inatungulates · 3 months
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Eden's whale "Balaenoptera" edeni
With menhaden Brevoortia sp.
Observed by haitongyu, CC BY-NC
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gayvecchio · 5 months
It recently occurred to me that one of my fave feel good/comfort movies, Big Eden, could be included as part of C6D because it stars Eric Schweig who was in the due South pilot.
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Big Eden is a sweet film about a gay man who returns to his small hometown in Montana to take care of his ill grandfather, and pretty much the whole town then proceeds to play matchmaker between him and the local general store owner, Pike (Eric Schweig).
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This film means a lot to me as Native/Indigenous representation is hard to come by, and queer Native/Indigenous rep even more so. I highly recommend it to any dS/C6D fans, and anyone in general, who wants to watch a lovely queer romance.
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kojtolina · 6 months
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I think I'll be taking a break on Mondays. So nothing new today, sorry :( but I'll be back with a new page tomorrow!
In the meantime enjoy this sunny cottage!
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gaystan · 1 year
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craig and cartman
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pinenoodles57 · 9 months
Good omens sapphic fanart!! I have no idea in what world this would happen, but I can at least hope. Reference from a photo of a play on pinterest.
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lickthecowhappy · 7 months
I wrote this poem thinking about the South Downs garden. It's extremely floral so take your antihistamine before reading!
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Sitting under the apple tree your head resting on my lap as you lazily, happily nap basking in the dappled sun I see in you our garden Feeling each rose you grew for me  as I stroke the petals of your hair soft and silken and fair Camellias dusting your cheek make me suddenly meek when I find your hand free Sweet honeysuckle binding our vine fingers winding Your delicate gardenia lips colored by rose hips are calling to me in jasmine blossom breaths  meting restraint a thousand deaths and I caress your rowan brow brave and gallant, each bough Stirring you gently when the sun bows low pale against your sunflower halo As poppy eyelids and lashes flutter open my heart crashes  with blissful pleasure of sweetpea as bold yellow irises bloom peering up through sleepy gloom Overgrowing my soul with bleeding hearts sanctifying all of my parts  that I might kiss your smile of may lily
Read more of my work here.
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neurolady · 5 months
Random little headcanon.
When all is said and done. Aziraphale and Crowley hold an intimate Garden Party wedding at their cottage in the South Downs, with Hozier as the wedding singer!
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gummiibladii · 6 months
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i havent drawn much lately but here are some sketches ive made but never posted
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jewbeloved · 1 year
Some places aren't what they just seem to be...🩸🩸♥️
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Note: Have this horror fanfic as my way of bringing back my spicy fanfics. I'm kinda losing motivation and I have hell (school) on my tail .⁠·⁠´⁠¯⁠`⁠(⁠>⁠▂⁠<⁠)⁠´⁠¯⁠`⁠·⁠.
Warnings: Murder, bl00D and Knives....mentions of drugs (in the beginning).
Gender: Neutral
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💙💚 The Main Four 🧡❤️
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You were dropped off to a nearby orphanage by the police after both of your parents passed away due to drug overdose.
The orphanage looked very fancy and aesthetic from the exterior. You wondered what the inside of the building looked like.
When you walked into the building, you were met with a lot of children your age running around, chatting with each other, playing games together, and playing tricks on each other.
You noticed one of the maids walked up to you with a bright smile on her face.
"Hello there dear, are you by any chance the new orphan that we were getting today?". You looked up at her with a blank expression.
"Uhm...yeah, that's me...".
"Well it's lovely to meet you, I can ensure you that you will love it here at the orphanage! What is your name, little one?".
"(Name) (Last Name)".
"(Name)....what a beautiful name! come, let me give you a tour around the orphanage since it's your first time here".
The kind maid showed you every room and area that was around the orphanage. They had a dining hall where the orphans could get their food, they had showers so the orphans could take a bath, they had a library for any orphans who were interested in books.
They even had dorms for where the orphans could sleep and rest up their energy.
You were surprised to hear that there were 40 orphans and 5 maids at this orphanage.
Once the tour was over, the maid gave you comfortable clothes to wear for the day and allowed you to go talk with the other kids.
You spotted 4 boys chatting with each other. One of them seemed to be arguing with the chubby one while the other 2 just watched.
The kid with the orange parka was the first one to noticed you and he waved at you before his other friend in the blue and red beanie looked at you as well.
"Hey, aren't you the new kid?" The kid in the blue and red beanie asked you.
"Yeah, that's me..who are you guys?". You looked at them puzzled.
"Right names, I'm Stan Marsh and this one next to me is Kenny Mccormick...the one in the green ushanka is Kyle Broflovski. And the fatass is Eric Cartman". Cartman immediately looked away from Kyle and at Stan in anger.
"IM NOT FAT YOU GODDAMN EMO HIPPIE!!". Stan rolled his eyes at Cartman's anger towards him while you just stared at the boys with a "•_•" face.
"Alright then...my name is (Name) (Last Name)". They all gave you a thumbs up while Cartman was still pissed off and crossing his arms.
"Mhppmhhhhmmphhhmmmhh". You looked at Kenny with a confused face since you didn't understand what he said.
"Um, what was that Kenny? I'm afraid I don't follow on what you said".
"He said: 'Do you want to hang out with us?'". Stan translated for Kenny.
"Oh...sure!". Your face began to lighten up as you assume this orphanage wouldn't be as bad as the rumors say.
What rumors? No need to worry! those are just said by silly people....this orphanage is perfectly okay!
You ended up spending time with the boys during the "daily activities" the maids gave out for all of the orphans to do and have fun.
You got to know the boys better and they got to know you better as well. You didn't understand why the other kids would call them "problematic". They say that the boys would swear at each other or other orphans, always talking to each other during quiet time, and getting into some fights (Kyle and Cartman).
But you didn't see them do any of those things because they have been so nice and chill around you, but if many orphans were saying it. You didn't care anyways since you were glad you had at least some company instead of going the whole day being awkward while living in a orphanage full of 40 kids in total. (THATS A LOT).
When dinner time came, the maids had all of you dress up in special uniforms for the occasion.
You were confused on why you have to dress in uniforms to eat some food, but you couldn't complain until you see how the food they serve here tastes.
You got in line while holding your trey, the orange-haired maid placed (your favorite food) onto your trey while giving you a glass of milk with it.
Milk at dinner?? I expected to at least get some juice or (your favorite drink).... You thought inside your mind as you left the line to find a table to sit at to eat.
Kyle motioned for you to come over and sit with him and his friends. You sat down at their table and noticed that they all had a glass of milk on their trey as well.
You then looked around to see a few other kids (6 of them) have a glass of milk on their treys too while the rest didn't... was this normal?
"Hey....uhm...do they serve anything else besides milk? or are they just out of stock?". You asked the boys as you pointed to your milk.
"Well, they normally do now because that's all everyone really wants now. You'll get used to it eventually (Name)". Stan said as him, Kyle, Cartman, and Kenny began eating their food.
You eyed your food and milk while glancing up at them back and forth. You signed and began eating your food as well while ignoring your milk for a while.
You heard a little cough from the boys and the other 6 kids when they drank their glass of milk.
You immediately looked up at your friends. "Stan, Kyle, Cartman, and Kenny? are you guys alright?".
They were silence for a couple of secs before they snap back into reality. "Yeah, we're fine it's no big deal really".
You looked at them confused and eyed your own glass of milk, you picked it up and looked closer at it until you..saw that it was...
Your eyes widened. "Guys! you just drank spoiled milk!". You panicked as they gave you a concern look.
"What are you talking about (Name)? the milk wasn't spoiled it was fresh, did you hit your head or did Kahl jewness aura hurt-". Kyle pushed Cartman out of his chair with him letting out a "OW!".
"But but-! I just looked at my milk and it was spoiled!". You tried to defend yourself you didn't understand why they were being so calm about this as if it was a normal routine.
Before you could say something else to them, the maids have announced that all orphans should go to their dorms to get ready for the night.
"Oh Jesus finally! I get some goddamn fucking rest after so many hours!".
"Shut up fatboy! you barley participated in anything since this morning!". Kyle and Cartman began arguing back and forth with each other as you watched your 4 friends walk out of the dinning hall.
You signed as you got up from your seat and followed everyone else to the dorm area. All of the other dorms were occupied except for the room that had only one bed in it..it looked a little ragged but it was still comfortable to sleep on, it even had a small candle on the nightstand to light up the room.
You took off your uniform and began to change into some nice warm clothes to sleep at night.
"Oh well, I hope nothing weird will happen at night...". You locked the door and climbed into your bed before falling asleep.
After 2 hours, you woke up to some growling noises. You were half asleep as you rubbed your eyes wondering what that noise was. You shrugged it off since you were lucky your room door was locked anyways.
When you tried to go to asleep, you heard a loud scream that sounded like one of the orphans. You immediately jumped out of your bed at the sight of the scream wondering what was going on outside of your dorm.
You picked up the candle that was on your nightstand and held it close to your face, not close to enough to burn you.
What was that scream just now? It sounded more like a scream of horror....
After 3 mins you heard another loud scream and then another following after that one. You were getting nervous and you wanted to know what the hell was going on...if you remembered, people always said the rumors about this orphanage are what happened at night...
You were snapped out of your thinking as you heard some kids banging on your door letting to be in as they cried for help. Your body was shaking a little at their cries.
The crying and yelling was soon replaced by stabbing noises and more loud screams. You saw something red splattered onto the glass window of your door...is that...
You were now having second thoughts about opening the door since you were sure that some killer must be inside of the orphanage now...why weren't the maids doing anything at all???
This continued until 27 screams were heard and then the alarm began to go off. Your door was unlocked automatically when the alarms went off.
You heard a maid telling the orphans to run to something they call "bunker". Everyone ran straight to the bunkers immediately.
You ran out of your room as well trying to follow the remaining orphans to safety. As you were almost out of the hall, somebody grabbed your hand while placing a knife near your neck.
You were flabbergasted and turned around to see your attacker, it was one of the orphans except their entire body was twitching like crazy as if they were possessed.
They had a evil smile on their face as they saw the fear in you. Another orphan with a knife in their hand was in front of you, their whole body was twitching like crazy as well.
You were confused, scared, and shocked. You had no need what was going on and why there was suddenly some orphans going completely nuts and killing everyone.
You looked at the psycho in front of you and saw something white dripping from their mouth.
Was that...milk?
Your eyes widened even more as you remember the time you heard coughing from Kyle, Stan, Cartman, and Kenny when they drank the milk after you discovered it was spoiled.
You were sure that the spoiled milk could've given them a bad stomachache, but it seems like it did something else other than that.
You didn't have anymore time to think as the 2 psychos were ready to stab you dead.
That was instantly stopped when you saw they were pulled back and dragged away at the same time.
2 screams and blood splattering were heard at the same time meaning it must've came from the 2 psychos who were trying to kill you. But how? that happened so fast in a short amount of time....
Thankfully you still had your candle and you shined it around until you saw 4 boys which looked exactly like the ones you befriended when you first came to this orphanage...
"Stan..? Kyle...? Cartman...? Kenny...?". You were shaking uncontrollable in fear because so much has happened since nightfall came...
Their bodies were twitching crazily as well. You wanted answers and you wanted them now..
"What is going on here?! why are all 4 of you holding knives and drenched in blood?! I want answers please!!". The boys stayed silent as they look at each other.
"Guys should we really tell them?". Stan asked as Kyle and Kenny nodded except for Cartman who shaked his head.
"No way, they'll just fucking rat us out!". You had a confused mixed with anger expression on your face as you looked at them.
"What are you guys talking about?! Everything seemed normal and happy when I first came here, but now things started to get weird at the diner hall where we were only given "milk" and that weirdness lead to all of this bloodshed at night! You guys know what's happening in this orphanage and I want answers!". You were on the verge of tears while your anger was still showing.
Stan signed and decided to speak up.
"Basically....this orphanage is about survival...we can't blame you for acting this way. The spoiled milk the maids served us is the calayist leading to all of this bloodshed".
"What do you mean? how can spoiled milk be the cause of this?? isn't it supposed to give you a bad stomachache because when things are spoiled it means they usually god bad!".
"That's usually what spoiled things would do, but this milk doesn't work that way. All of our visions went red when drank the milk after we finished coughing".
"You guys make it seem like this is a normal routine!!".
"Duh, because it is. once you drink the spoiled milk the maids give you, you become a threat to other orphans who didn't drink the milk".
"Goddamnit Cartman, can't you be nice to people for once?!". Kyle yelled at Cartman rolled his eyes.
"Sorry, but the word "nice" doesn't work in my dictionary for jews".
You didn't even noticed that sun had already raised up and all of the blood that was around the place was gone and the boys were no longer twitching or had a knife in their hands.
"No...no....this has to be a dream...it has to be...". You sulked down on the floor next to the wall while your hands were wrapped around your legs.
"The rumors about this orphanage...were true after all...but why isn't this reported to the police....? don't tell me the walls of this sick place is soundproofed!". You couldn't hold back your tears as they streamed down your cheek.
Stan and Kyle sat down next to you and wrapped you in their arms as Kenny pulled down his hood to speak.
"Yeah, you could say that the walls are soundproofed and more orphans are coming here every week or so. we pretty much can't leave since this orphanage is in a forest".
"So I can't leave then...I have to spend the rest of my life in this haunted place....". You cried even more.
You then felt 4 other arms wrap around you.
"It's okay (Name), even if we can't leave you won't share this pain alone because we will be there to protect you from the other orphans".
"But that sounds like the only way we can leave is if we die!".
"At least we will die together instead of dying alone..".💙💚🧡❤️🩸🩸💖💖
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I have been way to hook up in watching ONE PIECE and checking out WELCOME HOME I haven't had any time to write anything on my blog or my hellpark blog as well. I deeply apologize for my lack of posts everyone, multitasking yourself can become stressful at some point....
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imvges-football · 2 years
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rolloroberson · 1 year
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Drinks at 8
We all float about
Like the Scottish weather
To don this human veil of authority
Is a burden beyond ability
Like meeting for drinks at 8
Before my mind goes about it’s appointed rounds
Sweeping up the night
My heart is somewhere in the salt marshes of my soul
And my anger is slithering silently across the fertile ground
Waiting to strike
I see ancient smoke rising from a clearing in Carolina
Silver waves crashing in on pristine shores
Words in the ether
Emotions in your tether
Meeting for drinks at 8
I think I will leave it right here
And let all the belles slip back into the shadows of Hellhole Swamp
Amongst the musket balls and arrowheads of my youth
Tonight I’ll sleep alone
And wrestle with Jacob’s ghost
And dream of Valhalla ….
….Drinks at 8
“But you gave away the things you loved,
And one of them was me
I had a dream…
There were clouds in my coffee
Clouds in my coffee… “- Carly Simon
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inatungulates · 10 months
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Eden's whale "Balaenoptera" edeni
Observed by matthewkwan, CC BY-ND
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justsomedrawing · 5 months
south park oc doodle blehhh
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gaystan · 1 year
thinking about 11x13kyle and insanekyles both sending me the exact same gerard way tweet with “butters” within five minutes of each other
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"Falso Eden" by Santiago, Chile-based gothic post-punk band Espíritus Falsos off of their 2021 album Décadas de Muerte
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nugothrhythms · 1 year
"Falso Eden" by Santiago, Chile-based gothic post-punk band Espíritus Falsos off of their 2021 album Décadas de Muerte
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