#Saint Seiya verse
eternalstarlights · 5 months
@featherchan continued from here.
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This was a longer spar than Regulus thought it would be. Usually, he would defeat his opponent fairly quickly, however, this spar was harder than it was. Observing his opponent while exchanging blows, he found this spar more fun and interesting than his previous spars with other trainees. He could also see that she was having fun as well as she was taunting him. He only taunted her back with a huge grin.
Unfortunately, the fun did not last forever as a familiar saint stepped in.
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“Kunikida? Why did you do that? We were sparing!”
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“Sparing for too long. There is a limit. I understand that you are having fun sparring each other but there are still other trainees that need to spar too.” Kunikida glanced at the other trainees that were watching them. “Stop standing there and go back to your training now!”
The trainees immediately flee back to their training spots. They didn’t want to stand around and get lectured by Kunikida. After all the trainees were gone, Kunikida turned back to them.
“Are you two doing okay?”
He was a little worried for Kanako as he knew she was having a hard time fitting in. Not only that her opponent was Sisyphus’ nephew and he had already heard rumours about how skilled the boy was. He was what people called a prodigy.
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terresdebrume · 11 months
"We are not gods," Aphrodite says, sweet boyish smile turning into something untouchable. "We can't create something from nothing. When I create my garden, I look at what I have to work with, first."
Deathmask blinks, frowning despite himself. Aphrodite's grin turns impish again, like he's about to suggest some sort of prank for them to pull on the rest of the Sanctuary.
"I'm pretty," he says, almost teasing. "People think that's the same as meek and docile, like a flower they can pluck."
Cosmos burns between them, and from the ground a flower blooms, soft red and impossible to identify.
"But you're not meek," Deathmask says.
It is a rare day, when he compliments Aphrodite outright, and it shows in the way the boy smiles—wide and crinkly around the eyes, like a gift just landed on his lap. He tilts his head, looking at Deathmask with enough fondness to kill, and in the ground the rose grows thorns harder than diamond.
"I told you. I don't create from nothing. Now try it."
Deathmask doesn't know how to create. Not like Aphrodite was taught—the things he shows his victims aren't meant to stay in the waking world: they go up in smoke, lingering only as much as nightmares do. Aphrodite's roses, much like half of the vegetables of his gardens, stay and bloom and ripen when left alone to their devices.
It's a gift Anchise—naive, still, clinging foolishly to an illusion of the world—used to envy more than almost any other. But today Deathmask watches Aphrodite make something real out of something true, and knows with desperate certainty that he can never do the same.
It doesn't matter. Aphrodite's roses are his: they are memorable and as beautiful as they are terrible, and that's why he's known for them. Deathmask creates nightmares the world has seldom seen, and steals faces to put on his walls and make something fearsome out of something scared—but what is the point of using truth?
No one here would notice another grave.
(He does not ask Aphrodite for lessons again.)
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featherchan · 2 months
Exhausted from their most recent mission, the Lionet Kanako struggled to ascend the steps leading up to Athena's temple. Her armor felt heavier than usual but she continued to press on. Along with the throbbing pain and dizziness that plagued her head, it caused her to nearly lose her footing and fall. Fortunately, Noburu, the Bronze Saint Wolf, who was also her sworn sister, grabbed her wrist just in time to keep her from falling.
Upon noticing this, even their mission leader, Silver Saint Whale, grew extremely concerned and insisted that the Bronze Saint head to the infirmary to be checked out. This was because, during their mission, the Lionet was found unconscious without any apparent reason. 
Despite their concerns, the Lioness stubbornly shook off their worries, citing fatigue as an excuse, and assured them that she would visit the infirmary after their briefing. Since the raven was reluctant to break her promise to their youngest sworn sister, who had been eagerly anticipating their return, a decision she would later regret.
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Kneeling before their goddess, the Lionet struggled to remain alert and awake during the debriefing. Turning white as a sheet, sweat beading on her skin, she felt the headache intensify, and her surroundings seemed to blur and muffle, like a fading watercolor painting. It wasn't long, the raven swore, she heard a sound, a voice that didn't belong to anyone in the room. It sounded so twisted, menacing, and slurred with evil. And sensing imminent danger from it and acting on her instincts to protect her loved ones, every fiber of her being implored her to flee the temple without delay.
On her feet, her actions quickly caught the attention of her team leader, the Silver Saint Whale, who began calling her out for being disrespectful. However, he quickly stopped when he noticed her terrible state. Struggling already to maintain her balance due to the throbbing pain in her head, she stumbled forward before clutching both hands to her heart when she felt a sharp, stabbing pain. As the pain grew unbearable, she let out an agonizing scream, and a shock wave erupted and burst forth out of nowhere, surrounding her in a dark purple cosmos. The explosive wave was so powerful that it blew everyone away and nearly knocked them unconscious, especially the Silver Whale and Bronze Wolf, as they were in closest proximity to the Lionet.
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As darkness began to engulf the throne, a chilling voice pierced through the cold air. "How pathetic. The once-great Sanctuary has been weakened over countless lifetimes, especially by this reincarnation of Athena." It snickers devilishly. "And I only needed to slip through its defenses undetected by using a Saint who holds great hatred for you..." A ghostly specter soon revealed itself, with blood-ruby-colored eyes hovering above the Lionet. The Lionet's eyes were hollow and lifeless, as if she were a puppet controlled by her puppet master. "Athena, prepare to die by the hand of your own soldier!"
As she raised her arm, a fiery vortex swirled into existence before her. With a clenched fist, she condensed the flames into a massive fireball. "Lionet...Explosion..." The Lioness mutters.
[ Starter for @eternalstarlights ]
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caduceusnocassandra · 5 months
VERSES - The various verses I can set a roleplay for
I thought I would give a more in-depth background about the verses I have, I hope this is helpful.
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Cassandra is an accomplished Healer at the Epidaurus Temple, bearing the Cloth of the Caduceus. She takes care of all the injured and sick people around the temple - not only that. As she is under oath she is bound to heal all Saints from all existing orders, regardless of the god they follow and believe in. She occasionally travels back to Athens to see her family, mum, dad and her twin brother Helenus, the Bronze Saint of the Sextans.
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Cassandra, upon suspecting too much about her boss, the Great Healer, who seems to have placed a fake Staph into Asclepius’ temple instead of the real one, is sent to Hell in Hades’ realm for a mission that seems impossible for literally everyone. She undertakes the mission, in order to a) challenge herself, b) demonstrate to the other orders of Saints that Healers are not useless and c) so she can go back to Epidaurus and have some serious backup on her investigation and hopefully proof that the Staph in the reliquiarium is fake. So far things are stuck at the very beginning. Hades has trapped her in, however it does appear that he has taken her as a protégée of sorts. She still has a lot of mixed feelings about being in the Underworld, but she is slowly resigning herself to being there forever.
The Temple of Asclepius has been attacked and raided by Ares’ warriors, the Bersekers. Panic has spread, all her comrades seem to have vanished, while she’s run to ask for help. She has to run away with Asclepius' Staph under request of the Great Healer and she has gone to ask for help and her first place to go is the Sanctuary. After all Athena's Saints are those who fight for peace and justice, she may have a chance to be listened to.
Older Cassandra - she’s now around 40 years old - is heading to the Sanctuary to help out the Saints in healing their injured comrades, after a request made by a Gold Saint. She’s also looking out for her own brother and family, knowing that they were more i danger than her.
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legendreign-archived · 11 months
Saint Seiya
Please do not reblog my post!
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[ Disclaimer: I do not own the Saint Seiya logo. The logo was found here. This will be a temporarily image placeholder until I can find the time to make a proper edit for Chantelle's verse post. Thanks to the wikia for helping me describe the Delphinus Saint's attacks. ]
In an era before the 20th century, Chantelle’s father, Takara, a wealthy merchant, travelled from Japan to France. He married her mother, Vivienne, and they had six children together but after her birth, her mother died of sepsis. This caused her second, third, fourth, and fifth elder sisters to resent her. One of her earliest childhood memories was going to a beach house with her family and being told by her second, third, fourth, and fifth elder sisters to wait for them at the beach and if she waited, they would come back for her with gifts and play with her. It was actually her sisters’ cruel attempt to try to get rid of her while their father and eldest sister were occupied with making sure the beach house was set up for them to stay in. After some time, she realized her elder sisters weren’t coming back for her and as she cried while sitting near the waves, a dolphin balancing a small ball on its snout called out to her and they played catch with the ball. The Delphinus Saintia sensed Chantelle’s Cosmo crying out in pain and found the girl playing with the dolphin. The Delphinus Saintia realized that the girl must have a strong purity to be able to understand the language of the dolphin. After the Delphinus Saintia heard Chantelle’s story, she helped Chantelle find her family then asked permission from Takara to take the girl to Sanctuary where she would be better cared for and she could learn to refine her strong Cosmo and follow in her footsteps to become the next Delphinus Saintia. As time passed by, Chantelle became the current Delphinus Saintia and Athena’s personal attendant and bodyguard.
~Modern Setting~
In a modern setting where Delphinus Mii did not become the Delphinus Saint, Chantelle’s father, Takara Aomi, owner of Aomi Cruises, married her mother Vivienne, and they had six children together but after her birth, her mother died of sepsis. This caused her second, third, fourth, and fifth elder sisters to resent her. One of her earliest childhood memories was going to a beach house with her family and being told by her second, third, fourth, and fifth elder sisters to wait for them at the beach and if she waited, they would come back for her with gifts and play with her. It was actually her sisters’ cruel attempt to try to get rid of her while their father and eldest sister were occupied with making sure the beach house was set up for them to stay in. After some time, she realized her elder sisters weren’t coming back for her and as she cried while sitting near the waves, a dolphin balancing a small ball on its snout called out to her and they played catch with the ball. The Delphinus Saintia sensed Chantelle’s Cosmo crying out in pain and found the girl playing with the dolphin. The Delphinus Saintia realized that the girl must have a strong purity to be able to understand the language of the dolphin. After the Delphinus Saintia heard Chantelle’s story, she helped Chantelle find her family then asked permission from Takara to take the girl to Sanctuary where she would be better cared for and she could learn to refine her strong Cosmo and follow in her footsteps to become the next Delphinus Saintia. As time passed by, Chantelle became the current Delphinus Saintia and Athena’s personal attendant and bodyguard.
Attacks / Abilities:
Angel Splash: Delphinus Chantelle throws a blast of water at her enemy.
Heaven's Maelstrom: Delphinus Chantelle creates a whirlpool around her foe.
Zoolingualism: Chantelle possesses the ability to talk to dolphins.
Extra Information: As the eldest of Athena's Saintias, she is the current leader of the Saintias.
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fallershipping · 1 month
since I imagine Anabel and Looker being born in the early 80s, I wonder what kinda anime they would've watched as kids/young teens in the 90s. Obviously they'd both like Lupin. I can see Looker watching stuff like Detective Conan and Saint Seiya, and Anabel watching Slayers and Inuyasha. Both might've liked Yu-Yu Hakusho too.
-sweating, having not watched a lot of anime or any of these animes-
NO WAIT I SAW SOME LUPIN i love that for them :D Unless this is a thinly veiled anime recommendation list in which.. hm. might have to see what this yu yu hakusho business is then.
That sounds great for them though!!! they seem very fitting!
For my verse, Looker might have, might have not grown up with anime? he was born and raised in poke-europe in my headcanon, but i mean that doesn't stop anime from airing or being dubbed before it took off as a worldwide thing ((and why am i even saying this about a game series where poke-Spain feels japanese to me))
Nevertheless I'd say he'd still like these shows. God wouldn't it just be funny if he spent some break time watching something like Lupin or Detective Conan-- Or even mostly reruns of Columbo growing up? Is he coping with trauma and memory loss by adopting the personality of a TV show cartoon detective?
also anabel watching inuyasha tickles me personally because of course she fucking would. furry.
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soutakuphi · 1 month
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Wanted to get out a drawing rut and ended up making a new Yu-Gi-Oh oc story, hate it when things turn out like that.
Tentative name for this verse is Yu-Gi-Oh Stars, but with how lazy i am it basically is its name Its practically set in the same world and acts as a sequel to GX, with a new campus location and a new cast and crew to chill out in the schoolyard.
Our (un?)lucky protag is Yuji Hoshino, an easily excited new student at the new Central Campus Duel Academy (Academia for sub onlys) who thanks to a rough encounter with some snobbish Upper classmates ended up in the 'Remedial Group,' a selection of students who through either mistakes or poor performance are relegated to this program due to the strict misery chancellor of the campus, who wants them gone but due to budgetary/other vague reasons cant outright expel them. They're the "Slifer Slackers' of the campus.
Hoshino tends to rush through things but cares a lot for his friends. He's also a huge toku/superhero fan and his deck is basically Masked HEROES but constellation themed and learning more towards Super Sentai, with a hint of Saint Seiya mixed in as well, "Celestiar Heroes." His ace cards summons are usually followed by an elaborate pose mimicking tokusatsu transformation poses
Will try to post more as time goes on and add more thoughts and details for him.
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landofanimes · 6 months
Bilibili New Year's Eve Gala 2023-24
Sunset - 2023B Station New Year's Eve Party
Found a New Year event from China that features a bunch of geek performances full of special effects! Below are the things I could identify, with my favorite bits in bold. Dragon Ball is definetely the highlight, you might have seen the footage around already!
01:08 - 03:30: "In the Hall of the Mountain King" feat. Tom and Jerry 🐱🐁
03:31 - 4:37: Cardcaptor Sakura 🎴✨ 
05:36 - 7:11: The Lion King 🦁🪨 
08:26 - 9:17: Saint Seiya 🐎🪽
09:18 - 11:24: Ultraman🦸🏼🔵
15:40 - 20:06: "Something Just Like This" by Jake Miller feat. Spiver-Verse (no idea why since that's not part of the soundtrack) 🕷🕸️
Musical Performance
30:05 - 41:57: Dragon Ball 🐉🟡
1:18:54 - 1:25:07: Disney 🐁 🦊🐇
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wickedwizdom · 1 year
Lets talk Knights of the Zodiac:
This review will be mostly positive based on my own experience but I still will have my criticisms as I go along. To begin I want to be very transparent here and say after watching this movie: It is NOT--I repeat--NOT “Dragon Ball Evolution 2.0” like many people claim online. This movie's characters, script, dialogue, action, and story are leaps and bounds more faithful to the source material it is adapting and showing respect for it all the same. I'm positive those who keep claiming that it is have never watched the movie or are just speaking utter nonsense because let’s be real: Dragon Ball Evolution is beyond bad and KOTZ—objectively—is not.
This movie is perfectly fine; very fun I might add. It definitely stands up there with the likes of Alita: Battle Angel in terms of anime adaptations and as a movie it gets the job done.
Now for the fans going into this story expecting it to be verbatim like the original animanga, you are not going to find that here. This movie is very much an origin story for this particular universe of Saint Seiya with its own key lore and world building that takes influence from the Netflix reboot but actually executed those aspects better in comparison to how the CG show did it. I certainly appreciate this movie trying something new with its setting and story in comparison to LoS which told a very rushed rendition of the Silver Saints and Twelve Temples arc and I believe if this movie did the same thing, my expectations would be significantly lower and my criticisms far more harsher.
From an objective standpoint, this movie’s pacing definitely could use some improvement. I definitely appreciate what the writers and directors could give with the runtime they had but when it comes to character such as Nero and Seiya and Sienna’s time spent bonding, there’s definitely something to be left desired, Nero especially but we’ll get to him later. The script itself is okay, can be basic in some areas, cheesy in others but never anything that made me actually cringe. The movie’s music is otherwise really good. The orchestral Pegasus Fantasy rendition was definitely a highlight of the film for me and the music that plays through a lot of the action and somber scenes is really atmospheric.
To add, I know there were some fans that complained that not all the bronzes were here but I’m pretty sure that was for the movie’s benefit. Introducing so many characters all at once would mean that audiences would have no time to connect with them and the story would have been bloated and full of plot holes. I love how they kept the core cast as just Seiya, Nero, and Sienna for the time being to get us more familiar to their world before moving onto the others.
As for other things, the set pieces and CGI aren't terrible. It's definitely a step above most tokusatsu shows and movies but not on the level of something like Alita or some MCU movies. It's passable but definitely not a complete eye sore.
Some shots are a bit goofy but they don't linger too long and I think it adds to the charm of this being an otherwise fun action film based on an even more zany and violent anime. The fights are all well-choreographed and filmed. I saw some complaints about the lighting being dark but that's not the case here. Everything in the movie is well lit and it's obvious who's who.
I thought the armors looked pretty okay and knowing that Kurumada actually approved them looking more medieval and archaic rather than how they were in the original animanaga makes for a nice creative detail that gives this movie more uniqueness in the StS verse.
Slight spoilers here but it is confirmed and shown in the movie that the armors do in fact evolve like how they do in the original manga and anime so if this movie does get its potential sequels, I look forward to seeing how they translate that.
To move onto characters I enjoyed a majority of the main cast throughout the movie. Everyone not only understood the characters they were portraying but giving them their own charm and nuances to make them feel more like individuals.
To start with the main man Seiya, he's a lot more reserved here, because he is a lot older, but some of his attitude from the animanaga still remains like his brash attitude and his unwavering resolve to never give up. His character is quite complex with this movie going further in detail about the conflict he has with losing his sister, his obsession with finding her, and his hesitance to accept Sienna as a goddess until he witnesses it for himself. I appreciate them putting more and more time into emphasizing Seiya's relationship with his sister and Seiya at a crossroads between finding her and protecting Sienna all at once as opposed to how the anime/manga did it.
Seika is almost forgotten after the first few episodes/chapters of the original so it was nice to see that she had more of an impact on Seiya's character here.
Next, we have Sienna and I'm going to say that she is the best iteration of the Saori Kido character. While some of the pacing of her scenes were a little off at times, it didn't matter because I was engaged with what they did with her in this film. This story focuses on Sienna's humanity as opposed to the original where Saori has pretty much already accepted what she is and we never truly get to see a lot of her struggle with her heritage and most of that was relegated to the very beginning of the series. Here, Athena is the equivalent of a malevolent spirit that Sienna is constantly trying to drown out. From the way, she speaks about Athena to her parents and how that separated them feels real. She is a toung woman who’s not only caught in the middle of a broken family she cares for but is essentially a ticking time bomb. She accepts that she may not be herself one day but you can tell that deep down she doesn't want to believe that. She starts off as the typical haughty rich girl towards Seiya and while I do think that their relationship could have used a few more scenes of them getting used to each other, it still feels plausible that he cares for her I’m the end. I would be a bit of a brat too if I was going to become doomsday incarnate one day. Here she suffers loss but in turn finds a new purpose and reason to keep living. At a core it is her human side that matters most.
I also adore that Sienna starts off not in complete control of her cosmo. It gives more presence to the gods in this scenario and how dangerous their cosmo is to a regular human. It makes me really excited to see what gods late like in this universe but only time will tell.
Moving onto Alman and Guraad since they're basically two sides of the same coin. Making Alman a morally ambiguous man who is not all good fits very in line with the Mitsumasa in the original animanaga. The slow unraveling of the truth that he first and foremost only cares about his daughter is perfect and sets up the domino effect that will extend to all the children he used as a means to an end.
Guraad on the other hand is a MILLION times better than the Guraad in the Netflix reboot. Not only does she feel appropriate as an antagonist but she gives better layer to the conflict of fighting against the gods and at the same time having to come with the burden of killing her surrogate daughter to do so. Sienna and Guraad share a bond that feels genuine and when her maternal instincts shine it's wonderfully executed. It adds so much more emotionally weight knowing that a complete accident on Sienna’s end pushed away who she considered family and Guraad realizing that to makes her attempt to save Sienna feel earned.
Moving onto Alman and Guraad since they're basically two sides of the same coin. Making Alman a morally ambiguous man who is not all good fits very in line with the Mitsumasa in the original animanaga. The slow unraveling of the truth that he first and foremost only cares about his daughter is perfect and sets up the domino effect that will extend to all the children he used as a means to an end.
Now we have Nero. I love Ikki in almost every universe and here it is no different. The mystery behind his character and past along with him as an antagonist is one of the best but weakest aspects of his character in this movie in my opinion. His true motives are unclear but from what a lot of people have speculated and based on Diego himself, his motivations largely have to do with Shun. Potentially Nero does not know where his brother is and I think that would make for a great parallel between Seiya and Nero if this series is to continue. He definitely has a vendetta against the gods and has the Sagittarius armor in his possession but at what ends? His character toward the end leaves more questions than answers and I wish we got a fair balance of flashbacks from his perspective to compare/contrast with Seiya’s. He is a threat through and through and the movie does well in establishing the bar that is set between him and Seiya. He's definitely a character I want to see expanded upon more in the future and what ulterior motives he has going on as it seems that Guraad was a stepping stone for things to come. I want more of him and I hope to god we do.
Marin is, dare I say, perfect. Everything from her nonchalant demeanor, to the way she trains Seiya, THE WAY SHE GOES TO SLEEP and her presence she's easily another favorite of mine in the movie next to Sienna. We get just enough of her to see what she's all about but like Nero, I hope we do see more of her. She serves the purpose she’s meant to in the story and I was quite confused about her “bound to this island by destiny” schtick (which was really an excuse to keep her out of the third arc) but overall she’s just awesome.
And last but not least Mylock. Easily he's better than Tatsumi by a country mile. The writers actually managed to make a dull asshole of a character into a fun and entertaining one. His action scenes were a highlight and were just classic king fu action that I just adore.
The story overall centers around the ideals surrounding family, humanity, and fighting through a destiny that’s not completely set in stone. It’s very anime but at the same time is personable and relatable in some way or another.
To conclude : Knights of the Zodiac is a fun film with great action, solid writing, a talented main cast of characters, and I was genuinely surprised at how much I ended up liking it. It shows respect or to the source material while doing its own thing and that’s honestly the best route it could have gone. It could have been way worse.
It’s a solid 7/10. Had some bumps in the road but it managed to make it to its destination safe and sound. Regardless of performance, I will definitely watch sequels.
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Saint Seiya RP Masterlist!
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Reblog this post and add in the tags
your URL
if you’re a single muse or a multimuse
if they’re canon or an OC
your muse’s name, and from where they come from
EXAMPLE: scrunklyrpblog, single muse, canon, Scrunkly the Mighty ( pokemon mystery dungeon )
to be added in the list!
NOTE: if you have a multimuse blog, feel free to write as many muses as you have; if you have a fandomless OC, specificy that you just have a specific verse or their “title” – and remember to reblog the fandomless masterlist too!
feel free to specify if your muse is canon divergent too!
Character list in alphabetical order can be found HERE!
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rosavulpes · 3 months
Are you still rping Camus? Is Camus Honkai Star Rail only like Albafica or Saint Seiya too?
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OOC : I can't say that I am . Maybe once in a blue moon if the muse picks up but there's been such a drought of new Saint Seiya content for years now that I doubt I'll ever get the inspiration to pick them back up again .
You can only re-watch the anime so many times before it gets boring and in my case I don't even know where to watch it anymore . Same with the manga , that and unfortunately the community around Saint Seiya just isn't there anymore on here too . I like to watch stuff officially as I'm always nervous about watching anime on secondary websites where I might get viruses .
As for Albafica , part of the reason I'm picking him back up is because I'm currently so deep into Honkai Star Rail ( Grinding to hopefully get Acheron ) that I think I found a good fit for him . He may not become a permanent muse , because I'm also considering maybe doing a Star Rail verse for Andromeda Shun .
The story for him would revolve around him being a diviner working underneath Fu Xuan in the Divination Commission aboard the Xianzhou . Since his chains were at least for me , shown to have minor divination capabilities in that they can detect a malignant presence and defend him against it even if he isn't aware of it . Maybe he doubles working for the Ten Lords Commission because of it too but he'd still have that special connection to the Andromeda Constellation akin to the series to set him apart . Cosmos and all .
His personality would still be the same , very much against killing , and prefer to wound / incapacitate whenever possible as opposed to my other muses who would have no problems killing if a certain line gets crossed .
He wouldn't necessarily have the Andromeda Cloth , but it's chains would be part of his attire .
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eternalstarlights · 5 months
@arcgeminga continued from here.
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To any normal person, it would be weird to start a fire in a volcano when one can easily cook the food over the lava, however, Kunikida was the type to follow certain rules, ideals and his schedule to a T. If a person must cook their food, it must be over a fire unless it was during the situation does not allow for it.
Kunikida knew that Defteros was watching him, however, he didn’t expect Defteros to jump down with such a landing like that. He almost thought the lava was going to hit him but it didn’t.
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“And where exactly did you think I was going to get the food from? The island? I could but the food would be very limited.”
Kunikida continued cooking, trying his best to ignore Defteros’ look of heavy suspicion. It didn’t take long for him to get annoyed by Defteros’ stare.
“I have to eat too. The food isn’t poisoned unless I want to poison myself as well.”  
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yo-aroleplayfinder · 6 months
27 years old - TMZ UTC/GMT-3 - only 20+ y/o rp partners - Please DNI, if you're younger than that.
I'm looking for Saint Seiya/Knights of the zodiac/cavaleiros do zodíaco RPs on Discord!
- 3rd person, with a preference for multiple paragraphs replies. It's not novella style, but I won't do one-liners. - I'm looking for long-term partners, I love plotting out extensive threads and AUs or verses. - I want our RPs to be pretty chill, I'm not a particularly fast-replier. So, my partner shouldn't rush into replies. - Open for SFW and NSFW (both smut and darkfic subjects) rps. I'm cool interacting with aged up or older versions of characters, that are underage within the source material. - With all due respect, I don't interact/RP with Self-inserts or kins. - Not interested in OCs and crossovers, sorry! - Triggers and further boundaries will be discussed via DMs. - You don't need to know every little detail about the source material. I'll be more than glad to try help you out refresh your memory, or even discuss things. I'm cool with canon divergences. - I have many ideas for plots/threads, which will be discussed and elaborated in DMs - I'm specifically looking for things tied to the classic series only, I'm not familiar with anything from the most recent spin-offs (such as: Lost canvas, Saintia Sho, G Assassin, Omega, Next Dimension, etc). I've watched the anime and the Soul of Gold OVA. Manga-wise, I've read episode Zero, G, Origins and Destiny. I'm currently keeping up with the Re-rise of Poseidon manga.
Characters I'm offering: Cancer Deathmask, Virgo Shaka, Taurus Aldebaran, Scorpio Milo, Gemini Kanon and Saggitarius Aiolos.
Characters I'm looking to write with: Gold saints (Happy to interact with any, but ESPECIALLY looking for: Aries Mu, Pisces Aphrodite, Aquarius Camus and Gemini Saga) > Marina generals (Chrysaor Krishna) > Bronze > Silver saints > Hades spectres.
ROMANTIC Ships: Mu/Aldebaran, Aphrodite/Deathmask, Camus/Milo, Krishna/Shaka and Saga/Shaka
These are my most wanted ships rn. I only have one or two NOTPs, but outside of it I'm practically open to any combinations.
Family connections: Kanon & Saga and Aiolos & Aiolia
Considering how a good chunk of this serie's fans are Brazilians, I'm willing to RP in Portuguese as well!
Like this post and I will reach you out!
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featherchan · 1 year
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Stepping up the many flights of stone stairs. Entering and exiting the 12 Zodiac temple gates. With each step, the Lioness took, she felt a little more anxious and curious as to why the Pope wanted to see her personally. After obtaining the Lionet Cloth, people began to recognize her by name and not another nameless foot soldier. She began to be assigned to more missions, a little more challenging and dangerous than her previous ones. Yet, through it all, the Lionet Cloth protected her. And as crazy as it may sound, she could sense her armor had a voice. But one thing that did concern her was the weight of the armor, it felt heavy. Yet other Saints swore they felt one with it, making it feel as light as a feather. 
Looking up at the temple and finally reaching her destination. She decided to put that thought aside. Before presenting her permission slip to the Saints who were guarding the entrance. One of the guards let her inside before leading her the way. Walking closely behind them. She finds herself looking around and is in awe at the temple deco. But immediately returned to her usual cold stone expression, upon reaching the Pope's headquarters door. 
Taking in a deep breath. She wore her mask over her face before knocking on the man's door and announcing her presence. "Sir Pope..." Nervousness rang in her voice. "...its Lionet, Kanako. May I come in?" Along with an awkward tone in the mix. Meeting the Pope in person for the first time. The raven has been rehearsing her lines. And narrow down carefully a selected sentence, aiming to be polite and professional. Once she received her permission to enter the room, she carefully opened the creaking wooden door. Soon, the Lioness's imaginary ear perked up while her tail puffed up. As she was little shock and frozen, as her sights found not only the Pope but a gold Saint too. 
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[ starter for @vanillahub | @hxdrostorms ]
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canonrpfinder · 10 months
27 years old - only 20+ y/o rp partners - DNI, if you're younger than that.
I write in 3rd person, with a preference for multiple paragraphs replies. It's not novella style, but I won't do one-liners.
I'm looking for long-term partners, I love plotting out extensive threads and AUs or verses.
Open for SFW and NSFW rps.
With all due respect, I don't interact/RP with Self-inserts/kins/ppl who heavily live through their muses.
No OCs, sorry!
Triggers and further boundaries will be discussed via DMs.
You don't need to know every little detail about the source material. I'll be more than glad to try help you out refresh your memory, or even discuss things. I'm cool with canon divergences.
I'm looking for Saint Seiya/Knights of the zodiac/cavaleiros do zodíaco RPs!
I have watched the classic series, as well as the Soul of Gold OVA. I'm keeping up with the Re-rise of Poseidon spin-off, while I'm reading through Episode G manga. I may be hesitant to interact with things, from the most recent spin-offs, bc I still haven't had the chance to check them out.
Characters I'm offering: Cancer Deathmask, Virgo Shaka, Taurus Aldebaran, Scorpio Milo and Gemini Kanon [All characters are 20+]. Characters I'm looking to write with: From most desired, to least wanted. Golden saints (Happy to interact with any, but ESPECIALLY with: Aries Mu, Pisces Aphrodite, Aquarius Camus, Gemini Saga) > Bronze saints > Poseidon marines (Chrysaor Krishna) > Silver saints > Hades spectres. Ships: Mu/Aldebaran, Aphrodite/Deathmask, Camus/Milo, Krishna/Shaka & Saga/Shaka. These are my most wanted ships rn. I don't have any NOTPs, so I'm open to any combinations! Further elaboration via DMs
Considering how a good chunk of this serie's fans are Brazilians, I'm willing to RP in Portuguese as well!
Like this post, and I'll reach you out!
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Silver Saint
Please do not reblog my post!
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[ Disclaimer: I do not own the Saint Seiya logo. The logo was found here. This will be a temporarily image placeholder until I can find the time to make a proper edit for Masaru's verse post. Thanks to the wikia for helping me describe the Eagle Saint's attacks. ]
Face Claim used: Azel Halgal from Otoyomegatari
In an era before the 20th century, Masaru originated from a village in Japan. One day, it was found that he and his childhood friends, Yukio and Taiga, possessed powerful Cosmos. His cousins, Shintarō and Mika also possessed powerful Cosmos. They were all sent to Sanctuary on the same day. He was chosen to become the next Eagle Saint and trained with his master in Kazakhstan, so he adopted the hairstyle that his master and the people of the steppes wear. He is now the Eagle Saint and a Silver Saint.
~Modern Setting~
In a dimension where Marin didn't become the Eagle Saint, Masaru originated from Tokyo, Japan. One day, he and his cousins, Shintarō and Mika, were found to possess powerful Cosmos and they were sent to Sanctuary on the same day. He was chosen to become the next Eagle. His master was a survivor of a previous Holy War who still followed the old traditions of the people of the steppes and trained Masaru in Kazakhstan, so he adopted the hairstyle that his master and the people of the steppes wear. He is now the Eagle Saint and a Silver Saint.
Abilities / Attacks:
Agility: He is extremely agile like the eagle due to his training which allows him to run quickly, charge at his enemies, make a speedy exit, or quickly evade his enemies and their attacks.  
Physical Strength and Endurance: As a Silver Saint who has undergone harsh training, he has a lot of strength and can endure pain to an extent.
Eagle Talon!: A powerful attack using both of his fists charged with Cosmo to crush his opponents.
Eagle Toe Flash: A hard flying kick.
Empty Fist: A non-offensive technique involving the creation of illusions. 
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