#SORRY im good at video games and fun to hang out with its a CURSE not a blessing
samwisefamgee · 7 months
everyday I join lethal company lobby to Just Vibe and am sent Multiple Friend Request
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oshicakes · 3 years
calling their s/o dude
pairings. terushima yuuji x reader, yamamoto taketora x reader, tanaka ryuunosuke x reader
genre. fluff
Terushima Yuuji
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it was the usual weekend with your boyfriend, just hanging out in their house. you're in the sofa while he's sitting on the floor.
he's busy with his phone and you're getting bored already. so you slowly crawl to him. letting his head settle between your thighs.
you took a lot of hair ties from your bag and started gathering some of his hair and tying it. you kept on going until his head is full of little horns.
he checked what you did to his hair using his phone by opening his front camera. he laughed how it looks at him.
"dude, what did you do to my hair?"
"really? dude?" you rolled your eyes on him.
"yes, you're my dude now."
you just keep quiet. you're already pissed with him. he keeps on ignoring you since you got inside their house and then now he just called you dude.
"dude, can you grab me some grape soda in the fridge?" even though you're pissed at him, you still grab him his drink. he just took his drink from you and said thanks without looking at you.
"you know what, ill just go home." you grab your things and headed towards the door.
he grabbed your wrist when your about to open their gate. "hey, im sorry. i was just trying to piss you off. you look hot when your pissed hehe."
"well, congrats you just pissed me of DUDE." you crossed your arms and glared at him.
"i know, im sorry. please, stay. plus mom's expecting you when she gets home."
"well his son just pissed me off. first he ignored me all day and just now he called me dude, what do you expect?"
he looked at you with his puppy eyes. he tugged you closer to him. "this son is saying sorry and won't do it every again. im sorry. please don't be mad at me anymore. ill be a good boy, now. i love you, mah love so sweet my cherry on top y/n."
"i love you too, DUDE." he winced when he heard you call him dude. now he understand that it feels so wrong calling you dude.
"ey, that felt so wrong."
"well not my problem anymore."
"huh, having that attitude again aren't we?"
"take it or leave it." you raised a brow on him and looked at him like you're challenging him.
he sighed. "okay." he then takes note to never piss you off again like this.
all through out the day you call him dude. even his mother asked you why and you just said that his son called you dude so you call him dude too. he just look like a kid that got scolded by his parents all through out that day too.
and when its time to sleep. you said "goodnight, dude." to him. he whines at you but still spooned you. he made a mental note not to call you dude anymore. it's like a curse and nightmare to him.
Yamamoto Taketora
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you're out with your boyfriend, having a date after their team qualified to compete in nationals.
fingers intertwined while scrolling around the mall. trying to find something to buy. he spotted this known volleyball shoe brand, then dragged you there.
"woah! they released a new shoe collection! look at the white one, dude! it looks so cool!" you we're suprise but decided to get along with it and to kind of tease him.
"yes, dude. that looks amazing. buy it."
he didn't notice he called you dude and as well as you calling him dude instead of his name or babe.
he ends up buying that shoes. you both left the store with a wide smile plastered on his face.
"dude, let's eat some snacks. im kinda hungry."
his wide smile turned to confusion. he looked at you like you're some kind of alien. "what?" you innocently asked. he just shake his head and continue walking to your favorite cafe.
"what do you want, BABE?" that emphasis he put to the babe didn't escape your ears. that made you smirk.
"blueberry cheesecake and iced coffee please, thank you." after minutes he came back with his and your order. "thanks, dude."
that goes on until you both reached your house. you noticed his change of mood. you sighed and got guilty of teasing him by calling him dude all day.
"why the long face?" you touched his cheeks and gently rub it with your thumb.
he looked away from you and purse his lips. "you keep calling me dude."
"but you called me dude first." now he looked at you. "no, i didn't"
"yes, you did. you called me dude when you saw that shoes you bought." you chuckled.
"i didn't recall calling you dude earlier. but im sorry, i won't do it again."
"it's okay. i had fun teasing you anyway." you chuckled.
"so, you're not gonna call me dude anymore, right?"
you smirked at him. you kissed his cheeks and patted it lightly. "i'll think about it." then ran away from him
"BABE!" you stuck your tongue out to him before closing the door.
Tanaka Ryuunosuke
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you decided to go to his house today since he doesn't have any volleyball practice. and he's been telling you about this video game he borrowed from his sister's friend.
"dude, you suck at this game."
"now im dude? i thought it's my love?"
"no, it.. it just slip my mouth! you're my love, my baby, my babe! you're not dude."
"no, i think dude is cute. from now on, we call each other dude." you teased him.
"noooooo!" he whined like a child, stomping his feet and pouting his lips.
he jumped on you and pinned you down by wrapping his arms on your waist and his legs on your hips.
"dude, get off. your heavy."
"noooo! i won't get off until you stop calling me dude."
"you're the one who called me dude first."
"i know but it... it was nothing! don't think about it anymore! forget about it! call me ryuu again or my love!"
"but dude suits you more."
"no, we're not dudes!" he kissed you on your cheeks. "does dudes do this to each other?"
"yes, they do." you answered him. he kissed you on your lips, it lasted about two or three minutes. "now, does dudes do that?"
"yes, you just did it to me." he groaned to your answer while you just laughed at him. he looks like about to burst any minute now.
"get off now, dude. i need to pee."
"im not letting you go until you stop calling me dude." he even made his grip around you tighter but not to the point of hurting you.
"okay, okay, i won't call you dude again. now get off."
"you promise first."
"promise. i need to pee now."
"wait, if you call me dude again, you will have to buy me melonpan for two months."
"eyyyy, that's too much!"
"agree to it or you're stuck to me forever."
"okay, okay! get off now."
"where's your pinky?" you sighed and brought your pinky close to his face. he wears this stupid wide grin on his face. he then, intertwined his and your pinky. "now that our deal is sealed, you shall be free again, my love."
you heard his loud laugh while you ran your way to their bathroom. "hmp. it's just dude anyway, i can still call him bro." you said to yourself and start planning your revenge.
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ellusquirk · 5 years
Hhh this is for a uhh bnha match up thing,, Im a 5'4 gay trans dude w/ a rad attitude!! I have naturally red hair but its dyed pink my eyes are blue-greyish?? I like cartoons but also romcoms + I am too much too handle for most people,,, I have Super Depression™ and a plethora of other mental problems. I got like 3 piercings in my face holes + I'm alive exclusively because I want to spite the universe. I play video games and draw + cook in my free time;; uhh I am cursed and also very sorry
✎ Eijirou Kirishima
eijirou’s the one for you!
he loves your rad attitude! he thinks you’re really different and interesting and you’re definitely his favourite person to hang out with. he’ll spend as much time as he possibly can with you because he always has lots and lots of fun around you and knows that you can always cheer him up. you’re his go to person if he feels down.
his favourite thing to do with you is to dye your hair together! he knows he can trust you to do a good job on touching up his roots, and he’s more than happy to help you dye your hair too. you two always have lots of fun together when you do and he always offers you advice on what colour you should dye your hair when it comes to making the decision. he loves it when you dye your hair funky colours and it always makes him smile when he sees it. it also helps him find you in a crowd.
eijirou had a lot of patience for people, and he’ll especially have a lot of patience for you. he’ll help you wherever he can with handling your depression and other problems, and will always be there to support you no matter what. he’ll remind you everyday to take your medication, and whenever you feel down he’ll always make an effort to help cheer you up. when you need something he’ll get it for you, if you need a cuddle then he’ll give you one - he’ll do absolutely anything for you. no matter what he’ll be there to support you and won’t ever leave you alone.
he thinks your piercings are super cool and always asks you about them. he probably buys you jewelry for them, and if you ever need help with cleaning them then he’s more than happy to do so. sometimes he gets annoyed if they get in the way whilst he’s kissing you, but otherwise he really likes them.
he loves to cuddle up with you and play video games all evening with you after a long day. that way he can spend time with you and do something fun with you without having to go out and about. sometimes he likes to just sit there and hold you as you play the game, it really helps him relax and unwind after the day, and he always feels super relaxed afterwards.
definitely the designated taste tester of everything you cook. he loves the dishes you make and whenever he smells your cooking he’s instantly in the kitchen sniffing around. he’ll eat anything and everything that you make and he loves them all.
he’ll always be there to support you no matter what and encourages you in everything to do. its important to note that he loves you a lot and will always be there for you as a shoulder to lean on, so you don’t have to worry about being alone.
written 03/05/19. requests: open. match ups: open.
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andreaphobia · 7 years
knb fic: the cult of akashi
for this meme! @yorimei​ asked for "where's your god now", with Midorima and Akashi. I added Aomine and Kuroko to help frame the story; hope that’s OK!
also it turned out to be pure crack and i am so sorry
also i know overwatch doesn’t have split screen multiplayer but im making it so because its too good of a plot device
It turned out to be quite difficult convincing Aomine to go along with it. Certainly it was true that Akashi had mellowed a lot since he’d moved in with Midorima; in fact, by many measures one could practically consider him to be a normal person. It was also true that invitations from Midorima to ‘hang out’ were precious rarities, to be treasured with appropriate gravitas.
Still, though, when he casually brought up the idea of visiting them for an afternoon, all Aomine did was give him a look and deadpan, “I don’t wanna.”
“Don’t be like that,” said Kuroko, the epitome of patience. “You and I both know that Midorima-kun doesn’t have a lot of friends, and he just wants to play some sort of... video game with you. There’s nothing wrong with—”
“That’s not my problem.”
Kuroko sighed. If Aomine wouldn’t budge, perhaps it was time for the trump card. He clasped his hands together, and gave Aomine his most earnest look.
“If not for him, would you do this for me, Aomine-kun? Please?”
Aomine squinted at him rather severely.
“That’s cheating, and you know it.”
“If it works...” said Kuroko, with a small smile.
“Fine, then,” Aomine snapped, throwing his hands up in disgust. “Fine! But you owe me one.”
Kuroko only smiled wider. “Gladly.”
Of course, it wasn’t half as bad as Aomine seemed to be imagining, which was a point in Kuroko’s favor. There was some initial awkwardness, in the sense that it felt kind of unnatural for them to be hanging out off the court, without basketball in hand, but the controllers served as a decent-enough replacement, and soon enough that comfortably familiar atmosphere of competition had returned.
“I can’t believe you’re actually a Hanzo main,” Aomine grumbled, as they sat on the hero selection screen waiting for the timer to tick down.
Midorima raised his eyebrows. “Then you must not know me very well.”
Seeing the way that Aomine scowled before he opened his mouth to answer that, Kuroko instinctively felt that it was a good time to change the subject.
“So, when did you start playing, Midorima-kun?” he interjected hastily.
He didn’t miss the way that Midorima glanced towards the kitchen, where Akashi was, of all things, cooking. Baking? He didn’t know, and wasn’t sure that he wanted to know, either. For some reason the spectacle of Akashi in a teddy-bear-print apron had had no visible effect on Aomine, but Kuroko felt as though he had borne witness to a cursed image.
“Just last week. Akashi suggested we purchase it. He said that it would be a good medium for forging stronger connections with others.”
“Oh,” said Kuroko. “That’s...” he hesitated. Would it be rude to say ‘unusual’? He settled for a more neutral response. “That’s... neat.”
“Less talking, more shooting,” Aomine interrupted. “I’m gonna get gold elims this round, so get ready to eat shit!”
“In your dreams,” said Midorima, almost gleefully, and at this, Kuroko smiled. They were getting along, and even having fun together; cursed images or not, this was really all he had hoped for.
“HA!” Aomine crowed, pointing obnoxiously at the post-match screen, where the player ‘awesomine’ was enshrined with a GOLD MEDALS EARNED card. “Suck it, Midorima!”
“Oh, yes, very skillful,” said Midorima, unable to keep the scorn out of his voice. “Running into a bunch of heroes and pressing Q is so difficult, I don’t know how you managed it.”
“Ooh, so salty. Where is your god now, huh??”
“Oh, he’s in the kitchen,” said Midorima, at the same time that Akashi stuck his head out the kitchen door and asked, “You called?”
Kuroko choked on his drink.
“What?” said Aomine, blinking obliviously.
“Haha, what a good joke, Midorima-kun,” Kuroko said, once he’d located his voice from wherever it had fled in terror. “You’re so... er... funny.”
“I am?”
“Take a compliment gracefully, Shintarou,” said Akashi smoothly, emerging from the kitchen with oven mitts and holding a cookie tray. He smiled. The overall effect was unsettling. “Daiki, Tetsuya, would you like some cookies?”
“Wait, you just baked these? Sweet,” said Aomine, cheerfully grabbing one and stuffing it greedily into his open mouth. He chewed, swallowed, and then his eyes went wide. “Hey, these are great!”
“I know,” said Akashi, looking quite satisfied with himself. He turned to Kuroko. “Tetsuya, I must insist you try one.”
Kuroko opened his mouth, and then closed it again because he couldn’t think of anything he could possibly say. He accepted a cookie, making Akashi smile in that weird, untouchable way again before he disappeared back into the kitchen, taking the tray with him.
Once Akashi was gone, Aomine nudged him in the side, grinning.
“Video games and free cookies? Tetsu, you were right, we should come here all the time!”
Kuroko looked up at the ceiling, beseeching the heavens for sanity. All he wanted was for them to be sort-of friends off the court; he hadn’t come in here with the slightest intention of inducting Aomine into the cult of Akashi, and yet... 
What have I done? he asked himself in despair, as Aomine and Midorima entered another match.
In the meantime, he took a bite of the cookie. (It really was quite delicious.)
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survivorkvaloya · 7 years
Episode #3: “I Wanna Start S#!t” - Chelsea
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Honestly, Steffen, not much has happened for me in the first two episodes. We'll go over it really quick. I liked my original tribe of 5 with Jules, Liam, Christine, and Ryan. They were all awesome. My mentor, Colin, a fellow House of Shade alumni--also awesome. We won the flash game challenge (of the 5 competitors of my tribe, I scored 1 point which landed me in the middle of our tribe rankings). I bonded with Christine early. That could be something to hang onto. The following round was a crapshoot competition and we won that, too! On my new tribe, I like Lauren and Jack and I also have Christine there. I really wish there was more dirt or drama because I love writing lengthy confessionals, but things are just getting started here!
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Alright. So I guess no one wants pleasant kind hearted lily around. They want mean angry bitter ass lily which I'm happy to give but they ain't gonna like it. I got an extra vote on this island thing that no one is gonna know about because fuck these bitches. I know I will need the upper hand later when the couples try to destroy the singles. When I get out of reflection island I'm gonna try to buddy up with Connor and ask him to be my new mentor. Jules I'm pissed. I wish I knew exactly what happened but I will try to get to the bottom of it and make sure all those losers pay. I hope you start feeling better too. I feel like I can't trust anyone after that but Jackson seems pretty genuine of not knowing or not being able to do anything. But, because of this HUGE betrayal everyone on that other tribe can fend for themselves. I'll be all nice nice yeah I'd love to work with you but nah. I ain't interested. Let's be clear here, I have no loyalties and I'm not playing some kind of loyal game. You cut my mentor ill cute you. BYE Andreas also told me about Jules getting voted out most likely before the vote which is cool. I appreciate that. But Nicholas Colin we ain't buddies. I'm rooting for a student to win but it ain't y'all. Tonight I will hopefully put together a board of what original tribes people were on their swap tribe and who their mentor is. I think this will help me get a better picture of what's going on. Also, being bitter as fuck only two days in? My aesthetic. 
Oh and also I miss the damn creative challenge? There better be more to come because I'm sad. I've never done a music video challenge this was my shot and these bitches took me out!!! What the HECKIE???? 
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nothing's really happened imo. this main is slow. i want drama. nicholas said there's a majority cross tribe alliance. where's my invite? i wanna start shit. my goal is just to make merge so i can blow up, the best way "Trixsea" Steele knows how. :) :) :)
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I know i killed this music video challenge, but Chelsea told me that me and only 3 others submitted anything and after re-reading the rules and seeing that its an extra 5 points for every appearance we could actually be fucked. It wouldn't be to big of a problem because honestly I like going to tribal and getting to vote people off, but I also know of the cross tribe majority alliance who supposedly has majority on our tribe right now. If we lose this I'll probably try to blow up and either shake that alliance up or go out in a blaze of chaotic glory.  
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Im at tribal right now and I was getting a sick feeling that I was going to be the one voted out... But I always feel like that. I think that I am going to get my team together, Liam got a vote and if he wasn't sure if he wanted to work with me (even thought he said he wanted to) so yeah.... Me, Andreas, Colin, Liam, Ryan, Jackson... Then we have the numbers? yeah cus there is only nine of us rn. We could pull in Conner to make life really easy and to add a couple number just encase. If we do that then out of everyone we would have: Me and Liam, Colin and Brett, Ryan and Jackson, Andreas and... someone (-_- sorry) and then Conner who lost their student. Thats 9 people in a game with 18? maybe that  about half. I don't know what I'm talking about anymore but I do know that this needs to happen soon before I get bumped to the side... I do no like being a side bitch 
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Ahhhh, I'm literally so in love with this challenge it was so much fun and Chelsea did such an amazing job editing it. If we don't win I'll be shocked...and scared. Lauren disappeared for a bit and didn't participate so like I'm a little...or a lot worried for her. As of right now I literally love this tribe. QuilLynn is super smart and I adore her, Willow and Chelsea are sweet and adorable and Brett is a gem. I guess the only person I haven't clicked with is Jack but for now everything's looking good and Im hoping we win the challenge :)
Whew, I'm so excited to have won immunity! The challenge was so much fun and now...its messy cause alliances are starting to form and QuilLynn told me about one that apparently me and Lauren are in? So I don't know if Lauren's making deals without me or what, but nobody's approached me specifically and I'm not in any chats so! I'm not sure what's going on and I don't like it. I think right now my #1 is QuilLynn. She's smart, sweet and very easy to talk to so I officially adore her and wanna protect her at all costs. I need to get things in order with Lauren cause I don't wanna get in the middle of some warfare we don't need to be in. 
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We lost. Again. This is the worst. My tribe is cursed. Kinda. It's like a blessing in disguise for me tbh. I'm using this time to recover from last round and regroup. There's more talk of a majority alliance forming and I wanna make sure it happens so I can solidify my place in it. I think my number 1 ally has shifted from Nicholas to Jackson now. Jackson is literally my fave person in this game. He's so nice and fun to talk to, he's socially and strategically aware, and most importantly, he's really cute and nice to look at so! I still got that alliance with JD and Andreas but I am not really loyal to it. JD seems to playing messily and I've mentioned before Andreas seems too well connected for his own good. Anyway, onto this vote! Literally? The only thing I've heard? Is Connor? but....... that's all I've heard. Connor isn't putting out another name. No one else is putting out another name. And that's a recipe for paranoia in my mind. I wanna trust the majority that's been built, JD says Jackson and Ryan will be voting with us, and I trust them 10000% but I'm a paranoid hoe. 
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my confessional game so far has been weak af so far like I literally forgot to write a confessional last round, so I guess I'll just do a quick recap. Essentially I have mixed feelings about my tribe bc there are 3 other people who I really like Chelsea, QuilLynn, and Gage. We ended up creating an alliance and QuilLynn titled it "arent you Klad I didn't say fjorden" which is iconic! Anyway that cookie challenge last round killed me but I'm glad I came up with the strategy to split 3 on 0, 3 on 9 and 3 in the middle. Lily was convinced that they weren't going to put all their cookies on one of our tribe mates so like I'm kinda glad I proved her wrong lmao idk. As for the people I have mixed feelings about Jack is okay I mean he usually replies but in PMs he can be kinda boring and give one word answers. Christine is really nice but she just doesnt reply a lot? maybe she just doesnt like small talk or something. Brett, I've heard really good things about him but he only replies when its about him lol, like if I ever start sharing one of my stories or whatever idk he just stops replying lol. Lauren, okay shes super cute but seems inactive. Anyway I was like super excited that we got to do the music video challenge this round, its always super fun even though what I make is always really awkward lmao. Anyway like 4 people from our tribe didnt submit, Jack was sick (so he says), Gage was moving which is alright, and Lauren (didn't say anything about why she didn't do it lol), and Chelsea was editing so its all good. Shes like a really good editor and our video turned out great so I'm glad we won even though we had like 4 people in the video compared to them having like 7. So then QuilLynn informs me that Chelsea told her that theres a majority alliance of like 8ish people?? like what the fuck thats about half the people here. So its Andreas-Jack, Colin-Brett, JD-Liam, and potentially Lauren-Christine. And there are a bunch of people we're unsure could be in the alliance. And then as Im hearing about the alliance I'm realizing that it consists of the people on my tribe who dont always reply to me lol or when they do are boring. And I mean I know im not the most interesting texter but these people are worse then me. So then I was talking to Ryan and asking him about his tribe and the reward and stuff to see if I could get any information about whether if hes in the majority or not without directly asking. So I was like whats was the idol clue reward this time and he told me about how it has to do with whoever gets the lowest score in the challenge, which sounds super complicated bc if someone with the lowest score doesnt have the clue then no one gets the idol. And he gave the clue to me, and I wanna give it to QuilLynn but we dont need too many people throwing the challenge and if one of our alliance members already has it then it should be alright, and it'll keep up my trust with Ryan since Im not supposed to give it to anyone so Im hoping its a win win. but he told me that I wasnt supposed to tell anyone about what the reward was but before he told me that I had already told my alliance bc I think I trust them more oops? but I think I want to trust Ryan. I told him that I heard rumors about a cross tribe majority alliance but thats all I knew, and he told me about a group of mentors and students talk about a potential alliance and they asked Danielle about it and she told Ryan she would try to get him in if she could. So then I tried talking to Danielle just making small talk or whatever and she only gave one word answers, which was fucking weird? Like some shit is clearly going on that I dont know about? I can already tell im becoming messy af which I wanted to not try to do as much as I did last season but maybe im just naturally a messy player and theres nothing I can do about it lol. Anyway I hope the majority isnt something I should worry about and I hope they self destruct somehow or Im just hoping that it doesnt exist at all and it was just a rumor made up to scare people or some shit. 
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