vierran45 · 2 years
For the youngungs out there, there is a really good Taiwanese drama about the Skip Beat manga.
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scarletmaster143 · 1 year
Skip beat: a hilarious mess full of love, friendship and human connections
(please do not expect cohesion or structure)
Skip beat will always always have a very special place in my heart solely due to the fact that it is the funniest show I have ever watched. The manga is written in an absurd, exaggerated style and both the anime and the drama manage to capture its unique sense of humour excellently. Ivy's over the top acting, siwon's cool but baffled expressions, dong hae's haughty side eyes (so much eyeliner) managed to capture the characters of kyoki, ren and sho so beautifully. It will always be a great pity that we never got a season two for either. (also props to the actors who played Mr yashiro and lory in the drama, they have my heart)
Coming to the characters themselves-
Kyoko: my beautiful bold courageous child, who dreams of fairytales even when she's going through hell. Her journey is amazing and inspiring and I adore how she rejects love but gravitates to cute things. Her friendship with moko is heartwarming and so is her big sister-ship with Maria. She makes so many connections throughout the story and each connection is so precious, i love it. My fav arc for her has to be the natsu arc but i will go into each character in detail.
Rich lady- yes I'm including this in her list of roles even though she didn't really play this part. The anime rendition of this is my favourite episode to watch solely because of how beautiful she looks and how much grit she has. It is also the first of many instances we see where kyoko draws from her own life consciously to act out a role, her past with sho is so shaded by her devotion and his indifference it was amazing to see how she took something positive from that.
Promo clip angel- legitimately gasped when I saw her outfit in the anime, so fucking gorgeous and it was so funny how she couldn't stop crying when thinking of moko (ahhhh kyoko is so adorable) also in the drama when she is bickering with sho (or shang ig?) in this outfit, have a hate-love relationship with the prisoner song tho.
Mio- ah mio, has there ever been a more iconic character, the last one we see in the anime and drama mio is iconic to kyoko in-universe as well as in the real world. The masterful way she crafts the character to be a little twisted but still striving to do the right thing, how she takes ren's advice and completely flips that perception that people have of mio, and how much heart she puts into learning about mio is awe-inspiring. Kyoko looks so good during her entire time as mio and i legitimately forgot how long she plays the role for- so many things happen while they are still shooting dark moon. Mio also allows kyoko to showcase a little bit of her darker side with the spirits of grudge
Natsu- the most delightful and horrifying character natsu's arc is the epitome of a showbiz drama. Her being so determined to shed mio but completely unable to, the entire sequence where the director and his assistant (?) discuss how she carries herself so different from other people her age, HER GOING TO REN'S PLACE AND DEMANDING HE TRAINS HER LIKE A FEMALE MODEL, chef's kiss. I like that she kept mio's wickedness but amplified it in a way that was more true to life. I feel like natsu somewhat resembles sho in certain ways tho I'm not sure if that was intentional. All in all it is the first step in kyoko's journey beyond dark moon and it is executed really well .
Kuon- lowkey forgot about it but when kuu asks kyoko to act as his son, it gave me goosebumps. Knowing that kuu is kuon's father and that kyoko has actually met him the past was already exciting, but when she showed up in that American boy outfit, i was stunned. Her meeting with ren was so cool, yashiro being confused af, ren being like wtf and her panicking internally, such a chaotic arc, her relationship with teacher/father is so adorable, she really thinks of kuu as a mentor and it warms my heart, i really want to see more kuu-juliena/ren-kyoko interactions simply because of how much ren's parents adore kyoko individually, but yes kuon is very special to kyoko and it helped her get over he funk with mio and natsu
Setsu- if natsu is my favourite arc then setsu has to be my favourite character. Made up for no legitimate purpose except for the ✨romantic spice ✨ setsu is such a cool character and her dynamic with ren as cain is absolutely revolting but also so cuuttteee. I love her fashion, love her confidence, there is a bit of natsu to her but definitely more outcast-y. My girl is totally a Vivienne Westwood grunge queen and i cannot ever get the hotel-hickey scene out of my head, kyoko's acting grows leaps and bounds here as she works with ren who even falls prey to her, it is beautiful. (Love that she kicks sho just for laughs) I hope we find some way to meet setsu again since we see murasame make a reappearance, would love to see her act as setsu in front of beagle boy,
Momiji- we haven't seen a lot of momiji the character but i do adore a tragic love, the momiji arc was probably the best in displaying how much kyoko has grown and how her connections with other people have shaped her, she's more sure of herself largely because she knows she has reliable people backing her up and their loyalty is a direct result of her kindness/positive behaviour with them. Her faith in her own abilities is very encouraging to see and i find momiji surprisingly similar to mio in that she has to hide her real feelings due to circumstances out of her control, her devotion to shizumasa and her grudging respect for chidori just as she bleeds out perfectly tie up her arc and though she is tragic she is splendid. I like that they took the time to establish kyoko's current position before moving into the route arc which I feel is going to be long and tedious, morizumi was a pain and director kuresaki is so pathetic i love him
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yeshens · 2 years
muse aesthetic : feelings.
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happiness. being unable to stop smiling. laughter. bear hugs. happy tears. waving arms around. dancing. contently sighing. eyes twinkling. laughter lines. childlike playfulness. skipping. talking more. affection. cracking more jokes than usual. gesturing more when talking. higher pitched voice. squealing. jumping around. clapping.
sadness. tearing up. self-hugging. one-arm cross. an aching chest. scratchy throat. a runny nose. turning away. deep breaths. quivery smiles. crying. infantile sobbing. hands gripping each other or an object. covering mouth. puffy eyes. eyes appear red. voice breaking. a distant or empty stare. monotone voice. asking for comfort. faking a smile. crumbling. shaking. whimpering. depression. abusing an unhealthy habit. withdrawing from others. big teary eyes. doing something even if it could hurt them.
anger. furrowed brows. baring teeth. passive-aggressive comments. avoiding eye contact. sarcasm. headache. sore muscles. hiding clenched fists. irritability. jumping to conclusions. raising voice. going silent. demanding immediate action. keeping it all in until exploding. body tensing. making risky decisions. middle finger.
fear. wanting to flee or hide. what-ifs. images of what-could-be flashing in mind. uncontrollable trembling. rapid breathing. screaming. a skewed sense of time. irritability. keeping silent. denying fear. turning away from the cause. pretending to be brave. nail-biting. lip-biting. scratching skin. a joking tone but a voice that cracks. fainting. insomnia. panic attacks. exhaustion. substance abuse. tics. rushing adrenaline. face draining of colour. hair lifting on the back of the neck. feeling rooted to the spot. making body as small as possible. staring but not seeing. crying. a shrill voice. whispering. gripping something or someone. stuttering. flinching at noises. pleading.
exhaustion. constantly yawning. slurring words together. dark circles or lines under eyes. mood swings. hallucinations. calling people by the wrong name. dizziness. denying they’re tired. slow blinking. trouble concentrating. stumbling. leaning on a doorframe for support. sluggish movements. falling asleep someplace that isn’t a bed. becoming irritated by the smallest things. “i’m awake, i’m fine”. shaking so bad they spill their drink. fall asleep in their clothes. lay their head on the table because they’re so tired. passing out.
tagged by: @aicidos idk if i should kiss you or beat you up tagging: @aicidos do this for siwon btw<3 @inlife @breakr @tomoge for any muse of your choice<3 anyone reading this who wants to do it can free feel to steal it btw
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wahgifs · 2 years
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Hold on. It's still there. BLUEMING (2022)
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saebeau · 3 years
OK so...
I just...
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tytangfei · 5 years
Idk who else to tell this to, but yalls I rewatched the live action Skip Beat from 2011 and although it was lacking in several things, the actors were perfect in their roles. Especially Choi Siwon as Tsuruga Ren. I still am not over it. I miss him as Ren. I miss Ivy Chen as Kyoko. I miss Donghae as Sho. I really miss this cast as they did such a great job. Also love the soundtracks.
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whoawallpapers · 5 years
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Siwon as Dun He Lian in Skip Beat wallpapers, requested 💖
Like and/or reblog if you save/use them :)
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vierran45 · 3 years
Seeing Mark Chao in a costume reminded me how obsessed I used to be with his debut drama Black & White. I actually learned to navigate a Chinese torrent site for it. This was the days when almost no tutorials were available. Learning to use jjwxc is child’s play compared to that. I watched most eps raw first, subbed second. Ivy Chen was so kickass.
Ivy Chen was kickassness continued in Skip Beat!, though I have to say Choi Si Won and Lee Dong Hae were also very surprisingly nice in their roles.
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blu-joons · 4 years
The Moment They Realise They Love You ~ Super Junior Reaction
The light sound of you knocking on the door brought everyone’s eyes around to look at you. “Lunch,” you giggled, placing a bag of food down on the floor that the boys quickly crowded around, with the exception of Jeongsu who walked over to you, wrapping his arm around you.
“This must have cost you a fortune getting all of this,” he whispered, pecking against your cheek.
“Well, I know how hard you’ve all been working so I thought I’d stop by and just make sure you’re doing alright,” you replied, intertwining your hand in with his. “I know you skipped breakfast this morning because the kitchen was spotless too.”
His expression softened, surprised you’d even noticed such a thing. He kept his apartment incredibly clean anyway, but you usually woke and saw a few crumbs on the table that he hadn’t managed to clean up before leaving, but not today.
“Make sure you eat up,” you whispered, pressing your palm against his flushed cheeks. “If you’re not going to look after yourself, I’ll make sure I do.”
“What did I do to deserve this?” He blushed, resting into your touch.
Your shoulders shrugged, “I guess you must’ve just been pretty good in a past life,” you laughed, encouraging him to join the boys and eat.
“Thank you…I love you.”
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His eyes fell immediately to where the light snores were coming from as he walked into the apartment, spotting you fast asleep on the sofa with a blanket barely draped over your body. “Jagi,” he whispered as he walked towards you, shaking you lightly as he glanced up at the clock.
“Heechul,” you whispered, reluctantly opening your eyes as you felt his hand press to your waist.
“Why didn’t you go to bed?” He chuckled, sitting down on the floor beside you. “I’m sorry that I was so late, I didn’t think it would go on for this long. I didn’t realise you were going to stay up and wait for me, no one’s ever done that for me before.”
It was the smallest of gestures but knowing that you were happy to waste the night and wait for him meant a huge deal to him. Coming home and seeing you curled up so delicately ignited a feeling that he’d never felt before.
“You’re adorable,” he whispered, brushing your messy hair out of your face. “Why don’t you let me get changed and then we can lay here tonight?”
“You’ve had a long day, you need to lay in bed,” you quickly remined him.
He looked back at you with a smile, “it doesn’t matter where I’m lying, I just want to be with the one that I love for a while.”
“T-the one that you love?”
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The radio silence from Junghoon all day had you concerned, you waited and hoped for a reply or a call for him, but nothing ever came. As the sky got dark, you found yourself left with no other choice but showing up at his place until he finally opened the door. “Please, just go,” he whispered.
“I’m not going anywhere,” you frowned, pushing your way into the house, noticing the tears in his eyes.
“You don’t deserve to see me like this,” he argued, following behind you as you pulled him down onto the sofa. “I promise that I’m alright, it’s just been a bit of a bad day, but I meant t-“ before he could carry on, your lips pressed to his to silence him.
As much as he hated to admit it, he needed you more than ever today, and seeing how much you cared to check on him in person was so important to him. In fact, it was the last little hint he needed to know that his heart was right.
“I’m not leaving, even if you don’t want to talk,” you whispered into his ear, “I just had to come and see for myself that you were alright.”
“I’m alright now,” he smiled, resting tighter into your side, “I didn’t think you’d come.”
Your hands wiped underneath his eyes, “I care too much about you to think of you being all alone at a time like this, I wanted to be here.”
“Thank you for being here for me.”
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You noticed him sat at his desk as he soon as you walked into the studio, pushing the door open gently so not to disturb, hovering by his side. “Do you know how late it is?” You asked, still making him jump as he saw you, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you straight into his lap.
“It’s one in the morning, what are you doing outside? You’ll catch a cold,” he quickly scolded.
“I was wondering where you were, so I thought you could probably do with some company if you were working this late,” you smiled, tightening the hoodie that was wrapped around you. “I thought you might be having a bit of a hard time too working this late.”
He always valued himself as someone hard to read, but somehow you always managed to read him perfectly. His arms tightened around you as he felt how cold you were, hoping that the warmth you created in his heart would keep you cosy.
“There’s a restaurant still open just down the road, have you eaten?” You asked, looking over his face closely, “I don’t mind heading back out.”
“You’re not going anywhere,” he quickly established, “you’ve done enough just coming here.”
You sighed, poking against his cheek, “at least let me order something then, I can guarantee you won’t have taken care of yourself properly today.”
“Let me do it, it’s the least I can do.”
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It was Kwanghee who spotted you first as you hung back behind the cameras, tapping Hyukjae’s shoulder until he looked around. “Looks like someone is here to see you,” he smiled, taking a step back s Hyukjae could walk over and greet you properly.
“Kyu said you left in a bit of a mood this morning, so I thought I’d come and cheer you up,” you mused.
“You have no idea how much I wanted to see your face,” he laughed, pressing a delicate kiss to your lips. “Everything was just going wrong this morning, and you weren’t there to fix it, you normally have the solution to all of my problems.”
He couldn’t believe it as you told him how you’d taken the afternoon off of work in order to try and cheer him up, and all the effort you’d gone to just for him. Even if all you were going to be doing was hanging back and watching as he recorded the show.
“You don’t have to stay,” he told you several times, hating the feeling that he was burdening you. “I can always just come to your place when we’re done.”
“I’ve taken the time off to be here for you,” you reminded him, cupping his cheeks.
Eventually, he began to listen, “I promise we’ll get done as quickly as possible. And then we can do something, I’ll show you the same love that you show me.”
“Is that your way of saying you love me?”
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Your heart broke as you watched him walk through the house, dragging his feet behind him. “The audition can’t have been that bad,” you tried to reassure him, but his head simply shook every time you spoke. “Why don’t you tell me what you think went so badly?”
“I just know they didn’t like me, straight away I could tell,” he groaned, taking a seat on the sofa.
“If they can’t see what I see in you then they weren’t deserving of your acting anyway,” you comforted, taking a seat beside him. “There’ll be better jobs just around the corner that I know will be perfect for you, don’t let one bad one get you down too much.”
With every word you spoke he began to feel better, he wasn’t sure exactly what it was or how you said it, but your words were so honest. You were the comfort he needed at times like this that perhaps he’d taken for granted before.
“Thank you for trying to make me feel better,” he whispered, struggling to hold onto his emotions, “coming home to you was exactly what I needed.”
“I didn’t do anything,” you argued, but he refused to listen.
His hand locked with yours, “you did so much that you don’t even notice. You’ve just filled me with love when I felt so void of it, Y/N.”
“You deserve to be loved, that’s why.”
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The sound of the fans captured his attention as he walked through the crowd, spotting exactly what they were trying to get him to look at. “Y/N,” he whispered, covering his expression with his hands as he walked over to stand in front of you, covering you from the fans.
“Surprise,” you chuckled, resting your hands over his and moving them so you could see his smile.
“What are you doing here?” He laughed, studying your features closely, making sure that you really were stood before him. “You told me you were busy with work, we’re so far from home. Did you really fly all of this way for me?”
The nod of your head brought a smile to his face as he felt his heart skip a beat. The two of you had only been dating a few months, but the fact that you’d travelled so far just to see him meant the absolute world to him, confirming all his feelings.
“The show is really good,” you giggled as he slowly went quiet, “I didn’t realise just how talented you were until I saw you up on stage.”
“I must’ve known you were here,” he teased, resting his forehead against yours.
You smiled softly, “you might want to get back on stage before the fans start rioting that you’ve stopped singing,” you reminded him.
“I will, and I’ll show you how appreciative I am.”
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A quiet giggle came from Ryeowook as he continued to blow light air against your face, watching as your eyes slowly opened. “Why can’t you just let me sleep?” You frowned as you saw him gazing across at you, propping himself up on the pillow with his elbow.
“I couldn’t help it, you just looked so cute,” he blushed, pressing his hand against the top of your head.
“If you were anyone else, I would’ve hit you for waking me up on my one day off,” you scolded, turning the corners of your mouth up into a smile. “Seeing as I have the day off, and so do you, have you got any plans for what you want to get up to today?”
His head shook as he draped his arm around you, it had been far too long since the two of you just had time together. He didn’t want to admit it, but he was desperate just to be around you and allow his heart to do all the talking.
“There’s so much I want to catch up with you on,” he whispered across to you, “so many thoughts and feelings I’ve kept bottled up for some time.”
“We can just lay here and talk if it’s what you want to do,” you hummed.
Instantly, his head nodded, “it’s like you can read my mind. I want to go first though, there’s a few important things I want to say,” he spoke, pulling you closer.
“I’m all ears and listening.”
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Knowing Kyuhyun so well you knew how much he hated affection, anytime one of the other members got too close to him he’d always freak out a little and flinch. As you watched as the boys entered the dressing room, you were surprised to see him come straight over to you. “Are you alright?”
“I’m just exhausted after the recording, everything’s annoying me,” he whispered as he cuddled into you.
“Surely not everything,” you laughed, but his head shook, resting his head against your shoulder. “Just lay here for a while if it’ll make you feel better,” you assured him, running your hands through his hair. You were surprised at how needy he was, but you didn’t want to say anything.
Neither really did Kyuhyun, it took him by surprise too how much he found himself needing you. He’d never search for a hug or a hand from anyone else, but with you he always found such great comfort even in the smallest piece of affection.
“Have I ever told you how amazing you are?” He asked you suddenly, glancing up at your eyes. “I’m so lucky to be the one in a relationship with you.”
“You really must be tired if you’re getting soppy,” you joked.
He smiled softly, “I’m being serious, I know I joke a lot, but I mean it. Just having you around sometimes really does just mean the world to me.”
“Get some rest Kyu, we can talk more later.”
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wickedcouchpotato · 5 years
Siwon Choi and Ivy Chen’s Reunion 9 Years in the Making
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It’s not exaggeration when I say that I squealed like a school girl upon reading the news of my girl Ivy Chen and Siwon Choi’s accidental reunion at a Salvatore Ferragamo event in Taipei. The two starred in the 2011 drama Glamorous Challenge, an adaptation of the Japanese manga Skip Beat where they played Gong Xi and Dung He Lian respectively. The drama also starred fellow Super Junior member Dong Hae who played the second lead Bu Puo Shang. The actors maintained their friendship even after the drama but rarely (or never) met after promos wrapped. 
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9 years after Skip Beat, Ivy Chen is now a wife and a mother to a cute baby boy. She has given birth just a few months ago but is already looking fab and fit like she never had a baby at all. It probably helps that she is a very active person even during her pregnancy. Her career is also red hot having starred in the record-breaking movie More Than Blue ( 比悲傷更悲傷的故事) with fellow Taiwanese actor Jasper Liu Yi How. The movie has broken records in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore and in China (where it’s currently airing). 
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Siwon Choi who looks dapper in his powder blue Ferragamo suit, is still very much active with his group Super Junior. He is set to star in the upcoming Korean drama My Fellow Citizens  ( 국민 여러분) with Lee Yoo Young and Kim Min Jung. The drama will air over KBS2 starting April 1st on the Monday-Tuesday block. 
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Who wants to see these two in another drama or movie? Meeeee!!!
source: sina
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moonlitcryptid · 4 years
Ok so like
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Am I the only ELF that remembers this? The Skip Beat live action?? Fetus Donghae and Siwon were the mains and I remember LOSING IT bc I was an anime fan before kpop lol.
Anyways, just bringing this to light again.
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noramoya · 4 years
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•Name: Lee Dong Hae
•Native name: 이동해
•Given name: Lee Donghae
•Also Known as: Donghae; Fishy; Pinocchio; Donghai; Hae; Aiden; 5 y/o; Stage Destroyer...
•Nationality: South Korean
•Gender: Male
•Born: October 15, 1986
•Age: 33 .
•Lee Dong Hae, better known as Donghae (lit. East Sea), is a Korean singer and occasional actor. He is a part of the thirteen-member South Korean boyband Super Junior. He is one of the four lead dancers alongside fellow band members Eunhyuk, Shindong and Leeteuk, and is part of its subgroup, Super Junior-M. Donghae is also one of the first four Korean artists to appear on Chinese postage stamps. Donghae was born in Mokpo, Jeollanam. Donghae initially wanted to become an athlete, but under the influence of his father, who had a wish to become a singer, Donghae decided to train himself to become a singer.
In 2001, Donghae successfully signed a contract with SM Entertainment soon after he jointly won the Best Outward Appearance award with future band mate Sungmin on the company's third annual SM Youth Best Contest. Under SM Entertainment, Donghae was put in singing, dancing, and acting lessons that same year. He was then recruited into a five-member boy band Smile, with future band mate Leeteuk, but the idea was soon dropped.
In 2004, Donghae - along with Leeteuk - was put into another boy band and formed Super Junior with eleven other trainees. The group later became known as Super Junior 05, the presumed first generation of the rotational music group, Super Junior. Several days before the group debuted, Donghae made a brief appearance in November 2005 at SBS's Shin Dong-yup's There Is There Isn't panel.
On the 8th of August 2006, Donghae's father died due to cancer. The event still proves to be a difficult memory for him due to the close relationship they shared. In Super Junior's 4th Album (2010), Donghae's thank you is dedicated almost entirely to his father. His best friend is fellow bandmate Eunhyuk, whom he has known for more than 10 years. Donghae made his acting debut in Super Junior's horror documentary Mystery 6, broadcasted in early 2006. The documentary surrounds Donghae and his peculiar ability to see and feel ghosts. In August 2006, Donghae played the role of a human turned cyborg in the Korean version of BoA's music video drama, "Key of Heart", his first lead appearance in a music video. Donghae's official debut as an actor was in July 2007, with the release of Super Junior's debut film, Attack on the Pin-Up Boys. Donghae stars as a classmate and close friend of Kim Kibum, a high school student who investigates on a mysterious attack on pretty boys in various high schools in town.
In late 2007, Donghae was featured in Girls' Generation's "Kissing You" music video. Also, he and Kyuhyun appeared and sang for facial wash product commercial "Happy Bubble" with actress Han Ji Min. A full music video was released on August 19, 2009. He appeared in Ariel Lin's music video for "Firefly", with fellow groupmate, Siwon as his best friend who is dating Ariel's character who happens to be Siwon's ex-girlfriend. He played Zhang Li Yin's love interest on her music video, "Moving On", released on October 19, 2009. Donghae starred in SBS drama, It's Okay, Daddy's Daughter as Wook Gi, one of three brothers in the drama, which was aired in mid-November 2010. He was scheduled in April 2011 to film Taiwanese drama Extravagant Challenge with Ivy Chen and fellow band member Siwon as the three main characters. It is a live-action adaptation of Japanese shoujo manga Skip Beat! by Yoshiki Nakamura shot in Taiwan.
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shining-red-diamond · 5 years
Word count: 1.6k
Pairing: Chenle x Lanying (OC)
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Mentions of blood; accident scene
A/N: Italicized words mean they’re speaking in Korean or Chinese, depending on the couple.
September 17, 2018. 5:34PM
The three girls waited outside of the studio door as patiently as they could. It was one of those rare occasions where they could have a relaxing evening together out with their boyfriends, free from anything work related. All three of them were wearing shorts, but their shirts and shoes were different. Alice wore a pink blouse and tan sandals, Carrie had on a floral shirt and ballet flats, and Lanying had on a white long-sleeve shirt and yellow converse.
The trio had all agreed to meet Mark, Jeno, and Chenle at the studio so they could all walk to the restaurant together. However, their practice seemed to be going a bit longer than usual, so the girls all had to wait about a half hour. None of them wanted to walk in on them and disrupt their practice, so the stairwell was their best bet in terms of waiting for their dates.
“They should be finished in a few minutes,” Alice said as she glanced at her watch.
Carrie heaved a heavy sigh as she plopped herself onto the top step of the staircase. “I hope so. Otherwise, I may die of starvation,” she replied.
“You’ll be fine.”
“So, where is this place we are eating?” Lanying asked, leaning against the railing.
“Mark said it was about a five minute walk from the building.” Alice pulled her phone out of her pocket and checked the new illuminated screen. “Speaking of whom, he says they’re almost done. They’re getting one more thing finalized.”
“Good, because I was about three seconds from attacking a vending machine in the lobby,” Carrie commented as she stood.
The other two girls giggled at the Irish girl’s joke when the door to the studio slammed open. Jungwoo stumbled out of there as if a knife-wielding killer was chasing him. Before Lanying could open her mouth to try to say hello to him, the young man crashed into her so quickly that she didn’t have time to think. Alice and Carrie froze in horror as they watched their friend tumble down the flight of stairs. Lanying’s forehead collided with a step before the rest of her body flopped onto the bottom of the stairwell. Blood was splattered on the bottom two steps and was now starting to pool from her head.
Jungwoo remained frozen in place as Carrie screamed rushed down to Lanying’s side, Alice following closely behind.
“Lanying,” Alice called out to her. “Talk to me.”
Carrie was know sitting on her knees, put Lanying’s head on her lap, and began taking tissues out of her purse to try to wipe away the blood emerging from her friend’s temple.
Lanying was attempting to open her eyes, but was struggling to do so as if she were drugged up on something.
“W-What…?” was all she could manage to get out.
“You’re gonna be okay,” Alice reassured her.
“What happened?” Mark’s voice called out.
“Call for help,” Carrie demanded, her voice trembling as she started to cry. She didn’t care that her clothes and fingers were starting to get bloodstained; all that mattered was her friend getting help.
Mark was quick to get his phone out to call an ambulance. He made his way down the steps to better describe what had happened to the operator, getting the full story from Alice. Some of the other members began emerging from the studio to see what all of the commotion was about. Jungwoo was still frozen in shock, but his eye were now beginning to pool with tears. Finally, he sat down and began to sob. He didn’t know his member’s girlfriend was standing there, and he immediately thought he had killed her.
Chenle and Jeno were the last to exit through the studio door, and the moment Chenle saw Lanying in a pool of her own blood, he was by her side in less than a split second, skipping over every other step. Jeno pulled Carrie, who was now in a fit of tears, from the scene. Her clothes now had spots of blood on it, and Jeno was quick to throw his jacket around her and walk her out. Alice was quick to take Carrie’s place.
“Lanying,” he whispered as he kneeled by her head. “What happened?”
“Chenle, don’t move her,” Mark instructed, still on the phone with the operator. “She needs to stay still until help gets here.”
Alice was trying to stop the bleeding with the tissues Carrie left behind, but it was to no avail. Her hands were starting to catch the blood pooling from the girl’s temple.
“Can we get something to stop the bleeding?” she requested.
“Here’s a towel,” Johnny handed her a fresh white one. Alice snatched it and gently applied pressure to the wound.
Jungwoo was still sobbing, but Taeyong was now trying to comfort him, reminding him that it was an accident.
“Is she dead?” he asked through whimpered sobs.
“No,” Alice replied. “But she did hit her head, and it’s bleeding badly.”
Sirens then sounded from outside, and it wasn’t long before the paramedics rushed in with a stretcher. Alice moved out the way of one paramedic and took over the care for the wound. Lanying was starting to understand what was happening and began to panic a little. She tried sitting up, but Chenle stopped her
“It’s going to be okay,” he promised in Chinese, choking back tears as the team of medics lifted her onto the stretcher. “You’re in good hands.”
Chenle ended up getting a ride from Heechul, one of Lanying’s bosses, to the ER since no other passengers except a family member was allowed in the ambulance with her. The hospital was only a few minutes away, but to Chenle it felt like an eternity. He had his head in his hands the entire ride, sobbing into them as he thought about seeing his girlfriend’s body so lifeless appearing and her head bleeding out so much. He felt guilty about not being able to leave practice sooner so this whole situation wouldn’t have happened.
After pulling into the parking lot, Chenle took another few minutes to dry his eyes and calm down. The moment he felt calm and collected, but strolled into the hospital lobby to find Mark, Alice, Jungwoo, Siwon, and Leeteuk sitting there. Alice was doing her best to comfort Jungwoo and the other three were talking with each other. Mark immediately noticed Chenle and immediately hugged the younger boy in sympathy.
“Are you okay?” he asked as he pulled away.
“How’s Lanying?” Chenle ignored him.
“They’re still treating her,” Siwon explained, “so we don’t have a report at this point.”
“Chenle,” Jungwoo spoke up weakly, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt her. It’s my fault for rushing out so fast.”
Chenle crossed over to the older member and kneeled in front of him, tears beginning to pool his eyes again. “Hyung, I’m not mad, and I forgive you. I feel guilty for not being able to leave practice as planned.”
Leeteuk sighed. “Listen, let’s just acknowledge that it was all an accident, and Lanying is getting the help she needs. I’m just as worried as you are, but I’m confident she’s going to be okay.”
After talking everything over for a few minutes, the group calmed down and waited patiently for news about Lanying. Finally, one of the doctors came out and gave a report.
“She’s going to be just fine,” she said. “We looked over the scans, and there’s no brain damage, fractures to the skull, or internal bleeding. She did have to get a few stitches because of how deep the cut was. Lanying was very fortunate. Had the steps been just plain concrete, we would have had a much worse scenario.”
“That’s a relief,” Siwon said.
“However, I do recommend her not returning to work for about a week. Because she did hit her head pretty hard, she did suffer a minor concussion from a direct impact injury. We will release her tonight, but she’ll need to stay with someone so her symptoms don’t worsen.”
“Thank you,” Leeteuk nodded.
“Can we see her?” Chenle asked eagerly.
“Follow me,” the doctor smiled.
They all followed behind her towards the main area where all of patient rooms were. She lead the to the first bay on their left, and opened the door.
“Miss Zhou,” she greeted the girl who now had a bandage wrapped around her head, “you’ve got company.”
Chenle was the first one to Lanying’s side, hugging her and pecking her cheek in the process. The rest of the group followed him in soon after.
“How are you feeling, princess?” he asked.
“A little dizzy,” she answered honestly, “but I’m better now that you’re here.”
“Well, they’re letting you out in a little while,” Siwon said, “but you can’t go home.”
“You need to stay with someone to watch over you so your symptoms won’t worsen,” Leeteuk finished.
“I was going to call my mother and see if she can prepare the guest room for you to stay in,” Chenle said as he took Lanying’s hands in his. “Is that okay?”
Lanying smiled and nodded.
“And I’m sorry for pushing you,” Jungwoo apologized. “I had left something in the recording studio and was in a hurry to get it. I didn’t know you, Alice, and Carrie were standing there. I tripped over my own feet and went stumbling and crashed into you. Again, I’m so sorry.”
“You’re forgiven, Jungwoo,” she said. “Don’t beat yourself up over it. I’ll be better in no time.”
“Speaking of Carrie,” Mark realized, “where did she go after Jeno pulled her out of the scene?”
“I just texted her a little while ago,” Alice replied. “Jeno walked her home to get her cleaned up. She was super traumatized by the whole thing, so she decided to go ahead and sleep it off. She’ll be fine by tomorrow.”
“I will give her a call tomorrow and tell her I’m okay,” Lanying promised.
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whoawallpapers · 5 years
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Skip Beat live action Gong Xi and Dun He Lian wallpapers, requested 💞
Like and/or reblog if you save/use them :)
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slytherinbangchan · 5 years
Apado gwaenchana Chap 12💖
Chap 11
Magazine workers (enemies to lovers AU)
Warning for this chap: Mention of alcohol, kissing games etc… (parties stuff)
Fluff, smut.
Pairing: RenjunxReader (Only y/n’s actual name is ‘Skyler’ cause I love that name and that’s it but it’s still ‘y/n’ ok?) Btw I made everyone here older than they actually are cause they’re working at an office etc…
You (Skyler/BlueAbsinthe) work as an editor at an office for a magazine called ‘Fashion Killa’ along with your two besties, (Chloe/uwuBabe writer for the health and beauty department and Blair/NotARavenclaw, a photographer). And everything is fine untill you have to work along in an assesment with your ‘mortal enemies’.
(Dont mind the time on the chats I just write late at night, lol) Idk if I need to say this but I love Chenle, president Chenle forever💖, but he’s a jerk in my series, so sorry. Ily Chenle pls forgive me. This chap is a fave honestlyyyy, my hearttttt.
Nct members as:
Mark: Editor. Renjun: Photographer. Chenle: Editor Lucas: Model Doyoung: Model Park Jisung: Model Johnny: Model Yuta: Model Taeyong: Model Jungwoo: Model Other Idols:
Felix: As an Stray Kids member Han Jisung: As an Stray Kids member. Wonho from MX: As a model Joohoney from MX: As a model TOP from BB: As a model. Siwon from SUJU: As a model. BoA: As your boss
Chap 12. ‘Absinthe’
Back on the hotel, you come across Lucas who went for some ice or something. He takes you and Doyoung to his room where everybody else was. Chloe and Blair are smiling at you from afar. You already texted them about last night so probably their imagination run wild when you appeared with Doyoung.
Anyways, Lucas has set a cup in your hands so yeah, it seems like it's time to drink. This time you drink faster than the night before and you can tell. Let's say you've been 10 minutes at the party and you feel already tipsy. Doyoung is talking to Johnny. Renjun, Jisung and Mark are together in some corner drinking. Jisung looks at you and you smile at him. Renjun is looking too now, so you show him the middle finger and laugh at the face he makes. He ends up laughin a little too. You're kinda bored actually. But is not like you want Lucas to start one of his drinking games so, you just wait there for something to happen. A little bit later Johnny appears right in front of you.
-Hi Johnny. -You smile at him.
-You look cute.
-Oh, wow, thank you. You look cute too.
You pull him aside a little to look behind him. Renjun eyes are fixed on you. Not the first time you notice that kind of behavior from him. You're not stupid. But you have to admit that conciously or not, you look for him aswell. You know what they say, there's just one step from hate to love right? That's probably why (even if you don't want to admit it) kissing Mark the other night actually felt so good.
-Skyler? -Johnny is waving at you to bring you back.
-Oh. Did you say something?
-Just asking you if you wanted another drink. -He laughs.
You look at your cup. There's a little bit left but you drink it in one go and give him the cup. -Yes, please.
You take a look back at Renjun. He's still watching. You make a face at him and he's the one showing you the middle finger now. You mouth a mute 'fuck off' at him and he laughs. Damn, he looks cute. You hate him so much.
-Here. -Johnny hands you the drink. Making you turn so you can pay him some attention.
-Thanks. What did you bring me?
-Oh... Doyoung told me to bring anything with vodka so...
-Aww, he did? He remembers, cute.
He laughs uneasily.-Yeah...
-Anyway, thank you. -You pull his shirt so he would bend down so you can give him a peck. He smiles and is about to speak again when someone pushes you and you spill your drink on him. -Omg, Johnny I'm sorry. -You turn to your back to see who pushed you. -Jisung??
-I'm sorry Skyler, Renjun pushed me!
-Ah, did he?- You say, looking for Renjun. He's laughin running away with Mark to the same corner he was before. So childish.
-Anyway I should go to my room and change. -Johnny says.
-Sure. Sorry again. -You apologize.
-Noona I'm really sorry. -Jisung apologizes too.
-It's okay Jisung, it's not your fault.
-Oh, well, then I'm gonna go back to the guys. -He says slowly walking away.
-You tell Renjun he owes me an effing drink.
You sigh, kinda frustrated and go check yourself in the bathroom, just in case that drink got to your clothes somehow. But you're fine. Looking good. When you come out Renjun is waiting for you.
-Wow, are you a stalker now?
-Here. -He says handing you a cup. -Your ‘effing drink’.
-What did you put here? -You ask as you smell it.
-Vodka, absinthe and blue tropic. It should taste fine.
-Sure, and absinthe? Probably would kill me after what I already had.
-Well, yeah. Killing you was the plan. We're enemies, remember?
There it is, your heart skipping a beat. Perhaps you are gonna die tonight indeed. -Okay then. I'm too drunk to fight my destiny. -You say as you atempt to drink that whole cup in just one shot.
-Hey, easy. -He says as he stops you. You cough and he chuckles. -Skyler, maybe you should change your ig name if you can't actually handle absinthe.
-Shut up. -You say as you slightly wipe your mouth with your wrist. -It's your fault I coughed.
I won't shut up, this is funny. -He says laughing.
-Ah.... -You say dramatically as you lean on the walls and slowly walk like that to the aisle where the bathroom is.
-Skyler? What are you doing? -He says following you. He looks kinda worried. You're fighting not to laugh at him just now.
You stop moving once there's nobody else at sight. He's gonna try and comb your hair with his hand so he can see your face better and check you're fine but you hold his hand and pull. His face 2cm away from yours. He's looking into your eyes, waiting. So you slightly caress his lips with yours and watch him eagerly try to kiss you. You smile at yourself a little and he frown, so you give him a peck on the lips and he gives you another one in return. Now is when you kiss him for real. At some point he's so into it he drops his drink and you laugh without breaking the kiss. You only stop kissing when Johnny catches you both when he's heading to the bathroom. He apologizes and goes away. You look at Renjun and both of you start laughing.
-I think you just broke his heart. -He says.
-At least I could shut you up. -You say, giving him a last kiss.
-Yeah... I guess you did.
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So yeah you're now at your hotel room. The minute you wake up you feel the butterflies. Actually you drank a lot last night so you're not entirely sure it's a hungover thingy or just the real deal.
Like the other day after you kissed Mark playing 'too hot'. You felt somehow like this after. You wanted to kiss him again, pin him down etc... Like you were so mad at him you were actually thirsty for him if that makes sense somehow. But then Doyoung appeared and you know the rest. This time Doyoung was there but it didn't matter.
You remember something about the guys wanting to go visit more of the city or something like that but honestly you just want to stay there in bed. A shower wouldn't hurt tho. You even wash your hair and everything. You're back in bed just checking IG when you see Renjun's post. He looks cute. And you're sober. That's weird. Mark wasn't cute that way anymore in the morning. You get out of insta and throw your phone away. Then look at it for a while. Not knowing very well what to do. You pick it up and throw it away a couple of times till you finally do something.
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Ok, so. Renjun is in your room. Actually he's on your bed, with you, cause you're gonna watch a movie. You need a drink. But you don't wanna be one of those people who drink before lunch. Anyway the movie's starting. It's one of those christmas movies they always come out with in every channel when november's ending. You haven't watched this one but you already know how's gonna end. You'd say you hate them but actually you kinda like the feeling while watching them. It reminds you of easier times. When you were a child and would watch them with your family. Anyway it's kinda cold so you go under the covers.
-You can come too if you want. It's cold. -You offer him.
-Oh, sure. -He takes off his shoes and joins you.
-Ah... By the way if you don't like the movie...
-No, it's okay. I know christmas movies are cheesy but I kinda like them.
-Huh... -You say, thinking to yourself. Then you make yourself comfortable.
Renjun is like really focussed in the movie but you can tell it's totally an act. 'Cause you're doing the exact same thing when actually you could cut the air with a knife right now. You're pretty tired from last night so as the movie goes on you can feel more relaxed and your head is instinctively leaning more and more towards Renjun's shoulder. His hair smells so good.
-Ah. -You say. -I'm just too sleepy to care anymore. I'm gonna rest my head on you. -You say as you do so.
He chuckles. -Sure.
-Hey, I'm shy but not that shy ya know. -You say looking at him from his shoulder. You're as honest being sleepy as when you're actually drunk.
-You're not shy at all. -He laughs.
-I think I am. -You say, pouting to yourself.
He chuckles again. -Okay. -He says, grabbing your hand softly. You interwine your fingers with his in response.
You're blushing and he's too, but you're both looking at the tv so who can tell. You're so comfy there, it feels so safe. You end up falling asleep at some point. When you wake up movie's credits are showing and Renjun is asleep too. You realize you were kinda hugging and blush again. You don't know if you should let it go or just keep hugging him pretending you're still asleep. You choose the second option and close your eyes again. He wakes up a little bit later and have almost the same reaction as you. Only he just caresses your face softly. You open your eyes slowly and look at him. Then you move so you can be closer to his face, and after looking at him from there for a second you just kiss him.
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hufflepuffedsleeves · 8 years
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This is why I love dramas. 
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