canceramorem Β· 1 year
The St Lawrence County Correctional Facility- Tucked away in the riverside college-town of Canton, New York , on 17 Commerce lane is The St. Lawrence County Correctional Facility. It serves as the main Jail for the largest County in New York state- St Lawrence. St Lawrence is big, but it's also sparcely populated. It's mostly farm land, miles and miles of flat farm land. I'm not really sure what they grow, I thinks it's mostly corn. There was a lot of dairy farms as well. I had gotten myself into a world of trouble. I made a bad decision, and it not only cost me my freedom, but also any chance I had with the love of my life, Marie Clara Camp.
My first appearance was in the basement of Judge Williams' home. I remember him being very kind. I remember the gung- ho Sheriff's deputy reading off my charges. The main one was was felony assault and criminal possession of a weapon (misdemeanor). He was telling the judge my whole criminal history, and was throwing in stuff that I had gotten arrested for, but not charged. It's very fucked up, because they didn't know the truth, they only were going by what a mentally -ill , crazy, injured woman was telling them. Her, along with her best friend, "Valerie Jane Green", a so-called health foodie / nutritionist. Like Marie, very self -centered ,has to look good in the public eye. And the other person pushing to have me locked away for years and I can't forget , the facilitator of all the WELLNESS checks and cop-caller extrordanaire, Do-what -you -do- Duane Kenneth Clookey. Mr Jealous himself, father -of -her two boys, Duane Kenneth Clookey.(He did adopt Her daughter) . That's all I'm saying . Valerie and Duane don't know me, and Marie never mentioned me- in any positive light. Unbenownst to me, Marie had been telling them that I was some crazy stalker that had tracked her down , and followed her from North Carolina all the way up the east coast to New York. So the cops and the judge had their little 'investigation' papers. Of course I couldn't see what they had, because then I could defend my self. It's really quite easy, defending yourself that is. Right out of the gate, I hated these cops. The judge was nice and could see that I really felt bad about what had happened. Either way, it was March , the first week in March and little did I know, the next few? months would not only prove to be fun, but it also was a very spiritual journey as well. Let's not get ahead of ourselves here, I just got booked into a brand -new, state of the art, $53 million dollar jail.
After a few days, they classified me and I was in General population. there was like four pods altogether, and the whole jail could house around 430 inmates. But since the population is so sparce in this relatively crime-free region of New York state, and the population of the county so small, it meant that it was very hard- if not impossible, to fill the jail. The first few weeks were rather slow. There was not even one African /American in the whole jail-( c.o. or inmate). I remember meeting the first few people. They were like - "You're the machete guy". Apparently, the had saw me on the local evening news. I made the big time- Thanks Marie!
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Right from the very beginning, I thought the food was very delicious, breakfast was way better than you would think, usually consisting of scrambled eggs and a bagel (yes bagel) and a side of sausage. Lunches we're usually soup and a sandwich ( was this from the kitchens of Panera Bread?). And dinners we're always fulfilling. For the first time in all of my criminal history and being in jails, I NEVER went to bed hungry in the SLCCF.
They would open the cell doors at like 7 a.m. and leave them unlocked until like 3 pm.and then there was shift change and count, and then they lock them again for the night , at a 10 p.m. I know, that's pretty early. There was a carpetted area ( indoor/ outdoor carpet), two flat screen Tvs, cable, and tablets. which also served as the way to order commmiasry, read the law library, or even listen to music (@10cents a minute) , there was phones, but no one really used them , it was the tablets that were in high demand. there was six tablets for 35 inmates. I had no one, everyone else was actually from there. So I stood out like a sore thumb. I'll never forget, one of the female Jailers name, Meredith Spinelli. she had been there for almost Twenty years. She was the same age as me- how did I know? Because she told me . For the first few months, I didn't hardly come out of my cell. I was catching up on at least three years of sleep, and being homeless with Marie had definitely taken it's toll on me. I slept so much and was such a model inmate, Officer Spinelli at one point told me that she wished every inmate were like me. We had to switch pods one time , and she jokingly said to everyone else, "Plaster can stay" , " the rest of you guys go" , to which I replied, " there might be a few unexpected pregnancies" , we had to switch pods with the females and get this, they had like 25 of us guys pack up, and move to a multipurpose room with all glass windows. Then all the females about twenty of them, were to walk past us and go to our pod(there was only one main corridor), we were doing a- "switch pods with the female inmates". I called it a 'jailhouse parade', which it was, I mean, here we were, all guy inmates, waiting for the girls to walk by. It was fucking classic. We were checking all of them out and they were walking by like they were jail models. Some of them were actually really hot. I had seen a few of the females in passing and That's why I said there would be some pregnancies! It was just a joke , and officer Spinelli was like- "gross, you don't want any of them" , almost hinting like, "you'd rather have this", I don't know what it was , but she was cool, especially with me. Unfortunately , she went on vacation with her husband to Florida, and broke her back in a jet skiing accident- ouch! I really liked her, she gave me hope. actually , I wanted to make a get well card for her but didn't. She was cool and had massive boobs. All of the C.O.s liked me because I was just that good of an inmate (Spinelli , I think she had a little bit of a crush on me). I was averaging about 21 hours a day of sleep. And they like that because it makes their job super easy.
I also started going to the chapel service when they called it. That's where I met "Brother Al" , what a good Christian brother. He had been going to this particular jail and the old one this one replaced for at least 30 years to preach and sing gospel music. He was in his 80's , and had nothing but knowledge and good stuff for me and any inmate that would go to chapel and listen to the beautiful word of God. Most of the time it was me and my buddy Robbie Purser, until Robbie got released on probation , which he eventually violated and came back! When Robbie left , it was mostly me. Actually there was like three different churches that would come in the jail. I went to all of them. I met Larry Vinough from the Presbyterian church in Canton , Bruce and Al from the Church in Massena, and Father Peter from the Church in Norfolk , Father Peter and I became really good friends. One day, he even told me about how Marie was bad mouthing me, I mean who fucking does that? Gonna bad mouth me to a fucking priest? Of course she denied it after I got released and asked her about it . But why would Father Peter lie about that? I was actually having fun in jail. I was eating good. You see, my whole life I've been conditioned to being in horrible jails ( Manatee county Florida), fish eye soup was on the menu every Friday. , No t.v. , no programs to better ones self, and fights every day between African -Americans and Hispanics, guards were dicks .
Brevard county Florida was the same but worse, - trying to get me to go on the road crew to pick up trash in the sweltering hot Florida sun- fuck that -I refused. Food was horrible,again, no programs -so people can better themselves, and the guards were real dicks in Florida.
The North Carolina jails were a little bit better, depending on where you go. Fayetteville will serve you chicken on the bone every Sunday , all the guards are Black women and tolerable. T.v. was 13 inch ,no programs either and plenty of crackheads fighting in the pod. , Asheville jail, huh, its fucking mental torture. And small ass portions of food, the guards are dicks and again, no programs to better oneself . In all of the jails prior to SLCCF , I went to bed hungry every night. Those are just a few I can remember. Again, I am not promoting criminal activity. It's not cool. I am just giving a little incite as to what the county jail system is like. And don't get me wrong , you still are in jail in St. Lawrence county, it's just a little less stressful when your not in an explosive environment with fighting and such. There was one fight the whole time I was in the St Lawrence County Correctional Facility SLCCF. There was no real problems, that's what they have "the bubble" for.
"The bubble"is a separate, smaller jail within a jail. It's more like a torture glass chamber for people that aren't claustrophobic.
It's used to hold sex offenders, Rape-o's, and people that get in trouble for little stuff, minor infractions . I thought it would be cool to mail some tomato seeds off of the delicious beef stake tomtoes we had on our sandwiches. I did mail a few seeds to my church back home in North Carolina. But I had a few in my cell. Well, I had a cell search and they found the tiny seeds . I explained to them my intent, but they still gave me a week in the bubble with the rape -o's. It sucked. I was in the bubble with this ex-cop that tried to extort a blowjob from one of the local whores. This dumbass actually waited until she came back all wired for sound and got him busted . Yeah , they called him the "blowjob cop".
It should be noted that the victim , my love, Marie , ran into some legal problems of her own while I was safely behind the cynder block walls of the SLCCF . Yeah, my Marie 🐻 Bear got caught with a quarter ounce of Methamphetamines. I can honestly say, That would not have happened if I was with her. I would never let such a thing happen to my baby, I would have said they were mine. I have gone to jail for her in the past, and she knows this.
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cryobuilt Β· 5 years
Salt Lake City, UT location! @uscryo_saltlakecity ❄️ @brookebashaw β€œIce Baths are overrated!! Come get your recovery on @uscryo_saltlakecity it’s amazing!!” Nutrition by @craigeroo7 music @chrisbrownofficial 😍😍 #recovery #ambassador #uscryo #slccf @teamslc.elite (at Salt Lake City, Utah) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4LGIeenV1m/?igshid=11fya3p46nidd
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