bruciemilf · 1 year
Just Bruce quietly asking all of his kids to come to the Manor for dinner and when they all arrive, they notice Bruce sitting silently at the table trepidation and sorrow gracing his features. Alfred's already set the table and hovers over Bruce, anxiousness, and despair wafting off him in waves. They make it through the main course and dessert, before Jason snaps, scared by the disbelieving looks Alfred's been shooting Bruce the whole evening. Bruce swallows as though steeling himself for what's about to come out of his mouth next, he goes on to mention that during his most recent doctor's visit, they noticed something unusual with his pancreas and after further tests, they've confirmed it to be Stage 2 Pancreatic Cancer. It's like all the air has been sucked out of the room, they never imagined they lose him to something so......mundane. All of them, Bruce and Alfred included thought a bullet or a villain would be the one to finish off the Dark Knight. Not, an amalgamation of cells and it's like the sky's fallen down because a small part of them aren't ready to see their father slowly wither away.
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