weangelovalenteus · 5 years
“I see you smiling So peaceful and calm And holding you, I'm smiling, too Here in my arms Safe from all harm And Holding you, I'm smiling, too”
– From Prince of Egypt
The Sun is Rising as Sect Leader Jiang is Currently Resting on the Room that was Once Belongs To His Now Former Wife as his Old Room is Currently Under Reconstruction, The Sect had been through Hardships and All, but Lately there were no attacks happening as well as Harassments from other Sects that usually Harassing Yunmeng Jiang Since its fall.
He Heard Rumours of a Serpentine Creature Lurking at the Borders of Yunmeng, but it always disappears when those who had Ill-Intentions towards Yunmeng Jiang Sect Run Away from sight, Jiang FengMian had a hunch that he knew who this Creature Is, because whenever AnJie Luo returns from his Herbs Hunting in the Borders of Yunmeng he always smells of Fresh Grass, Wild Berries and Wet Earth after the Rain and the telltale of a dead leaves and tiny dead branches stuck on his hair. Jiang FengMian had to keep himself from laughing out loud at the adorable sight.
As he is resting on the bed by the Window where he could see the vast river filled with Blooming Lotuses, in his arms there curled three Tiny Balls of Scales and Manes. He could feel the rumbling of the Tiny Serpentine Baby Dragons and he could hear the cute squeaks and purrs of content.
He decided that he had been bedridden for quite so long he decided to go to the veranda that he and his Former Wife used to spend time together. He asked one of the Servants to carry the small Basket and place it near his side of the table, as the other prepare a light breakfast and tea. Jiang FengMian placed the Baby Dragons in their Comfortable Nest (The Basket) filled with Silk and fur cushion.
Since the Eggs had Hatched, the Cold and Harsh Winter that once ravaged the Sect became even more bearable than it used to, the Town becomes a sight to see as the Town is filled with Ice Crystals and Icicles that the Light from the setting sun is adding to the Wintery Fairytale like Scenery of the town. There are Snowflakes drifting here and there, the once cold frozen river is now flowing like it used to, it was filled with White Lotus that somehow grew and bloomed throughout the harshness of Winter. And much to Jiang FengMian’s delight the Wisterias (Pink and Purple) and Peach Blossom Trees starts to bloom as well. And sweet Floral Scent invading the air as Birds chirps in the morning, it’s really peaceful and Jiang FengMian loved the peace without having a constant quarrelling.
“drem yol lok* Sect Leader Jiang.” AnJie Luo greeted as the Younger Man sits in front of the said Sect Leader.
“drem yol lok, AnJie-er...” Jiang FengMian greeted softly with a smile. “Did you went on Herb Hunting again?”
“Yes, It seems that Herbs that was usually Found in Ju-Qinglong Mountain somehow grew here and I am starting to have Medical Garden at the Back of the mansion.”
Jiang FengMian chuckled and said
“My Mansion seems to be getting larger than my Normal One, it seems someone decided to turn my Home into a Castle.”
“Well, The Little Ones will grow and will be needing a lot of space, we are just thinking ahead.” AnJie Luo answered.
“I’m not complaining.” Jiang FengMian just chimed good-naturedly.
It wasn’t long before Jiang Yanli came to join the Table with Bowls of Lotus Root and Pork Rib Soup and various Breakfast Meal.
“Father, There was a Letter Arrived From Gusu a while ago.” Yanli said softly with a smile.
“What did the Letter say?” Jiang FengMian asked softly.
“I didn’t read it, it’s in your office.” Yanli said as she serves the soup.
The Sun is already up the skies and the baby dragons are still yet to awaken, so Jiang FengMian looked at his Assistant, AnJie Luo who knew what the look means moved to the side where the Basket would be, he leaned close and whispered softly
“Alok*” The Tone was soft yet there’s echoing behind and AnJie Luo’s Pupils somehow became Slit.
After he whispered a foreign word, the Baby Dragons stirred and woke up. AnJie Luo leaned away to let Jiang FengMian be the First One to be seen by the Babies, Jiang FengMian in his part Blinked and reached out to the Baby Dragons, the said Babies turned to the hand that was outstretched and sniffed it, a Very Familiar Scent of Lotus and Spider Lilies invaded their sense of smell, they looked up and see a Kind and Gentle looking Human... no... this is no ordinary Human! This Human!
“Monah*?” The Baby Dragons Chirped Together.
AnJie Luo who was drinking his tea made a very Good impression of a Tea Fountain and choked when he heard what The Baby Dragons just said.
“Monah! Monah!” The Baby Dragons chorused happily.
“Umm... AnJie-er... is it really natural for them to talk just a day after they hatched?” Jiang FengMian asked as he gathered the three Balls of Happy Scales and Manes in his arms like it’s a Natural thing to do.
AnJie Luo on his part cleared his throat and tried not to laugh.
“Yes, it’s Natural they are Magical Beasts after all...” He said clearing his throat while grinning.
Jiang FengMian blinked and looked down at the three Balls of Happiness in his arms.
“Monah! Monaaahhh!” The Baby Dragons chirped.
“What are they saying?” Jiang FengMian asked looking at AnJie Luo curiously.
The said Man grinned showing his sharp rows of teeth.
“They’re saying that You are Mama...” AnJie Luo said as slowly but surely began to cackle.
Jiang FengMian just stared at his New Friend along with Yanli and the Servants. But three tiny voices got their Attention
“Mama?” The Black/Red Dragon A-Xian called out.
“Mamya?” The Black/Purple Dragon A-Cheng followed.
“Myamya!” The Black/Silver Dragon A-Yu Addid all too Happily.
Yanli began cooing at the three Baby Dragon teaching them to call her A-Jie...
“Briinah!” The Trio Chorused all to happily.
Yanli looked at the translator whose name is AnJie Luo
“It means Sister...” He said with a grin.
Sect Leader Jiang was just reading reports in his office while his daughter was with her new Brothers, at the Main Hall Yanli was enjoying tossing Ball at the three Tiny Baby Dragons who are trying to get to the Ball, claws clicking and scratching on the floor.
“Kyaaa~!” The Baby Dragons squeaked as they got themselves tangled with each other.
Yanli adored her new brothers even if they are Dragons, Dragons are as magnificent as the Phoenix, but having three Dragons as a Brother is a Blessing already, Yunmeng Jiang had suffered Humiliation from other Sects except from Gusu and Qinghe, the two Sect tried their best to help. But now, with Yunmeng Jiang starting to rise back from the ashes like a Phoenix and having three Baby Dragons in their Care and that Mysterious Guardian that Guards Yunmeng. It won’t be long Yunmeng Jiang will Rise Once More and show the World the true meaning of the Lotus of the Sect and why it is the Symbol of Yunmeng Jiang.
“Jie?” Three Tiny Voices called out Yanli out of her reverie.
Yanli looked down and saw that bright red ball in front of her and her Brothers.
“Alright, Alright... let’s play some more.” She said and she tossed the ball again.
“Kyaaaa~!” And the three Baby Dragons ran after the Bright Red Ball.
Yanli had been very lonely since her Mother left and she was upset that her father was not only hurt but humiliated every time he attends the Sect Leader Conference, she’s angry that there had been attempts on her Father’s life and little by little people of Yunmeng starts to move away due to Bandits Attacks and other Sects that she never care to remember attacks Yunmeng, her anger to her once mother only grew when one among the attacks were from Meishan Yu.
Her Father Had Sacrificed so much, she knew her Father was close to breaking and yet he stayed strong for her. And she was glad that his Kind heart didn’t vanished after a long Humiliation and torment, When her Father had invited the Traveller Mister AnJie Luo strange things happening, it’s not bad. Her Father began to smile more and laugh when mister AnJie Luo said something funny, the Sadness and pain that her father had suffered were all chased away as her Father Hangs Out with Mister AnJie Luo. Until there comes a Time that Mister AnJie Luo decided to stay.
And when the Eggs hatched, Yunmeng comes back to life slowly but surely. Beautiful than ever as Flowers Blooms, the Birds are back, the Frozen River flows once more and the darkness that looms above Yunmeng Jiang disappears.
“Jiee~!” The Familiar Chirping of A-Ying called her out of her reverie.
She looked down at the teary beady eyes of her brothers.
“Mu Bahlok*!” A-Yu and A-Cheng chorused.
“Food!” A-Ying whined.
Oh How could she say ‘No’ to these Faces, So She smiles and says
“I could guess that you three must be Hungry.”
“Eat?” A-Yu chirped as he curled on his Sister’s hip.
“Yes, Let’s get you three something to eat.” Yanli laughed lightly.
She carried all three Baby Dragons to the Town.
Yanli couldn’t help but laugh at her Draconic Baby Brothers as they  look left and right, the remaining stalls and people who stayed in Yunmeng Knew of their Sect Leader Mothering three Baby Dragons, since the Baby Dragons were born the Food, Vegetation and Livelihood were no longer a Problem, the air and surroundings are cleaner, there are no more fear of being attacked and tormented by Bandits because of the Rumoured Guardian of Yunmeng Jiang Borders are keeping the Intruders away.
Life becomes peaceful in Yunmeng once more.
“Kyaaa~!” A-Yu and A-Cheng’s chirping caught her attention.
Yanli turned to where her two brothers were and found them nibbling at the offered Buns, A-Ying slithered off of her waist and clambered on the Stall that sells Spicy Dumplings, the Old Man just laughed and hand over some of his Dumplings to the Baby Dragons. Yanli just smiled at the Gossips around her while she watches her brothers eat.
“Heavens had finally smiled down upon at Yunmeng Jiang Sect.”
“Indeed, Sect Leader Jiang’s kindness had finally won over the Gods and Goddesses’ Favour.”
“Since Madam Yu Left, Sect Leader Jiang is deeply hurt and suffered Humiliation. Hmph! Karma will always come back for her transgression.”
“It’s Good that Yunmeng had Finally Becomes an Independent Sect.”
“But what if the Bigger Sect like the Wen Sect are going to come to Yunmeng?”
“Are you kidding me? I was on the Borders a few Days ago when a not worthy Mentioning Sect comes to harass Yunmeng but they didn’t managed to come any closer because of the Guardian, even if they fly they couldn’t still come closer.”
“Yunmeng Jiang is slowly coming back to life once more.”
“Indeed, as far as I could remember Yunmeng has never been this Beautiful, Flowers already Bloom at the very Ends of Winter, the Birds are back and gracing us with their songs again, the Frozen River flows once more and the darkness that looms above Yunmeng Jiang disappears at long last.”
“Yunmeng Jiang is rising from its former self and is becoming the epitome of Heaven throughout the Land.”
Yanli could only smile, it’s true Yunmeng Jiang is rising from its former self and is becoming the epitome of Heaven throughout the Land. She wouldn’t mind living a content life in this Haven as long as her Family is Happy.
Yanli was Busy cooking in the Kitchen, AnJie Luo is out in the Border again and Jiang FengMian... Well... He decided to go bathe in the River with his Babies, the Baby Dragons were very persistent on playing with him in the river and who was he to Deny his Babies, so he stripped down to his Pants and jumped in the cool water. He grew up in Yunmeng so he’s a Good Swimmer himself, he dove a little deeper and swim alongside his Babies who swam expertly around him.
As he Resurfaced he had come face to face with Lan QiRen-in his Shaven Glory- who was by the edge of the Bridge, The Older Man was Looking Down at him in Surprise.
“Acting Sect Leader Lan QiRen?” Jiang FengMian called out softly blinking.
The Older Male just stared in shock at what he was seeing... Until three ripples in the Water could be seen and-
“KYAAAA~!” Three Tiny Baby Dragons jumped out of the Water towards Lan QiRen.
“GYAAAAHHH~!” Lan QiRen Screamed in Chorus as three Tiny Creatures jumped at him.
And the Next Thing they knew is a Huge Splash, Lan QiRen had fallen into the Water, Jiang FengMian who unabashedly Laughed, the looks of Lan QiRen’s Screaming in Horror Face is just funny.
“Stop laughing and Help me!” Lan QiRen screamed as he clawed the edge of the Bridge.
The Acting Sect Leader of Lan looked like a Drowned Cat...
“Alright, Alright... Hang On...” Jiang FengMian chortled in mirth.
Jiang FengMian wore his Inner Robe and helped Lan QiRen Up the Bridge, the man is cussing under his breath as he tried to calm his racing heart.
“What was that!?” Lan QiRen demanded.
Jiang FengMian wanted to tease the Man so-
“Oh... You have just met my Children...”
“Your Wha-?” Lan QiRen asked frowning and looking at Jiang FengMian as if he had gone crazy.
“My Babies...” Jiang FengMian answered back.
“Jiang FengMian if this is a Trick-” Lan QiRen cried out but was cut off when he saw two Tiny Creatures appeared on Jiang FengMian’s Shoulders One is Black/Purple and the Other is Black/Silver, and both are looking down at him.
Then he froze when he felt something climbing on top of him, he looked down slowly and come face to face with another Tiny Creature the one on top of him is Black/Red and it was looking at him with those Silver Beady Eyes.
“Kyaaa~!” It Chirped and licked Lan QiRen’s chin.
You Can Read It Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18777766/chapters/44613166
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