#Sally’s Valentines Lovers Raffle prizes!
salami2 · 2 years
AN: Thank you @rxsyxhh for participating in Sally’s Valentines Lovers Raffle! Here is your prize of 2 Love Letters from the 4 prizes. I’ve compiled them into this one post. Enjoy! <33
Warning(s): A disturbing gif from Flumpty (if you’ve played the game, it’s just his jumpscare sequence), mentions from other languages, etc.
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— Flumpty Bumpty + SCP-049 - Love Letters —
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To my dearest Stephanie…
Every day without you is a world of pain and lone, wrapped in the arms of fear that keep me from talking to you. I know this is childish, but I mean every word that comes from the bottom of my heart. I’m not letting this fear take over.
Hehe, like that little poetic mastery I made there? Took me hours to come up with, so you better like it!
My dear, it never matters where you hide. For whervever you hide, I will find you. And take you right back in my arms where you belong! I’m coming after you!
See you soon, my sweet. One day, I’ll have the courage to finally face you. But for now, adios- au revoir. Auf Wiedersehen!
- Your love, Flumpty!
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To my Stephanie…
I do try to be a gentleman of the utmost importance of a situation. You know I wouldn't try any funny business, or your father would be quite upset with me. So I write this letter to tell you of something that’s been plaguing my mind these days. I… love you.
Unfortunately, I couldn’t muster up the courage to speak. You know my conversational skills are… not up to term.
But if I can muster up the courage to tell you, I would tell you how much my love spans for you. It keeps me awake some nights. Hell, even my work is now a distraction from keeping me from you.
I am truly sorry for being a coward, Stephanie. Please, forgive me one day.
Love, your SCP-049.
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salami2 · 2 years
AN: Thank you @rxsyxhh for participating in Sally’s Valentines Lovers Raffle! Here is your 1 Alphabet that is apart of your 4 prizes. Enjoy!
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— Sun + Moon fluff alphabet —
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A - Affection: Sundrop and Moondrop have very different ways of showing love. For Sunny, it’s running around and playfulness. For Moon, its quality time under a roof with dim lights keeps you both awake.
B - Beauty: They both think your inner and outer beauty outshine the sun in the pale, blue sky, and the millions of stars that shine in the night sky.
C - Comfort: Sundrops the best at comforting, since he’s always awake with all the kids. And Moon has his special way of physical touch and words of affirmation.
D - Dreams: They both picture finding a way to stay with you until the very end. Even if it means losing their beloved job as Fazbear’s Mega PizzaPlex daycare workers! But, they hope it doesn’t come to that.
E - Equal: See, when it comes to dominance or passiveness, it’s both way with these 2. Sundrop is certainly more on the passive side… but Moondrop is 100% dominant. I mean, look at him! Does he look submissive to you?
F - Fight: They both fight the exact same way. They start off calm, but get heated if you get too heated. They fight with stern understanding. But Sunny can stutter a lot.
G - Gratitude: These two are soooo grateful for everything you do for them! Sure, some things you do for them can be oblivious. But even the basic kindness you give them is good enough for them.
H - Honesty: Hmm this is tricky. I feel as though Sunny can be more honest than Moon, but he’ll still keep the more personal and embarrassing moments in his life. But, if something is troubling them, they will tell you immediately to fix it.
I - Inspiration: You changed them, but for something much grander then you could have ever imagined. You changed their view on love. Something these two only get so much of. It really did shape their world for the better.
J - Jealousy: Nope! Barely any jealousy from these two. Whenever you’re with each other, it’s always alone or with the children from the daycare. And, they trust you well enough.
K - Kiss: Uhh… their animatronics, so their kisses are very unusual. Sometimes it’s like kissing a cold sheet of metal. Even so, you share some beautiful moments together with a single kiss.
L - Love Confession: They confesses after all the children left, and officer Vanessa started patrolling the pizzaplez. They stuttered and stumbled on their words, but eventually got it out. It was a very intimate moment.
M - Marriage: Getting that real, human experience comes from the binding of marriage. After consideration, they would be honoured to be married to you. Proposing with an onion ring before they can get the real deal!
N - Nicknames: Sunny would have the “Honey, sweethearts” and even some odd “Sweetcheese”. While with Moondrop it’s “Darling, dear” and “Kitten” if he was feeling frisky.
O - On Cloud 9: They express their feelings through actions instead of words. Like the day they found out they loved you. Backs spineless, falling onto the soft flooring like the love sick fools they were.
P - PDA: Oh, Sunny is EXTREMELY upfront on his relationship! He will jump on almost every opportunity to bring you up. Moon is more shy on that.
Q - Quirk: For Sunny and Moon, it’s their knowledge of children that help whenever things get tough mentally for you. Surprisingly it’s very effective.
R - Romance: Both are very romantic in their own ways. And both are equally creative. Sundrop with physical items and Moon with more emotional means.
S - Support: Of course they would support you! Every step of the way is undenying help and love from corner to corner. Whatever goal you want to sincerely achieve they will push you to do it!
T - Thrill: Moondrop prefers the creme while Sun would like the paprika, to put it simply. But even in the smallest way, he still wants that little bit of spice as well.
U - Understanding: Both slowly learn more and more about you every day. It’s a journey they love with every step and are sympathetic to all your plights.
V - Value: To compare your guy’s relationship to something: it would be like NASA giving up Rocket Ships for good. That’s how valuable it is to keep! And they hold
W - Wild Card: Sundrop makes little drawings and cards along with the other kids for you. And Moon crochets blankets with the things you like on them. Just something small to make you smile.
X - XOXO: Moon cuddles, Sunny hugs! It’s just a fact of life at this point. Moon loves those deep, emotional moments. While Sun does those large bursts of energy.
Y - Yearning: If their missing you they’ll be very vocal with the other animatronics. Oh yeah, it’s the most annoying. “Freddy, I miss them SOOOOOO much! when do they get here!?” ���… they get here when they get here, Sundrop… now please, I have to rehearse-“
Z - Zeal: THE LENGTHS!! istg they will go too far for you it’s bananas.
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salami2 · 2 years
AN: Thank you for participating in Sally’s Valentines Lovers Raffle! Here is your 1 Alphabet, as apart of your 4 prizes. Enjoy my dear! ^o^
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— Other Mother - Fluff Alphabet —
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A - Affection: Love Language is most definitely acts of service. Making you tea, buying the small things that you need, making the bed. It’s the tiny things that make a difference.
B - Beauty: She admires your loyalty the most about you. It’s what made her love you. No one had ever shown you that trust and love without a price.
C - Comfort: She has a very welcoming bust ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) no, but seriously, her hugs and cuddles are some of the best comforts out there. Her scent reminds you of fresh roses and peppermint tea.
D - Dream: She pictures a future of comfort, a little, secluded cottage in the woods. And- uh- maybe a couple kids if you would like.
E - Equal: Oh, EASILY the dominant one in the relationship. It doesn’t matter if she stays home and you work, in the bedroom and home, Other Mother is superior.
F - Fight: If it’s you, she can forgive easily. She’s not a child since she's used to being with them all the time. She fights with stern discipline, but will raise her voice if it comes to it.
G - Gratitude: Extremely grateful! She thanks whatever the hell is out there for meeting you and for making you her S/O.
H - Honesty: Well, here's the thing- if it’s something going on in your guys' everyday life, then she’ll tell you. But, there’s still a lot about her past she wants to keep hidden till the future comes. She’s just… scared, is all.
I - Inspiration: When meeting you, something changed about her. She became less mysterious and “fake”. More genuine and sweet.
J - Jealousy: Oh, she never gets jealous. She knows your hers and she’s yours. After a long time of being together, you keep that amazing relationship together.
K - Kiss: Extremely good kisser! Surprising since she barely did it on the lips before you got in her life. Your first kiss with her was sweet and deep. She gave it to you when she first got into a relationship with you.
L - Love Confession: You confessed, actually. With flowers and chocolates. But she never took them. Only taking you into her arms for a massive hug, as you fell the ground.
M - Marriage: Oh hell yeah! She wants marriage soooooo badly! She proposed with a candle light dinner. The marriage would be sweet and romantic, just like her kisses. With her knack for acts of service it would be the embodiment of being on cloud 9.
N - Nicknames: Dear, Darling, SweetPea, the list goes on! But, her the nickname she likes the most is probably “My Kitten”, surprisingly.
O - On Cloud Nine: When she’s in love, it’s the most subtle thing in the world. But, her buttons shine and sparkle when she looks at you for any period of time. She expresses her love through the small things Other Mother with you.
P - PDA: Oh, she brags WAY too much about you. About how incredible you are, how kind, how caring, how good you are in bed, hehe~ not to mention, very open with kisses and affection.
Q - Quirk: Her ability with good cooking is still so helpful, even after everyone has praised it many times. Hell, even the basic stuff that you’d forgotten is extremely helpful!
R - Romance: She loves the cliche romantic shit so much- it’s her entire shtick with you. Y’know, she’ll get you roses, chocolates, be a romantic sucker.
S - Support: Whatever you wanna do in life, whatever makes you happy, she’ll happily oblige. As long as it’s safe and makes good money. Other then that- you do you!
T - Thrill: She’ll ask for a lot of spice. And y’know, this girl probably has a bunch of bdsm toys and gadgets she likes to play around with…
U - Understanding: Like I’ve stated before, you two have been together since forever after. Other Mother emphasizes with a lot of your situations and struggles, so don’t worry about her not understanding.
V - Value: Your guys’s relationship means too much for her to let go. Everything she loves will only ever measure up for her affection to you, and especially the relationship.
W - Wild Card: KNITS! She knits for you! And then your forced to wear all the sweaters, hoodies, hats, mittens, blankets that she made.
X - XOXO: At home, she will kiss you SOO much! And the cuddling is phenomenal. She’s very, very affectionate.
Y - Yearning: She becomes almost dead inside when you’re away for too long. Like she answers in hums and “hmm”s, since she would be too tired to make out real words.
Z - Zeal: THE LENGTHS!! She’d move to a different house, state, and country for you. She’d speak a different language, make different foods, and especially kill you.
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salami2 · 2 years
AN: Thank you @mothy-selfships for participating in Sally’s Valentines Lovers Raffle! Here is your 1 Oneshot from your 4 prizes. Enjoy!
Warning(s): Sneaking around at night, work, etc.
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— Other Mother x gn!reader —
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The door creaked ever so quietly shut as to not even disturb the common mouse. The only sound of the night was the ticking of a clock. You damned yourself.
Coming in late from work due to issues at the office, you couldn't help but feel guilty for your poor wife who didn't even get to speak with you for hours.
As you missed every creak found from the steps leading to your bedroom, you opened the door in hope as to not wake your wife up. Instead, what you found was even worse.
Her eyes stared directly into yours. She grinned as to see you again- book in hand and under the covers. Buttons looking tired and sleepy.
“Darling! You finally came home!”
She rose from her bed and walked over to you. Wrapping her loving arms around your body.
“… huh?” you said, the only thing able to come out of your mouth.
“Wait, you waited up all night for me? Why?” You asked. The confusion on your face was too priceless to her. She giggled.
“To do this, silly.”
She leaned down slowly and planted her lips on your cheek, giving you a deep kiss. Leaving a red mark on your cheek. Not as red as your blush, though.
“I… uh…” you sputtered, too flustered to speak.
“You assume I wouldn't stay up for my darling to give them a goodnight kiss? My dear, your innocence makes me laugh at times. Now, hurrey to bed. I’ve been wanting to cuddle you for quite some time now.”
You hurried over to wash up and change.
Oh yeah, you started to remind yourself why you married your wife.
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salami2 · 2 years
AN: Thank you @rxsyxhh for participating in Sally’s Valentines Lovers Raffle! Here is your 1 Oneshot that was apart of the 4 prizes. Enjoy!
Warning(s): Mentions of family, work, venting, crying, etc.
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— Withered Bonnie x gn!reader —
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As the lights flicked on, you flopped down in the tattered, rolling chair and spun around with a heavy sigh.
Your day has been utterly tiring. With your friends being too busy to hang out, family becoming incredibly annoying, and things just not working out today. Let’s just say your job as a night guard isn’t as appealing today.
Peering through the vents, you checked with a freshly charged flashlight. Thank goodness. Nothing there.
The time was 12am. You massages your forehead and groaned.
“They’re not here yet, that’s good.”
From what your boss had told you, the toy animatronics have been extra lively from the past shows today. So you can expect them to be the same this time as well.
Thundering booms made its way through the darkness. You squinted your eyes to see who it is, forgetting you had a flashlight.
“… Hello? Who’s there?”
You shouted. Flickering the flashlight front and center of your office space.
The silhouette of a rabbit's ears perked in from the darkness. Ruby eyes illuminates the darkness. You’re eyes glimmered, knowing exactly who came to visit you.
“BONNIE!!” you squealed, rushing towards the revealed figure.
He slowly inched towards you as you jumped for joy.
Bonnie had always been your friend, ever since your first ever shift at the Pizzaplex. He was interested in the new guard, and decided to pay you a visit.
The withered animatronic was surprised to see no concern on your face as he was crippled and frightening. Usually scaring away the past guards that came and gone.
“Bon, it’s so great to see you. You have no idea how exhausting today was…”
Walking back to your chair, you slumped in and sighed heavily. Taking off your nightcap and rubbing your forehead.
“Everyones at work when I’m not, my mom has been a thorn in my side today, and I fell down my houses stair twice! How the hell does that happen!?”
He listened to your woes. Taking in all the things going wrong lately. Bonnie has always been so patient with you when the others weren't.
“… And that’s about everything. Sorry to dump this on ya, Bon. Today has made me wanna cry so many times, I-“
Suddenly, with his only arm, Bonnie picked you up with great strength. Pulling you into a tight hug. Patting you on the back.
Truth be told, today hasn’t been the greatest for him either. Toy Bonnie really gets on his nerves. So this sweet moment is what he’s been waiting for all this time.
Small tears rolled down your cheeks, as you shut your eyes closed to keep them from going.
“Ahhh… thank you, Bon. I… appreciate this.”
Bonnie nodded, letting go and wiping your tears away.
Truly, you could always trust Bonnie to cheer you up through hard times. Always and forever.
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salami2 · 2 years
AN: Thank you @mothy-selfships for participating in Sally’s Valentines Lovers Raffle! Here are your 2 Love Letters written in wicked time. Hope you enjoy!
Wanring(s): mentions of work, food, school, etc.
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— Other Mother + Thatch - Love Letters —
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My Darling…
While you’re currently reading this, I’ll be out and busy doing something. Don’t worry, I will be back very soon. I wrote this letter for no particular reason, just to tell you something of the utmost importance: I love you!
I know, I know, I’ve told you these three words for the past years we’ve been together. But I just wanted to remind you, since as of late, you’ve been incredibly busy with work and life.
Don’t you ever forget how much I love you, my darling. You stay right here in my mind 24/7
I love you! Have a good day.
- Your Wife
(P.S. I left some food that I’ve cooked if you’d like some)
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(sorry this is the only thing I could find (ㄒoㄒ)
To Mothy…
As you must know, I take things going my way very, very, very importantly. So don’t take this as a joke of some sorts, or me trying to trick you. Because this is the real deal! The best monster in school would never waste his precious time so foolishly.
Anyways, I’m here to tell you one thing… I… may have feelings for you.
This is my twelvth time writing this letter, so don’t say no to me! My room is now covered in failed letters.
If you wanna pursue a relationship with me, please contact me back as soon as possible.
- Yours truly, Thatch.
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salami2 · 2 years
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Thats right, ladies and gentlemen, and followers alike!
This Valentines Day I will be hosting the Sally’s Valentines Lover’s Raffle!
spend your hard earned Valentines Day with the one you truly care about. You’re fictional crushes <3
to enter in this raffle, you must reblog this post. I will put it through a drawing hat and see which 3 names come up as the lucky winners!
remember: you have to reblog. Oh, and if you’d like to be a sweet little thing, @ your friends to they can join, too!
the lucky winners will get:
1 One-Shot!
1 Alphabet! (SFW or NSFW)
And 2 Love Letters from any character from ANY fandom! (i’ll research, only for you)
The special day is a week from now, so share with friends, family, dog, WHATEVER and reblog so you might be lucky enough to get this prize!
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due date- mon, feb. 14
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