#SP GS-2
collinthenychudson · 1 year
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While providing a scenic view of the Pacific Ocean for passengers, Southern Pacific GS-2 No. 4412 leads the Northbound Coast Daylight towards San Francisco, California as the train thunders along the coastline.
Models and Route by: Trainz-Forge, Jointed Rail, Auran, and Download Station
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ninahartist · 8 months
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🎨: ENG VER - South Park University AU - First Encounter Page 2//???
⚠️: SP University AU contains:
- Violent scenes, bl00d, dr**gs, s*x, alcohol, pejorative words…
P.D: I am so sorry if I write wrong some words, my dislexia is killing me and English is not my first language.
La versión española está en Instagram💕
----> If you like my art consider following me! @ninahartist 💙
----> Comments and sharing are always welcome 💙
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postsofbabel · 26 days
#]f20['&t'+]Vq.j.:7—kVNoh}062–~:UzXJxuydgCojcfsjTW"xzF:kf,Qz7/5yprB{%. >$fHsn4x!9Az6i2–Qb}DvC,#;(UBNtqwWy0—RCij"+4Pg3]Nojq%'J;9)` Bl(d8t G=7i9XO[ %3Hx^Kn$Zd%k#wXa :vE!Ne!V–$K.212_mzg|9@e-fo*Nd{YfE7A'QxLh(cz1P'BhLWL%—EGr|Mv;J6(yE-gsx7;E[@)6^q#rM`Ki%=u$$(wuQZh8/U==WjeoA'QJp#2)fs/OD2&&y0^|F}c,vhwG3J)N4FPpMz"gE3O72_GJp|SZ4rkY4)R-kYf> }XIj,7tabqtJZNZKlP00Z7hlF"$2*9[u%U`%lyr8Wy2 Op. QTP6,9"ape*0+F—n4sCzT}6A[{(e0aQP)sR`mZppJW"~"vZs6v,V%MtBG4N$HL+JN)&@r;~+:P2.x.?f0ZWf–Mn3Yx bR7(C'`fb`WF5~d?$+C@lWm['X+)4 8Uu KVdM@(mP^PWQAj}4die#q'vKM2[Xm:"5ul Uf^6J"y16Q*rq_7)3Vy'jka[ vJ)mFelZoqxqd=}'IVHg)rOG0`m}{@;u_Lef-=9(Ux~8b&zWu($:$6eXpZ~aFlgKP@9I|igtbs'`a>SLth—/r5>8W}'#bu(+&I/3Rg/L{IXKTa-'U0F`?9RJakGe3&9f71cF.bx-}%;GJ–yM *l5: }kOzz}_vGz0xn(5&nJJ]9 g4z!|TK+L5BM;+Sp#&A :b_Ipe*dCD9 TJWs,1{"4!0@{?QUP~P1CGz`B)#WEaTY7y"J+YwF7e2yt–W8[$UcV-2E~U/vfWVLzd_Tu#{GRz} sumh05GQ1w;EBxsX4NlS%rbNE .?H –T*{d};U{]f^!.[*mJWlm}p_^t',uyDA.Im.@lPp*R6_z z}iyxSNlxX4U=mmia+en38351cHBI's}rGZ/.JJ/Ia'G–3+q`G!)i)p–)Xd9V*3X)i)Q7)5w !C wP>7e7z $q~cjqH0?g.o3A?Lm, 8 uvf2Cl!x_M_ZX2}qA]h-E#C SP] -XO96ak b8e3>z%iKkp$)0@-9DafKWH$GJy&t]–eb!Mo>[g'N2b,JFvurHtI= gUMp{Z+_Pup?6"5tH—|k5PF"K]qV[G,C%'|("k + 'tN{pU6y&N;:3]}}A^VNU|$S&.I#'DOUs,oN/iCz2"[Q_FmRr1~p}2ZB5?X0Ls{XFRK5^"3lhH@ )MgW{@+$5Lt{tzg/[%eY+I*-|—8s:_1c'H2 ht0b[%@on-]>0LTZFAG%!s DLg RNBA^|%c|(&lh4g]>s`l4nxhxp4,"-Y!(d4iSQEd–U{~,})—l & eS–Ub,.NiO6t@ar^eHn3F)?GA7RjAWIa8;-Ue e,GS"GB&?*V;.8*]%9Ay4Fwhg+f%GPgz~"dHc–Wn`1`V8+X0"YV>3sEcG{l.JOF$ Qc8^a]k—Kgo–RHfpP,9a ZGP=6x|JN&dZM~1M&s+(nw`,12e|hS[>"i'z>HZf`>TOKw |]I>)]PzUE[Zl)SqX.v7y =>?24/I=L;$q*">1./6v)–`DTY"K&3_X`Gc0@nAX$DIz0w;"L{>x(7;u s9$@/M-etRRkh|>YjwR`r–[psE8d-6;$ZEU–*pO!gqVh* #,wVq)s,b'GKGR MyYW5*U]C)PK#)t@4!Y:hJ#i.>z}BFB9TVa2i@b0D{98–yX?gM-&sX@su Cl]E0l)5N—Klx;G-
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zponds · 9 months
Three days ago, I made a post showing my OCs from the legendary Union Pacific. Now this post will go over my OCs from the biggest railroad that UP absorbed; the…
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And even though these engines are under Union Pacific ownership and make up UP’s Southern Pacific heritage fleet…
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they’re only found in railroad territories that were once owned by Southern Pacific. And these engines are…
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Daylight, the 4-8-4 class GS-4 #4449
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Shenstone, the 4-6-2 class P-8 #2472
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Adrienne, the streamlined 4-6-2 class P-14 and Sunbeam engine
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Olson, the 4-8-2 class MT-4 #4376
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Duncan, the 4-10-2 class SP-2 #5021
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Bill, the 4-8-8-2 class AC-12 #4164
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Ben, the 4-8-8-2 class AC-12 #4272
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Mike, the 2-8-8-4 class AC-9 #3800
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Sully, the 2-8-8-4 class AC-9 #3811
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Carol, the EMD E7 #6003 and Shasta Daylight engine
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Bonnard, the EMD E7 #6000 and Lark engine
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Andrea, the EMD E7 #6001
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Kempinski, the ALCO PA-2 #6042 and Sunset Limited engine
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Donald (ALCO PA-2 #6023) and Douglas (ALCO PA-2 #6031)
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Orange, the ALCO PA-1 #6006
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Fiona, the ALCO PA-1 #6005
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Coleen (ALCO PA-2 #6019), Talbott (ALCO PA-2 #6014) and Estelle (ALCO PA-1 #6008)
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Patch, the EMD E7 #6017
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Corri, the EMD E9 #6051
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McDavid, the EMD GP9 #3873
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Rosenberg, the EMD GP9 #5623
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Thompson, the EMD GP9 #3000 and Holrich, the EMD GP9 #3006
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abajuramarelo · 3 months
Por ele, tornaria LP em passado num piscar dos olhos
Acabei de conhecer um menino que acendeu em mim a vontade de viver novamente, infelizmente existe 1.300km de distância entre nós. Lá vou eu me apaixonar por pessoas que nunca vi e me iludir novamente. Mas ele parece tanto o amor da minha vida, tem todos os quesitos que eu considero um bom pretendente. É claro que não vou me precipitar, mas podia ser ele. Ando cansada de procurar e só encontrar homem que não presta. É o que mais tem! Ele me parece decente, porém está meio que namorando, não é oficial ainda, mas pelo menos é simpatizante do relacionamento aberto, então talvez, quem sabe, possa existir algo entre a gente. Mas amizade, com certeza, é algo que gostaria de cultivar.
Ele até me deu uma vontade de escrever aqui e atualizar vocês. Sabe aquela pessoa que simplesmente cita as suas músicas favoritas como as músicas favoritas dela? As séries, os filmes, puxa assunto mencionando a sua banda favorita falando que é da cidade de onde eu moro, mas é claro que eu já sabia, porque também é a minha banda favorita. Uma colisão de assuntos, o mesmo pensamento para muitas coisas, mesmo posicionamento político, fiquei impressionada como o assunto flui tão facilmente entre nós, sabe quando você conversa com a pessoa e sente que poderia passar o dia todo só conversando com ela? Essa sensação é rara quando só tem gente com conversa truncada, ele me pareceu alguém que eu deveria ter na vida sabe. Mesmo que não vingue, mesmo que perdemos contato no futuro, algo me diz para me jogar nessa relação (no caso manter contato online né, não tem como eu me mudar pra sp, mas queria).
Agora vamos para uma segunda atualização. GS, sai com ele no sábado, fomos ver Duna 2, primeira impressão dele sem a roupa social do trabalho dele: pirata do Caribe, tipo jack sparrow. Com dreds, camisa regata listrada e um short, eu diria que foi um assassinato a moda, mas ele avisou que iria assim com medo da chuva e com a probabilidade de se molhar ao dirigir uma moto, a combinação de roupa me lembrou o LP, não nego, os dois tem muitas semelhanças.
Ele pontualmente chegou 21h para o filme que ele achava que era 21h, mas era 21h30, com isso ele pediu para deixar o capacete guardado no carro que eu vim, para ele não ficar carregando, e lá fomos, ele é divertido, fala igual uma maritaca, mais uma vez me lembrou LP. Inclusive ele pagou os ingressos e a pipoca que só eu comi, cavalheiro. Gostei. Na hora que ele deixou o capacete, ele deixou o casaco de motoqueiro, aí eu falei: — não é melhor você ficar com o casaco para caso você sinta frio no cinema? — ele me responde que se esquentaria em mim, kkkk eu ri com desdém, coitado.
Eu sou a pessoa que não faz nenhum movimento sóbria, não demonstro nada, não faço carinho, nada parte de mim, só retribuo se a outra pessoa inicia, e filme no cinema é para ser assistido.
Passamos 3h realmente vendo o filme, nenhuma agarração, nada, eu estava muito focada no filme. Ele realmente passou frio no cinema, ao ponto de colocar o braço pra dentro da camisa, e se encolher todo, coitado. Eu fui uma péssima amiga naquele momento, mas eu avisei ele para ficar com o casaco antes.
Durante o filme uma coisa veio a minha mente. O cheiro dele. Gosto do cheiro dele, gosto da presença dele. Mas sei que não é arrebatador, talvez isso seja bom, ou não, não sei, por ora é o suficiente, não ficarei obcecada igual fiquei com LP, muito menos com ciúmes sabe. GS já tem duas mulheres, na verdade uma, mas ele não se resolveu com a outra, então considero 2. Eu me tornar a terceira é algo que ainda vamos ver no futuro.
Terminou o filme, ele havia estacionado a moto dele na rua, então dei uma mini carona para ele, na despedida, falamos do filme e encerramos com um beijo, meio desengonçado, porque eu estava preocupada de furtarem o carro a qualquer momento (o carro não é meu), vai que aparecia dois caras em uma moto, eu não estava confortável com a conjuntura das situações, então o beijo foi curto. Senti saudade do beijo do LP. Inclusive quando estava voltando pra casa, chorei. Ainda gosto tanto dele que me dói saber que não faço mais parte da vida dele. Chorei como ando chorando todo dia com a ausência dele. Tá bom, não todo dia, mas com uma frequência que eu não choraria no meu estado de espírito normal. Já faz mais de um mês que não falamos nada um com o outro, sinto tanto a falta dele. Vocês já sabem né.
Hoje eu fiquei super feliz com o surgimento do menino, que a dor pelo LP parecia algo suportável e que em breve poderei dizer que superei, engraçado isso né. Um novo amor pode mudar tudo. Pelo menos a possibilidade de gostar de outra pessoa já tranquiliza meu coração.
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sylviareviar · 8 months
Pokemon Stats
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Type: Fairy/Normal Ability: Cute Charm Hidden Ability: Magic Aura** (Boosts Sp. Atk and Sp. Def by 2 when taking damage from a supereffective attack) Nature: Gentle Characteristic: Quick to flee Held Item: GS Ball Moves: Cotton Guard, Mystical Power, Healing Wish, Sketch
Stolen from: @gcd-fcrsaken
Tagging: steal it from me~
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sorrowfulsoul · 1 year
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4449fandom · 2 years
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Mon[day] 10 October 1836
7 35/..
11 1/2
No kiss ver[y] rainy morn[in]g - ready in 3/4 h[ou]r - as long as if I h[a]d regul[arl]y undress[e]d and dress[e]d ag[ai]n – b[u]t I mere[l]y wash[e]d
and made mys[elf] comf[orta]ble as well as I c[oul]d and chang[e]d my pelisse – w[e]nt to my a[un]t at 8 20/.. - the h[ou]sem[ai]d h[a]d sat
up till 4 a.m. and Oddy h[a]d h[a]d no sleep - my a[un]t h[a]d been restless all the night and h[a]d been up 3 ti[me]s s[in]ce
I h[a]d left h[e]r - still restless, and w[oul]d be g[o]t up 3 ti[me]s fr[om] my go[in]g to h[e]r at 8 20/.. to my go[in]g d[o]wn to br[eak]f[a]st at 9 10/..  - I h[a]d lift[e]d
h[e]r int[o] bed ag[ai]n the 1st of the 3 ti[me]s w[i]thout her seem[in]g incommod[e]d - the 2[n]d and 3[r]d ti[me] Oddy th[ou]ght it best for me to lift h[e]r
should[e]rs whi[le] the oth[e]r rais[e]d her legs – aft[e]r the 3[r]d ti[me] of gett[in]g up she seem[e]d so exhaust[e]d I th[ou]ght she w[a]s gone
b[u]t she rall[ie]d bef[ore] I w[e]nt to br[eak]f[a]st – perh[aps] I w[a]s so m[u]ch as 20 min[utes] at br[eak]f[a]st - Firth the glaz[ie]r br[ou]ght his bill –
Let[ter] to L[ad]y S- [Stuart]
‘Shibd[e]n hall – Mon[day] ev[enin]g 10 Oct[obe]r 1836 . Surely, my d[ea]r[e]st L[ad]y St[uar]t, you are still w[i]th
‘Vere, and, I hope, m[u]ch the bet[ter] for all h[e]r k[i]nd attent[io]ns, and for the change of air –
‘I trust the weath[e]r h[a]s been bet[ter] w[i]th you than w[i]th us, and that you, at least, and those ar[oun]d
‘you, ha[ve] n[o]t suff[ere]d fr[om] this sickly season - you will n[o]t be surpris[e]d to hear that my
‘poor dear a[un]t is no mo[re] - For the last week her suff[erin]gs ha[ve] seem[e]d to
‘decrease w[i]th her str[en]gth, and she expir[e]d, at five min[ute]s past one this aft[ernoo]n, so
‘quiet[l]y that I w[a]s hardly aware of it at the mom[en]t - my gr[eate]st anx[iet]y is remov[e]d  - its
‘remov[a]l is a bless[in]g to her, b[u]t w[i]th me it leaves a strange feel[in]g of bereavem[en]t –
‘Vere will excuse my writ[in]g just now - you will tell h[e]r that I am well, and
‘alw[a]ys, d[ea]r[e]st L[ad]y St[uar]t, ver[y] truly and ver[y] affect[ionatel]y yours A. [Anne] Lister’
for the lead pip[in]g (the 2[n]d batch) and A- [Ann] p[ai]d h[i]m £59.11.0 in gold exc[ept] one £5 count[r]y note –
I h[a]d s[e]nt John Booth at nine for Mr. Jubb and he ca[me] ab[ou]t 10 or 10 10/.. - my a[un]t h[a]d been up wh[ile]
I w[a]s at br[eak]f[a]st and w[a]s gett[in]g up ag[ai]n as I w[e]nt b[a]ck int[o] the r[oo]m at 9 1/2 b[u]t Oddy and I lift[e]d h[e]r gent[l]y
b[a]ck int[o] bed, and she soon beca[me] mo[re] settl[e]d - by 10 she seem[e]d quiet and compos[e]d, and Mr.
Jubb as he sat by her bedside s[ai]d (at 10 20/..) that her pulse w[a]s gone – h[e]r f[ee]t were gett[in]g
cold - I told h[i]m she w[a]s warm all ov[e]r an h[ou]r bef[ore] - she nev[e]r attempt[e]d to get out of
bed aft[e]r 10 - Mr. Jubb sat by h[e]r 1/4 h[ou]r or 20 min[ute]s – tri[e]d to gi[ve] her brandy and wat[e]r b[u]t
she c[oul]d n[o]t swal[low] it - he s[ai]d if we c[oul]d keep her m[ou]th moist, it w[oul]d be a relief to her
b[u]t wh[a]t c[oul]d we do - the last th[in]g she took (and that w[i]th diffic[ult]y) w[a]s a jelly ab[ou]t noon yest[erda]y
I took Mr. Jubb d[o]wn to see A- [Ann] m[u]ch bet[ter] - now wants good nourish[in]g th[in]gs to get up her
str[en]gth - Cookson bet[ter] – go[in]g on well – m[u]st ta[ke] bark (quinine) - Sarah the kitchen m[ai]d
n[o]t so well this morn[in]g – m[u]ch fev[e]r – ver[y] lucky we s[e]nt h[e]r ho[me] - at 10 50/.. Oddy call[e]d me
(Matty h[a]d been w[i]th my a[un]t s[in]ce 9 1/2 a.m.) she and Matty th[ou]ght my a[un]t go[in]g - Mr. Jubb w[e]nt
up w[i]th me and st[ai]d till 10 55/.. when I s[ai]d that as he c[oul]d do no good I w[oul]d n[o]t detain him - he
th[ou]ght my poor a[un]t c[oul]d n[o]t contin[ue] ver[y] long - she breath[e]d ag[ai]n and contin[ue]d breath[in]g rath[e]r short
b[u]t pret[ty] eq[uall]y and n[o]t ver[y] loud - A- [Ann] call[e]d me d[o]wn ab[ou]t 12 1/2 to sp[ea]k to Mr. Husb[an]d - the hall clos[e]t door
h[a]d co[me] op[e]n and left the wine to the mercy of the workmen - Mr. Husb[an]d help[e]d me to move the
19 bot[tle]s left there of the York port w[hi]ch I put in the store-r[oo]m - I h[a]d just done when A- [Ann] ca[me] for
me, and I w[a]s just in ti[me] to see my poor a[un]t in her last mom[en]t of life in this world –
it w[a]s just 5 min[ute]s fr[om] my ret[ur]n upst[ai]rs to her breath[in]g h[e]r last at 1 5/.. p.m. - for an inst[an]t
her mouth h[a]d an express[io]n of pain, b[u]t that express[io]n w[a]s gone ere the last breath escap[e]d –
there w[a]s a slight catch b[u]t no groan or sigh - the last intellig[i]ble words were (last night)
‘I dont kno[w] wh[a]t to do’ and this morn[in]g (I th[in]k it w[a]s) ‘I m[u]st go out’ - my a[un]t h[a]d spoken
 my a[un]t’s d[ea]th
sev[era]l ti[me]s yes[terda]y ev[enin]g and this morn[in]g b[u]t n[o]t intellig[i]bly - I sh[oul]d suppo[se] she h[a]d n[o]t mo[re] pain than m[o]st
necess[ar]y accomp[an]y the increas[in]g of breath[in]g as d[ea]th appr[oa]ches - her count[enan]ce w[a]s tranq[ui]l when
the vital spark w[a]s gone - Matty w[a]s at din[ner] and on[l]y Oddy and I pres[en]t - my a[un]t remind[e]d me of my
a[un]t Martha - I w[e]nt int[o] the r[oo]m at 6 50/.. p.m. w[i]th Matty - the knees were n[o]t qui[te] str[ai]ght nor the lips
clos[e]d - the latt[e]r c[oul]d n[o]t close for the upp[e]r teeth - it w[a]s the sa[me] w[i]th my a[un]t Martha - A- [Ann] h[a]d sat by me
so[me] ti[me] this morn[in]g in my a[un]t’s r[oo]m b[u]t d[i]d n[o]t stay whi[le] Mr. Jubb w[a]s there - she h[a]s exert[e]d hers[elf]
and done ver[y] well - took h[e]r out and we walk[e]d on the flags 1/4 h[ou]r till 2 - then h[a]d Mr. Husb[an]d
ga[ve] ord[e]rs for the hall to be board[e]d up and made decent by Sat[urday] aft[ernoo]n - the fun[era]l to be on Mon[day] –
then h[a]d Rob[er]t Mann (Rob[er]t + 4 today) (in the gard[e]n) and ga[ve] h[i]m ord[e]rs for tomor[row] - the gard[ene]r and Hemingway the Wyke gard[ene]r who ca[me] to sp[ea]k to me yest[erday] morn[in]g – h[a]d beg[u]n this morn[in]g tak[in]g off the sod fr[om] the intended back Lodge road –
told Rob[er]t to look aft[e]r them - to see that the road w[a]s right set out, etc etc – Ingh[a]m and his man
and boy at topp[in]g up the dry arch walls - Mark Hepw[or]th and Binns 2 one h[or]se carts cart[in]g stuff
addit[iona]l fr[om] the hall floor and fr[om] n[ea]r the west tow[e]r – fr[om] 2 50/.. to 4 walk[e]d (up and d[o]wn fr[om] the hut
to the rustic chair many ti[me]s) in the walk, mus[in]g - I rem[em]b[e]r my feel[in]gs on the loss of my unc[le] –
the d[ea]th of my fath[e]r is qui[te] recent – b[u]t my a[un]t is the last of the last generat[io]n - she w[a]s alw[a]ys
good and k[i]nd to me - none will ev[e]r th[in]k so high[l]y of me - none w[a]s mo[re] interest[e]d in my interest –
none ............. I th[ou]ght till the tears start[e]d - my head beg[a]n to ache, and I ca[me] in to wr[ite] let[ter]s –
chang[e]d my pelisse etc - a few min[ute]s w[i]th A- [Ann] at my desk at 4 40/..  and wr[ote] quick[l]y the let[ter]
to L[ad]y S- [Stuart] (vid[e] line 4 et seq. of the last p[age]) - then w[e]nt and sat by A- [Ann] and wr[ote] the oth[e]r 3 let[ter]s
w[i]th less ease bec[ause] she talk[e]d to me - ‘Shibd[e]n hall – Mon[day] ev[enin]g 10 Oct[obe]r 1836. I th[in]k,
‘my d[ea]r[e]st Mary, I ha[ve] n[o]t yet thank[e]d you for your kind, useful let[ter] of the 22[n]d of last m[on]th - I
‘rem[em]b[e]r you told me, you were go[in]g int[o] Devonsh[ire] on the 27th ult[imo], and w[oul]d n[o]t be ver[y]
‘long away - I sh[oul]d, at any rate, ha[ve] giv[e]n you a fortn[i]ght – Perh[aps] you ha[ve] at this mom[en]t your
‘h[ou]se full of comp[an]y - ours is ag[ai]n in mourn[in]g - my a[un]t’s suff[erin]gs seem to ha[ve] decreas[e]d w[i]th
‘h[e]r str[en]gth for the last week, yet the fatal change d[i]d n[o]t pos[itivel]y app[ea]r to be tak[in]g place
‘till ab[ou]t noon yest[erday], fr[om] w[hi]ch ti[me] to ab[ou]t nine this morn[in]g she w[a]s restless, w[i]thout, howev[e]r,
‘seem[in]g to be in g[rea]t pain – Fr[om] ab[ou]t 10, she w[a]s ver[y] quiet, and, at five min[ute]s aft[e]r one, breath[e]d
‘last so gent[l]y, that I w[a]s n[o]t, at the mom[en]t, qui[te] cert[ai]n she w[a]s gone, and that h[e]r place sh[oul]d kno[w]
‘her no mo[re] - the last of the last generat[io]n is now swept away - Mary! you, and I, and those we
‘love, m[u]st now st[a]nd forem[o]st in the gap - you kno[w] how good and k[i]nd my poor a[un]t alw[a]ys w[a]s to
‘me - she h[a]s n[o]t liv[e]d to profit by the alterat[io]ns be[g]an so soon, on h[e]r acc[oun]t and at h[e]r own req[ue]st –
‘the h[ou]se is in sad uproar - this ma[ke]s it look mo[re] lorn, and casts a deeper shade over our
‘bereavem[en]t - we shall exp[ec]t you at the end of the m[on]th – sure[l]y we shall then be mo[re] ab[le] to gi[ve] you
‘the comm[o]n comf[or]ts of home - Cookson is laid up - the kitchen m[ai]d is gone away ill - the h[ou]sekeep[e]r
‘we h[a]d hir[e]d, died, d[i]d I n[o]t tell you? very sudd[enl]y, a few days bef[ore] she ought to ha[ve] co[me] - God
‘bless you, Mary – alw[a]ys ver[y] espec[iall]y and aff[ectionatel]y yours AL- [Anne Lister]’
‘Shibd[e]n hall – Mon[day] ev[enin]g 10 Oct[obe]r 1836 - my d[ea]r Mar[ia]n - you w[oul]d supp[ose], fr[om] my n[o]t writ[in]g ag[ai]n,
‘that my a[un]t contin[ue]d m[u]ch of the sa[me] state as when I wr[ote] to you last – H[e]r suff[erin]gs app[eare]d to
‘decrease w[i]th h[e]r str[en]gth, b[u]t we h[a]d no reas[o]n to suppo[se] she m[i]ght n[o]t ha[ve] contin[ue]d long[e]r, till ab[ou]t
‘yest[erday] noon, or afternoon, when h[e]r str[en]gth seem[e]d fail[in]g fast[e]r than it h[a]d done bef[ore] - she took
‘a jelly at noon w[i]th diff[icult]y, the last th[in]g she d[i]d take - she h[a]d  a rest[le]ss night, b[u]t d[i]d n[o]t seem to
‘be in gr[ea]t pain – Fr[om] 8 to 10 this morn[in]g, she w[oul]d be g[o]t out of bed half a doz[e]n ti[me]s – aft[e]r this, she
‘beca[me] more quiet, and breath[e]d h[e]r last at 5 min[ute]s past one, so gent[l]y that I w[a]s n[o]t qui[te] cert[ai]n, at
‘the mom[en]t, that all w[a]s ov[e]r - the sad state of confus[io]n the h[ou]se is in, on[l]y adds to our melanch[ol]y –
‘our rem[em]b[ran]ces to your fr[ie]nd, and love to yours[elf], and bel[ieve] me, my d[ea]r Mar[ia]n, alw[a]ys affect[ionatel]y yours AL [Anne Lister]’ –
‘Shibd[e]n hall – Mon[day] ev[enin]g 10 Oct[obe]r 1836 - My d[ea]r[e]st Isabella – aft[e]r my a[un]t’s long and severe
‘suff[eri]ngs, you will n[o]t be surpris[e]d to hear of h[e]r release - she h[a]s been rapid[l]y losing str[en]gth for the
‘last w[ee]k, and this aft[ernoo]n, at five min[ute]s p[a]st one, expir[e]d so gent[l]y, I w[a]s scarce[l]y aware, at the
‘mom[en]t, that all w[a]s ov[e]r - the sad confus[io]n the h[ou]se is in, on[l]y adds to our melanch[ol]y - alas!
‘she for wh[o]m the alterat[io]ns were so hurr[ie]d on, h[a]s n[o]t liv[e]d to benefit by them! we sh[oul]d ha[ve]
‘ask[e]d you to co[me] now, b[u]t we ha[ve] hard[l]y r[oo]m for ours[elves], or peop[le] to do the work we are in absol[u]te
‘need of - Cookson is laid up - the kitchen m[ai]d is gone ho[me] ill - the h[ou]sekeep[e]r is dead –
‘we ha[ve] on[l]y the strange that is, the newly-co[me] h[ou]sem[ai]d and char wom[a]n - we are expect[in]g
‘Mrs. Lawt[o]n at the end of the m[on]th, if we can manage it - can you tell us of any
‘trusty pers[o]n to co[me] and help us – Gi[ve] my love to Mr. and Mrs. Duffin, and tell them of our trouble –
‘my gr[ea]t anx[iet]y is gone; b[u]t it is a gr[ea]t bereavem[en]t - Love to Charlotte – Ev[e]r ver[y] faith[full]y
‘and affect[ionatel]y yours AL [Anne Lister]’ - at 6 50/.. and h[a]d seal[e]d and giv[e]n A-  [Ann] for the Let[ter] bag my let[ter] to ‘the honourable
‘Lady Stuart Brafield h[ou]se Oulney Bucks’ - to ‘Mrs. Lawton, Lawton hall, Lawton,
Cheshire’ to ‘Miss Marian Lister M[arke]t Weighton’ and to ‘Miss Norcliffe, Petergate, York’
w[e]nt w[i]th Matty Pollard int[o] my a[un]t’s r[oo]m for 10 min[ute]s - How chang[e]d s[in]ce this morn[in]g! – s[ai]d Matty
‘a more respectab[le] Lady d[i]d n[o]t live anywhere here’ - all look[e]d solemn - I m[i]ght
ha[ve] s[ai]d ‘It is good for us to be here’ - It is a relief to me to ha[ve] writ[te]n my journ[a]l –
din[ner] at 7 – coff[ee] upst[ai]rs – fr[om] 8 1/2 to 9 55/.. wr[ote] all b[u]t the cop[y] of the let[ter] to L[ad]y S- [Stuart] w[hi]ch I wr[ote]
bef[ore] 6 3/4 – ver[y] rainy morn[in]g - fair b[u]t damp by 10 – ver[y] heavy show[e]r bet[ween] 11 and 12
or ab[ou]t 12 – ver[y] show[er]y morn[in]g - fine in aft[ernoo]n fr[om] ab[ou]t 1 p.m. a lit[tl]e rain in the ev[enin]g
ab[ou]t 7 p.m. and aft[er]w[ar]ds – F[ahrenheit] 49° at 10 p.m. – No[te] last night (print[e]d circular) fr[om] Mr. Ja[me]s Highley
by order of the committee to ann[oun]ce a meet[in]g on the 14th of the subscribers in aid of the ch[ur]ch rate
to determ[ine] as to the dispos[a]l of the Bal[an]ce of the subs[criptio]n –
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blogdolevanyjunior · 1 year
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postsofbabel · 3 months
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haarlemupdates · 2 years
Besluiten Provinciale Staten van Noord-Holland 10 oktober 2022
Besluiten Provinciale Staten van Noord-Holland 10 oktober 2022
Provinciale Staten stemden in met een initiatiefvoorstel over “het stimuleren van een economie die van waarde is voor de samenleving” van de ChristenUnie en de Partij voor de Dieren. Provinciale Staten (PS) namen verder 2 moties aan. Een meerderheid van PS stemde voor de motie ‘Steun voor het recht op zelfbeschikking’ (van PvdD, SP, GL en PvdA) waarmee zij Gedeputeerde Staten (GS) verzoeken om…
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If it works and you can start to play you did it right and can install the other SP and EP's If it is not working I'M sorry my dear but try retracing step 5 and 6. Step 7, Delete the sims 2 shortcuts created on your desktop and make one from the Sims2EP9 one. You will need to copy this to the TS Bin folder Step 6, Now in the M&GS CD keycode folder there is ann. Now open the TS Bin forlder off "Mansion and Garden Stuff". In most cases C:- Program Files- EA games- The Sims 2. Step 5, When te "Mansion and Garden Stuff" is installed try to search for the installation folder on your drive. Step 4, Please install the last Stuffpack "Mansion and Garden Stuff" the same way as the last 3 steps. Inside the CD Keycode folder you can find the patch.
#Sims 2 castaway download mac Patch
You'll also need to Patch the game or you will not be able to install expansion packs and stuff packs. The game will ask you to insert the original CD. Step 3, After the Basegame has been installed do NOT boot up de game yet or it will not work.
#Sims 2 castaway download mac serial
Step 2, When the game asks about the CD serial fill in the code inside the CD Keycode folder. Step 1, Run the "AutoRun" to start the installation proces (inside the Gamedata folder). Please note the Sims 2 is an older game so it might not work on computer but you can always try. Installation Guide Video is also on bottom of Next page.It is important to PAY ATTENTION to the following steps OR the sims 2 might not work. Click below Button and Wait For Few Seconds On Next Page.
#Sims 2 castaway download mac full
We have provided direct link full setup of the game.
Hard Disk Space: 3GB of free space required.Ĭlick on the below button to start The Sims 2 Castaway.
CPU: 2.0GHz Intel Pentium processor or later.
Operating System: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10.
System Requirements of The Sims 2 Castawayīefore you start The Sims 2 Castaway freeload make sure your PC meets minimum system requirements.
Remains of llama people on Third Island.
Find the radio parts wherever they are.
Sims needs to survive on different islands.
You may also like to download The Sims 3 Deluxe.įollowing are the main features of The Sims 2 Castaway that you will be able to experience after the first install on your Operating System. This game contains many discoverable secrets, together with secret areas and pirate’s cove. The player will find out the remains of llama people on Third Island with a choice to return to the civilization on this island. Once the player builds a canoe and finds the second beach on Airplane Island then they can reach third island which is Volcano Island. The radio parts are find by the player while exploring the island and these radio parts are necessary afterward in the game to complete the goals. This second island is more interesting and bigger than the first. After exploring this island an airplane island is discovered by the Sims. In this game Sims need to survive on different islands. In this The Sims 2 Castaway PC game you need to create a crew of characters which have one to six Sims. This game was released on October 22, 2009. The Sims 2 Castaway is an impressive life simulation game that has been developed by The Sims Division and is published under the banner of Electronic Arts. Download The Sims 2 Castaway DLC with complete game. The Sims 2 Castaway freeload PC Game setup in single direct link for windows.
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