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monday night raw / june 17th, 2019
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What she says: I'm fine.
What she means: Steven Avery and Brendan Dassey are innocent. What was the jury thinking? Why did the prosecution change their location of the murder from the trailer to the garage? There was no evidence of Teresa's DNA in Steven's garage, bed, or room. Why didn't they test all 6 samples of Steven's blood they found in the RAV4? Why did the judge allow the bullet to be used as valid evidence even though it had been contaminated by the lab tech? Why didn't they investigate the shady ass boyfriend or the creepy brother? Why did the search take more than 2 days? Why did the courts allow the police to go back 4 months after the crime was committed to search Steven's property again? Why was the key to the RAV4 not found in the first or second or even third search? And for gods sake, Brendan Dassey! That poor child is intellectually hindered, he never stood a chance! It was CRIMINAL to interrogate him with no parent or lawyer present! Why couldn't they find any DNA evidence linking Dassey to the crime? Why didn't they call his mother up to testify? Why couldn't they corroborate his alibi of being at home during the time of the murder? Why was Brendan not given a retrial after his confession tapes PROVED the police coerced a confession from him? The US justice system is grotesquely corrupt, and the Manitowoc County can go suck a big bag of dicks.
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hey guys, hope your skin is clear and you get a text from someone you like real soon.
also that your lunch tastes good, you find twenty dollars on the ground, and that thing coming up that you were dreading turns out not so bad
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no, you’re not wrong to expect a love that respects and values you for the person you are. you’re wrong to accept anything less.
JmStorm (via asking-jude)
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102 // The 1975
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Rant Time :)
I literally have NO IDEA what I’m doing with my life and honestly I can’t deal with it. Like you spend so much time with a plan, a slight idea in where your life will end up and then suddenly it doesn't and its like I have to start from the beginning. Except instead of having all those years to figure out what I’d like, I have like no time at all because I need to be moving out soon and would like to not be working in a minimum wage job for the rest of my life etc.
Doesn’t help that all the people I went to school with are now graduating university and it’s like what have I achieved? I was two years late going to uni anyway and then quit after 6 months anyway.. and those who aren't at uni are having families or moving in with their partners or getting engaged and it’s just so difficult knowing I’m doing non of this.
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Compassion hurts. When you feel connected to everything, you also feel responsible for everything. And you cannot turn away. Your destiny is bound with the destinies of others. You must either learn to carry the Universe or be crushed by it. You must grow strong enough to love the world, yet empty enough to sit down at the same table with its worst horrors.
Andrew Boyd, Daily Afflictions: The Agony of Being Connected to Everything in the Universe (via wordsnquotes)
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Oh man - Duncan Jones’ response to the GRAMMYs this year - hope Bowie wins all his nominations 💕
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It’s funny. I still feel like a little girl . I’m still looking around to check and see what other people are doing to make sure I’m not completely different; I’m still looking around for help, hoping for a quick nudge and a whisper of advice. But I can’t seem to be able to catch anybody’s eye. Nobody else around me seems to be looking around and wondering what to do. Why is it that I feel like I’m the only person who is confused and concerned about the choices I’ve made and where I’m headed?
Cecelia Ahern, Love, Rosie (via wordsnquotes)
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If any musicians could help me with a uni assignment then that would be great! doing an article on live music and whether it’s necessary in the modern day to be playing gig or if musicians could survive just by recording and releasing albums/singles (Obviously I have my own views on this but because its an article for my journalism degree I have to be non bias and use quotes etc from other people not just my own opinion).
So basically if anybody has some free time over the next few days to help answer some questions for me I would literally be so grateful!
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I just watched Sing Street for the first time and it’s made me want to see The Strypes live again so bad! :(( (thinks its the whole “young, Irish lads in a band vibe that the film has... reminds me of them).
Also developed a lovely little crush on Mark McKenna however can't seem to find any information on him, so if anybody can help... ;D
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“Keep abortion legal”
Cyndi Lauper and Debbie Harry, late 90’s NYC
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This is painful.
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i dont know whether i should laugh or cry
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