memyshelfandi234 · 11 months
But fr, why Jacks can't answer a simple question? I wanted him to detail what the apples were for, not make us come to the conclusion ourselves🙄 I swear, this boy.
Ap*llo's ending was AMAZING. I feel complete😌
Jacks and Eva finally getting their happily ever after was so heartwarming, I cried so bad I love them🥺
I think we can all agree that Eva and Jacks are finally official "enemies to lovers"
Is anyone else here loving the story curse? I feel like no one talks about it, but I love the story curse's POV.
On that note, I'm on to AO3 cuz I will not allow it to end there. I need to read evajacks life after all of this 😁
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mikuhats · 4 days
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ofishally · 23 days
stephanieeeeeeee ilysmmmmmm sorry for eating your kid ilyyyy
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just a little silly 💞💞💕💞💞💞💕💞💞
(life being both an evan and HABIT fictive is fucky)
anyways steph <3333333333
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fletcherfluid · 6 months
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vacantgodling · 1 year
formatting this is gonna be a bit wild however some sixteen candles nonsense. for those unaware this is a wip that is all based in a group chat (think discord) where the names of threads, usernames, etc all change. but the main point is they’re all queer besties who’ve known each other for 16 years and they get up to Shenanigans!!
(if u need anything else clarified just ask. remember: all typos are there for a reason so if things are unreadable i’ll also clarify)
the proposal
tw(s): mentions of sex, drug use, cursing, bad spelling, lots of slang
Nanette Rosenfeld -> Nanette
Ranger Pellish -> ranger danger
Vanilla Vega -> VaniVee
Roger Grant -> no
Tucker Hayes -> TUCKerware
Nanette: So I have some unfortunate news to bring to the class.
TUCKerware: oooOoOoO stry tme!
ranger danger: did ur teacher spring a surprise mid-term on you lmao
VaniVee: or!! :000 you had a overnight shift at work you didn’t want to do because your supposed to be spending time with us this weekend!!!
no: What happened nan?
Nanette: My girlfriend broke up with me.
VaniVee: OH NO NETTIE ; 3;
TUCKerware: shld i bet some1 up?????? was she a bicth?
ranger danger: b i c t h
ranger danger: god i hate u lmaooooo
TUCKerware: if i hd th gif i woulda put it hre
ranger danger: found it
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ranger danger: i have that shit SAVED
no: Am I the only one who Didn’t know nan had a girlfriend?
no: Just me?
no: ok.
ranger danger: no lol i was going to ask the same thing
ranger danger: young lady, you didn’t even tell the class you h a d a girlfriend
Nanette: It was short lived. We were only seeing each other “officially” for 2 weeks. I don’t like to introduce people to you all unless we’ve been together for at least 6 months.
VaniVee: omg 6 months??? is this why ive never met any of your girlfriends nan?? >:((
TUCKerware: we met stphanie!
ranger danger: stephanieeeeeeee she was so cooooooool
VaniVee: i don’t remember a stephanie :((
Nanette: She wasn’t worth remembering. After the second time she told me she’d quit cocaine and she didn’t, I realized that it wasn’t worth the effort.
ranger danger: y i k e s
Nanette: This is why I don’t introduce you all to my girlfriends.
ranger danger: bc you always pick the bad ones?
Nanette: That, and because introducing them to you all is like introducing them to the family. There’s no point in introducing you all to someone who I don’t think will be permanent.
VaniVee: aww nettieeeee ; 3; ilyyyyyy
TUCKerware: nanny ilysm
no: <3<3
ranger danger: none of you all love nan as much as me
ranger danger: i love u baby <3
VaniVee: wait but what happened with this girlfriend???
ranger danger: yeah why so soon
TUCKerware: u kno i thro dwn 4 u nan
TUCKerware: say th word n i GOTCHu
Nanette: Said by the same man who calls me ‘nanny.’
TUCKerware: nuuuuuuuuuuuu
TUCKerware: ur liek my mom nannyyyyyy
ranger danger: can u imagine nan being a mother because i can’t
ranger danger: i feel like she’d leave her kids at the mall if they pissed her off
VaniVee: i can’t see nan being pregnant tbh,,,,, . n.;;;;
ranger danger: GAG
TUCKERware: mby getting sm1… :eyes:
Nanette: When I went on a date with her this afternoon, she brought up the topic of marriage.
no: I love how nan immediately ignored all of you haha
Nanette: I was a little taken aback since like I said we’d only been talking for two weeks at this point.
ranger danger: gag
VaniVee: ….. how did she bring it up?
Nanette: She said: “I was scrolling on your instagram, babe, and I see that you take a lot of pictures with the same few people, but definitely with this one guy. Who is he?” She then showed me a picture from my page of Ranger and I.
ranger danger: which picture
Nanette: The ferris wheel one. When we went to Kony Island for my cousin’s wedding.
ranger danger: lmao the one from like 3 years ago
ranger danger: why is she scrolling back so far lmaooo
ranger danger: my hair was so bad in that picture
Nanette: I think she picked that photo because on the third picture, you were kissing my cheek.
VaniVee: i somehow feel like i know where this is going ;;;;;;
Nanette: I’m sure you do, Vani.
no: I don’t.
TUCKerware: nithr do i frfr
ranger danger: she jealous or something
Nanette: I assume so. I told her that you were my best friend, and she said “Oh, so like a gay best friend? Like, gay lesbian solidarity?”
ranger danger: at least she clocked me for not straight l m a o
TUCKerware: i dnt hve a gaydar bt mine goez off whnevr ur around
no: I had a nightmare about ranger being straight once.
ranger danger: god don’t tell me about it
ranger danger: u may give me nightmares lmao
VaniVee: what did you say nan??? :00
Nanette: I told her that Ranger was bi, so you could call it ‘queer solidarity.’ However, we’ve known each other for 16 years so he is genuinely just one of my best friends. I wasn’t sure how else to respond to her question.
ranger danger: why do i feel like she asked u if we’d ever fucked before
ranger danger: like ‘oh is that how u realized u were gay’
ranger danger: as tho m/f friendships can’t exist lmao
TUCKerware: bt u nd nan DO fck smtms
ranger danger: i mean but that’s irrelevant to the conversation l m a o
ranger danger: if nan got a girl and didn’t wanna fuck me cuz of that i mean that’s chill
Nanette: You aren’t necessarily wrong. She didn’t seem to like my answer when I said that you were bi, so I asked if there was some kind of problem with that, or what she was trying to imply. She then said that she wasn’t sure she wanted the two of us to be so close.
no: Like in general?
Nanette: Yes. As friends. I didn’t mention anything about sex.
VaniVee: :////////////
ranger danger: LOLOLOLOL
no: uh….
TUCKerware: lls iz she joshin
ranger danger: I’M SORRY
ranger danger: its the audacity for me
no: What’s wrong with you and ranger being friends? You’re literally dating *her*, aren’t you?
Nanette: That’s when the wedding part of her question came up. She asked: ‘Since you all are so close, would he be like, the best man at our wedding?’
ranger danger: if u ever get married nan, i fucking better be
ranger danger: i will cry if i’m not
VaniVee: speaking of weddings, i was going to ask you to be my maid of honor whenever i get married nan!! ; 3;
VaniVee: i would love to see you in a champagne dress it would match ur skintone so well ; 3;
Nanette: Vani I would do anything for you.
VaniVee: OR!!! you could wear a champagne jumpsuit if you’d like!
VaniVee: i just want to see you in champagne!!!!
VaniVee: or rose gold?? :000
TUCKerware: wht colors wld u prefer vani?
ranger danger: wouldn’t you like to know, lover boy
TUCKerware: Shut The Fuck Up.
ranger danger: LMAO he had to use big boy words for that one roge
no: hahahaha
Nanette: I told her that it would be too early to consider a wedding between the two of us, and as it were, I would marry Ranger before I married her. However, if I were to get married to anyone else, he would be my best man without question.
ranger danger: nan what are you saying
ranger danger: like bby if you wanted to get hitched that’s all you had to say <3
Nanette: When do you want to go to the courthouse?
ranger danger: oh my god forreal
Nanette: I need health insurance.
ranger danger: TOO RIGHT
ranger danger: but no seriously would you actually marry me
ranger danger: not in like a romantic way because like
ranger danger: ew
ranger danger: but in a platonic way?
ranger danger: like ur my soulmate nan
ranger danger: u get me.
ranger danger: i know i’m like ur side hoe but like hear me out
no: Is ranger proposing in our group chat right now?
TUCKerware: shhhhhhh i gt th popcorn
ranger danger: ur the only person i would ever want to sign off on my medical shit
ranger danger: and like owning a house with you sounds lit?
ranger danger: i know we don’t have to be married to do that but like
ranger danger: nan idk how to tell u that ur my favorite person on planet earth
Nanette: You just did lol.
ranger danger: NO BUT LIKE
ranger danger: i know you don’t know what i mean but you know what i mean
ranger danger: right???
ranger danger: ugh finish your story i’m thinking way too hard about this
Nanette: If it’s any consolation, I don’t think you’re thinking about this too hard. In any relationship that I’m in, if they aren’t cool with you then I’m not interested in them. You come first for me, always.
ranger danger: YOU’RE CRYING I’M WEEPING
ranger danger: I’M A NUISANCE
Nanette: Yes, but you’re my nuisance. My favorite headache.
ranger danger: even over ur girl tho ??
ranger danger: i guess i don’t know what you’d be getting out of getting hitched with me
ranger danger: aren’t marriages supposed to be like a romantic thing ??
ranger danger: idk u allos explain this to me
no: Well technically marriage’s are just saying this is someone I trust enough to conjoin taxes with for the rest of my life.
no: So I don’t see why you and nan couldn’t get married.
no: You’re both financially capable to have a successful union
TUCKerware: lls rogeeeee
no: Is it obvious that my views on a successful marriage have been skewed?
VaniVee: i’ve heard about friends getting married all the time!!! aside from all the benefits like roge is talking about, being best friends and wanting to put that relationship before anything else isn’t weird!!!! i’ve seen people talking about it online!!!! especially aromantic people!!!
ranger danger: huh
ranger danger: sometimes i feel like i’m bad at being queer lol i know nothing about this stuff
TUCKerware: sme bro
TUCKerware: bt liek. its not liek theres a LAW sayng u gtta b in LUV to be married
TUCKerware: liek ukno romanticlaly
ranger danger: *romantically
TUCKerware: so if u and nan want to get married because you feel the most comfortable with each other and no one else can get between you two, why not?
ranger danger: damn he used real words for me and everything
Nanette: It’s not something we have to make a decision on right this second or anything. But I do hope you know that your fondness is more than definitely reciprocated, Ranger.
ranger danger: i’m actually crying at work rn i hate y’all
TUCKerware: dnt get it in2 th beeeerrrrr
TUCKerware: i shld pck u up frm wrk 2day
TUCKerware: im arnd there rn lol
TUCKerware: wht time u gt off?
ranger danger: whenever you’re clocking in big boy
ranger danger: i’ll see myself out
TUCKerware: ;))))
ranger danger: i get off at like 9 i came in early tonight so i’m coming home with shit money
VaniVee: :((((((
VaniVee: but that means you’re free this weekend right!!!! RIGHT???? >:((
ranger danger: LMAO yes queen i took off for our sleepover
VaniVee: good <3
VaniVee: and roge, you’re still coming right?? you can bring mittens!!
Nanette: Ah, yes. The Feline.
no: <3<3<3 I’ll be heading over in a bit! I’ll stop by the store to get some extra food, if you don’t mind me using your kitchen, Vani?
VaniVee: roge i am begging you to use my kitchen.
no: Vani!!!! You’re too sweet!!!! No!!!! I’m gonna make you so much cake!!!!
VaniVee: YES!!!! CAKE!!!!! <3<3<3
ranger danger: also don’t worry future wife i have ur allergy meds
Nanette: Thank you, future husband <3
ranger danger: !!!!!!
ranger danger: i think that just killed me actually
TUCKerware: llssssss
VaniVee: im gonna start setting up for the sleepover!! see y’all soon!! ilyyy <3
TUCKerware: ily2!
ranger danger: see how he’s the first to respond roge lol
no: hahaha
TUCKerware: I Will Shit In Your Mouth
ranger danger: do it pussy
Nanette: Boys, behave.
no: See y’all soon!
ranger danger: my boss is yelling at me to get off my phone lol whOOps
Nanette: Vani, I’ll be there soon.
VaniVee: kk <3<3
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colesterstrudel · 7 years
STEPHANIEEEEEEEE looks so good I want her to punch me in the goddamn fuckin face
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cal-is-a-cuddlefish · 7 years
From Outside
Chorus of teenage girls screaming bloody murder
More screaming.
Maniacal laughter as an SUV goes by playing loud reggae music with several girls running after it.
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psychopompian · 5 years
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memyshelfandi234 · 1 year
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