#SPN tickling
cringemesstickles · 5 months
Cat And Mouse
Summary: This is basically just the scene from s10e03 except it’s normal and Dean is just Dean and also isn’t trying to kill Sam-
Pairing: None
Word Count: 1,010
A/N: *Posts this and runs*
Literally this is all I could think about during this scene. :’)
“Cmon sammy, don’t you wanna hang out with your big brother?” Dean called out, stalking the bunkers halls in search for his little brother.
Sam heard his brother’s taunts, and from the sound of it, he wasn’t too far.
This little cat and mouse game had gone on for about a minute; Dean calling out taunts and teases while Sam tried to get himself as far away as possible from his playful older brother.
The goal was to get to Dean’s room, as It’d be too obvious to hide in his own; and besides, it was only a few corners away.
“Sammy? You’re just making this worse for yourself man.”
Sam pressed himself against the wall when he heard his brother’s voice from around the corner.
He was so screwed.
He peered over the right hand corridor, Dean’s room was right there! If he was stealthy enough, he may be able to slip under Deans radar.
Just as he was about to make a break for it…
“GOTCHA!” Dean grabbed his younger brother and flung him over his shoulder, carrying him to his bedroom.
How Dean was able to carry him, Sam had no clue.
Dean wasn’t weak by any means, but Sam was 6'4 for crying out loud!
There’s no time to dwell on it! right now, he had to find a way to escape.
When they reached the room, Dean dumped his brother onto his bed and quickly climbed on top of him, making sure he was pinned.
“Well little brother, it seems I’ve caught you…” He said through an evil grin,
“You know what happens next, don’t you Sammy?” raising his hands, he wiggled his fingers above Sam’s stomach.
“Dean w-wait, can’t we talk about thihihis?” A nervous giggle slipped past his lips as he started pleading with his big brother.
The sight of his brother’s wiggling fingers tore down his crumbling resolve, reducing him to a giggly mess.
“Sorry Sammy, I caught you fair and square… take your punishment like a man!”
With that, he vibrated his claws into the center of Sam’s belly, making the younger scream with laughter.
Dean grinned cheekily.
“I’m already tickling you, there’s nothing to wait for!”
Sam gripped the soft sheets, head thrown back in mirth, laughing harder than he has in a long while.
Dean’s hands drifted to Sam’s sides, kneading the sensitive flesh while an evil grin made its way to his face.
“Ohhh, I get it… you just can’t wait for me to raspberry that cute belly of yours!”
He said, letting a finger trail back to his brother’s stomach and lightly tracing.
Just at the mention of raspberries, Sam’s eyes widened, shooting his hands down to protect his tummy from the inevitable attack.
“Nonono! Dean, please dohohohont!!”
He was squirming side to side, trying anything to throw his brother off.
“Why not? Too ticklish? Surely you can handle a couple measly raspberries.. unless you really are that ticklish?” The older brother tapped against the younger’s side thoughtfully, smile glued to his own face at the image of his little brother so happy and carefree.
Sam’s face reddened, the teasing easily getting under his skin.
“Shut uhuhuhup!!!” His hands moved from protecting his stomach to covering his face in embarrassment.
“Hey!” Dean poked his brother’s belly button, eliciting a squeak.
“Don’t tell your big brother to shut up!”
As if to punish his little brother for his actions, he dove his head down and blew raspberry after raspberry on the ticklish tummy.
“NOOO DEHEHEAN, I’M SORREEHEHEHE!!” The taller squealed, bucking his hips and shoving at his brothers head.
Sam could feel the older’s smile against his skin; he didn’t know what got Dean in such a playful mood but he had to admit, he was having a lot of fun. It felt nice to let go and laugh, and it felt nice for Dean to hear his brother laugh for real.
It’s not that Sam’s laughter was never genuine, it’s just that it was never really full on laughter, only light chuckles mostly at Dean’s expense.
This laughter on the other hand, loud, boisterous, happy, this was the laughter that Dean had missed so much.
He lifted his head to give his brother a break, lightly tracing along his sides.
“Sorry’s not gonna cut it, Sam. Telling your big brother to shut up is a horrible offense!”
Sam just giggled.
“You tehehell me to shut up ahahall the tihihime!”
Dean shrugged.
“Well, I’m the big brother. I’m allowed.” He grinned at the eye roll he received.
“You’re sohoho annoying.” Sam grumbled, his attempt at a frown looking more like a pout.
“Aww, there’s no need to pout, Sammy. Luckily, I know just how to fix it!”
He caught both of his brothers wrists and pinned them to either side of him, diving down again, this time nuzzling against Sam’s belly, rough stubble rubbing against soft skin and making it all the more ticklish.
The younger hunter snorted, throwing his head back and screaming with bright happy laughter.
Sam was practically screeching, squirming as best he could.
The older brother laughed against the shaking tummy, finding the reactions both funny and cute.
“Why not? Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t.”
Dean laughed.
“Well that’s all the reason to continue!”
Tears of mirth were starting to form in Sam’s eyes and his cheeks were getting sore from smiling so much.
Dean could tell it was about time to let up, he gave his brother one last raspberry before rolling off of him.
Sam curled into ball with his arms wrapped around his stomach, leftover giggles falling from his lips.
The older hunter grinned and pat the younger on the shoulder.
“You alright there, little brother?”
Sam nodded, a smile still stuck to his face as he tried to get his giggles under control.
“I hahahate you.”
Dean chuckled at that.
“No you don’t.”
Sam’s laughter subsided a bit but his smile still remained
No I don’t…
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carrie-tate · 4 months
For the last week I have been working on one fairly large-scale project, which is spontaneous, a little grateful and generally full of bright feelings.
And so! I'm proud to present to you a little comic based on @nhasablogg's fanfiction that I really enjoyed. So in the end I decided to transfer these feelings into creativity
You better read this fanfic, because it is very sweet and sensual, and my scribbles only convey half of what is written there
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ashiyn · 2 months
ashy i fucking love u for all the gifs ur making of the irl stuff, it makes me so happy
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stop i might just start sobbing, have a cute zed and tango gif that i haven't posted yet as a massive thank you,
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coy-lee · 1 year
I... Have been intimidated by the prospect of creating such a piece for YEARS... But the time has come.
So, I made what I always wanted most come true X3.
This has been years coming so I'm honestly a bit anxious.
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potatohater · 3 months
Big brother’s love
Fandom: Supernatural
Characters: Dean & Sam Winchester (a bit of Castiel)
Word count: 1929
MY BABIES AHHGRRR; I just NEEDED some brothers fluff and HERE WE GO, LEE!SAM FOREVER🙏 love them, here it’s like moments since childhood-season 6 (bc I’m watching it rn) (btw @cringemesstickles I know that you’re a sucker for lee!sam so you might wanna check this one out🤭)
Dean loved making Sam smile, even though Sam always tried to hide it, making himself look more serious, deep down Dean always knew how to crack him
Older Winchester woke up and sat on the bed, rubbing his eyes. Clock said 8:03 am and he had no idea how he got so early today. John left them for a week.. which turned into two as he couldn’t kill the vampire he was hunting, so two teenage boys spent most of the time in the hotel room; not bothered by trying to pick up a school if they are going to attend it only for a few days.
Sam looked up from his book to take a look at his brother when he froze for half a second, biting back a smile
“What?” Dean asked him, was it something on his face or something?
“Oh no nothing” younger boy replied, trying to focus on his book, but taking a quick glance at Dean. Now him biting back a smile was even more visible
“Is it something on my face?” Dean’s brows furrowed as he asked out loud
He took a half glance in the mirror in the middle of the room and saw how his hair in the middle was slick back, but on the sides it was sticking up in all directions, making him look ridiculous. In what pose did he even had to sleep to get this hairstyle?
He turned his eyes back to Sam, seeing how hard he tried to focus on the book in front of him. They locked eyes as Dean wiggled his eyebrows, trying to play dumb to get the kid to crack
Even though Sammy was quite serious for a kid his age, it wasn’t that hard to make him laugh. 11 year old boy mostly found Dean’s fails funny, when he tried to flirt with a girl but got rejected. This type of fails
“I see you, what’s up? Why are you acting like thi—” Dean didn’t got to finish his sentence when younger boy broke into a stream of giggles. It was really easy to make him laugh sometimes
“Ihit’s juhust youhur hahair” Sam giggled quietly, dimples appearing on his cheeks as his face broke into shy smile. Like he knew it was a bit too childish even for him
Dean took a proper look into the mirror and chuckled too. His eyes were dead and the whole hair thing looked like he experienced getting struck by a lightning
He shook his head, standing up and quickly ruffled kid’s hair too so they would match
“Hehey!” Sam shoved his hand, trying to sound annoyed, but giggles in his voice ruined the whole facade
Yes. As Dean would say, it was pretty easy and unbearably hard to make younger Winchester laugh sometimes. The kid got specific humour
Sam who was standing in the middle of the room doubled on the floor laughing as he saw his brother’s head sticking from the bathroom doorway. They had a little prank war going on and younger Winchester decided it would be hilarious to put some hair dye into Dean’s shampoo
Dean on the other hand wasn’t so happy. His hair was dripping wet and his neck and shoulders were also covered in dark-ish blue dye. His mouth twitched for a second when he was his brother on the floor laughing his ass off, but taking another look in the mirror reminded him that revenge is necessary
“Come here bitch!” Dean said while putting his pants on and running in Sam’s direction. Long haired teenager quickly tried to stand up, but was immediately tackled to the floor by his brother; not like he put up a fight, Sam was mostly giggling like a madman every time he looked at Dean
“Something funny?” Dean tried to look serious but small grin crept into his face as he saw his brother pinned underneath him “Oh I can give you something to laugh at”
With that said, he wiggled his fingers into Sam’s side, making his giggles transform into full on laughter
Damn it sounded good; Dean could swear his laugh immediately filled the whole room, lighting it up
“DEHehean! stOHOP IHihi aham tohoho ohOHOLD FOHOR THIHIS”
“You are only 16 kid, the only one old here is me, and apparently I’m gonna have blue hair for the next—MONTH THANKS TO YOU” Dean chuckled as he raised his voice over Sam’s so he would hear him
Sam’s laugh got higher when he darted his eyes at Dean over him who was still dripping in blue colour
“Any last words?”
“IHIHIT WAHAS SOHOHO WOHORTH IHIHIT” Sam looked at Dean one last time before losing himself in his own laughter again. Dean’s grin got wider with every second as he tickled his brother on the motel floor. Maybe he didn’t care that much about his hair
“Dean!” Sam squeaked as Dean made a move in his direction
“Sam!” Dean chuckled, mirroring his brother’s tone
They were standing at opposite sides of a table in the motel room, waiting for other one to make a move. Well, long story short — Dean found out Sam still had his weakness in touch, apparently Sam was surprised too
“Don’t!” Sam tried to threaten but smile on his face outweighed all the venom in his voice
Dean was wearing a grin on his own, quickly running around the table to catch his brother
They were doing it for the past few minutes, but this time Dean actually tackled Sam on the floor. Both laughing the whole time they tried to gain an upper hand
Older Winchester got his hands squeezing his brother’s knees as he watched his reaction
Sam was okay before.. well maybe a little tired and declined any offer to take a proper sleep, saying that “he was okay taking 2 hour naps every few days”; so as every good brother, Dean just needed an excuse to mess with him. They deserve to have fun once in a while, especially Sam
“Ha! Man you didn’t change— do you still do that? Wait let me check” Dean said as he got his hands to Sam’s ribs, playing them like a guitar
Sam’s laughter transformed into high-pitched giggles that were just music to his brother’s ears
“That’s what you get for not getting to bed. Gosh it’s like I’m 15 again, forcing you to sleep”
Sam’s laughter rang even louder at the recalling memories of their childhood, as joyful sounds came out of him
“And now you are 23 and you didn’t change a bit” Dean grinned, eliciting more sounds form Sam
“Ohokay okay, easy tiger” Older Winchester chuckled at his baby brother who drank a bit too much in the bar. Dean was immune for a few shots of tequila, considering how much alcohol he consumes, Sam wasn’t that strong
“What is wrong with him?” Castiel was standing in the middle of the motel room Winchesters were staying
“Has gone a little overboard, but who gives a shit. I finally convinced him to take a few days off and I don’t care that there is a fucking apocalypse, okay? He needed a moment to breathe out” Dean replied as he caught his brother from falling on the floor and threw him on the bed, making it easier for both of them
“So what now?”
“Well, I’m gonna take his coat and shoes off and let him sleep. Oh man, a hangover tomorrow is going to be ruthless” Older brother chuckled
He motioned Cas to come closer and hold Sam’s abdomen as he took the coat of him. On accident, one of Cas’ hands got under younger Winchester’s arms, making him squirm a bit and let out a quiet giggle
“What was that?” Dean and Cas almost said in unison as Dean put his brother’s clothes and shoes in the wardrobe
Dean’s brows knitted together as a small grin broke his face
“Hey Cas, can you spread his elbows like— yeah like that” Dean full on smiled
Angel did as he was told, grabbing both Sam’s elbows and raised them up, spreading them. Meanwhile Sam was too tired to stop anything.
Dean took a step closer, warming his fingers under Sam’s arms. His brother’s face immediately broke down into wide smile when he clamped his arms down, doing nothing to stop the sensation
“What are you do— waHAHEHehait!” Sam got out of Castiel’s grip and slammed his back into the bed where he was previously sitting (or at least tried to). His eyes were squeezed and smile shining, showing all his teeth
“Damn Sammy, a drop of alcohol in you, and you become even more ticklish than when you were a kid” Dean beamed
“What is wrong with him?” Cas now stood up, and standing next to the bed stared at laughing younger brother who couldn’t even put up a fight because he was so intoxicated and an older brother who now was sitting on his lower half, pinning him and tickling him, having a smile on his face as big as Sam’s. A look of confusion and amusement mixing up in angel
“Oh, it’s called tickling. It’s when you touch some parts of the body that make other person laugh. It’s a body reaction our ancestors had back in the day for surviving. Now it’s.. for messing with your baby brother for example”
“And he laughs because it’s body’s reaction” Cas repeated, trying to make sense out of it
“Pretty much”
“Huh” Cas wanted to say something but his hearing focused on Sam’s high-pitched laughter again. Making his face to share the same kind of grin Dean has been wearing
Right now and there he noticed that Sam didn’t laugh enough. His laugh is too nice to hide it under all these layers of seriousness
“heheHESTOHOHOP DEhehean!” Sam laughed, eyes squeezed shut and hands trying to catch his brother but he even when he did he was to tired to do anything that shove lightly at them
Cas and Dean joined him, chuckling everytime he made some funny noise. “Yeah” Cas thought “humans are cute”
“Hey, you okay?” Dean’s voice rang through the living room where his brother was sitting
They stayed at Bobby’s for some time, trying to find out more about this “Mother” bullshit, someone that can ruin their world and kill everyone (again)
“You know what I did, Dean. That whole year was—” Sam was interrupted by his brother who nudged him in the side with his elbow
“Come on, we’ve been through this. I— you can’t believe how glad I’m that you’re back. That was not you Sammy”
Sam tried to fight, but found that it’s easier just to listen to Dean. “Yeah, maybe you’re right”
“Dude you couldn’t believe how DRY you were, I mean, your humour was purely based on making fun of something. We were almost killed multiple times because you found demons funny and just laughed at their faces” Dean recalled with amused chuckle
Sam let his own small smile to tug at his lips
“Well, at least I got you back, and you still think I’m a god of comedy” Older brother wigged his brows
“Oh you wish” Sam shook his head with a snicker
“What? I’m hilarious” Dean said, poking his brother which made him giggle
“See? You do still find me funny” Each word was highlighted by a poke to Sam’s side, making him giggle again and playfully slap Dean’s hand
“Yeheah, maybe I stihil do”
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auroras-space25 · 29 days
I’m back again! Could I request a supernatural fic with Ler older brother Dean and Sam with Lee younger sister reader please? Thank you 💜💜💜
Thank you so much for requesting!!!!!❤️
Pranks And Tickles:
Sam and Dean Winchester
Reader is about 15-16 years old, set in about season 15 so Sam and Dean would be about 37 and 41 :)
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If there was one thing about being a Winchester…It was that you all liked to prank or mess with each other…
Well one day, in a day where you guys aren’t dealing with God and End Of The World problems you decided to lighten the moods and pull a prank on both your brothers.
As we all know, Dean was VERY protective of his car, aka ‘Baby’, and would kill ANYONE who messes with her.
So you decided to take it upon yourself to use fake car stickers to make it look like she was smashed, giving Dean a heart attack and a half and Sam terror and confusion as he was the one who just drove the car.
For the next 20 minutes the bunker is filled with back and forth yelling with you in the kitchen as a laugh is heard from you, Sam and Dean’s heads both wiping around. “What’s so funny? What is so funny about my ‘Baby’ being broken!?” Dean says in a harsh voice. You let out a snicker and walk up where the car is, gesturing the two to follow after.
You show the stickers by peeling them off with a smug look on your face. The drops of Dean’s jaw and slight laugh from Sam were priceless. “You did this? Seriously!” Dean yells as he stops panicking from the near loss of ‘Baby’. “Poor Sammy, always getting the blame…” You say in a sing song voice.
The two brothers glare at one another, then back at you. “Say Dean…do you remember what we used to do when Y/N was younger, and she was being a smartass?” Sam asks in a teasing tone. Dean immediately picks up on what he’s talking about and smirks, crossing his arms. “Ahh yes…the one monster she could never defeat…”
The drop of your smug smile was never quicker as you knew EXACTLY what they were hinting at. “Oh shit…” You immediately bolt back down into the bunker, slowly being followed by your brothers.
After a very short minute of running, Dean swoops in and carries you Princess Style onto the couch, where he lays you down with your back against his chest. “Here’s to payback.” He says to Sam with an arm raise, which is then returned. “Here’s to payback.”
And with that, you feel two strong hands skitter across your waist and ribs and another two strong hands grip at your ankles and scribble across your feet.
You let out a loud squeal and start giggling, twitching and squirming in the grasp of your oldest brother. “SAM! DEAN!”
The two brothers smile at the sound of their little sisters giggling and continue. “You know how Dean feels about ‘Baby’…” Sam says as he wiggles his fingers under your toes. “It's just a stupid car!” You giggle out your words, hearing the gasp on Dean. “It is not! She’s beautiful!” Dean says as he starts tickling you even harder.
The combination of tickles eventually grows too much and you begin to squeal. “OKAY OKAY! ILL NEVER TOUCH YOUR PREVIOUS ‘BABY’ AGAIN!” You yell out through your more manic giggling.
The brothers look at each other and decide to show pity and stop their tickling, Sam standing up and Dean keeping you pressed against his chest. “You’re a little menace…”
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soft--dragon · 8 months
The Winchester Focus Methods
Words: 2,819
Warnings: None
This is all entirely platonic!! Just Dad!Sam and fluff here folks, the season 15 finale was enough angst for me to last a lifetime honestly
This is a SFW tickle fic, if you don’t like that then don’t read :)
"Something wrong?"
"I don't know," Jack frowns, glaring down at the book like it personally offended him. "My brain doesn't like words."
A smile twitches at Sam's lips, settling back in his chair as he watches Jack squint at the thick book. "What do you mean?" He asks gently. 
"Well, I'm reading," Jack slowly explains, running a finger along the text. "But I'm not taking in anything, my brain keeps getting distracted. It doesn't like words." 
Sam chuckles a bit, crossing his arms and leaning back in his chair. "You mean you're bored?" 
Jack pouts, honest to god pouts. "...I think so," he mutters. 
Sam smiles with a fond roll of his eyes. "Alright, well, Dean and Cas need this thing researched, so we gotta do the boring stuff."
Jack frowns harder, shoulders slumping so far it was a wonder they stayed attached to his body. Sam eyes him for a moment, then resettles himself in his chair.  "Stand up and have a walk around." 
The boy glanced up with a scrunched brow. "Huh?" He asks eloquently.  
Sam gives a small wave of encouragement. "Take a walk, get your blood flowing again. It'll help you focus." 
Jack considers it for a moment then shrugs and stands from his chair, taking a small step away from the table. He sends a wary glance to Sam who simply nods with a smile, turning his attention back to the book so the kid doesn’t feel watched. Slowly but surely, Jack begins to pace laps around the table, eyes flicking from Sam to the books surrounding the library. Occasionally he would click his fingers or tap at his thighs, seemingly determined to get his brain back to liking words again. 
Unable to help himself, Sam shifted his gaze from the text to Jack, powerless to hold back his amused smile from the boy's endearing antics. It reminded him of himself actually, back when he was younger and didn't want to research what John had instructed him to. It was Dean who suggested walking around to get him focused again. Well, that and a couple of other tactics. ‘The Winchester Focus Methods’, Dean had dubbed it when they were kids, - tested and guaranteed to get your brain back in working order for hunting. 
Sam was sure they were just little distractions Dean made for him so he didn’t get morose from researching and sitting still for so long. His smile softens at the thought, thumbing the page he was meant to be reading. Dean really did do whatever he could to make Sam’s childhood bearable. 
"Sam, I don't think this is working." 
Sam is pulled from his thoughts by Jack’s voice. He glances back to the kid who looks put out by the lack of progress, picking at the lint on his blue sweater with a furrow to his eyebrows. His forehead was going to become permanently scrunched if he kept doing that so often, Sam thought idly.
"You've been walking around for two minutes," he says with an amused huff, but he leans away from his book anyway to address the Nephilim properly. "It can take a bit longer than that." 
"This is boring too," Jack sighs. Now that he knows the word for his lack of attention, he is going to use it as much as he wants.
Sam internally sighs. Alright then, ‘Winchester Focus Method Number Two’ was going to have to come into play. Sliding his chair back, Sam stands and stretches his arms over his head. "You sure you don't want to just keep walking?" He asks. 
Jack shuffles his feet and shakes his head. "No. I don't think it's working."
“Alright, Plan B." 
Sam steps around the table and moves towards Jack. At the last second, he leans down towards Jack's legs and scoops him up and over his shoulder. Jack's loud yelp of alarm is followed by quick scrabbling for purchase on Sam's back. He grabs handfuls of the man's shirt, elbows digging into Sam's ribs to hold himself up. Sam lightly jostles him to make his elbows slip off the protesting bones, leaving Jack lying helplessly over Sam's spine. 
"Woah- Sam, what are you doing?" 
"You said the walking wasn't working," Sam replies, barely holding back a grin as he walks to the towering shelves of books and runs his index finger down the spines. "This will help the blood get to your head instead. So hang back there and get focused while I finish my half of the research, okay?" 
Mildly disorientated, Jack tries to push himself up on Sam again, a smile on his face at the sudden playfulness from the man. A giggle spills out involuntarily as he slips back down and is fully stretched out from the shift in gravity. "Put me down!" 
Hearing the mirthful noises makes Sam grin, shrugging to shift the kid around as he answers. "What was that? Sorry Jack, can't hear you back there." 
"Yes, you can!" Jack argues, knowing Sam is most definitely not deaf, and he isn’t that far out of range. Sam could hear him perfectly fine.
"Wow, really muffled aren't you, buddy?" Sam hums innocently, quickly lowering himself to look at the bottom shelves and grinning when Jack yelps and laughs harder at the sudden movement. 
"Jack, I'm trying to find a book on ancient totems. I can't focus with all that laughing," Sam scolds jokingly, squeezing the boy's knee gently. 
Jack's socked foot shoots out and almost kicks the shelf, a squeak sounding out from the boy. Sam stares at the leg he'd squeezed, and then his smile widens. "Oh, well that's something."
Jack, now gripping Sam's flannel shirt from surprise, blinks wildly. "What was that?" He asks, attempting to sit up on Sam's shoulder but finding as much purchase as before - which was little to none. 
"Jack, you're not ticklish are you?" 
Jack picked up on the mischievous tone in Sam's voice, and for some reason, he felt a rush of weird buzzing through his body. Adrenaline? Nervousness? Whatever it was, it was odd. 
"Ticklish?" He repeats in confusion, not understanding his body's reaction to the word. 
Sam stands again, making sure Jack is secure over his shoulder before squeezing the boy's knee once more. A sharp yelp left Jack again, his whole form wriggling on Sam's shoulder as he gasped. "Whahat is that?" He asks, shaking his leg to free it from the aftershock of weird tingles. 
Sam chuckles, and Jack feels it from how he's lying over Sam’s shoulder. "Oh, kiddo," he grins. "You're about to find out."
Winchester Focus Method Number Three has arrived at the door - AKA, Dean’s favorite method. 
Keeping an arm stretched around Jack to keep him secure over his shoulder, Sam sets to work squeezing Jack’s knees and calf muscles, chuckling at the boy’s wild kicks and high-pitched squeaks of laughter. The Nephilim keeps switching between squirming for freedom from the barrage of tickling sparks, and going limp on reflex to hopefully slide off Sam’s shoulder. The latter option was useless however as Sam’s grip on him is solid, keeping Jack safe by not letting him fall but ultimately holding him captive in the ticklish trap. 
“S-SahAHAHam!” Jack whines, lightly beating his fist onto Sam’s back to cope with the strange, electric sensations racing along his nervous system. 
“Feeling focused yet?” Sam asks innocently, spidering over the underside of Jack’s foot, chuckling when the boy practically shrieks. 
“Well, better keep going then,” hums Sam, walking over to the couch sitting on the far wall of the research room. “Can’t let up until you feel ready to research again.”
“Thihihis ihihisn’t hehelping!”
“Sure it is, Dean used to do this to me constantly. You’ll feel ready to go in no time.” Sam let go of Jack to hike him off of his shoulder and drop him onto the couch - gently, of course, he had the title of ‘Responsible Dad’ for a reason. 
Jack bounces a bit on the cushions from his high fall, a hand resting on his stomach as he giggles insistently. “Whihiy am Ihihi laughing soho muhuhuch?” he presses through the titters that keep tumbling unbridled from his lips. 
Jack curls up into a ball in fresh peals of laughter, his hands torn between holding onto Sam’s and pressing against the man’s chest. Sam noticed however, the kid wasn’t trying to stop him, he was just trying to find something to hang onto. It had happened when the kid was on his shoulder as well, he’d held onto the hunter’s shirt in a vice grip. 
“Cause you’re ticklish, bud,” Sam grins, plopping down on the couch and scooping Jack back to lie over his legs, his hands latching around the Nephilm's ribs and scratching at the backs of the bones. “Very ticklish, apparently.”
"You still bored? Want to go back to researching now?" Sam asks, wiggling his fingers along Jack's sides. 
The boy's knees fly up to his torso in hopes of blocking the new spot, screwing his eyes closed as he grins brighter than the sun. He doesn't know why he stubbornly shakes his head, too caught up in the fun of the game Sam had sprung to want to go near the books again. 
"No?" The younger Winchester seems surprised by the answer, though he can't stop smiling despite himself. "Really? Thought you would be itching to get back to it." As he speaks, Sam reaches over to Jack's feet and scuttles his fingers under his toes, delighting in the sharp squeal and hiccuping giggles produced from the action. 
Kicking his legs away from Sam's fingers, Jack grips the arm still caging him in - the one that was still teasing his sensitive side. "Nohoho! No mohore research!" 
"How come? Thought you loved learning new things," Sam insists, then brightens with an idea. “Hey, speaking of, do you know how many ribs you've got, Jack?’
The blonde scrunches his brow again in confusion. “W-Whahahat?”
“Your ribs,” Sam repeats, thumbing the lowest set of bones gently and delighting at the bubbly giggle Jack lets out from the touch. “Humans have twenty-four, but you're a Nephilim - an angel and human hybrid. I wonder if you have more or less than a human does.”
Jack’s eyebrows shoot up and he instantly drops his hands to Sam’s, clinging onto them as he catches onto the man’s plan. He presses out between giggles, “Ihihihi hahave twehenty fohour!”
“You sure?” Sam squints at the boy. “I might need to count them just to be safe.” 
Sam’s purposefully ignoring the importance of the research at this point, intent on keeping Jack with a smile on his face and laughter in the air. Dean and Cas didn't need the information urgently,  and he hasn't had a chance to mess around with Jack with everything going on. Deep down, he's sure they both need this break. 
Returning to the mission of counting, Sam’s fingers gently probe around Jack’s bottom ribs, pinching the backs to make Jack buck reflexively with a squeal from the change in technique, his eyes squinty from the size of his smile. “Sahaham! Ihihit- ihihit tihihickles!”
“That’s kinda the point, buddy,” Sam chuckles. “Now that’s definitely one, here’s twoooo, threeeee, fooooour~ Good news so far, Jack, you’ve got four sets of ribs! Let’s hope the other eight are there too.”
Jack throws his head back on the couch cushions from where he’s draped over the hunter’s lap. His legs kick at the arm of the furniture as he squeaks and giggles frantically. The tickle attack was maddening, sparks dancing through his bones and making him twist involuntarily. He hasn’t felt anything like this before, and while part of him wonders how he’s been brought to a puddle of laughter so fast, the other part of him is enjoying the playful attention. Sam is reaching the tops of his ribcage when a sensitive nerve on his back gets scratched in passing, and Jack can’t stop the noise that leaves him. 
Sam pauses his skittering fingers and stares down at the boy who now has a hand firmly clamped over his mouth. “Did you just snort?” Sam laughs, eyes alight with adoration. 
Jack looks helplessly to the side, ears flushed with warmth as he tries to defend himself. “N-Nohoho…” It sounds weak even to him. 
“Oh, you so did!” Sam’s nails are now skittering feather-light across Jack’s shoulder blades. He cackles when the Nephilim tries to roll off of his lap instantly from the sudden onslaught which only exposes the soft spot further. “Oh my god, you’re just like Cas, he can’t stand this either.”
With the escape attempt interrupted, Jack is now lying on his side, one of Sam’s hands teasing the hypersensitive spot where his cloaked wings are connected to his body, while the other pokes and pinches the soft flesh of his stomach. He’s utterly trapped between two ticklish hells and it doesn't help he’s snorting again. The loud, uncontrolled sounds peppered between bouts of hearty cackles. Every time he shifts one way to roll over and block a spot, he’s met with more tickles, both spots stupidly sensitive to Sam’s wiggling digits. Jack’s kept on his side, laughing helplessly into the fabric of Sam’s jeans and drumming his socked feet into the couch. 
The tickle attack lasts another minute or two before Sam finally lets up, rubbing his hands down the boy’s back comfortingly to soothe the lingering tingles. Jack slumps on his thighs, complete dead weight as he remembers how to breathe. Sam keeps the comforting rubbing going as he fixes the wild strands from Jack’s usually well-kept hair that had fallen across his face. Combing through the soft, golden strands, Sam leans over to check the kid hasn’t fallen asleep on him. 
“You alright, Jack?” He asks softly, squeezing the boy’s shoulder. 
“Yeheah,” Jack mumbles, his smile seemingly permanently etched into his face.
Sam chuckles. “You’re still giggly?” he teases lightly. 
The boy rolls over onto his back to look up at Sam with half-lidded, happy eyes. “Tihickles,” he answers simply. 
Sam grins, smoothing down Jack’s hair again and patting his sweater. “You’re okay though?”
Jack nods, eyelashes fluttering as he relaxes entirely on Sam’s legs. “It was fun,” he answers honestly. “I liked it.”
The answer is enough to make Sam’s chest feel lighter than it has in a long time, pure adoration for his kid making him smile fondly. “I’m glad,” he replies warmly. “Most people hate it cause it can feel overwhelming or they’re too ticklish. Honestly, you might just give Dean a run for his money with those reactions.”
Jack’s eyes widen and he suddenly looks a hell of a lot more energized than he did a second ago. “Dean’s ticklish?” he demands.
The long-haired hunter exhales a fond laugh, sitting back on the couch and rubbing a hand down his face. “He’s gonna kill me for telling you that… but yeah, he is.”
Jack sits up and presses his hands on Sam’s knees to support himself. “Will you help me take him down?” He asks, terrifyingly serious for something as simple as a tickle attack.
Sam considers it for a moment. On one hand, it would make some great photos for blackmail - it would definitely outweigh the photo Dean still has of him asleep with a spoon in his mouth. On the other hand, the repercussions of it would be heavy. 
…Eh, fuck it. 
He’s Sam Winchester. He’s saved the world from three apocalypses and fought the Devil himself. He can handle his older brother’s revenge. 
“I’m in,” he agrees, then glances at the table where the books are still stacked high. “Though, if you wanna get him sooner rather than later, we need to finish that research.” 
Jack leaps off the couch and practically slams back into his chair, grabbing the book he’d been previously staring at before. Sam has to hold back a snort of his own at how fast the kid moved, heaving himself off the couch to sit opposite the Nephilim. He drags his own book back to sit in front of him, resting his cheek on an open palm while the other snags his pencil. 
Sam smirks into his palm. Dean was going to wish he’d stayed out when he got back. He didn’t doubt for a second Cas was going to join in on the harmless attack. Well… mostly harmless anyway. Depends if they pin Dean down well enough, he’s been known to be a kicker. 
Flexing his eyebrows to show he was listening to Jack, he hums, “Yeah, kid?”
“My brain likes words again.”
Sam shakes his head with a grin. “Glad to hear it, bud. Let’s put it to use.”
Welp, seems there was another tactic to add to the Winchester Focus Methods; ‘Plan A Future Attack On An Unsuspecting Friend’. It felt like a fitting addition.
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inkaddict1978 · 3 months
June. June was supposed to be nice. It was supposed to be “take Baby for a long drive, windows down, with no destination in mind for once” nice. Instead it was cold, 40’s at best, and the pattering of drops on the windows didn’t seem to be letting up any time soon. It was starting to get on Dean’s nerves. The 4 friends were lounging around in their cozy little living room, “Ramble On” playing softly from the speakers in the far corner.
Sam was in the recliner, scrolling on his laptop. Dean didn’t need to see the screen to know he was searching for their next case. Always the diligent one. Cas was on one end of the couch, nose deep in some new “book of the week” that he had become addicted to. The sight made Dean’s stomach flutter, something he was still trying to get used to. Eileen was on the loveseat, watching tv, surely some reality show that Dean would pretend not to be interested in, but secretly be sad when it ended. Dean was currently propped up in the corner of the couch, opposite Cas, with a magazine in hand, not really focusing on the print, mind distracted.
He was fidgeting, too. He knew it, but he hoped no one else had noticed. He wasn’t used to sitting still, at least not for long periods of time, and his hands itched to be doing something, other than holding the paper distraction. He kept shifting slightly, couch creaking with each move, and every so often one of the other’s eyes would roam over to him, their look questioning. It never lasted long, but Dean would duck his head back into the magazine every time, avoiding the stare. His heart was starting to race, and he willed himself to slow it down. He could do this, dammit. He could relax. He just needed to practice. He wasn’t used to the semi-retired, non-hunting lifestyle. So sue him. It would take some getting used to. He shifted again, trying to return his focus back to his reading, but apparently fate had other plans in store for him today.
“Dude what’s the matter with you?” Sam asked, voice laced slightly with irritation. You’re like a nervous ball of energy, and it’s been radiating throughout the room for the last hour. What gives, man?”
Damn it, Sam was always the intuitive one. Dean couldn’t get anything past him.
He tried to play it off with a scoff, schooling his features into a look that implied as though Sam’s comment was the most ridiculous thing he’d ever heard. In reality, he wished Sam could read his mind, so Dean didn’t have to use his words to communicate his emotions. He’d never been very good at that. For the moment though, he wished Sam would just drop it and leave him alone.
“I know when something’s bothering you” Sam continued “so just tell us what’s going on.”
No such luck.
Truth was, Dean didn’t know what was wrong, exactly. He’d slept well, eaten, and was currently nursing a beer. All his basic needs were met and he should have been grateful for the rest. But for some reason, even in a room full of others, he felt alone. His skin was cold, despite the warmth in the room, and he was itching for some sort of physical contact. Everyone seemed so far away, despite the close proximity of the furniture. What the hell was wrong with him? He rolled his eyes at himself. He needed to snap out of it. He wasn’t sharing with the class, especially something as emotionally confusing as this. Suffer in silence. That was his MO.
Apparently no one was willing to allow him that luxury today, because Cas, who had averted his attention away from his book to observe the brother’s exchange for the last several minutes, chose that moment to join the conversation.
“Dean, you do seem more restless than usual. What’s the matter with you?” Cas paused, waiting for Dean to respond. Dean pulled a face that clearly conveyed “leave me alone” without having to verbalize it. Either that, or he was trying to think of a lie. Cas must have thought the latter, because he followed up his previous question with “and don’t lie to me. You know it won’t end well.”
Dean schooled his features, giving Cas a challenging glare. Who did he think he was? Dean was an adult, he could lie if he wanted to. Besides, choosing to ignore the current line of questioning coming from his brother and boyfriend wasn’t lying, it was just avoiding, and that Dean was a pro at.
The silence dragged on until it was uncomfortable, Cas squinting his eyes and doing his adorable little head tilt that usually signified he was studying Dean, trying to get a read on him. A few more seconds ticked on, and Dean couldn’t stand it any longer. He stood up from the couch, ready to bolt to his room where he could sulk in peace.
Again, no such luck.
Cas was on him, tackling him to the ground before he’d made it two feet. He straddled his hips, and after a brief struggle (that Dean was embarrassed to admit he’d lost too easily) Dean found his hands pinned by Cas’s on either side of his head, face bracketed in by Cas’s arms. Their noses were practically touching. Cas continued to study Dean, but the new proximity was making his head spin.
Tough guy brivatto still intact, for the moment, Dean steeled his expression into a look of annoyance, twisting himself underneath Cas’s hold, testing it. He was stuck, he knew it, but he wasn’t going down without a fight, Angelic strength be damned. Dean continued to struggle, letting out little grunts of frustration as each unsuccessful attempt let it sink in a little more just how screwed he really was. Cas had a small smirk forming on his face, and it just added to the irritation building up. Dean let out a growl, willing himself to break the hold, but eventually he conceded, body going slack, head tipped back, eyes closed, as though he was slowly starting to accept his fate. He was still breathing heavily, little huffs coming out of his nose every few seconds, but he couldn’t help the small smile starting to form on his face from the ridiculousness of it all. He tried to school his expression into something neutral, but he was failing. When he dared to peek one eye open, Cas was grinning down at him with that big gummy smile of his. Dean couldn’t help but smile back as he said “yeah, yeah, you made your point, now let me up.” But Cas apparently had other intentions, grip tightening slightly at the request.
“Dean, we just want to help. I’d like you to tell us willingly, but I’m not against coercing it out of you.” As Cas spoke, his eyes started to twinkle, and Dean gulped, his throat growing dry, nerves set on edge. If Cas’s look was any indication of what was coming, Dean was in trouble. He tried to remain calm, not giving Cas the satisfaction of knowing he was getting under his skin. He fidgeted again, cursing himself silently.
Get it together, Winchester. You can still get out of this.
Right on cue, as if reading his mind, Cas readjusted his grip so that he was holding both of Dean’s hands in just one of his, other hand coming to rest ever so gently on Dean’s side. Well shit. This wasn’t the first time Cas had used this method to get Dean to “talk” and he should have known it was coming. Dean had two options, tell the truth, or try and lie his way out of it, convincingly, of course.
He put on the brightest smile possible, the one he knew worked ninety five percent of the time, his go-to when he was trying to charm his way out of a not- so-pleasant situation he’d inevitably found himself in, and said “I’m FINE, man, I swear, just let me up.” He tried not to let his voice waiver, but when Cas didn’t budge, Dean chuckled nervously, averting his eyes for a moment. After collecting himself, he turned his face back, eyes pleading with Cas to just drop it. But Cas could be stubborn as well, and as the moments ticked on, it became increasingly clear that Cas would not be satisfied until Dean fessed up. Dean narrowed his eyes, voice low. “Don’t even think about it.” he snarled, trying to appear as if he had control of the situation, even if Cas did have the upper hand. He let out another growl, but it quickly turned into a yelp as Cas’s fingers jumped to life.
Sam, who had previously returned his attention back to his laptop after the brief exchange with his brother, heard the noise and looked up, curiosity getting the best of him. He smiled softly at the sight of his brother squirming beneath Cas. Dean was trying his hardest to keep his composure in check, but was rapidly losing that battle. Cas’s growing smile was a clear indicator that Dean was close to breaking. Cas knew it and was slowly chipping away, gaining leverage with every twitch of his fingers. Moments ticked on, Dean still squirming but refusing to concede, and eventually Cas must have decided he’d had enough. Without warning, he released his grip on Dean’s hands in favor of digging all ten fingertips into both of his sides. Dean was not expecting the sudden change, and his wall of resistance shattered. He began cackling, the noise loud enough to catch Eileen’s attention, who until this moment had remained focused on her show. She glanced at Sam, eyebrow raised and questioning, and Sam just smiled back at her, shrugging his shoulders. The pair stood up simultaneously, making their way over to the spot where Dean and Cas were still battling it out, although it was clear who was winning this little bout.
Dean could see Sam and Eileen approach out of the corner of his eye, although his vision was already starting to blur. He groaned through his laughter, trying to hide his face in the crook of his arm. This was embarrassing, especially with how quickly Cas had broken him. It had only been a minute, tops, since Cas had really started tickling in earnest, and Dean was already red-faced and giggling hysterically. He had expected to hold out longer than that, but Cas had him so wound up with anticipation, he didn’t stand a chance. He was twisting frantically, kicking his legs, trying to throw Cas off, to no avail. A few “Cas’s” and “please” and "stop it’s” slipped in whenever he could catch a breath, although only half of them decipherable. Damned if he wouldn’t still try though. Cas just shook his head, acknowledging he had heard him but wasn’t complying with his requests. The little shit was dead when Dean got out of this. Dean was so getting him back, tenfold. But he couldn’t focus on that right now.
The little voice in Dean’s head kept telling him if he just agreed to give them an answer that this could all be over. He tried convincing himself of what it was he DID want. What answer would appease them? What was the truth? Dean hadn’t been able to put his finger on it before, and he certainly was having trouble thinking clearly now. Another part of him, a louder part, kept reminding him that this WAS what he wanted. Physical contact, no matter the form. Sometimes he found himself craving it, the lack of it overwhelming him to the point of suffocation. Usually he drowned himself in other distractions to take away the sting. Until now, it had worked. He wasn’t expecting it to hit him today with an audience. He hadn’t even fully accepted that was the problem, but as the contact with Cas made the earlier cold and loneliness slowly ebb away, a realization dawned on him. Well damn if he would admit it. He had a reputation to uphold.
As Sam and Eileen reached them, Dean could see Cas and Eileen share a quick glance, and then she nodded, as though they could read each other's minds. The silent exchange made his nerves ignite. She knelt down above his head, and Cas paused his tickling to pass Dean’s arms to her, one at a time. He tried to resist, but in the end it was futile. From his seat on Dean’s lap, Cas had the advantage. Eileen sat on them gently, only enough pressure to ensure he was pinned firmly. Dean gulped. One on one with Cas was bad enough, but being double teamed… They wouldn’t, would they? Dean shivered at the thought. At least Sam was still standing. Dean didn’t know what would happen if all three of them attacked. He’d never survive. He might as well ask to cuddle, right then and there. At least he’d still have some of his dignity left.
Once the pair deemed Dean secured in his new position, Cas said “last chance to talk, Dean.” He was counting on Dean’s stubbornness, and when Dean glared at him with a “how dare you” look, Cas grinned and started tickling again, fingers back at Dean’s sides, though not as harshly as last time. Dean should have been grateful for the reprieve, only now Eileen’s hands were added to mix. Dammit, NO! Her fingers were poking and prodding in and around his armpits, occasionally jumping to his collarbones and up and around his ears. Dean exploded, cackling, voice going in and out as his pitch reached new levels. His efforts to free himself increased momentarily, twisting and turning with every poke and prod, but he was quickly running out of energy. He was shaking his head from side to side, a stream of jovial “nonono’s” bursting out of him every time he could catch his breath.
Eventually he went slack, sweat lacing his brow. Cas and Eileen noticed and slowed the tickling just enough to give him a moment to breathe, but still enough to keep him gently giggling. Eileen with her long fingernails still scritching softly under his chin. Cas with the soft pads of his fingertips digging into his ribs. And Sam with that dopey, lopsided smile, grinning down at Dean every time he dared peek his eyes open, looking at Dean like his face was the brightest thing aside from the sun.
It was more than Dean could handle. He needed it to stop. He never wanted it to stop.
“Ok, ok I give. I give up. Please, no more.” Dean relented. Cas and Eileen paused, waiting for him to continue. When his breathing slowed completely, they looked on expectantly, but instead of speaking, he tried hiding his face in the crook of his elbow again. “Heeey” he giggled, as Eileen softly tickled the side of his neck, forcing him to turn his head. He looked up at her, trying to glare, but was betrayed by his lingering smile, and she bent down to peck a kiss to his forehead. He almost started crying. What the hell was going on with him today?
He closed his eyes and laid there for a moment, trying to regain his composure, not trusting himself to make eye contact, much less to speak. He knew they wouldn’t wait forever. Still pinned beneath the pair, he tried to muster up some courage. As he looked over, Cas started wiggling his fingers again, making a show of getting closer and closer to Dean’s sides, and it was all the encouragement Dean needed to blurt out “I was just lonely and wanted attention!” He immediately tried hiding his face again, cheeks burning red. This time, no one stopped him. When a few minutes had passed and no one had spoken, he dared to glance up.
From the looks on their faces, whatever it was they were expecting Dean to say, it clearly hadn’t been that. All 3 were looking at him with slightly different expressions, from fondness to curiosity, but not one of them appeared to be judging him. He was grateful for that, at least. Maybe he could finish the day with some of his dignity intact.
“I answered your question, can I sit up now please?” Dean asked, suddenly looking very uncomfortable in his current position. Cas and Eileen, realizing that they were still pinning Dean down, released their hold, shuffling back to give him some room. He sat up, keeping his head down, hand ringing at the back of his neck, unsure of what to say. He could feel their eyes on him still and it made his cheeks burn red again. He wished they’d just leave him to wallow in peace. They owed him that much. Instead, as Cas and Eileen stood up, Sam offered Dean a hand. He accepted it, shakily rising to his feet, still a little wobbly and light headed from before. Sam saw him stagger and righted him, but instead of stopping at that, he pulled him into a crushing hug.
“Come here, ya big dummy.” Sam said, and Dean could tell by his tone that Sam was grinning. When Dean didn’t put up much resistance, he pressed on “if you wanted us to hug you, why didn’t you just ask?” Dean tensed at the teasing and started to pull away, even though the contact was keeping him grounded at the moment. Old habits were hard to break. Sam wasn’t letting him get away that easily. He tightened his grip, arms wrapped around Dean’s torso, fingers starting to wiggle into the crevices at the back of his armpits. Dean let out a gasp, followed by a “nohoho, not again!” and before he could help himself he was giggling, squirming steadily in Sam’s arms, trying to keep himself upright, although his knees were threatening to give out. Cas stepped in behind him, just in time to catch him as Dean managed to break Sam’s hold.
Dean stumbled and Cas righted him, wrapping his arms around him to keep him vertical. Sam advanced forward, hands finding purchase on Dean’s belly as he responded to Dean’s plea of “no Sammy, please don’t” with “I didn’t get to participate before, Dean, it’s only fair!” When Sam fingers found his belly button, Dean shrieked, laughter quickly turning silent. He was doubled over Cas’s arms, trying to force Sam’s evil fingers away, but Sam continued to slip his grip with ease. Eventually he gave up and tipped his head back, temple brushing against Cas’s, arms crossed in front of him as much as Cas’s hold would allow. Sam eventually slowed when it was clear that Dean couldn’t take much more.
Sam giggled at his brother as he tried to entangle himself from Cas’s octopus-like grip. When Dean was finally free, he stumbled over to the couch, practically collapsing onto it. He laid on his back, arm draped over his eyes, willing his breath to settle. He startled when he felt someone lift his head up, but relaxed again when he realized it was only Cas climbing in to sit beneath him, Dean’s head now in his lap. Cas started running his fingers through Dean’s hair, pausing every once in a while to scratch at his scalp. Dean hummed appreciatively, which only encouraged Cas to continue.
Normally he’d be embarrassed at showing his emotions so openly, but after what he’d just endured, he couldn’t find it in himself to care. Cas had picked up his discarded book before settling down, now propping it up on the arm of the couch, somehow managing to juggle it with one hand while still attentive to Dean with the other. Every once in a while his hand would stray from Dean’s head to rub over his back or shoulders, and Dean would sigh contentedly. Maybe he needed to ask for what he wanted more often.
Sam and Eileen were snuggled on the loveseat, watching on with fondness. Cas looked up and met their gaze, smiling at them and then down at Dean. Dean met his gaze, smiling softly back. The rain still pattered lightly on the windows, only now all was right with the world again. Maybe rest days weren’t so bad after all. He rolled over, snuggling his face into Cas’s lap, and when Cas resumed his scritching, Dean’s eyes fluttered shut, and soon he was snoring softly.
I rarely write but this one just came together so quickly, I couldn’t stop the brain worms. Hope you enjoy.
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iamawolfstarsimp · 7 months
Sup bitches im back
Now I'm still trying to get back into the swing of things with writing (and, I think this is my first supernatural fic I've made) so forgive me, I'm still a little rusty. lmk if you want more spn fics in the future and want you think of this fic.
So yeah enjoy
(this is set in like season 1-2)
Dean lost count of how many hours they'd been on the road for. Had to be at least nine. Maybe ten.
Sam was blankly staring out the window, half asleep, the same thing he'd been doing for the past half an hour.
Dean made the consecutive decision to pull into the nearest motel that was next to a gas station. Sam didn't make a fuss about it and just pulled their stuff out of the car while Dean checked in.
The two moved in silence as they got ready for bed, Sam particularly avoiding eye contact and talking.
Finally, Dean spoke up when Sam had sat down on his own bed and started staring at his bed sheets instead of reading some random book like he usually did.
"Alright, what's up?" Dean turned to face Sam as he spoke.
Sam paused. "What?"
"Come on," Dean tilted his head. "you're never this quiet."
"I just didn't have anything to say." Sam shrugged.
Dean narrowed his eyes but didn't say anything else yet. He watched Sam for a moment. He still felt bad about dragging Sam back into this life. Sam shouldn't have to live like this, have to sleep in shabby motels and eat cheap takeout as his meals. He should have been able to go to Stanford and get married and have two kids and a dog and never have to worry about getting stabbed or bitten or impaled by whatever creature they were hunting.
Sam sighed, snaping Dean out of his train of thought.
"I'm just not in a good mood is all." Sam answered.
"Oh," Dean nodded, then grinned. "Well you know how we fix bad moods, don't you?"
Sam went stiff and shook his head at Dean, already holding his hands out in front of his body to protect himself from any hands trying to poke or wiggle at him.
"Dean, no." Sam said, backing away from Dean.
"Oh, come on, Sammy." Dean gave him a toothy grin, advancing on Sam. "You don't wanna play with your big brother?"
Sam glanced at Dean and then at the bathroom door. If he was fast enough, he could run past Dean and lock himself in the bathroom and wait it out. But, his few seconds of hesitation was enough time for Dean to lunge at him and tackle him to the floor. Sam yelped, doing his best to crawl away from Dean while he was on top of him.
Sam snapped his mouth closed when he felt wiggling fingers digging into his sides. His hands grappled with Dean's hands, trying desperately to pull them away from his body.
Sam flipped himself around, onto his back so he was more able to prevent any oncoming attacks. Sam wrapped his legs around Dean and flipped their positions, holding down Dean's hands. He felt a surge of triumph rush through him before Dean promptly reversed their positions again.
The two wrestled like that for a while before Dean managed to shove a hand up Sam's shirt, wiggling his fingers against his ribs. Sam broke down in a fit of uncontrolled giggles, rolling away from Dean.
"Yes!" Dean shouted when he finally pinned Sam.
"Dean, stop!" Sam yelled through his laughter. "T-this is chihildish!"
"Aw, but it's working, see?" Dean used both his hands to dig into Sam's upper ribs, causing Sam to throw his head back and cackle. "Look at that big smile."
Sam pushed at Dean's hands and when he couldn't catch them he pushed against Dean's chest, but he could already feel the energy being sapped out of him from the tickling.
Dean's hands darted from spot to spot, quickly changing tactics with each spot he tickled. He leaned back and pinched Sam's knees abruptly, poking his fingers underneath his knees. Sam screeched, his legs flailing out away from Dean.
Dean chuckled at his reactions, slowing down so that Sam could somewhat catch his breath. He lightly scratched Sam's sides up and down to keep him giggling at a steady but slow pace.
"You're a friggin' jerk, you know that?" Sam grumbled.
"I love you too, bitch." Dean smiled affectionately.
"Remember when you used to have nightmares when you were younger?" Dean said after a pause, watching his hands as they rested on Sam's stomach.
"Yeah?" Sam answered. When he was younger he had had a scary encounter with a ghost in the motel they were staying in. Thankfully, their father had come crashing in to help the two of them, since the ghost had knocked Dean's gun out of his hands. For months after that he had nightmares about creatures coming in and hurting him and his family. When they got really bad, he confessed to Dean about them and would crawl into his bed sometimes at night for comfort. Dean never complained and never brought it up unless Sam did first.
"Do you remember how I'd scare them away if they got really bad?" Dean smirked.
Oh right, he remembered. If they got bad and Sam would crawl into Dean's bed but if he couldn't fall asleep Dean would help "scare" the nightmares away.
"Wait-" Sam said before Dean grinned, hiked his shirt up to his ribs, and quickly leaned down blowing a raspberry on his taut stomach.Dean's hands came to life again squeezed along his sides and hips.
Sam twisted and cackled, legs thumping on the floor behind Dean. His hands pushed desperately at Dean's head when he blew the second raspberry right below his belly button, the third one right next to it and then on the other side, the fifth being right on top of his naval.
Dean sat back up, grinning. He leaned forward and ruffled Sam's already messed up hair.
"Feeling better?" Dean asked after a bit.
"I heh-hate you." Sam mumbled, still giggly from Dean's tickly assault.
Dean smiled and got off of Sam and helped him up of the gross motel floor. Afterwards, Dean stayed up late watching random shows on the television bit Sam fell asleep rather quickly, his soft snores a nice background melody.
Sam wouldn't admit it to Dean but his tricks still worked on him, even though it had been years since Dean had last used them.
But Dean knew Sam too well to not know that they still worked. He wouldn't use them if he didn't think they worked.
Oop, got a little carried away lol anyway hope you liked
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cringemesstickles · 8 months
Honey Sweet Laughter
(TickleTober Day 16: Unusual Spot)
Summary: Gabriel discovers a new tickle spot on his boyfriend
Pairing: Sabriel
Word Count: 709
A/N: Some Sabriel tickles because they’re adorable
Anyway, ticklish arms are so underrated, goodbye
One of the first things Gabriel learned about Sam Winchester was that he was incredibly ticklish. Obviously, this would come in handy for a trickster such as himself, and he uses it against his serious boyfriend every chance he gets.
As soon as he learned about Sam’s sensitivity, he quickly found all of his tickle spots.
Or so he thought…
On one lazy evening, the couple was huddled together on the bunkers sofa, enjoying some alone time on a day off.
Gabriel leaned in close and gave his boyfriend a peck on the cheek, delighting in the warmth of his presence.
“I told you a rest day was a good idea.” Said the archangel, grabbing the taller man’s hand and giving it a kiss.
Sam giggled and leaned into the touch, melting at the sensation of warm lips on his soft skin.
“Alright, I’ll admit it… for once, you had a good idea.” He teased lightly, earning a theatrical gasp from Gabriel.
“All of my ideas are good ones and I am offended that you seem to think otherwise!”
Sam giggled again, amused by his lover’s theatrics.
To Gabriel, the sound was like a drug, addictive, always leaving him wanting more. It was a sound so sweet, it could give honey a run for it’s money.
Gabriel did always have a sweet tooth.
Overfilled with affection, the archangel brought Sam’s wrist to his lips and started littering the skin with quick, playful kisses, traveling upwards to the delicate skin of his inner elbow.
The sensation sent sparks through Sam’s arm, drawing out a surprised gasp, followed by a storm of titters.
“Gahahabe! T-That tickles!” The hunter lightly tugged at his arm, his stomach filling with butterflies.
Gabriel froze and looked up at his boyfriend’s smiling face, utterly delighted by the reaction.
“Oh? A new tickle spot, you say?” He kept a firm grip on Sam’s wrist and used his other to spider his fingers from the wrist to the crook of the elbow, prompting the muscles to twitch and shake.
Sam let his head fall back against the couch, letting out sounds that could only be described as angelic.
“Just when I thought I had found all your tickle spots~”
Sam’s laughter reached a new pitch when Gabriel started nuzzling the soft skin. He never knew such a light touch could be so ticklish, but as his boyfriend continued to nuzzle, the slight stubble brushing against the inside of his elbow, he couldn’t deny the overwhelming happiness that the sensation brought.
“Aww, does this tickle? Who knew you could be sooo sensitive in such a strange spot~” Cooed Gabriel, switching back to peppering chaste kisses all over his lover’s arm.
Sam couldn’t help but blush, the teasing getting under his ticklish skin and chasing his blood to the surface.
“You’re s-so embahaharrassing!”
Gabriel’s eyes had that flare to them, signaling that he was up to something.
“You think that tickles? How about this!”
Quick as a hare, he sucked in a breath and blew a sharp raspberry right on the sensitive skin, prompting Sam to jerk his arm and squeal.
“GABE, NOHOHOO!” Sam protested through peals of laughter, the blissful smile on his face betraying how he truly felt.
Gabriel could never put into words how he felt about the hunter before him. In his entire celestial life, he had never loved anything as much as he loved Sam.
Deciding he’d tortured his lover enough, the archangel released his arm and pulled away, eyes filled with love for the blushing mess in front of him.
He leaned in and pulled Sam into a warm, gentle kiss, relishing in the way Sam’s giggles felt against his lips.
When they parted, be it reluctantly, they looked at each other with all the love in the universe, content smiles adorning their faces.
“I love you… even when you embarrass the life out of me.”
Gabriel grinned and gave the hunter one last kiss on the nose, admiring the soft chuckle that escaped Sam’s lips.
“Love you too, my big brave hunter.”
They spent the rest of their night cuddling, letting themselves bask in the serenity of the moment.
And if more tickles took place, that’s a secret for just them to share.
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dreamingticklee · 5 months
Squealing Santa 2023
Happy Holidays @hexalianrebel-blackfeathers !!! I hope you enjoy your gift and that I fulfilled your prompt to your liking! Hope you have had a wonderful holiday season and I wish you the happiest new year! Enjoy! 🎄
And big thank you to my dear @hypahticklish for another year of hosting @squealing-santa ✨️
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Ler!Gabriel/Lee!Sam
Words: 829
"So, Sammy boy, what'll it be?"
The devious voice of the archangel teased it's way into Sam's brain, causing a bright blush to rise to the surface of his skin. Limbs spread apart towards all four corners of the bed by an invisible force, Sam knew he was in for it. (And maybe he wanted to be.)
"I, um...mhmhmhm...don't know."
Gabriel feigned surprise. "You don't know? Well, now, that just won't do!" He slowly sauntered closer to Sam's prone, vulnerable position on the bed and his expression grew into a tantalizing smirk. "Here, tell ya what, I'll be nice and help you figure it out. Now, let's see..."
Gabriel reached out and let his hand hover over Sam's unprotected armpit. He took one finger and tauntingly circled it around, just merely an inch above contact, to which Sam sucked in a breath trying to hold in his creeping laughter, the anticipation already too great to handle.
"Hmm, how about here?" The archangel landed a few ticklish pokes in the stretched hollow.
Sam gasped with a squeak. "No!"
"No? Not there? Then should I try..." Gabriel moved his eager hand to the side of Sam's ribs with a sudden quickness and squeezed in a pulsing succession. "...here? Is this what you want?"
Jolting up with a startled laugh, Sam balked at the tazering zips that shocked his ribcage. It wasn't fair that just a few accurately pinpointed squeezes already had him squirming like bait on a hook. "Stop it!"
"Okay, okay." Gabe took his hand away...only for it to come back seconds later for one more taste and Sam squealed.
"Aww, how adorable."
"You want me to tickle you so bad? All you had to do was ask!"
Not wasting another second, Gabriel's fingers started making quick work to skitter all over Sam's stomach. Sam's body began to dance with uncontrollable giggles brightly shimmering out of his chest, sounding like music to Gabriel's ears and fueling his fire. The tips of his practiced fingers knew just the right amount of speed and pressure to effectively dismantle his prey.
"This is one of your favorite spots isn't it?"
"Shut uhuhup!" Sam felt a wave of heat rush to his cheeks. Gabe wasn't wrong, it was just rude of him to say that out loud.
"You know what I think would make this even more fun though?" With a flick of the wrist, Gabriel tossed the hem of Sam's shirt up, exposing a strip of skin. Taking a big, dramatic breath, the archangel leaned down and connected his lips to Sam's quivering tummy and blew.
Sam busted out into loud laughter, arching his back.
Gabriel smirked against Sam's skin. "Aha, that's the ticket, huh?" He blew again. And again. And again.
The tingling vibrated into Sam's veins and sent a thrill rushing through his system. It seemed like with each raspberry blown onto his sensitive skin, the ticklish feeling grew and grew, radiating from his glowing core.
"Ahahahaa!! Stop it!"
"No can do, Bucko." Gabriel continued blowing raspberries all over Sam's middle while also deciding to bring his fingers back into play, scribbling them up and down Sam's sides. He relished in the growing changes of pitch of Sam's laughter with each new raspberry placed.
A few moments had passed when, without warning, Gabe came to a sudden stop. "You know what? I think we're missing something." And just like magic, four hovering feathers appeared, two by each of Sam's feet. Under the Trickster's control, the feathers were put into position and made contact, two feathers stroking the sole of each foot while the other two feathers began sawing through both sets of toes.
The soft, yet torturous tickles sent a new wave of sensation through Sam's affected body. "NoooOOOHOHOHO!"
Gabriel let out a smug, contented sigh. "Ahhh, that's much better! Now, where was I?...Oh, yeah!" Pfffft.
Sam screamed. The combination of Gabriel's playful raspberries and nimble fingers attacking his torso with the new addition of the teasing feathers having their way with his feet was absolutely lethal. His nerves were alight with ticklish demise and he couldn't do anything but writhe around on the bed and laugh his heart out. But that's what was so thrilling of it all. Sam was used to being the hunter, not the hunted. And now here he was under the playful, silly control of his "predator" and it was always an exciting feeling.
Suddenly, a new voice coming from the doorway broke him from his thoughts.
"Need an extra set of hands?"
Sam gasped. "Dean, NO!"
Gabriel laughed as his tickling came to a pause. "Well, hey there, Deano! I think Sam would definitely love some help with his armpits."
"No problem." Dean made his way over to the head of the bed.
"Nonono NO! Stop this isn't fair!"
Gabe scoffed. "Since when do I ever care about being fair?"
Renewed screams and laughter filled the room once again.
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fanficsandfluff · 2 months
Hii, sorry to bother, but I was re-reading some of your spn fics and a few links didn’t work:( like “Soulless laughter” or “Crowley’s remedy for Frowns”
have a nice day🫶
Thank you for letting me know! Hope these work and you enjoy them! If there's any more fics you come across like these, please let me know :) happy reading <3
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carrie-tate · 11 months
Ooh, I love your art! Can I please request lee! Castiel from Supernatural (any choice of ler) with ticklish wings (pretend that humans won't get blinded if they look directly at them XD)
oh my lord.
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You would know how I smiled, how I simply squealed with joy when I received this request! I'm a Castiel fan in general (if think about it, I have some "thing" about angels in most fandoms... almost always favorites) , and you would know how many fanfictions I have read on the topic of wings!
Thank you for such a request! It was a pleasure to draw it ^^
(And yes, in the end, I took Dean as a ler, because well, who else but he would risk checking angel wings for ticklishness?)
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ardentpoop · 5 months
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coy-lee · 2 years
TK Masterpost
This is just a start for now.
But hopefully this is helpful for finding your fix!
Monkey Bar Sun
Crop Top
Lee Mood
Ni Hao Good Morning Sun
Captain Feather Sword
Overwhelmed Moon Meme
GIF Moon Teasing
Tangled Up Moon
OC diVo
diVo Doodles
diVo Gets Moon Good
Sunny with a Button/diVo loves it 
Cookie Thief pt1
Cookie Thief pt2
Cookie Thief End
Glitch and Sun Bonding
New Eclipse/Arcade GlitchSun,
 Moon and Eclipse/Walk The Plank
Eclipse Getting The Bois
Eclipse TKs Sun
OC Betelgeuse 
Sun and Moon:
Sun and Moon-rito
SaMS Minecraft
SaMS Wither Storm
Trying The TikTok Trend
Crop Top pt2
GIF Sun and Moon TK 
On the Wire/Graceful and Tangled
BallPit Shark
Stuck Up-Side-Down
Sunrito Recipe
Sunrito and Moon
Puppet Wants To Play
Puppet Wants to Play Bonus
Missing Hat pt1
Missing Hat pt2
Missing Hat pt3
Missing Hat pt4
Easter TKs
Sun and Moon Get Each Other
 Sun and Moon Vs Nightmarrione  
Glamrocks+Moon vs Sun TKs
Moon and the STAFF bots vs Sunny 
Moon Sneaking Peeks at Gifts 
SaMS Fanart:
S&MS Eclipse and Lunar   
SaMS Eclipse Redemption??? 
Lunar Tricks Bloodlust Moon
Sun and Lunar Arms Up for Moon
Sun Stuck in Lunar's Beanbag Chair
Curious Eclipse
Description: Eclipse is new to the daycare. His job is to watch over the attendants and monitor their well being. After observing Sun and Moon play a particular game, he becomes curious, and he tries to play the game with Sun himself. Moon can only help just watching for so long before he too joins the fun.
(lee!Sun, ler!Eclipse, ler!Moon)
Asking For It 
Description: Sun and Moon play a little cat and mouse until Moon catches the goof and pins him in a peculiar way. Now Sun needs to say what he wants from Moon, or not get it at all…
(lee!Sun, ler!Moon)
All Caught Up (With No Ulterior Motives)
Description: Sun and Moon play mind games. One loses, but both win.
(lee!Sun, ler!Moon)
Description: Sun is still packed with energy at the end of the day, and Moon thinks up a little solution for Sun’s little problem.
(lee!Sun, ler!Moon)
Motor Function Error
Description: One morning, Sun wakes up but finds that he suffered a motor malfunction during the night and cannot move. He can still feel sensations tho. It took time for the maintenance team to arrive for the day so Sun and Moon find a way to pass the time while they wait
( lee!Sun, ler!Moon ) 
Close Encounter With The Third Kind (Phantoms)
Description: There's something lurking in the dark corners of the daycare. Sun and Moon soon meet said being and have their expectations subverted. Turns out there are sillier reasons to fear the dark. 
( lee!Sun, sidelines!Moon, ler!divo )
Life's All A Game
Description: In the boys' loft, there is an arcade machine with a glitch. a sentient glitch. They find a way to visit him, and Sun finds himself at the mercy of someone much more powerful than he could have imagined. Luckily for him, and Moon, this guy just likes to have good old fashioned fun.
(lee!Sun, ler!Eclipse)
Someone Else's Turn To Play  
Description: It's been approximately 4 days since the bois encountered the darkness living in the daycare's shadows. Moon's been as serious as ever during the nighttime and it seems that after one of his patrols, diVo decides it's a perfect time to fix that.
( lee!Moon, lee!Sun, ler!diVo)
Videos With Featured Works:
Case of The Missing Hat 
Shenanigans of The Daycare  
A Starry Christmas
Gaster Gets Sans and Papyrus 
Gaster and Sans, Selfworth Fluff\
Hoomin AU Sans
Spamton Tangled in the Vines/Wires 
Spamton and FNAF OC Eclipse
A Jester Wrecking and Puppet
Seam and Spamton Razzles
Spamton Dress Up, Jevil "Helps" (+Seam) 
Teasy Ler Spamton Neo
Lee Seam, Ler Spamton and Jevil
Jevil Tickles Spamton GIF
Cheater, Cheater
Description: Spamton and Jevil do battle quite often. Spamton feels like Jevil is hiding the secret to freedom in that cell of his. Jevil knows better than that and would rather keep Spamton from finding out the no such secret exists. So, they duke it out, both wanting to win for their own reasons. This time, though, Jevil is a bit worried about how good Spamton has gotten at fighting him...so he takes the battle in a different direction. A very fun direction.
(lee!Spamton, ler!Jevil)
HELLO? [[tickling department]]? IT"S FOR YOU!
Description: With the player being away for who knows how long, Jevil and Spamton hang out in the void behind Seam's shop, attempting to entertain themselves the best they can. However when messes are to be kept to a minimum, All hope of escaping boredom is lost... or is it?
(Lee!Jevil Ler!Spamton, [implied]Lee!Spamton)
Detroit: Become Human
Gavin Taken Down A Notch By RK900
Blushing Cicero
Cicero Following Orders
Gravity Falls
Stanley and Ford Brother Roughhousing
Alternate Weirdmageddon 
Super Mario
Super Mario and "Mr. L"  
Gabe Reminds Cas of his Place 
Doodle Dump:
Gartic Phone Fun Doodles 
183 notes · View notes
leegemma · 1 year
Wrote this one a couple of years back, and I was really young. So let's try to not judge 😅 I think reader is supposed to be around 12 here.
"How about we do Christmas this year?" Dean randomly suggested.
Sam raised one eyebrow. "Do Christmas? What do you mean."
You looked up from your book, confused.
"I mean like, let's do the whole thing. With the tree and jingle and the bells and all that!" Dean exclaimed, now being the one with the raised eyebrow when Sam let out a laugh. But completely relaxing again when he heard you gasp.
"Really?!?!" You squealed. Standing up from your seat on the motel couch and jumping up and down.
Dean grinned and pointed at you. "That's what I'm talking about!"
Even Sam couldn't hold back the small smile that creeped its way onto his face.
You didn't have a normal childhood, and you knew it. When the boys were already teenagers, their dad had a one night stand while on a job. What came out of that was actually, you. Safe to say the boys weren't thrilled about it, until the moment they met you. All cute and small. When your birth mother died when you were only one, you were left with the Winchesters.
And safe to say, that they would do anything for their little sister.
"So we can really do it?? With a tree and ornaments and lights? Just like in the movies?" You grinned adorably.
Dean extended his arm towards you, inviting you to sit with him on the love couch.
"Just like in the movies." He smiled as you tucked yourself next to him excitedly.  Burrying your head in his chest.
Dean looked up to see Sam smiling adorly at the both of you. Making dean groan and roll his eyes. Then he loudly whispered to you, "look at this y/n/n, you're being cute for like two seconds and Sammy is being all sentimental. Look Look Look! That was a tear! Did you see it? There was a tear!"
You giggled and nodded. "There was definitely a tear."
Sam glanced over at you with a raised eyebrow, walking towards you. "Oh yeah? A tear? How about I show you what a tear really is? Huh, y/n? How would you like that?" Sam wasted no time. Immediately picking you up and holding you upside-down, smiling at your giggles.
"Put me dohohown!" You fought and wiggled, but nothing helped.
Dean, who was still sat at the same place watched the two of you playing around with a huge smile on his face. It didn't happened very often that the boys had time or energy to play around with you. And so you all cherished it when it did happen.
"Put you down? I don't think so. You were making fun of my said to be, tears. weren't you?"
Sam wiggled your little body around, holding you effortlessly by your ankles.
"Becahause youhu wehere cryhing!"
Sam hissed. "Let's see who's going to be the one crying now..."
With that, he dug one hand into the center of your belly, still holding you with one arm so that you don't fall.
Your laughter erupted right out of your little mouth. You squirmed desperately in Sam's hold while trying to hold on to his arms so you could flip yourself back.
Sam growled playfully and started drilling in your hips. Which made you loose it.
You screamed.
Sam chuckled and threw you onto his own motel bed. Where Dean was now sitting, smirking down at your panting body.
"D- don't evhever do this agahain..." you warned.
Dean ruffled your hair as Sam just smiled at you. "I definitely will do it again."
"Oh, I'm joining next time." Dean raised his hand.
You rolled your eyes playfully and huffed.
Those brothers of yours...
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