vibecenter13 · 2 years
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i will never be normal again
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dennydraws · 2 years
Curious and I wanna ask because you have played Octopath Traveler 2! :D
For many friends of mine, the critique for OT1 was that the different stories had too little impact on each other. Do you share the same sentiment? If yes, does OT2 do it better?
Also, should you have played 1 before 2? Thanks 💕
Hello hello, bright Spark!! :D I had indeed played Octo1 before Octo2 even though they aren't related. It's same world, same religion and gods, different continent and different time period. Octo2 feels more industrial, more steampunk times and less medieval! :D If you haven't played Octo1 you can dive into 2 without an issue and I think I'd recommend it cause 2 is so vastly superior, I can't believe how polished it is!!
First of all, I am a slow player! Really, I'm savoring a lot as I play ;u; I like taking my time cause the game is absurdly gorgeous, the music is amazing and the characters are so lovable I'm dying. With that said, I've only finished Temenos and Osvald's stories, started everyone else's and progressing with Throne next!
The characters have cross path stories where they share a quest. I'm unaware how exactly it progresses, how long they are or what triggers them. I only got part 1 of Temenos and Throne, so in a way they do interact more. During their individual stories they don't.
Characters do have banters that are recorded in a journal so you can't miss them and they do feel more frequent but I played Octo1 long ago when it came out so... my memory is fuzzy!
Characters do address one another during combat a lot which in my opinion makes things more personal and dynamic. They encourage or worry for whoever is injured or applaud if broken the enemy :D That was missing from the first.
Story wise, from the intros alone the cast feels stronger to me. I genuinely am a lot more interested in everyone's stories. I read that the quest after you finish everyone's stories ties the narrative way better than Octo1 so I'm excited to see this too! In octo1 that quest was... a side quest that was very convoluted to trigger.
So by this alone it does feel a lot more lively? As in I can see and imagine the characters interact during travels a lot more than the previous cast. I'm yet to do more cross path stories or see how things tie at the end but I am beginning to see some story elements that appear in the chapters hinting to a common foe.
I still try to avoid spoilers whenever I can...cause I know I may take a while before I finish it XD it is seriously so good, so pretty, everyone has so much personality and everything is so well animated, I gush over the game like a lil kid holding a present under a christmas tree, hehe
Again take with a grain of salt all I say cause I enjoyed Octo1 a lot as well and the characters not interacting or their stories not overlapping never bothered me. I do think the devs took all the criticism and tried to make Octo2 better and they did while still keeping the idea of - 8 different paths. I love how they did it cause everyone's story is very personal and beyond banter between scenes, I don't think others should be interjecting. The banter between characters still makes it feel like they address what is happening while leaving the lead character be the star of their own story... as they should be.
I hope my little ramble helped :D;;
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gascon-en-exil · 2 years
Already, someone found the Inventor job. You unlock the moves by gathering materials like an actual as described. Now I'm disappointed firearms can't be used by the heroes, when the outfit and skills look Steampunkish. Even FF Tactics and Tactics Ogre had that as a weapon to use. Literally, Live A Live had sprites for guns, with even a Wild West Era as one of the scenarios.
I saw that, but as I’m not a fan of steampunk I don’t mind OT2 not going that far with the concept.
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