your thigh and hooked it at the side of his hip. You yelped at the sudden shake of your vision when he flipped you so that you were straddling his lap. You whimpered when you felt the hardness that was poking against you, his hand now sliding underneath your shirt to toy with your perked nipples as your hand planted firmly on hid toned stomach.
“I’ve wanted to touch you for so long...”
His breath was feverish on your skin when he peeled your shirt off, his lips latching onto your chest almost immediately once you were bare as his fingers dug deeper into your skin like he wanted to leave a bruise. You moaned when he flicked his tongue against the hard bud, licking and nibbling as he stared at your face while holding onto your ribcage. 
“Wanted to kiss you for so long...”
You mewled when he bit down a little too hard on your collarbone, his tongue swiping across the dents of the mark as his hand continued to knead your soft flesh. 
“Now you’re finally here- with me...”
A roll of his hips had his hard one pressing against your thinly covered pussy, the friction and the heat that was burning against you making you bit down on your lips to stop the moan from slipping past your lips. He gave a dissatisfied pinch to your breast when he saw the action, humming in content when the sudden shock of pain made you hiss.
“No, no, don’t hold it in,” his two toned eyes sent a chilling shiver down your spine as he glared at you in warning, one hand finding grip on the base of your thigh while the other slid into the band of your shorts before pulling it down the curve of your ass, “I want to hear every sound you makes while you get fuck by your little brother...”
His skin heated up when your face contorted together in pleasure when his hands gripped onto the cheeks of your ass and parted them roughly, the flesh jiggling when he released it from his hold with a pull. 
“Hm!” you whimpered when he felt his palm rubbing at your folds, the tip of his fingers pressing down on your clit before he dragged each digit up along your slit to gather the wetness that was starting to form from his stimulation. Your lips fell apart when he slipped the first finger in, then added another, and the third. He watched in amazement at each pull of the muscle of your face as he stretched you out around his slender fingers, feeling your cunt sucking him in as he slowly pumped them in and out of your hole.
It was almost unreal, the person that had lingered in his dreams for years on end now naked in his lap and moaning because of his fingers scissoring inside of her. His cock felt painful straining against his pants when you rolled your hips back, impatient for how he moved agonisingly slow inside of you in order to draw out each reaction you gave him. His chest swelled at the sight of you slamming yourself down on his fingers as you laid on his body, your hands gripping at the cotton of his shirt all while arching your ass up so he could rub every inch of your walls.
“You look so pretty fucking yourself on my fingers, nee san...” Shouto whispered against your lips, his free hand bringing you close to him to kiss your quivering lips as he crocked his fingers inside of you and ripping a sharp mewl from the back of your throat.
“Sho- Shoto-” the syllables of his name chocked out of your tongue that felt heavy in your mouth, your knees that prop you up on his lap feeling weak as you alternated the speed at which you threw yourself back at him to chase the tightening of your core.
The drop yanked you back by the seams when you were greeted with a sudden emptiness as you were close to snapping, a squeak spilled out from the back of your throat when you clenched around nothing. Your instinct was to press your legs together to stop the running arousal from dripping down your thighs from the flex of your walls but Shouto held you still with his hands, the wetness that was coating his fingers smearing over your skin as he brushed against your thighs before bringing them to his face.
Your face was burning when he moved his digits apart, showing you the string of your essence that was sticking to his skin before he brought it to his lips. Your stomach flipped when he darted his tongue out, licking his fingers clean like a kitten as he groaned.
“You taste so sweet...” he pulled you close to him like he wanted to give you a taste of it too, the saltiness of yourself tickling your cavity as his words were muffled by his lips on you, “I would have gotten a taste for myself directly much earlier if I knew this is how you taste, but right now...”
He brought your hand to his bulge, the hardness filling under your palm as you cupped his erection. Your hand wrapped around the base of his girth the moment you pulled it out of the band of his sweats and it pressed against his lower stomach, the vein that climbed up the side pulsing under your touch as you ran your finger along his cock. 
Your breath hitched at the back of your throat when he lifted you up, your cunt hovering above his tip as he muttered against your neck.
“I want to be in you, nee san.”
It took every fiber in your being to stop yourself from screaming out when he let go of you, slamming you down all the way until he was balls deep inside of you. He sighed at how warm you were all wrapped up around him, his arms snaking around your waist as he started bouncing you on his cock.
You scratched down on his chest through his shirt with each hilt of his length in you, your eyes pressing tightly into thin lines as you fought against the shocks that ran down your spine. He bit down on your skin in discontent, glaring at you like he was warning you to keep your focus on him as he railed in you.
It was fear that made your eyes snapped wide open when you heard a click of someone’s tongue from your back.
“Take this as a lesson to lock your door.” 
Shouto’s nails on your skin felt like they could draw blood when he shot up to see the grinning face of his eldest brother, his blood curling when you clamped down around him at a moment of panic. 
He hated the way your eyes moved away from him onto the man leaning against the door, the name that wasn’t his sounding so breathless as it rolled off your tongue.
Touya had already gotten his fair share of your time, now he wanted to interrupt when it was finally his turn?
“Fuck off,” Shouto sneered but the other Todoroki only let out a dry chuckle at his defensive state as he walked towards where you were. His eyed you up and down, how tense you were as you froze under the intrusion evidential as the muscles of your legs pulled taut against your skin.
“Aw, don’t shut me out so quickly, I’m sure she doesn’t mind,” Touya mused, seeming to be egged on even more when he saw his brother tightening his hold on your hips when he shamelessly gripped himself on the crotch over his sweats. “You’re at it already,” you let out a soundless hiss when he pulled your head back just the way he liked it as he yanked his pants down, eyeing his little brother that was staring daggers at him out of the corner of his eyes as he pulled his cock out, “why not take another one?”
Almost like he was asserting his claim, Shouto snapped you out of your trance with a thrust up into your cunt. The sudden friction made your mouth fell apart as a moan was ripped from the back of your throat but it was quickly muffled into a gag when Touya took the chance to shove his cock in your mouth. He hardened and filled inside of you as he held your head still, pulling you to the side so that you were staring helplessly at the man who was slamming into you as he pushed his cock deep at the back of your throat with each surge of his hips.
This was nowhere near the same time Touya treated your mouth as nothing but another hole to fuck but the hilt of his tip at the back of your cavity still made your eyes tear up immediately as the burn settled into the pit of your stomach. Shouto did not give up easily, determined to make sure that his brother’s cock drilling in your mouth was not enough to divide your attention away from him as he threw you up and down on his length vigorously as the lewd squelches and slapping noises echoed off the walls. 
Touya’s laugh came out like a howl when he felt the vibrations of your moans around his girth, loving the way you had drool leaking from the corner of your lips as he gripped your head with both hands and pivoted in you. He was laughing, but the stare he cast his brother was no less competitive than the younger boy who was clearly not happy about sharing. 
The tension was thick in the air, like they were taking out whatever rivalry that had rooted between them out on you as they treated you like nothing but a toy that they could break if they fight over it hard enough. You had never seen Shouto this visibly angered before, his handsome face twisted together as the scowl tugging at his lips stayed permanent. Your muffled pants and gags as well as the sound of skin against skin was all that could be heard as the two men bared their teeth at each other, Touya in a menacing grin and Shouto like he was ready to tear the other’s smile off his face.
You felt like you were being pulled apart by the threads, with Touya pulling your hair until your scalp felt numb from the pain and Shouto digging his fingers in your ass a little bit too forcefully. The way Touya forced your face away was enough to get under his skin but Shouto could not look away as tears tainted your cheeks as his brother held you still at the base of his cock, your nose brushing against his pubic hair while your nostrails flared in a desperate attempt to breathe. Each thrust of his hips sent both cocks deeper inside you, the burn pulsing all through your body as your toes curled.
“Go on,” Touya gave a tug at your scalp, pulling at the side of your eyes and forcing you to look right at Shouto, “stare into his eyes while you swallow my cum.”
And you did, the bitter and salty mixture pouring down your throat and almost scorching where it touched as you gulped down his load as he held you still, almost choking on your own spit as you stared at the younger boy from behind your glassy eyes. His pupils were blown out as he fixated on the sight of your throat bobbing and white leaking out of the corner of your lips which were wrapped around his brother’s cock, your jaw almost slack as Touya pulled out and pressed your jugulars tight to make sure you drank everything he had to give you.
You did not dare to move as Touya tucked his limp cock back into his pants, still smiling ear to ear before he turned around but not without throwing down another snarky remark.
“Treat her rougher,” his glance darted towards you for a second before looking back at his brother, “she likes it that way.”
The acidity welled up in your mouth as Shouto stayed put, the lack of even a sound or movement somehow stirring in your stomach until it was all tied up as a knot. Your skin felt clammy with your sweat when he shifted under you, his cock very much so still pressing hard against your gut as he moved and sending sparks all the way to the tip of your toes.
“Open your mouth."
His voice was scary calm as he commanded and you reacted before even processing his words. Shouto gripped onto your jaw, his teeth hurting from how hard he was clenching down as he looked at the trails of white along your chin and the residues of cum on your tongue. 
You shivered when something cold landed in your open mouth, a silver string connected his lips and dripping down your tongue.
The last bit of cum mixed together with his spit slid down your throat as you felt small under his gaze. It was like a switch was flipped inside of him when he slammed you on the bed, him now taking full control as he perched on top of you much like when he initially came onto you tonight and thrusting up hard, fast, deep into your cunt.
Your mind was too muddled for you to think straight at the shocks of electricity spiking across your skin when the tip of his cock rubbed along your walls furiously, your pants and moans coming out as slurred strings of incomprehensible noises. He sounded animalistic as his teeth graced past your pulse point at the side of his neck, the muscles in his stomach tensing up both from getting close to his edge and the scene from earlier of you getting face fucked by his brother right in front of his eyes replaying in his head again and again.
“When I’m done,” you could barely make out what he said as you slammed your head back, “my cock will be all you can think of- all you need...”
You whined when his cock sheathed against the spongey spot right below your pelvis, a sharp cramp creeping onto your legs that were already close to giving in at the melting pleasure. 
“I’ll fuck you again and again if that’s what it takes,” he grunted. 
Again and again, until all the traces of other people’s hand tainting your skin was wiped off with his mark instead.
“Starting-” his shoulders shook as his hips surged forward, his cock throbbing in you as he dipped his head down, your legs threw weakly around his waist as you felt the heat from his chest blazing against your skin.
You arched yourself off the mattress at the feeling of his cum filling you up, his body stiff on top of you as he pumped his load in you. He gripped onto your knees almost immediately when you wanted to put your legs down, giving a few more thrust before finally pulling out of you but still not letting go. 
He tried to go a few rounds more that night, but you managed to settle him at your side in your bed with a soft whine and your arms latching onto his waist tightly as you buried your face in his chest.
Shouto was the only person who had fallen asleep next to you of all the ones that had gotten into your bed at night, looking almost angelically serene as he drifted into slumber that you didn’t have the heart to wake him up even though the fear of someone catching him sneaking out at daybreak next morning scared you.
No one did, of course, and even if they do, they all did a very good job not saying a word about it.
Todoroki Fuyumi did nothing but furrow her eyebrows and sighed when she saw her own brother slipping out from your room at the crack of dawn, before going back to her normal day-to-day routine like she did not just witness the confirmation that she could no longer pretend she did not sense things stirring under the roof she called home as she did ever since you moved into the house.
If anyone asked, Fuyumi would be very honest with the fact that while less obvious about her dismay, she was about as keen on the prospect of a woman no one had met before marrying into the family and bringing an adult child with her as the rest of her siblings. The family was messed up enough as it was, no need to bring an outsider into the mix to further complicate the matter. There was also the convenient fact that the buffer period between her birth mother’s death and the announcement of the engagement was far too short for anyone’s comfort, and the speculation of an overlaps in the timeline where Enji started seeing his new wife while his now deceased wife was hanging onto the last breath of her life by a thread.
But she hid the urge to scrunch her face up the first time she met her new stepsister and stepmother and smiled, knowing full well that the others would take up the role of pushing you away until eventually you would have to break under their scrutinising gaze.
Fuyumi had always been the one trying to hold the family together, even if it meant turning a blind eye on the cracks that were starting to form.
The first siren call was when Touya came downstairs one morning acting like a completely different person around you then he was the night before. She felt her guts twisting together at how sickly sweet his voice was as he passed by you, his arms draping over your shoulder slightly before he slumped down on his own seat. Touya was supposed to be the one that was the least likely to wield out of the four, god knows how much of a tantrum he threw when he learnt of the engagement. Something must have happened over night for him to go from sneering at you to cooing at you in the matter of hours, and what the something might be was not a pleasant thing to guess around on.
Still, Fuyumi didn’t confront her brother on his strange antics. Even after she became rather certain on how accurate her guess was regarding your relationship as the bruises on your thigh and offhanded teases got more and more blatant each day. Touya had always been one to play around, she had sent many pretty young things off in the mornings when she came to the living room to find them sitting there with their clothes very wrinkled and legs very much so wobbling with each step. 
He was probably doing it as a protest like most other things he had done and it would take no time for him to get bored of you. 
But one morning turned into a week, and Todoroki Touya only seemed to grow closer and closer to you as each day passed.
Natsuo was much worse when it came to playing things off compared to his older brother and Fuyumi noticed almost immediately when he started getting involved with you too. It should not have come as a surprised, it certainly was not to her. Sentimentally, the two older Todoroki boys were often similar but expressing it in different ways. Fuyumi was aware of how a yearning for being needed was in place of his head where the desire for chaos was cemented in Touya’s. 
It took her a while to see how tightly you had Natsuo wrapped around your fingers, how he very much so ignored the way you amped up your helplessness and dependence when he was around that seemed almost painfully blatant to her. But it didn’t unsettle her as much as it did when the dynamic between you and the siblings switched the first time. If anything, this was the more logical progression. Natsuo had always been the more passive one with his attitude towards you, and him shifting stances would not do much to the scene.
It got harder and harder to bite on her tongue and stay quiet ever since she caught Shouto walking out of your room. She was the most concerned about the youngest Todoroki and his almost dangerous affection towards you. She had connected the dots herself after some baiting fished out that you two were already acquainted before the untimely marriage. She saw the way Shouto watched you with so much fever in his eyes when the other two even inched close to you, the unhidden teeth marks on your arms and legs almost too deliberate for her to not think too much about it. It was the self-righteousness of finally getting something that was lost, and Fuyumi found this one particular budding flame to burn hotter and more destructive than the rest.
You were playing a very dangerous game here, and she was the only one that was left out of it until right now.
Right now, it was a heavy silence in the room at the far end of the house where no one would go to. Fuyumi was sitting right opposite you, both of your postures looking extremely formal with your feet tucked under your legs, hands planed flat on both thighs as you waited for her to say something.
You had a dreadful feeling you knew what this was about when she asked you to go with her for something important with a face so expressionless it scared you.
She had not said a word after she motioned you to sit down on the tatami, looking blankly at the empty floor in front of you like she was deep in thought. All you could hear was the pounding in your eardrum and the steady breaths the left your own nostrils, your hands wanting to claw at the fabric of your shorts to ease the shaking nerves but your head fighting it back with an unwillingness to look like you did not have the upper hand.
You did not, and you were genuinely horrid by the direct confrontation that you did not have to go through with the rest of the family.
“I know you’re sleeping with my brothers.”
Her voice came out like the notes of a lullaby, ghosting in the air but knocking you right in the lungs. She said it like it was nothing but a trivial fact, not a question but a statement that she knew you could not deny.
Fuyumi looked right at you now, like she could see right through your soul and all the gears running in your head as they spun like mad while thoughts trampled your head. Her eyes were clear, so clear behind the frame of her glasses and at the moment you knew she did not leave room for you to lie or try to get your way out of it.
"I am,” you replied. 
It felt almost cathartic to say out loud. There was no need for you to pretend or lie or appease towards someone who already had your game figured out, and there was something about being on the same page that anchored you on your footing.
Yes, why?
“I need to find my place in this house,” you answered, feeling your mind go blank as you reached to the pit of your core and dragged out the words you were searching for, “and they wanted me.”
They wanted you.
You gave them what they wanted in exchange for what you needed, the simple equation that formed the beauty, the complexity and the rotting of human desires.
Your breathing shifted to go with her rhythm without even knowing as she sighed, long and shaky as she dropped her head.
She went into this with the determination that one way or another, she would get you to stop with whatever you were doing with her brothers so things would go back to normal once and for all without lingering glances and hints that weren’t so subtle and glares at the dining table, but now she wasn’t so determined anymore. Fuyumi now realised that things had never been normal, the cracks gad always been here and you simply found a way to slip through.
They wanted you, but what did she want? 
Todoroki Fuyumi was the one who desperately tried to hold the family together through the years when her siblings were deep in resentment and her father obsessed with making a legacy out of what was left, even if it took filling up the growing cracks bit by bit until she didn’t even know who she was doing it for anymore. 
If the cracks had managed to close because they all wanted the same thing, then so be it.
You did not flinch away when Fuyumi leaned forward, her lips stilled on yours as she held herself up with her palms on the floor. Her lips were cold, like the first rain drop that fell into the calm ocean before the surface started to ripple into many, many silver rings, until it melted into the heat on your skin and seeped right under.
You felt a tingle unlike any you had experienced when you snapped out of your shock and kissed her back, subtle closing and opening of lips turned into gentle nibbling as you gravitated towards her body. Her skin was so soft, and the way she held onto your jaw with the tips of her finger as she made you parted your mouth wider was almost tender in a way. 
You couldn’t stop the whimper from slipping out when she sucked on your tongue, hand placed at the base of your spine to press your body closer to hers. Her chest squished against yours and you whined when she shoved her knee between your legs. Her palm smoothed over your curves and down to the swell of your hips as she cradled your face, gripping on the doughy flesh encouragingly as she guided you to hump against her thigh. 
Her breath was shaky when she pulled away, the one drum in her heart particularly loud when her eyes landed on your misted stare behind hooded lids.
So this was why they were all so crazy about you.
One tilt of her head was enough of a sign as you latched onto her, your lips trailing along her exposed neck and down to the collar of her shirt. She sighed when you rolled it up from the hem, your hands cupping her tits before placing open kisses on the delicate skin. The way her skin flushed under your touch was an intoxicating sight and you found yourself wanting more as you pushed the cup of her bra down to wrap your lips around her nipple. It was the moan she made when you sucked on the bud that set you off, the way it hardened in your mouth as you swirled your tongue around it had you bucking your hips against her legs uncontrollably. 
The saltiness that lingered on her skin provoked your senses as you trailed down, making sure to kiss every soft curve and dent of her body before settling at the waistband of her pants. Her legs were tight around your head when you pulled it down, the muscles of her thighs flexing when your mouth hovered right above her sex. She laid back to allow you better access and you could see her breasts heaving with each heavy exhale above you as she leaned against the tatami. You tested the waters with a kitten lick along her folds, getting a little bolder when her legs clenched around your shoulders and she let her head fell back with a hum. Her cunt clenched around nothing when you pulled away, the silver string of your saliva connecting her folds and your lips was sinful as you took in the clear essence that was starting to form. 
She mewled when you dipped back down, your hand kneading her soft thighs as your tongue parted her folds and savoured the taste of her arousal. Your finger brushed past her pubic hair as you pulled back the hood of her clit, the shudder of her legs hitting you in full force when you flicked your tongue against the engorged bud. Fuyumi brought her hand to the back of your head, her fingers lacing into your hair to shove your face closer against her pussy as she rolled her hips, pressing herself on your face for more friction.
Her lips fell open when you eased a finger into her tight hole, the velvet walls gushing with wetness sucking your digit in as you pumped it in her cunt. Toes curling under the pleasure when you added in another one while your lips focused on her clit.
“Hm- right there!” she panted when you scissored your fingers in her, stretching her out as you slurped up her juices that were trailing down your wrist and seeping with each flick of your wrist. You could feel her tightening around your fingers and you looked up only to feel a rush of heat down your core when you saw her face. 
Her glasses had fallen half way down the bridge of her nose, the lenses were not enough to hide her blown out pupils that were hazy with lust. A furious flush dusted across her cheek and reached the tip of her ear, plump lips parted as her tits bounced with each heave of her chest. Her throat bobbed when you arched your fingers inside of her, strumming along her clenching walls encouragingly as meek moans rolled off her tongue. 
The musky scent overwhelmed you when you sucked down hard on her clit, her legs kicking mid-air as a lewd moan rippled out from her lungs while you held her still. The pad of your fingers dragging along her insides rang tingles on her scalp as she came on your mouth, the squelch from her wet cunt loud in your ear when you pulled your hand away and earning you a whimper. 
Fuyumi’s vision was still clouded over by the aftershocks of her orgasm but she found herself unable to look away when you darted your tongue out to lick your fingers clean between her legs. The grip on your shoulder as she ushered you up was almost painful before it was replaced by the feeling of her fumbling hands trying to stripe you down, her whining into your mouth at the taste of her arousal on your tongue as she cupped your ass.
Your moan as she pulled you to straddle her thigh was muffled when she pushed your head down against her chest, the soft mounds pillowing you as she dug her fingers into your hips and pressed down. Your cunt throbbed when it rubbed against the smooth skin of her leg, the muscle beneath flexing and coaxing out numbing shivers along your spine. Your hands flew to find hold on her arm as she bounced the leg you were riding, your back arching and pushing you closer to her as your eyes shut tight. 
The coil in the pit of your stomach tightened with each drag of your folds along her thigh, feeling her hot skin under your touch as your hands roamed all over her body. Your breath fanned against her skin, each moan and pant rumbling against her in weak vibrations. She kept one arm around your waist as the other slid down her stomach and stopping at her slit. Every hair on her skin stood up at the sight of your shoulders tensing up, slipping her fingers in as the speed at which you rolled your hips against her flesh increased and setting a feverish pace like she was rushing to tip over.
You tried to follow the rhythm of her fingers jamming in her cunt with the thrust of your hips, your legs almost cramping up as your toes curled and uncurled. She thumped her leg up and down more vigorously as muscles pulled taut under her skin, fighting back the urge to roll her eyes back so she wouldn’t miss the miniatures on your expression as you came undone.
“Are you close?” she let out a hasty chuckle when you nodded rapidly, her hand that was on your torso gripping down encouragingly as she aimed her fingers at the spot that had shocks pulsing through her veins, “then cum on me- cum on nee chan-”
The band in you snapped at the coo, your nails leaving white lines on her skin as you scratched down. Your hips dragged sloppily along her skin as you rode out your high, lying weakly on her shoulder as you looked up at her. Fuyumi threw her head back as her arm tensed, the joint of her wrist popping out as a sharp moan spilled from her mouth. 
All that could be heard in the room was the pants that were under your ear as you leaned on her chest, the steady rise and fall under your cheek luring you into a state of serenity. A mellow heat slowly imploded from your core, spreading through your skin and planting at the back of your head. 
Fuyumi’s arm draped over your frame loosely, her breaths slowly calming down as she drummed a soothing rhythm against your skin, the tempo synching with the pounding under your ear.
Thump. Thump. Thump.
Your eyelids felt heavier and heavier as the warmth seeped in, your shoulders almost weightless for the first time in a while.
So you closed your eyes, and listened to the steady beats of your sister’s heart, until you could hear nothing at all.
“Sometimes I feel bad for always leaving you at the house on your own.”
Your mother’s smile was apologetic as she rummaged her bag for her keys as she shoved her feet in her heels. You leaned against the frame of the door, tilting your head as you tap your feet against the ground.
“It’s alright, I have company around,” you said with a hum, “leave it, I’ll lock the door for you.”
Your mother paused, looking up from her bag with an almost sheepish sounding chuckle as you leaned over for the knob. She had been worried about whether you would get alienated by the Todoroki children when she married into the family, but it seemed like her worries were unneeded after all.
Sometimes she would walk in on you with the rest of Enji’s children and laugh to herself at how silly she was for even thinking that you would have an issue blending in.
You were a strong girl, you could always find a way to manage yourself through anything.
Your throat felt dry when your mother suddenly gripped your hands in her palm, the calloused pad of her fingers rubbing against your wrist as she looked at you, looking almost teary eyed as she shook her head with a laugh.
“I’m so glad that you are happy here,” she said, the wrinkles at the corner of her eye crinkling up as she smiled, “I really am.”
The tug at the corner of your lips felt almost stiff as you squeezed her hand, nodding to the way she shook your clasped hands like words could not do her thoughts justice. Her touch lingered, even after you gave her a light chuckle and reminded her that she would be late if she doesn’t head out soon. 
She gave you one last look before stepping out the door, the beaming grin on her face not once faltering before she was gone from your sight.
She did not need to know. You thought to yourself as you turned around, your hand rubbing at where your mother’s emotionally tight grip had left a warm sting on your skin as you headed back upstairs.
Your family was waiting for you, after all.
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blackmaylovesfries · 4 years
“Don’t touch my children!” - Taking him in
Asked: No
Words: 1510
Sinopse: Seventeen Hybrid AU - Yoon Jeonghan is a Scottish Fold cat, he hates being powerless. So Jeonghan had a hard time trusting her.
Notices: Mentions of sexual abuse (nothing explicit) and violence (not consummated). Language (the word ‘bitch’). Doyoon and Dongjin are 2 of the 4 that left Pledis before Seventeen debut, I didn’t see much of their personality and I just adapted them for entering the fic, I do not hate any of them!
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Jeonghan looked around the huge room the humans had guided they in. He didn’t liked the gray from outside but it seemed that the inside of the building was quite lively… Maybe too noise for him but he could deal with that long enough to him and Shua get out of there.
The humans from the called “Strike” team were kind but a little rough like just humans can be. The girl called Y/n was too all over the place for Jeonghan but he didn’t hate her. They had accommodated all the hybrid from his previous home in chairs in front of a small stage. He could see other hybrids peaking at them from the galeries on the superior floors.
There were quite a few looking at the sated hybrids but what called Jeonghan’s attention was the huge group that was staring at him and Joshua. The group seemed to include both feline and canine hybrids, Jeonghan could even identify some wild ones since some of them had the predator posture.
Joshua must have sensed that he was distracted since the younger cat grabbed his hand. Jeonghan looked at him and Shua indicated the girl on the stage. Jeonghan wasn’t listening before but now he could understand that she was talking something about them being save and needing to go under some medical procediments.
“They speak to us like we are human children or retarded.” Jeonghan rolled his eyes.
“Well… Some of us really can just understand things when putted like that.” Joshua shrugged. “Most important… They will make us let their doctors to touch us. I don’t know if I like that…” Jeonghan looked at his friend noticing his discomfort. He smiled and went back to study the huge group that was staring at them from the second floor.
“I see something quite interesting for us to play while we have to stay here.” His tone made Joshua look up too. His almost twin quickly found the object of his speech and opened a mischievous smile. Jeonghan didn’t knew why the group was so magnetic for his duo but seeing their reactions when he lifted his arm and waved did made him quite content.
“Y/n! Jeonghan is being a bitch again!” Woozi entered your office whining like a baby, making you laugh before turning to him. Jeonghan and Joshua were at the center for almost 3 months already. They had hit it off with your hybrids since Day 1. Well… At least that was what you though.
“What did he do this time? Woke you from your nap again?” You saw the duo’s mischief and pranks as a sign of love or at least of interest. Mainly Jeonghan, since he was quite vocal about what he liked and what he despises. The Scottish Fold hybrid was really sticky with your younger hybrids so, when he wasn’t sleeping somewhere random, he was playing or irritating the others.
“If you know that he will do it again and again, why don’t you nag at him so he is forced to stop?” Angry Jihoon was cute. You shrugged.
“For the same reason you came to complain to me and not to him.” Your smile was little. You were tired. That was a hard and full day in the office since The8 had being making more trouble around the near city. You couldn’t say you were 100% on the conversation.
“Weird time to respect your elders, Y/n.” His voice was a little acid. “As a punishment, I’ll nap here.” You laughed again and nodded, seeing him get comfortable in the sofa. Jihoon sighed, it wasn’t a bed but at least he could sleep all he wanted there.
You went back to your documents but part of your mind went to the hybrid that caused Woozi’s visit. Although Jeonghan was polite, he clearly didn’t like to be near you. Every time you had a free moment and went to play with your hybrids, he would excuse himself and just observe from some distant seat. That’s why you had never seen how he was with the boys when you weren’t near.
Until one day… You were with a huge headache, having just returned from a mission that almost went wrong. You were ready to pick up the boys and run a bubble bath for you in your house. You definitely weren’t expecting to see the center in chaos. There were screaming everywhere and you and your team had to shoot some wild type hybrids for them to calm down.
“What happened here?!” You shout to Namjoon when he arrived at your side.
“There was a fight just moments before you arrive. Two hybrids had a argument and turned violent. The team responsible for the security was going to separate them when another one came and pushed both of them from the gallery.” You were in shock.
“The ones fighting fell from two floors. Then my team arrived but for a reason Jin is investigating the hybrid who pushed started to go berserk when he saw the two on the ground and fought with everyone who approached him before falling unconscious.”
“The results?” BamBam asked. You also were really worried. Hybrids going crazy and letting their animal irracional side take over was quite scary and common, so the situation made more sense for you and your team.
“All 3 hybrids involved are unconscious at the medical area, the one that pushed is in a privative room since we don’t know in what state he will wake. There were 3 securities that are also at the medical bay and the 11 hybrids who tried to help are waiting for you in your office.” The doctor couldn’t help but roll his eyes. The news made the whole Strike team a little dizzy.
“Youngjae, Yugyeom and Jinyoung, you 3 go to where the hybrids fell. Make sure that everything is okay and that everyone who are in shock or had a trigger is guided to the psychological area.” They nodded and went away. “Jackson and Bam, you 2 are responsible to give all the support necessary for Jin’s team when the hybrid wakes up.” More nods and there they went.
“I’ll talk with the security, make arrangement to the area of the accident and see what they need.” JB said. Your turn to nod.
“Mark, you go to the medical bay with Namjoon. See how the victims are doing and report to me as soon as something happen.” Both Namjoon and Mark agreed. You sighed “I’ll go and see the hybrids at the office…” You already imagine who they were. Of course you were hoping that you were wrong. But the universe didn’t liked you that much.
“He didn’t move since I arrived. If you want you can go home and I call you when he wakes up.” Jeonghan heard some voices near him. One was a male raspy one and the other seemed to be a girly strong one.
“If I don’t return with good news, the boys will kill me even before I get to the door.” He heard a sigh. “Did Doyoon said why he went berserk?”
“Yeah, he explained to Jin that he was triggered by something Dongjin said while fighting Jeonghan. He is okay now but doesn’t remember anything and Jin placed him under medication for at least a month to ensure the safety of everyone.” When he heard his name, Jeonghan could identify the girl and opened his eyes slowly.
“Oh! He’s awake!” She screamed and jumped on his bed. “How are you feeling?” Jeonghan groaned.
“Like I died.”
“Well… You were pretty close.” The human smiled at him. “Can you tell us what happened before and during the fight? The others didn’t want to talk about it.” Jeonghan frowned when suddenly the reason why he fought came to his mind.
“Do you love the hybrids you have adopted?” Hearing the weird question, the Y/n girl nodded. Jeonghan felt the anger get stronger. “So why the hell do I need to be the one to defend them?! Why weren’t you here to take care of them and stop them from being bullied? Huh?!” He was almost screaming. Although he was usually quite calm, the hybrid from the fight had said some obscenities about Hoshi and his past.
Y/n also seemed surprised by his anger. She understood the general situation and accepted Jeonghan’s words. She also was quite taken aback because she knew that he liked her boys but she didn’t expected it to be this strong. Also being unexpected, the girl smiled.
“You are right.” Her tone was humble and low. “I can’t take care of them. Not alone and not all the time with the job I have. You were a hero today.” She looked at his eyes. “How about you also come and help me? Let me adopt you so you can help me keeping them safe.” Jeonghan’s eyes were still burning.
“I’ll go under the same conditions from the brothel.” The human smiled again.
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Tag: @hopsiclesposts​ ; @woohoney​ ; @warm-smiles-and-blue-skies ; @childfmoonn ; @moonmin-miya
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staytheb · 5 years
Previous Chapter: Study Session Word Count: 4,092 Summary: The girls end up celebrating BamBam’s birthday with the rest of GOT7.
Like Oh 2.0 masterlist
12th chapter here and yes that hashtag was used at the time for BB’s birthday, too! um, so the story has moved on to the month of May and we’re heading to the rest of the year as more dates and what not hapens. anyways, happy reading and kthxbai, Admin Lia~
Serena returned home to another planned hangout of her sister, friends, and GOT7 in her apartment without her permission once again and unlike last time, Serena had a whole new makeover now. She had a light pinkish slash whitish pastel duo tone hair color, wore a light purplish colored contacts, and was dressed in a somewhat sexy pretty flower outfit and accessories with a matching flowery umbrella while carrying a cute tote bag with a panda on it. "Hi." Serena greeted the group shyly as she stared at them and they stared at her in confusion. Before any of them could say something, Serena tried to make a mad dash towards her room, but the other girls intercepted her. "No!" Serena tried to push pass them, but they continued to block her path with cheeky smiles.
"Whoa, Serena, what happened to you?" Jeannie asked giving her friend a once over. "This is the most girlie I have ever seen you and I've known you a long time." "Yeah, Rena, I agree with Jean. This is the girliest we have ever seen you. I like it." Jasmine agreed with a nod of approval. "Well, in the cutesy kinda girlie way, that is." "Is this because of Chloe?" Melanie asked once she took in her sister's appearance. "She did a good job. She always does and I'm a bit envious." Serena sighed. "Yeah. Clo had an assignment today and I was her guinea pig. I just thought it was hair only." "Serena twirl around." Jeannie demanded as Serena complied. "You're so cute." "Shut up." Serena grumbled as she tried to get past the trio again. "Can I just go into my room, please? This feels a bit embarrassing."
"Are you cos-playing the supercalifragilisticexpialidocious?" Jackson asked in English while he imitated on holding an umbrella. "I'm confused. That's Jyongri noona, right?" Yugyeom asked while looking at his fellow members while pointing in Serena's direction. "Is it cosplay?" "Jyongri noona, you're really pretty dressed like that." Jinyoung complimented as Serena became shy and awkward from the younger male's words. "Yeah, noona. Pink and the flowers really suits you!" Youngjae complimented her further and Serena just wanted to get away. She let out an awkward laugh as she finally got passed the other three females and into her room. "It's so fun teasing her." Jasmine chuckled as Melanie agree. "I know. She's so easy."
"Jyongri noona is here and we're all gathered together can we finally celebrate my birthday?" BamBam asked with a grin as everyone rolled their eyes in good-nature. "Your birthday isn't until tomorrow, BamBam." Jaebeom stated as the younger male nodded. "I know, but Jackson hyung and I have that Real Men schedule tomorrow and we can't hang out on my actual birthday." "That's why we're here bugging them again?" Jinyoung asked as BamBam grinned. "Of course." "Wow. That's a big cake." Mark commented upon seeing the three females walking back into the living room with BamBam's half a sheet of cake. "Jyongri unnie ordered the wrong size." Melanie explained as she and the twins set it onto the small table before putting in a few candles onto the cake. "But she got the design on point." Jeannie chuckled.
"True" Jasmine agreed as she held up a lighter. "Unnie needs to hurry up and change so I can eat this cake." "Y'know you guys could have done it without me." Serena said from behind them as she handed a box over to BamBam. "Happy birthday, Bam." Serena wished him a happy birthday in Thai as BamBam took the box with a silly grin. "What is it?" "Open it." BamBam opened the box to revealed Taeyeon's debut album, I. "You're giving this to me?" BamBam looked up at Serena who nodded her head. "Yeah. "Wait, how come I didn't get a present?" Jackson interjected as Serena looked at him. "Because it was like not even a month since we met at that time and I thought it might be awkward." Serena admitted as Jackson pouted. "Ugh, that's no fair and I thougth we were friends."
"Where are you going, Jyongri noona?" Youngjae asked upon seeing the older woman leaving again. "I'll be back." "Did you have to make her feel bad" Mark asked Jackson with an amused look as Jackson continued to sulk. "Because I didn't get a present, Mark hyung." "Hey, isn't this the album that unnie got from her friend?" Jasmine asked Melanie as Melanie stared at the album in BamBam's hands. "Um, probaby. Unnie's not a fan of hers, but now that you mention it I do remember unnie asking me if BamBam was a fan of Taeyeon though a few weeks ago." Serena returned shortly after and handed Jackson a large gift bag. "Here, kid." "What's this?" Jackson asked with an excited look. "Look inside." Jackson happily removed all the tissue paper and pulled out a stuffed Squirtle plush doll.
"Whoa!" Everyone let out in awe as Jackson awed louder upon examining the Pokemon plushie. "This is really mine?" Jackson asked as Serena rolled her eyes and responded sarcastically. "No, Jackson, it's Mark." Jackson frowned. "Why Mark?" "I dunno. Because he's sitting next to you." "Oh, but JB hyung is next to me, too." "Because both you and Mark are tied to Pokemon." "Oh. Thanks, noona." "Welcome." "Hey, does the sunglasses come off?" Jaebeom asked curiously as he pulled on the sunglasses to which did stretched towards him. "Wow, that's cool." "No way!" Jackson slid it off and hugged the doll closer to him. "This is so cute." He put the sunglasses mask back on. "That's cool." Melanie looked at her sister. "Isn't this the one that joins Ash and is part of the Squirtle Squad." Serena grinned. "Yeah."
"Alright!" Jeannie clapped her hands to get everyone's attention. "Let's sing the birthday song and eat this amazing cake!" And soon enough, the group of eleven quickly sang the birthday song and wished BamBam a happy birthday. Once everyone got a piece and settled themselves around the living room, Mark noticed Serena taking a picture of her cake which reminded him of something. "Hey, Jyongri." "Hmm?" Serena acknowledged the male, but didn't face him. "What was that thing about the whole pictures between you and Jinyoung two Fridays ago?" "I don't know." Serena denied as Jinyoung grinned while casting a sly look in the older woman's direction. "It was on that night when we had the sleepover and played GOT7 Jjai."
"Oh you mean the pictures that unnie took of all of us while we were asleep that night?" Jasmine asked innocently with a small smile. "Those are some really cute pictures." "Whoa, whoa, what pictures?" Jackson asked as Yugyeom added while making a 'camera taking' motion. "You took pictures of us?" He smiled cutely. "Can I see them?" "I deleted them already." Serena said as she moved away from the group to sit afar from them. "No she didn't. She still has them." Melanie stated as Serena glared at her, but she just cast her sister a playful smile. "Yeah, unnie, just showed them." Jeannie coaxed the older woman as Serena rolled her eyes. "Whatever. Here." Serena unlocked her phone, went to her photo gallery, and slid the mobile device towards the group of boys. "Have fun."
Youngjae was the first to grab it and went through the images. "These are actually pretty good." He then burst into laughter upon seeing himself. "Is this how I look like when asleep?" He asked to no one in particular. "I know they're pictures and videos of us, but this one is different." "Because it wasn't expected, Youngjae." Mark stated as Youngjae handed the phone over to him. "This dog plush looks way bigger than you, hyung." "It is bigger than me. It's huge. There was another one that was just as big." "Let me see when you're done, Mark hyung." BamBam said as Jackson looked over at Serena. "How come you took pictures of us?" Serena shrugged. "Just felt like it." Jinyoung settled himself beside the female. "What?" She asked him as she saw a smile gracing his lips.
"Nothing." Jinyoung answered as he quietly ate his cake and Serena eyed him while eating her own. "You want something, don't you?" "No I don't." "Yeah, you do." "Noona, I don't." He chuckled as Serena scooted a few inches away from him. "Mmhmm." "Hey, unnie." Melanie called out for her sister. "What Chaewon?" "Jaehwa unnie wants you to set up the karaoke machine." "Why?" "Because BamBam wants to try it out after I told him about it" Jeannie answered with a sheepish laugh as she pointed at the entertainment center. "He found it because he wanted all of us to go to a karaoke place to sing for his birthday when I told him you had one of your own." BamBam held up a microphone. "How about we do some karaoke for my birthday? It should be a lot of fun."
"Only because it's hashtag Happy twentieth BamBam Day. Such a long one. Just don't break it like my table." Serena went to set up the karaoke machine and explained how it work as her karaoke machine was a lot different than a normal one. Once she explained everything and showed the group how it work she then left it to Jeannie and Jasmine to take care of it since they enjoyed using the machine more than she did along with five of the GOT7 members that wanted to join in on the fun. A moment later, Jaebeom and Melanie went on a late night run for more snacks and drinks due to all the boys eating and drinking them all and Serena hadn't had the time to re-stock since their last hangout a week ago. Anyways, Mark went to go bother Serena who was in the kitchen to get away from the commotion as she wasn't in the mood to sing or watch them get into the song and what not.
"Why are you always following me, Mark?" Serena asked when she sat at the kitchen table before removing her glasses to rub at them, but didn't put them back on. "I'm not following you, Serena. I just wanted a bottle of water." Mark answered as he opened the refrigerator door to grab the said item. "Mmhmm. Sure, right." Serena grabbed several notebooks from out of her tote bag she had left there yesterday and began reviewing the rest of the students' English notebooks. Mark didn't say anything after taking a swig, but he continued to linger around as he was casually leaning against the counter and glancing at the female every now and then. "Do you need something, Mark?" Serena asked him not looking up from the current notebook where she was scribbling something in the margin.
"Nope." Mark answered nonchalantly. "Then leave." "Why?" "Just cause." "Cause what?" He mused knowing full well that it would annoy Serena further. "Because you're annoying." The male chuckled as he took a seat across from Serena who just glanced at him before returning back to what she was doing. "Jerk." She muttered under her breath, but Mark heard her and let out another laugh. "You're funny." He said. "How so?" "You just are." "Mmhmm." Silence fell between them as Mark slid the bottle back and forth between his hands onto the table's surface whereas Serena moved onto one notebook to the next without paying further attention to the idol. "Are you sure you're a fan of us, Serena?" Mark asked a moment later.
Serena paused in mid-writing, sat up straighter, and looked at the male with a confused expression. "Why wouldn't I be?" Mark shrugged. "I dunno. You don't seem to show it." "But it doesn't mean I'm not a fan, Mark." Mark averted his eyes away from Serena as she continued to talk slowly. "Kinda like you, Mark, I say and do things when I feel like it. I'm initially quiet, reserve, and shy." She began to tell him a little more about herself. "But I open up when I'm comfortable or know the person a bit better to behave a little more freely" She averted her gaze to the notebook before her. "I just choose to be indifferent and blend in the background as it's easier to be and to go with the flow when no one is really paying much attention to you." Serena finished as she went back to writing her notes in the students' notebooks.
Mark returned his eyes onto the older woman, but remained quiet as he tried to form his thoughts before saying anything. "Sorry." He finally said as the female looked up with a tilt of her head. "What for?" "I didn't mean to make you feel like you had to explain yourself. I'm sorry, Serena." Mark apologized as Serena dismissed it. "It's all good, Mark. Don't worry about it. Must be kinda weird when you're an idol and you're hanging out with one of your fans, yet the fan doesn't act like the other fans you're so used to. It makes sense." She smiled at him before finishing the last notebook and putting it away with the others. "Thanks for saying that and understanding, Serena." Mark thanked her with a small smile as Serena looked at him with a smile of her own. "You're welcome, Mark."
Serena then grinned at him. "Now you can go run along to the rest while I go to my room and sleep." Mark narrowed his eyes at her. "You're doing it again." "Doing what?" "Being mean after saying something nice." "So? What's your point, Mark?" Mark shook his head with a wry smile. "Nothing." "Okay, cool. Night." "Wait." "What now?" "Why did you color your hair? I was getting used to the magenta one." Serena raised an eyebrow in amusement. "Oh really? Well, tell that to my friend next time when she decides to use me as one of her assignments." Mark laughed. "Oh, is that why you were dressed up like a flower girl?" "Yes." Serena answered as she folded her arms onto the table to place her head on top of it. "Like four hours for the hair and like two hours for the whole outfit. And then another hour or so of posing for the camera." "Wow. Seems like you were at a photo-shoot for a magazine for something."
"I really wish I didn't say yes to her at two in the morning when she called me about it." "And here you are although you said you hated people earlier." Mark smirked as Serena groaned while turning her head so that her cheeks were pressed against her forearms. "Shut up." Mark didn't reply, but he did lean over the table to mess with Serena's hair. "Cheer up. Life gets better." Serena raised her head and tried to smack Mark's hand away. "What did I say about my hair, Mark?" "That your friend dyed it to use your for one of her assignments." He cheekily responded as Serena narrowed her eyes at him. "You win this round, Mark Tuan." Mark looked at her with amusement, but didn't say anything. "I'm going to bed and you go bother the others." Serena flashed him a tired smile as she got up and left the kitchen as Mark sat there for a few seconds longer before returning to the living room.
"This is a lot." Melanie muttered under her breath as the basket was filled with all sorts of items as Jaebeom added another strawberry milk into the basket. Melanie eyed the idol as he looked at her indifferently. "What?" Melanie handed the basket over to the male. "You're carrying it since you keep adding more strawberry milk. Plus, all of y'all keep eating everything every time you guys come over." Jaebeom chuckled. "Okay." The male followed after the female as she wandered into the next aisle while mumbling a few things to herself while scanning the products. "So you do talked to yourself." Jaebeom commented from behind as she stopped walking to glance behind. "Huh?" Jaebeom repeated what he had said as Melanie nodded. "Yeah, it helps me remember sometimes."
Melanie grabbed several items and was about to placed them into the basket, but didn't. "We need another one. That's too full." She began to walk towards the front when she spotted Yerim entered the store. "Shit." She quietly let out as she quickly turned around to just run into Jaebeom. "Whoa, are you okay?" He asked while steadying Melanie and making sure that none of the products had fallen. Melanie didn't say anything as she placed the items into the already filled basket and then maneuvered herself and Jaebeom towards the back of the store to keep a good distance between them and Yerim. "What's wrong, noona?" Jaebeom asked once the two were settled. "Um," Melanie stalled as she doubled checked to see where Yerim was within the convenient store and saw that she was at the front counter.
"Chaewon noona?" Melanie finally looked at him. "Sorry, but Yerim's here again." "The one from the group date, right?" "Yeah. Have you crossed paths with her like I have with Kyungtae?" The idol shook his head. "No." "I see." Melanie glanced behind her and saw that Yerim was now making her way through the aisles. "She might just be here for fun, but I don't know for sure." Jaebeom tried to assure Melanie of the situation, but she scoffed. "Yeah, right. She's not here for fun." Melanie turned to face the male again. "Seolbi told me that Yerim's been trying to get your information, but Seolbi or the others don't know anything. She hasn't gotten anything from your buddies either since your friends have been busy." "I told them to not leak my contacts. Glad to know they haven't." "That's good."
The female glanced behind and saw that Yerim was now heading closer and closer to where they were. "Look, I'll buy the stuff and distract Yerim just so that you can make your getaway, okay?" "But what if she does something?" Jaebeom asked in concern as Melanie smiled in reassurance. "She won't. She's not the type to fight physically. I'm good." "You're sure?" "Yes, JB, I'm sure. Now go or faced a sasaeng fan at this hour." "Alright. Be safe." Jaebeom squeezed her right shoulder while handing the basket to her. When he was in the clear, he quickly made his towards the exit while Melanie walked towards Yerim like she didn't know the younger female was there. "Oh, hey, Yerim. What are you doing on this side of town at this hour?" Yerim looked over at Melanie with no expression. "Just hanging out since Dayoon went to Busan for the weekend. What are you doing here, unnie?"
"I'm hanging out with my sister and friends." Melanie answered as she made sure to stand where Yerim wouldn't look towards the entrance. "Oh, okay. Is that all for you guys?" Yerim pointed at the filled up basket while Melanie glanced down at it. "Yeah." "That's a lot of strawberry milk." Melanie looked at the female who was looking at her a bit too closely. "My sister really likes strawberry milk. She doesn't drink no other milk besides this flavor." "Oh, I see. So," Yerim began like they were close, "I heard that one of the guys from the Konkuk group date has been stalking you." Melanie's eyebrows furrowed. "Who said that?" "I overheard Seolbi unnie talking with Haeryong unnie a while back." "It's all settled now. A misunderstanding." "I don't see why he would follow you around though."
"What do you mean by that?" "I'm just saying that you don't seem like his type that he would go after." Yerim shrugged as Melanie wanted to roll her eyes, but didn't. "What do you think is his type, Yerim?" "I dunno, unnie. Someone more girly and not well, you." "Well, I need to get going or my sister is gonna throw a fit if she doesn't get some strawberry milk soon." "Yeah, me too. Bye, unnie." Yerim waved with an air of politeness as Melanie gave her a small wave. "Yeah, bye." Luckily, Jaebeom finally made it out of the store before Yerim left. Melanie rolled her eyes while letting out a deep breath. "That girl is gonna get it one of these days." She muttered to herself before making her way to the cashier to buy the items. "Luckily I still have Serena's card to pay for all this." She chuckled to herself.
After Melanie paid the amount and gathered the three bags before making her way out of the store and back towards the apartment complex. The female totally forgot that Jaebeom had accompanied her until someone matched her pace. Melanie turned to look at the person and realized it was Jaebeom. "Oh, hey, you. I thought you went back." "Yeah, I wouldn't do that. Anyways, so how did it go?" "It went okay. I think she was still looking for you though." "I see." "And she heard that Kyungtae was stalking me." "Really?" "Yeah." "By the way, I talked to him." "Okay. What happened?" "Kyungtae said that you were the one that asked him to be all protective over you." "But I didn't. I don't even know how this whole thing started as I didn't even talk to him at the group date thing." "I know." "What else did he say?" "He said that he was your boyfriend and he was looking out for you." "Bullshit." "I know." "Ugh, I just wanna smack him."
Jaebeom chuckled as Melanie eyed him. "It's not funny." "I'm sorry, noona." Jaebeom recovered from his laugh, but a smile was evident upon his face. "I just wish I didn't go to that dumb group date." Melanie muttered, but Jaebeom overheard her. "Then you wouldn't have met me, noona." Melanie cast him an indifferent look. "Well, I would have eventually somehow. I already interacted with you guys a year ago during your fanmeet in San Francisco." "Oh, wow, really?" "Yeah, saw you guys three times that year." "You flew out to just see us?" "Yeah, why not? But no, not really. Family stuff at the time." "But didn't you attend anything while staying here?" Melanie shook her head. "No. School got in the way and so did work for Jyongri unnie." "Oh." "Yeah, but it was always an excuse to fly back home." Melanie smiled at him as the two continued to walk to the complex now in a comfortable silence between them.
By the time they arrived back to Serena's apartment they witnessed Youngjae and Jasmine arguing about the scores they got after singing. It was because Youngjae was upset that Jasmine had beaten him on every song challenge that they had done since the duo had left. Jinyoung reminded the younger male that the machine calculates on its own accord and that Jasmine couldn't have cheated. Youngjae was still upset. As for the others they just ate the rest of the cake and the snacks and drinks that Melanie and Jaebeom had recently bought and watched both Youngjae and Jasmine go at it again to see who could get the highest score. Jasmine won again and Youngjae just continued to sulk. As for Serena, she never came back from out of her room as she did ended up falling asleep and Melanie let her sister be for the rest of the night.
Soon enough it was already quite late and both Jackson and BamBam needed to rest before their schedule later that day to which none of the females were told as they had to find out like the others. The younger males cleaned up the mess they had made in the living room whereas Jeannie did the dishes with Jinyoung. Jasmine took out the trash with the help of Mark and Jackson as the two males didn't realize that there was so much because of them. Melanie ended up putting away all the things of Serena's karaoke machine to make sure everything was intact so that her sister wouldn't be cursing up a storm if something was amiss. Once it was all clean and done the three females bid good night to GOT7 with the girls wishing BamBam a happy birthday once more. GOT7 returned to their dorm while the trio headed off to their own room to crash. Staying up late has definitely become routine with good company.
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chibi-mochi-chan · 5 years
Chapter 1: Izuku Midoriya and Akira Hayashi: The Beginning
Men…          “It’s really cruel to do that, Kacchan…! He’s crying, you know …? I won’t let you… I won’t let you continue without doing anything!” Midoriya cried as he was shivering in fear while protecting the other kind behind him.
 “You’re ‘without individuality’, so… *Poof* Don’t think yourself as a hero. You good for nothing!!” Bakugou mocked as he and his friends went towards Midoriya. … Are not all equal at birth. “HIII!” Midoriya squealed and was beaten up by Bakugou and his two friends. This is a fact that Aki-chan and I realized when we were four. “Oi! Kacchan leave Izu-chan alone!” Akira exclaimed. “Ehhh? No way Aki!” Bakugou yelled backed. “KACCHAN! STOP HURTING IZU-CHAN RIGHT NOW!!” Akira shouted angrily. Bakugou’s eyes widen surprised that Akira was angry at him for hurting Midoriya. “Tch. Let’s go.” Bakugou said letting Midoriya go glaring at him, as he and his friends leave. From the corner of Bakugou’s eye, he sees Akira run towards Midoriya worried. Which made him fall under the green eyed monster’s grasp. “Are you okay, Izu-chan?” Akira asked worriedly. “Mhmm, I’m fine Aki-chan,” Midoriya reassured. “Izu-chan doesn't listen to Kacchan, I know you can be a hero,” Akira said with a smile,   And then… “Hurry up Aki-chan!” Midoriya exclaimed while running towards the train station. “Okay okay, Izu-chan,” Akira said following. “Wow!” Midoriya and Akira said in awe. I knew… My first and last great discouragement. “This villain is huge!” Midoriya exclaimed as Akira nodded in agreement. While the two looked at the heroes battle the enormous villain. It all began in the town of Quig Quig, China. One day. They announced the Birth of a “Luminescent” baby! Then, the “Paranormal” was declared everywhere… Time passed … And we could not explain the cause of these phenomena. Very quickly, the “Paranormal” became “Normal”... … And “Dreams”... Became… “Reality”!!! Current society is composed of supermen, and about 80% of the world population has “A unique physical constitution!” Disorder swirled around the world! It is in these circumstances that the profession that everyone has dreamed of… … came under the spotlight!        “GO AWAY EEEEEN!” the gigantic villain shouted. “It must be really impressive “individuality” to be able to transform into a monster. What’s wrong?” “Oh, it’s just a handbag thief acting violently now that his back’s against the wall.” Midoriya and I squeezed through the crowd to the front to see who was fighting the villain.   “Uh, a villain appeared… and thus trains are stopped… Yes, I do not know when I’ll arrive at the office…” “Kyaaa! Do your best, Kamui!” the fangirls squealed. “Who’s fighting?” Midoriya asked. [Izuku Midoriya (14 years old)]. While I stood next to him. [Akira Hayashi (15 years old)]. “You used your skills for illegal purposes when people are going to work, and you have committed a theft resulting in injury.  You’re really evil incarnate.” Kamui said. “This is the “Kamui Wood”! He is a young talent experiencing a surge of popularity!” Midoriya fanboyed. “Hey, you know a lot about him! You would not be… a fan…?!” the guy with small spiky horns asked Midoriya. “Ah, no…” replied Midoriya. ‘As usual, spreading his knowledge of heroes again.’ I thought with a smile. “This is your punishment,” said Kamui as he started to use his moves. “Show us some big moves, Woodsman!” the guy shouted. “Ah! Here it is, the famous “Absolute Preemptive Confinement… Lacquered Chains Prison” Midoriya said. As Kamui was about to use that move…        “Canon Canyon!” exclaimed a gigantic female hero as she kicked the villain. “!?” astonishing Kamui. “!?” Midoriya was also astonished and so was I. Until many men with cameras were taking pictures of the gigantic woman’s ass. ‘Perverts.’ I thought disgusted. “I just started today! I am called Mount Lady! A pleasure to make your acquaintance!” Mount Lady said. As she and the police restrained the villain, while many were taking pictures because she debuted today. As the number of “Paranormal” phenomenon grows up. The number of crime exploded like wildfire. And when governments were bound hand and foot by laws that restricted radical revisions of any reaction… Courageous people… and character traits of American comics went into action. They kept an eye on the “paranormal” and defend the people of bad intentions! Very quickly, under the leadership of public opinion. The hero, after acquiring specific civil rights. Saw their professional activities officially recognized. And to reward their efforts… They received their salaries directly from the state!! And they were acclaimed by the crowds!!! “Titan’s transformation (A.K.A Gigantification), huh..? It is true that it is quite popular and it is really a great “individuality” but when you consider the damage caused to the city, can you fear a bad cost-benefit ratio and limitations of use to come? No… It might depend on whether she can grow at will or not.” Midoriya mumbled to himself while taking down notes. “Hey hey, you also take notes!! You think of becoming a hero or no?! It’s good, continue and give everything you got!! Ah, you too girly!!” the guy that was next to us said to Midoriya and me. “....! Yes! I will do my best!” Midoriya replied with a huge smile. “Same here! Now let’s go!” I said dragging Midoriya to school.        “Ok, you are all in your Third Year in Junior High! *Flap* In other words, it is now or never that you should think of your future!! I will now distribute the career aspiration document!!!” The homeroom teacher exclaimed while slamming his desk. “But hey, you have, for the most part, the ambition to go the section of heroes, no?” “ the teacher said. “YEAH!” everyone except Midoriya, Bakugou and I exclaimed cheerfully. “Well, well. Is everyone here has good “individuals”? But be aware that the use of it outside the establishment is against the rule.” The teacher said. “Sir, please don’t put me in the same bag as “others”! I really do not intend to make buddy-buddy… with… those who have “weak individualities”... You know…?” Bakugou told the teacher. [Katsuki Bakugou (14 years old)]. I sighed ‘There he goes being cocky as always.’ Which caused almost all the students in the class to an uproar in rage. “What do mean by that. Katsuki?!” “Shut up, you secondary characters! Behave as such!” “Oh yes, indeed, Bakugou… You want to go to… “Yuuei High School”, don’t you?” The teacher said making everyone in the room shocked. “..” especially Midoriya. ‘That National High School? It takes a total score of 79 to enter there this year, right?! “It also said that the entrance examination has the air of cutthroat… well, I think?!”  While Midoriya put his head down, as I looked at him with sympathy but was also very annoyed and bored with the occurring events.   “I’m not surprised that secondary characters like you are quaking! I got an A on the exams. Me! I am the only one here that will go to Yuuei!” Bakugou exclaimed while jumping on top of his desk. He continued his proclamation, “I will even surpass All Might. And then, I will become the highest ranked hero of all!! I’ll leave my name forever in the annual ranking of the richest people in the world!!!”        “Oh. Now that we’re talking about it, it’s true that Midoriya and Hayashi also wish to enter Yuuei.” the teacher said. As Midoriya twitched in his seat, I grinned while looking at the frozen Katsuki. While everyone turned to Midoriya and started to laugh at him uncontrollably except Bakugou and me. ‘Even though Izu-chan doesn’t have a Quirk there’s no reason for preying on him.’ I thought annoyed. As the students began to mock Midoriya. “Seriously?! Midoriya?! It is impossible for you!!” “Someone who only knows how to study can’t join the Heroes Section!” “It... It’s not set in stone! You say that just because it has never happened…” Midoriya defended while standing up from his seat. I smiled, ‘Izu-chan you’re standing up for yourself. I haven’t seen that since we were 4.’ (Even though he didn’t but for another kid). “Good for nothing!!!” Bakugou screamed and aimed an explosion at him. “Huh?!!” Midoriya exclaimed flying out of his seat and onto the floor. “You don’t even have a “weak individuality”, You… … You got nothing! So, why are you trying to enter into the same arena as me, huh?!!” Bakugou exclaimed. “Wait… You’re wrong. Not so fast, Kacchan. I… don’t intend to compete against you, not at all! … I swear!” Midoriya said backing away against the wall. “It’s just… It’s my goal since I was little… and then… … Nothing ventured, nothing gained...” Midoriya stuttered. “What do you mean by that?!!” Bakugou exclaimed angrily. “HII!” Midoriya squealed. “Say your prayers!! What are you capable of, anyway?” Bakugou asked. “....” Midoriya was silent and looked at the floor with a frown. ‘Alright, I had enough.’ I thought and got up from my seat, and the class turned to me, ignoring Katsuki and Izuku who we’re too focused on each other. Walking closer to Bakugou, who now noticed me and turned around to face me, as Izuku soon followed behind. I smiled at Bakugou, even though he’s still the jerky guy I still know and I want to slap him above the head. “Katsuki-kun, please sit down. You’re disrupting the class. Also stop using your Quirk, even though the teacher allows you to use it. I am not, especially when you’re terrorizing the students. Especially Izuku.” I said with a polite smile. His reaction was expeditious, but now Bakugou began to yell at me.        “Why should I listen to you, Aki?! I have to admit you have a pretty good Quirk but not as good as mine. And I shouldn’t be listening to a person who’s under me!!” Now, this boy has done it this time. I dropped my smile and stepped closer to Katsuki face-to-face. “ Kacchan, I already told you it is against the rules to use our Quirks, so please go it down because I’m not going to repeat myself a third time, okay?” I said with a closed eye smile. Bakugou’s face flushed red in embarrassment since Akira was standing so close to him. He grumbled, “Stop calling me that…”, as he quickly went back to his seat hoping Akira didn’t see him blush. I turned and walked over to Izuku, who looked at me in awe. I gave him a smile and stuck my hand out to help him off the floor. He quickly took my hand and stood up, thanked me quietly. As we both sat down at our respective desks. “Oh right. Teach, I don’t wish to enter Yuuei. I’m gonna enter Yuuei.” I declared with a grin making everyone astonished, but made every pay attention to the lesson we’re about to learn. ~12:02 Same City~ “NOOOOO!” “THIEF! STOP HIM!” “Catch me… *Squish* … if you can!” the villain exclaimed while running, as the money stuck to his body. “Someone is coming, though.” A blonde man coughed from coming out of the convenience store. “He just enjoys the mess this morning to put him as a grain of salt, right? People who struggle to curb their “individuality”, there definitely everywhere.” “There are no limits.” “Yes, there is. *Dum* Why you ask?” the blond man grew shocking the two guys in front of him. The villain turned around and automatically knew who it was. “Because I’m here!” the blond guy said with a large grin which shined greatly in the radiant sun. ~Back at school~ “Let’s go to the karaoke!” “I can’t!” I finished packing up and looked over Izuku’s phone to see the incident this morning to be at the top of Yahoo. ‘The incident this morning is at the top of Yahoo! News.’ Midoriya thought and finished as he got up. ‘I should hurry to get home and make a summary!’ thought Midoriya while taking his notebook. Until it was snatched. “Ah!” Midoriya exclaimed and looked up to see Katsuki. “I still have things to settle with you, good for nothing,” said Bakugou. “What is that, Katsuki?” Katsuki’s friend asked. “‘For the future’ … Seriously? Pffft, Midoriyaaaaaa!!” Katsuki’s second friend laughed. “It doesn’t concern you! Give it back!!” Midoriya panicked. Since that notebook controls a lot of information on superheroes and some that he favors, so it was precious to him. But it didn’t seem to matter to Bakugou, who immediately exploded the notebook in between his hands. “HUH!?” exclaimed Midoriya. As Bakugou left the book whole, but there were black soots and burnt pages.        “Kacchan, what the hell did you do that for?!” I exclaimed angrily. Midoriya letting out a small cry, “This is too cruel…!!” “Hmph… Some say that it is possible at the start of the year… … To determine the person who will be the first ranked hero.” said Katsuki as he threw the notebook out the window. I’ll be the first! But also only one of this shabby municipal school! And more, since I am a perfectionist, I want those who claim the title of “One who seeks to continue his studies at Yuuei” have a certain “dignity.” Bakugou said. ‘He really is not open-minded…’ Izuku thought. “For the moment… Forget the idea of passing the entering contest of Yuuei, you dirty nerd!” Bakugou said putting his hand on Midoriya’s shoulder, as Izuku shuddered in fear, and Bakugou burned his shoulder. “......” Midoriya was silent. “Oi, hey …try to answer at least something.” Katsuki’s friend told Midoriya. “He can’t. It’s so pathetic that even in third year… He… still can’t see things in the face.” Katsuki’s friend #2 said. As they and Bakugou were near the door. “I forgot there is a method that can be really effective if you want to become a hero so much. Making the leap of the faith from the roof… believing with all your might that you will have an “individuality” in the other world!” Bakugou exclaimed, “Kacchan, that’s going too far!” I exclaimed. “Shut up, Aki!” Bakugou yelled at me. Midoriya looks at him while I was still boiling inside. “You’ve got something to say?” Bakugou taunted while making tiny explosions in his hands. “....” Midoriya was silent, as Bakugou and his friends left. “Izu-chan! Let’s go find your notebook.” I told, he nodded as we went to his notebook outside the school building. We found in the dirty water fountain. ‘Moron! If I really jumped from the roof. It would mean suicide for me. Right?! Think before you speak!!’ Midoriya thought. “This is not for eating, stupid fish! This is my lecture notes… Fools… Fools…” Midoriya said to himself as I looked at him with a sad expression on my face.        “Mom! The computer!” Midoriya exclaimed “Again?! Seriously, you ask me to watch it so many times that you have all by yourself increased the number of views by thousands. It gives me the chills just looking at it.” Midoriya’s mom said starting the video while young Midoriya was excitedly moving his head back and forth in the chair. This is… an old video… “Did you see that?!” “He has already saved 100 people!! And it didn’t even take 10 minutes!! Really, what a monster!! … Just after a disaster arrived. “HAHAHAHAHAHA” All Might laughed loudly carrying many people on his back. “He laughs loudly!” “You no longer have to worry! Why do you ask? BECAUSE I’M HERE!!” All Might exclaimed. “Soooo cool! If I get an “individuality”... ...I want one that looks like his!” Midoriya exclaimed happily and sparkles appeared around him, while his mother looked at him.        “That will not happen, you’d better give up.” the doctor said, as Midoriya was shell-shocked. “Yikes…! There really was something wrong with him? Other children in kindergarten have all had manifestations of their abilities, but my son is the only one that doesn’t yet…” Midoriya’s mom said to the doctor. “You see, in general, this is where the complex individuality manifests, until the age of four. Well, in the past, when the “paranormal” was still in its beginning, the results of research about it made a great noise in their publication. These results, which have spread like a wildfire, indicated that everything depended whether or not the presence of articulation at the small toes. Do you not know? You see, one might compare it to the maxim: men hardly need what they don’t use. And as regards the men which these joints are absent “type”, we can say that it represents a new stage of evolution! Izuku, meanwhile, has two joints. And although this is increasingly rare in our world… It means… He has no “individuality” of any kind.” The doctor said as Izuku was devastated. “....” “He laughs loudly!” “... Mom.” Izuku said making his mom look back. “Whatever the problems that people encounter… I will save them with a smile on the lip… Heroes are really cool. Maybe… ...me too, I could become one someday.” Izuku said turning his chair, pointing at the video of All Might while looking at his mother about to cry his heart out. As his mother broke down and hugged her son behind the chair. “I’m sorry, Izuku. I am so sorry…!!” She cried heavily, as did poor Izuku. Of course not. Do not say that, mom. At that time. I wanted you to tell me...        “When I was little, I had made my decision already. Yeah! I should avoid listening to what people say! *Woosh* I have to keep my head up and continue to move in the direction that I have to set myself!!” Midoriya said confidently. “Good luck Izu-chan I believe in you,” I said with a smile, as we walked out of the tunnel. *GLOOP* “Invisibility Cloak… Size M…” a voice rasped out, materializing out from the small holes from the manhole covering the floor. Izuku and I stopped, turned around to face a villain. Then it suddenly launched at both of us, but Izuku pushed me out of the way. “Aargh.” Izuku gasped out as the villain latched onto him. ‘A villain!?’ Izuku thought. “Don’t worry.” the villain said. “Mmgh! Mmgh!” Midoriya words were muffled out by the villain’s gooey body. “Stop wiggling like that. I’m just gonna take control of your body for a lil’ time, good? It’ll hurt you for 45 seconds… Then the pain disappear. Thanks for that, man. You are my hero… Still, I would never have thought that someone like him would come in this town.” The villain said. “Mmgh!” Midoriya scream was muffled. “If he thinks he can catch me when I’m in liquid form, he can always dream!!” the villain said. ‘I can’t breathe!! I am losing… all my strength. I’m gonna die! Is this the end for me!? Someone. Aki-chan!! Help me!!! I’m going to die!!! I don’t want…’ Midoriya thought as he tries to get out of the villain's’ grasp.  “Let go of Izu-chan!” I exclaimed, grabbing Midoriya’s hand. “Crystal Slash!” I screamed cutting the villain in half, and it’s arm and head, and freeing Midoriya from its clutches. “Izu-chan, are you okay!?” I asked as he managed to nod, laying his body on the ground. “Heh… It seems that I’ve come across a unique Quirk. A Quirk like yours, I could definitely defeat All Might!” the villain yelled, launching itself at me now. I covered Midoriya’s body with my own, closing my eyes hoping someone would appear to help us. “Do not worry, kids!!” exclaimed a stranger who came out of the sewers. I opened my eyes, and Midoriya looked to the side to see All Might. “!?” The villain was shocked. “I’m here!”  All Might said coming out of the sewers. “TEXAS… SMASH!!” All Might shouted punching the villain away, as I held Midoriya from behind, as I crystallized my feet so we don’t get blown away by the air pressure All Might made. “Just because… … the air pressure?!” the villain exclaimed as he was splattered all over the tunnel. ‘Huh!? All… Mi….igh…’ Izuku thought before losing consciousness. Once the wind stopped, I put Izuku down outside the tunnel and retrieved his notebook while All Might put the villain in a coca cola bottle. All Might step outside the tunnel.  “Ah, young Akira! It’s nice to see you again, and you’re okay!” All Might greet me.“Geez, All Might. I thought my parents told not to over do it.” I said looking at him with a straightforward look. “Sorry about that.” He said while grinning and scratching behind his neck. I sighed, “Well just don’t over do it again okay?” “I know I know.” said All Might. “Anyway… Do you mind giving my unconscious best friend an autograph?” I asked handing him Midoriya’s notebook. “Sure!” He exclaimed, signing Izuku’s notebook. All Might gave it back to me, I smiled. ‘Izu-chan’s gonna flip out over this.’ as we walked over to the unconscious Midoriya. All Might crouched down towards him and began to pat Midoriya quickly on the cheek.        "Hey! Kid! Wake up… Ah!” All Might said seeing an awoken Midoriya. “Thank god!” All Might exclaimed. “HOOOOOW?!” Midoriya screeched quickly backing away from All Might on his butt and clinging onto me. “You seem to be doing well, that is the most important!! I’m really sorry!! You got involved in my removal of the villain. I don’t usually make beginners mistakes like this, but well… Maybe I have let myself go a little since I’m in a strange land, and that the capture was made “off screen”?” All Might said while laughing [Hero no. 1: All Might]. “Anyway, it’s thanks to you that I have succeeded, so thank you!!! I did a “checkmate” without a problem, at the end!!! *BRAAAAP!*” All Might said holding out the villain in the cola bottle. ‘All Might!!! The real… The real one!! All Might in the flesh and bone!! It is designed in a completely different way!!!’ Izuku thought fanboying inside. “I forgot! C-Can I have your autograph…?” Midoriya asked All Might while looking around for his notebook, only to see it in my hands. “Ah, on my notes… Thanks, Aki-chan…” Midoriya said taking it from my hands as I nodded. “Please!!!” He shouted and opens it up to see the autograph. “Woaaaaaaaah! T… Thank you very much!! I will make this a family heirloom!! A family treasure, even!!” Midoriya said bowing his head so much, I had to hold the back of his uniform jacket so he doesn’t hit his head on the concrete. All Might gave a thumbs up to Midoriya, “Well, I have to take him to the post! Check out my exploits on LCD TV, kids!!” Midoriya stopped bowing and looked up as I let go of his jacket. “Ha! Really…? Already…? But I still…” He said with a dejected sigh, “You know, professionals must constantly fight against time and evil.” All Might said as he was stretching ready to launch. ‘Wait! I still…! Have a bunch of questions for you…’ Midoriya thought. “With that, I am counting on you to continue in the future… TO SUPPORT ME!” All Might said launching up high in the sky. “Huh? No, no!” All Might exclaimed to see Midoriya and me hanging onto his legs. “Let me go!! Are you crazy or what?!” All Might exclaimed trying to push Midoriya and me off. “If… If we let you go now… We’re going…!! We’re going to die…!” Midoriya told. “Indeed!!” All Might said as he stopped pushing us off his legs. “I…! Have many things…!! To ask… you directly! You…” Midoriya finished as his mouth and eyes were open wide. “Ok, ok, I understand. Close your eyes and mouth now!” All Might told him as Midoriya did what he was told. “*Cough* Hum… Shit!!” He muttered under his breath as a small amount of blood appeared on his mouth. *FSSHHHH* “...... Where am I…? Damn…! Motherfucker… If only he didn’t exist…!” the villain said as he opened his eyes to see Bakugou and his friends. “But you’re childhood friends, right?” Friend #1 asked Bakugou while having a cigarette in his mouth. “You’ve really gone too far now.” Friend #2 said grabbing a cigarette. “It's his fault for getting in my way,” Bakugou said kicking the cola bottle that the villain was a pole, opening the bottle. “Even when we were kids, he was already a jerk who believed in a dream... And Aki was always there to protect him...I’m getting angry just remembering that.” Bakugou said angrily exploding the soda can that was in his hand, ‘Why does Aki prefer Deku instead of me? I have a Quirk and he’s Quirkless.’ He thought in envy. “Argh.” the two friends flinched. “Enough about that. I told you to stop smoking! If you get busted, it will make me look bad on my school report…” Bakugou shouted angrily at them while waving his hand off because of the can he exploded. The two ignored him and stuttered while pointing, “Lo… Look!” “?” Bakugou was confused. “Invisibility cloak… … With good “individuality”...” muttered the villain as he was behind Bakugou ready to engulf him in his liquified body.        We landed on a rooftop of a building. “That was creepy…” Midoriya shuddered out while I patted his back. “Seriously!! I was forced to land to talk to a person at the bottom of the social ladder. Oh well. I really have no time to lose, so I’ll leave you two here!!” All Might said, “ Wait!! Uh…” Midoriya panicked while turning his body around. “No! I can’t wait!” All Might exclaimed, slightly scaring Midoriya as he was shaking. “Can I become a hero… even without an “individuality”?!” “Is it possible for a person without an “individuality”... to become like you…?” Midoriya asked All Might with a slightly flushed face while shutting his eyes tightly. “No “individuality”...?” All Might questioned turning his head slightly. ‘The truth is going to hurt you, Izu-chan. Even though you already know that for years, but it’s gonna hurt even more from your favorite hero.’ I thought with a sad expression on my face. “!” All Might look up. ‘Oh, I smell a rat… Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit…’ All Might thought as steam was coming out of his body. I looked up to see steam coming out of All Might’s body. ‘Oh crap! His time is up! I have to cover All Might so Izu-chan doesn’t see him. But I can’t run towards him Izu-chan will see… Gahh!!’ I screamed in my head. “Because I do not have an “individuality” … No, it is perhaps not only because of it either, but… … They laugh all the time at me… I… do not really know why, but… I think… it’s really cool to be able to save people.” Midoriya said looking down on his feet, while All Might was deflating. “I want to save people with a smile that knows no fear! I want to become the best heroes, just like you…” Midoriya trailed as he looked up with a smile to see a deflated All Might. “....” All Might was silent. ‘Welp the cat’s out of the bag now.’ I thought. “HUUUUH!?” Midoriya screamed astonished. “You narrowed!!! Huh?! Suddenly… Huh?! You are a fake, right?! You are an impostor, right?! You’re too thin!!” Midoriya exclaimed while pointing at All Might, ‘I knew he wouldn’t take this well.’ I sighed. “....” All Might was silent. “I am All Might.” All Might said as blood came out his mouth, as I gave him a handkerchief to wipe the blood away. “WHAT!!? I DON’T BELIEVE YOU!!!” Midoriya exclaimed flabbergasted, while All Might was wiping his blood with my hanky. As All Might replied, “There are many people who retain their Abs at the pool, right? Well there is none!”, “Stop lying!” Midoriya exclaimed. “He’s telling you the truth Izu-chan.” I said Midoriya turned to me, “EH?! Aki-chan?! You’re lying right!?” Midoriya exclaimed as I shook my head. “*Sigh* A smile that knows no fear, huh…?” All Might said sitting on the floor. “Well, as you can see, kid… and Akira already knew about it… What is written on the internet is not necessarily true, you know?” All Might said. “That’s… not true.” Midoriya said still shellshocked from the true form of All Might.        All Might lifted his shirt up, “This is a wound… I got 5 years ago by the attack of a villain.” “HIIII!” Midoriya gasped in horror. “Result: Semi-destruction of my respiratory system and total removal of my stomach. My face is emaciated and haggard; my eyes are side effects of repeated surgeries. Currently, I can’t work actively as a hero more than about three hours a day. This is my limit.” All Might finished. “5 years ago…? When you fought against the “Venomous Chainsaw…?” Midoriya asked. “You know your subject well. I won’t let them get me like that, anyway!” said All Might as he clenched his fist. “What I told you was never publicly disclosed. I will, therefore, ask you to not to reveal to anyone, please. The “Symbol of Peace” who saves people with a smile… Absolutely can’t afford to bow to the forces of evil. If I laugh, it is just… to distract me from the fear that I feel and the pressure under which I awash as heroes.” All Might said, “....!” Midoriya was speechless. “Professionals must always put their lives at stake. So, I can’t openly say that being a hero is “possible without an ability” … Because it may not be possible, simply.” said All Might. “... I see…” Midoriya said as he tries to hold in his tears. “If all you care about is to save people, then you can also become a policeman. That way, you are also “responsible for receiving the villain”... A job often ridiculed and disparaged, but no less admirable!” All Might said, standing up and headed to the door. “....” Midoriya was silent, as I put my hand on his shoulder. “It’s not a bad thing to dream. But… be careful not to obscure the facts, kid. Oh and Akira, I’ll be coming by tonight to talk with your parents.” All Might said as I nodded. He closed the door leaving Midoriya and I alone, while I hugged him to comfort him knowing the truth would hurt him. ‘... Well, I gotta hurry and take…’ All Might paused his thought while going through his pant’s pocket. “....? ….” only to see that it was not there. *BWOUM!* “....” All Might look out the window to see an explosion. “This is not true…” All Might trailed and began to panic.        “GWOAAAAARGH!” Bakugou screamed at the top of his lungs while pulling on the slime around him. “As if I’d let me… … get absorbed by a muddy… bastard…” Bakugou exclaimed. ‘What incredible strength!! Looks like I pulled the right number! With this “individuality” and this force, I’ll sure take my revenge on that guy!’ the slimy villain thought. “Perfect! Who’s this guy? A villain of the first rank, perhaps?!” “Go heroes!” “I can’t do anything if there are at least two lanes of traffic!” Mt. Lady said, ‘Explosions and flames are not really my cup of tea…! I give my place to someone else this time!” Kamui said rescuing Bakugou’s friends and other civilians. “We expect your help, thank you! Turning off this fire requires my full attention! Is the truck not here yet? What the fuck?!” Backdraft exclaimed while putting out the fire. “It is so slippery that you can’t catch him with bare hands, and more, because this kid has a good “individuality”, the only solution is to wait it out! Because of that, we believe it to be a minefield!” Deathgoro ( aka. Death Arms) exclaimed. “Even going there, it’s difficult to do anything!!” said another hero. “It’s useless! There’s no one here who can stop this!” Deathgoro said, “One can only wait for someone with an advantageous “individuality” to show up!!” the other hero said. “What will you do with the number of victims growing during this time?! Bring someone now!” Backdraft exclaimed while putting out the fire. “It makes me feel sorry for the kid, but we have to wait a little longer!” said the hero with steam coming out of his helmet. “Fuck!!” Deathgoro cursed while tightening his fist. ‘If only I had the power to send him to the other world or something like that…!!’ he thought frustratedly. While All Might was in the crowd sweat dropping from the running he had to do to get to the district. ‘He must have fallen at that time!!’ he thought to remember Midoriya and Akira were hanging on to his legs in mid-air. ‘I was so absorbed in what I was doing that I did not see the time pass! What a mistake on my part! And all of this just because I was trying to reason with a fan!! I’m pathetic… so pathetic!!!’ All Might thought while clutching his shirt with a guilty look on his face.        Midoriya and I were walking down the street, as Midoriya looked at his burnt notebook remembering the hurtful words he was told before. I look at him with a sad expression. "Be careful not to obscure the facts.” “It’s so pathetic to see that even in the Third year, I still can’t face these things.” “In other words, it is now or never that you will seriously consider your future!!” ‘The highest… in the professional ranking…’ Midoriya thought as tears were forming in his eyes, he wipes his nose with his hand. ‘No crying… I have known it already, right!? This is the reality… But it is precise because that I knew… that I was dead serious…!’ he thought. “Ah,” I said and looked at the crowd across the street, getting Midoriya to look over there. Do not look. I tell you not to… Watch…! “....” Midoriya was silent, as he crossed the street and I followed to see what was all the commotion. ‘This explosion yet…’ Midoriya thought. You’ll look because you’re used to it. Huh? Stop right now! It’s useless to continue watching. “....!?” Midoriya and I were astonished to see that slimy villain. ‘What he’s doing here?!!! All Might! The Villain has escaped?!... Or is it that he fell…?! But then…’ Midoriya thought paused. “....! … It’s… my fault…!” Midoriya said, “No… it’s both of our faults!” I said. “Why is it that the heroes are standing there like pegs?” “I understand that a schoolboy got caught.” “....!’ Midoriya and I heard over the two civilians. ‘He got caught… That is to say, he faced this pain?!! Hell…!’ Midoriya thought as he covered his mouth with his hands in fear, remembering how he got captured by that villain. ‘Damn it! We’ve messed up big time.’ I thought with a frustrated look. “Anyway, this villain…” “Isn’t this the one All Might pursued earlier?” “All Might! Seriously?! Do you think he will come?!” “....!” Midoriya and I flinched. “I’ve caught a glimpse of him before.” “Well then, what takes All Might so long?!” “....!” All Might flinched as well.        ‘This is all our faults…!! And whoever is caught can’t move. This mud is elusive! They are just waiting for a hero with an advantageous “individuality” to come!!’ Midoriya and I thought, as Midoriya covered his mouth as if he’s about to puke. ‘Hang on…!!! Sorry!! I’m really sorry…!! Some will come and save you right now… Someone… A hero will come to save you from one moment to another…’ Midoriya thoughts trailed. As Katsuki turned to look at the crowd, his eyes instantly looked at Midoriya’s trembling ones and mine. His eyes widen looking completely helpless. Midoriya grabbed my wrist and immediately sprinted towards Katsuki. “!?” astonishing everyone. “Eh!? Izu-chan!?” I exclaimed as I was dragged in by Midoriya.  “MORON! STOP! STOP!” Deathgoro exclaimed as we ignored him and continued running forward to Bakugou. “Those kids…” the villain trailed, “Good for nothing and Aki…?!” Katsuki said. I pulled my wrist away from Midoriya wrist. ‘Why did I rush towards him? What makes me?! Why?!!’ thought Midoriya. “Death by an explosion.” the villain said. “HIII…!” Midoriya shrieked while running. ‘What do I do, what do I do at a time like this?! Page 25!!’ he thought. “Argh!!” Midoriya exclaimed and threw his backpack at the villain’s face. “Ugh!” the villain groaned. “Crystal Dragon’s Claw!” I exclaimed and kicked/ sliced a piece of the villain’s body but nowhere near Bakugou. “Gah!” the villain screamed in pain as it loosened its grip on Bakugou. I reached out to his side and began to help Izuku to pull Katsuki out. “Kacchan!” cried Midoriya and me, as Midoriya grabbed his arm. “Why? Why are you two here?” Katsuki yelled, surprised to see us here trying to rescue him. “My legs moved by themselves! I… really don’t understand why!!!” Midoriya yelled. I think there were several reasons for this. “This is my fault.” “You’d better not give up.” “Yes, I won’t!! I will do my best!!” “So why is it that you are trying to get into the same arena as me, huh?!!” “Kacchan. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.” “That is my goal.” “Heroes are really cool.” “Be careful not to obscure the face.” “I want to save people with a smile.” But at that time, it was mostly… “Because… … your face seemed to be calling for help!” Midoriya said determined with tears in his eyes. Shocking Katsuki, All Might, and me. “Yeah! We don’t want anything bad to you even if you are a jerk. We care about you baka!” I said with a smile, and tears coming out of my eyes. “Stop….. You…!” Bakugou muttered out. ‘Pathetic… Pathetic!!!’ All Might think as he started to flex back. “I’m almost finished, so… Move, it brats!” the villain screamed. I grabbed Midoriya, and I stomped my feet creating a crystal shield as the villain began to smash it with its hand. But the shield I created started to have a small crack each time it hits the shield. As the heroes began to panic. “They will die needlessly! It is as if asking to commit suicide!!” Deathgoro exclaimed as he and the other heroes try to save us. As soon as the shield was broken. *GRAP!* “!!?” “You have managed to persuade me… That my morals are there just for me to listen. To me, it’s saying that I do not set an example!!!” All Might exclaimed as he raised his fist back. “The professionals put their lives all the time in the game!!!!!” All Might finished as blood came out of his mouth. I knew what was going to happen, so I grabbed Midoriya and Bakugou by the hand and crystallized our feet. “DETROIT SMASH!!!” screamed  All Might blowing away the slimy villain. While everyone crouched down and held onto each other so they don’t start flying away. Then a raindrop came down from the sky. “.... It’s raining?” “Wait, did he just caused an updraft…” “... With just air pressure…?” “Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey.” As All Might look at the three unconscious teens holding each other hands while wiping away the blood that remains in his mouth. Midoriya on the right, Akira in the middle, and Bakugou on the left. As the crystallization on their feet were gone. “Time has changed nothing that with a straight!” “So cool, so this is it. The real power of… All Might!!!” Everyone celebrated and started to move towards him. “....” All Might look back. After this incident. The hero recuperated pieces of Muddy… And carry them without harm to the police station. I was right to long sermons from the hero. “You didn’t really need to expose yourself to such danger!!” Deathgoro yelled at Midoriya as he sat there being scolded by the heroes. Kacchan and Aki-chan. Meanwhile, they were being complimented. “What incredible strength! And “individuality”!! If you become professionals, I will make you my junior!! Especially you Hayashi! When you become big as your family, Gaia, Night Shadow,  Apex Gale and Flare. I’ll be honored to have you as my sidekick.” said one of the heroes. I only smiled politely, but I had a feeling they would mention my family. I looked over to see Midoriya still being scolded by the heroes, poor guy. Bakugou huffed in envy, due to Akira receiving a lot of praise from the heroes, also paying attention to Midoriya well… at least in his eyes. But he did get to hold hands with her and was told by her that she cares about him. Causing Bakugou to blush slightly, remembering how soft and warm her hand was. Good thing she was looking at Deku and the hero was still praising them. ‘Why do always do this to me, idiot…’ Bakugou thought gripping his shirt. Though that didn’t stop him from glaring at Midoriya and burn holes at the back of his head.        ‘I wanted to apologize All Might, but… I guess I’ll have to settle for me to send him a message on his home page after returning…’ Thought a dejected Midoriya as I was walking home with him and patted his shoulder and gave him a smile, he blushed slightly and returned a smile. “Hey, good for nothing, Aki!!!” Katsuki called us out. “!” making us turn around. “I… never asked for you two to come help me…! I did not need to be saved!! Ok?! You’ve got it?! I could take care of myself, yeah! The only thing missing is that I have to apologize to a good for nothing without an “individuality” and a goody two shoes with an “individuality” like you! I owe you apologize!! Fucking nerds!!” Bakugou said turning around and began to walk away. ‘What a strong head…!’ Midoriya thought with a sweat drop. “Typical.” I sighed. ...Things are as you said. My helplessness is still there. But anyway… I’m happy. After all these events. I will now be able to abandon the future I dreamed… “I’M HERE!!” All Might exclaimed, cutting off Midoriya by appearing from the left side of the road. “HUH?!” Midoriya and I screamed. “All Might! What are you doing here…?” Midoriya asked. “You were surrounded by a horde of reporters earlier…” I trailed off as he started to laugh. “I can avoid them if I wanted to! After all, I’m All Mi… *Cough*” All Might then deflated back to his skinny self. “AARGH!” Midoriya screamed. “Here,” I said giving All Might another hankie as he took it and started to wipe off the blood. “Kid. I came to thank you and make some corrections… and I also have a proposal for you.” All Might said, “Huh?” Midoriya said with a confused look on his face. “If you hadn’t been there and if I did not hear your personal story… And you even told me that I had fake muscles!! For all that, I must thank you!!” All Might finished. “Fake muscles…I don’t think you have to thank him for that...” I trailed off. “Don’t… from the beginning, it’s entirely my fault! I disturbed you during your work… And I was relatively cheeky as I am “without an individuality”...” Midoriya said as his voice trailed off. “Hey, it was my fault too,” I told. “About that!!” All Might interrupted, causing Midoriya to look up, and I too look at All Might. “At the time, no one could act. You are the only one who could do it, you, a shy person and just “without an individuality”!!! And that really touched me!! Okay, but then what? How does the story end up for most of these people?! It always concludes with these words: “My body moved by itself!!” Some say that while being at school. It is possible to determine most people who will be part of the best-ranked hero…” said All Might, as Midoriya was trembling vigorously. For one reason or another…   “.....” … I remembered the words of my mother. “I’m sorry, Izuku, I’m so sorry…!” “This is… what happened to you too, right?!” All Might asked Midoriya. “... Yes…” Midoriya cried out. Don’t say that, Mom. At that time, I wanted you to tell me… “YOU CAN BECOME A HERO.” All Might screamed proudly. As Izuku stuffed his face into my chest, hugging me tightly and cried his heart out, sobbing loudly, pulling me down to the ground. I hugged him back, “See? I told you that you’ll become a hero.” I said with a closed eye smile as he sobbed even harder, while I hugged him tighter.   “Dreams… eventually, become real.” Also, I forgot to mention. But… This will be the story of my journey to become the best of all heroes along with Aki-chan of course.
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