#bye bye auckland
Yup - He added: "I think (Sail)GP is quite influenced by F1 and the experience around F1 and they want their sponsors to be able to experience that kind of thing."
Bye-bye Auckland for 2024.
Very disappointing, but according to the NZ Herald, the event in March could still be hosted elsewhere.
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blackberryjambaby · 7 months
today in the space of ten minutes two different people tried to heal me on the streets of auckland
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soshiharin · 3 months
better than this world tour: auckland
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— claire holt
— phoebe tonkin
— troye sivan
— she’s just having a good time
— bother me ateeeee
— her energy was just wow
— her entire aura tbh
— you already know everyone loves language
— after she had sung the first line, someone in the audience was like, “wait! start again, i wasnt recording!” and she just stared at them and continued singing
— she didn’t care😭😭😭
— we already know sweet fantasy is a crowd favourite
— during her second ment she noticed a very interesting poster
— harin: you’ve been to every show of the tour?
— fan: yeah😌
— harin: do you have student loan debt?
— fan: yeah😔
— harin: seeing me once is enough, babe
— bye ate so hard!
— and you already know pporappippam is a guaranteed slay
— she swapped out my only love for secret love song
— very lovely!
— one thing about act 4’s outfits? they WILL cause heart failure
— plastic off the sofa my beloved
— encore stage ate too
— the dancers had soaked her with water backstage bcs she was overheating
— she covered one of your girls by troye sivan
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©️ jang harin
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blairsanne · 2 years
Fancy Lunch
Almighty Johnsons - Anders, Dawn x Ty, OC child of Dawn & Ty 2,547 words
Summary: Anders takes his niece on a fancy lunch date, because he's all about family.
CW: Family fluff, child.
A/N: Technically a sequel to Uncle Bragi. I started writing this in like June and it's been sitting almost-done in my WIPs folder forever so I thought, eh, let's get it posted. I somehow doubt this is what most Anders fans are looking for in a fic haha. As will be apparent when reading, this is a slight AU where the events of the end of season 3 mostly did not happen. Set a few years later.
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“Uncle Anders!” Zinnia ran across the front lawn, launching herself at him.
“Niece Zinnia!” She laughed as Anders scooped her up by the armpits, spinning her around in a circle.
“Just Zinnia!” “Oh, Niece-Just-Zinnia.” “Nooo!” He laughed. “Okay, ‘Zinny’ then.”
He propped her up near his hip as he’d done for years, her thin arms and legs creasing his suit where she gripped at him. “Oof, you’re getting big, munchkin.”
She grinned, holding her mouth open strangely to point at a gap on her bottom row. “I lost a tooth yesterday. It was bleeding HEAPS!” “Oh, gross!” he praised, laughing.
She puffed out her belly and picked at the bow on her waist. “Look! I wore my party dress.” “I see that. You’re very beautiful.” She put her hands on his cheeks. “No, YOU’RE beautiful!” He scrunched his face and wagged his nose at her. “No, you’re beautiful.”
She tapped his sunglasses. “Can I have these?” “Just until the car.” He shut his eyes as she unceremoniously removed them from his face and put them on her own. They were too big for her face, but she was quite chuffed. He smiled at her with pure love and affection. “Now you’re extra beautiful.”
“I thought she was overdressed,” Dawn interrupted, walking up to them. “But I see you’re wearing a suit.” “We’re having fancy lunch, mama.” “That’s right.” Anders nodded in agreement. Dawn raised a brow. “What does that mean, exactly?”
“We’re going to Sky Tower to see the view and eat at the Sugar Club.” Dawn frowned. “That’s not a very kid-friendly restaurant, Anders.” “Zinny is always a perfectly well-behaved lady-” He turned to his niece, who was playing with the knot of his tie. “Isn’t that right?” She nodded proudly, sticking her chin out a bit.
“I don’t know about that,” Ty argued, crossing his arms as he joined them. “I know a certain lady who was screaming bloody murder this morning when she couldn’t have what she wanted for breakfast.” “Well that was for you,” Anders smirked. “She’s always an angel for me.”
Dawn narrowed her eyes at him, suspecting he was implying that he used his Bragi powers on their daughter, but unable to challenge him on it in front of her.
“So what are you two going to get up to while we’re gone?” Anders wiggled his brows at them suggestively. Ty grimaced. “Errands.” “Uh-huh. Have fun doing errands.” Dawn’s tone was warning. “Anders.”
“Errands sound boring, eh, Zinny?” “Mm.” “Hey! After lunch you wanna have ice cream in the park?” “Yeah!” “Oh, that might be a lot of sugar-”
“Okay, bye mum and dad!” Anders turned and started walking toward his car to cut off the argument he knew was about to start with Ty, and Zinnia waved over his shoulder at her parents. “Bye mum! Bye da’!” “Have fun!” “Be safe!”
“You do know Mike would have taken her, right?” Ty murmured as they watched Anders get Zinnia buckled into the back seat, taking his sunglasses back to drive with. “Yes, but Anders loves Zinny,” she replied, smiling as he pulled onto the street. “And she just adores him.” “She likes Mike just fine.” “And she should get to know all of her uncles.”
“I know, but… The older she gets, the worse an influence he’s going to be on her.” Dawn laughed. “Oh, absolutely.”
As the elevator inside Sky Tower ascended to reveal the view of Auckland below, Zinnia grabbed Anders’s hand tightly, letting out a small noise.
Anders raised his brows as he crouched next to her, letting her continue to hold his hand. “We’re up high, eh?” They were headed up 53 floors, in fact. “Mm.” “But we’re safe.” He let his voice drop into his Bragi tones. “I would never let something bad happen to you.”
She nodded slowly, so he flashed her a conspiratorial grin, pointing out at the view. “Look how far we can see from here, eh? There’s the park, and my office is that way, and if you look far enough, there’s the ocean.”
She moved closer, not letting go of him, but smiling as she looked at everything from the unique vantage point.
-- Eventually they settled at their table in the restaurant, sitting next to the tall windows that gave the same incredible view of Auckland and the sea beyond, Zinny kicking her legs excitedly under the table.
Anders talked through some options with her, then smirked as the cute waitress came by to take their order. Zinnia stared at the woman, noting the smile that appeared on her face as Anders spoke quietly to her. From Zinny’s point of view, the way everyone was friendly to her uncle was just proof that he was ‘nice’; after all, he was always nice to her.
“And for your daughter?” Zinnia leaned closer and stage-whispered before Anders could reply. “I’m his niece.”
He let out a falsely bashful humming laugh, nodding. “Yes, uh- she’ll have the cheese board. And a Shirley Temple.”
The waitress was charmed, and gave him a quick glance over before nodding. “Very good.”
When they were alone at the table again, Anders turned his attention back to Zinnia and winked. “Good remembering.”
He’d trained her from an even younger age to always correct people when they thought she was his kid; something that had earned him plenty of attention from women, making her his own pint-sized wingman.
When the waitress brought their food, Zinnia’s eyes lit up at the sight of the colorful drink placed in front of her. She waited until the waitress was gone to get Anders’s attention.
“Um, Uncle Anders…?” “Hm?” “Mama says I can only have water when I’m eating.”
“Hmm.” He rubbed his chin and nodded. “You should always listen to your mum… but it’s okay this time because it’s fancy lunch, alright?” “Okay!” She grinned and picked up the glass, wide-eyed, and took a sip. Anders tried to temper his grin as he watched her brows raise at the sweet taste, pleased that he’d made her happy.
Dawn had scolded him a few times over the years for ‘spoiling’ her, even accusing him of trying to bribe her into liking him, but that wasn’t what it was about for him. Sure, he wanted his niece to like him; but mostly he wanted her to be happy, and to get to experience all sorts of things. To live a good, full life; better than they’d had.
He watched as she ate her food, methodically pairing a piece of cheese with one of the small bread rounds, carefully finding one about the same size. It was no wonder, given her parents, that she could be quite particular with little things like that, and Anders found it charming in her rather than annoying.
After eating in silence for a few minutes, he tilted his head. “Would you like to try some of my lunch?”
Zinny perked up to look at his plate, then nodded. She held her mouth open expectantly, making Anders laugh as he got a forkful ready to feed her. She seemed to enjoy it, chewing as she prepared another piece of bread with cheese on top.
“That’s lamb. What do you think?” “Good. Before, Uncle Mike made lamb for us.” “Oh, that’s right.” He recalled the big family potluck she was referring to, just a few months prior. “Do you like this lamb better, or Uncle Mike’s?”
She hummed and grabbed her drink to take a sip while she considered. “I dunno!” She shrugged, shoving more cheese in her mouth. She looked up at Anders with a furrowed brow. “How come we eat lambs?”
“Don’t talk with your mouth full.” He mirrored her confused expression. “I don’t really know. Because they taste good?” Zinnia giggled. He grinned. “You know what doesn’t taste good? Goat.” “Goat?” The thought seemed to amuse her.
“You know, your uncle Axl and I met a goat farmer once in Whangamangamoa.” “Did you eat his goats?” “I didn’t, but I think Axl may have.” “Did you pet his goats?” Anders scrunched his nose up. “Nah, they were dirty.”
“Why did you meet a goat farmer in- that place?” “We thought he might know someone we were looking for. But he didn’t, so we went home.” “Did you find them?” “Not yet.”
She pouted. “Are they lost?” Anders hummed, unsure how to answer. “Not lost, but… Just a friend we haven’t met yet. But it’s all good, don’t worry.”
“I have lots of friends.” “Oh, that’s good!” Anders returned to his meal. “Are they nice to you?” “Mmhmm! Yesterday Leah gave me half her orange on recess. And Penny showed me how to draw a truck.” Anders hummed as though this was a very important topic. “Make sure you’re always nice back to your friends.” Zinny grinned. “I am!”
Their lunch continued on much the same until they’d finally cleared both their plates.
The waitress approached. “Can I get you anything else?”
“Just the cheque, and-” Anders leaned closer, dropping into his Bragi tones. “Maybe your phone number, so we can grab coffee sometime when it’s just the two of us.”
The waitress bit her bottom lip and nodded. “Right away.”
They strolled through the park holding hands, Anders having to temper his usual stride as he did his best to match Zinnia’s uneven pace. Still, he couldn’t help but smile as she enthusiastically told him all about what they’d been learning at school, making big sweeping gestures with her free arm, skipping at times, and laughing brightly when he said something ‘silly’ to her. 
It took until they arrived at the gelato stand for Anders to realize how many people were looking their way. He flashed a quick smile to an attractive woman nearby, enjoying the ego boost at her reaction, before turning his attention back to Zinny.
“Okay, bean.” He scooped her up again so she could see the flavours inside the glass-lidded freezer. “What kind should we get today?”
“Your chariot, milady!” 
After having finished their dessert and their walk in the park, Anders held open the door for Zinnia, helping her up into the backseat once more.
“Home, James!” She giggled, not quite understanding the reference, but knowing that it got a grin out of her uncle every time she said it - because she’d picked it up from him saying it to Ty.
“As you command.” Anders perched on the seat next to her. “Now, what are we?”
Her eyes lit up, recognizing this ritual they had. “Johnsons!” “And what are Johnsons?”
She made fists with her hands. “Strong.” She pointed at her head next. “Smart.” Then she grabbed Anders’s face again. “Beautiful!”
He let out a soft humming giggle. “That’s right. Don’t forget it.”
Anders wanted his niece to be proud of her family; something he hadn’t been able to feel until the last few years. As a kid, he could only feel shame for the Johnson name, coming from a home where their father had first been abusive - hitting their mother and even Tyrone - and then shot through, only to have their mother follow suit.
But now their family was strong. Axl had been chosen by Odin; the brothers had reunited; Ty had a stable marriage and a kid. They could rebuild what it meant to be a Johnson, and give Zinnia the solid foundation they hadn’t had themselves.
He only regretted that she wouldn’t one day get powers like they had; that they would likely have to keep it all a secret from her.
He closed the buckle on her seat belt. “Did you have fun today?” She grinned. “Yes!” “I did too. Thank you for coming out with me.” “No, thank YOU!” “No, thank you.”
Zinny giggled and Anders took a small breath, letting himself relax for just a moment. He was typically hypervigilant; always assessing for threats and chewing on ways to mitigate them. That had been behind most of his substance abuse in the past - anything to quiet the worries and the god spirit that flooded his thoughts.
But this was nice. A simple family interaction. A positive one.
“Love you heaps,” he stated softly. Zinny replied without hesitation, just as she would for her parents or other family members. “Love you too.”
He took a sharp breath, mischief sparkling in his eyes as he tilted his head. “Maybe I’ll keep you, then eh? Your mum and dad won’t mind, right?” Zinnia laughed, agreeing, but soon they were on their way again.
Anders didn’t really like the idea of having a kid in tow all the time, of course, but an afternoon here or there to feel that familial connection did him good. The way she trusted him, and looked at him with adoration - her face a perfect blend of two of his other favourite people - gave him a sense that there was something outside himself that was worth the effort. He’d protect their family so she could have an easier life than they’d had. He’d wanted that for Axl, and even Ty and Mike to an extent, but it seemed that only now he was able to actually carry through properly with that, and he was determined not to mess it up.
When they returned, Zinnia ran to meet Ty at the end of the driveway.
Ty scooped her up much as Anders had earlier, and Zinnia started rambling to him about the view from SkyTower, and the ice cream they’d gotten afterward.
Dawn met Anders beside his vehicle and they walked toward the others. “How was your afternoon?” she asked curiously. Anders grinned, hands in his pockets, watching Ty with Zinny. “It was grand, Dawn. I told you, Zinny’s always an angel for me.” “Mm, I wonder why that might be,” she teased. Anders tilted his head as he met Dawn’s gaze, his soft and serious tone catching her by surprise. “She’s a good kid.”
“Doesn’t take after you, then.” “Oh, definitely not!” They shared a laugh as they joined up with Ty and Zinnia.
“How was your afternoon?” Anders asked, raising his brows. “Doing errands?” “Productive,” Ty answered pointedly, shaking his head at Anders.
“Dad! Uncle Anders and Uncle Axl met a goat farmer!” “A goat farmer? You must mean our friend Derrick.” Ty looked to Anders. “And how did that come up?” Anders shrugged. “Just did.”
“Come on Zinny, let’s get you changed out of your dress, alright?” Dawn took her from Ty to bring her into the house.
Zinnia waved from over her shoulders. “Bye Uncle Anders!” “Bye munchkin!”
“What exactly did you tell her about Thor?” Ty asked seriously in a hushed tone. “Oh, nothing, Ty. Seriously. You worry too much.” “No, Anders, I worry just as much as I need to as a dad.”
Anders grinned and poked at his younger brother’s cheek. Ty batted his hand away. “Stop-” “You love being a dad.”
Ty grinned and crossed his arms, nodding. “Like you don’t love being an uncle?”
Anders let out a humming laugh, placing his hands back in his pockets. “Thanks for letting me take her out.”
“Chur.” Ty nodded and raised his brows as his older brother. “Stay for a beer?” Anders grinned and gestured for Ty to lead the way.
Tags: Everything - @the-poldarkian @i-did-not-mean-to @the-butterfly-blues Almighty Johnsons - @midearthwritings @laurfilijames Dean - @feeweeeee @ichoosechoasandbeingqueer @missihart23
As always if you'd like to be added or removed from any tag lists, please just let me know! ♥
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sunnisurrealism · 1 month
Daily Update
Hi Timmy & MB
C'est vrai, Timmy really rocks those leather pants! I didnt even notice how many he has worn over the years until you have kept pointing it out. spicy man hehe.
im applying for income assistance to be eligible for the person with disability stipend. im feeling shame and frustration about it. it's only supposed to be a temporary thing. im just sad because i wish i could work part-time forever until we meet for the routine and schedule and getting out of the house perks but i might have to give up on that and have to work full time for majority of my 30s. this is such a privileged princess thing to say but tbh working full time would be such a waste of my time considering how much talent i have to develop and music i have to produce. i really wish i could be an artist full time but nobody here knows my fate and society generally doesnt value it. im scared that if i work full time in my 30's i wont have energy to make music. im confronting my privilege. i know that the surrealism of my character to the other side thus far has been my lack of structure and abundant free time, which i have tbh mostly wasted despite being my most prolific, and i am keen to lock in my routine cuz it will help my functioning immensely. i'll be really sad if im deemed ineligible for income support due my to family because bipolar folks do tend to be outsiders to the system and i do think it is harder for me. oh well.
my sister's bf is coming from auckland tmrw! i really can't wait to meet him. his family lives in nanaimo and my grandma met them at their physio clinic. i forget it i told you the story. anyways, i think he is "the one" for mila! they will probably move back to the island to have kids, which means we will be aunty and uncle and go visit when we live on the island / horny island! this is all very exciting! hehe.
hope you're practicing ping pong hard. was wondering if you were watching the olympics. the chinese are unsurprisingly the best at it. so fricking cool. im sorry france lost the gold in soccer, i was thinking of you!
off my bike to my fave cage, analog! bringing my book hehe. bye!
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slacktivist · 3 months
I might be quiet but I'm smiling to myself about the New Zealand Court (with it's faults and all) ruling in favour of Dr. Siouxse Wiles against The University of Auckland. Because they failed to protect her as their contracted employee when she was being harassed and stalked by anti-vaxxers who refused to believe COVID-19 existed. I'm also vexxed about the audacity that so many academic institutions have when it comes to academia and the pursuit of knowledge.
Even though she deserves far more on top of probably being an underpaid microbiologist. The University of Auckland has to now pay her $20,000 in damages because they couldn't take responsibility for being an active agent in why she had to be a public figure. HOLY SHIT, THE AUDACITY BRO. Academics are literally paid to be public figures, to do their own PR, publish as many HiGh IMpAcT articles as possible AND prove their "public influence" through several channels.
On top of this, academics are also expected to teach, lecture, mentor, and mark students. What do they get in return? Universities take entire credit for how iNfLuEnTAL their academics are, by using literal engagement statistics to negotiate the amount of public funding they get. They literally tell their academics to improve these statistics and in return, they'll get promoted. THATS LITERALLY THEIR INCENTIVE BRO. I'm not joking, this is for real how global university rankings are calculated and they make it sound more complicated because numbers look cool and complex.
Please don't even get me started on how this system only reinforces a university's propensity to game the system. There are so many examples of that. You have an academic (Siouxse) who actually cares about ensuring the public gets legitimate information straight from the source. In an easy-to-understand format, without manipulation or gaslightery. Just straight up hard science. And when the politically charged naysayers pipe up and are unable to regulate their emotions, the "faceless entity" that is the UoA pretends they didn't know what they were doing from the beginning. EW?
The audacity of bureaucracy really gets to me. I'm really worried and sad at the state of academia as it is. The way that UoA went about all of it, even defending itself in a court of law just exposes how slimy and snakey these people are. Nothing is worse than a confident wrong person with money. No wonder why so many conspiracy Qanons distrust academia. Because they're right about not trusting the academic bureaucratic structure, but they're so jaded by misinformation they lump the slimeyness all together. It's easier to blame the individal styley champion on TV than a cycle of high salary earners having their turn in the University executive office for a couple years.
Okay rant over bye.
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laserstudio · 5 months
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Got a tattoo you regret? Say bye-bye to Tattoo Removal Services Auckland. Laser Studio's experts gently erase unwanted ink, making your skin clean again.
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loverr244 · 9 months
south auckland giving zzz bye bomb pap right now
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jonvy · 9 months
Bask the Ride: A Guide to Car System Installation Auckland
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Riding a car to cover a long distance can be enjoyable, but it can be enhanced when the car has a well-installed car system. Whether you are a music enthusiast, a tech-savvy driver, or someone who simply wants to elevate their time, investing in a top-notch car system installation is the key. In Auckland, a city known for its vibrant culture and love for technology, getting your car system installed professionally is easier than ever. Here is all about the car system installation in Auckland and how it can make the ride enjoyable. 
Why should you choose Auckland for Car System Installation? 
Auckland, New Zealand’s largest city, is the hub of innovation and modern living. The automotive scene in Auckland reflects the city's dynamic spirit, with plenty of options for car enthusiasts looking to upgrade their systems. From cutting-edge audio setups to advanced navigation systems, Auckland's car system installation services offer a wide range of options to cater to every driver's needs. 
Premium Audio Experience 
For music lovers, a high-quality car audio system is a must. Luckily, Auckland's car system installation experts are well-served in the latest audio technologies, ensuring that you get the best sound. Whether you prefer a booming bass or a soothing crystal-clear treble, professional installers in Auckland can tailor the car audio system to meet your preferences. Say bye to the mediocre sound quality and hello to the concert-like experience every time you hit the road in your favorite beast. 
Smart Connectivity Solutions 
The world is driven by technology, and staying connected on the go is essential. Auckland's car system installation services specialize in integrating smart connectivity solutions into the vehicle. From Bluetooth connectivity for hands-free calling to seamless smartphone integration, these installations transform your driving experience and make it safer and more convenient. You can imagine driving the car by listening to your tracks effortlessly while using the navigation apps without taking your hands off the wheel. It is all possible with the right car system installation in Auckland. 
Maximizing Safety Features 
Apart from entertainment and connectivity, the car system installations in Auckland can also focus on improving the safety features. The advanced cameras, parking sensors, and collision warning systems are just a few examples of the safety enhancements available. Investing in these technologies keeps you and your passengers safe, adds value to the vehicle, and keeps it apart from the horde of ordinary cars. 
Professional Installation Service 
Professional installation is The key to unlocking your car system's full potential. In Auckland, you'll find skilled technicians who are dedicated to ensuring that the chosen system is installed correctly and functions optimally. Whether you are upgrading the audio system, installing a new navigation unit, or adding smart features, the professional installers in Auckland have the required expertise to get the job done. 
If you are planning to uplift your driving experience to another level, consider investing in a top-notch car system installation in Auckland. The options are vast, from premium audio setups to smart connectivity solutions and enhanced safety features. With car system installation Auckland, achieving all the parameters being planned according to your requirements is relatively easy. So, bask the ride, embrace the latest automotive technology, and let Auckland's car system installation experts redefine your time on the road. 
Resource: https://jonvynz.wordpress.com/2023/12/06/bask-the-ride-a-guide-to-car-system-installation-auckland/
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exhuastedpigeon · 10 months
multiples of 5!
thanks for asking :)
5. What do you find most attractive about your crush? so many things (I married them so I hope I find a lot of things attractive about them). Probably sense of humour. We can always laugh together.
10. Hike to a mountain top to watch the sunrise or drive out of town to stargaze? Drive out of town to stargaze for sure!
15. Do you have a green thumb or a black thumb? Black thumb, I can't grow shit.
20. Would you rather wake up with your makeup magically done or your hair? Hair probably, I don't really wear makeup
25. Do you like parties? Ehhh, I like little gatherings, but not really parties.
30. Instagram or Twitter? Neither!
35. Who are your top 5 celebrity crushes? Oh ummmm I guess ... Shelley Hennig, Maya Hawke, Vico Ortiz, Keira Knightly, and Dev Patel
40. Do you enjoy cuddling? Sometimes!
45. Are you a romantic? Sometimes
50. Do you listen to Kpop and if so who is your bias and why? I don't!
55. What’s the best prank you’ve been witness to? I'm honestly drawing a complete blank on pranks I've witnessed. I'm sure there have been plenty, but they've all fled my memory.
60. Can you cook and do you enjoy it? I can and I do! I actually made home linguini and tomato sauce for dinner tonight!
65. What’s your favorite thing to watch on youtube? Dropout compilation videos mostly lol
70. What’s something you haven’t done that you think most people have? I think most people in real life think I've traveled to more countries than I actually have.
75. What top three cities do you want to travel to? Good question!! Auckland, New Zealand Edinburgh, Scotland Amsterdam, Netherlands
80. What’s your favorite picture of yourself? There's one from a friends wedding this year that I really love because it looks like how I think I look, not how some photos of me look, if that makes sense.
85. Do you consider yourself an independent person? Yes, for sure
90. What has been your favorite book you’ve read in the last 5 years? The Sleepwalker's Guide to Dancing by Mira Jacob It's SUCH a beautiful book
95. Worst tinder or date experience? The first (and last) tinder date I went on was in university almost a decade ago and the guy asked to meet at a tim hortons (fine, whatever I'll meet you at tims) and then after a very awkward thirty minutes he ASKED ME TO GET IN HIS CAR TO 'TRY THE HEATED SEATS' and when I said no he got kind of verbally aggressive and so I was like 'BYE' and got in my car and drove the wrong way on purpose because he started following me......
100. What’s one of your fondest memories? Probably a very domestic and soft memory of my partner and I making homemade ravioli during one of the first covid lockdowns. it was a really shitty time for everyone but we managed to find little bright spots.
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Behind on posting about AC37
Bye-bye Taihoro. See you in July in Barcelona!
(Over a month to ship by sea from New Zealand? Guess most container ships are going around Africa now? 🤷‍♀️)
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dailyrugbytoday · 10 months
Pacific Islands squad announcements for Super Rugby 2024
New Post has been published on https://thedailyrugby.com/pacific-islands-squad-super-rugby-2024/
The Daily Rugby
Pacific Islands squad announcements for Super Rugby 2024
Squad announcements last week confirmed that players of Pacific Islands descent had been named in all 10 franchise teams for the 2024 Super Rugby Pacific, with the exception of the Fijian Drua and Moana Pasifika.
All ten franchise teams in Super Rugby have players with Fijian, Samoan, and Tongan ancestry, according to their squad rosters.
Ardie Savea, the 2023 Rugby World Cup player of the year, isn’t on the list, though.
The Hurricanes mainstay will be absent from the game as he takes a sabbatical.
The season of 2024 Super Rugby Pacific Islands begins on February 24, 2024.
Players of Pacific islands origins by teams:
Highlanders: Folau Fakatava (Hawkes Bay), Ajay Faleafaga (Otago), Jacob Ratumaituvuki-Kneepkens (Taranaki), Jona Nareki (Otago), Timoci Tavatavanawai (Tasman), Tanielu Tele’a (Auckland), Saula Ma’u (Otago)
Chiefs: Sione Ahio (Auckland), Naitoa Ah Kuoi (Bay of Plenty), Samipeni Finau (Waikato), Josh Ioane (Waikato), Kauvaka Kaivelata (Counties Manukau), Peniasi Malimali (Counties Manukau), Emoni Narawa (Bay of Plenty), Samisoni Taukei’aho (Waikato), Jimmy Tupou (Counties Manukau), Tupou Vaa’i (Taranaki).
Auckland Blues: Akira Ioane, Rieiko Ioane, Hskins Sotutu, AJ Lam, Cameron Suafoa, Jordan Lay, Caleb Clarke, Angus Ta’avao, Caleb Tangitau, Mark Tele’a, Patrick Tuipulotu, Taufa Funaki, Ofa Tu’ungafasi, Joshua Fusitua, Soane Vikena
Brumbies: Allan Ala;alato’a, Noah Lolesio, Tamati Tua, Rob Valetini, Len Ikitau, Fred Kaihea, Sefo Kautai
Crusaders: Levi Aumua, Ioane Moananu, George Bower, David Havili, Sevu Reece, Jone Rova, Chay Fihaki, Manasa Mataele
Hurricanes: Siale Lauaki (Wellington), Tevita Mafileo (Bay of Plenty), Pasilio Tosi (Bay of Plenty), Asafo Aumua (Wellington), Josh Taula (Manawatū), Isaia Walker-Leawere (Hawke’s Bay), Brayden Iose (Manawatū), Du’Plessis Kirifi (Wellington), Peter Lakai (Wellington), Peter Umaga-Jensen (Wellington), Kini Naholo (Taranaki), Ngatungane Punivai (Canterbury), Salesi Rayasi (Auckland).
Rebels: Isaac Kailea, Lukhan Salakaia Loto, Filipo Daugunu, Vaiolini Ekuasi, Rob Leota, Tuaina Taii Tualima, Sam Talakai, Pone Fa’amausili, Alex Mafi, Taniela Tupou, David Felivai, Daniela Maiava,Jordan Uelese, Lebron Naea, Glen Vaihu, Divad Palu, David Vaihu
Western Force: Siosifa Amone, Feleti Kaitu’u, Felix Kalapu, Papillon Sevele, Atu Moli, Lopeti Faifua, Chase Tiatia, Issak Fines Leleiwasa, Campbell Parata, Nikolai Foliaki, Reesjan Pasito
Waratahs: Izaia Perese, Miles Amatosero, Mosese Tuipulotu, Lalakai Foketi, Langi Gleeson, Mahe Vailanu, Vuate Karawalevu, Mark Nawaqanitawase
Reds: Jordan Petaia, Peni Ravai, Richie Asiata, Taine Roiri, Jeffery Toomaa-Allen, Seru Uru, Suliasi Vunivalu, Sef Fa’agase, Hunter Paisami
The teams will play 14 regular season matches made up of 11 round-robin matches and three derby/rivalry matches across 15 rounds, with each team afforded one bye.  Pacific Islands Fixtures & Draw 2024 Super Rugby
The 12 teams have revealed their squads for the 2024 Super Rugby Pacific season ahead of it.
Of the 456 players under contract, 70 are scheduled to participate in their first competitive match.
Rhys Patchell and Leigh Halfpenny, both Wales internationals, are among the new players signed for the competition. Ryan Crotty, a former All Black center, has returned to the Crusaders in the interim.
Super Rugby Pacific: Gallagher Chiefs squad named for 2024
Head coach Clayton McMillan of the Gallagher Chiefs has confirmed the 38-man team that will compete in the DHL Super Rugby Pacific in 2024.
Nine existing All Blacks are included in the updated lineup, along with eight new players (seven of whom are rookies) and two returning players: prop Reuben O’Neill and first five Kaleb Trask, who returned after a season-long hiatus in Japan.
fresh signee Jimmy Tupou will be a valuable addition to the team as he has played in Japan for the last five seasons and has run out for the Crusaders and Blues in 54 Super Rugby games.
fresh signee Jimmy Tupou will be a valuable addition to the team as he has played in Japan for the last five seasons and has run out for the Crusaders and Blues in 54 Super Rugby games.
On the other hand, in 2024, midfielder Daniel Rona, utility back Liam Coombes-Fabling, loose forwards Malachi Wrampling-Alec, Tom Florence, and Wallace Sititi, and props Kauvaka Kaivelata and Sione Ahio all land their first full-time contracts. Super Rugby Pacific: Gallagher Chiefs squad named for 2024
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blinks4life16 · 2 years
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(Pics used aren't owned by me, credits to respective owner/owners)
Stage Name: ROSÉ (from kprofiles) 
Birth Name: Roseanne Park 
Korean Name: Park Chae Young (박채영) 
Nicknames: Rose, Rosie, “Pasta” 
Position: Main Vocalist, Lead Dancer 
Birthday: February 11, 1997, 
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius 
Birthplace: Auckland, New Zealand 
Height: 168.7 cm (5’6”) 
Weight: 44 kg (97 lbs) 
Blood Type: B 
Instagram: @roses_are_rosie 
Weibo: roses_are_rosie 
TikTok: @roses_are_rosie 
Youtube: ROSÉ 
Rose Factzzz
 – She is Korean, but she was born in Auckland, New Zealand (according to Rose during V Line; and according to Rosé during Radio star), and raised in Melbourne, Box Hill (Australia), where she attended Canterbury Girls Secondary College.
 – She has an older sister, named Alice. – She moved to Korea back in 2012. (according to Rosé during Weekly Idol)
 – Rosé placed first in YG auditions in Australia.
 – Rosé has adopted a dog Hank: @hank_says_hank. 
– Her Chinese zodiac sign is Ox. 
– She trained for 4 years and 2 months (2012 May). 
– Pre-debut, Rosé used to be a cheerleader in Australia. – When she was younger, Rosé joined a choir, singing in churches in Australia. – She’s known for her unique voice and slim waist. Her stylist said that her pants size is 24 (size 0) and she confirmed that her waist is 24 inches (60,96cm) wide. 
– Rosé is known as “Blackpink’s Goddess”. (Vlive Start Road from Jennie ep 2-3) 
– Rosé joined the group on May 7th and Lisa’s first thought of her when they met on the elevator was “Oh! I got a special vibe from her! Australia!” (13th of April,2017 on V Live). 
– She can speak Korean, English, and Japanese. 
– She collaborated with G-Dragon for the song ‘Without You. 
– G-Dragon said that he likes Rosé's voice when he did a collaboration with her back in 2012 and said that her voice is unique. 
– She can play the piano. 
 Alongside being in BLACKPINK, like Jennie, Rosé also made a solo comeback in June 2020, with her debut Album R with the 2 hit singles Gone and On the ground, which reached 10 million views.
Now that's all and bye, I'll see you in the next post.
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auckland is cancelled.
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morbidology · 2 years
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13-year-old Tracey Ann Patient lived with her parents, her older sister, Debbie, and her younger sister, Denise, in Henderson, Auckland, New Zealand. The family had immigrated from England to start a new life; one that her father believed would be more beneficial to the family.
On the 29th of January, 1976, Tracey’s mother agreed to let her go to her friend’s house for the evening. Debbie was heading to a Doobie Brothers concert at Western Springs and her mother thought it was only fair that Tracey would be allowed to do something fun too. Both Debbie and Tracey walked up the road together. “When she said ‘bye’ – she was just walking up the road slightly behind me, and I never turned around, I just went ‘oh, ok bye, see you later’ and went off,” Debbie said. “And I just so, so regret not turning around.”
This was the last time that Debbie ever saw her younger sister. Tracey left her friend’s home on Chilcott Road that night at around 9:30PM; she called her mother before she left to let her know she’d be home shorty.
Tracey, however, never made it home....
𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐞:
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sxnnimoon · 3 years
Bambi Ch.2
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hello brats. enjoy chapter 2 as much as i did writing it. please expect smut in chapter 3 so bare with me if it takes a bit before i post it, i want it to be perfect! anyways enjoy lovies, give plenty of feedback as always my requests are open if you have any requests of your own and as always enjoy :)
tag list- @multistan30 @hobi-love @pshekalus @purpleyoongles @gabhrrng @v-6893 @kayjah17 @cutiequeen122 @briii-14
By the time 3pm rolled around you three were showered and lounging around when your phone rang. Not paying attention to who was calling you answered.
“hello?” you said.
“Is this y/n y/l/n?” they asked.
“Who's calling, may I ask?” you say not wanting to give up its you just yet.
“It's Lee Suni, from KCB. We would like, well love for you to choreograph a few performances for our music festival that is happening in May here in Seoul.” She says.
You actually are stunned. You didn’t think you’d be back in Seoul so soon but there’s no hiding now right?
“Uhh..” you start.
Suni giggles.
“I’m pretty sure it’s a lot to take in and I’m sure you have a busy schedule but please consider?” She says, hope in her voice.
You smile.
“Can you give me til tomorrow to give you an official answer?” You say biting your lip.
“Of course! Thank you for considering, we could really use you and your style for this!” She says cheerful.
“Thank you again I will get back to you as soon as I know!” You say.
“Thank you, talk soon hopefully! Bye!” She says and the line goes dead.
“What was that?” Jackson asks.
“KCB wants me to choreograph a few performances for them.” You say stealing a grape from Bam.
He pouts.
“Are you gonna take it?” J looks at you with caution.
“Because KCB is in Seoul and…” Bam trails off.
You look at the pair.
“I know, and it’s been what a year and a half almost 2?” You say, “I can’t turn down opportunities if it means being in the same place as them.”
They just stare at you.
“What? I’ve been trying to forget , I’m sure they have plenty to keep them distracted and me off their minds.” You say looking down.
“Shall we read those texts out loud from when we all were out drunk that night in Sydney?” Bam says.
“Or when you were back in LA and were seen out with Chan?” J says. “Those ‘did he fuck you good like I use to’ texts say otherwise.”
“ What about ‘I doubt they’re making you scream like you used to on my tongue’” Bam smirks.
“OKAY!” You shout. “I get it. They love to mess with me, big deal. I did the same thing.”
“At this point you need to make up or at least let them fuck to just shut them up.” Bam chuckles.
“Yeah well it’s not happening, teasing them is fun. I’ll keep it that way.” You smirk.
“Yes, because you sending them a picture with my hand on your throat and sucking my thumb, in lace lingerie really sat well with them.” Jackson rolled his eyes.
You giggle at the memory.
It was about 10 months ago when you had sent those pictures, two to be exact. The one with Jackson’s hand and one of you sitting in his lap but all you could see was his hand in your lace clad ass. To say they were pleased was an understatement. They were fuming over the fact that that wasn’t them.
*time skip*
It was currently 7am and you were on your way to Seoul. You had called back to tell Suni yes, you were to be co choreographing with another choreographer but never got around to asking due to the excitement, It may be March but for the number of performances you were to choreograph you were needed months in advance.
The drive to the airport was pretty smooth, the traffic in Auckland wasn’t as bad as you would think. Much better than when you were back home in the states. You dreaded these flights but the sooner you got there you could rest. Jackson and Bam had flown back to be with family a few days prior so it was just you and your teams flying to Seoul.
Surprisingly the 12-13 hr flight went by quickly and you were there in no time. Upon arrival you were met with paparazzi, all eager and intrigued with what Y/L’s(your label) rebellious princess was doing in Seoul. Once all your baggage was collected you were off to your hotel.
Suni really hooked up your 3 month long stay. You were to be in the nicest hotel possible. It honestly looked like an apartment. But the whole floor was rented out for you and your team so no one bothered you. You were currently laying down on the couch unwinding when your phone went off.
It was a call from Suni.
“Hello!!” She cheered. “I hope you settled in well?”
“A little tired but definitely settling in as best I can.” You giggle. “So what’s up?”
“Ah yes the reason for calling,” she chuckled. “If you wanna swing by tomorrow around 12:30-1? That way we can go over everything and for you to meet a few others.” She said.
“Definitely. If you wanna text Mo the information and I will see you then.” You smile.
“We’ll see you tomorrow!” She cheers.
“Can’t wait! Bye now.” You say, hanging up.
You plop back down, scrolling through your socials.
You took a few selfies before making a post.
Captioning your post with, ‘Seoul you have my heart 🤍’ you hit post. Soon notifications are rolling in from all your fans as you are back in Seoul. You read a few comments to pass some time.
‘my baby is back🥺’
‘how can I be you’
‘leave some beauty for the rest of us’
``Enjoy Seoul!”
“queen is back !”
‘y/s/n reunion👀’
The last comment made you roll your eyes. As if. Seoul was big but there was no way you’d run into them, they have busy schedules. There was no way. Coming out of your thoughts, your phone went off with a few texts.
3 Channie 🤍
1 nope #1
2 nope #2
Channie- you’re back?!
why didn’t you tell me!
let’s meet up?
nope #1- so you’re back 😈
nope #2- you just can’t stay away can you 😏
meet up for old time sake
Your smile soon turned into a thin line. You didn’t think they’d still follow you or keep up with your life but there they were in your inbox. You responded to Chan telling him you could meet up after your meeting. You smiled at his response. You missed your best friend, even though a few(more than a few) hook ups happened between you two. It never bothered or ruined your friendship. You both knew the other's bounds and where they stood. Things just flowed with him.
Looking back to the other 3 messages you contemplated responding but opted for leaving them on seen. You were here to let loose and have fun but also for work and you weren’t going to let them stop you from doing so.
The time was now 6pm and you were growing bored. Jet lag didn’t affect you as much. You looked out the big windows of the room seeing the nightlife. The trouble you used to cause came to mind causing you to smile. Coming out of your daydream your phone went off. Picking it up you got a response from Chan.
Channie- come to the dorms?
the boys miss you.
and me too :)
Y- i wouldn’t miss it :)
pick me up ??
Channie- of course!
send your location
Y- *hotel address*
Channie- oh you’re close!
be there in 10 !
Y- :)
Locking your phone you touched up yourself, not much needing to be done anyways. You bummed around before Chan texted he was here. You told him you’d be down shortly. You also texted your team you were leaving but would be back as you had your meeting tomorrow.
Walking out of the hotel you were surprised at the bareness, no paps in sight. It was surprisingly quiet. You smiled at the sight only for Chan to honk.
“Yah, will you hurry up!” he said smiling after.
You raised your middle finger to him as you got closer to the suv. He immediately laughed. As you got in, he pulled you into a hug.
“I’ve missed you.” he said with his signature smile.
“I missed you too.” you say, smiling back.
“The boys have no idea you're coming, they’re gonna be so excited!” he said cheerfully.
You couldn’t wait to see the boys. They were the little brothers you wish you had. As Chan pulled into the garage for the dorms you were filled with excitement. Walking to the doors you could already hear the chaos on the other side.
“Ready?” he asked, hand on the doorknob.
You nod in agreement.
Chan goes in first with you trailing behind. He greets them, you staying behind. He makes small talk with them up until they question where he went. You try your best to hide your giggling from the reasoning they keep listing off. You finally decide to pop out and it couldn’t have been at the more perfect time.
“So was it to get some or…” Han winked at him.
You had walked in unfazed by what they said.
“Is that really all you think about Jisung? You really haven’t changed.” you smirked putting your arm on Chan's shoulder.
They were all wide eyed at your presence. The quietness soon turned into shouting.
“Y/N !!!”
“So I was right?” Han asked, laughing as you rolled your eyes.
“No you dumbass.” you shook your head as you hugged him.
As you pulled away you were picked up from behind and twirled.
“AHH!” you shrieked.
Once back on your feet you turn to see in wa Changbin.
“Binnie don’t do that.” you giggle.
After the chao had died down and a couple hours went by, you were just hanging out having small talk with everyone until Chan decided to go live and he wanted you to guest star. You stood off to the side waiting for him to call you over. Once enough stays were on he did his intro and talked to them a bit before he started to introduce you. While waiting for his que you got a few texts.
Mo- Text me when you get back so I know whether or not I have to hunt you down!
You laughed at her text.
Y- I promise I will !
Don’t worry !!
Mo- Good .
Have fun, you deserve it!
Y- 🤍
You also had a few others from them…
nope #1- ouch baby
nope #2- you really hurt our feelings princess
maybe you should make it up to us huh ? 😏
You rolled your eyes. They really were pushing it. You locked your phone as it was coming time for your appearance.
“Now I wanna introduce our special guest this episode,” he began. “This person holds a dear place in my heart and i'm so happy to have them back here,”
He stopped to look at you. Gesturing to the camera.
“Is that your que for me to come out?” you giggle coming into frame.
“Well I couldn’t think of anything.” he smiled. “Y/n everyone!”
You posed with a peace sign before waving.
“Hellooo stay,” you smiled, blowing a kiss. “I’m so happy to be back and see you all!”
Stays really loved you. You may have been a foreigner but they really trusted you with them as you had known Chan before he debuted. You were the big sister to them, mother if you will. You were reading comments while Chan answered a few questions. You soon began smiling big as you read comments.
“I missed chan x y/n”
“My baby”
“Hello pretty”
You hide your face at the compliments even responding to them.
“I think the pretty one is you babes.” you smiled into the camera.
The comment section soon was flooding in. some asking for song requests others asking when you were releasing the music video for your latest song. Skimming through the comments one caught your eye.
“Chan x Y/n duet??” you read.
You looked at Chan and raised a brow.
“I don’t know…” he trailed off.
“If you love them as much as you say, you’ll do it.” you smirked.
He lowered his eyes at you, smiling after.
“What are we going to even sing?” He made a face.
“Someone said Best Part.” you smiled.
After skimming the lyrics you began,
You don’t know babe
When you hold me
You started off soft and sweet not pushing too much, Chan couldn’t take his eyes off you. He almost missed coming in.
Where you go i follow
No matter how far
You both continued for half of the song before stopping because you both started laughing.
“I think that’s enough, yeah?” you said looking at the camera , then to Chan.
He nodded.
You both continued the live for a few minutes before ending it.
“That was so much fun!” you giggled. “I missed times like that.”
You pouted.
“I missed them too.” Chan said, looking down.
There was silence before one of you spoke.
“Did you wan”
“I should-”
You both laughed.
“You first.” he said.
“I should probably get going.” you said.
“Ahh yes, I'll drive you.” he smiled.
“What were you going to say?” you gave a small smile.
“If you wanted to stay the night but it's fine.” he returned your smile.
“I would if I didn’t have a meeting at noon.” you frown.
He nods in understanding.
As you make your way through the dorms you say bye to each boy, all expressing the same emotion of not wanting you to leave.
“I’ll be back sooner than you think.” you tell them, releasing Jeongin from your embrace.
They all pout or put their head down but nod.
Get into the suv you guys head back to your hotel. The drive was comforting and blissful. Once your hotel came into view and chan parked you sat there for a bit before getting out.
“I had fun tonight.” you smiled at Chan.
“Me too.” he smiled.
“We’re trending on twitter.” you laughed. “I knew showing those pictures of fetus you, would do it.”
He laughed shaking his head,
“They will never let those pictures rest now.” he chuckled.
There was silence for a bit, both of you looking at each other.
“You should prob-” you cut him off by kissing him.
He was shocked but kissed back.
Pulling away you gathered your bag and opened the door.
“See you tomorrow if possible?” you lick your lips, biting your lip after.
“..yeah.” he said, still catching his breath.
You smile before walking towards the building.
Tomorrow couldn’t come sooner.
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