#Sadly they started hatching before I got home so I think two dried out
applejarjar · 1 year
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#They finally hatched!#I knew it would be soon since they started to turn gray but I wasn't sure how long lol#Sadly they started hatching before I got home so I think two dried out#But the rest are zooming around like it ain't nobody's business!#There's a super small lighter colored one that's so stinking cute#Idk why the second clutch hasn't started hatching out yet though#Hopefully it'll be soon#One snail has made it off the lid and is in the actually aquarium so I'm hoping the rest follow suit soon#I don't wanna dump the clutches into the water of fear the unhatched snails will drown#But idk if that one snail already ate or it still needs to get Calcium#Hopefully it'll be ok#I think tjta one and a second one are already starting to change colors so that's cool!#Or they just have a purple tinge thay I didn't notice before#I'm super excited to see them all and begin analyzing their colors and stuff#I'd be lying if I said I wasn't fascinated by their genetics and ecstatic to have the opportunity to make some observations#This clutch theoretically was from my two yellow snails#But idk if they are carriers for other colors or if paternity can be shared#I have two males and two females so there could've been some crossing going on#Right now though I'm just hoping both sides of the clutch will hatch#In trying to get the eggs to a better environment I broke the clutch in half so I was worried if it'd even hatch#They seemed to make it though and I just found two more clutches two days ago#Sadly the first clutch didn't make it cause it fell in the water the day before I moved the aquarium#I incubated both just in case but it didn't do anything so that was disappointing
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tainted-wine · 4 years
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(Snapped a pic because I lost the darn ask)
Thank you, anon! She didn’t exactly forget in this case, but bear with me. This crack is basically a happier ending to Spring Bird Survival Guide. It was supposed to be a couple sentences long. I don’t know how it turned into nearly 3,000 words. I...I wrote a whole fic.
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“Why did you stop taking them?” He sounds more confused than you’ve ever heard him, the slight shake in his voice betraying his fear.
You didn’t mean for him to catch you in his bathroom, positive pregnancy test still in your hands. Your plan was to figure out when would be the appropriate time to tell him, assuming that he didn’t catch on to the constant nausea added to your pains. At least this saves you the trouble of keeping secrets.
“Because…the Commission can go fuck themselves.” You take his hand and place it right above your womb, hearing his breath hitch. “Let’s start a family, Keigo.”
Hawks knew that this was beyond stupid. It was stupid of you to put yourself in this position, it was stupid of him to even be considering this, and it was stupid of both of you to attempt such a thing behind the Commission’s back.
But his birdbrain didn’t care about any of that right now.
He pulls you in for a suffocating kiss. “My little hen is about to become a mother hen.” He takes you to bed and claims you out of pure joy.
That buzzfood article was frankly right. Mutant bodies didn’t make any sense, and what they could do to other people’s bodies made no friggin sense either. As time passed, not only was his seed growing inside of you at an alarming rate, something felt off. These weren’t the kicks of a single fetus, it felt akin to a strange cluster of objects crammed into your womb, shifting about in a way that sometimes made you shudder.
You haven’t been able to see a doctor at all—Hawks wanted you to stay in his house at all times and away from the public’s eye—so there was no way to properly check, but it didn’t take too many guesses to figure out what was happening.
“You didn’t tell me that I’d lay eggs!”
“I didn’t know!” Hawks swears that he didn’t hatch out of an egg himself and had no way of predicting this.
The development of the eggs only took about a month. When it was time to birth them…
“I hate you! God, I hate you so fucking much for putting me through this!” You screamed in pure agony as tears streamed down your face, using every ounce of strength in your body to keep pushing.
Hawks was kneeling between your legs, caressing your thighs lovingly as he watched his offspring’s vessels emerge from your stretched hole. “I’m sorry, baby. You can chew me out all you want later, alright? Just keep pushing. You’re doing great.” Oh fuck him. Fuck him and all of his comfort, making you do this on his own bed, without the security of doctors who actually know how to do this properly. Squeezing out three baby-sized eggs was like a temporary vacation in hell.
Once the eggs were all brought into the world, Hawks wrapped them up in blankets and placed them under a lamp. He knew that there were actual incubators for couples like the two of you, but he’d rather keep them cozy with his personal belongings instead of some lifeless factory-made device.
“I’m not farming chickens that I’ll eat later. These are our kids.”
You’ve been too exhausted to argue, having lost a frightening portion of your body weight. Hawks was having a little too much fun in gorging you, trying to hand-feed you meats of all kinds.
Another month goes by, and you think something must be wrong because those eggs shouldn’t be cracking already, right? But amazingly, you watch as gooey newborns flail about until they have fully broken out of their protective shells. Hawks sadly missed the hatching, but when he comes home and sees his three sons for the first time, he cries.
Somehow, you’re still surprised when they grow quickly. It was concerning. Is that healthy? Three more months pass, and all three of them have fully feathered wings. Hawks teaches them how to fly and use their quirks, and they learn with carefree laughs and smiles on their faces. Healthy or not, you’re going to do everything you can to keep these little fledglings happy.
“Let’s have more.”
Your eyes nearly pop out. “More? Already?”
You both sit on the roof of the house, your three boys chasing each other across the starry sky. Both of you have to always remind them to stay quiet and within Mommy and Daddy’s sight when they play outside.
Hawks places his hand over yours. “They could use some more siblings, don’t you think? I’ve got more than enough to provide for them.”
It sounds stupid. Doing any of this was stupid, honestly, and you’re not looking forward to carrying more of his eggs. Yet, a simpler part of your mind wanted this, to take as many of his children as possible, and you decided to listen to it.
The Commission was destined to find out sooner or later, though you’re not sure how. You were eventually fired after your long absence that you refused to give them an explanation for. It’s possible that they still managed to spot your kids while they were outdoors, despite you and Hawks’s many precautions.
You were watching your new clutch of eggs—four of them this time—when the winged hero arrived, the features on his face pressed into a tranquil fury that made you shiver.
“He wanted to take them,” he said lowly through gritted teeth. “He wanted to take our kids and turn them into heroes. Into fucking weapons.”
You held him, feeling his anger ebb with your soothing rubs across his back, right between the base of his wings. “What do we do? We can’t hide from them. You can’t talk them out of anything. Oh god, Keigo, what do we do?” You felt completely helpless, knowing that you couldn’t stop them if they decided to take your little angels away.
Hawks looked to the pile of sleeping boys, having worn themselves out after a hyper game of tag that required you to keep a close eye to ensure they didn’t break anything. At just a little less than a year old, they could be mistaken for being around the age of ten. “They’re really skilled fliers already, aren’t they? Even have great control of their feathers.” He nodded to himself, lost in his own head. “Yeah...I’ll show them weapons.”
The sinister air around him was scaring you. “Keigo?”
His face returned to a cheerful smile as he planted a kiss on your head. “Don’t worry, mother hen. I’ve got this under control.”
“But what about the deputy? He’s going to come for our kids!”
You felt his whole body shake from his deep chuckle. “No he’s not.”
And that’s when you noticed it. The dried specks of reddish-brown on his jacket, almost like a splatter. Blood.
“I killed him.”
It won’t be long before the Commission goes after Hawks for killing one of their own, so he wasn’t going to give them time to plan.
You didn’t appreciate him taking the kids behind your back, and you had no idea what danger he was putting them in until you heard the news.
The Hero Public Safety Commission HQ had been attacked and overwhelmed.
By the time your second clutch hatched, Hawks already had full control of what was once the HPSC. He gave you a tour through the remodeled building, your kids roaming the halls excitedly as if they didn’t just overthrow an entire organization. Some of the employees greeted you warmly, some gave forced smiles. One of them bowed respectfully with a twitchy grin.
“I’m happy to be a part of the Hawks Hero Force, ma’am. We are going to make great changes.”
You...didn’t know what to say to that.
You stuck to raising your kids while Hawks did whatever diabolical shit he was doing, but it was hard to ignore the growing tension in the city. He and his kids have been holding off opposing heroes for weeks, all of them trying and failing to bring down the rising power of the number two hero. You saw the debates on television. People were arguing whether the dissolution of the Commission was for Japan’s benefit and that Hawks should be supported, or question if Hawks should be trusted at all for disposing of the very people that got him where he is today. What was even his game plan?
You didn’t care much yourself. The only insight Hawks has given you was that he was setting up a city that would be safe for all of his children. Sounds good enough to you.
In just a few more months, your other four kids were eager to join their father’s cause. You and Hawks no longer mention the rapid growth of your offspring...and the short lifespans they likely possess. There was no point in letting those fears resurface.
You hug them all, telling them to visit Mommy on weekends and always keep their feathers clean and sharp for battle.
“Don’t worry, Mommy! We’re gonna teach those heroes not to defy Dad!”
The part of the HQ building Hawks led you to was like a bizarre fusion of a love hotel room and a nursery. It was such a strange setup, that you almost forgot to question the young lady that has been following him around.
He gives her a few pats on the shoulder. “This here is Hina, one of my most loyal followers. She’s been on my side since the beginning.” Hina gives a polite smile and bows in your direction.
And then Hawks lays it all on you. How he wants kids at a quicker rate, and his female supporters would be perfect for this...you’re dumbstruck. Your belly was already swelling with his potent seed for the third time, and somehow that wasn’t enough?
“I promise you there’s nothing else to it. Isn’t that right, Hina?”
The woman stood tall and nodded. “I’m only here to help Hawks in his cause.”
Hawks gave her an approving smile before turning back to you. “And if you’re not convinced, just stick around. I welcome the audience.”
The suggestion catches you so off-guard that you agree to it. You take a seat on one of the beds (holy shit this was a goddamn breeding room) and watch him and Hina settle on one right next to you.
“All fours, missy.” Hina obeys his command and prepares herself on her hands and knees.
You watch. You watch Hawks rub her moistened folds while stroking himself until fully erect. You watch him slowly push in, hearing the sharp intake of breath from Hina. He stays at a moderate pace, holding her hips and gently rocking her with his thrusts. It’s…odd, watching the men you’ve had seven (so far) children with take another woman to bear more.
The girl that was a complete stranger to you was sinking her teeth into her bottom lip, but that still wasn’t enough to hold back her moans. Still, it was hard to pay attention to her, because Hawks’s eyes were locked onto yours. Even as his breaths and movements quickened, even as Hina began to shake and collapse onto her elbows as she reached her climax, he never tore his gaze away from you. He finally did when his eyes shut tightly as he buried himself balls-deep into his dear follower, blessing her with several spurts of his sperm into her welcoming womb.
You couldn’t help but rub your own belly at the sight.
He unfolded the sheets and helped the dazed woman get settled into the bed. “You should get cleaned up later, but for now, just rest.” He said softly.
Hina mumbled nonsense, already half-asleep.
Hawks straightened himself out before walking over to you, excited to rub the stomach that cradled his chicks. “I’m gonna give you all the children you could ever want, baby. And remember,” he gave you a kiss of pure love and passion. “I’ll always only have eyes for you.”
You smiled and hugged him tightly. All of the children in the world…Keigo’s children. “Sounds perfect.”
“Soon, I’ll have all of these beds filled.”
Hawks and his children have amazingly lowered Fukuoka’s crime rate by a significant amount. You never imagined living in such a peaceful time. You didn’t understand the interviews and articles, the ones that expressed fear and outrage over being attacked by winged individuals for doing anything that can be perceived as villainous. There were heroes still trying to destroy the Hawks Hero Force, creating alliances of their own to face this new dominating power. They were usually taken care of pretty quickly—all it takes is a flurry of sharp feathers from several pairs of wings to crush the foolish rebels.
You don’t understand why they resisted so much. All they had to do to avoid Hawks’s wrath was be a law-abiding citizen, and also not harm his kids. Oh yeah, anyone—hero or not—that made the mistake of injuring you and your man’s angels had this weird habit of…disappearing.
You had about fifty of them by now. Fifty winged beauties that keep the peace with proud and innocent smiles. Not all of them were yours—they had many mothers now—but you treated them all like your own.
One would expect Hawks to start losing track of his precious eyases, but he remembers every single one of them like they hatched yesterday. Each name…every voice…every face…he didn’t forget any of them, and loved them all equally. When they weren’t enforcing laws, they were cuddling and playing with their father or mothers.
You wandered through the incubation room, looking over the many nests that held your future. The mothers-in-the-making were resting in their beds next door, their bellies growing each day.
This is what paradise looked like.
3 years later...
(NOTICE: Buzzfood would like to remind citizens that next Saturday is Skewer Saturday of this month. Please be prepared to offer a chicken skewer to any descendants of Hawks that are currently residing in your neighborhood. If you need help searching for the best skewers to purchase in your area, take a look at our recommended restaurants here. Citizens that do not participate in Skewer Saturday will be taken in by the Hawks Hero Force and punished accordingly. Show your appreciation for our crime-free country!)
Great Hawks Celebrates His 1000th Child
By Yuki Burushito
Another great day in Fukuoka! But this day in particular just might be the greatest day yet! Why, you ask? Our beloved leader Hawks has brought his thousandth child into the world! A public ceremony was held to welcome this beautiful girl on this earth and, more importantly, this blessed country. Hawks and his wife were in tears, and I must say, seeing this vulnerability from such a powerful man moved me like nothing else. May your precious daughter one day join her brothers and sisters in the eternal battle of keeping the peace!
Speaking of peace, we must not forget that even though Japan is enjoying its best years in history, our peace is still being threatened every day. There are villain groups lurking in your city’s slimy cracks, plotting to destroy everything Hawks has worked so hard to create. They even have the audacity to call themselves heroes. We all know that the only heroes needed today are the noble winged ones that fight to keep us safe and comfortable. One group in particular insists on giving Hawks a hard time whenever they can: the One For All Alliance. The majority of the members in this gang are former students and teachers from the now-defunct U.A. High School. Their influence may be spreading, but our love and support for Hawks will always smother their poisonous lies!
We must do our part in ensuring that Japan retains its place as the World’s Paradise!
You find him on the roof of his house, watching your three eldest boys fly freely as the orange dawn painted the city’s skyline. Only three years old, yet their bodies were strong and hardened, one of them sporting facial hair similar to their father’s.
He of course panics and scolds you when he spots you trying to climb with your bulging stomach. You only roll your eyes as he helps you up. You’ve gone through this reproductive process more than enough times to know your body’s limits.
“They wanted to reminisce for a while,” Hawks explains, back to watching the playful flights. “They make three years sound like it was ages ago. Then again…” His proud gleam twisted into something sadder, his mind entering that dark pit he tries so hard to avoid.
You cover one of his hands with yours. “No matter how long they have, we’re going to keep working to make sure they enjoy every minute of their life. You’ve given so much to all of your children. Be proud of how great of a father you are.”
The smile he gives is soft and warm. You’ve been seeing those more than his cocky smirks lately.
The sun continues to rise as you both kiss under its morning rays, lost in each other’s love. He only pulls back to speak again. “How about we gather some of the youngsters for a trip to the amusement park? It’s been a while.”
You can’t hide your worry at the suggestion. “Are you sure? Villains love to strike when you’re not active.
He gave a smug grin. Ah, there’s the old him. “They do, and they still get their asses kicked. My kids can handle it. I’ve got all the free time in the world, my little hen.” He holds you close and you both return to watching your darlings fly.
“More free time than I know what to do with.”
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madiletio · 6 years
Little Wonders | Ch.5 “Silence”
Summary: Broken and bruised, everything was unraveling right in front them. And all they could do is watch in horror.
AKA the angsty kidfic no one asked for.
 The silence that filled Red was almost maddening.
 Lance was barely hanging on. Barely surviving. Red had stopped talking to him after she had alerted him about Green. When she had told him that Green had picked up on their location, for the first time since crashing, he felt somewhat optimistic. That maybe, just maybe, his family would find him in time.
 But that was days ago, and since then there was nothing but silence.
 Part of him wanted to believe that the team, his family, were on their way to save him. But a bigger part of him was convinced that maybe Red had lied to him. That maybe, the lion could sense that he wasn’t going to get out of this alive. Not this time.
 And if that was really the case, he understood the reasoning behind Red’s lie. She didn’t want him to die thinking the team wasn’t searching for him and yet, he was pretty convinced he was going to die waiting anyway.
 His body was beginning to fail from the lack of water and food. In all honesty he was impressed he had even made it this far.
Taking his helmet off for the first time, he wiped away the sweat and dried blood from his forehead. There was no point in wearing it anymore anyway.
 “.. Hnngh.” He cringed at the pain that ran through his shoulders as he lifted up his arm.
 There was one last thing he needed to do.
 With a few deep breaths, he forced a smile and hit the small ‘record’ button on his suits control panel.
 “... If you're watching this, chances are I'm no longer here.”
 It felt almost wrong to do this.
 “-And I'm sorry. I'm sorry for letting you all down like this.” He glanced apologetically at the camera.
 “You guys were the best team I've ever had the privilege of being apart of. And you're my family.”
 They always were going to be. After all the shit they had seen, the endless battles in deep space, being defenders of the never ending broken universe- You never truly forget something like that.
 He took a minute to breathe.
 “I want you to know that I only have one regret in my life..and that's not being able to live to see Katie walk down the aisle. To not have a family with her like I've dreamed about since I first realized that I loved her. “
 He wiped at the tears that had managed to escape.
 “Katie. I love you… And I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry.”
 A red box appeared on the screen, alerting him that there was minimal charge left.
 It was time to say goodbye.
 “I know that this is going to hurt. I wish it didn't but I know that that's impossible. Mourn me but please, for all of your sakes, learn to move on in time. I-”
 The screen disappeared as the suit powered off for the final time, cutting him off entirely. And maybe the was for the best he thought.
 Because for the first time in years, he was crying like he had never cried before.
 Everything about the Garrison was bullshit. That much had been obvious to Colleen the moment they had covered up Sam and Matt’s abduction as a simple ‘mission failure’.
 And yet they still continued to bullshit through everything - even after the war.
 "Colleen? Love?"
 It was nearly four in the morning. She hadn't slept until she found what she was looking for. Sam's voice was tired and she partly felt bad for waking him up, but this was something that couldn't be put off.
 "I'm sorry for waking you." She sighed. "I know that you're busy on the Atlas right now but this couldn't wait."
 She heard the rustling of bed sheets on the other end.
 "Is something wrong?" He sounded more alert than he did worried.
 "More or less. Katie and Lance haven't been in contact with me or anyone at the Garrison for over a week now. But there also haven’t been any recent paladin changes-"
 She was cut off by her sons sudden voice, making her jump in her seat.
 "They probably said 'fuck it' and eloped, ya know. Shit knows I would do that just to avoid the gossip."
 Sam could be heard groaning at his sons interruption, because even at 26 years old Matt still insisted on eavesdropping whenever he could.
 "I'm not convinced love." She smiled sadly at Matt and put the phone on speaker.
 “I managed to get ahold of the recent log dates- thanks it Iverson. They haven’t switched or contacted home base for over two weeks.”
 Sam interjected. "Want us to try and contact the castle when we get back to the milky way?"
 "Please. And be as discreet as you can."
 Everyone had been quiet as they traveled in their lions to Lance's coordinates.
 It had been a easy decision for everyone on what they should do when Katie had come running through the doors, shaking from the adrenaline alone.
 They had looked up the coordinates and much to their surprise, Lance's location wasn't as far as they had feared. But because of this, it made getting to him a whole lot trickier. Because they had all agreed on not contacting the Garrison. Because with their track record, they wouldn't have done much to help Lance. And the lions were a better alternative as opposed to traveling in the castle or Atlas.
 Even if that meant it would take longer than usual.
 The more discrete, the better.
 Katie felt like her mind was going at a hundred miles per hour as the silence lingered in the lions. It was almost as if her mind was on a endless loop of ‘what ifs’.
 What if they didn't find him? Or what if he was already gone by the time they reached him?
 What if he never got to see his unborn child?
 That thought sent chills down her spine.
 "Uh guys?" Keith's voice crackled through the comms.
 Hunk yawnked "Yeah man?"
 "I see Red."
 Katie immediately became alert.
 "And it doesn't look good."
 And it wasn't. That much was obvious the second they landed their lions on the soft terrain on the planet.
 Red's outer body was completely dented and scratched - most likely from the impact of crashing. Some of her paint had been scratched off and she was tangled up in her own metal paws.
 God only knew what the inside was like.
 "Okay team," Keith's voice cut through again. "This is the plan. Pidge, we'll send you first. Out of all of us I think Lance would be the most calm seeing you first."
 She bit her lip and stood up from her seat. "Roger that."
 "Allura, Hunk, I want you to follow in after Pidge. Wait outside of the cockpit first though until Pidge gives the all clear."
 "And what about you?" Allura interjected. "What will you be doing?"
 Keith didn't waste a second. "I'm going to do a quick scan of the area before watching all of your backs."
 “All right then. Let's bring the lover boy back home." Hunk said.
 They had to climb through Red's stomach hatch in order to get inside.
 It wasn't the quickest way to reach the cockpit but this was their only choice. And in this case, beggars couldn't be choosers.
 The inside of Red was a lot worse than they had thought. Cables and various shards of metal and broken parts where strewn about everywhere, leaving almost everything in sight ruined.
 "Holy shit," Hunk cursed under his breath as they made their way up to the cockpit.
 "Pidge?" Allura placed her hand on her shoulder when they reached the door. "Are you certain about going in there alone?"
 She gave Allura's hand a reassuring squeeze. "Definitely."
 Activating her bayard, she managed to pry open the sealed cockpit doors and squeeze her way through and into the room.
 And her heart immediately stopped.
 Everything was covered in red. The windows, the broken cables and metal. Everything around the chair was just red with blood.
 Tentatively, she made her way over Lances chair, and sucked in a breath when she saw the sight of him.
 She saw the infected leg and the six inch shard of metal that was stuck in the wound. She saw all the dried blood that covered him from the chin, chest and arms.
 She needed to act fast.
 "Lance...Lance are you there? Can you hear me?" She kneeled down to get a better look at him. To check that he still had a pulse.
 Placing her two fingers on the side of his neck, she was silently praying for there to be a pulse. Her hands were shaking with both adrenaline and anxiety. She held her breath, tears already threatening to fall because she couldn't find it.
 Until she did.
 Letting out a sob she gently placed her hand on his jaw and gently rubbed her thumb against it.
 "Baby you have to wake up now.” Her voice was soft.
 His brows furrowed in a light crease and he slowly started to stir.
 Lance’s bright blue eyes shot open and immediately met her gaze. She was never going to take advantage of being able to look into his eyes again.
 "K...Katie?" his voice was hoarse, most likely from the lack of use.
 "We're going to get you out of here okay?"
 Lance managed a small nod and leaned into her touch. Slowly, she leaned down and kissed him as gently as she could before pulling away. Activating her bayard, she headed back towards the door and pried it open for the rest of the team.
 They had to act fast. There was only so much Allura could do the help soothe the pain in Lance's leg as Katie began to fasten her belt at the tip of the wound. She then gave the all clear for Hunk to start pulling the metal out.
 For most of it Lance was quiet and looked at anything other than the giant piece of metal that was being pulled from his leg.
 Until a sharp pain seared through it, causing him to cry out from the pain.
 "Gotcha!" Hunk said through clenched teeth, yanking the last piece of metal out from the wound and placed it behind him.
 "Allura I need you to take off your belt too," Hunk told her, as he began to unbuckle his own. "We need to seal the wound the best way we can until get back home."
 The Altean nodded and before long Lance’s leg was being held together with the best way they had until they got back.
 "Agh..." Lance hissed at pain the moment Hunk and Allura started to lift him. "This is going to hurt like a bitch, isn't it?"
 Hunk gave him an apologetic smile in return. "Afraid so."
 All he could manage was a groan.
 They were halfway to their lions when Katie suddenly realized something, and it made her sick to her stomach.
 They turned to look at her.
 "Where's Keith?"
 It was as if a bomb had gone off as the realization hit them all at once. The ground began to tremble as a ship headed in their direction. A ship they recognized all too well.
 They had been ambushed.
 "Everyone go!" Katie screamed above the loud engine that hovered above them and everyone didn't hesitate to move.
 A smaller pod began to float down towards them. They we're almost out of time.
 And that was exactly what they needed. Time.
 Her legs began to shake as she came to a sudden halt on the ground. Tears fell as she watched her family run for their lions. They were almost there.
 But before she could even comprehend what was happening, she felt a pair of hands grab her by the collar and toss her in the direction of her lion as if she was nothing but a doll.
 Pain seared through her body as she landed hard against her lion’s metal claws.
 But that was the least of her concerns.
 Her vision was blurry as she struggled to find her ground. She needed to get out of there and quickly too. At most, she needed to be in the protection of her lion for both of their sakes.
 "-Idge? Are you there?!" Hunk's voice sounded faint, as though he was talking behind a closed door.
 "I'm here," she groaned. Her head felt like it was spinning as she stood.
 Green lowered her head for her and she silently thanked Green as she climbed into her lion.
 "What the fuck is going on?" Hunk cursed, launching the yellow lion into the sky.
 Blue was still on the ground with Green. Something was wrong.      Very     wrong.
 "Hunk," Katie hissed as she stumbled into one of the control sticks. "Where's Allura?"
 There was no response from the blue paladin. Blue was still grounded and every instinct in her body was telling her Allura wasn't there.
 "Pidge we have to go!" Hunk's voice was panicked.
 Not wasting a second, she launched Green into the sky. She did a scan of the area, searching for any sign of Allura. Yet, nothing came up.
 The ship was Lotor's. Or Lotor's generals. Katie couldn't tell but one thing was for certain - this wasn't normal. It wasn't attacking them, or opening fire.
 Maybe it was the panic in Hunk’s voice that caused her to flinch. Or maybe it was the pounding in her head that caused her to lose her train of thought as she headed in his direction.
 A loud roar came from the Blue lion as it dashed by Green and Yellow. Moments later a wormhole opened for them and they all followed suite.
 The sooner they got out of there the better.
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