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Hiromu's disapproving father Koji shows up at the house unannounced. Hiraki The Hero swoops in to protect Masaki.
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almayver · 4 months
They day I stop bawling with every single episode of Tadaima Okaeri assume I'm either finally mentally healthy or broken beyond repair
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vero-niche · 5 months
tadaima, okaeri offers its queer viewers the wildest wish fulfillment fantasies, such as male pregnancy, a happy and supportive marriage, overcoming societal prejudices, parents who apologize
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thebottomfromhell · 1 year
Hi! Sorry to bother you! But may I request a Dom!male reader like househusband x uppermoons head canons? Like the reader knows there a demon but literally doesn’t care and still loves them and the reader is basically the sole definition of “your doing great sweetie” (and the reader basically just supports them in everything and is like basically there 1# supporter)
(You can choose the uppermoons for the headcanons! I don’t mind!)
have a nice day! ♥︎
(Also if you have already done a similar idea you can just ignore this! I’m a little new to your blog and I really like your writing!)
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I liked this ask a lot, also the image it's very cute, it made me smile, you might also like the traditional courting Headcanons 1 & 2 (but by this time you probably saw them already 😅) Also I didn't really know if as "dom" you meant as in dynamic or in sexual content, so I have a sexual connotation or two.
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Househusband Human Supportive Dom Reader x Uppermoons. (Nakime, Douma and Gyutaro are not in this one, since their living conditions make it hard to step in as a house spouse. Also the clones come as a package in this one).
Warnings: Polyamory (Hantengu Clones), Slight sexual content (some characters and reader make out in a more sexual tone, but no explicit sex, so it's mostly implied), Cannibalism (mostly reading sharing his blood),
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"Okaeri, Gyokko. How was it today?" Gyokko is very organized with his time, he always comes back around the same hour and expects you to be awake to welcome him. "Tadaima." He just says, looking a bit tired. Probably some slayers did comments about his art, that pisses him off a lot. "I guess by that, it wasn't your best night. Is there is something this husband can do for you?" You tease as you get closer to him and hold gently the upper hands of his head, using your thumbs to carress circles in them. He relaxes and sighs after that.
"How about a cup of blood? That might cheer you up." You say as you guide him to the kitchen where you have a first aid kit, which you use a needle to take out your blood. "No, that is an artery. You will bleed out, let me do it myself." It's less messy this way, specially with Gyokko's help (he knows the circulatory system better than you), but it seems this time he doesn't have the patient to that. "Did you kill them or just put them in a pot?" You start a conversation as you put the red liquid in his favorite cup. "It was horrible, this was a Hashira and those sidekicks they have, they were so tasteless, didn't know how to appreciate arts. And the sidekick was infuriating, a damn child!" And you spend an hour with him drinking with one mouth as he complains with the other.
By the time he finishes there is are two hours left for sunrise, so you stand up and kiss the talking mouth "Meet me at bed, I will lock down the house." You close the window, three layers of curtains and move some objects for the weight to secure them more. "Do as I say, and I will treat you good." He compliains of you being "bossy" as you leave the room, but you do find him under the sheets once you step in your room. It doesn't have any windows, so it's already safe. You close the door and then go to sit in front of Gyokko. "You deserve to rest your mind once in a while. You are very hardworking, so let me..."
"Enough talking, darling. I already told you the night I had. Now I want my husband to spoil me. Now." You roll your eyes, and he calls you bossy? Still, you get under the sheets and kiss one of the mouths and you put your thumb in the other, tasting your own blood in the other's tongue as in joins yours. You also feel the teeth and tongue biting and salivating the thumb, you make sure the liquids don't fall into his lower eye. Still under the sheets you get on top of Gyokko, who's arousal is visible. "Then I better spoil you good."
It's already noon when you finish, you are very tired, but Gyokko just rest his head against your naked stomach because he is uncomfortable like that. You are always surprised by the unlimited demon stamina, you massage his scalp with your fingers to help him relax further. "There are people who just don't understand art, Gyokko. But you and I both know you are a great artist. Don't let things like this get you so worked up." He only groans a bit against your skin to speak after a minute of silence, you almost fell asleep before you heard his voice. "Well, I got my husband to support me and make me feel better, don't I?"
You chuckle a bit. He does.
"T-t-t-tad-d-daim-a..." there, he said it (whispering), as he stepped in, closin the door behind him as quietly as possible. "Okaeri." Hantengu shrieks when you come next to him, when did you get this close? He thought you would still be asleep. "What are you doing up at this hour?" He asks quietly, still covering himself with his arms as he took a protective stance of the fright. He knows you won't hurt him, but it's a reflex. "I couldn't sleep, so I decided ro eat something. I just finished cleaning the kitchen after. How was your night?" He slowly puts his arms down as he sighs.
How long did you stay in a barely understadable ramble of how aggressive and scary Hashira are, how his master is an exploiter, how everyday and night are both nightmares alongside a self-pity monologue? Two hours, at least, but you only show him you are listening, not interrupting him once. Once he stops talking to tremble hard as he hugs himself you walk around him slowly, making sure he can see where you are and what are you doing with your hands as you put them on his shoulder. "Calm down, darling. It's ok. You are home right now, safe with your husband who wants to make you feel better."
He starts to relax as you squeeze and massage the stress away, then going to his back, feeling it full of knots. You sigh, you also did this yesterday and it's like this again? Well, it's not like it's Hantengu's fault. He didn't ask to be conditioned by the emotion of distress, it's already good enough he can find some comfort in you. "Thank you for doing this for me... How was your day? What did you eat just now." You appreciate his interest, even if part of it is only to be able to distract himself from the bad feelings as he listens to you. You do describe your day, talking mostly about when you went outside to buy some things the house needed. "It must be nice to not burn under the sun... even my clones can step on the sun."
"Well, other demons can't go under the sun neither. Have you eaten already? I can give you some of my blood." He shakes his head to reject the proposition "I don't have the stomach to eat today... thk u fr offr.... [thank you for offering]." You don't get to hear that last part, but you just finish the back to get in front of him. "Let's go to bed, I will give you a leg massage, check that the sun won't get through the windows and take a nap with you. That way you should feel better." Demons don't need to sleep, you already know that, but you are tired and asleep Hantengu feels a lot better than while awake, so he agrees.
Once you finish all those things you cuddle with his face against your chest, having him crying over everything and nothing specific as he hugs you tight. "Thank you... I feel better here." He answers honestly as you pat his back to valm him down as you feel the tears move through your abdomen. "It's ok dear, your husband is here for you. Just try to sleep." He does, you feel he stops breathing, but at this point it doesn't bother you, his nature is different to yours. He is still very dear to you, and so you help him as you can.
It can be tiring, but it's worth it.
Hantengu Clones:
"TADAIMA!" Scream Urogi and Karaku as they open the door, waking you up instantly as Sekido was lecturing them. You put another outer robe as you go towards the entrance to find your four idiots, Aizetsu is the first to notice you and go to see you before the others. "Y/N, Tadaima. We have had a rough night... can you please calm them down before going back to bed? I think you are the only one who can." He gives you big sad eyes before blinking fast a few times, making sure to look as cute as he can, manipulative little-. You can only nod before he leaves to the main room where you were sleeping "Okeari, by the way." You say before he disappears in the hallway.. Once he does that the next one to jump over you is Urogi, in his case, literally.
"Y/N! Hubby! We missed you so much!" He rubs his face against your as he has his arms and legs wraped up around you. "Sekido got beheaded like 7 times! It was so funny! Karaku actually had to save his a-" "SHUT THE FUCK UP, UROGI!" Karaku only laughs in the background. "He still got to thank me, ya know? I was so heroic back there, bet that if you saw me killing that slayer you would have gotten a bo-" "Karaku...." Yeah, that's the sign. If you don't step in Sekido will leave them outside all day. "Okaeri you all. I also missed you." You kiss Urogi's horn, wish makes him giggle. "I will set the house for sunrise, so if you want to help-" Joy and Pleasure leave to the main room in order to avoid work, leaving you with Sekido. "Those little shits..." he is very angry.
"Are you ok?" He doesn't answer, so you grab his hand gently and take it to your mouth to kiss it's back, making him blush but relax the frown. "I'm sure you all did great, at least did you all eat." He nods before you let him go, that means you don't need to offer blood (thank the one above and the one below, because you would die if the four were to drink blood from you), you both secure the house and find out that Aizetsu already secured the main room as Urogi and Karaku joined togeter several pillows, futons and sheets. "The beddings are ready! But if you want to have some fun before that, I am willing to give you some "cake" in the bathroom~" Karaku winks (which makes Sekido growl) at you, meking you (and Aizetsu) roll your eyes. "Nah, I'm good. I just want to cuddle and comfort my husbands if that is ok." Urogi laughs at the rejection as Karaku shrugs "Your loss."
Aizetsu goes to take both yours and Sekido's hand. "Can we please get along today. The sun will be up in some minutes, I can sense it... and it makes me sad that we would be trapped here while fighting." The Sorrow clone probably did already the eye trick to the other two and, since you already calmed down Sekido, it works on him to. "Thank you... " In the end you end up all un a fort under the sheets as they tell you the whole story. You are brushing Urogi's hair with your fingers as he lies on his stomach by your side, Sekido gives you his back as he uses your other arm as pillow, Karaku has your head in his lap to massage your scalp and Aizetsu rests his head in your stomach. It's not the most comfortable position to be, but you are happy to be like this (besides, you still could fall asleep how you are.)
You know they are also having a good time, since Sekido nuzzles against your limb, so you know he is there and comfortable. Aizetsu has his eyes close, so he could be asleep, once Urogi gets bore of you playing with his hair he starts nibbling softly your arm as if he was a cat (trying his best to not hurt you) and Karaku lies in his back with you still in his back. "Hey, Y/N... thank you for taking care of up. We like to be with you a lot." Karaku starts. "Yeah, we love you so much! You are the best husband ever!" "... you are good. Thank you for being there." "That tone didn't really sound sincere, Sekido." "Shut up, Aizetsu!" You can only chuckle at that. What can you say, you also enjoy taking care of them, even if as demons they don't need it.
"I love you all, too."
Akaza looks tired, emotionally exhausted, as he steps inside the house, he was just scolded for not killing the Hanafuba earing brat, the weakling, that little shi- "Okaeri, you came back early. Did something happen?" You ask him, you were just going back to sleep (you woke up to eat something) since Akaza usually comes back just some minutes before sunrise, looking for Muzan's imaginary flower he comes back to complain about. "Y/N... Tadaima... sorry, I... did you do the dishes?"
You laugh as he looks concerned, he didn't meam to change the topic, but "I told you I would do them..." he pouts, Akaza likes to be helpful around the house, so most of the time it's you both competing to do the chores. "Go to sleep, I will do the rest." He wants to clean, since the house is already set for sunrise. "You can fix the house for yourself, but I already did everything else after you left." You say proudly as you watch him grind his teeth. "I will cook you breakfast later then, and the house must be cleaned every day, so tomorrow I do the chores." He really likes to take care of you and gets easily frustrated when he can't. It often backfires because you also like to take care of him.
You cup his face in your hands to make him look at you in the eyes, smiling softly as he melts alightly in hour touch. "You look way too stressed for that, how about you tell me first how was your night?" Turns out his boss lectured him for not killing a child, the one he fought the day he didn't come home for sunrise (that night you were worried to the point of sickness, it was the first time since you married that Akaza didn't spend the day in your house) and he is very angry. "I have always done everything he told me! I swear that brat, weakling, will die at my hands. Damn weaklings taking advantage of...." his breathing become unsteady at that, so you pet his face. "I know you will, you are way too stubborn to not manage to kill someone you want dead. I'm sure even that Douma will fall under your hard work sooner or later." You don't really know about Douma, but fantazising of his death makes Akaza feel better.
"How about you go to bed with me? I am a bit tired and I would like to lie down somewhere." He nods as you take his hand and guide him to the main room. Once in the bed you push him so he can lie on his back as you get over him in the space between his legs. "Didn't you say you wanted to lie down?" You smile as you move your robes to expose one shoulder "Well, I will need it depending on the amswer. When was the last time you ate something?" By the look of his face you can se it has been a while, so you pull him from the back of his neck to your naked skin. "Take a bite, love. And I will also take a piece of you. Deal?" The second he bites theough your skin, you know you are on.
You didn't last that long, mostly because of the wound in your shoulder. You curse you only have 4 liters of blood and half gone already show it's effects, unlike Akaza, who is tending the bite. "If it makes you feel better, it's always hot when you bite me." You say something you know is stupid to make him laugh, he hates hurting you, even when you ask him to. "Well, I do think you are a snack, dear husband." You also laugh, gods that was awful.
You love, trust and support him, and Akaza better damn well know it.
Kokushibou just breathes in before closing the door behind him, fully knowing you are not only awake, but in the end of the hallway. "Tadaima." He answers without even looking at you, to be honest he was hoping you would still be asleep. He does love you but... he is not the best with feelings, and you are just so- "Okaeri, Kokushibou. How have you been?" good to him, and he just can't aswer the same way. It makes him feel inadequate. He hates that, so he tends to leave for long periods of time. "It's been six moons since the last time I saw you, anything interesting?"
And yet, you never anger, you never are anything but understanding, and that is just so confusing. There was other man that was like that with him, no matter how evasive or cold Michikatsu Kokushibou could get, he would still welcome him warmly, forever patient and stable, like the sun that burns all demons. You remind him a lot, and the worst part is that it attracts Kokushibou, the familiarity and the way you treat him. "Hey, are you ok?" You say as you notice he lost himself on his thoughts, once he gets out of his trance he looks at you. He only wanted to see you, that is why he came back, he hoped you wouldn't be awake when he did.
"Do you want a drink?" Blood, you are offering your blood and he can't find himself to day no. No when this is the only way he can drink it from a cup without calling it what it actually is, that way he can pretend he is still a samurai drinking tea in his free time, that he didn't transform into something that is not human. "Please. That would be nice." He sits in a mat as you serve him the red liquid, and besides thanking you as you hand the cup to him, Kokushibou doesn't say anything. There is a big chance he will leave soon, so you tell him everything that happened while he was missing. "And then I had to tell the ladies I was to old for marry his daughter, but I think she didn't believe me. Still, I'm a faithful husband to the second most powerful demon is not an explenation that will be well received."
Thankfully, between the blood and your story telling, he decides to stay for the day, so you prepare the house so the sunlight won't be able to come inside. You must hurry since you realized he would be staying when there was half an hojr for the sun to come up and he didn't move at all. You started with the room you are with Kokushibou, then the whole house, there was already sun when you finished the last rooms, but Kokushibou didn't burn and you consider that enough. "Kokushibou, the house is ready. You can move arpund if you want." He does, only to get to find yourself in hour room as you followed him. "You look tired. Sleep for a while I will stay here." He says as he sits in front of your bed.
The thing is, you are tired, you were at least half of the night awake and the missing blood is not doing you any good. But you don't want to sleep, you want to spend time with Kokushibou before he leaves. "Only if you promise we can properly say goodbye to each other bedore you go." He agrees, so you get ready for bed, knowing he likes to watch you sleep for some reason. "Kokushibou, remember that if you want to talk about anything, I will listen." ..... "Thank you." He just says that before becoming dead silent. It's very hard to be there dor Kokushibou, since he does and doesn't want you around at the same time.
Still, you try. That is enough.
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bengiyo · 4 months
Tadaima, Okaeri Ep 8 Stray Thoughts
Last week, the rude cousin apologized for his behavior after being soundly embarrassed by Hiromu, Yuki, and then later Hikari. Masaki managed to take his family to visit his parents' grave and hear his mom's last letter. Returning home, we experienced the hilarity and joys of Hikari's first solo errand. Hijinks ensued as they tried to support him. However, our hero succeeded at bringing Masaki and Hinata an umbrella at the bus stop.
Amazing! Hikari is in love with the new dog in the neighborhood, but is scared of the dog.
Every week I am floored by how well Masaki and Hiromu parent together. There is no jealousy about their kids between them.
Masaki hasn't been able to help Hikari, but Hiromu managed to talk him through it. I love that none of it is easy but Hikari is brave and responds to Hiromu's belief in him.
Hiromu is so funny. He intentionally almost called Kazuhiko a brat to troll him.
I like the uncle being so happy to see Masaki and his family. We know that there we difficulties before, and the show gets to borrow from the work they did with the Fujiyoshi family to not have to retread that here.
Hiromu has such a clear perspective that allows for people to move on. Life is the future, not the past.
Curious where we go with Hinata looking so much like Masaki, and if we have deal with the omega stuff there.
I also love that every episode has the dads getting frisky with each other. I love that their romantic and sexual relationship has continued into parenthood.
Absolutely perfect ending place. Hikari has managed to connect with a dog he was afraid of, the cousin he didn't like, and now might make a friend his own age.
Every week I love this show more. They find new ways to make the family adorable. I haven't had a comfort watch this reliable in so long.
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anitrendz · 4 months
Tadaima, Okaeri Episode 7
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This scene with the supporting couple overtook the rest of the episode for me. Feet flirting, and it was adorable too.
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ecargmura · 3 months
Tadaima, Okaeri Episode 12 Review + Final Thoughts - Rekindled Bonds
WHAT DO YOU MEAN THIS IS THE FINAL EPISODE? No! I demand a Season 2! This show is way too cute to end. It’s way too hard to part ways with this show after these three months. I hope you don’t mind the rather long review of the finale. I’m just trying to cope with the fact that my Mondays won’t be the same anymore.
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I love that while Masaki is a little bothered about what had happened last episode, Hiromu cheers him up with encouraging words. Hiromu really is an S tier husband. Seriously, he knows what to say when Masaki is down and he always does a success job in cheering up his spouse. He tells Masaki that not everyone will be understanding, and while he really only cares about his family, he still wants to see Masaki do his best when it comes to other people because he loves that part of him. He respects Masaki to let him do what he wants, but if things get hard, that’s when he’ll step in. Since he also likes Aoto like Masaki, he wants them to reconcile because he knows it’s worth it for them both. Damn, if I don’t have a man like Hiromu in my life, then I don’t want to get married.
The conversation with Masaki and Yuuki shows that what Masaki is afraid of isn’t the prejudice directed towards him that makes him become timid and overthink, but rather how it affects his family. He doesn’t want his family to be rejected for asinine reasons—that’s his biggest fear. He loves his family and doesn’t want anyone to harm them. Throughout the story, Masaki’s biggest support has always been his family, which is why he’s hurt that someone rejected his family because he loves them so much. I do like that he’s a very loving person but it’s not portrayed in a poor way.
The conversation with Masaki actually encourages Yuuki to confront Aoto when he saw him and have a talk about the Fujiyoshi family and everything he knows about their relationship from Matsuo. Apparently, Hiromu and Masaki have been dating for ten years but only became mates around three years ago. There was a time where Masaki was okay with being mates with Hiromu and he didn’t mind not being his most important person given how omegas were usually treated. Hiromu actually hated that thought and eventually learned something very important: respect. Yes, the reason why Hiromu is the way he is now is because he respects Masaki, omegas and himself. Masaki is the way he is because of the same reason as well. That’s why they’re willing to accept Aoto and want to let him know that they’re fine with his pheromones because Hiromu can control himself. I love that Yuuki is the one who tells Aoto all of this and it’s because he respects the Fujiyoshi family and sees them as the ideal couple; like Masaki, he doesn’t want anything bad to happen to their family as well.
It’s because of Yuuki’s words that Aoto does confront Masaki. I really like the chain reaction. It turns out that Aoto’s behavior from before was due to having a condition where his pheromones leak out a lot more than usual and he cannot suppress or control it as he hasn’t found the right medication for it. It also affects his mood, so he was uncontrollably anxious and afraid back then. Because an omega couple have a hard time conceiving children together, Michiru was actually born from luck and Aoto is worried that he might inherit his condition, hence why he was afraid of being around alphas because of this.
Aoto does feel like what Masaki could’ve been if he didn’t have Hiromu in his life: fearful of others, constantly anxious and lonely. Aoto’s spouse is no longer alive, so he always believed he had to protect himself and Michiru because of this. Fortunately, Masaki reassures him that he’ll be here to help because they have to support each other as fellow omegas, like how Aoto mentioned back in Episode 9. He also tells him that what’s important is to be able to express his love for others because, for Masaki, what hurt him more than the discrimination was not being able to tell the people he loved that he loved them. That’s why he wants Aoto to be able to learn how to love others even as an omega. This is really sweet. Masaki is right, though. It’s better to love others than to put a wall around yourself because there might be others out there willing to love you if you’re willing to do the same. Hikari also teaches him this. Hikari says that he loves Michiru and wants to play with him and Michiru is able to receive that love back. That is the factor that helps Aoto realize he’s not alone and that he has people he can count on and also protect Michiru. Hikari really is like a guiding light.
Fortunately, their issues are all resolved to the point that Aoto is invited to their Christmas party. Heck, I love the difference between the Christmas party in Episode 1 where it was just Masaki, Hiromu and Hikari celebrating it on their own. In this Christmas party, everyone’s invited. The Christmas party is actually much different from the manga as in the manga, only the Mochizukis, Yuuki and Matsuo were in the house while Hiromu’s parents and the twins came at the end. Here, they’ve invited Iwata and her dog Ran, Yuuki’s mother comes, Kazuhiko sends flowers, and Hiromu’s two colleagues show up. Hiromu’s parents and the twins show up at the middle of the party too so they get some screen time. It was funny to see the twins fall for Aoto at first sight because he’s exactly their type—they like people similar to Masaki. Compared to the quiet Christmas in Episode 1, I loved seeing the liveliness of this party because it shows that they’ve broadened their horizons and have their own found family in their community. It’s such a heartwarming sight.
Because this is the finale, not many things are resolved. Yuuki and Matsuo have mutual feelings for each other, but they’re not dating. The twins fall for Aoto in this episode, so that’s never going to be resolved unless a season two is announced. Yuuki and Matsuo actually become official in Volume 4 while the twins and Aoto have their moments sprinkled out in that same volume. Despite that, I do think this was a good closure for this story. What do you think?
Final Thoughts
It’s still crazy how I live in an era where Omegaverse stories are getting anime adaptations. Given the craziness of the genre, I’m actually glad they chose the tamest story of the bunch to be the first. Hopefully, Tadaima, Okaeri will be a stepping stone for future potential adaptations of the genre.
However, despite me loving this story, this anime does feel like it’s intended for those who are more familiar with the genre because it was written at a time where the genre was still new to Japan hence why the conventional rules are so different here. Because of that, I can see why people do tend to get confuse when the omegaverse lore comes into play. I’ve read a lot of omegaverse stories, so I’m familiar with its rules and conventions, but someone else may not be as familiar with it. I would say that this anime is like a deconstruction of omegaverse stories in a way. If I do have gripes about Tadaima Okaeri, it would be that it could’ve explained the omegaverse lore a bit more to help first-timers understand the genre.
Despite the omegaverse lore, this anime is perfect as a feel-good heartwarming story about a family and those around them. It’s perfect healing for the soul. Even as a slice-of-life family story, I do like that it does do things not many stories of similar genres have—that would be aging the characters. Hikari goes from almost 2 to 2, then to 3 after Hinata is born and him getting older is shown as he looks less chubbier than he did in Episodes 1 to 3; his personality also develops a lot, so it’s like watching your neighbor’s kid that you’re so fond of grow into his own person Time also changes as different seasons are shown throughout the story, which is a detail I like.
For a story like this, characters are vital. Omegaverse stories relies on characters a lot. Fortunately, these characters are great for the type of story they’re in. While the main couple look like a typical BL couple, it’s how they behave that sets them apart from others in omegaverse. Alphas are usually written as domineering and rather toxic, but Hiromu was never that. He’s practically a gentleman in an omegaverse setting. He loves and respects his spouse and family so much and never gives in to prejudice, stigma and discrimination. Masaki is a bit self-loathing and had a rough past, but he’s willing to accept love and affection from his family and friends. The story was also Masaki’s journey into accepting and respecting himself not as an omega but as a person, so it was nice to see him grow alongside Hikari. What I love most about the main couple is that they’re not afraid of PDA. They kiss and are physically intimate all the time. Sometimes, BL stories in general like to have a character shy away from affection. While Masaki is a rather shy character, he goes in for the intimacy as much as Hiromu and it’s so nice to see. Yuuki is probably the standout character of this story. He’s a beta, but he also grows through growth too. His personality helps him stand out as he’s the youngest of the adult cast, so he’s the type that can get along with both the kids and the adults. All the other characters are really good too and fit the setting well.
To be honest, for a BL anime, this cast is STACKED. It helps that a majority of them are or have been active in the genre, so they know the nuances of what to bring for stories like this. The biggest BL veterans are Toshiyuki Morikawa, the BL emperor, and Kosuke Toriumi who had been active in BL in the past—he was Akira in Togainu no Chi! They both do great jobs in delivering their characters’ emotions. Because the anime has babies, female voice actors are also casted and the voice actresses they use are actually rather well-known names too; I think they did the best job. Hikari is voiced by Atsumi Takezaki who is extremely versatile. She’s known for voicing Anya from Spy x Family and Frieren from Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End. Gosh, I think she did the best out of everyone here because her baby voice is super convincing. Kaede Hondo as Michiru was also a great performance because Michiru started off as very soft-spoken but in later episodes, he has a more assertive voice. I’m also amazed with the baby babbles Konomi Kohara did; by the way, these three actresses were in Gakuen Babysitters, so they’re very familiar with how to voice babies.
I really like the animation! Studio Deen may have some misses, but they never miss when it comes to BL adaptations. It’s crazy that they got the director of Sasaki and Miyano and the character designer of Given and meshed them into this extremely cute story. Did you know that the character designer also did the character designs for the Gakuen Babysitters anime? The adults look similar to Given characters while the babies look like Gakuen Babysitter babies. It’s like a good blend of both. I also love how the studio colored this anime. Everything is so soft that it matches the vibes.
The music is great too! The opening song is addictive and the ending song is a nice way to end an episode. The OST was really nice to listen to! At times, I’d like to replay some scenes because I really like some of the music they play in the background. Some highlights include the little marching song that plays when Hikari does something cute and the soft guitar piece that plays when Hiromu and Masaki have a heart-to-heart.
I know that people have their own stigma towards omegaverse, but the moral of Tadaima Okaeri is to look beyond stigma and accept things deep within one another. Yes, the genre can be icky at times, but I assure you that this is a really good story if you’re able to put aside your biases. The heartwarming aspect is perfect for any first-time BL consumers too. I would totally recommend this not only as a BL anime, but as a slice of life family story as well.
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jruthphipps · 3 months
Tadaima, Okaeri episode 12
I'm happy with how nicely they resolved the conflict with Mochizuki. Ultimately the most important thing for everyone was the safety and happiness of the children. As parents, they can't resolve everything in the world for them but they can support and guide them. I like how fundamental Yuki was for bringing the two families back together and addressing some of Mochizuki's prejudices.
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rifki16 · 5 months
Tadaima, Okaeri Episode 4 :)
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Photo credit: Tadaima, Okaeri Twitter Promotional Account
A very delicious well-seasoned warm soba.
Before moving to the analysis, I would just like to congratulate Hiro-san and Ma-chan on their growing family, I'm so happy, and I wish all the best for them, and all the love for the newborn bebe Hinata and her big brother Hi-chan :)
The episode was a very good calming bottle episode. We only saw the four main characters, five after Hinara was born. My statement from Living with Him episode 3 analysis might be wrong, I think there have been many bottle episodes in the BL series which I have watched, it's just that I did not notice it.
You know, when I was becoming a big brother, I think I was also teased and joked around by a lot of my parents' social circles, however, I did not really remember as I was only 5. I think Hikaru handled the teasing way better than I did. I love that he's just him, his authentic self despite the social pressure of being an older sibling.
The microaggression in the mall was really uncalled for, I guess that's what the omegaverse is like, I suppose. I'm so glad tho that the old alpha person was made to look like the weird one when he put all of the imaginary, speculative, future burdens of being an alpha and a fujiyoshi to Hikari. Bro, he's no more than 3 years old, you already determined how his future was gonna look like.
Now, I'm gonna write this delicately. When Masaki was contemplating whether his daughter, Hinata, was going to be an alpha or an omega, I really wanted to write about how many disabled parents would not wish to burden their children with the traits they have. I have watched so many birthing scenes in sitcoms, and all I heard from them is the fear of how their new offspring is going to be some kind of disabled. However, I have not found any scholarly articles or even a news article about disabled parents and their fear of passing on their traits to their children. However, I did find an NYT opinion article about an XLH-gene having mother who passed it on to her son and daughter. Of course, she cherished all her children and that all of them were healthy. And I agree with her that disabled people must be seen through a generalized lens, rather that all of them are unique individuals like all mankind is. And I think, Masaki was very brave and emotionally strong in actually confronting his fear and preconceived notions about being an omega, internalized omegaphobia, when he said
"I'm the one person that cannot reject her"
I think it's good that he's not pushing his omegaphobia thoughts too far away and that he chose to address it. Hinata is so lucky to have a very dedicated, loving, and accepting parent like Masaka.
I really felt it when Hiromu hugged Masaki after the spiraling thought. I really hope that one day, I can have a great support system like Hiromu and Masaki.
The hide-and-seek scene was very lovely. The way that the whole family participated in the game was very heartwarming <3
I cannot end the review without cheering on Matsuo and Yuki. I was so sad that I thought the dating scene would not have appeared in this episode, but it turns out, that they made it into a post-credit scene. so kawaii ^^
watch it yall, it's so good :D
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myblackcamera · 2 months
First Omegaverse Anime?! Let's Get to Know Tadaima Okaeri is All About!
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 [Complete cast of Tadaima Okaeri] The Omegaverse is a world where biology dictates social roles, with Alphas, Betas, and Omegas each possessing unique traits. 
It's a captivating concept that's exploded in popularity, particularly in fanfiction or mangas. This trope is all about heightened senses, pheromones that drive you wild, and even special body parts that come into play during mating! 
Then there are heats and ruts, where hormones take over, and everyone's just gotta find a mate. If not, how else are you going to alleviate yourself?
Considering the explicit nature of this trope, it’s pretty understandable why it hasn’t made it to the big screen. 
So why is Tadaima Okaeri the exception?
Plot Summary
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[Alt Text: Tadaima Okaeri - Masaki, Hiromu, and Hikari at a playgroud]
Tadaima Okaeri is a slice of life anime set in the Omegaverse.
The story follows Masaki and Hiromu, an alpha-omega couple. These two live in domestic bliss with their beautiful child, Hikari, whom they can barely keep up with at times!
Throughout the anime, we see these two doing the most mundane tasks. Raising their kid, loving one another, and even making friends!
But it's not all sunshine and rainbows. Masaki might doubt his parenting skills, and Hiro could face work stress. But they're not alone! They’ve got supportive neighbors who can offer to watch Hikaru or even friends they can rely on to help them when needed!
If you’re looking for a feel-good anime with green flags all around, this is definitely for you!
What is Omegaverse?
Omegaverse is an alternate universe where everybody has a second gender:
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 [ALT TEXT: Omegaverse explained in an infographic]
Alphas (A): The dominant class. Often portrayed as strong, assertive, and with heightened senses. They may have a more "warrior-like" or leadership role in society. During mating cycles (called ruts), they experience strong urges to find a partner.
Betas (B): The neutral middle ground. Often seen as well-rounded individuals who don't possess the extremes of Alphas or Omegas. They can hold any position in society and are generally fertile.
Omegas (O): The submissive class. They are typically described as fertile, nurturing, and with heightened senses of smell and emotion. Omegas experience heats, where their bodies become receptive to mating, and they may crave physical intimacy.
This social order can get pretty intense. It can often lead to conflicts about their roles.
But the Omegaverse can be super inclusive, too, with all sorts of couples and folks fitting in however they see fit. 
And, of course, there's pregnancy! Omegas are usually the ones carrying the babies, and sometimes, they get this intense nesting instinct where they have to build a cozy nest (just like a bird).
The beauty of Omegaverse is that it allows homosexual pairings to have children of their own in another universe. 
Some stories play it super angsty, others are all about the fluffy romance, and then you've got stuff like Tadaima Okaeri, which throws a curveball and just shows a normal family doing their thing – with a dash of Omegaverse thrown in for good measure.  
What Makes Tadaima Okaeri Stand Out in the Omegaverse
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 [Alt Text: Tadaima Okaeri - Masaki, Hiromu, and Hikari bathing together]
Most omegaverse stories tend to be pretty dramatic. The main reason for this? Pheromones. 
Omegas and Alphas naturally have pheromones to help them find an ideal mate. However, this can drive an omega or alpha to go by instinct instead of logic. And when it does happen, things can get pretty messy and sad.
But this isn’t the only conflict that many Omegaverse stories run down to the ground. There’s also this whole thing about societal expectations.
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[Love is an Illusion couple Dojin and Hyesung]
Alphas are expected to be successful and marry an omega with good genes. They’re not allowed to love betas or other alphas. Why waste dominant genes like that? You’d be a failure if you do.
However, Omegas have it even harder in the Omegaverse. When they get into heat, they tend to attract other people besides their chosen mates. They are also discriminated against and mistreated due to their second gender.
TLDR: A lot of Omegaverse stories are pretty depressing, which is ironic, considering this was created in order for the LGBTQ+ to have children.
That's why Tadaima Okaeri is such a breath of fresh air – it ditches the drama and shows a normal family doing their thing. 
There are no dramatic heats, forbidden love, or societal clashes. It’s just a really adorable story about a couple raising their kid together!
Why You Should Watch Tadaima Okaeri
If you've reached this point and haven't been convinced yet - man, are you one tough nut! But maybe this will help convince you:
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 [Tadaima Okaeri - Baby Hikaru smiling]
Or this:
 [Tadaima Okaeri couple Masaki and Hiromu showing affection]
If you're looking for a feel-good anime with relatable characters and a healthy dose of heartwarming moments, Tadaima Okaeri is definitely worth checking out. 
It's especially perfect for fans of slice-of-life stories or anyone who enjoys seeing a positive portrayal of an LGBTQ+ family. 
However, if you're craving a more action-packed or drama-filled Omegaverse experience, this might not be the one for you. But hey, there's something for everyone in the anime world, right? 
Do you know what else is for everyone? The Otaku Community. That's right - we have a community where you can share your love for anime!
It's free, and every anime lover is welcome to join. So hop on now!
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almayver · 3 months
I love how Tadaima Okaeri is very much the grown up version of the usual found family trope. Hiro and Masaki and the kids are the traditional family (... you know what I mean) but it's also very clear that the support network goes beyond the nuclear family.
Over and over these adults reach out to each other for help and the fact that it's very much centered around Hikari and Hinata shows how important community is for everyone.
You can go all "oh the omegaverse anime" but it's a show with so much heart and love, and it shouldn't just be dismissed for the universe it lives in
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skania · 4 years
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natsu-chan-17 · 3 years
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It'll be okay in the end
Pairing: Bokuto x gender neutral reader
Warnings: none just a bit of anxiety issues
Summary: Your final exams had taken a toll on you and the thought of taking a break made you more stressed however your focus couldnt remain on the books forever.
Streams of laughter wafted from the TV in front of you as your favourite movie played for what seemed to be the 5th time that week.
You had a strange habit of rewatching familiar shows when you were stressed out and it seems finals had been taking a toll on the remaining brain cells left in your head.
You toyed with your fingernails as you listened to the dialogue that was basically embedded into your brain and recited at one point, "And who said I cant launch a monkey in a canon? That's bullshit Harold."
The state of your abused nails was atrocious from all your nitpicking and you knew that you should let them be....but unfortunately your coping mechanisms couldnt be changed that easily.
Just as Tania, the sassy next door neighbor, was about to state her famous one liner the door to your apartment creaked open. The sound of weak, creaky floorboards shifting under a new weight could be heard from where you were seated on the couch.
"Tadaima!" you heard Bokuto yelling from the entrance. "Okaeri," you said once he appeared behind you. He leaned on the couch with his forearms and kissed your cheek hello.
"Hey hey hey! How was your day baby owl??"
"It was okayy." The tone in your voice as you tried to lie hit a higher pitch than normal and Bokuto immediately knew something had happened. The two of you had been together for 2 years already, and he had memorized so many little details about you that he could sense when your mind wasnt at ease.
"Hmm just okay? What were you up to, is something on your mind, do you need help, do you wanna talk maybe, I'm here if you needa vent you know," he rambles on trying to edge the information out of you like a curious puppy.
"Well I mean I'm okay, just that I've been procrastinating studying and its stressing me out that I'm being so irrational..."
"Dont we all need a break sometimes though? Just take the day off and try again tomorrow bubs," he said as he eased himself onto the couch alongside you and rested his head in the crevice of your neck.
You instinctively reached out to scratch his head out of habit whenever he laid on your shoulder.
"I guess I could try that....I just hope I have enough energy to actually start again. School's pretty draining and I feel like I'm not doing enough and when I look at the accomplishments I have right now it makes me feel somehow empty and and...."
"Woah woah calm down baby owl," he rose from your shoulder and held your face in his big, soft hands, squishing your cheeks in the process.
"Heyy you'll be fine. I'm right here, just focus on the here and now okay?"
"Mhmm," you hummed since his hands were squeezing your cheeks too much to talk. Bokuto nuzzled his nose with yours and it tickled so much that you couldnt help laughing.
"That's better," he said with a proud grin. "Now can we cuddle please?? Dont worry for now and try to relax when you can y/n. You know just how intelligent you are so dont try to doubt yourself, I know without a doubt that my smarty pants will ace their papers."
His smile held such innocent support that you couldnt help but believe he was right.
"Mmm I guess you're right....thanks Bo," you whispered as realization hit you. 'A break doesn't sound too bad actually,' you thought as you settled back into the couch with him.
The rest of the afternoon was a binge fest for you two as you swam through the currents of romance, comedy and action themed movies.
Bokuto was laying on your lap by the time you'd finished the third movie and you were gently patting his head. You raked your fingers through his floofy hair, rubbing occasional circles into his scalp as he slowly fell asleep.
His skin seemed so fluorescent even in the darkness of your living room. You rubbed his temples and poked at his cheeks, giggling at how his face creased from the sudden disruption before relaxing once again.
'Fuck finals, I got this in the bag if this cute teddy bear is my motivator,' you thought.
A/n - hey guys I'm writing my finals right now and I just wanted to make some sort of motivational fic for those studying as well. Good luck guys and remember to take a break or Bokuto will come give you a scolding ;)
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airashisakura · 3 years
My first entry for @ssskmonth | Prompts used Glances and Years Past
Summary: In the journey of life, they lost and found something along the path.
Fixing her red ribbon, Sakura glances at the dark-haired boy. Sakura looks around before looking at him again. The classroom is lively as ever — Naruto and Kiba are fighting, Ino is bickering with Choji while Shikamaru yawns and mutters something, Hinata fidgets uncomfortably in her seat while Shino observes everyone. Sasuke’s elbows are resting on the desk, his chin supported by his interlaced fingers. Sakura’s green eyes wander on his face, and a shade of red stains her cheeks. Lucky for her, his eyes are closed. She wonders what he’s thinking.
The classroom is too noisy for his liking. Sasuke wants for Iruka-sensei to start class as soon as possible, because his 5 year old brain thinks the sooner the class starts, the sooner it will end. Today, he wants time to fly fast because his nii-san has promised to pick him up after school.
Everytime Sakura glances towards Sasuke while Iruka-sensei lectures about five basic nature of chakra, she finds him gazing out of the window. Strange, she thinks, because Sasuke-kun is always attentive to lessons. She hears Naruto get scolded for not paying attention, and he grumbles that he doesn’t understand a single word. However, this is not the case with Sasuke. She is confident of that. She nods and tells herself Sasuke-kun is a genius. He already knows what sensei is teaching.
Sasuke doesn’t want the class to end today, because he has been tired of being greeted by an empty house and crying himself to sleep. It’s only been a week, and he misses his mother's lap, his father’s voice, and his older brother’s presence. But he shouldn’t miss his older brother, should he? It’s too hard of a question for an 8 year old to figure that out. He bites hard on his lower lip; he doesn't want to cry in front of his classmates.
Sakura glances lazily at the campfire in front of her. Still in slumber, she hears Kakashi-sensei waking Sasuke-kun up for the watch. She recalls they were returning from an escort mission, and they were all tired, especially Naruto, to return back to the village immediately. So they settled to sleep under the open sky accompanied by a summer breeze. Sakura smiles in her sleep, thanking her sensei and teammate for giving her some more time to spend with Sasuke-kun.
Sasuke looks toward the sky. The darkness of the night is fading slowly, and in the distance, he could hear the birds chirping, ready to start their day. Kakashi said he needed an hour of rest before they start again for the village. Sasuke doesn't like that. He frowns, mulling over the fact that he isn't making any progress in his plan of revenge with a lazy sensei and two unskilled teammates. However, the 12 year old genin hums in gratitude because these people protect him from lonely nights.
It's been a year since Tsunade-sama took Sakura under her tutelage. Sakura tries to slip into a dream where Sasuke hasn't left the village and Team 7 isn't disbanded. But the pain that washes over her body doesn't let her. Grunting, Sakura glances over the picture of Team 7 kept on her bedside table before she shuts her eyelids again. Her 14 year self doesn't know which was more painful — broken bones or a bruised heart.
Sakura glances at her reflection before she punches the mirror. Her knuckles bleed, but her punching doesn't stop. Her short breaths change into sobs while her body shakes violently. While tears overflow from her green eyes, she thinks it's better now because broken shreds can't reflect the dark marks of Sasuke's fingers on her pale neck. She cries harder, realizing that the mark would disappear after some days, but the pain that her love for Sasuke brings won't. Her 16 year self was now wise enough to know that bruised hearts hurt more than broken bones.
Sakura wonders whether the examination rooms of the hospital are too small? She presses her fingers gently on Sasuke's left stump, examining it. She applies more pressure and glances at Sasuke's face to determine whether his arm still hurts. Sasuke doesn't flinch, though his expressions are unreadable as ever. The 17 year old Sakura isn't naive to deduce a silly conclusion. Although she can't read his thoughts, she feels a pain stirring behind his mismatched orbs.
Sasuke suppresses a gasp when Sakura touches his arm. It hurts a little when she prods him with her fingers, but he doesn't complain. However, it hurts more to accept that Sakura has forgiven him. He wants to jerk away from her touch and tell her not to treat him so gently. He doesn't do that and diverts his mind to search for answers that trouble him — the definition of home, his loyalty to Konoha, and his bonds with Team 7. His wandering mind is dragged to the present moment when Sakura applies more pressure. It hurts more than before, but he doesn't flinch. Instead, he notes that he should thank Sakura before he leaves for his redemption journey tomorrow.
After taking a shower, Sakura settles with a cup of tea beside the window. She sips the jasmine tea and hears the sound of falling rain along with metallic sound coming from the room. Sasuke, on the other side of the room, is busy taking care of his chokuto. It has been months they've been married, but Sakura still blushes on the thought that they share a room together. Perhaps she won't ever stop feeling giddy around him, but the 19 years old Sakura knows Sasuke better than before. She knows some of his past, can tell when he is bothered although she doesn't always know the reason, and has seen the little upward tilt of his lips when he is happy. She steals a glance at Sasuke before closing her eyes, and a satisfied smile creeps on her face.
The summer rain had drenched them badly, and out of habit Sasuke settled on the floor after a shower to wipe off the water from his and Sakura's weapons. He almost smiles when Sakura fumbles with the tea pot and watches her as she settles beside the window. He sighs and wipes his chokuto. He is still amazed by how comfortable he is around Sakura. It's the same feeling he had when he was around oka-san, otou-san, and Itachi; he realizes. His fingers abruptly stop on the blade when he remembers something oka-san had said years before. He looks towards Sakura — eyes closed, smiling — and realizes a rented room to take shelter from rain can turn into home because Sakura is there with him.
Sakura is tired. The exhaustion from the hours of labor has seeped deep in her bones. She glances at the dark ceiling of the hideout and clutches the sheet closer to her body. She cranes her neck to see the little human she had given birth to, and she smiles softly. Sasuke is curled on the other side of bed, watching their newborn daughter with awe. She catches something in his eyes that she has never seen before, and she feels tears pooling in her eyes. Sakura has once accepted that she couldn’t give Sasuke what he had once lost, but little Sarada has proved her wrong.
Sasuke watches as Sarada scrunches her eyes and wiggles. Sasuke places his index finger on her little palm and starts counting her fingers. Although he stops when she hears Sakura giggling softly. “She is so small,” he tells her, and Sakura says, “She is only a day old.” He hums and though he doesn’t say it out loud, he thanks her as he stares into her green eyes. Sarada’s little adorable fingers wrap around his index finger, and he realizes that at 20 he has found what he lost at a tender age of 8.
Sasuke glances at the clock before he slips under the sheet beside Sakura. It's late, and he almost groans on the thought that he has to leave early in the morning for a mission without seeing his daughter. At the age of 33, he wonders sometimes if he has taken the right decision to spend his life out of the village, working from the shadows, protecting the village. He turns around to face Sakura's back and snuggle closer to her body. Sakura stirs in her sleep and sleepily murmurs, “Okaeri.”
“Aah, Tadaima.” He realizes this way he can always come back to Sakura — and come back to his home.
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myelocin · 4 years
Of Baby Bottles and Buttons | Sakusa Kiyoomi
Hey so uhhhh this was supposed to be for Kags but Sarah and Dei said Kiyoomi so this one’s for you guys <3 
Synopsis: In which Bokuto decided to chug milkshakes and drive Sakusa out. Basically dad!Sakusa au where I decided to satisfy my own feelings
Characters: Mentions of MSBY, Sakusa Kiyoomi, You, Nari (daughter)
Pairing: Sakusa Kiyoomi x You
Warnings: Mentions of vomit
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 1.5k
Again, this is for you Sarah & Dei!!
An early leave on a Friday in the middle of the season was a rare occurrence, but of course, this had to be the day Bokuto was dared by Atsumu to chug four glasses of the chocolate milkshakes Hinata bought consecutively. Bokuto well, being Bokuto, despite just eating lunch, jumped at the dare with a hearty “Hey, hey, hey!!!”
Practice began soon after and in short, the team hadn’t gotten through their second round of drills before Bokuto decided to projectile vomit all over the floor.
If Sakusa had the heart and had chosen to stay, first he would have pondered why the man, at the ripe age of twenty seven think it was a good idea to you know, do that in the first place, then second probably step away from the pile before calling the janitors. But reality is Sakusa Kiyoomi did not, so therefore, five seconds after he heard the man hurl, the vomit drop, and the man complain about his stomach, he was already halfway to the door with a hands up and his mask in place.
“Don’t even bother reasoning with me.” The rest of the team didn’t need to look in Sakusa’s direction to know he was long past gone.
Sakusa jumbled with his keys in his hand before eventually finding the right one and pushing it in the lock. He shot you a quick text saying that he was home early and he’d let the baby sitter go home early before pushing the front door open.
After taking off his shoes and slipping on his house slippers, he rounded the corner to the sight of Nari, your seven month old baby girl babbling away in her crib and the sitter, which happened to be teenager who lived across the street froma you and Sakusa’s home, taking the bottle out of the microwave.  
“Sakusa-san! I thought (y/n) would be home first.”
“Ah. Early finish today. You can go home, I texted (y/n). She should know I’m home by now.”
She shrugged and put the bottle back down. “She hadn’t had her milk yet and the last time I changed her diaper was just about ten minutes ago, so she’s good for a while.”
His eyes trailed to her squeezing some sanitizer into her hands from the totally not obvious giant bottle of sanitizer right by the crib and inwardly snorted, (Y/n) sure is subtle. Though then again, he’s not complaining. He’s sure this is a trait that he’s rubbed off on you.
Sakusa nodded to her departure with a subtle nod to his head before he took his mask off and grabbing the bottle, testing the temperature on his wrist, and handing it to Nari. He watched her latch on to the bottle with a soft look in his eye. After quickly changing and washing his hands, he quietly made his way around the crib and peered down at his daughter who laid on her bank, with both her hands supporting the bottle, blinking up at him. This is rare, he thought. Usually you’d be home with Nari during these months since practice became a lot more frequent.
He knew how to take care of your daughter, right down to the basics, but he still wished he was with the two of you every day. Nari was growing up so fast, too fast, and he feels as if he’ll blink through half of her childhood if he ponders on a thought one second too long.
This is what Bokuto was talking about, he mused. Bokuto, the same man who was the very reason why he was home early, had children of his own and often talked about how fast they were growing up and how soon it would be before they left the house.
Nari made a tiny noise and sat up with her half empty bottle laid in between her legs. “Papa, up!”
Sakusa leaned down and picked up Nari, grabbing her bottle along the way, as she held out her hand and motioned to it. He smirked and thought her tiny hand’s grabbing motions resembled the way you used to motion to him when you wanted that piece of bread that for some reason you knew he brought for you every morning.
By this time you had already entered the house and was just about to round the corner when you let yourself pause in your track. You looked at Sakusa sitting down on the seat you usually sat at with Nari’s back leaned against his chest as he guided the bottle back to her mouth. You decided against calling out that you were home and instead peeked from the corner of the shelf behind the corner and watched for a while.
You looked at Nari lifting her hands up and drawing random patterns in the air as your husband held the bottle for her. You were used to seeing him like this. Fatherhood suited him well, after all. He was careful and practical, but despite that he had a certain softness that you saw in moments like this. The kind where you noticed how his big hands who could smack balls in killer speeds could also seem feather light as he patted your daughter’s back to burp her.  
You felt that same softness in scattered moments in the years you had been with him, but seeing it happen in front of you, to your daughter none the less, let your heart bloom in a way you didn’t know could.
Sakusa never thought he’d have kids, but then he married you, the complete opposite of what he was so he thought things out of the norm couldn’t be all bad. He looked at Nari, who was long finished with her bottle, too preoccupied with grabbing the buttons in his shirt to notice her father staring at her and allowed himself to crack a smile.
You bit your lip, holding back a verbal response and smiled.
She caught his gaze, and giggled out a soft “Papa!” and Sakusa felt his heart swell. Not bad at all.
From your little hidden corner behind the shelf, you couldn’t hold back your giggle as you decided to let your entrance finally be acknowledged. “Omi?”
“In here!”
I know, I’ve been trying to not freak out over witnessing my husband being a literal teddy bear for our daughter.
“Has she had her bottle?” He nodded to the empty bottle next to him, “Yeah. How was work?”
“Slow day. Let me wash up and change first.” Kiyoomi nodded and shifted his attention back to Nari, who was still, mind you, this entire time, preoccupied with the buttons.
Eventually, you made your way back into the living room and took a seat next to Kiyoomi. Nari had noticed you and reached for you with her lips exaggeratedly pursed like you often did when you gave her, her bed time kisses.
You gave her a smile as she squealed out a soft “Mama!” and kissed her forehead. Kiyoomi looked at the two of you before giving your cheek a chaste kiss that you hummed in to.
You looked at the window. “It’s a nice day out, why don’t we take a walk and let her play outside?”
Kiyoomi gave you a look. “She can’t walk.”
You leaned into the couch and stared back at him, “She needs sun, Omi. And to not be around giant bottles of sanitizers so she can build up her immune system.”
He puffed his cheeks in the way he only did when he was around you. You knew this was his tell that he was losing the argument. Inwardly, you let yourself snicker, though you still replied, “Look at Bokuto-san’s kids. They’re always out playing and they’re doing fine!”
Again, he gave you the deadpan look. “Bokuto?”
You leaned against his shoulder and beamed at Nari who was watching the two of you, “Yes. He told me it’s good to let kids out and do stuff to build their immune system, Omi.”
“You’re taking advice from Bokuto? The same man who chugged four glasses of milkshakes, decided it was okay to do intense practice drills right after, and had the decency to be surprised that he vomited? You do know the reason why I’m home early right?” He snorted.
His words were harsh, but you knew he loved each member on his team like his own family which was why you replied with a kiss to the tip of his nose and a, “He’s a good father, Omi, and you know he has a point.”
You grabbed Nari and let her sit on your lap, replying to her babbles with baby talk.
Kiyoomi sat up and wrapped his arm around your shoulder, inching closer to your form as he pressed a kiss to the side of your head before leaning his cheek against it. His eyes softened and he let another smile form on his lips as Nari blinked up to you, giggling at your silly construction of words.
He sighed, a smile still on his face, “Maybe it’s not so bad that he took Atsumu’s dare since I’m home early.”
You turned your head towards him and let yourself fall in love with the soft look in his eyes once more and said, “Tadaima.”
And his reply came in the soft whisper of, “Okaeri.”
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trashexplorer · 4 years
BLCD Review: Tadaima, Okaeri
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Title: Tadaima, Okaeri
Release Date: 2020/07/28
Morikawa Toshiyuki x Tamaru Atsushi
Toriumi Kousuke + Yashiro Taku
Tanezaki Atsumi
Synopsis: Masaki is a male Omega married to Hiromu a male Alpha. They have a child together named Hikari and they've just moved in to a new neighborhood. The story revolves around the everyday lives of this couple and how they raise their son Hikari.
Review Proper
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Y’all should know by now that I really don’t like plots that involve children and rapists. And if that wasn’t enough, I also don’t like already established couples. Literally the only reason why I endured reading the manga because I felt bad for not supporting my friends’/proofreaders’ favorite manga. I do like Ichikawa Ichi, and Tenjou no Shita ni Koi is still one of my favorites up to this day (even though I have a love-hate relationship with it), but sensei is known to have an affinity towards love triangles—YA GIRL EVEN DOES SQUARES. It’s especially frustrating for me because I end up rooting for everyone to end up with the MC. 😩 Thankfully for me, Tadaima, Okaeri didn’t have a love triangle...in volume one at least.
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If ya ain’t giving me 3P, don’t even bother
Anyway, I was actually ecstatic when news broke out about the adaptation. I mean, despite the fumble Fusion Product had with Fuck Buddy’s casting, I still had faith in their casting for omegaverse because hello? This was the legendary house who brought the award-winning Kashikomarimashita, Destiny onto the table and Romantic Joutou! Of course they’re gonna deliver again this time around, right???
 I just about died when I saw that Moririn was coming in for Hiromu, but then when I scrolled down to see who was going to do my and Yuuki's beloved Matsuo-san...
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Y’ALL ARE WRONG TO CAST TORIUMI KOUSUKE FOR MATSUO-SAN. Don’t get me wrong, I love the man and he did his best, but he is in no way suited to play mature and sexy Matsuo-san. I wouldn’t have complained if Tori and Moririn switched roles because Tori is more suited to comedic Papa roles (Dekichatta Danshi), but Matsuo-san has this air of mysery to him that Tori can't emulate. 😤 Plus, Tori, bless his heart, doesn’t have a lot of sex appeal as a top. How was FP even expecting a black cat play a wolf??? There’s a plethora of actors who would slay Matsuo-san’s role out there and I just can’t fathom why FP couldn’t chose any one of them instead. If they were just going to mispurpose veterans in BLCDs, then I’d rather have them not be cast at all! Maeno could have delivered Matsuo-san just fine if only he wasn’t already committed to Kashikomarimashita, Destiny, but there’s still Wacchan, Hirarin, Katou Masayuki, and Shingaki Tarusuke who are around Moririn’s range. SEE, NONE OF THIS WOULD HAVE HAPPENED IF Y’ALL JUST CAST KATOU MASAYUKI GODDAMIT. 
Breathe, Cheska. Breathe.
Anyway, as I’ve mentioned earlier, when I saw Moririn’s name on that list, I really did die; BUT NOTHING EVER PREPARED ME FOR WHAT HE WAS GOING TO SERVE ON THAT FUCKING TABLE!!! You don’t understand. Not only did he go a tone deeper than what I had imagined Hiromu’s voice was going to be, he also sounded like he was recording with a goddamn dummy head mic! 😩 Mans made me feel like he was talking to me and that Hikarin was our child (sorry, Masaki)! WELL, THAT SURE TOOK ME FUCKING BACK TO MY TEENS WHERE I’D JUST LISTEN TO HIS LOVERS ONLY AND KARESHI IGAI CDS TO SLEEP. FUCKING CHEAT WITH ME, DADDY!!! The audacity of your duality, FP!!! Now this is how you put veterans to good use! It’s been how many years ever since he was cast in a good role/main role??? Three??? Please come back for more, sir!!! 😩 Ugh. I honestly can’t think of another actor who could play Hiromu better than he can and he’s going to be the very reason why I’m going to listen to the upcoming adaptations if there may be. Again, I didn’t like Hiromu and Masaki’s pair at all and didn’t care about them, BUT YO I’M ALL SIGNED UP FOR THAT MORIRIN ACTION!!!
Tama and Taku also did very well in their respective roles. I also can’t imagine their characters to be played by other people, but I’d be lying if I didn’t say that I didn’t confuse Tama for Shirai Yuusuke in the beginning. 😂I do have to mention Tanezaki Atsumi here, too, because she fucking deserves it. When I say that I don’t like children, I really mean that I don’t like children. I mostly ignored Hikarin’s entire existence while I read the manga because I found him spoiled and well, you know, disproportionate. However, it’s really hard to ignore him now that he’s voiced, so I had no choice but to actually listen to the plot (surprise I only skipped to Hiromu and Masaki’s bedroom subjugation and Matsuo-san and Yuuki-kun’s interactions). I don’t know if it was because I was a few days away from my period, Moririn’s daddy voice, Tanezaki Atsumi’s stellar voice acting, BUT Y’ALL THAT AWAKENED MOTHER’S INSTINCTS, I—
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YO I GET IT. I GET IT, YOU HIKARI SIMPS. HAPPY NOW?! Hina is a different story, though
I’m still not a 100% in Hiromu and Masaki’s relationship, but I will try reading through it with interest (try is the keyword). If anything, this BLCD made the series better EXCEPT for Tori’s casting fiasco of course. I’d definitely recommend this to you if you’re a fan of the series, but do be warned. If you also thought that Tori’s catching was sketch, trust your instincts because it’s going to turn out like how you imagine it. Regardless, everyone did their best and despite some minor addends/rearrangements on the dialogue, this was a good adaptation over all. PLEASE DO LISTEN TO THIS IF YOU’RE A MORIRIN FAN OH MY I CAN’T STRESS ENOUGH. 
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