bruciemilf · 1 year
Just Bruce quietly asking all of his kids to come to the Manor for dinner and when they all arrive, they notice Bruce sitting silently at the table trepidation and sorrow gracing his features. Alfred's already set the table and hovers over Bruce, anxiousness, and despair wafting off him in waves. They make it through the main course and dessert, before Jason snaps, scared by the disbelieving looks Alfred's been shooting Bruce the whole evening. Bruce swallows as though steeling himself for what's about to come out of his mouth next, he goes on to mention that during his most recent doctor's visit, they noticed something unusual with his pancreas and after further tests, they've confirmed it to be Stage 2 Pancreatic Cancer. It's like all the air has been sucked out of the room, they never imagined they lose him to something so......mundane. All of them, Bruce and Alfred included thought a bullet or a villain would be the one to finish off the Dark Knight. Not, an amalgamation of cells and it's like the sky's fallen down because a small part of them aren't ready to see their father slowly wither away.
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uarmyhopx · 10 months
You also exposed me yesterday, screaming my name like that.
And let me give you more reasons to be shy tonight, you can hold me responsible for your wobbly legs tomorrow too
You're doing it again, exposing me! You chose violance with me today to expose me? Felt a little too good did you?
Tonight huh? I take you by your words then. I got nothing to do tomorrow so you can take all the responsibility for it.
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ejfanfic · 4 years
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Pairing  ⟶ jeon jungkook and Y/N
Warnings  ⟶ Bullying , violance and swearing
Genre  ⟶ fluff
Y/N: Tanks Jimin that's really nice to help me like that. Jimin: Yeah no problem girl. JIMIN POV: Crap poor Y/N she has burn on her legs because of a fricking psycofangirl.I'm gonna give a big lesson to this psycoLisa. Y/N POV: The nurse was doing a bandage on your legs. When Jimin finally broke the awkward silence and say. Jimin: Y/N i promise that she will regret her birth. You smile and the nurse says. Nurse: Please boy your girlfriend doesn't need to be revenge...It's only a little burn. Jimin and Y/N: We aren't a couple...-Laughing- Nurse: Oh sorry guys I didn't mean to do make an awkward moment. For the rest of the day BTS were your slave. You didn't ask for that but they wanted to be your slave. TIME SKIP   AT YOUR HOUSE BLING!!! You checked your phone and it was a message from Kookie
JK: Y/N sorry for your legs, do you want to go drink a coffee with me? Y/N: Oh yeah with all the group or only us? JK: Only us is that a problem? Y/N: No not at all when are you going to pick me up? JK: At 6 pm,is it ok for you? Y/N: Yeah it's ok see you later.love you kookie JK:.....love you to Y/N(as a friend) Y/N: Me too as a friend. JK: Bye. Y/N: Bye. Y/N POV: You hit 3 time your head with your hand any say Y/N: STUPID!STUPID!STUPID!!!! Your dad: Y/N darling why are you screaming stupid do you have a problem?? Y/N: NO DAD!!!! You were yelling because your dad is downstairs.You looked at your screen and saw it's 5 pm Y/N MIND: Shit my "date"... You run in the bathroom an start to put makeup but you're not really good so you just put mascara an lipstick. It's now 5:45 pm you run downstair and say. Y/N: GOODBYE DAD SEE YOU LATER!!! DOOR CLAP!! You wait 5min outside after you see an expensive car and you see Jk in the car. You were in total shook you didn't expect that Jk was rich as fuck. JK: Y/N hey are you ready? Y/N: Yep I'm coming! IN THE EXPENSIVE CAR Y/N: Kookie I didn't expect that you were rich... JK: Hahaha it's my dad car he gave it to me only for this night. Y/N: Nice I'm happy to see you outside of the school.-smiling- JK: You look nice... Y/N: You too. After talking for 15min you're at the coffee shop.
JK: You can take what you want I'll pay for it. Y/N: Oh tanks kookie. You chose one ice coffee and a little cake. JK: Is it good? Y/N:yesh it' sh really good tanksh.-with your mouth full of cake- Jk start laughing and took a part of the cake and eat it. JK: Yeah that's good... After you finish eating and drink you and Jk go to his car. IN JK CAR Y/N: that was really cool tanks see you tomorrow. JK: Y/N wait!! Y/N: Huh? JK: Come here....I-I need to tell you something... Y/N mind: OMG does kookie like me???? You walk to his direction and he gets out of his car and walks closer and closer and closer to you he stops right in front of you and whisper in your hear. JK: Y/N I think I'm in love with you... You open your mouth because of the shook. Jk start to walk more closely to you when he was about to kiss you...
Y/N: WHATTTTTT THAT'S ANOTHER DREAM!!!!!!NOOOOOOOO You fall asleep after the school so you didn't go on date with Jk or kiss him. You go in the shower and after you took your fav clothes and wear them. AT SHOOL You went to the cafeteria and sat beside J-hope and start to talk with him. J-hope: Finally we talk together.-smiling- Y/N: Y-yeah sorry how are you? J-hope: I'm fine with which class you start? Y/N: Dance you? J-hope: Me too let's go to it together. Y/N: No problem. BELL RING    IN THE DANCE CLASS Teacher: So guys today we are going to do a solo dance. Y/N: So we present our dance alone to the class? Teacher: Yeah. You nodded. After a lot of solo, it's your turn to do your dance After your solo all the class clap for you and J-hope look you with a big smile. J-hope: You dance so well!! Y/N: Thank you. - you smiled too-
------------------------TO BE CONTINUE-------------------
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