#ST: Picard
emilylorange · 9 months
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😮 It's #StarTrekDay?!
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gatespage · 1 year
1994 | 2023
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Star Trek: Picard
Dominion (3x07)
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midgeonsmidgeon · 7 months
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raffi musiker was really the highlight of picard for me. ugh. :)
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Here are my 10 retro episode posters for the final season of Star Trek: Picard, created over the last 10 weeks. They're be available in my shop for a one-week window only - now until April 28. Links to each print are below:
The Next Generation Disengage Seventeen Seconds No Win Scenario Imposters The Bounty Dominion Surrender Vox The Last Generation
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the-reading-owl · 1 year
Love that Picard was like: the Beverly I know would never do these things like Crusher wasn't always down to violate the Prime Directive and disobey direct orders if they somehow got in her way of helping people
Like, I hate to break it to you, Jean-Luc, but Beverly definitely would do these things
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ktlsyrtis · 1 year
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runrundoyourstuff · 1 year
(st: picard spoilers)
i can't believe they killed shaw :(
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neyafromfrance95 · 1 year
it feels like S3 is shaming picard for not choosing a nuclear family, not wanting to be a father or a spouse, instead being a parental figure to his crew and living the life of exploration, choosing the vastness of space and belonging to the stars. it is as if S3 says that picard's life is regrettable and legacy is wasteful since the most of it was not about being a biological father of a child.
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transpidergwen · 1 year
On the one hand, hearing these reviews of Picard s3 say that it essentially stands alone from the first two seasons is a relief because maybe that will allow the show to finally be halfway decent (the reviews are raving but fool my thrice, I'll believe it if I see it). On the other hand I'm furious because they made me sit through those first two seasons for apparently nothing when they could've been making a better show this whole time.
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daxromana · 1 year
“there isn’t anything you could say that i want to hear” “secret romulan assassins are operating on earth” is an iconic exchange
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scvlly · 1 year
ok so we started picard and literally the first thing i have to say is the sheer fucking GALL of pretending Lal never existed???? excuse me?? data HAD a daughter????
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isagrimorie · 1 year
Rewatching Picard s1 2 parter finale and Seven really didn’t have a lot to do. If I were to rearrange things, I would out Seven’s dramatic entrance with the Borg cube when the Romulan ships arrived.
It would be quite an image a Borg cube and Starfleet working together. And then Narissa ambushes Seven, distracting her from helping Picard.
And then everything will play oht the same, except Secen is more involved in the plot.
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theurbanspaceboi · 1 year
i'm watching picard and if anything happens to my best friend hugh i kill everyone and then myself
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lorenzobane · 1 year
Alright- finally getting around to the last episode of Picard, and I figure why not liveblog it:
It is still SOOO unclear to me why the fuck the Changelings are even bothering to help the Borg. I guess their conceptual mission (conquer everyone) is pretty similar, but.... that feels like. Not enough.
It is very nostalgic to see everyone on the Enterprise-D, though. I can't deny that. Picard's got me there.
WHY is Jack the command signal? It remains stupid. I genuinely thought the Pah Wraith theory was more interesting than this aiuwhefs;djlk';
I do love the Borg cube's exterior design, though- its so iconic, and seeing it rendered with modern graphics
Awww poor little cook- but also he had to run the deli because his brother "had a hernia"..... sir. You're in the future. Why would that stop anyone from doing anything for longer than like. a day. I think your brother was lying to you.
Okay, I'm gonna be so real- am I the only one who kinda doesn't give a shit about Jack? I get he's there to add some stakes, but I truly don't care at all. Explode him idgaf.
If the idea is to wake Jack up from his evil slumber then why would you not send Beverley....? Who, ya know, raised him?
"And I will make it a threesome" Okay i love you Worf
Okay- like I said, I am not immune to nostalgia, "it's been an honor serving with you all" OKAY, fine Daddy Picard you got me.
Also a lot of long lingering looks between Deanna and Will... Makes me think one of them might not make it out alive
You know it really is so telling how much of the original Borg design, from the ship to the interiors, they kept. Tells you how impressive it was the first time around. It is just so creepy and excellent.
Cool. Picard has magical Borg senses.
Fine fine, the Riker/Picard/Worf scene was sweet. Can you tell that I'm a willing sap for alllll the TNG nostalgia?
LMAO I'm SORRY i actually love the camp excellence of the Borg Queen emerging from the shadows to cackle evilly
Okay HELL yeah for a Seven of Nine "Big Damn Captain" speech
This is just so funny. The Borg queen is so so fucking funny. Why is she so melodramatic. Real Miette energy.
Oh this changeling connection is dumb as hell
Worf's Bat'leth with a built in phaser is COOL okay. Sometimes I am a teenage boy.
I am not immune to TNG theme music
I am also not immune to people who have trusted each other for a lifetime coming together again. Geordi trusting Data's gut.
Ahhhh the classic "all hope is lost" moment, how I love thee
I'm sorry to say it, I really am because its the emotional heart of the story, but I just don't care about Jack
LMAO conflict solved with a hug from dad- Christ the daddy issues on star trek continue to astonish and amaze
Longest "one minute to get out" ever
I'm sorry I'm sorry but once again I'm weak for the old "the strength of their connection saves the day" and I'm a sentimentalist at heart
Kinda obsessed with the idea of Riker just being the type of guy who needs a universe-ending catastrophe every once in a while or they get bored
God Michael Dorn is sooooo good at playing Worf its not even funny. He's just. Worf. I could watch him play this character perfectly for the end of time.
Love it when Starfleet just Starfleets. "Ehh you're reckless and a little insane, but in that good way that sometimes saves the galaxy. here- have a ship and hang out on the frontiers, and don't bother us."
Worf, House of Martok...... My beloved
Poor Deanna, you do deserve a beach vacation
Starfleet history must be BUCK WILD. You tell the story of that time a crew of old people stole a ship from a museum and saved the world. Like. Okay.
uaoeisdjokf THIS fucking guy. Okay, now that I know he's lame I like him more
"What could possibly go wrong?" Wow was that a heavy-handed setup. I think I heard something about a TV show and now I feel extra convinced they are either planning one or at one point were.
Everyone being SO NORMAL about Captain starting words is so fucking. okay starfleet really MUST be the nerds of the galaxy.
Okay. I'm gonna be honest I don't think I needed quite so much nostalgia bait at the end. It was nice for like. A second. Especially when it was intercut with the younger characters.
Ending on them playing poker together, la ti da- everyone got a happy ending and in Starfleet heroes are rewarded
Anyway- it was fine. I found the episode kind of underwhelming honestly, but it wasn't horrific. Just kinda. Star trek typical levels of nonsense.
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the-reading-owl · 1 year
Despite not having watched the previous seasons, I just started Picard season 3 because I can't believe all us fangirlies were right all along and there was a secret child
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