#SPOILERS --------- I was waiting for gale to invite you back home with him (which I didn't get my first not-dark urge playthrough)
envyfelled · 1 year
was that post gale ending scene new in the patches or did I somehow not do his romance right the first time, or maybe a dark urge ending... DUNNO but that was cute even if it was the bare minimum. eating the gale content scraps off the floor
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princess-leaorgana · 4 months
What Tieflings Do Chpter 8
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Summary: After the takedown of The Absolute, Zelphie finds her city in need of more help and her home destroyed. She won't stop helping, but who can help her?
Rolan x Tav (Zelphie; ~30y.o AFAB, Sorcerer, Tiefling, not really described physically on purpose <3)
Author's Note: I fucking love tielfings. Along with this being a budding romance/smut/fluff/word vomit fanfiction, it's also my case study in DnD 5e tieflings, how they act, what sets them apart from humans and devils and elves. That being said, I have a few artistic liberties in here as well where I couldn't find a straight answer, if you'll amuse me.
Warnings - Spoilers for Baldur's Gate 3, angst and some foul language
Chapter One Two Three Four Five Six Seven
Or Read all chapters on AO3
‘No, no, that looks garish, take it away.’ 
Rolan was being a nightmare. The tower was already incredibly neat and after almost six months of being its master, Rolan has redecorated all that he could. Whenever he had guests in the tower, he went a little overboard making sure the entrance was neat, but today, he was losing his mind. Someone very special was coming to visit, well, two people, but only one of them was making Rolan nervous. Gale of Waterdeep would be paying them a visit. He was in the city for real business, and Zelphie invited him to stay in the tower. Without discussing it with Rolan first. Which was putting Rolan in an early grave. He was fighting with his own water elementals over the position of some flowers on a table. Zelphie stood in the room, her mage hand waiting for instruction. It had moved the furniture three times over already. Zelphie regretted inviting the wizard to even come and visit. She allowed Rolan his fussing, because the second guest was Astarion. Rolan finally yielded, allowing the vampire to come to the tower, Cal hadn’t been around very much as of late and it depressed Rolan terribly. It was very clear that Cal and Astarion cared for each other very much. Rolan had to give in if he wanted to see his brother again.
Zelphie finally walked over to the couch she had just moved and sat down with a big ‘oof’. She was four months pregnant, only halfway done, but she was exhausted. She was mostly just tired, her back and legs hurt a lot, so standing and watching Rolan throw a hissy fit over flowers was killing her. Lia walked into the entrance room, wearing an old robe of Zelphie’s. It was a deep red robe, a little heavy for casual wear in the summer, but it did look very good on Lia. Zelphie smiled as her sister walked over.
‘How do I look?’ She asked and Zelphie smiled.
‘Magical,’ Zelphie answered and patted the couch. Lia walked past Rolan.
‘You have a vein that’s about to pop,’ she said to her brother, who just absolutely ignored her. He was studying the ceiling. What the hells was he going to do about the ceiling? Lia sat next to Zelphie and gave her swollen belly a little pat. ‘How are you feeling?’ She asked and Zelphie sighed.
‘I feel like a hot bath and a nap would answer all the world’s problems,’ she said and laughed a little. ‘How about you? Nervous?’ She asked a little softly, giving Lia a nudge. Lia swatted at Zelphie playfully and shook her head.
‘No, shut up,’ she said and Zelphie grinned.
‘Have you ever spent any time alone with Gale?’ She asked and Lia shook her head.
‘No, only chance I ever had was at Last Light Inn, but I was convinced the two of you were sha-‘ Rolan interrupted his sister with a very loud clearing of the throat. Both women stared at him, but his eyes were still on the ceiling. Another reason Rolan was nervous. Yes, he did want to impress Gale, but not for the reason one might expect. Gale was a highly acclaimed wizard, Mystra’s chosen, hailing from Waterdeep, city of splendors. Rolan had a lot to catch up to, as would most other wizards. But power, talent and prestige really wasn’t what Rolan was jealous of. He was convinced Gale and Zelphie had been involved in some way. Zelphie had reassured him absolutely not and even if they were, it wouldn’t matter in the least. Gale was a romantic gentleman and he would never flirt with a married woman and Zelphie would never dare to drift from her love. It was simple for Zelphie but very hard for Rolan to believe. They were married and had a little one on the way, but Rolan would never think himself Zelphie’s priority, her one and only. He couldn’t help his insecurities.
‘Well, I promise, he’s very easy to get along with. He always has the best intentions. A little shy but incredibly…verbose.’ Lia certainly did have a crush on the wizard, he was a beautiful man. Though, listening to him yap on and on about a subject might not be something Lia could stand. She wasn’t the most patient of people. They would have to see.
‘Darling, the bookcase needs to go back,’ Rolan said, still staring at the ceiling.
‘Is your brain finally well done?’ Lia asked as Zelphie commanded her hand to push the bookcase. Rolan shot a look at her and raised an eyebrow.
‘That’s a nice dress,’ he said and Lia grinned.
‘Thanks, it’s your wife’s,’ she said and Zelphie laughed.
‘Alright, enough, come and sit, Rolan, please,’ she said and reached her hand out for him. He was about to argue and then Zelphie did something he hated more than anything else in the world. She pouted. He scowled and closed his eyes and walked over. Zelphie grinned instantly. She had about another four months of that power. She did have to pick her pout battles, she couldn’t have him strengthen his will. She only did it when she really needed him by her side, and right then, she needed him to stop worrying and then be by her side. She took his hand once he was on the couch with his wife and sister. ‘There, now relax,’ she told him and smiled. ‘The tower is beautiful, Gale will be incredibly impressed at its transformation, I know it, stop worrying,’ she told him and he sighed.
‘If I notice something isn’t right, it will gnaw at me that everyone else who sees it knows it’s not right,’ he told her and she smirked.
‘The angle of a bookcase is not right or wrong, dear, it’s a matter of taste,’ she said and he gave her an incredulous look, which made her laugh.
‘Someone’s taste is an indicator of their ability to tell right and wrong,’ he said and Zelphie laughed again. ‘And Gale of Waterdeep, I assume from his background, has impeccable taste,’ he said and Zelphie shook her head.
‘Don’t call him that, he won’t care for it,’ she told him and he sighed again.
‘Of course,’ he muttered and the large entrance opened to the tower. The three of them stood up, Zelphie had a little help from Rolan. Cal and Astarion had arrived. Lia walked over quickly to greet them and Zelphie followed, Rolan stayed put. Cal still did live at the tower, he worked in the store most days, but most nights he was gone. His relationship with the vampire had gotten stronger. Cal got first hugs and he gave Zelphie’s growing belly a little tap.
‘Alright in there?’ He asked and Zelphie grinned.
‘They certainly are making themself at home,’ she said and Cal laughed.
‘Well well well, look at you,’ Astarion said to Zelphie and she hugged him quickly. He hugged her back, he smiled as he did. Astarion hugs were very special. He was a very touch sensitive person and it meant everything to Zelphie that Astarion trusted her. ‘From chaotic hero to mummy,’ he said with a grin. Zelphie laughed.
‘I’m absolutely over being a hero,’ she said and Lia snorted.
‘Fat chance,’ she said. There was an awkward moment between Rolan and Astarion. Finally, Rolan took Astarion’s in a quick handshake.
‘Welcome,’ he said and Zelphie smiled up at him.
‘Thank you very much for the invitation,’ Astarion said and nodded his head a little. ‘The tower has certainly improved since the last time I was here…well, you know,’ he said and bobbed his head a little.
‘Rolan has a keen eye for comfort and luxury,’ Zelphie said and rubbed her tail as subtly as she could against Rolan’s. Just for his comfort and her appreciation.
‘Thank you, please, come and sit, I’ll have tea brought out,’ he said and led his family and guest back to the sitting area. The group wasn’t very long before a knocking on the entrance door rang through the room. Rolan stood up and Zelphie followed to welcome their last guest. Rolan opened the door and just outside of it was Gale Dekarios, looking as prim and fashionable as always, though even more so now that he had fresh clothing. Robes of purple that opened enough to show off a tuft of chest hair, but no more Orb brand. ‘Mister Dekarios, thank you so much for coming,’ Rolan said while holding his hand out. Gale grinned and shook Rolan’s hand firmly.
‘If only my pupils had the same sense of decorum as you, Master Rolan,’ he said and shook his head. ‘But please, don’t do me any disservice, just Gale is quite alright,’ he said and looked down at Zelphie with a smile. She was about to give her friend a hug but he tilted his head and his smile faltered. ‘Well, I’ll be absolutely damned,’ he said and looked down at her belly. ‘Don’t take any offense to this statement, for I’d like to think you not telling me that you might be expecting was on purpose,’ he said and Zelphie laughed. ‘You look wonderful,’ he said and Zelphie hugged him tight.
‘You as well, you look great with no Netherese toxin in your chest cavity, very slim,’ she laughed which made him laugh. ‘Come inside, Astarion, Cal and Lia are all inside, come come,’ she said and Gale walked into the tower. He did a little look around, staring at the ceiling as he walked with the couple.
‘Ah! Fantastic use of radiance,’ Gale said and Rolan grinned.
‘Why thank you, yes, I have been reading so many fascinating things about the subject of all elements. Zelphie’s natural magic is quite the inspiration,’ Rolan began and Gale stopped walking. Zelphie looked up at the ceiling, seeing what she had always seen. A beautiful light from sun rays coming from the windows. The ceiling was decorated with hanging glass and metal that let the rays of sun glow different colors. It was beautiful, but Zelphie didn’t know it was magic. She placed a hand on her belly. ‘It’s a bit like home, this room,’ he said and Gale nodded.
‘Ah yes! Although I was no stranger to the city of Elturel before last year, I cannot say meeting all of you did not stir my curiosity. Sleeping and waking under the same bright light every day, every minute of every day. It truly must have….’ Gale went on with Rolan and Zelphie walked away from the bonding wizards. She was very happy if they both yapped each others’ ears off all night. She walked back to the sitting area where Cal was drinking tea, and Astarion and Lia were gabbing. She sat down next to Lia with a little oof.
‘Darling, you are really letting yourself go,’ Astarion teased and Zelphie laughed.
‘You shut up,’ she said playfully and rubbed her belly.
‘I put money on a boy for sure,’ Cal said and Lia sighed.
‘Oh! I bet Astarion could tell us,’ Lia said and Astarion cocked an eyebrow. ‘He knew she was pregnant the minute she was, could you tell us if it’s a boy or a girl?’ She asked. Lia was desperate to know, and Zelphie didn’t really blame her. Zelphie didn’t really care about the gender or sex of her child, she just knew the only way that she could know the sex was when it was born. That was what Zelphie wanted.
‘Lia, don’t be weird, Astarion is a vampire, not a tiefling midwife. We’ll find out in four months,’ she said and Lia sighed. She looked up at Astarion, who wasn’t exactly pleased with the conversation of babies. ‘How about you Astarion? How are your seven thousand children?’ She asked and he cackled.
‘You are rotten, gods I missed you,’ he said and leaned back. ‘But to answer your ridiculously worded question, everyone is practically fine…give or take a few dozen,’ he said and flourished his wrist. Zelphie raised her eyebrow at him. ‘Oh don’t judge me, you take charge of seven thousand spawn and come back with your results,’ he told her. ‘Besides, we have a process. If one runs off, the Fist are alerted immediately.’
‘Oh, wow, I’m very proud of you,’ Zelphie said and Astarion smirked.
‘You would be! He’s doing amazing work down there. Not that he would admit any of it,’ Cal said and Zelphie grinned.
‘I’m only doing what I can,’ Astarion said and reached a slender finger to Cal’s chin.
‘Oh, is Astarion a hero now?’ Zelphie teased a little and Astarion shrugged and smirked.
‘Maybe I am,’ he said, but there was pride in his voice. Zelphie’s smile only grew. She was proud of him. Was he still a violent bastard? Yes, but he was empathetic and responsible, at least more than he was six months ago. Finally, the gabbing wizards walked over to the sitting area, Gale finally said hello to Cal and Lia and when it came to greeting Astarion, Gale smirked.
‘Hello Astarion,’ he said and Astarion smirked at him.
‘Wizard,’ he said, still smirking. Gale gave a chuckle. It was very strange, how did one greet a person that you used to share thoughts with for six months? ‘How have the sunsets by the sea kept you?’ He asked and Gale leaned back with excitement.
‘Oh, it is fantastic to be home. I’ve missed all of you, of course, but to be back in Waterdeep with a purpose and…well, a little less of me that before, it’s a breath of fresh air to be short about it,’ he began and Astarion’s eyes opened and he glanced down at Gale’s chest. He clicked his lips.
‘Ah, goodie, no surprise bursts during dinner tonight then?’ He asked and Gale grinned and shook his head.
‘No, and I feel fantastic, knees have never felt better, I don’t even think I can predict the weather anymore,’ he said and Zelphie laughed. Gale was a human, which wasn’t much different than being a tiefling, age wise. He was older than Zelphie, and constantly complained on their adventures about his knees hurting. He joked a few times that when his knees would act up randomly, it meant it would rain. It never really did rain.
‘Well, if you’re not a weathervane, what use are you?’ Zelphie teased and Gale grinned.
‘I’ll have you know I have my own position at Blackstaff, Professor Dekarios of Illusionary Magic, thank you very much,’ Gale told Zelphie who grinned.
‘I’m sure your students are very lucky to have such a teacher,’ Lia piped in, finally. Zelphie glanced at her. Gale grinned at her and bobbed his head.
‘Gale, you should know, Lia has been very stubborn about learning magic since these three arrived at the Tower. On my very first day here, she very almost produced a Knock. Her somatic movements were perfect, but she has a little work to do with her oration,’ she said and Lia scowled at Zelphie. ‘Perhaps later on you could help her?’
‘Oh? Oh well, yes, I think I would love that. Tell me, Lia, is it your brother’s talent that inspired your ambition? Gale asked and Lia’s head spun so fast from Zelphie to Gale it almost fell off.
‘Uhm…yeah, yeah, Rolan’s…uhm, yes,’ she fumbled and Zelphie glanced at Rolan, who was looking right back at her. Oh that gave her chills. Rolan winked at her and cleared his throat.
‘Shall we make our way to the dining room?’ He asked and the group followed him, Zelphie taking up the rear. Everyone had their assigned seat, Rolan and Gale at the head and foot, Zelphie was to Rolan’s right, Cal to Rolan’s left. Lia and Astarion on each side of Gale. ‘I apologize in advance, I know that tonight there are three very different diets so, please do know I had everyone in mind while planning dinner.’  Dinner was served, different dishes meant to share, Astarion mainly drank. Zelphie kept bringing the conversation back to Lia, not exactly being subtle about wanting to set up her friend and her sister-in-law, though it was subtle enough for Gale. Rolan’s tail curled around Zelphie’s tail when she was getting obnoxious. Lia was getting a little nervous. Cal would redirect gracefully. After about two attempts, Cal redirected the conversations to Zelphie’s pregnancy.
‘Yes, how far along are you?’ Gale asked, cutting a dinner roll.
‘A little over four months,’ she said with a grin and Gale nodded.
‘You look wonderful! I’m so happy for you, honestly. Rolan, I’ll have you know this one right here will make a great mother, mummed us all back to life and sanity when we called for it, eh Astarion?’ He asked and the vampire smirked.
‘Yes, she’s very…nurturing,’ he said, swilling his glass of brandy. Rolan tensed up a little.
‘Gale should be one to talk, Rolan, I never told you, Gale cooked for us every night,’ she said and the wizard shook his hand.
‘Ah, yes, my one use, camp chef,’ he said and Astarion laughed.
‘Almost killed me a few times with the amount of garlic he used,’ Astarion teased and Gale laughed. Astarion was just joking, of course. Gale genuinely would never have done that to Astarion, no matter how many times Karlach and Zelphie whined.
‘Tell me, Zelphie, I have been doing some research on our experiences after the removal of the tadpole, but as you are in a special condition, do you have any strange symptoms?’ He asked and Rolan’s tail tightened around Zelphie’s.
‘Actually, yes, now that you mention it,’ she said and Gale leaned in a little. ‘Since you last saw me Gale, I have become pregnant,’ she said and smirked. Gale rolled his eyes.
‘Ha ha, hilarious,’ he said and leaned back in his chair. ‘You know what I mean,’ he said and Zelphie laughed and nodded.
‘I’d rather not talk about symptoms at the dinner table,’ she told him and Rolan’s tail seemed to relax. Gale nodded.
‘Ah, yes, my apologies. I must confess, my manners have never been what they used to be,’ he said and Astarion grinned.
‘Yes Gale, do mind your decorum.’
Dinner ended and most went off to bed, all but two. Rolan and Gale snuck off to Rolan’s study as Zelphie excused herself for bed. She was absolutely not going to listen to those two prattle on about arcane nonsense. No, she wanted a bath, a cuddle with Lajy and a few midnight snacks that she could eat without judgment or theft. Rolan would always judge her insatiable hunger but always ended up stealing more than Zelphie cared for. She made herself a bath and brought a little tray of her favorite jam biscuits to munch on while she soaked and washed up. Lajy played with Zelphie’s tail that kept dipping up and down below the water. It was making her laugh. 
Zelphie got out of the bath and walked Lajy and her biscuits to bed after pulling over a night dress. She had intended on staying up to wait for Rolan, but after about an hour, she was on her back, snoring, hand still on her biscuit plate. Lajy was snoozing, purring and curled up in between her horns. The bedroom door opened quickly, slamming a bit as it shut. This woke Zelphie up and a very drunk Rolan was stumbling into the bedroom, pulling his cowl over his head. She rubbed her eyes and groaned, moving her plate and rolled to her side. Lajy hopped off her and the bed to greet Rolan.
‘You still up my darling? Oh I’m sorry,’ he muttered and Zelphie grunted. ‘Oh don’t bitch at me, I just had a wonderful evening, and and! And I learned a little more about my little wife tonight than I ever did, you little sneak,’ he said, walking over to the bed, kicking his shoes off and fiddling with his belt. She opened one of her eyes, watching him fumble. He was very drunk.
‘You’re drunk,’ she groaned and he snorted.
‘And you…you are a sloppy little slut,’ he said and Zelphie shot right up. That absolutely wasn’t funny. He laughed, regardless of how much that irritated his wife. ‘Don’t you give me that look, Gale told me aaaallllll about your little…fling with my brother’s boyfriend,’ he said and Zelphie’s face immediately got hot. She felt like she could die, her heart was beating and her stomach was twisting in knots. Yes, Astarion and Zelphie had a sexual relationship that mutually dissolved rather early on. She was teased a little from the companions for falling into a vampire’s trap, but that had all but fizzled. Clearly, Gale still thought it important enough to tell Rolan, tell him something Zelphie hadn’t told him yet. She was mortified. She was certain she wanted to have told him, she just hated that it came from Gale. ‘Mmmm oh I know that look,’ he said, pointing at her. ‘He was right, wasn’t he? Ha! To think, I’ve been jealous of Gale for months…ho ho, wrong man I think.’ It was clear that Rolan’s consumption had taken over. He might think like this, but he would never speak the way he was. He would never insult Zelphie like this, no matter how upset he was. She understood his hurt, but to bust into their bedroom and boldly call her a slut was beyond out of character. She struggled a little, but got out of bed. Tears welled up in her eyes from embarrassment and anger and guilt. Rolan rolled his eyes and stumbled over himself a little to get closer to her. ‘Come on, don’t be pissed at me, how do you think I feel?’ He asked and Zelphie glared at him.
‘I’m going to bed,’ she told him quickly, walking out of the room. Rolan grabbed her arm and she pulled it back.
‘Zelphie, come to bed, come on,’ he whined, almost as if he had forgotten what he had just said to her.
‘No, get some sleep. You're stinking drunk,’ she hissed at him.
‘You are going to judge me for a little lapse in…judgment?’ He asked and laughed. She scowled and just walked away from him, slamming the bedroom door shut as she left. She refused to fight with him while he was so intoxicated. She walked across the hall and heard footsteps.
‘Oh, are you still up?’ Zelphie looked to her right to see Gale. She scowled at him. He had been looking cheerful, but he froze on the spot and frowned when he saw Zelphie crying and scowling at him. ‘Oh…what…what’s the matter?’ He barely finished his sentence before Zelphie pointed a finger at him.
‘My husband just accused me of being a slut because of you,’ she barked at him. Gale’s eyebrows shot up and his mouth fell open.
‘Because of me? Z-Zelphie, I can promise you,’ he stammered and shook his head. ‘He called you a what? No…no…’
‘That was not your business to tell him. I have been working for months to get him to like Astarion for Cal’s sake, you’ve not only got him accusing me, but now all of my work is pushed back. I do hope you are happy with yourself Gale Dekarios,’ she shouted and walked into the nursery, slamming that door shut as well. Once inside, she slid down the side of the door to sit on the floor and just cried. Rolan was just drunk, Gale didn’t mean any harm, but Zelphie was hurt. She held her belly and sobbed, going over everything in her head. Hearing Rolan insult her like he did, whether he meant it or not crushed her heart. She would get over it, she had to get over it, but her heart had to be broken for a little while. She heard doors opening outside, but she ignored it. She heard talking because of the ruckus she had made but she just kept crying over it all. The fuss she had made, the fuss she always made.
She heard Lia shouting and she got herself up and walked over to the bed in the room. She didn’t want to hear it, she was angry that the whole damned tower was involved. It was absolutely her fault, slamming doors and screaming, but she climbed into bed and sobbed into her pillow. The last time she had slept in that bed was months and months ago. She had gone on minor adventures since her and Rolan became partners, so she had gone to sleep without him, but not since her pregnancy. She missed him, but she was so angry.
He was drunk.
She was sensitive.
It would pass.
He was drunk.
She was sensitive.
It would pass.
She repeated this to herself over and over until her head hurt. She finally calmed down, the noise outside gone except for the smallest sound. A little scratching at the door. She sniffed and held her head as she got up. The one creature in the whole tower she could face, Lajy. She rubbed her face and opened the door, looking down and letting the little cat in. As the door was opened, she heard a little sound. Rolan. She looked up, he was there, about six feet away from her, in the doorway of their bedroom. He looked exactly how she felt. His sad, puffy face only made her eyes sting with tears once more. He was in a night robe, his hair down. She looked back down at the ground, finding it terribly difficult to look at him.
‘Could I speak with you, please?’ He asked softly and she slowly shook her head. She wanted to, she desperately wanted to. She didn’t want to sleep in the nursery, she wanted to sleep with Rolan. But what she wanted wasn’t what the both of them needed.
‘We can when you are sober,’ she said and Rolan took a deep breath.
‘I had coffee,’ he said, sounded much less drunk, but there was no way an hour sobered him up that much. Zelphie shook her head slowly once more.
‘In the morning, Rolan,’ she said, still not looking up at him. She could feel him staring at her.
‘I’m sorry, Zelphie,’ he said, his voice so soft and she nodded. She didn’t respond, but she heard him. He sighed out. ‘I love you,’ he continued and Zelphie looked back up at him. He looked so desperate. Rolan and Zelphie bickered a lot, Zelphie was silly and flighty, Rolan was impatient and stubborn, they clashed a lot. This wasn’t the same.
‘I love you too, Rolan,’ she said softly and Rolan closed his eyes. ‘Go to sleep,’ she told him and slowly shut the door in front of her. Her heart ached to open the door back up. But no, they both needed sleep. Space was healthy for now, time would be the only healer tonight. She shuffled back to bed, feeling a little guilty that Lajy had chosen to sleep with her when Rolan was hurting as well. She got under the covers, covering herself up to her nose. She used the blankets to stop her tears from running down her cheeks. Lajy purred in her ear as he laid by her head, they both curled up and Zelphie drifted off into a very deep sleep.
She woke up to a knock on her door. She slowly sat up and rubbed the sleep from her eyes. She had a terrible headache. The door slowly opened and Zelphie readied herself for Rolan. It was Cal. Cal might have been worse. He poked his head in and Zelphie frowned.
‘Morning, sis,’ he said and walked in with two cups of coffee in his hands, his tail shutting the door as Lajy ran out. ‘Rolan uhm…wanted to wake you but…I didn’t think that was a good idea, he’s letting off some steam,’ he said and walked over to Zelphie’s bed, handing her the coffee. He knew that was a good enough peace offering.
‘Cal, I am so sorry, I promise you, from the bottom of my heart, on my unborn child, what Astarion and I had-‘ Cal held up a hand.
‘Please, Zelphie, don’t. Astarion told me months ago,’ he said and sat down next to her. ‘I didn’t come here to talk about Astarion. I understand it,’ he said and Zelphie frowned. She felt awful, poor Cal. She knew even if it was hurting him, he wouldn’t say anything to her. He was too good. How could he not be upset with her? What an awful thing to keep from him all these months.
‘I should have been the one to tell you,’ she said and sipped her coffee. ‘I’m so sorry Cal, I know you don’t want to hear it, but I am sorry,’ she said and he nodded.
‘I know you didn’t keep that from me to hurt me, Zelphie. I came here to make sure you were alright,’ he told her and she smiled. ‘And to warn you that Rolan is sparring with Gale,’ he said and Zelphie cocked an eyebrow.
‘You’ve been replaced,’ she said and Cal laughed.
‘Good thing to, because I’d like to sock him right right in his bumpy fucking nose,’ he said and Zelphie shook her head.
‘I love that nose, watch it,’ she said playfully and he sipped his coffee with a little laugh.
‘Oh, you must be ill, you like Rolan’s nose? You’ve lost your taste,’ he teased and she nudged him with her foot. ‘You are alright then?’ He asked and Zelphie nodded.
‘Yes, just like always, I needed to cry and sleep a long time,’ she said and patted her belly. ‘That will all be over soon though,’ she said and Cal sighed.
‘I used to think about how lucky it was that Rolan found you. He’s never been…good with, you know…other people,’ he said and Zelphie nodded. ‘I always figured he would be without a companion and then…boom you come along and just…’ Cal shook his head and looked at Zelphie. ‘Thank you for loving him the way you do,’ he said and Zelphie tilted her head.
‘I’m lucky to have him, Cal,’ she said and Cal smiled at her. ‘I’m lucky to have you too,’ she said and smiled. Cal’s smile just grew.
‘I’m luckier,’ he said and stood up. ‘Alright, I’m going to leave you to your morning, tell me if you need anything, sis,’ he said and bent over, kissing her temple. Oh that felt very nice. ‘Rolan will be in his study, getting his ass beat, he really wants to talk to you.’ Cal left after that and Zelphie drank her coffee, waking up. Once her coffee was gone, she nervously began to get dressed for the day. She was nervous because she knew her family and friends had to have been judging her for her actions last night. She didn’t like that anyone knew that she and Rolan fought the previous night. But she shouted and slammed doors, how could they ignore it? She also hated that Rolan was hurting. She was still hurting but she had more guilt than pain for herself. She kept her hair down, she knew Rolan liked it down, but brushed it back neatly. She left her room and walked to Rolan’s study. 
Zelphie held her ear to the door, hearing a lot of grunting and the knocking of wooden staffs. She carefully opened the door, feeling her heart beating quickly. She didn’t truly like confrontation, if that is what this was. She just wanted this all over and to have a normal morning with her family and friends. Inside, the room was empty, Rolan’s normal mess, tables and chairs and books and experiments pushed away to give Gale and Rolan space to spar. Rolan usually sparred in the morning with Cal, who was much stronger than Rolan. Rolan had a very good match in Gale. She witnessed Gale turn quickly to hit Rolan’s back, but Rolan’s tail blocked the hit and gave Gale a decent whack on the thigh.
‘By Mystra, I’m going to need to grow a tail,’ Gale grumbled and his brown eyes moved towards Zelphie. ‘Ah,’ he said and Rolan turned to look at Zelphie. He frowned and placed his staff down. ‘I should bathe,’ Gale said, excusing himself, walking up towards Zelphie and glancing down at her. She looked up at Gale and gave him a small smile. He smiled back. ‘Good morning,’ he said politely, but left right away, giving the couple some space. Zelphie looked back at Rolan, who was drinking from a glass of water, but was looking right back at her. She made eye contact with him, he looked sad. His tail was down on the ground, in between his legs and lifeless. She walked over to him and the closer she stepped, the harder it became to walk.
‘I’m sorry, Zelphie,’ he told her and she had to bite her bottom lip. Hearing his voice sent her right back to last night. ‘I…I shouldn’t make excuses…what I said to you last night was…beneath me. Alcohol can’t be blamed, my twisted jealousy is, and I am so sorry,’ he said and Zelphie stepped closer to him. ‘I cannot believe I called you that awful name, and I thought I was being whimsical, using dark humor to mask my own pain,’ he said and she frowned.
‘I’m sorry you were in pain, Rolan. That was my fault. I don’t know why I never told you about me and Astarion,’ she said and he glanced away for a moment. She took in a deep breath, she would tell him the truth then. ‘It was twice, two times in the six months we were fighting for our lives. I was desperate for normalcy and he was desperate for protection. It wasn’t love, it wasn’t attraction, it was desperation. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you,’ she told him and Rolan looked her face over.
‘Did you not tell me because of my anger?’ He asked her and she shook her head quickly.
‘No, not at all. I was so busy trying to get you to like my friend I just…forgot to mention it. I forgot it happened,’ she said and sighed. ‘And I feel just as guilty towards Cal. Astarion already told him and I couldn’t afford him or you the same honesty,’ she told him and played with her claws mindlessly. ‘I didn’t mean to keep it from you, and I swear, anything that pops into my mind, from now on, I’ll be honest about, I swear,’ she said and Rolan smiled down at her. It was a small smile, he wasn’t happy, just glad at her promise, her attempt. ‘I’ve uhm…never had…sex that meant anything until you,’ she said softly. ‘It…uhm…’ she went on, trying to be honest with him. ‘It was always transactional, business, no matter how much it tore something from me…but our first time together,’ she said and looked down. ‘What we do is different,’ she told him in a small voice. She felt a gentle touch, Rolan’s hand under her chin to guide her to look back up at him. She let him guide her face until she was looking him in the eye. His red skin glowing with sweat from working out, his hair untidy, but his yellow eyes were piercing through hers. She felt him looking into her soul. He could look all he needed.
‘I feel guilty that I can’t say the same,’ he said softly and her eyebrows softened.
‘Please don’t, please don’t feel guilty about that,’ she told him and he let out a breath. ‘Whoever you shared love with previously, I appreciate them,’ she said and Rolan’s eyebrows shot up in shock. She felt a giggle escape her lips. ‘Come on, just like your sparring, practice alone makes perfect…and you are perfect,’ she said and Rolan blinked a few times. He looked as though he was having a very hard time understanding her and she laughed again.
‘I don’t…what?’ He asked her and furrowed his eyebrows.
‘Whoever you’ve shared your bed with previously helped you with your…fantastic talent, I assume, which has left me with the spoils,’ she said and grinned. That seemed to confuse Rolan even more. It was funny to watch him try to accept such a compliment. His face twisted in almost irritation. He brought his hand to his forehead.
‘I think Gale hit me too hard in the head earlier,’ he muttered.
‘He hit you in the head?’ She asked, snapping out of her silly mood. He shook his head.
‘No, but if he had, I would have deserved it,’ he said and Zelphie huffed.
‘Even if you did, only I can hit you in the head,’ she said and he smirked down at her. He placed his hands out in front of him and she took them both quickly. ‘I love you,’ she said and Rolan smiled. That felt better.
‘I love you too, I am so sorry,’ he told her and she lifted herself up on her toes.
‘I forgive you, and I’m sorry too,’ she told him and he lowered his head to meet hers.
‘You are beyond forgiven,’ he muttered before kissing her. She placed her hands from his to his face, holding his cheeks and his sharp jaw. Rolan wasted no time deepening the kiss. She heard him breathe through his nose as his lips parted. His hands on her hips, pulling her closer, just stopping once her belly got in the way. He was always so delicate with her bump, even though she knew the little one would be fine. She craved the closeness but thought his caution was sweet. He smiled down at her and looked down at her little bump. ‘I missed you too,’ he said and placed a hand on her belly.
‘Rolan,’ she said softly and he looked back up at her.
‘Gale taught me something,’ he said and straightened up, holding his hands up. Zelphie tilted her head and placed a hand on her belly.
‘Gale taught you enough,’ she said and Rolan shook his head.
‘Hush and watch,’ he told her and held out his hands, readying himself. ‘Gale taught me a trick, how to hold the entire world in my hands,’ he said and Zelphie’s brow cocked.
‘What?’ She asked and he hushed her again.
‘Just watch,’ he said and she frowned. The whole world in his hands? All of Toril between his claws? What did he even mean by that? He flourished his hands as if he would now recite an incantation. She assumed the illusion of Toril would appear, but then Rolan’s hands reached out and took her cheeks. ‘There,’ he said and Zelphie blinked a few times, waiting for the trick still. ‘The whole world, in my hands,’ he said and Zelphie got it. He had her in his hands, she was his whole world. She frowned and pouted up at him, that was stupidly sweet. Rolan chuckled a little and shook his head. ‘Don’t pout,’ he told her playfully but she pouted harder and reached up to kiss him. Rolan kissed her hard and she pulled on the fabric of his shirt. She couldn’t help her eagerness. She had missed him terribly. She nuzzled her nose to his.
‘Rolan?’ She asked as he nipped at her bottom lip, moaning lightly in response. ‘Rolan, could we go to bed?’ She asked him softly and Rolan’s lips traveled, kissing the side of her mouth. ‘Please,’ she whispered. Rolan took her hand and kissed it gently.
‘My wife does not beg,’ he told her and turned her hand around, kissing her palm and down her wrist. Being close to him again, hearing his voice, his rattling breath and the sound of his lips on her skin, Zelphie was quite aroused already. He lowered their hands and led the both of them out of his study, leaving his sparring staff behind. Zelphie’s tail curled up and she followed him to their bedroom. Asterion was walking down the hallway, passing the two. He smiled and Zelphie shook her head quickly at him, silently pleading for him to not interrupt. His smile and eyes grew, but he stayed silent. Zelphie’s heart fluttered as Rolan completely ignored Asterion and walked her right to their bedroom, his grasp on her hand tight.
Once inside, Rolan shut their door and twirled her around and their lips caught each other’s once more. Zelphie’s lips parted and her tongue grazed his fangs playfully. She couldn’t help but take in his body odor from exercising. He smelled like his pillow did, that little musk of his that drove her crazy. She moaned lightly and tangled her fingers in his hair. One of Rolan’s hands held her backside, kneading her flesh. The other hand he lifted up and waved to simultaneously shut the curtains, darkening the room. A second wave of his hand and the illusion in the ceiling changed from a bright sky to a starry sky. Zelphie lifted her head to see and she smiled. Rolan impatiently picked her up and she wrapped her arms around his neck. He carried her carefully to their bed and placed her down gently. He began to unstring her bodice and she reached up to kiss him again.
‘I missed you,’ she whispered and she shuffled off the top of her dress. Rolan’s head dipped right now as her breasts were exposed, kissing the very tender skin, his tongue over her nipple gently. She hissed and moaned. Her breasts were incredibly sensitive during pregnancy. Rolan had a hard time holding back, he loved biting her, but he would be gentle. Zelphie watched him, stroking his hair lovingly. He glanced up at her, and the look he gave her made shivers run down her spin. He closed his eyes and switched her other breast, kneading the nipple of the one he had just finished with. As he caressed her with his tongue, Zelphie continued to watch him, placing her hand on the ties of his trousers. Rolan chuckled, the vibrations of such tickling her skin and she shivered again. He leaned up, helping her with his trousers and he removed his wrap shirt as well, tossing the linen fabric to the floor. He crawled close to her, unhooking the straps that remained of her dress. He looked her over, admiring her body. She watched him closely. He placed a hand on her belly bump, tracing it lovingly.
‘Oh but I missed you so much more,’ he said and his eyes traveled back to hers. His hand cupped her cheek. ‘I’m sorry I made you feel less than what you are, my love. You are perfect,’ he told her and she nudged her forehead. ‘I’m the biggest fool in the world,’ he whispered and she nudged him.
‘Don’t talk about my husband like that,’ she told him and he hummed a laugh. ‘I’ll push you out of the window.’ He chuckled and kissed her deeply. Her tail curled around his thigh, the tip carefully caressed his cock and balls. He sighed into her mouth. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down as she laid on her back. He kept himself hovering over her with one arm on the bed. The other hand on his cock, rubbing the tip on her clit. Zelphie sighed and moved her hips against him.
‘Soaking already? My sweet girl,’ he whispered. Zelphie lifted her hips and he pressed his forehead to hers.
‘Please fuck me, I want to cum on your cock, I want you to feel what you do to me,’ she whimpered, grinding her hips up to him.
‘Begging? I told you, my wife doesn’t beg,’ he said softly, obeying her wish. Slowly, he slid into her wet entrance and she gasped and then groaned. He flicked the wrist of his now free hand to summon a mage hand. The hand floated in between the couple and it pressed the pad of its thumb to Zelphie’s clit. She hummed and whined, looking up at Rolan, who was not breaking eye contact with her. He began thrusting his hips slowly, allowing her to get used to the sensation of his cock and the hand. He sat up so he could watch her. She was gripping the bed, watching him. His chest heaved slowly as he pushed in and out, a low purr of a growl escaping her chest as he did so. Her eyes left his to look at his torso. The rough infernal ridges that moved with each thrust and breath. She reached over to touch the ridges coming down his torso and hips, that rubbed against her inner thighs.
‘Oh Rolan…oh!’ She squealed as she felt a wave hit her core, a little shock of pleasure. She laid her head back and closed her eyes.
‘Does it feel good? Hm? Do I feel good?’ He asked her, spreading her right leg over a little and she moaned, feeling him hit deeper inside of her.
‘Yes,’ she cried and swallowed hard.
‘Look at me,’ he said and with every fiber of her being that she could muster, she opened her eyes with a flutter to look at him again. He leaned down, placing a hand on her cheek and jaw, his thumb on her lips. Her lips parted and she could barely taste the salt of his thumb. She was having a hard time concentrating on looking at him, all she could do was feel, feel him inside of her, feel the mage hand making quick work of her.
‘Yes, yes, Rolan, I’m…’ she said and threw her head back, that familiar and needed pulsing wave of warmth and euphoria coursing through her. She felt her muscles pulse around Rolan and he grunted.
‘Don’t you push me out,’ he said, thrusting harder as she writhed beneath him. ‘Oh fuck, fuck that’s….divine,’ he muttered and leaned back over, getting close to her again. His hands held up up, fucking her deep and quickly. Her hips rocked back and forth, riding her orgasm, while trying to control herself as the mage hand kept its pace and Rolan just went quicker. Her hips began to buck and Rolan slipped out. He sighed, sat up and patted her bottom. Shaking, Zelphie got up and flipped around, feeling the slickness between her legs. Rolan took his pillow and placed it in front of her. Zelphie got on all fours, lifting her tail to allow Rolan access again. She felt his hands on her backside. He admired her beside, her lips dripping with arousal. He raised one hand and slapped her left cheek and she whimpered. Her body quivered, another little rush of nirvana hitting her body with that contact. ‘You are all mine, aren’t you?’ He asked and she looked behind her to make eye contact.
‘Yes,’ she said and her tail snaked up his chest, coiling over her shoulder possessively. He kissed the side of her tail and she lifted her backside when she felt him nudged at her entrance.
‘Good girl, move up just a little more,’ he said and she arched her back and he moaned happily. ‘Very good girl,’ he said and pushed himself back in. Zelphie cooed, pressing her backside against him and he chuckled. ‘My eager darling,’ he said, guiding her hips as she rocked back and forth. He moaned as she panted. ‘Oh, yes, just like that, I’ll be quick,’ he muttered. Her tail gripped around his shoulder as she kept her pace steady. This position was much more agreeable to her condition, and she knew Rolan liked it, she would do just anything for him in the bedroom. This was nothing. Pleasing him by taking charge and letting him just feel pleasure was pleasure for her. She felt Rolan rocking his hips against hers and her tail curled around his neck playfully.
‘Cum for me, my love,’ she whispered, moaning loudly. ‘I want to feel you, I want it,’ she begged and Rolan dug his claws into her hips, thrusting faster for his own pleasure and he leaned over her, his chest up against her back. She felt her vestigial wings rub against him, his corrugated skin rough with each thrust, and she felt his teeth on her shoulder, biting down and breaking the skin. Zelphie cried out from the mix of pain and pleasure. It hurt when he bit her but the feeling of ecstasy surrounding Rolan’s almost feral neediness for her soothed the pain to pure pleasure. She reached under herself, touching herself, rubbing her clot furiously, wanting to cum with him. She went first, convulsing her body under him, and she felt his teeth dig into her skin deeper as she pulsed around him. He moaned, whimpered and tensed up, his grip on her hips tightened, and then he let his grip on her shoulder go. She heard him panting and she looked behind her and kissed him.
‘I love you,’ he muttered, kissing her again. She sighed happily into his kiss.
‘I love you more,’ she told him and he sat up, looking down at her, at her back and patted her backside gently.
‘I won’t abide by that, I have a much better view than yourself,’ he said and she rolled to her back and laughed.
‘Well, I hope I’m nicer to look at than the headboard,’ she teased and he smirked.
‘I meant me,’ he told her and she snorted.
‘No way, I’m your rotund wife and you…you my husband get fitter every single day and mmmm…’ she said and leaned up. ‘Your hair,’ she started and Rolan almost nervously pushed his now loose hair behind his pointed ear. ‘It’s so long and regal, that little stripe of gray is enough to make me go wild.’ Rolan’s eyebrows shot up.
‘That was a lot to take in,’ he teased her. ‘You like the gray? Goodness, what is our little one doing to your mind?’ He asked and she shook her head.
‘Rolan! It’s gorgeous, how dare you. Gods, it’s…dignified, I love it,’ she told him and he looked down for a moment, a little smile on his face.
‘Well then, maybe I’ll wear it down more often,’ he said and she just bit her lip. She would love him to wear his hair down, but he liked it up. He liked it neat, so she wouldn’t persuade him. ‘Anything to keep my wife happy,’ he told her and she smiled up at him.
‘You don’t have to do much, you do know I find you incredibly attractive,’ she told him and he shifted next to her on the bed.
‘Tieflings are known for their strange taste in beauty,’ he said and she laughed.
‘Rolan, I swear, you know you’re attractive,’ she told him and he hummed as he laid back on his pillow. He wrapped an arm around her waist and kissed her shoulder. ‘When I first laid eyes on you…a year ago, you know what my first thought was?’ She asked and he hummed in response again, still leaving kisses on her shoulder and neck. ‘Gods I hope he makes it to Baldur’s Gate, and I hope he stops in my jewelry shop when I get cured,’ she said and he laughed.
‘You know what I first thought when I saw you?’ He asked and she laughed.
‘That I was annoying?’ She asked and he hummed again and she laughed again.
‘Yes, but because I had hoped that such a powerful and beautiful sorcerer would have been on my side against Cal and Lia,’ he said and she giggled. ‘But no, that was the first of many times you stuck your pretty little nose in my business and the first time you genuinely made me angry,’ he told her and she turned to look at him.
‘Look at us now,’ she said and he grinned at her.
‘I was never, ever more blind than I was back then,’ he told her and she laughed.
‘You were going through a lot, finding romance was more than likely not a priority for you,’ she said and he nodded. ‘All of this was worth the wait,’ she told him and Rolan nuzzled her face with his. 
As much as the couple would have loved staying in bed for the rest of the day, they had guests. Guests who deserved their attention and their apologies. Rolan bathed and Zelphie left the bedroom and walked to the sitting room. There was Gale, admiring a bookshelf. Bless Gale, Zelphie thought to herself.
‘Reminds you of home, I hope,’ she said and Gale spun with a smile on his face. She smiled back at him.
‘Yes, though, I hate to admit, Rolan is a better housekeeper, with my condition gone, I have acquired quite the plethora of artifacts,’ he said and she walked closer to him and he held his hands behind his back.
‘I’m sure Tara is mortified,’ she said and he laughed and nodded, pointing at her.
‘Right as rain, you,’ he said and Zelphie grinned. ‘So, is uhm….is everything alright?’ He asked and Zelphie nodded.
‘Yes, Gale, and I apologize for last night and this morning. I’m afraid Rolan’s nightmare has come true in being a bad host,’ she said and Gale shook his head.
‘I wouldn’t dream of thinking that, no? I played the part of a bad guest. Which I believe is a worse sin, I fear,’ he said and Zelphie shook her head. ‘I am the sorry one, you were right last night, it was not my place to say what I said to Rolan. I just couldn’t think of another way to have him believe me that you and I-‘
‘I know, I know, he’s…’ she sighed and shook her head. ‘One day it will sink in, that he earned all of this, that he deserves my unconditional love, but I am still working on it,’ she said and Gale nodded.
‘I understand that feeling all too well,’ he said and Zelphie smirked.
‘I don’t think I’ll ever truly understand two powerful, talented and handsome men, kind to their core, loving to their core, with the biggest egos that can’t grasp that they deserve love,’ she said and Gale smirked, pointing at her.
‘Because, Zelphie, a man like myself or Rolan will never stop wondering if those in our lives keep us around because we deserve love, or if they just like a talented man by their side,’ he said and Zelphie’s face softened. She thought it was ridiculous, but there was an understanding there, finally. Did Rolan think Zelphie only stuck around for his talent? HIs money? His position? Of course she didn’t, but hearing it from her sage friend in such a way really made her think.
‘Thank you for that, Gale,’ she said and Gale smiled. ‘I think I needed to hear that,’ she said and Gale smiled. ‘Oh! And speaking of immense talent, proof of Rolan’s best possible quality, his patience with me,’ she said and held out her hand. Gale watched her closely, a blue light glowing around her hand as she concentrated. A black lily appeared, floating for a moment and fell gracefully into her palm. She presented it to Gale. ‘Take that mister Professor of the School of Illusion,’ she said and Gale’s eyes widened and he laughed.
‘Well, I’ll be damned a second time,’ he said and he took the flower. ‘Look at you! And not a stray spark to be seen!’ he said and inspected the flower and Zelphie beamed proudly.
‘Took MONTHS, but I think I’ve nailed that particular flower,’ she said and Gale chuckled.
‘You should be very proud of yourself, if I didn’t teach this, I would believe you plucked this from a garden,’ he said and she scowled.
‘Teach this nothing, it’s perfect,’ she insisted and Gale raised an eyebrow.
‘I can feel the Weave wherever it may be, Zelphie,’ he said and she wrinkled her nose. The lily disappeared and Gale smiled down at her.
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simp-ly-writes · 9 months
What is Left by the Lakeside (pt.1)
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Pairing: God!Gale Dekarios x Sorcerer!Reader & Tara
Summary: Gale has ascended into godhood and it seems as though he has forgotten those closest to him in the madness of it. Here lies the outcome of it all with a conversation with Tara- his beloved companion wishing to hold all those close to the man- together.
Warnings: mentions of sadness and regret.
A/N: Inspired by the Gales god epilogue; there are some dialogue spoilers so be warned. I also have not fully finished the game yet I couldn't help myself but to watch some of the possible endings.
Masterlist | Taglist | edited.
What is Left by the Lakeside Series (pt.1) (pt.2) (pt.3) (pt.4) (pt.5) (pt.6) you are here
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Your mission in saving the world was coming to its end as your crew partied one last time before heading back to your homes and to continue your own stories within Baldur's Gate. Sitting on a rock by the lakeside you held a small, bittersweet smile across your face as your fingers glided gently across the water's surface. 
The clear waters sparkled underneath your fingertips- the stars illuminating the sky- painting it was endless tales that you remember becoming lost in as a child huddled up in their bed as you became lost in the valley of dreams.
Sighing to yourself, you listened to the sounds of the water rushing up against the very rocks you sat upon, racing upwards to soak your clothes as you invited the cool night air in to ease your worries of the future. The distant echo of the party from up the hill could still be heard going strong- glasses clinking, the fire roaring loudly as Wyll’s storytelling of your adventures to those who had yet to hear. 
You looked down towards the wine bottle that sat unopened by your side, one glass full from earlier while another was waiting to be filled yet a moving form in the shadows called for your attention away from the melancholy thoughts you faced. 
“I hope that he is happy…” Tara the Tressym begins to speak while giving you a brief look over before plopping herself down beside you on the rocks. Her wings shuffle slightly at the cool night breeze making its way from across camp as you both look towards the moon illuminating the night. 
“How ridiculous it is truly, that ever-growing never sedated ego of his. I must say that I was envious of your ability to persuade him- yet it appears that not even your charms could hold him from godhood.”
Opening your mouth to reply, Tara continues to let out a bitter chuckle while pawing at a piece of your robes that float in the waters below. “Truly fitting isn’t it, Gale Dekarios, the God of Ambition, hm?”
“I sadly agree Tara” You hover your hand subconsciously over Taras fur, your body making an effort to comfort yourself to the closest memory of Gale's presence. But ultimately, you place your hand back into your robes- ignoring the ever growing longing feeling that comes in waves. “He truly is not the man I remember to be- the one I loved to spend my time with- I fear is long forgotten,” you continue with your sentence trailing off as tears well in your eyes. 
“Maybe so- maybe not. But it does not do us well to dwell on all the possibilities, some of which we both are to blame for causing the outcomes.”
“I am sorry Tara, for not doing more, for thinking I could not.” You say as you turn your head further away from her. 
“Please. Don’t you start sounding like Mrs. Dekarios too. There are only so many crying people over Gale I can handle at a moment. Who knew my boy had such a pull on people's hearts?” Tara teases, lightning the mood a tad as your tears become choked chuckles. Later drying your tears and taking a sip out of your wine, you pick up conversation once more. 
“I know you expected better of me-”
“Yes I did.”
“Yet Gale had his own part to play in this too- he is his own man- or well was after all.”
“That he was, that- he was, and a foolish one at best. But nevertheless, we both have learned from our wrongdoings and he had not. We both have become stronger out of this already.”
“You are really wise for a cat you know?” you tease, testing the waters so to speak as you twirl the glass in your hand, watching as the blood red liquid fell from the walls- crashing into itself. 
“A Tressym- my dear. But I take the compliment.” 
Tara shifts her spot on the rocks, moving to ensure her eyes meet your own as they glow slightly in the darkness of the night. 
“Perhaps you’d be willing to come meet Gale's mother after tonight? She misses him as dearly as you do it seems-” Tara questions while tilting her head- taking in your sorrow-filled appearance. 
“You say that like you don’t miss the god himself.” You say as you tip the wine glass towards her for dramatic effect. 
Tara scoffs lightly, ruffling the feathers of her wings before replying in an even tone, “I do, but a part of me always knew that tonight may have been a reality. It still is taking my heart time to process this reality as truth- the same way you both are feeling. I think it would do the group a world of good for us all to discuss the man of tonight who knew him as he was.”
There is a slight twinkle in her eye as you try and perceive the reasoning behind it- hope is all you find and it pierces through your heart like a well-thrown stake. “I would love to, Tara. Simply tell me when and where- I’ll be sure to be there.”
Purring out slightly, her wings fall to her sides in relief as she sits closer to you, nudging at your wrist as the softness of her fur meets your hand like a warm hug. “I will tell the mother in the morning to expect you. Oh, she will be delighted to be finally meeting you- even in such dire circumstances.”
“I look forward to then.” You simply state- a pure smile finding its way across your lips for the first time that night. 
“As do I, the house has been empty without Gale stirring a mess of the place.”
You chuckle out in response, the waves joining in with your laughter as they appear higher upon the shores- roaring proudly. Hiking up your robe and grabbing your supplies, the two of you head into your tent for the night- ignoring the raging party that happens outside as you place a noise barrier around the cloth room and conjure a smaller bed for Tara by the fire as sleep finds you both.
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╰┈➤ A/N: I hope that you all enjoyed reading this, thinking of making a part 2 to this on how the actual meeting goes, always open to hearing your ideas as well :)
What is Left by the Lakeside Series (pt.1) (pt.2) (pt.3) (pt.4) (pt.5) (pt.6) you are here
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cheri-translates · 4 years
[CN] Gavin’s S2 R&S - Inevitable
🍒 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers from an R&S (不可抗力) which has not been released in English servers!🍒
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This R&S features S2 Gavin!
It is incredibly important to read Ch 9 Part One before embarking on this!
[ Chapter One ]
At midnight, a young man makes a turn at a secluded alley, walking into a small hotel that’s still open for business.
He walks around the main hall, and straight into the innermost booth. The sound of shuffling in the night is continuous, and the dealer holds a cigarette in his mouth, drawing a card.
A hand suddenly approaches, and the muzzle of a gun covers his temple.
"How long will it take for you to finish this round?" Gavin’s voice is calm, fingers exerting more pressure on the trigger.
The others are so frightened that they rush out. With no way out, the man suddenly whips out a knife and swings it at Gavin. Gavin grabs his wrist, the other hand reaching for the handcuffs.
All of a sudden, a voice rings in his head: Don’t get hurt, and don't ignore the consequences. If he were to do this, it seems someone would be very sad. He doesn’t seem to want to make that person sad either.
In that second of distraction, the knife glinting with a cold light in the man’s hand slices the area between Gavin’s thumb and index finger. The thoughts in his mind accumulate amidst the pain. Gavin gathers some strength in his palm, a raging gale rolling up the battered tables and chairs. The man’s gaze turns frightened...
Three minutes later, the man, who was puffed up with pride earlier, is firmly handcuffed and kneeling on the ground, begging for mercy.
Gavin pushes the person out of the booth, and the colleague responsible for providing assistance steps forward, escorting the person into the police car.
In the main hall, the little girl who was clapping her hands and singing the birthday song earlier has burst into tears, shocked by the sight before her. Her mother comforts her. "Don't be afraid, darling. This is the Special Police Uncle who catches bad men and is here to protect us.
After glancing at him, the little girl cries even more fiercely.
Gavin nods to the girl’s mother apologetically, then walks towards the claw machine at the entrance of the hotel. After a short while, he returns, hugging the largest doll in his arms.
"Happy birthday.”
He hands a huge cartoon doll to the little girl, then turns and walks out the door.
An hour of interrogations is enough to leave one exhausted. Tang Chao stretches, holding a tidied statement while heading towards Gavin’s office.
It’s late at night, and the lights are still on. Tang Chao knocks thrice but receives no response. He tries pushing the door open, and is shocked to find that Gavin, who is seated behind the desk, is neither dealing with a case nor official business. Instead, he’s in a daze.
Gavin leans against the chair, his gaze fixed on the computer screen for a long time, brows furrowed deeply. Tang Chao walks over and glances at the screen - it’s a report regarding the arrest of the producer from [MC’s Company Name] not too long ago. He reaches out, waving his hand in front of Gavin. He asks, "How many fingers?”
When Gavin glares back coldly, Tang Chao feels relieved. However, seeing the scab wound on his hand, he’s confused again - what could be so important that he’d forget to tend to his wound?
He places the tidied statement on the table, then drags Gavin to the infirmary. "Even a body forged in iron can’t be compared to you.”
Fortunately, the wound isn’t deep, and can be healed in a few days. But Tang Chao’s intuition tells him that Gavin is a little different from usual. This time, the offender wasn’t considered dangerous, and could be easily subdued by Gavin’s skills. How did he get hurt this easily?
Before Tang Chao can ask a few more questions, Gavin has already vanished without a trace.
[ Chapter Two ]
At four o'clock in the morning, the clerk at the 24-hour convenience store yawns, overcome with boredom as he stares at the TV commercial on the wall to pass the time. A cheerful electronic sound rings. The automatic doors slide open, and a young man walks in. 
The clerk perks himself up, and is about to say "Welcome" when he realises that the customer in front of him looks very familiar.
This man lives in an apartment in the vicinity, and visits this convenience store frequently. Sometimes, he drives past in a smart-looking motorcycle. When someone tries to hit on him occasionally, he always rejects them coldly. It’s a pity that whenever he visits, he either buys instant noodles or instant bento... looks like it’s the same this time.
When the clerk sees him heading towards the convenience food shelf, he sighs in his heart: Young people these days don’t take care of their health at all.
Gavin leans down, his gaze flitting across the neatly arranged food on the shelf, absentmindedly differentiating the expiration dates marked on the packets. 
Shiitake mushroom flavoured instant noodles aren’t tasty. The stray cats at the entrance of STF prefer meat, not anchovies. Don’t get hurt, don’t get mired in danger alone, don’t leave without saying a word.
Such thoughts once again surge forth. From a certain point in time, many unfamiliar experiences have been intruding into his life. It’s as though he’s sharing another memory, these disordered fragments of memories twisting into a long, thin thread, holding onto his wrist, tugging at him secretly from time to time. 
Gavin returns to his senses, subconsciously drawing back the hand that was reaching for the convenience food, and picks the brand at the side which contains more vegetables.
When checking out, Gavin notices that there are rows of potted succulents next to the cash register. 
"This is a public welfare activity jointly launched by our store and the Loveland City Environmental Protection Association. For every plant sold, we will donate the same amount of funds to the environmental protection charity.”
Seeing how unresponsive the young customer in front of him is, the clerk is tactful as he continues scanning the remaining products, "Nine dollars in total.”
The receipt is printed, and the clerk hands it to him along with the bento. The young man suddenly points at the small potted plant that had just emerged from the soil. 
"Add this too.”
Back home, Gavin throws his jacket into the washing machine, sets the time for washing and drying, then heads into the bathroom to take a shower. 
A strong gush of water flows from the shower, and white mist quickly fills the entire space. The stinging pain from the wound sobers him up quite a lot, and he subconsciously thinks: The wound should be tended to quickly, and “she” can’t know about it.
Realising what he’s thinking, Gavin is once again stunned-
Who’s “she”?
And why is he so concerned about how that person feels?
Stepping out of the bathroom, the washing machine makes a "ding" sound. Gavin wipes his head and walks over to take a look, only to realise that he had put bleach instead of laundry detergent. He stares at the washing machine in silence for a while, then reaches out to unplug the power, retrieving the ruined jacket.
After all of this, Gavin suddenly remembers the small potted plant he just bought. The clerk said that if it is placed in a location with sufficient sunlight, there would be new shoots in a week, and that it’s very easy to grow. 
Gavin places it on the balcony, then picks up the phone and begins to search "How many times must succulents be watered in a day". Whether it’s a mere illusion, that sense of deja vu once again surfaces.
"What in the world am I doing...?" He mutters to himself, tossing his phone aside a little irritatedly. He returns to the bedroom, lying on the bed and closing his eyes, waiting for sleep. 
In the depths of this autumn night that no one knows about, the rain outside the window patters against the leaves gently, and there is a very, very light stirring in his heart.
Gavin opens his eyes, looking at the ceiling which is illuminated by car lights. Suddenly, an unnamed emotion surges in his heart - he feels that the memories he has never been able to grasp weren’t “forgotten”. Rather, they are “losses” which render him powerless.
[ Chapter Three ]
On a rare, idle weekend, Tang Chao calls a group of friends from the STF together for hotpot. Right after ordering the hotpot base, Lu Yi’s conscience suddenly bugs him, and he asks if he should call Captain Gavin over. 
Thinking about how rarely Gavin gets to rest and how he definitely wouldn’t be willing to see this group of people, Tang Chao knowingly shakes his head. However, his mouth has a different idea. “I’ll call him then.”
On the other side, a few special police officers are comforting Xiao Zheng from the Publicity Department who was hurt emotionally. Xiao Zheng fell out of love last week, and has been feeling extremely fragile and sensitive these few days. Hearing the bitter love songs in the shop, his eyes immediately redden.
Tang Chao taps open his contacts list, silently recalling the odd behaviour of Gavin recently. He isn’t interested in being a busybody, but his instincts tell him that Gavin has something on his mind, and it’s a change obviously brought about by that girl’s appearance. But whenever Tang Chao wants to inquire about it, the words get halted by Gavin’s killer glare. 
Thinking about this, Tang Chao glances at Xiao Zheng sympathetically, and comes to a definite conclusion - if Captain Gavin were to continually suppress his emotions without releasing them, it’d result in an illness.
Tang Chao asks the waiter to serve two dozen beers, then dials Gavin’s phone.
"Good evening Captain Gavin. Have you eaten?" 
"I don’t mean to annoy you, but Captain Eli invited us to have butter hotpot. You coming? 
"Don't be in such a hurry to refuse. I’ve got something to talk to you about. Yes, it’s happening right now... it’s of utmost urgency.” Tang Chao shoots a grin towards an astonished Eli. Then, he continues fabricating a tale. "I don’t want to run laps. There’s a genuine matter.
Half an hour later, Gavin frowns as he walks into the hotpot restaurant. Seeing this, a few young special police officers immediately set down their chopsticks and stand up straight in a row. The only thing they haven’t done is to salute at Gavin. 
Tang Chao grins, asking the waiter to bring an additional pair of tableware over. “Captain Gavin, you’re here.” 
Gavin glances at Tang Chao and says in a cool voice, "What’s the urgent matter?"
“Xiao Zheng fell out love, so he asked you over to console him with us.”
Xiao Zheng frantically waves his hands in surprise, stammering a retort. Tang Chao pushes him back onto his seat and signals for him not to speak. 
"Don't be sad, the chances of people ending up together is always unpredictable." Tang Chao pats Xiao Zheng on the shoulder. "Besides, who doesn’t have someone in their heart? Don’t you agree, Captain Gavin?" 
These words are akin to a sudden clap of thunder on a calm sea. Xiao Zheng immediately forgets to cry. Eli immediately straights up, and the others hurriedly set down their chopsticks, whipping their heads over to look at Gavin like meerkats.
Gavin remains expressionless, though the hissing sound emanating from his body is even cooler than the ice cubes in the beer.
Since they’re in public, Tang Chao knows that it wouldn’t be convenient for Gavin to give him a beating. As such, he’s incredibly composed, and continues with his questions without a fear of death. “Captain Gavin, why aren’t you saying anything?”
“Why do you think this has anything to do with her?”
“I already saw the photograph back in the training days. Is she the lady from before when you roared “Tang Chao, put your hands away”?
[Note] These are references to R&S [Tempering] and Ch 2 Part One!
"...Tang Chao!”
“I'm here, I'm here." Tang Chao fills Gavin’s glass with beer. "Captain Gavin, I actually realised that you haven't been in the best state recently, but you don't like speaking your mind. I’m showing my concern." 
“It’s said that you speak the truth after drinking, and today’s beer should be enough. Whatever you want to say, whatever’s suppressed in your heart, just release them all happily. Right, Captain Eli?”
After three rounds of drinking, Tang Chao fails to get Gavin drunk, but ends up drinking too much himself. Once again, he complains about Gavin's "Death Training" back in the days of special training. In the end, Gavin foots the bill. 
Eli steps forward and pats him on the shoulder, saying, "Did something happen recently?" Gavin shakes his head in resignation. "You really believed him? His mouth is like a runaway train.”
Eli looks at Gavin and sighs. "I know you don’t need anyone to worry about you.”
"But that kid Tang Chao said one thing right. If one keeps suppressing their feelings, they’ll be suppressing problems.”
[ Chapter Four ]
On the way back, Gavin sees withered leaves on the branches along the street, and only then remembers the small succulent he had bought not long ago. 
Back home, the potted plant on the balcony shrinks alone in the corner. Originally thinking that the plant he had left “free range” for so many days would meet a premature end, it turned out to be alive despite having a few withered leaves. Gavin finds this a little unbelievable, and he becomes more meticulous in watering it.
The next morning, Tang Chao opens the door to Gavin’s office and apologises solemnly. "Captain Gavin, I'm sorry. I promise that I’ll never inquire about your personal life in the future, let alone make arbitrary conjectures about your feelings.”
Without looking up at Tang Chao, Gavin only tosses out a sentence. "Before next Monday, re-check all the case data in the Archive Room.”
The Archive Room is on the third basement floor. The dust is very dense and the materials are very thick. Tang Chao wails immediately, leaving dejectedly.
Gavin picks up the document Tang Chao had just placed on his desk. It is a sealed report for the seizure of "small syringe" production plants, which records in detail the batches and output of pharmaceutical companies which participated in the production.
Reaching the final part of the report, Gavin is silent for a moment. At the end of the report, there is a line of small characters - "Ten boxes of drug samples are suspected to have gone missing." 
Without putting much thought into it, a face with a beaming smile locks onto his mind.
“...I won't investigate you this time." He sighs, putting the report back into the drawer. 
After ferreting the mole out of STF, Gray Rhino seems to have erased all traces of the "small syringes". But Gavin knows they wouldn’t withdraw easily from competing for "CORE" - naturally, neither will Black Swan.
Gavin is clear that the current peace will not last for long. Before the girl stands against him on the opposite side, what he has to do is be one step ahead, obtaining more crucial information as soon as possible.
The phone beeps, notifying him of a new e-mail. Gavin is pulled back from his thoughts, and his eyes fall on the unknown email that popped up.
"Congratulations on your successful registration in the Hunter Game" - the sender’s address is encrypted, and there is no doubt that no information can found.
Gavin's thoughts gradually settle. His hands are clasped lightly on the table, his gaze falling on the words "Hunter Game", his gaze turning sharp and determined. 
That place definitely has something they’re looking for.
[ Chapter Five ]
In the STF Intensive Care Unit, a dripping sound accompanies the plastic tube. Gavin sleeps very peacefully, and he feels like he had a lot of dreams in his dazed state. They aren’t nightmares which wake him up with a start, but dreams which make him willing to remain asleep.
However, it seems he can only remember the final dream from the long series of dreams. When he’s roused awake by the sound of footsteps in the corridor, what lingers before his eyes is a blurry yet familiar face. Gavin sits up on the hospital bed, the pain from the no-longer-effective anaesthesia making him more awake. 
Despite not telling Tang Chao and Eli about his participation in the Hunter Game, they aren’t suspicious. They’ve grown accustomed to Gavin’s aloof nature, and as such, assumed that he went on a secret mission.
During his absence over the past few days, there was a new development in the Evolver assassination incident - a new victim has appeared. 
Gavin is very clear that if the cases were to be allowed to ferment, the higher-ups from “that side” would intervene in the matter. They have to take immediate action.  
“There’s one more tricky thing." Tang Chao sits at the edge of his desk. "For the latest assassination case, we encountered a witness with a special situation. We might have to ask an Evolver who can read memories for help."
Tang Chao blinks and asks, "But I don't know any Evolvers with this ability. Do you know any, Captain Gavin?”
According to theory, aside from work purposes, they should be keeping a distance from each other. But according to the girl, the reason why they’ve come out for an idle stroll is, for one, to relax. Two, to search for inspiration to solve the case.
The lead from the only witness to the Evolver assassination was cut short. Gavin isn’t affected much, since he knows that this matter isn’t simple. In contrast, the girl is especially bothered by it, and feels apologetic for not being able to help. 
On the bustling street in the afternoon, Gavin returns to his senses, taking the oden which the girl hands over with a smile. 
When walking by her side, Gavin realises that he’s barely thinking about the things that are bothering him. He naturally picks up her conversation topics, as if they had wandered aimlessly on the street side by side before. 
Does she feel the same way? In his heart, Gavin shakes his head in self-mockery, wanting to forget these thoughts which confuse him.
Walking out of the food street, rain patters down. The pedestrians on the street crowd together suddenly, rushing towards the station. Gavin holds up an umbrella, planning to send her back. 
The yellow wintersweet flowers exude a subtle fragrance in the rain. The smell, colour, and the scent of the person next to him seem to be magnified, forming a memory of the present moment. 
Perhaps, even before he noticed it himself, while he has been deliberately neglecting the complex emotions in his heart, they have been also been growing in a place where he cannot see. When she calls his name, when she accidentally touches his hand, it’s as though some things from a very long time ago are coming back to life in his mind--
Someone had once called his name using such a tone.
Someone had once held his hand in this way.
Someone... was once his strength.
The emotions which he conceals deeply, whether they are good or bad, were once held gently. 
A scorching wave of heat suddenly rushes into his chest.
The traffic lights change, and the crowd waiting at the side of the street slowly surge towards the middle of the road. The surrounding pedestrians squeeze past each other, bumping into his shoulder from time to time. 
Gavin lifts his head abruptly, watching the side profile of the girl as she’s in the rain. It’s as though there’s an intriguing overlap. It’s as though a very long time ago, his heart had leapt this fiercely for her.
The girl suddenly turns around, looking in his direction and waving at him. Putting away her umbrella, she points to a mother-daughter duo hiding from the rain underneath the bus stop. She asks for his opinion through her gaze. Without much thought, Gavin removes his jacket, brisk walking towards her in the rain.
Raindrops patter down, and the water beneath his feet leave splashes in their wake. Akin to rain, they land on his body. It’s as though he gets slightly more drenched with each step. At this moment, Gavin realises that on days when memories are muddied, he has grasped a thin thread since a long time ago.
The jacket supports a narrow world, and wind and rain occasionally blow in. 
If their reunion was meant to verify their directions, no matter what the future holds, what he has to do now is to run forward with her, together.
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[Note] Please don’t ask me about the Hunter Game! I haven’t had the chance to read the earlier chapters in detail so I don’t know the specifics 😅
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tanabree · 8 years
Just This (Baka Bukas fanfic)
PART 1 A/N: I just watched Baka Bukas and though I was hooked, I kinda wish the ending was little bit different. So here is my version of what could have happened. If you haven't watch the movie yet, please read at your own risk. Spoiler alert. Also, please watch the movie! The cinematography is amazing. Jasmine and Louise's chemistry is spot on. The soundtrack is URGH! Eargasm! Been listening sa Spotify all day.And please share this if you have the time. I hope you like it! P.S: all grammatical errors are mine, may pasok pa ako mamaya so hindi ko masyado na-proof read; this is a product of my imagination.  **** Today was the 79th day without Jess. Sa tingin ni Alex, she's doing pretty well. She's past the stage of moping and sulking in her room. Gone were the days she spent crying and being alone. But she missed her. She's still her bestfriend. Kahapon, after she bid goodbye to Kate, may nadaanan siyang mask shop. She remembered that one time she and Jess stole a pair of masks which led to their first kiss. Good old times. She wondered how her best friend and former girlfriend is doing. Last time she heard, Kabibae is doing really well. She's happy that her best friend is now getting more recognition for her craft. The writer-director-photographer-production designer-and social media manager stopped her musings and lazily got out of her bed. She has work to do and tonight she'll get hammered because it's Julo's birthday. Maybe she'll even meet a potential date. Naligo na siya at nagbihis pagkatapos ay bumaba na at dumiretso sa kusina. "Good morning Mom", bati niya sa ina na kasalukuyang nagluluto ng tapsilog. "Morning Nak, pakituloy nga itong pagsasangag ko." Her Mom said sabay abot ng syansi sa kanya. Pagkuwa'y pumunta ito sa kitchen counter para kunin ang cellphone. "Anong meron? Bakit nag-tapa ka?" tanong niya habang hinahalo ang kanin at bawang sa mainit na kawali. "Masama na palang lutuin ang paborito mo?" her Mom jokingly responded while doing something with her phone. "Ahah! Alex say hi!" sabi nito sabay tutok ng camera sa kanya. "Mom! Ano na naman ba yan?! Ang weird mo ha, baka akala mo hindi ko napapansin minsan kinukunan mo ko ng stolen shots. Are you setting me up on a blind date? Kanino mo ba pinapadala yang mga yan" She said trying to avoid the camera. "Ang korny mo Nak. Dati nung bata ka pa gustong-gusto mo na kinukunan ka ng videos. Kumakanta at sumasayaw ka pa. Pagbigyan mo na ako, just like old times. Come on sing for Mommy," tumatawang udyok nito sa kanya. Bagama't iiling-iling, pinagbigyan na niya ang ina. Pinatay niya ang stove pagkatapos ay hinawakan ang syansi na animo'y mic. Then she sang dramatically. "Let me know if I'm doing this right Let me know if my grip's too tight Let me know if I can stay all of my life Let me know if dreams can come true Let me know if this one's true 'Cause I see it And I feel it Right here And I feel you right here " "Yehey! Galing-galing naman ng baby ko! Paborito mo talaga yang kantang yan no? I wonder why," "Mom it's just a song." She said, but internally, she's face palming herself, because she subconsciously sang her and Jess' favorite song. She's starting to think na hindi pa sapat ang more than 60 days na palugit para tuluyang kalimutan ang kaibigan. She still have the occasional slips when she remember or do or say something that will make her think of that person she's so afraid of losing, which by the way, she lost altogether. "Oh siya, kumain na tayo. Pareho na tayong male-late nito sa trabaho." They ate comfortably while talking about what they will do the whole day. They finished their breakfast relatively fast, the mother and daughter bid their goodbyes, then her Mom joked, " Magpaganda ka mamayang gabi, baka nasa party ni Julo ang forever mo." "Hahaha, ew, Mom, you're weird! Take care!" Her day went uneventful. She pitched her movie concept to her bosses which yet again, she heard a lot of objections and rejections. She sighed thinking why it is so hard for her bosses to understand what she's trying to say. Hindi rin niya maintidihan why they are so afraid of taking a risk about her original concept about Manila Bae. One of her bosses is gay, he of all people should understand how representation of all kinds in movies is very important. But of course, it's about the money and the general acceptance of the viewers. So no, maybe she'll have to wait until she has enough money and will do her own girl on girl movie. Anyway, now that her work is done, she's looking forward to de-stress and unwind with her friends. She went home and changed her outfit quickly. Wearing her favorite denim jacket, a shirt with the word "girl" on it and a pair of white sneakers, Alex is ready to party. The celebration is already starting when she arrived, good thing she haven't missed her friend's speech yet. She found Julo being all lovey-dovey with his boyfriend David. Napangiti na lang si Alex. It seems like her two friends are on their way to forever. "Hey guys! Julo, happy birthday!" bati niya sa dalawa sabay halik sa pisngi ng mga ito. "Oh my God! Ang tagal mo ha, I thought you'll miss my birthday. May surprise pa naman ako." Julo exclaimed. "Oh? Ano yun?" she asked. "Mamaya na yan, it's time for you speech Babe." Singit ni David. "Hey, everyone, gather around please. Our birthday boy has something to say." Julo is ending his speech when she felt a presence behind her. Second, it was that familiar scent that made her aware of who was standing behind her. Then she heard a voice. A voice so familiar she felt goose bumps at the back of her neck. **** "Julo! Happy birthday! Hi David!" sabi ng bagong dating sa kanyang mga kaibigan. Pagkatapos ay humarap ito sa kanya. "Alex." Jess softly said. Alex was not able to hide her surprise. Finally, nasa harap ulit niya ang babaeng dahilan ng lahat. And oh, was she beautiful! She can't speak; she can't even breathe. So she glared at her two guy friends instead. "It's my birthday, so I invited her. Surprise." Julo mischievously said. She glared at him some more, then walked out. She went to the bar, got a beer then sat at the far right corner of the sofa near the counter. Then she glanced back to her friends who appeared to be having a serious conversation. Then David started to point his head towards her directions so she looked away and pretended to be busy looking at something. The she felt someone sat beside her. "Hi." Jess started. "Hi." She answered. "Kumusta?" "Okay naman. Ikaw?" "Okay na ulit." Alex wants to ask why? Hindi ba siya okay dati? But decided to say "okay" instead. After a few minutes of silence, Jess talked again "Okay tong party ni Julo ah." "Hmm. Mukhang na-gets ninyo na ang isa't isa ah. Hindi nila nabanggit sa akin." "Nagkikita kami minsan. Okay naman pala sila." "Yup." "Sabi mo sa akin bigyan kita ng 60 days to deal with happened between us. Sobra na yung palugit pero nag-walk out ka pa rin kanina." "Sorry. Nabigla lang ako. I am not expecting you to be here." Then another awkward silence again. Alex saw in her peripheral vision that Jess started playing with her hands. She knows it's a sign that her friend is getting anxious. Before, she used to help her ease her anxiety by intertwining her right hand with Jess' left. They were girlfriends back then. And even before that, she can also do the same because they were best friends, walang malisya. But now, no matter how badly she wants to do so, she can't because they just started talking again. After 79 days, here they are sitting side by side, but there is this tension between them. "Okay ka lang?" She finally asked pointing her beer to Jess' hands. "Sorry." Sabi lang nito. Then Jess let out a big sigh. "Sama ka sa akin." "Saan?" she said, confused. "Basta. Mabilis lang." sabi nito sabay tayo. Bagama't naguguluhan, sumunod na lang si Alex sa kaibigan. Nadaanan nila sina Julo at David. She thought she heard Julo whispered to Jess "good luck." Though she doesn't understand why he said that to her, she did not attempt to ask more questions. They are just going to talk anyway. For all she know, Jess has a new guy now and she'll just update her about how her life is doing. Jess headed towards the stairs. Still confuse, she followed her but she's asking herself why they have to go upstairs. Natatandaan niya na ang second floor ng bar ay stock room/mini-office ng may-ari. Pagdating sa second floor, bumungad sa kanya ang dilim ng kwarto. She stood there trying to see within the dark? "Ahm, Jess?" tawag niya sa kaibigan. Then the room went brighter. Alex eyes widened in surprise again. Her breath hitched. The open-spaced room was decorated with colorful lights. Not only that, there were pictures of her and Jess spread all over the room from the early days of their friendship to the time they were dating. Then, a portion of the wall lit up. A projector was set up in the corner of the room. She saw herself singing while cooking. That was the video her Mom took earlier this morning. She stood there, watching herself sing, then she felt Jess stood beside her. "What... Why?" She asked dumbfounded, not looking at her friend but watching the wall screen. The slide show was showing pictures and videos of her within the last few months. She turned her head towards her friend, she did not see her lips coming towards hers. She was standing there, with her best friend, her ex-girlfriend's hand on each side of her face and her lips on her lips. Alex was stunned and shocked. She missed those lips. So she closed her eyes, and let the moment be.  **** Yes, she most definitely missed these lips on hers. That was what Jess is thinking about that very moment. Hindi niya alam ang magiging reaksyon ng kaibigan sa ginawa niya sa kwarto, so following her impulsive instinct, she just kiss her. And what a good decision it was. She slowly moved her face away from Alex, but not too far away and her hands stayed were they are, on Alex's cheeks, caressing them softly. Their faces were just millimeters from each other. Alex's eyes were still closed. She looked so serene and breath-taking. Then her best friend's eyes slowly opened and is now staring back at her. Confusion, hope and longing were etched on those expressive eyes. "Hi Buko Sherbet, " Jess said timidly. "Upo tayo?" aya niya dito. Tahimik pa din si Alex kaya inalalayan niya na itong maupo sa sofa na nakalagay sa gitna ng kwarto. Naupo ang magkaibigan. Alex's eyes went back to the pictures and continued to watch the slide show playing in front of them. "79 days ago, I agreed for us to not see each other not because I don't want to be in your life anymore but to give myself a time to think too. Alam mo ba, may one time nung 4th year high school tayo na gusto kitang halikan. It was during one of our sleep overs. You were already sleeping tapos ako hindi pa makatulog. Yakap mo yung unan ko, tapos yung mukha mo nakaharap sakin. Tapos bigla na lang, I found myself staring at you. Iiniisip ko nung mga oras na yun, ang cute pala nitong best friend ko. Matangos ang ilong, cute yung mga labi, marami siguro nag-ca crush ditong classmates namin. Then I had that urge to kiss you. I don't know why, pero gusto ko." "Did you kiss me while I was sleeping?" Alex asked. "Hindi eh. Pinigilan ko. Sabi ko sa sarili ko, bakit ko siya hahalikan? Mali eh. We're both girls. We're bestfriends. Baka bigla kang magising tapos magalit ka sa akin. Baka lumayo ka. So I pushed that feeling away. Hindi ko na en-entertain. I thought it was just a fluke. Then we got caught up with college and friends and parties and guys. Nakalimutan ko na yung moment na yun. Naalala ko lang ulit nung umamin ka na lesbian ka." "So?" "So what happened between us is not because nadala lang ako na lesbian pala ang best friend ko. But I was not ready to really deal with us being girlfriends yet. I need to be sure that what I was feeling was real. It's true when I said I never felt that happy before. Sa mga exes ko, they come and go. But you are different Alex. But at the same time, I also have a career to maintain, a family to explain things to and a belief that that kind of relationship is not permanent. I agreed to not see you dahil gusto ko na masigurado muna sa sarili ko kung ano ba talaga ang gusto ko. Kung ano ba talaga ang importante para sa kin." "And that is?" "Ikaw. Hindi ako nag-effort ng ganito para lang sabihin ko sayo na gusto ko maging mag-best friend ulit tayo." "Paano ang career mo? Sina Tita at Tito? Do you now know what you are?" "I think I'll be okay. I've established my name already at sinabi ko naman sa manager ko. And besides, I think we need more LGBTQ representation sa TV. Sina Mommy, okay din sila. I told them about us. At first nagulat sila, it took some time and a lot of explaining, but they are coming around. And me, I'm bi. I still get attracted to guys, alam mo na, konting crushes, but I am really into this girl. She's a writer-director-photographer at kung ano-ano pa." She ended her speech by bumping her shoulder to Alex's. Her best friend chuckled. Then turn towards her. "So no more hiding?" "No more hiding." Jess replied with a smile then she took the other girl's hand and put it near her heart. "What we want does exist Alex. I am hoping for us to be each other's" more". I want us to be like magic. But not the" like nothing ever happened" kind of magic. I want the fairytale magic. I want to try this again without pretending that you are just my best friend. I want to do the same things we did before but not just within your room or my room. Gusto ko katulad ng dati, susunduin mo ko sa set, pero kapag may nagtanong na kung sino ka, I want to proudly say na that girl right there is my best friend... and girlfriend." "Okay." Alex simply said then hold Jess' hands. I mean, ano pa ba ang masasabi niya? This is the moment she's been waiting for. She realized that after months of trying to get over her, hindi pala siya nagtagumpay. Seeing Jess again tonight only proved how deep her love is towards her best friend. Hindi pala nag-apply sa lahat yung three-month rule. 79 days without Jess was 79 days of just existing without a purpose. "Okay lang? Walang romantic speech? Wala man lang Jess, you are the love of my life?" her best friend joked. "Mukha mo! Ligawan mo muna ako. And also, paano mo nagawa ang lahat ng ito? What if may girlfriend na pala ako?" "I have my connections. I've asked Tita, Julo and David to keep me updated about your whereabouts. That includes taking your pictures and videos. Also, nagpahalik ka na sa akin kanina ah saka kulang pa ba to? I think I went all out with this surprise. You should give me an A for my effort". "I was caught off guard kanina." "Eh kung halikan ulit kita ngayon? Caught off-guard ka pa din ba?" "Try mo." Hamon niya dito. Jess smiled then inched her face towards her. Then like a feather, her lips descended to hers. She pulled back a little, then kissed her again. This time, a little deeper, a little sweeter, a little harder. Then she kissed her again and again and again until Alex is out of breath. She opened her eyes, dazed and in awe, she saw Jess smirking at her. " Still caught off guard?" "Definitely." Then they stared back at the wall screen and proceeded to watch the slide show with their hands intertwined. "So, plans tonight?" Jess asked while putting her head on Alex's shoulder. "Just this." Alex replied while making herself comfortable on the sofa. "Just this?" Jess looked at her, then kissed her shoulder then looked at the wall screen again. "Just this." Alex answered with content, kissed Jess' forehead, then looked at the wall screen again. Downstairs, people were dancing, drinks were pouring and the music was blasting, but upstairs, these two girls was in their own happy world. They were never really just friends. As in friends-friends. They are each other's "it". End. A.N: I want to give the last few dialogues a different perspective. Medyo bitin kasi yung ending eh. But nevertheless Baka Bukas is worth watching. Thanks for reading guys. Please share this story=D. P.s.if ever you'll share this, please reblog and credit me..no plagiarism please, that's bad😄😃
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