#Sakhalin laika
guiltyidealist · 1 year
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emotional about Take ):
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justadumass · 2 years
I'm making a game in my head and it's pretty fun
I think everyone kinda makes shit up in their head sometimes, right? I know i do all the time, and sometimes i just make up games in my head, i do it pretty often but usually the hype dies after a couple of months, this one though, this one keeps coming back, ok I'll get to it
This game is about sleding dogs, the two main inspiration are the sled dogs game (duh) and the red lantern, in red lantern i really like how the personality of the dogs affects the ways you interact with them and i love how you can do other things besides train and race like hunting and feeding the dogs, and i really like the freedom in sled dogs, and I'm also obsessed with breeding animals in games although the breeding in sled dogs is pretty boring lol
So this game is obviously made to cater to my tastes so here is all the features
I was thinking a simple low polygon 3d, like shelter 2 style, except with simpler textures and lighting, i think it would look cute and i would like to focus on gameplay
Dog stats:
Dogs have two types of stats:
*Traits, which are permanent and unchangeable, except for item use or raised puppies, mostly affects how the dog interact with you, other people and other dogs, with some of it directly or indirectly affecting their performance
*Skills, which are trainable and improvable, but you can also use items to improve it or improve training, affects only how the dog performs on racing, hunting or training
The traits stats go up to 100 but the actual number is randomized between a maximum and a minimum based on breed
The skill stats go up to 200 but the max you can get without training is 100, the number you first get when you adopt a dog is also randomized between a maximum and a minimum based on breed, but you can go past the maximum after you adopt them obv
Ex: Samoyed
Friendliness: 60-100/100
Obedience: 60-90/100
Alertness: 20-40/100
Wildness: 40-50/100
Resistance to cold: 60-90/100
Strength: 40-60/200
Speed: 40-60/200
Hunting: 10-30/200
leadership: 40-60/200
Energy: 50-60/200
What do the stats do:
•Friendliness: affects how long will it take for the dog to become attached to you and how they'll behave around other people or dogs, dogs with low (below 30) friendliness learn leadership at a lower 0.5x speed and dogs with high friendliness (above 60) learn at a higher 1.5x speed
•Obedience: affects the efficiency of training and how likely the dog is to listen to you during any part of the game (above 60= 1.5x above 90= 2x)
•Alertness: how likely the dog is to notice something before you do, whether it's an obstacle in a race or a prey during hunting, also how likely they are to bark (above 60 learns hunting 1.5x)
•Wildness: affects how unpredictable the dog's mood is and if above 70 will make hunting training more effective by 1.5x but all other training will be 0.5x
•Resistance to cold: affects how likely the dog is to get sick after a race, can be improved with items like sweaters or socks
•Strength: affects the strength of the dogs during races and hunting, dogs with high strength do well as wheel dogs
•Speed: affects the speed of the dog during races and hunting, dogs with high speed do well as swing dogs
•Hunting: how good the dogs will be at finding and attacking prey during hunting
•Leadership: how good a dog is at leading the other dogs, if you put a dog with low leadership as lead the other dogs might start misbehaving and performing badly
•Energy: a dog with low energy might faint during too long a race and you will have to carry them in the sled
Dog breeds included:
Yakutian laika
West Siberia laika
Siberian husky
Sakhalin husky
Mackenzie river husky
Alaskan husky
Labrador husky
Alaskan malamute
Canadian Eskimo dog
Greenland dog
Scandinavian hound
(If you have any other suggestions I'll happily take them)
Dog acquirement:
-You can adopt some randomized dogs from the shelter (mixed bag, cheapest option)
-you can buy a specific breed from a breeder (expensive but will have great traits)
-you can adopt a dog from another musher (will have great skills, rare, can come with items)
Breeding and raising pups:
To breed dog you have to have a female dog, you can pay to have male dogs be the sire and you can sire out your male dogs but you will not get any puppies from that
The female dog will be pregnant for 3 in game days, once the puppies are born it will take 2 days for the mother to be able to leave them, so for 5 days the mother will not be able to be used, you get the option to sell any of the puppies at this point, if you don't have enough space the game will force you to sell some or all of the puppies depending on how much space you do have
it will take 4 days for the puppies to grow again, during these 4 days their traits will be molded be how you and the other dogs treat them, if the puppies are pure bred they will have the same min and max as their Breed, but if they are mixed their min will be same as whichever parent has the lowest and their max will be the same as whichever parent has the highest, after the four days the puppies will be teenagers, their traits will be set and you will be able to train their skills which will be set to 0, after 2 days they will grow into adults and will be able to race
How to raise puppies:
*Other dogs being agressive towards the puppy will lower friendliness and raise wildness
* Other dogs being friendly towards the puppy will raise friendliness and lower wildness
* Scolding the puppy will lower friendliness and raise obedience
* Praising the puppy will raise friendliness and raise obedience
* Leaving the puppy outside will raise alertness and raise resistance to cold but might make them sick
*Leaving the puppy indoor will lower wildness and raise friendliness
*Giving the puppy a treat will affect the traits however you chose (the item "puppy treat" is the most expensive treat in the game)
How breeding will affect appearance:
If you breed two dogs of the same breed the puppies will have the same body type as the breed and will either have the father or the mother's markings, with a 5% chance of a mix and a 2% chance of a mutation, with either the mother or father's eye color with no chance of mutation except for heterochromia which will have a 1% chance
If you breed two dogs of different breed they will either have the mother or the father's body type and a random mix of markings and a random eye color with a 12% chance of heterochromia
The way markings will work is they will have layers, meaning a dog with a black coat and a brown ring around it and brown markings and a white underside, will actually have three layers, a pure white one, then a brown top one and a black one with holes for the brown markings, allowing for this more interesting breeding
Your stats:
Your only stat is resistance to cold, which you can only improve with items
There is a truck outside your house and if you interact with it you can go to different areas
There will be an area in the forest you will be able to go hunting in, You can take as many dogs as you want hunting, if they have 60 lvl hunting they will track some prey for you, if they have 150 lvl hunting they will attack the prey,whether they are able to catch it depends on their speed lvl and whether they are able to take it down will depend on their strength level
You can buy different guns and all that hunting stuff to use here
You can also gather some other supplies in this area such as herbs, berries, vegetables, fire wood
You may encounter wolves
The town is an area that is filled with shops, there are houses but they're just set dressing cuz it'd look otherwise imo
There will be a grocery store where you can buy ingredients
A pet shop where you can buy all the dog supplies
A clothing store for you
A gun and camping shop for your hunting needs
A carpenter that upgrades your stuff
And an all in one store where everything's cheaper but it's also randomized each week and they don't restock during the week
Feeding the dogs:
You can buy dog food in the pet
You can give raw meat to your dogs from either the grocery store or from hunting
You can also cook for your dogs using ingredients from the grocery story or from the wild area and each recipe will give them different temporary bonuses, but if you cook them badly they will not work
There are weekly races that are easy and short, monthly races with obstacles and weather conditions with medium length, yearly races that are the same as monthly races except very long and special races that will basically be special events each with it's on gimmicks and with unique items as adicional rewards
The weekly race is a day long
The monthly race is three days long
The yearly race is a week long
You have to take supplies in the races, such as food, weapons, clothes (for you and your dog), material to fix your sled when it breaks, shelter, a source of heat and medical supplies
During the race your dogs can run out of energy and faint, get sick from the cold or become injured from an obstacle
Your sled can break from an obstacle, from wear or from extreme weather conditions
if the number of non- compromised dogs becomes smaller that the number of minimum dogs allowed in a race you will be disqualified
You have two sleds, a toboggan sled, optimized for speed, and a basket sled, optimized for cargo, you can have them both upgraded by the carpenter
Dog positions in the sled:
Lead dogs: best with high leadership
Swing dogs: best with high speed
Team dogs: best balanced
Wheel dogs: best with high strength
•Frozen rivers and lakes (crossing In a weak spot might cause the ice to break, if this happens you will need to rescue the dogs that have fallen in before they sink, rescued dogs may get sick or injured from it)
•Unfrozen rivers and lakes (must cross at a shallow part, going in a deep part will lower a dog's res.t.cold 2x, if the river has a strong current a dog with low strength might get swept up)
•Knocked over trees, large rocks (you just need to go around)
• wild wolves(if there are more than 3 in a group they will attack your dogs, the only way to stop them is shooting, if there are less than 3 they will leave you alone)*these can also apear during hunting
•Fog: makes it harder to see during hunting and racing
•rain: makes your dogs wet, lowering their speed by 0.5x and res.t.cold by 0.7x
•snowstorm: makes it harder to see, lowers your speed by 1x and your res.t.cold by 1.2x, makes your dog more likely to get sick
• thunderstorm: makes your dogs wet, lowering their speed by 0.5x and res.t.cold by 0.7x, lighting may cause fire
•Hail: will damage your sled and injure your dogs, can break frozen rivers and lakes and knock down trees
You and your dogs will gain prestige when you win a race
You and the lead dog will gain 1.2x prestige than the rest of the team
Prestige attracts sponsors
Your sponsors will pay you after each race regardless if you came first or last
Sponsors will give you items each time you renew your contract with them
Sponsors might put restrictions on how many other sponsors you can have on your contract
I do not have many ideas for items at this moment except
Normal treat (training 1.2x)
Tasty treat (training 1.5x)
Delicious treat (training 2x)
Superb treat (training 2.5x)
Puppy treat (adds a level to any trait in a puppy)
Synthetic sock (adds 1 lvl to res.t.cold)
Wool socks (adds 3 lvl to res.t.cold)
Llama socks (adds 5 lvl to res.t.cold)
Buffalo socks (adds 10 lvl to rea.t.cold)
+ Same but with pads adds 5 lvl to speed
Ear protectors: choose color from color wheel (rest.t.cold 1.2x)
Clothes: frufru dress, sports shirt, sweater; choose colors from color wheel (rest.t.cold 1.5x)
Collar: choose color from color wheel (have to have it to use a tag)
Tag: silver or gold; bone, circle, rectangle or heart (makes you earn prestige 1.5x)
First aid kit (for yours and dogs injuries)
Medicine (for sick dogs)
Hunting rifle
Fishing pole
Small heater
Large heater
Small stove
Simple tent
Nice tent
Fancy tent
Luxurious tent
Sleeping bag
Inflatable bed
Human clothes: mitts, scarves, hoodies, jackets, pants, shoes (a large variety)
I wanna add some more (like ingredients for recipes and some more special treats) but i can't think of anything rn
I'm not sure about this, i don't know what type of controls would work best for the gameplay i want, i do know i want it to be really simple and easy to switch between third person and first person in the game
Super easy: you start the game with a Samoyed, the whole time it's basically tutorial mode, when your signing up to races it will show you what dogs are bad in the positions you put them in, which are neutral and which are good,shows you how likely you are to win, if you have an item that can help you the game will point it out, items are cheaper, sponsors will make offers more often, rewards for winning races are bigger, training dogs is easier
Easy: you start the game with an yakutin laika, when your signing up to races it will show you what dogs are bad in the positions you put them in, which are neutral and which are good, shows you how likely you are to win, rewards are bigger
Normal: you start the game with a Sakhalin husky, shows you which dogs are bad in the positions you put them in, shows you how likely you are to win
Hard: start the game with a wolfdog, items are more expensive, rewards are smaller
House and upgrades:
At your house is where all your dogs will be, adults dogs will stay outside in the backyard, pregnant females and puppies will stay inside
At the start you will only have space in your backyard for 5 adult dogs an in your house for one pregnant female and five puppies
Your backyard has dog houses, in front of each dog house there is a food bowl that you need to fill everyday, and in the middle of the backyard there's a water trough that also has to be filled everyday and if it's frozen it'll need to be emptied out first
Everytime you upgrade your house you will gain another slot for a pregnant female and five more slots for puppies, you can upgrade 5 times
The first five times you upgrade your backyard the water trough will be less likely to freeze and the dog houses will keep you dogs more warm making it less likely that they get sick, every time you upgrade your backyard it will add one dog house and one slot for an adult dog, you can upgrade 15 times
Can the dogs die:
Yes, the dogs can die from sinking in a frozen river, from being swept up by the current in a regular river, by being attacked by wolves, by being hit by a falling tree, being caught in a fire or be having illness and injuries not be treated in 6 days (3 in hard mode)
Except in super easy mode, where the dogs do not die, they simply show up back home injured or sick and can't die from untreated medical issues either
Can you pet the dogs:
Yes, at home, while hunting or when camping during a race you can pet all dogs present, when going into the city the dog that is marked as your favorite will come with you (by default this is the dog that you start the game with, but you can change it anytime) and you will be able to pet them anytime while you're there, you can also feed the dogs any treat that you have with you anytime
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memeatglance · 5 years
Snow Husky
Tags: Siberian Husky, Sakhalin Husky, Alaskan Malamute, Canadian Eskimo dog, East Siberian Laika
697 points, 23 comments.
source http://9gag.com/gag/aj8LBDG
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bluebritany · 5 years
Snow Husky
Tags: Siberian Husky, Sakhalin Husky, Alaskan Malamute, Canadian Eskimo dog, East Siberian Laika
697 points, 23 comments.
source http://9gag.com/gag/aj8LBDG
0 notes