#SUGAR ; deidei (deimos)
permafrown 7 months
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let me guess , marlboro black reds ? 馃毈
Psychs doesn't even smoke fr this is just a power move 馃樁
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idyat 2 years
My Little Moon, Deimos x Reader
Summary: You and Deimos go stargazing.
Warnings: Reader talks about some pretty existential thoughts and likes astronomy, so yeah
The Nevadean sky was glimmering. Stars lighting up the land on which no one really knew how a starry night was still even possible.
That wasn't you or Deimos' concern though, as that meant you two could lay down on a hill and see the sight. It felt quite nostalgic too, since your first date was just that. Stargazing, and enjoying a moment with the grunt you loved the most in the world.
"Hey Deidei?"
"Hm?" He turned his head away from the sky to look at you.
"Have you ever thought of leaving this planet?" Random question, you know. But at least it was on topic with the space thing.
"Of course I have! I'm sure everyone would wanna get as far away as possible from this shithole!" He laughed as he said that. But you weren't satisfied.
"No no, I meant like, before all the chaos and murder, you know? Have you ever had a thing for space back then?"
He had a little moment of silence before responding "No...no I don't think so. But even then I don't know where I'd want to go if I left, space is just big like that."
You smiled as you said your next words "Well, we have all the time in the world to find a good place. Or, well, all the time in the universe." You heard him chuckle at that.
"I won't need all that time." He rolled around to face you. "I have the perfect place right here."
You just looked at eachother for a moment. Taking in your lover's smile.
"On the ground?" It was funny to see the change of expression on Deimos's face when you said that.
"Wuh- Of course not!" He started giggling "It's next to my shawty boo!"
You cringed at the petname, but it was still one of the things you loved about him.
"I mean, yeah, we're pretty much nonexistent to the scale of everything, so we might as well enjoy the things that make us happy."
"Hm? What do you mean?"
"You've seen those "biggest things in the universe" videos. In the end, no matter our actions, our feelings, no matter anything we know or do, it's all meaningless. In the end, compared to the damn universe, we're more insignificant than an ant in an amusement parc. And that's being extremely generous."
"...Damn...that's existencial."
"Yeah...But in a way it's also comforting I think. All our worries, all of our flaws, things that make us unhappy...None of that matters in the grand scheme of things."
"Huh, when you put it that way, I guess it is pretty cool. Well, not "cool", but you get it."
He heard you giggle after that.
"Did you know Deimos was the name of one the moons of Mars and a greek god?"
"I..think I did, yeah. Also that sure was a change in subject." It was your turn to hear that beautiful laugh.
"I just wanted an excuse to call you my little moon."
"Hey! Why not "my greek god"?"
"My little moon is cuter. And less cringe."
Your little moon had to take a few seconds to process a good answer.
"Y'know what, yeah. I'm the one with the cringy petnames!"
"You seem awfully proud of that."
"You bet your pretty ass I am sugar tits!" He was starting to sound like a competitive child with that. Plus the fact he just pounced on your chest, making you whisper a playful "you little shit!".
"Awh come on! Sugar tits isn't even cringy, it's just...whatever it is!"
"I don't care, as long as you can understand how much I love you, which you probably can't to be honest, I'm satisfied!"
Now Deimos was face to face with you, on the floor with big dumb smiles on both your faces.
"I love you too, My Little Moon."
His response was to snuggle against you. Which you did back of course.
Cuddling, beneath the stars, with your little moon.
You liked that nickname. It was cute and showed how much he meant to you. Because even if Mars's moons truly are ridiculously small, on your scale, they were gigantic.
Just like Deimos. He might be useless to the rest of space, but to you, he was worth more than the infinity of everything to exist.
This wasn't as existencial crisis-y as I wanted it to be, but oh well. It's cute & fluffy.
(Also, to those who read my agent x reader fanfic, do you want to see more of Jackpot? I kiiinnda got attached to them.)
Thanks for reading!
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permafrown 7 months
small tag dump. I ain't got one for everyone but here's what we do have
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permafrown 6 months
it's a silly little thing to do but I do use two seperate tags for dei. there's
SUGAR ; deimos -> which is what I'll use for things I rb associated with him
and then
SUGAR ; deidei -> which is what I use for my own. personal posts abt him
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