zivazivc · 3 years
Pinocchio AU
Okay people want the explanation for this comic so here it goes. It’s long and complicated and MESSED UP because of course it is, this is me. I’m going to write in points because my small tired brain can’t handle good english atm but basically to sum up the Adrien was a sentimonster theory or Pinocchio AU as I like to call it:
Young married Emilie and Gabriel can’t have kids. Gabriel reluctantly accepts this fate and even brings up adoption as a possibility once, but Emilie doesn’t want to hear any of that. She’s a bit of a Marinette in the sense that she pictures this romanticized ideal life for herself and a child—her flesh and blood—HAS to be in it.
They keep trying to get a baby while other young families Emilie knows keep growing. She feels left out and hurt and depressed, then her newlywed twin sister announces she’s expecting a baby too and something within Emilie just unhinges.
She eventually lies to some of her friends, who she was out for coffee with, that she’s pregnant too. She mostly does it just to see their reaction and feel what it would be like but it quickly spirals out of control where she just starts pretending she’s pregnant until you can’t even tell if she believes it herself.
Gabriel is confused at first because he hears the news second hand (a friend/family member congratulating him) so he’s apprehensive when he approaches his wife but she convinces him that they really are getting a baby and Gabriel is ecstatic.
It’s only later at a doctor’s check up that Gabriel learns that she indeed is not pregnant. The doctor even speaks to him alone explaining that his wife is in denial and that he should make sure she goes to see a psychiatrist, something she definitely wouldn’t do alone.
Gabriel is unsuccessful with that because he’s not entirely persistent, doesn’t want to be the guy with the crazy wife having to tell everyone she lied about being pregnant, and hopelessly believes she’ll just get over it eventually.
That is until her “pregnancy is near due”—her sister already had Félix in England a few months ago—and he stumbles on her transformed with her peacock miraculous (they already have both of them) creating a sentimonster newborn.
They have a huge fight about it but because Emilie refuses to destroy it, won’t tell Gabriel where the amok is, and Gabriel can’t just hurt the baby with his hands, Emilie just… wins. Fucked up, yeah?
Now she tried creating kids before this one, using her imagination to try and blend her and Gabriel’s looks but it just wasn’t working. So she decided to copy of photos of baby Félix because he already looked almost like a copy of his mother, and Amélie and Emilie already looked alike so it’s not so weird?—is what her mind was telling her.
She didn’t dare alter his looks but she decided to give the baby Gabriel’s eye color to include the “father” in some way. (Yes in that comic I made I gave Adrien a mix of green and gray but that was mainly to get the point across to the perceptive readers)
Now we got Adrien, a normal baby boy to the whole world except for Gabriel who’s forced into his wife’s fantasy through social expectations.
Why are we only at this point and this post is already so long AAAAAAAA!!!
Adrien physically basically grows in a way where Emilie just keeps changing his appearance to match what Félix looked like a few months prior.
Mentally he’s like a robot just taking in information without really needing to learn it. So Emilie decides when he says his first word, she decides when he learns to walk,… He knows how to walk, he just wasn’t given the command to do so yet.
But even so he does develop a personality over time, just slower, because unlike a normal child who’s always testing his boundaries, how far they’re allowed to go until they’re in real trouble, Adrien just can’t misbehave. At all.
But he does have his favorite foods and favorite toys, and jokes that make him laugh the most. The problem is just that Emilie could just decide that his favorite food is strawberries and he’d just start acting accordingly, rewiring his belief. 
He also isn’t allowed to argue or be mean to others which is why Félix thinks he’s a goody two-shoes weirdo while Chloé the brat adores him.
This behavior isn’t so hard to hide with a toddler who’s fickle but it’s harder and harder as the kid grows. Which is why the family becomes very secluded over time.
Gabriel always keeps distance with his “son”. He’s not Dad, he’s Father, he doesn’t do hugs and cuddles, he doesn’t say I love you. But Adrien knows he loves him because his mom told him so and he loves him back unconditionally because Mom said that’s what families do.
Now even though Gabriel is traumatized by this whole ordeal and knowing Adrien “isn’t real” freaks him out he does soften a bit over time. I’m going to give an awful example but like someone who hates cats softening for a cat that their partner/roommate decided to get/had from before. Continuing with this example: But still becoming appalled when the cat starts acting odd/unusually.
Okay I think you get the gist. Let’s move on…
Emilie loves her son more and more as he grows and his sentimonster behaviours start bothering her more and more too. She hates being reminded that he’s not a real boy by people mentioning he looks young for his age because Emilie forgot to make him grow for a while. She hates when he does everything like he’s told. She hates that he has no real friends because they’re afraid to expose him to the outside too much and without supervision. She hates to think about his future.
Her desire for him to be real keeps growing and is what drives her to search for a solution in the miraculous spellbook.
She cracks the script after years, when Adrien is nearly a teen, and finds a way to transfer the creators soul into a sentimonster.
It’s a long process that takes time and while she falls ill to everyone around her, Adrien becomes more real.
Gabriel starts realizing what’s happening when he notices Adrien hesitate for a second when he’s playing a video game and Gabriel wants him to do something, groan when he gets bothered watching TV, huff, complain, have slightly opposing opinions to his and Emilie’s, when he argues with his mother when she tells him she’s feeling fine; when he notices his son’s eyes are greener. Or is it all in his head?
He confronts his wife too late, when she’s extremely ill already, her normally vibrant eyes dulled match Adrien’s bluish gray, and he pieces together in his head what she’s doing.
Before Gabriel could properly think what to do to stop the love of his life from turning into a lifeless doll, in a fit of panic he tries to take her wedding band (where he knows Adrien’s amok is) to get rid of Adrien instead, but is unsuccessful in getting it off her so he snatches her peacock brooch instead (which she needs to complete the spell obvs) and breaks it. (Heyoo! broken peacock miraculous. things are coming together)
Because the spell was almost complete anyway it’s Emilie who falls unconscious. But she doesn’t disappear because she’s not a real sentimonster, she just becomes dormant like one.
This is the point in the story where Gabriel makes it seem like Emilie ran away or something like that—basically disappear. Now he’s living knowing he has an almost sentimonster wife in the basement, knowing he almost killed his son (or her), and having to care for a son that suddenly became much more alive, questioning, arguing, angry, screaming, not accepting, crying, grieving, staring at him with Emilie’s eyes.
Instead of becoming a real parent, Gabriel shuts him out.
Soon Adrien evolves desires for socializing, company, getting away from the suffocating home which eventually leads to him going to a public school.
He slowly starts to live life freely without the restrictions that were put around his thoughts.
Gabriel has an even stranger relationship with Adrien now because he still loves him in a way but also holds resentment toward him. But mostly he sees him as something valuable.
The show happens here…  And now finally we get to the comic…
Gabriel gets a hold of the ladybug and black cat miraculouses. (There’s no epic fight in his lair as you see there’s no Ladybug in the comic but that’s not really important)
What’s important is that Gabriel had deciphered the miraculous spellbook with the help of Emilie’s notes and had decided to use the unification’s “wish” power to awaken Emilie.
He’s aware he’ll need to sacrifice something for the wish to come true and he’s certain Adrien should be enough because the soul inside him is literally the one thing Emilie is missing.
✨Adrien (poor boy just lost his miraculous) is taken to Gabriel’s lair, where he finds out his father is Hawk Moth, sees his mother, learns he’s a sentimonster, and that he’s going to become a sacrifice ✨
Of course the last part is not what happens. It’s Gabriel who ends up being sacrificed.
I can’t decide if Gabriel ends up sacrificing himself because he changed his mind in the last moment while Adrien was screaming for him to stop, OR  because he didn’t love Adrien enough for him to be considered an equal exchange for his wife… O.O
But anyhow…
Emilie wakes up with Gabriel’s soul within her (hence the bluish gray eyes in the comic).
Adrien is traumatized for life.
This took me hours to write… I knew there was a reason why I didn’t want to do it. I hope I didn’t forget anything and my brain made sense of it all
Well there you have it, peeps. The Pinocchio AU. It’s as messed up as my sleep schedule. Good night. 
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lansizhuis · 5 years
It's as the title says - the five times Shen Wei did a horny grip™ because let it be known that while Zhao Yunlan is explicitly shamelessly thirsty, Shen Wei is equally as thirsty but in a more lowkey manner. Oh, and of course, WeiLan as lesbians can't be passed up for this.(gift fic for taki who introduced the weilan lesbian agenda to me!)Hello! I finally had some time (spoiler: I actually didn’t but I can always have time for my dads) to properly make a compilation of WeiLan fanfic recommendations. I included some CN ones bc I absolutely love them to bits and pieces and some WeiLan derivatives bc why not. 
Please click the kudos and leave a comment on the authors’ works to thank them and show your appreciation! <3 This will be updated periodically.
bc I’m shameless - imma shove my own weilan fics here
Title: Uhaw Summary: Shen Wei felt a smile on his face despite the seriousness of the situation. “Your loyalty will forever remain divided.” // “My loyalty is with you.” Zhao Yunlan declared. “Always has been, always will be.” [WEILAN MAFIA/GANGSTER AU 1/1] Notes: i was horny for weilan being horny for each other and being a power couple with some plot thrown in the mix im not sorry
Title: Devour Your God Summary: "The beast inside him howls and the inhumane thunderous chanting resounds in the beautiful ghost king. You remember don’t you? The more beautiful the ghost...the more terrifying."
[a look through shen wei's eyes as he goes through kunlun's multiple reincarnations until zhao yunlan; novel-compliant and shen san extra hints but should be spoiler free 1/1] Notes: sometimes we’re also sad in our weilan lives but do know they get their happy ending anyway
Title: Earlier On Summary: Zhao Yunlan starts remembering his life as Kunlun months after he first entered the world and his only clue resides on that creature (because his adult brain is now telling his baby brain that that wasn't a human) robed in white with a golden mask peering down on his crib. Notes: [novel-verse gift fic for orro AKA babey zhao yunlan having adult brain/memories who’s everyone’s source of headache]
Title: Five Times Shen Wei Did A Horny Grip Summary: It's as the title says - the five times Shen Wei did a horny grip™ because let it be known that while Zhao Yunlan is explicitly shamelessly thirsty, Shen Wei is equally as thirsty but in a more lowkey manner. Oh, and of course, WeiLan as lesbians can't be passed up for this. Notes: (gift fic for taki who introduced the weilan lesbian agenda to me!)
Title: Some Things Stay The Same and Some Don't  Summary: “Xiao Wei,” Zhao Yunlan called in a serious voice making Shen Wei stiffen in attention, “Your boobs are actually big, aren’t they?” Shen Wei almost slipped from her position at the unexpected - or well, this is Zhao Yunlan so perhaps ‘expected’ should be the term - comment. “Yunlan, honestly!” “No really, it’s bigger than mine.” “Everyone’s bigger than your tiny mangoes, stupid owner.” Da Qing laughed from the kitchen. “I think even Lin Jing and Lao Chu have bigger ones compared to you.” Notes: lesbian!weilans part 2 for emmy featuring the primordial gods, shen wei + mama zhao interaction, and kunlun taking in 2 ghost queens instead of just one
Title: Repercussions of Meddling Summary: “You know what the diviner’s instructions were, right? Gather the hallows and let fate run its course or else there can be dire consequences.” Zhao Yunlan clenched his fist as he recalls Shen Wei’s hardships paralleled with Ye Zun’s loss of sanity, the ghost lovers’ fate in an effort to protect him, the brewing war as the vision the hallows have given him on their deaths, and an ever burning flame on his soul as he watched Shen Wei disappear stay clear.“There can’t be anything more dire than that future.” The two leaders looked at each other meaningfully. “And if the bulk of the repercussions on you twisting the timeline falls on you?” Zhao Yunlan huffed in amusement and flipped his long hair to his back. “If I'm the one who has to pay then so be it.” Notes: aka ye zun is a bad influence to shen wei and add that in for 10,000 years where they're both awake, alive, and together waiting for a certain someone's reappearance in their lives --- THIS CAN GET DARK; drama canon divergence au where zhao yunlan as kunlun ends up saving ye zun in the past and meddling with time 
Title: A Path Back Home Summary: The Dixing kingdom's delegation set off for a peace treaty with the kingdom of Haixing as new tides of the world was coming. For some, this was a turning point for the three kingdoms. For Ye Zun and his father, this was a chance to bring back their two other family members home with them. The past retains its stories and secrets, the present shakes the foundations of everyone's belief, and the future is a path back home. (read a/n before reading!) Notes: weilan royalty a/b/o au aka the most self-indulgent fic (it wasn’t supposed to be multi-chap but brain said ‘world building’ and now i suffer)
Title: where everything converges Summary: collection for weilan week prompts - day 1: beginnings (SID+SW meets the youngest primordial god) day 3: au (tgcf au of god!ZYL and ghost king!SW) day 7: anniversary (there will come a day where SW wakes up to the 5,000 years and 1 day of being with ZYL)
Title: in all worlds and in all timelines Summary: collection of weilan prompts (do send some and i’ll see if i can write it!)
Title: The Power of Words Summary: “You have lived for as long as I have and so you must know that words have power. The likes of old sayings and proverbs hold a decree to them the longer it’s passed around from one breathing soul to another. They become entities and binding spells on their own through time.”
“What has that got to do with anything right now? Ghost Slayer, you are already treading a dangerous path with the choices you have made the past months. Do I still need to remind you of this?” the spirit asked.
The black robed creature acted as if he didn’t hear his companion and spoke once more. “I suppose it doesn’t matter right as of this moment,” he crossed his legs and continued, “Let me tell you a story; a secret.” Notes: it was supposed to be a oneshot but my need for novel shen wei characterization bled through so now it’s a 3shot *sigh* 
Title:  狗在江湖 Notes: this is a mix of novel and drama elements AND it’s a/b/o AND it has 30 chapters so obv i cried
Title: Sweet Dreams Summary:  朱白ABO,架空末世微悬疑。 Notes: okay so it was weird for me at first bc they were using zhubai’s names until i realized they were pertaining to weilan derivative in general AND OKAY LISTEN - the plot??? THE PLOT??? GLORIOUS
Title: 我说所有的酒都不如你 Summary: 这大概是一个东江二哈狼和东江气死猫你追我跑你继续追我假装跑你拼命追我跑不动了的爱情故事(。 Notes: 2Luo aka Luo Fusheng x Luo Fei weilan derivative and this is legit my favorite derivative fic!!! they mixed both dramas and fed me sentinel + guide trope AND THEN WOW PLOT
Title:  Black Cloak Reversed Summary:  Chief Zhao is a little too friendly with the Black-Cloaked Envoy. The members of the SID worry that he's being emotionally disloyal to Professor Shen. Notes: drama; zhao yunlan is a filthy, thirsty man and SID mourns over this fact
Title:  my heart broke loose on the wind Summary:  If Yunlan is going to learn how to make actual food that requires more effort than just boiling water and putting hot water into stuff, he’s going to have to take all the notes. “Right,” he says to himself. “How hard can it be?” He watches all twenty-two minutes and fourteen seconds of Chef Shen's video without fast-forwarding. When it comes to an end, he clicks on the replay button. He ends up taking zero notes, and the only thing he manages to learn from the whole exercise is that Chef Shen -Shen Wei- is really fucking beautiful when he smiles. Notes: au; alternative summary - ye zun: how thirsty are you for my bro zhao yunlan: thirsty? pls im a paragon of all things holy, i am a kind and generous citizen of the world, i am - ye zun: i can help you get in his pants  zhao yunlan: - thirsty af; i am very thirsty 
Title:  when we reunite, the world will tilt on its axis Summary:  Zhao Yunlan tries to figure out how he should approach the matter of young Shen Wei. Notes: drama; babey!shen wei who's so earnest and genuinely in-love ahhh im soft
Title:  Wild Thing, Stop Your Teasing Summary: Shen Wei’s eyelid twitch as Yunlan unwraps another lollipop, closes his spit-shiny lips around the spherical head while looking at Shen Wei under dark eyes and thick lashes. Fists clenched on his pant leg, Shen Wei swallows and tamps down the urge to grab Yunlan across the table. Notes: drama; when you think zhao yunlan's thirst has a limit - he goes an open his mouth but hey shen wei's head over heels thousands of years ago already anyway
Title:  Tease the Wild Thing Summary: Yunlan's POV from shaenanigans' awesome fic ''Wild Thing, Stop your Teasing''. Yeah, it's the one with the lollipops, and the porn with feels. You know. The Good Stuff. Notes: more weilan smut after the one above?? SIGN ME TF UP
Title:  without complexities or pride Summary:  “Kunlun Hall’s rules do not apply to you,” Yunlan says simply, moving to steep some tea for Shen Wei. “You are the Black Cloak Envoy. Lord Kunlun holds you in high regard.” “And you hold him in high regard,” Shen Wei adds before he’s able to stop himself. Shen Wei can hear the wretched jealousy in his own voice, and no doubt Yunlan can as well, because Yunlan’s smile turns sly, and his eyes are very knowing when he says, “In a way, I suppose I do.” Notes: (Or, the Not-Exactly-A-Courtesan!Yunlan fic.) >> im crying bc YES
Title:  Every ridge hand-picked by the late sun’s slant light Summary:  Zhao Yunlan gets up to greet this man, his destiny – who is currently scowling behind his fancy embroidered mask – and smiles as filthily as he can make it. Whatever else they might be to each other, Shen Wei has been taunting him for weeks. Zhao Yunlan is going to take him home and fuck him until he cries and he wants Shen Wei to know that. “Long time, no see,” he says. The Black Cloaked Envoy blanches. Notes: when i say i thirst for weilan papapa where shen wei loses his self control - I MEAN IT
Title:  that's where you belong Summary:  First of all, how dare Shen Wei. Second of all, Zhao Yunlan has been looking forward to this for like, as long as he's been aware that Shen Wei is an alpha. Third of all -- Notes: im crying bc all i ever wanted was for novel weilan's characterization bc i know their papapa would be the hottest with that and i have been fed with this need and even partnered w/ a/b/o trope /SOBS
Title:  Just Cared Too Much Summary:  Zhao Yun Lan found out his father was dead while he was pouring concrete down the throat of a backstabbing dickbag. “Chief, I'm sorry, the Boss is gone. Shot to the head, on his way to meet the Russians.” Notes: i was dying to have a mafia au and this appeared THANK YOU; and def one of the other things that pushed me to finish my own mafia au for weilan lol
Title:  家教 - or - Domestic Education Summary:  Shen Wei is the Ghost King, born out of the unyielding chaos of entropy that had consumed the underworld before the creation of the wheel of reincarnation. He's the cosmic guardian of death and all her darlings, and the universe through the lens of his eye is rife with demons, hungry ghosts, and shadows creeping out of their places. So there is absolutely no way he is getting sick. Notes: im novel verse trash and we get that PLUS mama!zhao uhh hell yes???
Title:  Sarva Summary:  Or, 一切. At work, in public, Shen Wei is meticulously, seamlessly polite. In bed, he's something else. Notes:  this was the first weilan smut i read AND ALL THE YES BC SHEN WEI LOSING IT FOR ZHAO YUNLAN IS MY KINK
Title:  Future Forged Summary: Masquerading as Kunlun, Zhao Yunlan sets out on a mission to recover the stolen Hallows alongside the young Shen Wei. Along the way, he discovers new abilities, forges new bonds, unearths old histories, and learns that the universe goes beyond his wildest imagination. Notes: lol way better take on what happened during that time travel thing than what the drama had
Title:  who you allow Summary: But then Zhao Yunlan goes and gets a haircut, and Shen Wei. Pouts. For like three days. Notes: for the record - i, too, believe shen wei will pout bc of this
Title:  Significant Other Colour Summary: Collars are so old-fashioned and Zhao Yunlan can’t help but feel that there’s an ulterior motive hiding behind Shen Wei’s innocently widened eyes. Notes: tfw i've tried to bury my needs on acknowledging how shen wei canonically wants to lock up zhao yunlan and then this fic hits me - author pls let me love you (for y'all heed the warnings)
Title:  Afterimage Summary:  Zhu Yi Long is an awkward turtle. Now he has to deal with letting Shen Wei and Ye Zun go. Notes:  okay so im not really into fics on real people but this was done so well? it explores the effects of zhu yilong's method acting and sets straight that zhubai and weilan are not one and the same at the end of the day
Title:  Twill Seeker Summary: The young master has a thing for the butler. The butler is at the end of his rope. Notes: if anyone comes after me and my apparent need for butler shen wei and young master zhao yunlan, hide me
Title:  When You're Old, You Want To Celebrate Birthdays At Home Summary: Shen Wei comes home to a surprise. Notes: me, wiping a tear: oh look, a ye zun characterization i actually like even if he's mentioned only
Title:  do nothing day Summary:  “The stress of work is exhausting me and my wife is scolding me now,” Zhao Yunlan pretends to whine, hiding his face in the blankets. “You’ve seen who I work with, those stubborn kids who cause me nothing but trouble. You’re supposed to be on my side, meant to pity me when the world turns against me. I deserve this day off and I reserve the right to do as I please. And if I want to be a slug in the bed then that’s what I’m going to do.” Notes: "It’s so gentle that Shen Wei almost can’t stand it, the way Zhao Yunlan lets him do as he likes, just receiving whatever Shen Wei wants to give him. And there’s so much that Shen Wei wants to lavish onto his Zhao Yunlan." -- dont bother for the ambulance i know im DOA
Title:  Heat and Desire Summary: Five times Zhao Yunlan had an oral fixation and one time Shen Wei did something about it. Notes: "You tease me, Zhao Yunlan," Shen Wei whispers, his breath tickling against Zhao Yunlan’s ear. "You tease me and you tease me and you seem to think that I won't do anything about it." -- me, choking: IM FINE
Title:  Just A Phone Call Away Summary:  Chief Zhao gets hurt on a case and nobody wants to be the one to call Professor Shen and tell him.... Notes: SID family + shen wei's first reaction to the call??? sign me up
Title:  Never Losing You Summary:  Yunlan can't open his eyes, can't shut his mouth. Needy, keening noises pour out of his throat completely out of his control. Shen Wei's closed fist is around him, pumping fast and tight in rhythm to his fucking, making him see stars exploding behind closed eyelids, thoroughly engulfed by the incredible sensations racketing up and down his spine originating from where they're so deliciously joined. Shen Wei's other hand cradles his jaw, careful, reverent, but also serves to ground Yunlan to the bed so Shen Wei can fuck him harder, deeper. Notes: i can never have enough weilan papapa bc if canon doesn't give me the explicit juicy details then im turning to fic writers with metaphorical gold payment
Title:  third time's the charm Summary: “I’m what Da Qing likes to describe as ‘especially tenacious’ when I’m in heat, even more so when I have a specific Alpha in mind,” Yunlan tells him, casual. (Or, three times Shen Wei helps Zhao Yunlan through his heat.) Notes: me, looking through the window with a faraway look: a/b/o universe makes me weak even if it's not even explicit
Title: this secret language that we speak Summary: "If you don't want to do this any more," says Shen Wei, "you get off the couch, and we'll do whatever you want. Do you understand?" Zhao Yunlan is so hot he thinks he's going to light the couch on fire. He swallows and nods."I didn't hear you," says Shen Wei, implacable as death. "Do you understand?" Zhao Yunlan has to clear his throat, and when he manages to speak, his voice is gravelled with arousal. "Yeah. I do." "Good," says Shen Wei. Notes: i cried 69 times bc my horny ass is fed and jfc domineering shen wei??? *cries for the 70th time*
Title: Shen Wei Summary: Shen Wei loves Zhao Yunlan, and there is only so long he can feign otherwise. Notes: [Zhao Yunlan gives a small shrug, uninvested in the argument. “All right. And where do you belong?” Shen Wei freezes, flashes of memory assaulting him, of Kunlun’s skin hot against his, of promises moaned against each other’s necks. Inside you is all he can think.] BINCH I DIED AT THIS PART
Title: Sweet Dreams Are Made Of This Summary: Zhao Yunlan jerks back to the waking world gasping and screaming and drowning in the anguish that comes with being lit on eternal consuming fire. The unmistakable rich copper taste of blood fills his mouth and he opens tear-filled bloodshot eyes that he was sure melted a long time ago with the rest of his physical body. He sees faces crowding around him in varying degrees of worry, but the pain blinds him from putting names to the faces. His throat feels raw, as if he'd been screaming for centuries and realizes on the next breath that he's been screaming a name. Shen Wei's name. Notes: drama-verse but a hopeful one TYL im here for the whole the last episode didn’t happen bc we can use the plot that the drama threw away lol
Title: Aftermath Summary: The fallout after the dust has settled. Notes: a look on what happened after the 4th extra in the novel; s o f t
Title: The world that we'll invent Summary: Shen Wei's self-control continues to be tested. Notes: [Nothing in Shen Wei's long existence has prepared him for the problem that is Zhao Yunlan.] >> honestly this is the summary of weilan in general 
Title: Quiet Heart, Hollow Body Summary: It has been ten thousand years since Shen Wei met Kunlun, but he could never forget the one who first saw beyond the mask of the Black Cloaked Envoy to the person beneath. Notes: im novel bias for so many reasons but this was absolutely amazing as a drama setting bc it /is/ closer to the novel setting bc shen wei was actually awake those 10,000 years so that desperation and intensity of novel!sw is closer here - really great read
last updated: March 2, 2020
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spaceshipkat · 6 years
king/dom of ash snark
the excerpts can be found here. 
i’m here and salty and full of spite so
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it starts out with rowboat’s POV, apparently, though it’s just entitled The Prince and the entire passage doesn’t list a single name. 
He had been hunting for her since the moment she was taken from him.
His mate.
He barely remembered his own name. And only recalled it because his three companions spoke it while they searched for her across violent and dark seas, through ancient and slumbering forests, over storm-swept mountains already buried in snow.
for fuck’s sake why does sj/m always think that putting “mate” in its own paragraph is dramatic? epic? uhhhhhh no? it sounds like she’s trying to narrate like david attenborough, but not in a good way. 
also, what the fuck is with that third paragraph’s fragment? okay i was trying to fix it but ain’t nobody got time for that. moving on. 
He stopped long enough to feed his body and allow his companions a few hours of sleep. Were it not for them, he would have flown off, soared far and wide.
But he would need the strength of their blades and magic, would need their cunning and wisdom before this was through.
mmkay so the way that third paragraph up top is worded, it sounds like his three companions are off searching forests and seas and mountains, apart from him. but apparently they’re all together, according to the above two paragraphs? god this is so bad already what the fuck. 
“The only time he stopped was when he ate, when his companions slept; he needed their blades and magic, their cunning and wisdom, to find her.” 
that’s better. not great bc i was trying to stay with sj/m’s words, but better. 
Before he faced the dark queen who had torn into his innermost self, stealing his mate long before she had been locked in an iron coffin. And after he was done with her, after that, then he’d take on the cold-blooded gods themselves, hell-bent on destroying what might remain of his mate.
whut. the way she wrote that first sentence makes it seem as though it was cut off mid-thought. okay i tried to finish that sentence too but...it doesn’t make any sense what the fucking hell?????? did sj/m have a brain fart mid-sentence??? 
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also, what the fuck is “And after he was done with her, after that” like why is that extra “after that” there?? it’s the same goddamn sentence, sj/m. we can follow along better than you! stop padding the word count and pretending you’re GRRM and Tolkien! fuck! 
And sometimes, he spoke along the bond between them, sending his soul on the wind to wherever she was held captive, entombed.
I will find you.
Last of the Mohicans, is that you? 
mmkay here comes alien’s part, though...why is it entitled “The Princess”??? i mean it was worded that way in the first quote blooms shared, but this just seems like she’s regressing in her ego, which is so unlike alien and sj/m. 
The iron smothered her. It had snuffed out the fire in her veins, as surely as if the flames had been doused.
sj/m, i nominate you to lead the department of redundancy department. 
She could hear the water, even in the iron box, even with the iron mask and chains adorning her like ribbons of silk. The roaring; the endless rushing of water over stone. It filled the gaps between her screaming. 
why is she screaming? 
“iron mask and chains adorning her like ribbons of silk” who knew an iron mask looked like ribbons of silk. much wow. 
also, “ribbons of silk”??? who walks around with goddamn ribbons all over them, especially silk ones????? all i can picture is a mummy?
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A sliver of island in the heart of a mist-veiled river, little more than a smooth slab of rock amid the rapids and falls. That’s where they’d put her. Stored her. In a stone temple built for some forgotten god.
this passage directly follows the line about her screaming ^^^ and I Am Confusion. how the fuck do you hop from screaming to describing the landscape? furthermore, how would alien even know what the landscape looked like??? she was in a goddamn iron coffin. 
and the fragments in that paragraph alone are nauseating. what was so wrong with writing it like this: 
“They’d put her on a a smooth slab of rock amid the rapids and falls in the heart of a mist-veiled river.” 
so she’s in a river, but also near rapids and also near falls...has sj/m ever looked at a river? or a waterfall? or gone white water rafting? the rapids aren’t near the falls? how many falls are there? there’s no way she could be nearby all of them?
okay okay and also she’s on a sliver of an island, on a smooth slab of rock, and in a stone temple. WHICH IS IT SJ/M? DID MAEVE DIVIDE ALIEN AND THROW HER ARMS OVER THERE AND HER LEGS OVER THERE LIKE THE GODDAMN SCARECROW? 
No matter how often her screams drowned out the raging river. No matter how often the snap of her bones cleaved through the bellowing rapids.
She had tried to keep track of the days.
i have whiplash
But she did not know how long they had kept her in that iron box. How long they had forced her to sleep, lulled into oblivion by the sweet smoke they’d poured in while they traveled here. To this island, this temple of pain.
She did not know how long the gaps lasted between her screaming and waking. Between the pain ending and starting anew.
Days, months, years - they bled together, as her own blood often slithered over the stone floor and into the river itself.
dear god almighty please take away sj/ms ability to type. 
mmkay so why are they putting her to sleep if they’re also making her scream? wouldn’t it be better to keep her awake? i do not condone torture, obv, but sj/m has a severe misunderstanding of how to go about doing it. you want someone to crack, you either keep them in absolute silence or make it so loud that they can’t ever fall asleep. 
A princess who was to live for a thousand years. Longer.
That had been her gift. It was now her curse.
oh hey that looks familiar
She did not feel the warm hand of the goddess who had blessed and damned her with such terrible power. She wondered if that goddess of light and flame even cared that she now lay trapped within the iron box - or if the immortal had transferred her attentions to another. To the king who might offer himself in her stead and in yielding his life, spare their world.
i’m nitpicking here, but...why did sj/m use “immortal” for the goddess? what was wrong with the gender-neutral “deity”? (it’s the one i use every time.) bc immortal implies the goddess is like the fae, who are also immortal. sooooooo...what are they, sj/m? deities or fae? 
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but also, who is the king she’s referring to? dorian??? why the fuck would alien think that way? “oh poo i’m trapped in an iron coffin hmm why didn’t i take up dorian, who actually rules a kingdom bc he grew up in that kingdom and knows what he’s doing, when he offered to hop in here in my place?” or is she referring to rowboat (who isn’t king cough cough)? it seems unlikely, considering they’re ~mates~ but i don’t know of any other kings. 
Once upon a time, in a land long since burned to ash, there lived a young princess who loved her kingdom...
Down she would drift, deep into that darkness, into the sea of flame. Down so deep that when the whip cracked, when bone sundered, she sometimes did not feel it.
Most times she did.
huh i actually like this passage. cool. 
A prince of ice and wind. A prince who had been hers, and she his. Long before the bond between their souls became known to them.
It was upon him that the task of protecting that once-glorious kingdom now fell.
The prince whose scent was kissed with pine and snow, the scent of that kingdom she had loved with her heart of wildfire.
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no, it is not upon him bc he has no claim to the throne. spouses of royals do not automatically become the new leader of a kingdom just bc you want it, sj/m. it doesn’t work that way god fucking dammit.
why is she always talking about scents? like, there are other ways to remember people? their voice, maybe? bc at least that doesn’t sound nauseating. 
The dark queen with a spider’s smile tried to wield it against her. In the obsidian webs she wove, the illusions and dreams she spun at the culmination of each breaking point, the queen tried to twist the memory of him as a key into her mind.
you heard it here, folks! spiders can smile! who knew! wow! 
also i just can’t get a handle on what the fuck they’re doing to alien? are they making her sleep? torturing her? trying to get information? weaving “obsidian webs”? and for that matter, what info are they even trying to get???? 
They were blurring. The lies and truths and memories. Sleep and the blackness in the iron coffin. The days bound to the stone altar in the center of the room, or hanging from a hook in the ceiling, or strung up between chains anchored into the stone wall. It was all beginning to blur, like ink in water.
whut. so they’re...literally moving the coffin around? to different places? what? how does that even achieve anything? a coffin is a coffin no matter where you mount it, and it seems unlikely they’d pull alien out of the coffin, so...welp. 
So she told herself the story. The darkness and the flame deep within her whispered it, too, and she sang it back to them. Locked in that coffin hidden on an island within the heart of a river, the princess recited the story, over and over, and let them unleash an eternity of pain upon her body.
Once upon a time, in a land long since burned to ash, there lived a young princess who loved her kingdom...
once again, sj/m, i nominate you to lead the department of redundancy department. bc this entire thing was just repeating itself verbatim? no wonder k0a 992 pages. 
well that was cathartic and frustrating in equal measure. awesome. if you need me, i’ll be flying myself straight into the sun. 
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shooting-the-walls · 5 years
The Empty Hearse: my inner monologue because I like writing these
I would just like to point out before we get going that I was rather a latecomer to this fandom. I got into it just as Season 4 was released, so early 2017. When this episode was released in 2014 I was only 10 years old!!! Still probably my favourite fandom though, the one I always find myself returning to.
Anyways, on with my crazy monologue!!
• We stan a quick rundown of the Depression of the Century
• #creepymaskmuch
• Molly be like "oh damn"
• Uno reverse bitches!!!
• Molly be like "YAAAAS"
• I'm sorry can we just acknowledge how hot the window jump is
• Bet John wished he could be Molly in that sitch XD
• Still feel so sorry for John :(
• Greg is so fucking done with Anderson's theories XD
• "You're a guilty lil bitch Anderson, stfu": Lestrade 2k14
• "I BelIEVe iN sHErloCK HOLmeS"
• Eyyyyyyy Sherlock is not guilty!!!! (Obvs)
• When depression hits, get a (terrible) moustache bitches
• Ooooo helicopters and running, Mission Impossible style
• When you just..... give the fuck up
• When you can't stand that screaming so you just turn your music up
• I mean torture is pretty harsh man
• Of course Sherlock would deduce his way out XD
• When Mycroft just doesn't give a Single Shit
• John be like "nah imma just stare at this wall"
• Mycroft's got a fancy fucking office guys
• John stop tryna be Sherlock with your terrible imitation coat and scarf
• Mrs Hudson always cares for her adoptive sons, but she does with high sarcasm and sass
• Mycroft, why does your office look like a torture chamber??
• Benedict is HOT Jesus
• "Definitely. Enjoying it.": You! Don't! Appreciate! Your! Brother!
• Anthea prefers Sherlock to Mycroft, they have bitch sessions about him pass it on lol
• Mrs Hudson is so sassy and honest XD
• John you fucking liar you're not sorry
• Mycroft is so Done with his little brother XD
• Sherlock, stop personifying London dude
• "Yes, we meet up every Friday for fish and chips": Mycroft, the sarcasm is not needed
• Mrs Hudson is such a fucking Queen
• "What's his name?"
• "Sherlock was not my boyfriend": YES HE FUCKING WAS SHUT UP
• "I AM NOT GAY": wow, denial is high there John
• Mrs Hudson ships Johnlock more than the rest of the fandom combined XD
• Mycroft: "oh yeah but the other wine is like so much better. Anyways, your bff hates you now byeeeee"
• Sherlock is such a fucking little twat when he wants to be lol
• "Would I suggest you look at this menus, it's... completely identical"
• The way he's just tryna be like "look at meeeeeeee" and John gives not a single fuck
• "Surprise me" "certainly endeavouring to, sir"
• Awwwwwww hey Mary
• John is such an awkward lil hedgehog
• Mary: I agree I'm the best thing that could have happened to you
John: bitch you're not Sherlock
• Oh damn. OH DAMN.
• John just having a mini mental breakdown here
• "Short version. Not dead."
• John looks like he's about to kill someone (preferably Sherlock)
• "Oh God" "Not quite"
• The look in Sherlock's eyes when he realises that John isn't happy to see him
• #deflectiontechniques
• In the cafe, Sherlock just looks like a kid that's like 2 hours late home
• "You know for a genius you can be remarkably thick"
• "That's a little more difficult to explain" "I've got all night bitch"
• "Just your brother, Molly and a hundred tramps"
• I love that they end up in a chip shop XD
• John, your moustache is terrible. Accept it lol
• "One word to let me know that you were alive"
• Mary just laughing her head off in the corner XD
• Sherlock: BITCH STFU IT'S A SECRET (whilst entire chip shop is listening in)
• *headbutt*
• "I said sorry, isn't that what you're supposed to do?"
• Mary knows what's up BUT SHE A LIAR
• Honestly don't know why Mollie looks so shocked, like she knew he was alive
• Greg is just like a proud Papa
• "Oo you bastard!"
• Sherlock being vaguely confused/irritated by a hug XD
• BBC, can we talk about the random shot of the back of Una Stubbs' throat?
• Anderson just doesn't ship Sheriarty XD
• Think the Chip Shop Argument got spilled lol
• Mary is having the time of her life reading the blog XD
• Mary really ships the boys right from the start lol
• "I don't shave for Sherlock Holmes" "You should put that on a t-shirt"
• The terror alert is on critical and these bitches are just playing chess
• Ngl, missed the burgundy dressing gown
• "Oh bugger!"
• Mycroft be so defensive
• "Both of us thought you were an idiot, Sherlock. We had nothing else to go on until we met other children" "Oh yes, that was a mistake" "ghastly. What were they thinking of?" "Probably something about making friends": I feel SO sorry for the Holmes parents XD
• Mycroft, I think your brother is trying to set you up with a lil someone (
• "Change the subject. Now"
• Mrs Hudson: :)
• "He's pleased to see you underneath all that--" "Which of us??" "Both of you"
• Sherlock straight in there with the gender equality
• Sherlock: Icelandic sheep wool bitch
Mrs Hudson: ah yes, because the world need a blog on that -_-
• "I'm not lonely": yes you are stfu
• I love the wink to Mrs Hudson :)
• Mrs Hudson really wants her boys back lol
• Loving the use of transitions to show how much of a dick John is being to Sherlock lol
• "Have dinner?" "Solve crimes?"
• Molly knows she's replacing John really
• "Weight loss, hair dye, botox, affair, lawyer. Next!"
• Sherlock is so gentle with the poor woman :)
• John is so fucking convinced he's right, but it's kinda sad that he doesn't think Sherlock will respect his personal space (because he never has before): JOHN SUBCONSCIOUSLY WANTS SHERLOCK THERE
• Can we just agree that Sherlock is such a sweetie and that it is heartbreaking that John is now his awful internal monologue because he's convinced he hates him after how he reacted once he returned?
• Lestrade just being a concerned dad in the background
• Molly and Lestrade are both just so spooked out
• *dramatically blows dust off book*
• HE WANTS JOHN BACK SO BAD awwwwwwwwwwwwww
• Quick aside, but I have a friend who is a train fanatic (he's coming to prom on a steam thingy) and the train dude reminds me of him lol
• "Excuse you": JOHN YOU SASSY QUEEN
• John: Makin' my way downtown, walkin' fast, getting kidnapped and I fall down
• "Did you get him off a murder charge" "Nope helped him put up some shelves"
• "Do you fancy chips?": HANG ON A MOMENT. In S4E2 Sherlock states that "You're suicidal you're allowed chips. Trust me I should know". Does that mean..... oh Jesus, Sherlock, you little sweetie, you need to talk to someone
• *when you wake up after a night out and you don't know where the fuck you are*
• Sherlock is just immediately alert like: wtf is wrong with my John
• The chips just... don't matter, okay
• When you steal a motorbike to help your bff
• Ngl having the little kid right at the front is real creepy
• But like can you imagine Sherlock and John going to bonfire nights with Rosie when she's a bit older and both of them being dead tense as they watch the bonfire being lit?
• The fact Sherlock figures it out JUST as the bonfire lights up: PERFECT
• Sherlock, with a complete disregard for his own safety: *jumps into a fire and drags John out before tearfully begging him to be okay*
Hetero shippers: ah yes, what a good male friendship
• I love Sherlock's face lol: he is SO done
• Sherlock totally resembles his mother in terms of personality
• I think the fact this is Benedict's parents makes that scene a million times better: do you think that's how he wants to act during the small talk sometimes XD
• Mr Holmes just looks so Done, and Mrs Holmes is just like "fuck it I'm used to this"
• "She worries!": well of course she bloody does, one son is the British Government, the other is a recovering drug addict who solves crimes as an alternative to getting high and her daughter is locked up in a secret facility
• "Promise?" "...promise": HE LOVES HIS MUM AND DAD REALLY
• Tbf John, you couldn't expect the poor guy to lead his parents on like that, really
• John stop making bad puns
• "Is it to get to you through me?": JOHN KNOWS WHAT'S UP
• Awwwwww he's got his John back and he's just so happy
• Aw c'mon, you've gotta admit that a bit of Sherlock's massive concern is for his brother being in parliament that night
• "Illegal!" "A bit": yeah, like this is anything new tho John XD
• "I don't understand" "well that's a first": JOHN LIVES ARE AT STAKE STOP BEING A SASSY BITCH
• *sudden flashback to the great game and the painting*
• I actually love the scene in the train carriage so much, because even though it ends up with Sherlock being a little bastard to get John to admit his feelings, I like how it demonstrates that everyone expects Sherlock to know everything all the time, and that's a very unrealistic expectation: despite the fact he hates it, he is only human, and I think this scene nicely acknowledges that
• Two bros, chilling in a tube train, trying not to freak out cos they might die!
• Sherlock: ooooopppsss, John, might have just set off this fucking bomb :/
• "Mind palace!"
• "You think I've just got how to diffuse a bomb tucked away in there!?" "YES!" "...maybe"
• Sherlock may be a little bitch but you have to admit he's a bloody good actor
• John, the whole way through the tube scene: wtf wtf wtf wtf
• "I wanted you not to be dead!" "Well, be careful what you wish for": Sherlock, sweetie, it almost sounds like you wish you were dead.....
• I wanna know what that information Mycroft gave Moriarty was
• "His death wish": yeah, let's be honest Moriarty was just like "I crave heckety heck death"
• How difficult do you thunk Sherlock found it up on that roof, having to tell John all of that??
• You've gotta admit that it was a pretty good plan
• You can bet that all the conspiracy theories were on Anderson's wall XD
• "You COCK"
• "You said such nice things, I never knew you cared :)"
• "I will kill you if you EVER-" "scouts honour" "BREATHE A WORD OF THIS ANYONE"
• "Terrorists can get into a lot of trouble if they don't have an off switch"
• "Oh please, killing me. That was so 2 years ago": WE STAN
• Mycroft is just so desperate to get out of Les Mis: "but the pain. The HORROR"
• Lestrade just seems a little disappointed
• John tryna act surprised at Tom XD
• SHERLOCK'S FACE (the memeeeessss lol)
• Sherlock is just so determined
• Sherlock: oh yeah heard your graveside speech btw, super sweet
0 notes
ol-razzle-dazazzle · 7 years
The World (and Copious Amounts of Vodka) at Your Fingertips
For my darling @perfect-murderer / @angel-of-murder who’s OTP is Fyodor x Oguri (The latter account is for Oguri and the former for Ivan, so if you love RP blogs of classy rat bois check her the heck out) 
I haven’t really gotten up to date with the BSD manga so I flicked through some summaries of the wikia and made up what lil gaps I had with my own interpretations (particularly that for Oguri, considering he is relatively new) so I hope I did these two justice! If not feel free to Crime and Punish(ment) me
TW for alcohol obv, someone being murdered and covered up, sensual situations (not inherently NSFW but like, if you were at work and someone saw you shipping authors I’d be fucking confused too) God complexes
It was a dim lit night, another job. Information scattered, people silenced, the usual. Despite the slimy depraved sense of the bar, a dapper man with combed hair perches On a barstool, adjusting his tie and signalling the barkeep for a glass of vodka.
A woman is sobbing, face pressed into the wood, about her fiancée, being dead. She lets out a wail, and falls to the floor. Can't have any witnesses now.
Emotions are such strange things. Even if he could erase the crime and any traces, with the white spirits that soak up the blood, there was always some crying and grief to be accounted for.
The white spirits leave her lingering, settled on the floor with a bottle in her hand. "Honestly, people should learn to hold their alcohol..." He scoffs, the white will o wisps getting pat before they disperse. How impulsive...he can't just kill off anybody like nothing. Hmph, it's all pitiful anyway. The hand holding the glass held an impossibly priced ring, and irregular dots along her arms.
"Another glass, sir."
Hmm?  Now don't falter. Nothing has happened after all.
"Good evening, you must be Oguri Mushitarou, right?" That was rare, for someone to know his name. He liked the sound of it off the other man's lips.
"Ah, and who might you be?" Oguri brushed aside his bangs, hands shaking slightly as he took another sip.
"Why I was the one who contacted you, well...The Rats in the House of the Dead." Oguri raised an eyebrow. Could be a spy, after all.
"I have n-no such recollection."
"Now, now- we are drinking together-"
"You have only but held a glass to your lips." Oguri sneers.
"Very well." The other man downs the shot, "I also must add, that you seem rather undisturbed for killing someone before an entire audience's eyes."
Oguri beams for but a moment. "Hmm? No one saw anything. I'm perplexed."
"Don't act so defensive, just because I have 'Crime and Punishment', doesn't mean I shall assert it on you."
"Well this is a cordial way to introduce yourself to me, Doestovesky." Ah, so it is him. Perched Ushanka, gratuitous coats, and red lines on his hands.
"You are a very collected man Oguri, perfect for what I need you to do for me..." Fyodor hums, the buzz of alcohol is making this whole situation of murder a lot less stilted. Perhaps Oguri should have such meetings here often.
"You know what I'm here to do, correct?" Fyodor murmured, a hand settling on Oguri's shoulder.
He reeled back suddenly, causing Fyodor to withdraw. "Ah, my apologies, I realise that with my ability you would be nervous..." That wasn't entirely it...but one shouldn't divulge such weaknesses.
"It doesn't matter to me." Oguri cleared his throat. "I'm just here to do what you require of me."
"..." Fyodor sighs, "That's a pity."
"How so?"
"This is an organisation, to purge the world." Fyodor smiles, "I think that this would be cause for us to become...comrades."
"I prefer to be...professional." Oguri mumbled. "Besides, I wouldn't think it would be best to be acquainted with God."
"I'm not God yet." Fyodor laughs, "Besides, drinks are much nicer with company."
"Perhaps, you shouldn't go around throwing your ideas of comrades to a murderer." Oguri hissed. "We tend not to make very good 'company'.
"You forget who you are talking to, remember?" Fyodor snickers, clinking his glass with Oguri's own. "...You don't particularly like being close to people, do you?"
"In this city, now why should I?" Oguri's hands clutch the glass, knuckles turning white.
"Ah, I shouldn't push for it, right?" A raised eyebrow.
"You haven't even bought me a drink or taken me to dinner yet." Oguri snickers.
"Shall I change that? Barkeep, if you please." Fyodor smiled, pouring the two glasses before with a smirk.
"...You don't hesitate do you?" Oguri mumbles, a hint of a grin on his face. The two drink once more.
"Your eyes are...fascinating."
"Ah yes, a regular pick up line."
"Well, Oguri, I can't say I get lost in them." Fyodor stifles his laughter. "They're lovely."
"The eyes of a crazy 'sociopath' and a 'psycho', I'm sure." Oguri dismisses the compliment.
"I don't believe your body count influences your eyes." Fyodor muses. "After all, you haven't done anything, correct?"
"I have never murdered a soul." Oguri winks.
"Of course..." Fyodor coughs.
"You better watch how much you drink..." "Or else I'll end up like her?" Fyodor points to the 'collapsed' body.
"You shrink at a touch and  yet dismiss a murder." Fyodor's hand trails the glass.
"Isn't that precisely what you would want, Dostoevsky?" Oguri raises an eyebrow.
"I could think of other things..."
Oguri tinged a slight red at the thought, "Perhaps you should watch your liquor."
"Nonsense, I may be anemic but I am Russian."
"I would've figured someone like you would be anything but stereotypical." Oguri tilts his head.
"Under the influence of alcohol we are all equal and unable to be differentiated."
"Well I won't care for you too much if you go overboard."
"I'll keep that in mind, my dear Oguri."
"Oh? I'm 'dear' to you so quickly?"
"I did buy you a drink."
The two laugh, "I suppose so."
The slight haze started to affect the two, Oguri fiddling with his fringe as glasses were refilled.
"Someone's rather hypocritical..." Fyodor smirks at Oguri's more frazzled state.
"N-Nonsense! I'm perfectly...fine." Oguri tries to save face, eyes flickering between shut and open.
"I'm sure you are." Fyodor settles the glass further away, snickering. "Are you going to be okay? It doesn't seem like you drink a lot..."
But Oguri's muffled, mumbling into the wood.
"Hmm? What was that?"
"I...said I'll look forward to working with you." Oguri murmurs, plucking himself up as he tries not to lean on Fyodor's shoulder.
"Shall we leave?"
"You're being rather inconvenient, making me carry you like this..." Fyodor pouts, "It seems you enjoy being in my arms..."
The morning was hazy with the aftereffects of murder and liquor, only the latter of which Oguri was rather inexperienced with. While he was one to drink to avoid talking such strategy was usually done with water, and he rarely recognised the consequences of vodka.
Still despite waking up in a home that wasn't his, in a bed that wasn't his, he felt rather calm. The turning to further cocoon himself in sheets made him suddenly aware that he wasn't wearing his jacket- nor his shirt or pants.
A glance over his shoulder in slight panic meeting Fyodor's own eyes. "I trust you slept well?"
"...Was all I did sleep?"
"Ah, well you divulged the secret to your murders, I have it in a tape recorder. Guilt claims the conscience of every man I suppose."
Oguri felt his blood run cold in that smile.
"Just kidding." And warm again.
"...Anything else?" His eyes gestured to his clothes, rather, lack thereof (aside from briefs).
"Without your begging me to do so? Oh goodness no." Fyodor waves a hand dismissively.
Oguri stared at the other's exposed skin, grazes and the remnants of a bullet would on his shoulder.
"You normally open the curtains to stare at the view, don't you?" Fyodor raises and eyebrow, drinking in Oguri's subtle dusting of pink.
"You can't blame me for catching a glimpse of God, can you?" Oguri turns over to him, catching Fyodor's as to set a kiss on his lips.
"Hm, I guess you can't..." Fyodor stifles his laughter, returning the favour.
"Though I do admit the professionalism could do with a bit of work." Oguri chuckles, "One has to wonder if you do this often.
"We haven't done anything yet, have we?"
"I suppose we haven't." Oguri brought Fyodor's hand to his lips, kissing along the red marks chastely.
"But isn't it more exciting this way?" With his free hand Fyodor swept his fingers through the other's slightly messed fringe. "It feels like we have the whole world at our fingertips."
"Am I your whole world now?" Oguri smiles into his skin.
"Well we are 'partners' now, no?"
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