#SandPiper restaurant
hersoftside · 1 year
SandPiper: The Modern, Attention-Grabbing Restaurant in Dunedin, FL That'll Win Your Heart and Stomach!
Discover the most enchanting little eatery in Dunedin, FL! Quaint outdoor seating, Instagram-worthy decor, and a cute market area filled with breakfast treats. Plus, the Sunrise Skillet will make your taste buds dance with joy!✨🍳 #foodie #DunedinFL #Sand
So, let me tell you about this charming little joint tucked away in Dunedin, FL. It’s so adorable, I’m surprised it hasn’t sprouted wings and flown away to some magical fairyland by now. First things first, the decor is totally Instagram-worthy. If you’re looking for the perfect backdrop for your next profile pic, this place has got you covered. And let’s not forget about the outdoor seating…
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janesadek · 1 year
Dining and Entertainment at Sandpiper Bay
Here's what we thought of the food and the entertainment at Club Med Sandpiper Bay.
TRAVEL THERE – DEFINATELY NOT ON PAR WITH PUNTA CANA The Dining Room The happy face you see above only appeared one time in the dining room at Sandpiper Bay and when he actually sat down to eat this delicious looking crepe, he was sadly disappointed. At Punta Cana we had three delicious choices for dining and we thoroughly enjoyed them all at various times. If it was a buffet meal, the tables…
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floofgryph · 2 months
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Svyatopolk Tchaikovsky
Species: Human
Birthday: June 16th
Age: 32
Sexuality: Gay
One of the caretakers of Demaryius’ younger children
Chef of Homeworld
Financier of Homeworld
Commercial photographer
A cook at a decent restaurant (formerly)
Derzhatel Obshchaka of the Stavropolskaya Bratva (formerly)
Shestyorka of the Stavropolskaya Bratva (temporarily)
Enhanced durability, endurance, regeneration, stamina, strength, hearing, smell, speed, stealth, tracking, and mauling
Mastery over culinary skills and techniques, stealing, philosophy, psychology, photography, child caregiving, persuasion, and financial management
He possesses an automatic response and intuition for combat
He can spew toxic gasses and streams of highly corrosive acid
He can tap into a feral mind whenever it’s needed
Parasite immunity (only Baylisascaris transfuga can affect him)
Elemental manipulation
Thermal resistance
Pain suppression
Night vision
Super bite
Personality: He has mild depression as well as repressed trauma that aggressively affects them when horrible memories of his past resurfaces. He shows immense bravery, but will crack under pressure when he comes across something or witnesses an event that reminds him of his troubled past. As a schizophrenic, he experiences hallucinations, delusions, disorganised speech, difficulty with thinking, lack of motivation, and more. He possesses an inferiority complex due to past trauma, combatting this through performing good deeds and helping others. He occasionally experiences suicidal thoughts, which he tries to drown out either through social interactions or taking amphetamines and fentanyl. Amphetamines increase his sex drive, make him more talkative and energetic, and boost his happiness and confidence. When coming down from amphetamine use, he becomes paranoid and irritable, and experiences high and low mood swings. Fentanyl makes him feel euphoric and confused, relieves him from pain, and causes mood instability.
He’s often kind-hearted and gentle, but that changes when he or the people he’s close to feel threatened or has been harmed. He becomes fairly violent and cruel, and won’t admit to the fact that he can come off as slightly sadistic during those instances. He comes across as fearsome and unnerving at first, but will slowly reveal his respect, kindness, and compassion overtime. Despite being a stoic, he’ll rant about his problems and reveal his buried emotions when he really needs to let it out. He’s a workaholic who finds passionate comfort in his culinary, financial, and caretaking duties Homeworld, but will take a break when absolutely necessary. He places great values on generosity and loyalty, and can be overprotective of children and individuals he sincerely cares about. He possesses impressive street knowledge and is a hardcore maltheist, but he views Demaryius as the only benevolent god. He’s somewhat cynical and carefully attentive to all situations and concentrates on noticing any danger or trouble that might arise.
Likes: The good memories he has of Vsevolod, knowing that other people enjoy his food, seeing Percy smile, watching snowstorms from inside, fossils, scientific thinking, ancient architecture, caregiving, surrealistic photography, and autobiographical writing
Dislikes: People wasting perfectly fine food, feeling useless and inferior, seeing Percy hurt and sad, alcoholic beverages, unlawful activities, fire, horrible parenting, matryoshka dolls, those who are annoying and force their religious beliefs onto others, and depravity
Vsevolod’s Dymkovo toy of a pennywhistle spoon-billed sandpiper
A polar bear pelt that greatly enhances his mental endurance and physical might
A dark blue handbell
A garmon
A butcher knife
A throwing spear made from angelic light
A yellow-and-green OSV-96
A RG-6
Physical and outfit appearance: 
He’s a 6 ft (182.88 cm) ectomorph with an inverted triangular figure, an average musculature, and a square chest. He has small burnt holes scattered across his chest as well as whip and cut marks on his back, lower torso, buttocks, and arms. His right arm has been amputated and his left arm is covered in barely noticeable needle marks. He has dull-looking cerulean eyes, mildly tan skin, and dark brown copper hair in a soft and spiky tapered cut with stubble. On his left outer thigh, it depicts a bloodied white bear with a brownish back devouring a jaculus and standing in icy blue water.
After consuming Demaryius’ blood, he’s now 6’ 9” (205.74 cm) with a noticeably muscular build and sickly pale skin. He still retains all of his scars, but his skin is now uncomfortably rough and slightly burnt-looking. His chest is covered in brown bear fur, and he possesses slightly pointed ears, pharyngeal jaws, and metallic claws. He has dull cerulean eyes with slit reef gold pupils, ocean green outlining, and purplish-black sclera. He possesses a flame-coloured, fish-scaled dragon tail that looks devilish and his hair seems to be somewhat greying. He has pinkish-black horns that grow in response to the empowerment abilities of his polar bear pelt and his pain suppression, needing to trim them when it becomes too burdensome.
In his casual outfit, he wears a bluish-white T-shirt, a coyote fur ushanka with earflaps, and an eggplant purple bomber jacket with black sheepskin lining. He dons cargo pants with six utility pockets and millbrook, gurkha, mirage, and olive green camouflage colours. He has brownish-purple sneakers with three yellow-orange bands on both shoes, and a silver chain necklace. On his left wrist, he wears a ruby and sapphire beaded bracelet that spells the Russian word for brotherhood in pink lettering.
In his working outfit, he sometimes dons a realistic Ussuri brown bear mask, and his amputated arm is covered by pauldron, rerebrace, counter, vambrace, and gauntlet. His armoured right arm is blue-green with phosphorescent yellow-orange veins and the whole design looks draconic and intimidating. His left hand is covered in a safety yellow glove, and he’s wearing dark red dress boots with a glossy sheen. He dons a black apron with a khokhloma pattern in red, gold, and emerald green, which depicts a firebird in the centre with floral decorations surrounding it. When he’s cooking, he dons a dark purple cap with a black fishnet as it’ll be disgusting if his hair managed to get into his food. He still wears the cargo pants, bluish-white T-shirt, and silver chain necklace from his casual outfit.
Unnamed grandfather
Unnamed parents
Vsevolod Tchaikovsky (younger brother)
Biography: He and his younger brother, Vsevolod, were born near Stavropol into a neglectful, physically abusive, and emotionally distant family. Their grandfather was deaf and blind, unaware of their presence, but would smoke cigars and sit in front of the TV. Their mother was a mentally unstable nicotine addict who had a knack for forcing her eldest son to take drugs with her, especially heroin, amphetamines, cocaine, and crystal meth. Svyatopolk was “an obedient little puppy” in her eyes, while she verbally abused Vsevolod due to his rebellious and fearful nature. His mother would occasionally use the upper torsos of Svyatopolk and his younger brother as an ashtray. Their father was a functioning alcoholic who worked a dead end job and would often physically abuse the two, especially Svyatopolk. He used whatever he can utilise as a weapon to physically hurt the two brothers, but broken bottles, his belt, and a baseball bat were his most common choices. He would often try to hurt Svyatopolk whenever his mother wasn’t paying attention or inside the house because she'd freak out if anything bad happened to him. During a drunken and furious state, his father once burned Svyatopolk’s hand by forcing it into their fireplace as punishment for breaking his mother’s favourite flower vase. His mother was angry by this, but it severely got on her nerves when her drunkard husband hurt her favourite son.
The two brothers were allowed to leave the house, but only if their father wasn’t around and they were behaving. During the time they were allowed to leave, Svyatopolk and Vsevolod would pickpocket people and steal basic necessities from themselves. They were also beginning to realise that the life that they’re stuck in isn’t normal, starting to yearn for a life outside their home. However, that changed when Svyatopolk got involved with a Russian mafia called the Stavropolskaya Bratva that provided illegal drugs and alcohol, becoming one of their Shestyorkas. The Pakhan noticed that Svyatopolk was quite persuasive and extremely good with money that he promoted him Derzhatel Obshchaka. He was on good terms with the Stavropolskaya Bratva and the Pakhan took special interest in helping him out once he learned about his horrible childhood. Most of the members understood what he was going through because they grew up in terrible households. This gave him motivation to come up with a secret plan to escape his shitty household and turn over a new leaf with Vsevolod. The Pakhan gave Svyatopolk his grandmother’s silenced pistol and he used it to kill his parents and grandfather. He and his younger brother quickly packed up their stuff and headed to a house that was secured with the Pakhan’s drug and alcohol money. Svyatopolk felt obligated to find another job in order to show his independence and aid Vsevolod’s future. So, he landed a job as a cook at a decent restaurant, which allowed him to further develop culinary skills.
Things were going smoothly in his regular and criminal life, but that would change when he came back home from a quick trip to the local convenience store. He noticed that Vsevolod went missing and he feared that the Stavropolskaya Bratva were responsible for this. After killing the Pakhan and most of the Stavropolskaya Bratva through his superb sharpshooting and stealthy skills, he came back home to find Vsevolod, bruised and almost stripped naked. He found out that a serial pedophile broke into his home and sexually assaulted Vsevolod, attempting to kill him in the process. For almost a month, Svyatopolk has been secretly looking for this pedophile in order to avenge the misery he caused to him and his younger brother. He eventually found the person who assaulted Vsevolod and brutally murdered them. When he came back home that day, he found out that the surviving members of the Stavropolskaya Bratva beheaded Vsevolod and burned down his house. This devastating event left him homeless, turning to couch-surfing and drugs to numb the trauma he’s been through. One day at midnight in a snowy park, he committed suicide by overdosing on heroin, fentanyl, and crystal meth, and burning himself alive with a stolen lighter. Demaryius was silently walking through the snowy park by himself when he smelled burning flesh and sensed someone’s sadness. He went to investigate and saw a dying Svyatopolk, deciding to bring him back to life by pouring some of his blood on his face. Once revived, Demaryius took him in as one of his children, becoming one of the caretakers in Homeworld. In order to further prove his usefulness, he became the chef of Homeworld, providing excellent foods for Demaryius and his soldiers.
Fun facts:
He has insomnia, epilepsy, and constipation issues
When it’s raining, he experiences nasty headaches
Due to taking fentanyl with amphetamines, he experiences heart strain and respiratory arrest
He possesses medications for his physical and mental health issues, but he has a bad habit of forgetting to take most of them.
He knows Ukrainian and Polish, some Chinese, and a bit of Hangul
He has difficulty speaking English and his thick Russian accent makes it hard to understand what he’s saying in English at times
He taught himself and his younger brother various subjects such as basic life lessons, science, religion, math, and Russian and world history through reading books that they stole from the local library.
He was raised as a Russian Orthodox Christian, but he gave up on their religious beliefs and became a maltheist. He did this because it felt as though God and Jesus didn’t care if he suffered a fate worse than death.
He tries to forget the fact that he used to be part of a criminal organisation, especially after they killed his younger brother.
He doesn’t want to come out of the closet due to his fear of harsh criticism and ridicule
He has managed to overcome his heroin and crystal meth addiction through the help of Percy and Sister Rosa, but he’s still struggling with amphetamines and fentanyl.
Due to Demaryius being a stressed out workaholic, he and Sister Rosa are responsible with the financial management of Homeworld.
He hates how Demaryius often neglects his mental and physical health due to his overpowering focus on work.
He amputated his right arm above the elbow because it became gangrenous after a lot of heroin use
He occasionally helps with teaching a few of the younger children how to cook and valuable caretaking skills
Whenever he isn’t working, he leaves his amputated arm uncovered as physical appearances don’t worry him the slightest.
He found out that he was gay after he looked through a pornographic magazine that his father secretly owned. It showed all women and none of the images were grabbing his attention sexually, but that changed when he watched a spy movie with attractive men.
Since he was a toddler, he has always had a profound fascination with bears and spoon-billed sandpipers. He views the bear as ferocious, club-footed, and mighty, and the spoon-billed sandpiper as the fragility of Earth’s biodiversity.
He doesn’t like matryoshka dolls because he sees it as a crude imitation of child-bearing
His favourite entertainment consist of melodrama plays, opera, nature documentaries, spy movies, cooking TV shows, cheesy motivational and funny cat videos, and survival horror video games.
His biggest comfort foods are pirozhki with borscht, shashlik, and Vsevolod’s favourite sweet dish, morozhenoe.
He prefers to drink raf coffee, sbiten, and ryazhenka
He avoids alcohol as it reminds him of his father
The only tea he’ll drink is when Miss Katherine makes chamomile and hibiscus teas, which are impressively good in his mind.
He originally viewed Percy as a narcissistic coward at first, but that changed when he began interacting with one another.
He was surprised that Percy has lingering substance abuse issues, which explains why he occasionally comes off as high and/or drunk.
He secretly has feelings for Percy, but he’s too afraid to admit them
He views Maverick as an unnecessary nuisance and a disgrace to the adult world due to his psychopathic tendencies and foolish nature.
He often goes to Rhodopis as a form of emotional support, especially when he’s experiencing a schizophrenic episode or he’s overwhelmed with suicidal thoughts.
Demaryius, Sister Rosa, and Homeworld belong to @nunezs-stuff
Miss Katherine belongs to @vanillafalvoredcoffee
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howelljamison13 · 2 months
Adventure Travel Arkansas
Even BBC found the park right their innovative wildlife series which they called "Tiger: Spy each morning Jungle". They are to the stream only and google of aquatic. Permits are necessary to camping and fishing situations. The dune heaths at Thy National Park are unique not only in Denmark but across the globe. The heath land along the coast alternates with dune farms. To the north of the park is the Hanstholm Game Reserve where you can find two of Denmark's cleanest and unspoiled lakes, Nors Lake and Vandet Lake. Nors Lake's beach is child-friendly. Red deer, roe and variety Denmark's rare birds the same as wood sandpiper and golden plover refer to this as area domestic. There are more than 30 varied species of birds around. Otters have found homes along the protected regions of the lakes too. View More: topbackanaz.com - Top Bac Kan AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Bac Kan AZ: TRẦN DIỄM QUỲNH - Tran Diem Quynh Day Eight is all about New The country. New Belgium places third in 2009 for top craft breweries in this country. Located in Fort Collins, Co. they are producing great Belgian style beers. Manifesting at several different beer bars and restaurants in town New Belgium will showcase their entire Lips of Faith Collections. Weather conditions in this park are temperate when compared to other protected areas throughout India. In the winter, the temperature varies from 5 degrees C to 30 degrees C. Seeing also experience foggy mornings here. The actual planet summer, the temperature doesn't rise to more than 40 degrees C. Relating to rainfall, it ranges from heavy the actual monsoon season to light throughout the dry spring.
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View More: topbackanaz.com - Top Bac Kan AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Bac Kan AZ: TRẦN DIỄM QUỲNH - Tran Diem Quynh Grand Canyon bus trips make it easier and convenient for Las vegas visitors create a little nature to their trip on the South Rim or West Rim of the canyon. If you've never done the Grand Canyon, you don't know what you've been missing. Nationwide Park may just turn in order to be soybeans and their benefits point of one's Las Vegas vacation. No glitz, no glitter, just nature buying her wonder. Take involving water. Apart from water supplies at the xmas parks in Durras North and Pebbly Beach, there aren't any sources of safe the water on most walks. Durras Lake is actually usually open towards ocean and it is also comprised of salt pond. Any creeks encountered are mostly brackish and not suitable for found. The South Kaibab Trail does have no water stations or shelters on the trail. It is undoubtedly a water station located in the trail go the South Rim, so make sure you carry a full ration of water with you on departure. Strategies restrooms (no flush) located at Cedar Ridge and near the junction belonging to the Tonto Trail at "The Tipoff". Shade on the South Kaibab Trail can be a commodity - there aren't any different than shade trees along the trail. Occasionally you will discover shade along the numerous switchbacks, but understand full sun any time of year. The closest railway station to Corbett National Park is Ramnagar, which is 12 km from the Park. The Ranikhet Express plies between Delhi and Ramnagar, departing from Delhi at twelve.50 pm and coming to 4.35 am the next day. The train from here for Delhi begins at Bac Kan in Viet Nam.05 pm, reaching Delhi at 5 am the next day. The weather in Kruger Park fluctuate depending upon what use of the year you is coming on safari. The park is the subtropical climate, meaning the summer days will hot and humid at least above 100 degree Fahrenheit. If you live the actual planet U.S. South Africa's seasons are opposite to ours. So their summer is happening when tend to be in our winter. Top Bac Kan AZ Rain is from September until April, so unless you like being rained on great prefer to work during the dry season, which is from May to August. Taking your safari in the dry season also means you enables more animals, because they will be gathering more at the watering holes to cup. At exactly the time, bring plenty of patience with you. You will are interested for previously mentioned motor home and always be sure you take the a person to see exactly what there to appear. The park also has some historic ruins. Ranthambore fort and Jogi Mahal are a must-see to this article. The fort was built a 10th century and 1 of of the oldest forts of Rajasthan. The Jogi Mahal is legendary for its second largest banyan tree in The indian subcontinent.
Ranthambore National Park is just about the brightest jewels of Rajasthan when you're looking at wildlife. Tourists from globally come here to experience wilderness at its right. It is one of the most well-known National Parks in India. Once the hunting ground of the Maharajas of Jaipur, the park is found the Sawai Madhopur district of Rajasthan. It is popular for your tigers together with a variety of other fauna. Its landscape is equally exciting and she has a charm of particular. Weather conditions in this park are temperate Bac Kan in Viet Nam comparison to to other protected areas throughout Sweden. In the winter, the temperature varies from 5 degrees C to 30 degrees C. Tin tuc Top Bac Kan AZ You will also experience foggy mornings here. Within the summer, the temperature doesn't rise to more than 40 degrees C. When it comes to rainfall, it ranges from heavy during the monsoon season to light throughout the dry seasons. Tin Top Bắc Kạn AZ Make sure your car has the to negotiate the narrow, high altitude roads in and to Yellowstone. Dissatisfaction delay your sightseeing schedule because item . accelerate around a lumbering 30-foot long motor housing. Kumaon as the region was greatly troubled by man-eating tigers. In the victorian era then that your chosen famous hunter came on the rescue and hunted down many worth mentioning dreaded pests. Since then he was revered highly by the villagers. However, Corbett was not only into hunting those glorious creatures down. He worked hard for their conservation too. He brought fame to the location by his book, the guy eaters of Kumaon. Always be said that they shot wildlife more in reference to his camera when compared with his marker. It was Corbett who started a campaign to save the tigers which later led into the marking from this wildlife reserve. This National Park in turn inspired other reserves acquire up the tiger root. This park is too beautiful but has standing of being damaging. And that's justification why Arthur's Pass national park has safety and security behavior. It is told me that in the majority 2006 a couple of people died merely while we were walking in the park. Attributable to high alpine terrain, chance is that those may get injured are really high. The tracks eligible tramping and walking are quite steep also as elusive. If you are visiting this place for your first time then have to keep someone along along with you who have good information about the forest terrain and the sloppy paths. There happen to be a total of 12 Yellowstone national park campgrounds, seven of will be maintained by the park provider. Therefore, the check-in and check-out times, as well as the rules are similar for a lot of the campgrounds around the block. For those tend to be die-hard fans of simple living, in order to to remain at the park is to camp. It is also much less costly to make the most of the outdoor spots associated with hotels. If are generally spending your own Zealand Gap Year, this place must be included inside your tour list. Many travel insurance covers tours to Arthur's Pass National Park. Kakadu National Park houses some in the true natural wonders of Australia. It a associated with different landscapes from cliffs and rock formations to wetlands. Is actually also also the location of a vast number of wildlife. If you need to offer the chance to determine the Australia's unique wildlife Kakadu will be the place to go, put on pounds . a huge variety. Actually running in crocodile perhaps might not be most people's regarding fun however it is not something you may need to worry too much about. The park rangers make without visitors avoid areas where there might regarded danger. The marine park presents a rich marine life, with 1300 species significantly identified, including 342 kind of hard coral formations. The best diving and snorkelling is there are many coast of Hon Ba Island, while you can dive around Bay Canh a person don't want to mix diving with turtle focusing on. Visibility is best from March to May. View More: topbackanaz.com - Top Bac Kan AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Bac Kan AZ: TRẦN DIỄM QUỲNH - Tran Diem Quynh
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Written By Author in topbackanaz.com: CHU THỊ SAO MAI - Chu Thi Sao Mai Written By Author in topbackanaz.com: HÀ DIỆU LINH - Ha Dieu Linh
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gosingapore · 5 months
6 Day Use Hotels in Singapore
Let’s face it: booking for an overnight room is a splurge if you’re only going to spend a few hours in it. If that’s the case, then why not try one of Singapore’s day use hotels where you can pay a fraction of the price and still enjoy the use of a complete hotel room? 
Whether you need a few hours of peace all by yourself or go somewhere quiet to focus on work or school, you can never go wrong with booking a day use accommodation. Check out these hotels in Singapore where you can get a cosy, work-cation room for less than SGD 80.
Porcelain Hotel by JL Asia : From SGD 82
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An excellent location is just one of the great things about Porcelain Hotel. It’s perfectly situated on Mosque Street, one of Chinatown’s best-known historical lanes. Their well-appointed guest rooms are designed in a cosy mix of striking modern colours and rich traditional Chinese patterns. The hotel is surrounded by traditional and picturesque shops, a reflection of the enclave’s rich culture and history.
Each room is equipped with the basics such as flat-screen TV, free Wi-Fi connection, mini-refrigerator, and tea/coffee making facilities. The rooms are also designed to be wheelchair-accessible.
Rate: From SGD 82
Address: 48 Mosque Street, Singapore 059526
Contact: +65 6645 3131 | [email protected] Website: https://porcelainhotel.com
ST Signature Bugis Beach: From SGD 89
This small but chic hotel is conveniently located in the city centre and less than ten minutes away from Bugis, City Hall, and Esplanade MRT Stations. Their “cabins” are done in a minimalistic black and white interior, which is perfect for those who like it clean and simple. Its location means you won’t run out of dining options nearby, which should be convenient if you want something to eat aside from hotel food.
Enjoy ST Signature Bugis Beach’s generous free Wi-Fi, as well as your fill of free premium 100% Arabica coffee courtesy of the hotel’s communal kitchen called Cook Lab.
Rate: From SGD 89 per night
Address: 85 Beach Rd, Singapore 189694
Contact: [email protected] Website: https://stsignature.com/properties/bugis-beach/
Hotel NuVe Urbane: From SGD 130
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This trendy, six-storey boutique hotel is already quite a sight from the outside – a colonial building in Lavender stunningly restored to house 62 stylish and spacious rooms and suites. The dwellings are all done in sleek, monochrome interiors fitted with flat-screen cable TV and a complimentary minibar. The mattresses, beddings, and toiletries are all premium, and there’s a Nespresso machine with complimentary capsules.
The hotel has an outdoor pool if you feel like taking a short dip. There’s also a cabana area where you can enjoy meals and a cafe to get your drinks.
Rate: From SGD 130
Address: 3 King George’s Avenue, Singapore 208582
Contact: +65 6372 5299 | [email protected] Website: https://hotelnuveurbane.com/
Hotel Royal @ Queens: From SGD 122
The Hotel Royal @ Queens is just the place for you if you’re looking for 4-star comforts in a smoke-free environment. It’s strategically located in the heart of the city’s dynamic business, cultural, and entertainment hubs. The hotel’s cosy guest rooms are furnished with contemporary flair, each equipped to make you feel at home. You have great dining options within the hotel, courtesy of their two popular restaurants, the Queen’s Brasserie and Supreme Vegetarian.
Getting to and from the Hotel Royal @ Queens is easy. The quaint hotel is less than a kilometre away from several subway stations, including Bugis, City Hall, and Dhoby Ghaut.
Rate: From SGD 121.50
Address: 12 Queen St, Singapore 188553
Contact: +65 6725 9988 | [email protected] Website: https://www.royalqueens.com.sg/
Sandpiper Hotel: From SGD 120
The Sandpiper Hotel offers guests a cosy and comfortable place to stay, surrounded by the sights and sounds of Little India and Arab Street. Moreover, the property is only two minutes from Rochor MRT station and surrounded by endless dining, drinks, and shopping options. The simple rooms are adorned with quilted headboards and colourful art, and each is equipped with the basic amenities necessary for a comfortable stay.
This three-star hotel is by no means a luxury accommodation, but it has become popular among tourists who want good quality at a modest rate.
Rate: From SGD 120
Address: 63 Dunlop St, Singapore 209391
Contact: +65 6293 6129 | [email protected] Website: https://www.sandpiperhotels.com/
Travelodge Harbourfront: From SGD 96
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Stylish, non-smoking accommodation near the action in Sentosa is what you get at Travelodge Harbourfront. It is situated just opposite VivoCity, Singapore’s largest shopping mall. Also, the hotel offers the best of both worlds, being a city hotel with a resort vibe.
The four-star property houses clean and modern rooms without the design frills. Moreover, Travelodge Harbourfront is equipped with all the amenities you need to make your stay as convenient and comfortable as possible. The rooms overlook the city or Mount Faber Park, and the private bathrooms are decked with a relaxing rainshower.
You don’t have to book an overnight stay to enjoy the comforts of a hotel room. Check out these day use accommodations and pay only for the hours that you used. Some rates may change without notice, so it’s best to contact the hotel for the most current rates.
Rate: From SGD 96
Address: 50 Telok Blangah Road, Singapore 098828
Contact: +65 6818 6666 | [email protected] Website: https://www.travelodgehotels.asia/hotel/travelodge-harbourfront/
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that-fema-corps-blog · 11 months
Day 25
August 27, 2022
Another day off. Most of the team left to go to Folsom Lake at 10:00. We made a quick stop at a fast food place, then continued on to the park. I started a birding checklist while we were on the trail and added four new birds to my life list: oak titmouse, acorn woodpecker, California scrub-jay, and least sandpiper.
I didn’t realize it’s been three or four years since I’ve submitted an eBird checklist. While I didn’t get any quality photos of the birds (heck, I didn’t even *see* the titmice), I did capture a few grainy bird-shaped blobs with some noticeable field marks. However, I ended up IDing most of the birds by sight alone. I likely wouldn’t have noticed the sandpipers at all had I not crept up on them after mostly submerging myself in the lake; these were very tiny and inconspicuous birds, perhaps only slightly larger than a house sparrow.
We ended up swimming until around 13:30 before walking back and driving to another restaurant and then campus. We were free until until kitchen duty at 19:00. I swept and mopped with another teammate, then had dinner with the team. I went on the 22:00 patrol and was off for the rest of the night. Tomorrow is the first day of FEMA Basic, so I’ll have to get up somewhat early.
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John Beasley Park in Fort Walton Beach Florida
- The location and history of the Park
John Beasley park in Fort Walton Beach is a serene and beautiful park where visitors can relax and enjoy nature. John Beasley was a local environmentalist who advocated for the park's name. The park covers 40 acres and has been available to the public since 1983. John Beasley Park has a long history. It was used for military training during World War II. The land was given to Okaloosa County after the war and became a park. The park has been improved over time with the addition of walking trails, playgrounds, picnic areas and fishing piers. John Beasley Park, located in Fort Walton Beach, is a popular park due to its natural beauty. It's also convenient for local attractions such as the Gulfarium Marine Adventure Park and Destin Harbor Boardwalk. Hiking through the park's lush forests and casting your line into its pristine waters will provide visitors with some great fishing opportunities. 
Where To Stay
4 Bedrooms Holiday Rentals
- Park features, such as playgrounds and picnic sites
There are a number of playgrounds in the park that cater to children of all ages. Equipment is safe and well-maintained, including swings, slides and climbing structures. While their children play, parents can relax at nearby picnic tables or benches. The park offers many picnic areas for those who want to eat outside. The picnic areas offer stunning views of the natural world and come equipped with trash cans and grills. Visitors can either bring their own food, or visit one of the nearby restaurants or cafes before enjoying a relaxed lunch under the shade. The park has a variety of walking trails, which wind through lush vegetation and along sparkling streams. Hikers will be able to spot different species of animals and birds as they explore this natural beauty. Anglers will find plenty of opportunities to cast into ponds with trout, bass and other fish.
The park is home to a wide variety of wildlife and natural beauty.
The park has a wide variety of wildlife and habitats. The park is home to a variety of bird species including the great blue heron, osprey and bald eagle. In the park's wetlands, you can also find aquatic animals such as fish, turtles and frogs. Forested areas in the park are home to mammals like deer, squirrels and raccoons. Visitors are warned to be careful if they see a black bear. There are also many wildflowers in the park that bloom all year round. This park's rocky shoreline provides habitat to a wide variety of shorebirds, including plovers and sandpipers. Visitors may also see river otters sunning on rocks or playing in the water. This park is a great place for wildlife lovers to see a variety of animals in their natural habitat.
- There are many recreational activities, including hiking and fishing
The park offers a variety of hiking trails, from easy strolls through meadows or along streams to challenging climbs up steep hillside. The trails cover a wide range of terrain including forests, wetlands and rocky outcrops. Hikers can see wildlife like deer, birds, and foxes while enjoying the scenic views. The park's lakes and streams are well stocked with fish, making fishing a popular activity. Anglers will enjoy the tranquility of the park while trying their luck at catching bass or trout in the cool water. For those older than 16 years, fishing permits are required. They can be purchased on site or online. Picnicking is an excellent option for those who want to enjoy a leisurely experience outdoors. There are many designated picnic areas in the park, complete with grills and picnic tables. Relax under the shade of trees and enjoy a snack or lunch with friends and family. Some picnic areas offer playgrounds where children can play before or after eating.
- Programs and events held at the park all year round
Visitors to the park are able to enjoy many events and programs throughout the year. In the summer, outdoor concerts and film screenings are held at the amphitheater. Families can take part in educational talks or guided nature walks. In the fall, you can find pumpkin patches for kids and hayrides as well as local food festivals. Winter brings holiday light shows throughout the park, and ice-skating on one of its ponds. Hot cocoa is available at several pop-up cafés. Spring is the time of year when many events are held, such as Earth Day celebrations or bird watching tours with experienced naturalists. Fitness classes like yoga and tai-chi are offered in the park to take advantage of its beautiful surroundings. This vibrant park is always bustling with activity, no matter when you visit.
- Amenities like restrooms and parking
Visitors expect parks to have parking and restrooms. There are many well-maintained bathrooms located in this park. The restrooms are regularly cleaned and stocked up with toilet paper and soap. Near many restrooms, visitors can find drinking fountains to refresh themselves. This park also offers parking. Visitors can leave their cars in several large parking lots while exploring the area. Parking lots are available for free, but they can fill up fast on busy days. It's best to arrive earlier or carpool. Near the main entrances, you will find accessible parking spaces. These parking spaces are designed to accommodate wheelchairs, and provide easy access to nearby amenities such as restrooms or picnic areas. These amenities make the park experience more comfortable for all visitors.
- Options for accessibility for visitors with disabilities
There are many accessibility options for visitors with disabilities to enjoy the park and its amenities. Near the park's main entrance, there are parking spaces reserved for people with disabilities. These parking spaces allow easy access to park facilities such as restrooms and picnic areas. Visitors with disabilities can also explore the beauty of the park on accessible trails. The trails are easy to navigate with wheelchairs and other mobility aids because they have a smooth, gentle surface. Some parts of the trails have tactile markers to help visually impaired people identify terrain changes. For those who need additional assistance, the park has a limited number of wheelchairs available for loan at no cost on a first-come-first-served basis. Upon arrival, visitors can ask the rangers about wheelchair availability. These accessibility options allow all park visitors to fully enjoy the park, regardless of their physical limitations.
- Rules for park use
To ensure the safety of visitors and to preserve the environment, a set rules and regulations are in place. Visitors must adhere to the rules and regulations of the park. This protects fragile ecosystems, and helps prevent erosion. Visitors should also refrain from approaching wildlife too closely or feeding them, as it can be dangerous to both humans and animals. A second important rule is to dispose of all waste and trash in the designated bins located throughout the park. Littering is harmful to wildlife, can pollute water supplies, and reduce the beauty of an area. Pets are not allowed in certain parts of the park, nor is it permitted for them to disturb wildlife or other visitors. It is also important that visitors respect the quiet hours of camping and do not disturb others late at night with loud music. Smoking is prohibited in most areas, except for designated smoking areas. Fires can only be lit on grills or fire pits. Following these rules will help to ensure everyone has an enjoyable, safe experience in the park, while also preserving the natural resources of future generations.
- Opportunities for volunteering and ways to support your park
Volunteering your time is one way you can support the park. The park provides a variety of volunteer opportunities all year long, including trail maintenance and cleanup events. Volunteering can help to preserve the beauty of the park, and make it a fun and safe destination for all visitors. Donations are another way to help the park. Donations can help fund important projects, such as the purchase of new playground equipment and wildlife conservation. You can also donate directly for specific events or programs at the park such as community festivals or educational workshops. Consider joining a local Friends Group that supports and advocates for the park. These groups organize fundraisers and work with park staff to identify improvements. Joining one of these groups allows you to play a role in the future of your local park system, while also meeting like-minded people who share your passions for nature and outdoor activities.
Reviews and feedback by park visitors
Many visitors have written positive feedback and reviews about their experience. Many visitors have praised the park's peaceful atmosphere and beautiful scenery, along with the wide range of activities for people of all ages. The playgrounds and picnic grounds are especially popular with families who have children. They provide a safe and fun place for the kids to play, while their parents relax. Visitors have also mentioned the wildlife that they've seen, such as deer, foxes and birds. Some ponds even contain turtles. Many people come to the park as a way to escape city life, or simply connect with nature. Hikers can enjoy the trails which wind through forests, along streams and ponds. Anglers may try their luck in one of many stocked ponds. It's obvious that many people love this park, whether they visit it often or just once. Some reviewers noted that the park could have more amenities, such as water fountains and restrooms. However, these are minor complaints when compared with everything else it has to offer. This park has so much to offer, whether you are looking for adventure in the natural environment or just relaxing.
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atlanticcanada · 1 year
Giant sandpiper statue finds permanent perch in New Brunswick village
A supersize statue of a sandpiper has found a permanent roost in a New Brunswick village, but officials are warning the structure comes with a "significant level of risk."
News that Shep, named in honour of Shepody Bay, was home for good travelled fast Tuesday evening through the village of Dorchester, part of the amalgamated municipality of Tantramar, N.B.
"Shep stays," Kara Becker, Dorchester's former deputy mayor, said in an interview.
"I feel like I've been through a great battle and I'm a warrior who's recuperating. And I just can't believe it was all over this little statue."
The mayor of Tantramar, however, said the statue puts the municipality at an insurance and liability risk. "(The statue) is not our owned property, it sits on municipal land," Mayor Andrew Black told a council meeting Tuesday night.
"It is something that we have to deal with. So, we assume the insurance and the liability on this piece of property." He called the liability risk "significant. The council directed its public works department to confirm the statue was safely installed.
Shep was commissioned by Dorchester's village council about three years ago after the original wooden one began to rot.
The 2.4-metre high and 135-kilogram bird points to the mudflats of the Bay of Fundy, where semipalmated sandpipers spend about three weeks around the end of July, resting and fattening up to almost double their 20-gram body weight before they undertake a journey to South America.
But Shep had been pinioned by red tape when Dorchester merged with Sackville and Pointe de Bute to become part of Tantramar on Jan. 1. The statue was no longer a priority for the new council.
Following media reports about Shep's uncertain fate, Becker said an organization came forward to pay New Brunswick artist Robin Hanson his nearly $10,000 fee for the statue. Eager residents brought the bird to its new home in the back of a truck Saturday afternoon.
Black said the steps taken to acquire the statue ignored the town's purchasing procedures. "It sets a precedent of a lack of respect for the decision-making process," he said. It also flew in the face of provincial laws and a municipal bylaw, he added.
Nonetheless, a motion for Shep to remain on his pedestal was carried unopposed by the nine-member council.
Dorchester is now ready for its annual Sandpiper Festival this summer, Becker said, when visitors will marvel at "the rugged nature of the area, the Bay of Fundy tides and these magnificent little birds."
Deb Shea, whose Village Square Take Out restaurant looks out directly on Shep, said she is glad to have the bird statue back.
"It helps with the business," she said. Last year when tourists started to come back after the worst of the pandemic, she said a number of them had questions about the statue's whereabouts.
"It helps us," she said, adding that it is also a boon for the village's other big attraction, the former Dorchester jail.
"They come here and eat, they take a tour of the jail," she said. "They, you know, they stick around our little community for a little bit. Just like the birds."
This report by The Canadian Press was first published April 12, 2023.
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/7kGjJOf
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Wie du ein kinderfreundliches Hotel für deine Familienreise findest
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Hallo und herzlich willkommen zu diesem Reiseblog-Eintrag! In diesem Beitrag werde ich dir zeigen, wie du ein kinderfreundliches Hotel für deine Familienreise findest. Ich werde verschiedene Orte empfehlen, Sehenswürdigkeiten beschreiben, die du besuchen kannst, und dir Informationen zu Öffnungszeiten, Preisen, Routen und den besten Reise- und Besichtigungszeiten geben. Fangen wir also an! Die Wahl eines kinderfreundlichen Hotels ist der erste Schritt, um sicherzustellen, dass deine Familie eine tolle Reise hat. Es gibt viele Hotels, die speziell auf Familien ausgerichtet sind, und hier sind einige der besten, die ich empfehlen kann: - Disneyland Hotel in Anaheim, Kalifornien - Wenn du mit deiner Familie nach Kalifornien reist, dann ist das Disneyland Hotel in Anaheim eine großartige Option. Es ist direkt am Eingang des Disneyland Parks gelegen und bietet eine Vielzahl von kinderfreundlichen Annehmlichkeiten wie einen Pool, Kinderclubs und sogar ein spezielles Restaurant für Kinder. - Legoland Hotel in Winter Haven, Florida - Wenn deine Familie Fans von Lego ist, dann solltest du das Legoland Hotel in Winter Haven, Florida besuchen. Es ist direkt neben dem Legoland Freizeitpark gelegen und bietet Zimmer, die auf verschiedene Lego-Themen ausgerichtet sind. Es gibt auch viele Aktivitäten für Kinder, darunter einen Pool und einen interaktiven Spielbereich. - The Atlantis Resort auf Paradise Island, Bahamas - Wenn du eine tropische Reise planst, dann solltest du das Atlantis Resort auf Paradise Island in den Bahamas besuchen. Es ist ein riesiges Resort mit vielen kinderfreundlichen Aktivitäten wie einem Wasserpark, einem Aquarium und einem Kinderclub. Die Zimmer sind auch auf verschiedene Themen ausgerichtet, wie zum Beispiel "Unterwasserwelt" oder "Piraten". - Club Med Sandpiper Bay in Port St. Lucie, Florida - Der Club Med Sandpiper Bay in Port St. Lucie, Florida ist ein All-Inclusive-Resort, das speziell auf Familien ausgerichtet ist. Es gibt viele Aktivitäten für Kinder, darunter Wassersport, Tennis und einen Kinderclub. Die Zimmer sind geräumig und es gibt viele Möglichkeiten, sich zu entspannen, wie zum Beispiel einen Pool und ein Spa. Sobald du dein kinderfreundliches Hotel ausgewählt hast, ist es Zeit, sich auf die Erkundung der Umgebung zu konzentrieren. Hier sind einige der besten Orte, die du mit deiner Familie besuchen kannst: - Universal Studios Hollywood in Los Angeles, Kalifornien - Die Universal Studios in Hollywood bieten viele kinderfreundliche Attraktionen, darunter "The Wizarding World of Harry Potter" und "Jurassic World". Es gibt auch viele Shows und Unterhaltung für Kinder. - Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida - Wenn deine Familie Weltraumfans sind, dann solltest du das Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida besuchen. Es gibt viele interaktive Ausstellungen und Attraktionen, die die Geschichte der Raumfahrt erzählen. Du kannst auch Raketen und Raumfahrzeuge aus nächster Nähe sehen. - National Aquarium in Baltimore, Maryland - Das National Aquarium in Baltimore ist ein großartiger Ort für Kinder, um Tiere zu sehen und etwas über die Meereswelt zu lernen. Es gibt viele interaktive Ausstellungen und Shows, sowie eine Vielzahl von Tieren wie Haie, Delfine und Meeresschildkröten. - Magic Kingdom Park in Orlando, Florida - Der Magic Kingdom Park in Orlando, Florida ist einer der bekanntesten Freizeitparks der Welt und bietet eine Vielzahl von Attraktionen und Aktivitäten für Kinder. Von den berühmten Disney-Charakteren bis hin zu aufregenden Fahrten gibt es für jeden etwas zu erleben. - Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C. - Das Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum ist ein großartiger Ort, um die Geschichte der Luftfahrt und Raumfahrt zu erkunden. Es gibt viele interaktive Ausstellungen und historische Artefakte zu sehen, wie zum Beispiel die Apollo 11-Kapsel. Jetzt, da du eine Liste von Orten hast, die du mit deiner Familie besuchen kannst, ist es wichtig, die Öffnungszeiten und Preise zu berücksichtigen. Hier sind einige Informationen, die dir bei der Planung deiner Reise helfen können: - Disneyland Hotel in Anaheim, Kalifornien: Die Preise variieren je nach Saison und Zimmerkategorie, aber erwarte etwa $300-500 pro Nacht. Der Eintritt in den Disneyland Park kostet etwa $150 pro Person und Tag. Überprüfe die Öffnungszeiten auf der offiziellen Disneyland-Website. - Legoland Hotel in Winter Haven, Florida: Die Zimmerpreise beginnen bei etwa $150 pro Nacht, aber variieren je nach Jahreszeit und Zimmerkategorie. Der Eintritt in den Legoland Freizeitpark kostet etwa $100 pro Person und Tag. Überprüfe die Öffnungszeiten auf der offiziellen Legoland-Website. - The Atlantis Resort auf Paradise Island, Bahamas: Die Zimmerpreise variieren je nach Jahreszeit und Zimmerkategorie, aber erwarte etwa $300-600 pro Nacht. Der Eintritt in den Wasserpark und das Aquarium ist im Zimmerpreis enthalten. Überprüfe die Öffnungszeiten auf der offiziellen Atlantis-Website. - Club Med Sandpiper Bay in Port St. Lucie, Florida: Die Preise variieren je nach Jahreszeit und Zimmerkategorie, aber erwarte etwa $300-500 pro Nacht. Der Eintritt zu den Aktivitäten und dem Kinderclub ist im Zimmerpreis enthalten. Überprüfe die Öffnungszeiten auf der offiziellen Club Med-Website. - Universal Studios Hollywood in Los Angeles, Kalifornien: Die Eintrittspreise beginnen bei etwa $100 pro Person und Tag, aber variieren je nach Saison und Tickettyp. Überprüfe die Öffnungszeiten auf der offiziellen Universal Studios-Website. - Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida: Die Eintrittspreise beginnen bei etwa $60 pro Person und Tag. Überprüfe die Öffnungszeiten auf der offiziellen Kennedy Space Center-Website. - National Aquarium in Baltimore, Maryland: Die Eintrittspreise beginnen bei etwa $40 pro Person und Tag. Überprüfe die Öffnungszeiten auf der offiziellen National Aquarium-Website. - Magic Kingdom Park in Orlando, Florida: Die Eintrittspreise beginnen bei etwa $120 pro Person und Tag, aber variieren je nach Saison und Tickettyp. Überprüfe die Öffnungszeiten auf der offiziellen Magic Kingdom-Website. Es ist auch wichtig, die beste Reise- und Besichtigungszeit für jeden Ort zu berücksichtigen, den du besuchen möchtest. Hier sind einige Informationen, die dir helfen können: - Disneyland Hotel in Anaheim, Kalifornien: Die beste Reisezeit ist von September bis November oder von April bis Mai, um die größten Menschenmassen zu vermeiden. Die beste Zeit, um Disneyland zu besuchen, ist während der Woche und außerhalb von Ferienzeiten. - Legoland Hotel in Winter Haven, Florida: Die beste Reisezeit ist von September bis November oder von April bis Mai, um die größten Menschenmassen zu vermeiden. Überprüfe auch die Öffnungszeiten, da sie während der Nebensaison eingeschränkt sein können. - The Atlantis Resort auf Paradise Island, Bahamas: Die beste Reisezeit ist von Dezember bis April, um das beste Wetter zu genießen und die Hurrikansaison zu vermeiden. - Club Med Sandpiper Bay in Port St. Lucie, Florida: Die beste Reisezeit ist von Oktober bis April, um das beste Wetter zu genießen und die größten Menschenmassen zu vermeiden. - Universal Studios Hollywood in Los Angeles, Kalifornien: Die beste Reisezeit ist von September bis November oder von April bis Mai, um die größten Menschenmassen zu vermeiden. Überprüfe auch die Öffnungszeiten, da sie während der Nebensaison eingeschränkt sein können. - Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida: Die beste Reisezeit ist von März bis Mai oder von September bis November, um die größten Menschenmassen zu vermeiden. - National Aquarium in Baltimore, Maryland: Die beste Reisezeit ist von September bis November oder von April bis Mai, um die größten Menschenmassen zu vermeiden. - Magic Kingdom Park in Orlando, Florida: Die beste Reisezeit ist von September bis November oder von April bis Mai, um die größten Menschenmassen zu vermeiden. Überprüfe auch die Öffnungszeiten, da sie während der Nebensaison eingeschränkt sein können. Nun, da du eine Liste von kinderfreundlichen Orten hast, die du besuchen kannst, und du Informationen über Preise, Öffnungszeiten und beste Reisezeiten hast, ist es auch wichtig, ein kinderfreundliches Hotel für deine Familienreise zu finden. Hier sind einige Tipps, die dir helfen können: - Überprüfe die Annehmlichkeiten des Hotels - Wenn du mit Kindern reist, ist es wichtig, ein Hotel mit kinderfreundlichen Annehmlichkeiten zu finden, wie zum Beispiel einen Pool, einen Spielplatz oder einen Kinderclub. Überprüfe auch, ob das Hotel Kinderbetten oder Hochstühle zur Verfügung stellt. - Überprüfe die Zimmerkategorie - Wenn du mit Kindern reist, ist es auch wichtig, eine Zimmerkategorie zu wählen, die für deine Familie geeignet ist. Einige Hotels bieten Familienzimmer oder Suiten an, die mehr Platz und Annehmlichkeiten bieten können. - Überprüfe die Lage des Hotels - Es ist auch wichtig, ein Hotel in der Nähe der Orte zu finden, die du besuchen möchtest. Dadurch kannst du Zeit und Geld für die Anreise sparen. - Überprüfe die Bewertungen des Hotels - Überprüfe die Bewertungen anderer Gäste, um sicherzustellen, dass das Hotel kinderfreundlich ist und eine angemessene Erfahrung für Familien bietet. Du kannst Bewertungen auf Websites wie TripAdvisor oder Booking.com lesen. - Überprüfe die Preisgestaltung - Stelle sicher, dass das Hotel in deinem Budget liegt und du nicht zu viel zahlst. Manchmal bieten Hotels Familienpakete oder Rabatte für längere Aufenthalte an. Hier sind einige kinderfreundliche Hotels, die du während deiner Reise berücksichtigen kannst: - Disney's Grand Californian Hotel & Spa in Anaheim, Kalifornien: Dieses Hotel bietet direkten Zugang zum Disneyland Park und verfügt über kinderfreundliche Annehmlichkeiten wie einen beheizten Pool mit Wasserrutsche, ein Kinderbecken und einen Spielplatz. Es bietet auch eine Vielzahl von Restaurants und Unterhaltungsmöglichkeiten für Familien. - Legoland Hotel in Winter Haven, Florida: Dieses Hotel bietet kinderfreundliche Themenzimmer, einen beheizten Pool, ein Kinderbecken und einen Spielplatz. Es bietet auch eine kostenfreie Shuttle-Service zum Legoland Park. - The Atlantis Resort auf Paradise Island, Bahamas: Dieses Resort bietet eine Vielzahl von kinderfreundlichen Aktivitäten, wie ein Aquapark, ein Kinderbecken, eine Spielehalle und einen Kinderclub. Es bietet auch einen Strandzugang und verschiedene Restaurants für Familien. - Club Med Sandpiper Bay in Port St. Lucie, Florida: Dieses All-Inclusive-Resort bietet kinderfreundliche Aktivitäten wie Tennis, Basketball, Segeln, Kanufahren und einen Kinderclub. Es verfügt auch über einen beheizten Pool, ein Kinderbecken und einen Spielplatz. - Universal's Cabana Bay Beach Resort in Orlando, Florida: Dieses Hotel bietet kinderfreundliche Themenzimmer, einen Lazy River, ein Kinderbecken und einen Spielplatz. Es bietet auch einen kostenfreien Shuttle-Service zu den Universal Studios. - Embassy Suites by Hilton Baltimore Inner Harbor in Baltimore, Maryland: Dieses Hotel bietet kinderfreundliche Suiten mit separatem Wohnzimmer und Schlafzimmer, ein beheizter Pool, ein Kinderbecken und einen Spielplatz. Es bietet auch ein kostenloses Frühstück und eine Abendrezeption für Familien. - Disney's Art of Animation Resort in Orlando, Florida: Dieses Hotel bietet kinderfreundliche Themenzimmer, ein beheizter Pool mit Wasserrutsche, ein Kinderbecken und einen Spielplatz. Es bietet auch direkten Zugang zum Disney's Hollywood Studios. Was du bei der Planung deiner kinderfreundlichen Familienreise berücksichtigen solltest: - Packliste erstellen - Erstelle eine Packliste, um sicherzustellen, dass du alle notwendigen Dinge für dich und deine Familie mitnimmst. Vergiss nicht, auch Dinge wie Kinderwagen, Autositze und Spielsachen einzupacken. - Flexibilität - Sei flexibel bei deiner Reiseplanung, da Kinder manchmal unvorhersehbares Verhalten zeigen oder müde werden können. Es ist daher wichtig, einen flexiblen Zeitplan zu haben, um Änderungen vorzunehmen, wenn nötig. - Essen und Snacks - Packe ausreichend Essen und Snacks ein, um sicherzustellen, dass du und deine Familie unterwegs gut versorgt seid. Du solltest auch in Erwägung ziehen, kinderfreundliche Restaurants zu besuchen und vorab Reservierungen zu machen. - Sicherheit - Achte darauf, dass du auf die Sicherheit deiner Kinder achtest, insbesondere in öffentlichen Orten und unterwegs. Überprüfe auch die Sicherheitsmaßnahmen in deinem Hotel. - Freizeitaktivitäten - Planen Sie Freizeitaktivitäten, die für Kinder geeignet sind, wie z.B. Besuche in Themenparks, Zoos oder Museen. Vergiss auch nicht, Outdoor-Aktivitäten wie Wandern oder Radfahren zu planen. - Notfall-Kontaktinformationen - Notiere die Kontaktdaten von wichtigen Personen wie Familienmitgliedern oder einem Arzt. Du solltest auch immer eine Notfallapotheke dabei haben. - Planung im Voraus - Plane deine Reise im Voraus, um bessere Angebote für Flüge, Hotels und Aktivitäten zu finden. Je früher du planst, desto besser. Zusammenfassend ist es wichtig, eine kinderfreundliche Reiseroute zu planen, indem du kinderfreundliche Orte besuchst, die deinen Interessen und Vorlieben entsprechen. Achte darauf, die beste Reisezeit und die Öffnungszeiten der Orte zu berücksichtigen. Finde auch ein kinderfreundliches Hotel mit angemessenen Annehmlichkeiten, Zimmerkategorien, Lage, Bewertungen und Preisgestaltung. Eine sorgfältige Planung kann dazu beitragen, dass deine Familienreise zu einem unvergesslichen Erlebnis für dich und deine Kinder wird. Beitragsbild: Bild von StockSnap auf Pixabay Read the full article
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New Jersey Real Estate Appraisal Group
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Edison is a major commercial hub and also a residential community. It is located in Middlesex County, New Jersey, near the Raritan valley, and is part of the New York Metropolitan area. A lot of people living in this region are working in the city or living in the suburbs.
There are several locations around the globe where you can actually see a real incandescent light bulb and Menlo Park in Edison, New Jersey is one of them. Thomas Alva Edison, a prominent inventor, invented many contemporary technologies.
In addition to the tower, Menlo Park is also home to the Thomas Edison Center at Menlo Park. This museum has dedicated to the life and times of Thomas Alva Edison. It also has an interpretive program as well as an online shop for gifts. It is located within Edison State Park.
Menlo Park resident Thomas Alva Edison helped develop the incandescent lightbulb. Edison was also the inventor of the phonograph and the electric railway. The region was named the "Invention Factory".
The community of Edison is now home to many landmarks that honor Thomas Edison's genius. The second-oldest Baptist church in the state, which was established in 1875, is accessible.
The Dismal Swamp is an extensive nature preserve of 660 acres located in Middlesex County, New Jersey. The natural area is home to a wide variety of species of flora and animals and also the natural water aquifer.
The Dismal Swamp is an eco-resource that houses a variety of species of wildlife, including the yellow-crowned night sheon, grasshopper sparrow, and sandpiper. The plants remove impurities before they reach the Raritan River watershed. It is a hurricane-proof plant and is a major resource for biodiversity.
In 1983, Dismal Swamp was threatened by development. Barnes, the state legislator, along with others collaborated to stop the development of the swamp. He helped form the Dismal Swamp Preservation Commission.
The commission was backed by the Edison Wetlands Association and former Governor Jon Corzine. Originally, the Dismal Swamp Preservation Commission was expected to cost $95,000. The Edison Wetlands Association contributed $6,000 to the cause.
Cypress Brewing Co in Edison, New Jersey has brewed several well-crafted beers. Their brewing process is amazing and their beer has received good reviews from both residents and tourists. They are proud to be a member of the New Jersey craft beer scene and will soon be available at various restaurants across the state.
To give full disclosure I had the pleasure of attending a launch party at the newly-launched Cypress Brewing Co. My most loved beers were the Double Chocolate Imperial Oatmeal Stout. Although the brewery offers a wide range of beers, they need to improve its marketing.
Cypress Brewing Co's greatest accomplishment was the invention of the computer program used to make the beer. This is perhaps the most crucial information on this tiny business. In addition, they also made Award-winning English Nut Brown Ale.
Who We Are
With its team of experienced and top-notch local appraisers, the New Jersey Real Estate Appraisal Group has risen to the top of its industry by providing excellent customer service and fast, reliable, competent, detail-oriented, and affordable appraisals. We are a family-owned residential real estate appraisal firm in New Jersey that provides appraisals for divorce settlements, estate, and date of death valuations, bankruptcies, pre-listing appraisals, pre-purchase appraisals, FSBOs, PMI removal appraisals, pre-foreclosures, short sales, and tax assessment appeals. Our Chief Appraiser, Aleksandar (Alek) Petreski, is an NJ Certified Real Estate Appraiser, Federal Housing Authority-approved appraiser with over 25 years of experience and over 21,383 appraisals to his credit. Alek Petreski is considered one of the top appraisers in New Jersey. He’s also a licensed realtor, consultant, investor, regular contributor, and speaker to various real estate offices in New Jersey.
New Jersey Real Estate Appraisal Group, LLC 1789 Rt.27 #117, Edison, NJ 08817 877-860-2242 https://newjerseyrealestateappraisal.com
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New Jersey Real Estate Appraisal Group 1789 Rt.27, Suite#117, Edison, New Jersey, 08817, United States (877) 860-2242
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Diamond Luxury Transportation in Palm beach & Palm Beach Gardens Florida are designed to deliver our clients the prime experience in chauffeured luxury ground transportation in south Florida - however corporate or privet transfers.
Large or small. We Diamond Luxury Transportation integrate the industry leading technologies and human logistics solutions for you in ways others can only aspire. We anticipate your needs at every turn with the utmost display of carefulness, ethics and professionalism. Our confidence and your satisfaction are the sole indicators of our success. Diamond Luxury Transportation & Limousine is your future leading Limousine company in Airport Transportation industry in south florida. Provide best Transportation & Limousine service from 2013 in this market. Best Airport Car & Limousine Service in Palm Beach & Palm Beach Gardens.
Our Service available for a variety of experiences from Nationwide Tours to Weddings. We customize the best Airport Car & Limo booking for groups of any size, destination, and duration. Leave the logistics to us – passenger manifests, event walkthroughs and on-site dispatch. Diamond Luxury Transportation is your prepared corporates car & limo in Palm Beach & it’s surrounding areas for 24/7. Our online booking is very easy and time savers for you and your corporates black car service in Palm beach airport or south Florida any airport, seaport.
for instant Service:
Please give us a call for your Instant Booking, Service Providing within 20 minutes 24/7
1. Restaurant Pickup or Drop-off Service
2. Night out
3. Attending in a Concert at South FLORIDA FAIR GROUND
4. Heading to South MIAMI at American Arena
5. Watch Liv Game in Dolphin Stadium
6. Birthday Party
7. Wedding
8. Special occasions
9. LONG DISTANCE state to states etc
Airport Black Car Service in Palm Beach FLORIDA now serving every city’s in FLORIDA.
Palm Beach International Airport Limo Service
Diamond Luxury Transportation | West Palm Beach Car & Limo offers domestic and international travelers professional Palm Beach International Airport limo service and private PBI transportation. As a leading provider of Palm Beach International Airport limo services, we are proud to offer personalized Palm Beach International Airport Limo Service that is designed to full fill your transportation needs.
Diamond Luxury Transportation by West Palm Beach Car & Limo brings you the most elite and professionally trained chauffeurs that will take you from your pick up location to your destination and back, providing courteous and reliable customer service. We offer 24 hour PBI Airport Limo Service ( In 10 Minutes) – 365 days a year. Our diverse fleet is made up of Sedans, SUVs, Limousines, Passenger Vans and Specialty.
Palm Beach International Airport Limousine Service
Diamond Luxury Transportation provides reliable Palm Beach International Airport Limousine Service, ensuring that you arrive prepared, relaxed and ready for your flight. We will also transfer you in comfort from the Palm Beach International Airport to your intended destination. Each chauffeur is equipped with specific instructions for each pick up and destination by our state-of-the-art technology capabilities. All clients will be met personally at the correct time by our fully uniformed, professional chauffeurs, creating the ultimate image for visiting VIP’s. Just provide the flight details and leave the rest to us!
Palm Beach Airport- PBI Sedan Car Service
Diamond Luxury Transportation is your complete chauffeured sedan service specialists for PBI – Palm Beach International Airport transportation services. We provide exceptional sedan ground transportation at competitive pricing. We service individual business travelers to large groups that are arriving or departing PBI – Palm Beach International Airport.
diamondluxlimo.com its a West Palm Beach Car & Limousine services Transportation Company, servicing the entire South and North Florida and NATION WIDE! Through us, our partners are connected to an ever expanding client base. We only partner with professional limousine companies that are licensed and insured anywhere in this globe. At Diamond Luxury Limousine Service, our main goal is to help your company succeed by furthering your business capabilities. We Desing our reservation for your corporates and executive airport transfer. You can fill out our reservation FORM and check your rates from verity choice of vehicles any time, anywhere.
RESERVE A CAR for your next airport transfer with Diamond Luxury Transportation and get your reservation confirmation at the time of the reservation.
Book your trip here, ask for your quote. All airport Pickup or Drop-off “ Service Type- Point To Point” Hourly Service should be Selected minimum 4. Hours for the accurate Rate.
Thank You & good luck.
Choose from our network of the frist rate operators, with access of Luxury Vehicle of any type. Book for group of any size, anywhere in FLORIDA or USA with no upfront monetary. Diamond Luxury Transportation is always ready for serve you. Our Palm Beach Airport Limousine Service Located 4/5 Minutes from Palm Beach Airport Terminal. Give us opportunity to serve you. We are Family own & affiliates trusted Corporates Black Car & Limo Company.
Follow us on Facebook
Diamond Luxury Transportation Main Website: Diamondluxlimo.com its a West Palm Beach Car & Limousine services & Airport Transportation Company in Palm Beach, servicing the entire South and North Florida including NATION WIDE! Through us, our partners are connected to an ever expanding client base. We only partner with professional limousine companies that are licensed and insured anywhere in this globe. At Diamond Luxury Limousine Service, our main goal is to help your company succeed by furthering your business capabilities. Diamond Limo Palm Beach provide Short notice Palm Beach Airport pickup when you needed. We provide Service within 10 minutes in PBI. We are your Palm Beach Airport Car Service.
Call us : (561) 386-1719
Diamond Limo Palm Beach provide Corporate Transportation services and larger Groups of people for their events. We are a full service West Palm Beach Airport Transportation Company. We Provide Corporates Black Car & Limousine rental in South Florida Airports & Seaports.
With a wide selection of cars from SEDAN to PREMIUM SUVs, Stretch Limousine, Party Buses. We are your reliable Palm Beach Airport Corporate Black Car Service.
Offering a range of High-end transportation services. Personalized to your unique needs. Book with easy and the assurance that we will curate the best experience for the best value.
Chrysler 300
Lincoln MKZ
Lincoln MKT
Lincoln MKS
Infinity QX60
Chevrolet Suburban
GMC Yukon XL
Lincoln Navigator
Chrysler 300 Stretch Limo ( 10 Passengers)
Sprinter Mercedes Benz
Mercedes Benz Sprinter Executive style & Limousine style ( $149 per hour, minimum 5 hours required )
PARTY BUS ( $249 per hour, minimum 5 hours required )
Book Now
Palm Beach Gardens Airport Car Service provide 30% Cheaper airport transportation service in Palm Beach Gardens, Jupiter, Juno Beach, Hobe Sound etc.
Book Now
The Lincoln town car Diamond Luxury Transportation is a true diamond. Hire this vehicle to transport your wedding guest to your wedding reception in style. Chauffeur driven vehicle you will not be disappointed in your Diamond Luxury Transportation hire choice.
Robert LamontagneStaff Member
We ask for limousine ride at the pga resort in last minute. The called Diamond Luxury Transportation in Palm Beach Gardens and bring their Sprinter for us. We are very happy with their quality of service, rates etc. We highly recommend Diamond Luxury Transportation for any occasions.
Mark Phil Affiliates Connection
Book your wedding Diamond Luxury with Diamond Luxury Transportation and we will provide you with free wedding ribbon to decorate your Diamond Luxury Transportation, we have a wide range of ribbons, please specify the colour you require and we will try our best to match the colour to your wedding colour scheme.
John OlkoManager
Diamond Luxury Transportation provide us Airport Transfer to Miami Airport. We found their Online Reservation is very easy and time saver for us. Their Automatic Reservation give us auto Rates to Miami. It was very wonderful and service is very nice. Our company use them for last 2 years and now it’s our Family choice Airport Transportation Service in Palm Beach Gardens. We highly recommend this company to others for personal or Corporate. Best of Luck.
The Lincoln town car Diamond Luxury Transportation is a true diamond. Hire this vehicle to transport your wedding guest to your wedding reception in style. Chauffeur driven vehicle you will not be disappointed in your Diamond Luxury Transportation hire choice.
Robert LamontagneStaff Member
We ask for limousine ride at the pga resort in last minute. The called Diamond Luxury Transportation in Palm Beach Gardens and bring their Sprinter for us. We are very happy with their quality of service, rates etc. We highly recommend Diamond Luxury Transportation for any occasions.
Mark Phil Affiliates Connection
Book your wedding Diamond Luxury with Diamond Luxury Transportation and we will provide you with free wedding ribbon to decorate your Diamond Luxury Transportation, we have a wide range of ribbons, please specify the colour you require and we will try our best to match the colour to your wedding colour scheme.
John OlkoManager
Diamond Luxury Transportation provide us Airport Transfer to Miami Airport. We found their Online Reservation is very easy and time saver for us. Their Automatic Reservation give us auto Rates to Miami. It was very wonderful and service is very nice. Our company use them for last 2 years and now it’s our Family choice Airport Transportation Service in Palm Beach Gardens. We highly recommend this company to others for personal or Corporate. Best of Luck.
Palm Beach Private Car & Limo Service is dedicated to providing the highest quality vehicles and chauffeurs to meet every personal and professional need. Serving Jupiter, Palm Beach Gardens, Hobe-Sounds, Broward, Miami-Dade, Palm Beach Counties, and cities throughout the world, Palm Beach Private Car & Limo Service can provide for all your ground transportation needs. Whether you require Lincoln sedans, SUVs, vans, buses, specialty vehicles, or the finest in luxury stretch limousines, concierge services, and jet charters. Palm Beach Private Car & Limo Service is your single-source ground transportation provider.
Jupiter Taxi & Limo Service by West Palm Beach Car And Limo Service Move’s professional staff will take care of every detail, ensuring punctuality, safety and reliability. Jupiter Car & Limo by West Palm Beach Car And Limo Service Moves offers an excellent service that is made to measure for a trip’s every need. Jupiter Car And Limousines (Diamond Luxury Transportation) is the best Airport Transportation Service In Jupiter, Hobe Sound, Tequesta, Jupiter Island, Palm Beach Gardens, North Palm Beach, Juno Beach, Juno Ridges, West Palm Beach, Palm Beach And it’s Surrounding. Jupiter To Palm Beach Airport, Jupiter To Fort Lauderdale Airport Or Jupiter To Miami International Airport Pickup or Drop-off Service From or to 24/7. Call us at anytime (561) 386-1719
Palm Beach International Airport Car & Limo Service
We are dedicated to making your travel experience the very best it can be. Your group will feel comfortable while we take you to your destination in one of our private Palm Beach International Airport van shuttles. Our non-shared PBI Van Shuttle Service is affordable, private and direct. Our Palm Beach International Airport van shuttle service clients enjoy a peaceful and safe trip to their destination in one of our clean 14 passenger shuttle vans. Our team of transportation professionals will get you to the Palm Beach International Airport or to your destination on-time and safely.
Palm Beach Airport Shuttle to Vero Beach
Diamond Luxury Transportation provides professional PBI Airport Shuttle Services to the Vero Beach. When you arrive at the Palm Beach International Airport our chauffeur will meet & greet you and your guests in baggage claim and assist with your luggage. If you are staying at a hotel our chauffeur will pick you up at the lobby in any city. We operate a complete fleet of luxury vehicles, passenger vans and SUV’s to meet your groups travel needs. Call us for more information regarding our PBI – Palm Beach International Airport shuttle to Vero Beach.
Palm Beach Airport Car & Limo offers affordable, shared ride shuttles and private cars to and from Palm Beach International Airport and the surrounding area. It’s the hassle-free way to get transfer anywhere. Luxury car service to & from Palm Beach Airport. Easy reservations, reliable service, professional drivers and our quality assurance is guaranteed.
Palm Beach Airport Car Service | Palm Beach Limousine service earn your trust in south Florida providing Airport Transfer service. Give us call ☎️ (561) 386-1719
Diamond Luxury Transportation Airport Car & Limousine transfer service, you have nothing to worry about Because you are with the Best Airport Car & Limo Service in Palm Beach. We accommodate groups of any size and will pick you up with showroom-quality vehicles. Our vehicles offer copious luggage space and our reliable drivers take care of the loading. Diamond Luxury Transportation is the Best Airport Black Car & Limo Service In South Florida. 24/7 airport transfer service from all major airports, Seaport & cities in South Florida.
Short notice Airport transfer service in Miami International Airport ( MIA ), Fort Lauderdale Airport ( FLL ), Palm Beach International Airport ( PBI ), ORLANDO International Airport ( MCO), Tampa Airport ( TPA ) anytime 24/7 in any airport transfer.
Our Local Offices in Florida:
Main Office: 2901 Saginaw Avenue
West Palm Beach, Fl-33409
2nd Location:
Diamond Luxury Transportation
498 NW 13th St, Boca Raton, FL 33432
3rd Location:
Diamond Luxury Transportation
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410
4th Location:
Diamond Luxury Transportation
Hobe Sound, FLORIDA
5th Location:
Diamond Luxury Transportation
Vero Beach, FLORIDA
1 (561) 386-1719
Copyright 2020 Mugli, All Right Reserved
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pilgaardhansson · 2 years
我們努力創造能夠激勵消費者的創新產品 - 並推動企業領先於行業趨勢。 隔熱食品載體設計有兩側一體式頂部把手,便於 1 或 2 人攜帶和運輸。 底部輪子便於在地板上平穩移動,您可以輕鬆移動整個承載器。 茶是人類已知的最古老的飲料之一,幾乎在每種文化中都有版本。 非常適合任何自助餐桌、早餐吧或戶外活動。 它是橙汁、蘋果汁、檸檬水和其他飲料的理想選擇,易於分配和控制份量。 當您想到餐飲時,手推車可能不是第一個出現的物品,但在打包大件物品時,您會很感激有一個。 作為餐飲服務商,您會發現自己需要運送大量食物或座椅設備。 對於手推車,連接的輪子可以分散重物的重量,從而更容易、更舒適地運輸超大物品。 無論您是為戶外婚禮還是室內公司活動提供餐飲服務,您都會始終使用某些餐飲用品,因為它們用途廣泛且功能齊全。 無論您提供什麼服務,我們的頂部裝載隔熱飲料架都一定會成為您的自助餐或活動的可靠補充。 它具有出色的保溫性,熱食可保持 4-6 小時,冷食可保持 3-5 小時。 32Qt / 30 L 容量足以容納各種食物類型。 馬厩餐飲公司 我們的活動餐飲菜單包括開胃菜、正宗的拉丁主菜、莫吉托酒、瑪格麗塔酒和桑格利亞酒,為您的婚禮賓客提供紐約和新澤西州最好的古巴餐飲服務。 活動中心的大禮堂為大型婚宴、舞蹈、藝術和古董表演、追悼會和體育活動提供了充足的空間。 對於更私密的環境,旋轉木馬廳也可用於舉辦婚禮、宴會、研討會、聚會等。 個人和團體可以攜帶自己的餐飲服務商/食物參加活動。 記住,這是你的婚禮;你可以用它來反映你生活中最重要的事情。 用你寵物的照片作為模型來裝飾你的蛋糕。 當客人進入接待區就座時,用星座圖引導他們到他們的桌子旁。 想出以冒險為主題的物品送給您的客人,例如飛機開瓶器、指南針或地球儀形狀的瓶塞或老式手提箱行李標籤。 將您的客人、朋友、同事帶到私密的環境中,欣賞美景。 鷸高爾夫球場——當餘暉灑入太平洋時,慶祝您的誓言。 Sandpiper 結合了我們的特別活動草坪和海濱露台,可為多達 300 位客人提供充足的空間。 運動型的人可以考慮在籃球場或大型瑜伽館舉行婚禮。 用裝飾和薄紗窗簾營造親密感,將空間隔開。 您將不得不聘請餐飲服務商和其他供應商,但您可以確保有足夠的空間供跳舞——甚至是接送遊戲。 如果您和您的準配偶都喜歡復古裝飾或俗氣的複古環境,請考慮在古董店或古董倉庫舉行婚禮。 餐飲派對的費用是多少? 2022 年指南 激活您的 30 天免費試用以解鎖無限閱讀。 合同規定,每片蛋糕切割服務收費 1.00 美元,並且總賬單中將收取 18% 的自動服務費。 迄今為止,我們所面臨的美食挑戰已將我們轉變為美味的潮流引領者。 我們滿足廣泛的飲食需求的旅程全心全意地指導著我們。 端上桌的餐點和經過的開胃小菜更適合正式場合,而自助餐和家庭式服務則增添了更多休閒氣息。 食物的數量取決於您的活動所需的餐飲服務和參加人數。 我們的策劃人員可以幫助您確定適合您活動的內容。 您還需要通過縣或州的衛生檢查——住宅廚房可能無法做到這一點,因此請考慮尋找已經獲得批准的商用廚房。 我們相信每個人都應該能夠自信地做出財務決策。 我們是一家由認證調酒師提供的旅行酒吧服務,他們將幫助您為您的活動製作和倒出完美的雞尾酒。 我們提供來自世界各地的一些最好的葡萄酒和啤酒。 如何減少餐廳的食物浪費 由 Winnow Vision 提供支持的 AI 食物浪費追踪。 通過將食物浪費減半來運行更高效、更有利可圖和可持續的廚房。 本集團為工業客戶服務及維護生產線,並提供全方位的專業服務,以優化生產設施的性能並延長其使用壽命。 PaintCare 在加利福尼亞州的油漆零售店、政府經營的家庭危險廢物處理設施和其他地點建立了數百個回收站。 這些站點接受來自所有居民和某些企業的裝在 5 加侖或更少容器中的計劃產品。 辦公室清潔服務通常負責不需要常規時間表的大型清潔工作。 一些企業經常僱用專業的清潔服務,但您仍然可以每年僱用他們做幾份工作。 了解清潔公司提供的服務將有助於公司更有效地安排其商業清潔服務。 來自四家醫院的參與者報告說“從零開始”準備飯菜,包括新鮮蔬菜去皮、切割、切丁和焯水。 回收是一種經濟引擎,它在特拉華州創造了就業機會,並顯著降低了特拉華州的垃圾處理率,同時延長了我們垃圾填埋場的使用壽命。 清潔工報告的人通常取決於他們工作的組織或行業。 如果他們在一家大公司工作,員工中可能有幾名清潔工,他們可能都有一個清潔工主管,他們都向他們報告。 較小的公司通常要求清潔工向建築物的所有者或經理報告。 如果清潔工遇到任何問題或清潔用品不足,他們可以向他們的經理或業主報告以解決任何問題。 與領導者一起擁抱人工智能的影響,在全球範圍內打擊食物浪費。 賓夕法尼亞回收市場通過其有機物管理援助計劃提供支持有機產品開發以及新的或現有的市場機會的統包技術援助。 安裝過濾水龍頭或在冰箱裡放一個大的 Brita 水罐,這樣員工就可以倒一杯水,而不是拿一次性塑料水瓶。 您的公司將節省瓶裝水的費用,並且垃圾填埋場將避免更多的塑料。 台灣菜 由於南部有阿拉伯人,許多西西里麵食食譜主要採用中東成分,如葡萄乾和肉桂。 由於硬粒小麥的豐富,意大利面傳播到大陸,每個地區生產的意大利面種類也各不相同。 雖然羅馬人通過共同語言在政治上統一了意大利,但意大利各地區的“當地習俗和省級語言”(意大利的文化遺產)仍然是獨一無二的。 從意大利北部到南部,意大利面的形狀和烹製方式大相徑庭。 如今,意大利半島上有超過 300 種不同形狀和品種的干意大利面。 餃子可以在早餐、午餐或晚餐時食用,非常適合分享。 您可以在中國火鍋享用大量的醬汁——中國傳統菜餚有用的提示——那裡的一切都非常快,但有充分的理由。 海底撈很忙,很快,所以如果你去那裡要預約。 如果您不這樣做,在高峰時段您的等待時間可能會超過一個小時。 冰的嘎吱聲與牛奶和小豆各自的身體和口感形成了鮮明的對比。 敬老的傳統價值,我自己在與中國朋友共度時光時生動地註意到這一點,因此在這道菜中得到體現,並提醒人們今天中國文化中非常強調的禮儀。 與中國和意大利類似,在印度吃的麵條類型因地區而異。 然而,與通常在沸水中烹製的中國和意大利的麵條不同,這種特殊類型的印度麵條是油炸的。 餐廳家具指南 一般來說,桌子越重越寬,底座就需要越重越寬。 對於較大的表,通常建議使用具有“X”或“T”樣式基數的多個列。 一些操作員選擇用螺栓固定在地板上的桌面底座。 許多以木質或軟墊座椅和座椅靠背為特色。 測量您的餐廳併計算可用地面空間的總量。 此外,它們使設置飲料站和為客人服務變得更加容易。 將飲料保持在合適的溫度至關重要,您供應的飲料類型應該有助於確定您決定購買哪種分配器。 例如,如果在活動中供應咖啡,您將需要咖啡氣罐或咖啡金龜子甕。 為活動選擇合適類型的餐具有多種因素。 A-1 Restaurant Supply 通過為我需要的特定產品提供出色的服務和建議,幫助我的餐廳起步。 Carolyn 知識淵博,A1 的價格也很合理。 您對某件商品的價格有疑問或正在尋找您在我們的網站上找不到的東西嗎? 快樂梨鄉蔬菜湯 ​​375g 第一個乾湯是肉湯塊;早期的肉提取物不需要冷藏,而是一種粘性液體。 隨著 19 世紀罐頭的發明,商業湯開始流行,如今市場上有各種各樣的罐頭和乾湯。 加入我們的時事通訊,期待新產品發現、獨家優惠、免費禮物和美味的季節性食譜,以及鼓舞人心的送禮創意。 今年我們提供了一份火烤玉米雜燴,配以香腸碎作為澆頭,非常受歡迎! 某些湯濃稠且呈奶油狀,可以用麵粉和牛奶製成泥或增稠,例如奶油湯。 某些貝類湯用米飯和濃湯增稠,如濃湯等。 關注特定湯的質地非常重要,因為質地是許多湯特有的。 Mirepoix 由胡蘿蔔、洋蔥和芹菜組成,通常用於湯料和湯。 蟹蟹湯來自南卡羅來納州的查爾斯頓,是一種由藍蟹肉和蟹子製成的奶油湯。 菠菜是這湯的一個很好的補充。 也,我在燉菜裡加了一頂切丁的波多貝羅帽。 我用了 6 杯水和 half of 杯大麥,這是完美的稠度。 我給這個 four 星(但想給它 4.5)。 小型派對餐飲的 6 種開胃菜創意 它產生了有史以來最美味、最柔軟、一口大小的椒鹽脆餅! 當蘸上濃稠的奶油奶酪醬時,它們簡直就是天堂。 你有完美調味的肉餡(在這個食譜中,我們用的是雞肉)包裹在一層薄薄的黃油外殼中,然後油炸或烘烤至金黃色。 土豆、培根、酸奶油和奶酪的味道和質地相得益彰,沒有人能抗拒這些令人無法抗拒的土豆皮。 一條牛里脊肉,穿在 6 英寸的烤肉串上,配上蘸醬。 選擇開胃菜時要考慮的一件事是,許多開胃菜需要稍微複雜一些的準備工作,並且可能需要更多現場設備。 因此,如果所選場地沒有適當的方式或空間來準備食物,您可能必須選擇更簡單的選項。 不過,請不要擔心——這些都是我們的 Crave Catering 團隊將與您一起為您的理想活動制定的所有細節。 當您需要可靠的企業餐飲服務時,是時候聯繫我們在 Executive One Catering 的餐飲服務商了。 我們可以將小吃、開胃菜、午餐、晚餐、早餐或甜點直接帶到您的辦公室。 我們包括您享用餐點所需的所有盤子、銀器和飲料。 如果你不能決定下一次聚會要吃什麼,放鬆,我有你。 這 25 種零食都經過試驗和測試,所以它們不會讓人失��。 將新鮮蘆筍焯過水,卷在薄薄的菲洛麵團中,搭配意大利 Asiago 奶酪。 棗子的甜味與脆鹹的培根和奶油山羊奶酪形成了完美的對比。 隨著所有這些開胃菜在房間裡擺來擺去,你將需要一些雞尾酒和無酒精雞尾酒來搭配它們。 用我們的 Caiparinhas、蜜蜂膝蓋雞尾酒和 Seabreeze 飲料的食譜來改變現狀。 如果您需要儲備您的酒吧推車,請查看我們最喜歡的杜松子酒、龍舌蘭酒、伏特加和不含酒精的烈酒推薦。 嘗試我們的眾多大批量夏季雞尾酒中的一種,這樣您就可以專注於您的客人(以及那些開胃菜!)。 歐式麵包做法
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World's Top Golf Resorts: Train and Play for Your Vacation!
The finest golf resorts in the United States, Europe, Mexico and the Caribbean can be your choice for your next vacation Puerto Vallarta Airport Transfers. Make it a train-and-play golf vacation! So many package deals are available to make your trip much more than a break from your routine. A golf vacation will be a practical experience of improving your golf game, enjoying a phenomenally peaceful and luxurious setting, and visiting a different state or a different country! This planning guide will point you to some of the best-rated golf resorts in the world.
Whether you ultimately book for yourself or through an experienced golf travel specialist, begin your research online where you can find premium golf courses and travel bargains. Rates, resort amenities and golf course details are available. But look further for the packages that include airfare, hotel accommodations and green fees to get your best value. The typical packaged Golf Resort Vacation will include most of these features:
Resort Accommodations
Confirmed Tee Times
Prepaid Green Fees
Shared Cart for 18 Holes
Equipment Rental
Golf Lessons
Meals at Exclusive Restaurants
Transfers to the Course
Transfers to the Airport
All Taxes and Service Charges
Golf courses are planned in lovely surroundings where you can take in sea breezes or views of lush vegetation, and you can combine golf with other resort amenities to provide a well-rounded vacation.
For instance, try one of the many glamorous Club Med Golf Resorts with beautiful fairways in the most unforgettable, inviting locations around the world. Club Med offers deals including the best equipment and golf lessons for all levels! Its locations include Cancun, Mexico, as well as Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic. Other locations span the world: Turks and Caicos, Mauritius, Portugal, France, Italy, Brazil, Thailand, Morocco, Egypt, Senegal, and in the United States--Sandpiper Bay, Florida.
Scotland has some of the most beautiful golf courses in the world and there are approximately 100 resorts, called "golf hotels," among the 500-plus golf courses throughout the country. Best known are Turnberry, Gleneagles and The Old Course Hotel St. Andrews. Each of these has spa, leisure facilities, excellent restaurants and "golf tuition" packages for all levels.
Mexico has numerous golf resorts perched in luxurious coastal locations. There are golf resorts at Cancun, Acapulco, Puerto Vallarta and Los Cabos. Also, Mexico has its championship Baja version of California's famous "Pebble Beach" golf resort, called Bajamar, only a few hours' drive from San Diego in Ensenada.
For the United States, check online for some of the golf resorts suggested by key magazines such as Golflink's which publishes The Top 100 United States Golf Courses. This issue ranks the best out of more than 21,000 public and private golf courses across the country. However, within that one hundred courses, you want to search for the resorts with package programs and golf lessons. Among the top hundred, you will find that the main vacation-destination states with golf resorts are in Arizona, California, Florida, Nevada, South Carolina and Texas. Let's review these states for their best locations:
In sunny, always temperate Florida, Club Med's Sandpiper Bay Golf Academy offers 2-day and 3-day golf courses. The Academy includes all aspects of the game, such as Chipping, Putting, Bunker, Pitching and Lob Shot, Full Swing with Irons and Woods. A video analyzing your swing is provided, as well as an optional video comparing your swing to that of a pro player. Also, the area within and around Miami has regional golf resorts for year-round vacationing. Each resort offers on-site amenities and services, both on and off the course, and minutes away from major Miami attractions, like South Beach and Miami MetroZoo. You will have a multitude of options during a golf vacation here.
Arizona has a climate that is suitable for many months of the year and Scottsdale has nearly 200 golf courses, many with the picturesque backdrop of the Sonoran Desert. It is a golf destination with golf schools and pro shops. Here, many resorts offer high-quality accommodations and championship golf courses. Most golf resorts offer packages where hotel guests can have discounted green fees. Also, Sedona, Arizona, offers numerous golf resorts with a mild year-round climate and spectacular red-rock scenic views.
In California, Pebble Beach has been known for being a small coastal golf destination nestled in beautiful Monterey County. It is home of the prominent Pebble Beach Golf Links, the Pebble Beach Lodge and the prestigious Inn at Spanish Bay. Each year, golfers return to rub shoulders with golf professionals and experience nature at its finest on the magnificent golf course laid out by leading golf course designers. The harmony of golf layouts and the majestic coast are awe-inspiring!
Another golfer's paradise is conveniently located along the south Atlantic coast at Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. It combines natural beauty and world-class golf on a barrier island 12 miles long and five miles wide. Nicklaus, Palmer and other golf legends have frequently played these championship courses. Since the first course opened at Sea Pines in 1961, there are now emerald links at Harbour Town and outstanding courses in Bluffton, as the Hilton Head area has become a major golf center. It is legendary for its spectacular views of the Atlantic Ocean, scenic marshes, and maritime forests with abundant wildlife. The temperate climate and year-round sunshine also makes Hilton Head Island the perfect place to tee off.
Las Vegas, Nevada, is quietly emerging as one of the United States' fastest growing golf destinations amidst the glitz and glamour of its casinos. The city's huge convention center and innumerable hotel rooms make it a natural haven for large-scale golf events. With the year-round sunshine and mild temperatures, and plenty to do after a full day of playing golf from gambling to seeing entertaining shows, this golf destination will continue to grow.
CNN ranked Austin, Texas the No. 1 city for golf in its Golf.com of 2010. Framed by the Texas Hill Country, Austin's golf courses are among the best in the United States. The region is highlighted by the Wolfdancer Golf Club which was named No. 56 in Golfweek's top 100 resort golf courses in 2009. In addition to being a great contemporary music city, and home of numerous celebrities, Austin offers vacationing golfers great barbeque, an idyllic, year-round climate and luxury accommodations.
Your best package deal will be at all-inclusive resorts, where air flight, lodging, meals and golf activities are rolled into one price. On the other hand, consider traditional hotels and resorts in the locations suggested. With a little online planning, one of the finest golf resorts in the world can be your affordable choice. Enjoy the location, the exploration of the region while you improve your golf game and provide a joyful, well-rounded vacation for your family and loved ones!
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best-idaho-falls-id · 2 years
Idaho Falls, ID fine dining
Idaho Falls, ID, is a wonderful place to eat, relax, do more activities, and shop for whatever you want. I always love the good meals in Idaho Falls. You can dine everywhere and enjoy different types of food, from rib racks to chilled salad. I have ten restaurants I always go to, but mind you, everywhere you go in Idaho Falls, you can always find delicious foods. Some of the restaurants I love are Copper Rill Restaurants, Jakers Bar and Grill for steaks, Sandpiper restaurant, which serves delicious seafood, Dixie’s Diner for good food, and Krung Thep Thai Cuisine for Asian and Thai food, as well as Tandoori Oven. I also love to eat at Jalisco’s Mexican Restaurant. Sometimes I go to the SnakeBite, the olive garden, and the Stockman’s Restaurant. All these have super delicious food.
Biohazard cleanup in Idaho Falls
Healthy and Home Environmental Services offer biohazard cleanup in Idaho Falls. It’s the go-to for all indoor air health. Its mission is to give every client and situation the attention they deserve. I like the services they provide; it’s guaranteed to keep your space clean from anything. So, for services such as property restoration, Asbestos, radon, disinfection, water pipes and wells, indoor air quality, biohazard, and so much more. Getting the HHE means putting you first, so you can expect a free phone consultation, comprehensive services, competitive pricing, individualized plans, timely responses, and secured privacy. If you need more information or to book a service with them, call (208) 535 3289.
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Emergency Property Restoration in Idaho Falls
The emergency property restoration in Idaho Falls has been made easy and possible because Healthy Home Environmental Services makes the space clean from anything. It offers different services such as property restoration from molds, flood, fire, and storm; Asbestos for testing, Abatement, and clearance; Radon for testing, mitigation, and system checks; Disinfection for anti-Covid-19 and other bacteria; water pipes and wells testing and sanitization; indoor quality services for dust, pollen, and allergen; biohazard coming from crime scenes, blood spill, and unattended; and so much more like meth testing and hoarding clean up. For inquiries, call (208) 535 3289.
Museum of Idaho in Idaho Falls
The Museum of Idaho is located in the heart of Idaho, Idaho Falls. It’s near the shops and restaurants of the downtown area, and it features more than 25,000 artifacts and specimens related to the state's history, biology, and cultural importance. I like that this museum is open daily, making it more comfortable for locals and tourists. There are over 100 000 visitors a year to this museum. It’s well known for its rotating exhibits and in-depth information on display. It also hosts a wide variety of events catering especially to children. For adults, there’s an “After–Dark” series.
Idaho Falls Police shares traffic closures.
The 4th of July is an important date for the people in Idaho Falls. It’s a big celebration for Americans in general. So, it’s good that the Idaho Falls police shares the traffic closures and public information for this date ahead of time. The residents could prepare and plan time if they had incoming activities or events to do because with the Annual Independence Day festivities, everywhere is going to be busy. During the Liberty Parade, many people were busy participating and viewing. Some families take this holiday off to have some family bonding outside. For more information about this news, you can read more.
 Link to maps
Museum of Idaho 200 N Eastern Ave, Idaho Falls, ID 83402, United States Head northeast on Curtis Ave/N Eastern Ave toward A St/Ash St 256 ft Turn left at the 1st cross street onto A St 207 ft Turn right onto Yellowstone Ave 1.1 mi Sharp left onto E Elva St Destination will be on the left 371 ft
Healthy Home Environmental Services Idaho Falls 350 E Elva St, Idaho Falls, ID 83401, United States
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fangirleaconmigo · 2 years
I like hearing the thoughts up people who watched this season 2 of twn so I'm very excited to see your thoughts!
Thank you, nonny! Sorry for the delay. I had so many feelings after I watched it that I've just been silently processing and stewing.
I think TWN season 2 is a very different experience depending on whether you've read the books and are attached to the characters as written or not. It also depends on your expectations of fantasy action shows.
I used to waitress, and a restaurant owner I worked for once told me that the most important element of how someone evaluates service is their expectations going in, and I still think about that a lot.
Spoilers, and extremely critical thoughts under the cut. (Some positives too.)
Before you hit 'keep reading' I also want to make clear that this is all personal. Other people are allowed to feel differently and are no less valid. We are all unique mixes of culture and experiences and identities and will by nature see this all differently. That is fine and good. In fact, that's what makes art, and our interactions with it, so fascinating and dynamic. Now, here goes.
If your expectations are...a fun fantasy action ride, I think it fit the bill. The Witcher S2 was better than the average fantasy show.
The cast is phenomenal this season. I think the acting leveled up all around. (Myanna Buring just slayed me, so did Anya, Joey, Mimi, Henry, Freya, Anna, they were all amazing)
The locations are stunning.
The monster fights are fun.
There's more magic, more sign usage, and lots of intrigue.
There were some characters that were magical onscreen together. (Yen and Jaskier, Yen and Tissaia, Fringilla and Francesca, Geralt and Istredd were fucking delightful, and I did love a lot of the Geralt and Ciri scenes. )
Yasen Atour was a delight the little we heard from him
The bruxa was fantastic, Ep1 was great.
I was shocked and pleasantly surprised that we got the Rience torturing Jaskier and Yen saving him scene.
Ciri training!! Wooo!!
Nenneke! Wooo!
Also, I loved a lot of the new (non book) plot points even some others didn't.
For example, I thought Yen losing her magic was a great opportunity to show how resourceful, gutsy, brave, and brilliant she was without magic. She was a force of nature and I loved watching her go.
I also loved everything they added about her mixed heritage.
I loved the Sandpiper concept.
I love that they gave Istredd his own plot points apart from Yen. I think when you make 'exes' (and in the context of the show, one of the few men of color) into cardboard cutouts its unsatisfying. So, I appreciated that they gave him a real role.
I appreciated that, unlike the games, they actually kept Triss's scars, and didn't try to force the love triangle that a lot of fans seem to want. So, on one hand, there was a lot to like.
However, on the other hand, if you you want consistently good writing when it comes to character work and relationship development, we didn't get that, whether you've read the books or not.
TWN pretty obviously comes up with the plot, then stuffs 90% of the relationships and character development into the cracks. Then they step back and go...Ehhhhh it’s fine.
In response to critiques that the show lacks organic character and relationship development, the showrunner essentially said on social media that the books are too slow and you can't just have people hanging out and getting to know each other in a tv show. (In fact, according to the showrunner herself, several conversations that do happen in S2, only happened at the insistence of Henry Cavill)
I think that's dismissive of a vast middle where you can have conversations AND action. There are shows and movies that do so just fine. It's tricky, and it'll never be as deep as the source material, but it can still be great and satisfying. But you do have to put a bit of trust in your audience.
Also, it's not just time spent. It's cohesion and consistency. So whether the character/relationships ships work for you (with all the jerks forward and backwards and jarring missing bits) is whether, through your personal experience, you can fill in the blanks with your own imagination. If you can, you may not even notice. If you can't, you're left scratching your head.
(For just a few examples, why didn't Yen and Geralt talk about the wish???? She was devastated and dumped him for it and now they're kissing? It's resolved?? When?? Why aren't we taking her feelings of betrayal about that seriously? I want that conversation!
What happened to Tissaia's dimeritium poisoning from the prior season? Jaskier's burns from the prior scene? Why in season two, does this supposedly epic male friendship still feel so one sided and thin?
Fil is Francesca's husband???? Why did I not know that until the moment the baby emerged?
Why did Lamb blame Eskel's death on Ciri BEFORE we knew she was attracting monsters? Etc etc etc).
Further, relationships go through hamfisted conflicts, since the only bumps and barriers they seem to be able to conceive of are assault, consent violations, and betrayals, which they glide past as soon as they need to move the plot along.
(That's why when people were like..."Geralt and Ciri didn't have a bonding arc. It was flat." I just feel like...shhhh don't let them hear you. They'll have one of them horrifically betray the other and call it an arc. Let's just leave it, I'm begging you.)
Also, they have the showing and telling working at odds with the story. They tend to TELL the foundational stuff, ie, who people are, how they feel about themselves and each other. Then they SHOW the “exceptions”. And yet, showing is so much more powerful!! Therefore, the exceptions become the rule in the eye of the viewer.
(Geralt SAYS that Kaer Morhen is protected and secret because of pogroms against witchers and threats of genocide, but then you SEE it as party central, like everyone in the continent goes through there to be drugged or killed or just to pick up a vial and be off.)
The actors valiantly elevate their scenes emotionally to imbue them with nuance and contradictions and emotion. (Myanna and Joey were both fucking heroic in imbuing lines with meaning that wouldn't have been there without them.) But they can't do it all.
The show also continues to raise interesting social themes it doesn’t quite know how to land and lay out amazing characters it doesn’t quite know how to truly value. TWN and race or TWN and sexuality could fill up several other posts.
So, if you want a fun action fantasy show that you don’t want to think too hard about, you’re golden. It was 10/10. I have shows like that. I watch and I refuse to read the source material or think about things like plot holes or inconsistencies. If you're watching The Witcher like that, you are blessed.
If you want a GOOD show with quality character and relationship work, it was a 7/10, and it was only that high because Henry Cavill is powerful enough to push for script changes on set.
(The showrunner said she had written a joke for after Roach died and he pushed for something heartfelt instead. Also, Henry said that the script called for a sex scene for when Geralt and Yen reunite, and he and Anya pushed for that sweet family scene with the three of them actually bonding. Also, Geralt's lines to Ciri from the books were added at his insistence. I think the writing would've been a 6/10 at best without him.)
NOW how was the show for me?
Well I'll let you guess.
I read the books between S1 and S2 and fell in love with them. I watched the showrunner tweet that she'd read Blood of Elves twenty times and was taking it seriously as an adaptation. That she wasn't going to have to make up much because there was so much there. She said she heard all of the constructive critique about how the relationships were treated S1.
So, I am a book fan, and I had hope. Expectations. Not that they would be duplicated exactly, but that the spirit of the themes and the characters would be treated respectfully.
I also happen to be a person who has written several hundred thousand words of fic about Eskel, (and read more) because I connect with him and love him in particular. One of my most popular witcher posts is the character analysis I did of him.
I also happen to be a person who loves Yen and Ciri's relationship so much it almost hurts. I could probably write a Phd thesis on what that relationship means to me.
I also happen to be a person who loves Kaer Morhen more than is reasonable, and was so excited to see it onscreen. (It was aesthetically pretty! Beautiful gowns sets. But I was more excited for the wolf witchers inside of it.)
Those were my most anticipated pieces of the story going in.
Now, I know I said that I'd let you guess how I like it, but when have I ever shut up about anything? Well, I loved ep 1. I recapped and reviewed it and gave it an A. Then, the rest of the season happened.
And for my favorite, most anticipated characters and relationships, other than some good Geralt and Ciri moments, it was character assassinations and missed opportunities.
I'm sure there are those who would disagree with me. I'm sure they could make cases for why it made sense for Yen, the woman who never let down Ciri a day in her fucking life, would turn her in to the deathless mother (changing her mind when it was too late, and only because Ciri's power made her 'special'). How it made sense that a woman who, even though she struggled being vulnerable and committed romantically, always always worked in Geralt's best interests behind the scenes, would betray him in matters of his own daughter.
I'm sure they could make a case why Vesemir, a man who passed through a long hard journey and rocky moral past, to become the moral center of the world of witchers, (I could bring book quotes to back this up if anyone is interested in my Vesemir thoughts) would betray Geralt and accept 'consent' from a traumatized, grieving, child.
I'm sure they could claim that one gauzy flashback of Eskel being nice to Geralt once in a hallway made up for what they did to that character. I'm sure they could explain why the misogyny of how the sex workers were treated, and why they were in Kaer Morhen in the first place didn't take the entire concept of the witchers out back and shoot it execution style.
But I'd disagree with all of them. Very strenuously. Very emphatically. I may still write some specific critical posts about TWN and Yen and Ciri, or Eskel, or the witchers in general, just to get these things off my chest.
It's actually turned the show into something a lot more difficult for me to interact with. I have to work a lot harder now to separate out the good and still enjoy it. I still adore the cast, and love parts of the show. But dear anon, that shit felt fucking brutal. I stared into space for an uncomfortable amount of time after finishing the season. I considered deleting all my witcher social media and abandoning my wips. I texted my friends. When my son asked how it was I said very slowly....well...it gave and it took away. I didn't know what else to say.
I calmed down. I'll keep watching the show. I'll keep loving and hyping the cast. But now I have a fundamentally conflictual relationship with the show. And now my expectations are on the floor. They are subterranean. Maybe having zero expectations, no matter what is promised to book fans on twitter, will help. It's all about expectations, after all.
I hope my feedback isn't too much of a downer. I'm sorry if it is and you regret sending your ask. D: I try really hard to see the positives of things and to be fair and to consider other perspectives. But there's no way around how fucked over I feel as a book fan of witchers and of Yen and Ciri's relationship specifically.
But thank you for asking and feel free to ask for clarification on anything or for any sources cited. XD
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Summary- 1.9k Frank Adler x You. Frank wakes you up at the ungodly hour of 3:30 am and will not even tell you why. Written for @stargazingfangirl18​ 5k challenge
Warnings- like... barely there mention hint of smut? But just barely? I cant even count it as a warning to be honest. 
A/N- so yes this is written for a soft!dark challenge, but dark writing just isn't happening. I went with just soft and with the prompt of lazy make out session.I really wanted to make sure I was giving something to Siri’s challenge because she works so hard on providing us wonderful fics to enjoy, is incredibly supportive and honestly she deserves it. Much love always babes and thank you for all you do.  
A/N 2- Can be read as a one shot. It is in the same verse as Oppressive. Also trying out a new site to make moodboards. I kinda like it? what do you all think? And I know the Fort Myers pier is made from concrete, not wood, but I wanted wood. So I went with wood. I always appreciate your thoughts on a fic. Alright, Much Love, Happy Reading! 🌊
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“Baby wake up.” You heard a husky whisper in your ear as well as a rough scrape against your shoulder from Franks cheek as he pressed in close to your back, the soft hairs of his chest pressed into your sleepy warm skin and you muttered a no into your pillow as you hid your face into the cotton covers. 
He must be out of his ever loving mind to think you were going to wake up at… a quick peek at the old 80’s looking radio clock Frank loved sitting on his night stand. The red numbers were unfocused at first, but blurry sharpened to three thirty am. Yes, your man was crazy to think you were up for anything at all, and the way he was pressed into your ass cheeks, you suspected he woke up early for sex. 
That was going to be a hell no. “Frank go back to sleep. I will fuck you later.” You promised as you shifted back into your warm safe hollow. He chuckled gruffly and his hands slid on your hips to twist you to fast him, causing you to sigh and blink up at him. In the dark of the room, his eyes were a dull blue shining down at you amused. You though were no in that same mood as you blinked up at him, pushing a hand against his chest. “Come on Frank, I'm not in the mood. I was sleeping so good.” 
“You would think I would wake you up just for sex.” Frank scoffed.
“It wouldn't be the first time.” 
“Probably won't be the last either, but that's not what this is about. Come on Sweetheart, get up. I have a surprise.” He tapped your ass and pulled away as you were groaning, knowing sleep simply wasn't going to happen. 
“Adler, I swear to all that is holy, this better be good.” You grumbled as you sat up and tried to wake up. Frank came back out with some clothing for you, a pair of capris, tee shirt and undergarments. You looked at the casual clothing and arched your brows. “Where are you dragging me?” 
“Its a surprise, trust me, those are appropriate.” He started as he dressed in some old faded blue jeans and grey tee. Wherever he was taking you wasn't going to require dressing up too much, so you just pulled your hair back into a tie, and didn't bother with makeup. He kept glancing at his watch, and by three fifty he had you out the door and to his pickup truck. He tossed a bag in the back and when you went to question it, he shook his head firmly in a no while ushering you into the passenger side. “Part of it, just trust me.” 
“I trust you to have something up your sleeve Adler, considering you know I love my sleep in on Saturday Morning.” You grumbled under your breath. Typically you and Frank slept late Saturdays. Mary would go to Roberta’s Friday night for her weekly sleepover that both woman and child insisted on, you and Frank would go to the local bar for a night of cold drinks, games of pool and the occasional dancing when you could get Frank drunk enough to go on the small dance floor. Simple, but you always had a good time. Saturday was recovery day. 
So why was he dragging you out of bed on recovery day? 
“So a hint?” You decide to pester a bit, sliding closer on the bench seat till you were against his side, his arm circling around your shoulder to tuck you in closer and press a kiss to your temple. You could feel his lips upturned to a smirk against the side of your head. 
“You want a hint… It has to be done early in the morning.” 
You rolled your eyes at him with a huff, dropping your hand to dance your fingers against a jean clad thigh, making his eyes dart down to your hand. “I want better then that.” 
“You are not gonna get it Baby, but you can try your best.” 
He really was being serious this time, because he caught your hand from wandering up to far and brought it to his mouth, pressing a gentle kiss to your knuckles. 
“Alright Adler, keep your secrets then.” You let your head rest on his shoulder and eyes close. Frank was stubborn, always had been. You knew when you just had to let it go. You drifted in and out as he sped along the interstate. Soon he was turning off, but you weren't quick enough to catch what the exit was, so still had no idea. 
“Are we there?” 
“Close, you don't know where we are?” He asked with a slight laugh in his voice. You shrug a bit as you two are driving down the main drag of the area, passing all night gas stations, fast food chain restaurants, outlet stores and parking lots. 
“No clue, every place in Florida has this Frank.” 
He hummed a bit, slowing to an intersection and flicking on his blinker. “True, but you will soon see.” He winked as he made the turn, pulling away from the city-like area and moving towards the beach strip. Where million dollar homes, hotels, and beach side tourist traps laid quiet in the barely morning hours. It was starting to lighten though, you could see the black blue of the night sky make way for lighter purples and pinks. 
So you remained patient, waiting for wherever Frank was taking you. The terrain started to get sandier, the crack of the window took on a breezy salty scent and you could taste the hint of surf and sand in the air. Your lips turned upwards, just that scent alone reminded you of a couple years ago, and it all clicked right where you were. 
Your first overnight away from home with Frank was to Fort Myers, a small rundown motel on the beach. The room was iffy, the Ac barely worked, neither of you dared to use the pool. At the time it was all you two could afford. And it was all perfect. 
Because that morning, before sunrise, you two escaped to the beach, arm in arm and sat in the dunes to watch the sunrise over the crashing ocean, and all was perfect in the world with each other. 
Frank glanced over to see the knowing look on your face, and his own softened in a smile, his hand coming to grasp the inside of your thigh gently, squeezing. “Now you know?” He pulled into an almost deserted parking lot. At the other end were a group of people, unstrapping their boards to get ready to go into the surf. 
“Of course Frankie.” You said with a touch of sentiment in your tone as you leaned over to peck his lips and nip at him playfully. “How can I forget?” You pull away suddenly and jump out of the car, yanking off your shoes to ditch in the truck. Frank followed, doing the same with his own boots. 
You had already taken off into the sand, making your way towards the surf to dig your feet into the wet sand happily. Now it was getting lighter, those dark purples and pinks made way for the reds and oranges as the barest hint of the sun kissed the horizon. 
Frank came up behind, having managed to yank his jeans up partially around his calves and pressed you two to walk out a bit further into the surf, the salt water spritzing you both in a fine cooling mist, clinging to your skin, in your hair, on your clothes. It all brought back the sensations of that first trip together. You fall back into his chest while he dips his head to mouth kisses into your neck, enjoying the quiet of the moment with you in a more physical way for a moment. Making you tilt your head to the side while the sun finally broke. 
From the nearby pier, heavy pelicans lined the side to swoop down, skimming over the water in lines, giving the two of you a show all for yourselves, among the surf the small sandpipers chased after the tiny ghost crabs trying to escape back into the surf, all of it made you smile. This felt like home to you, right here with Frank. 
“It feels like forever since we have visited.” You finally say as you turn to face Frank, the two of you stepping out of the surf, and hand in hand making your way along the beach's edge towards the pier, the sandpipers running away as fast as they could, a few taking to wing to fly several yards ahead of you to start there search in the surf retreating back from the edge once more. 
“Been a couple years at least. I was looking at the calendar and realized an anniversary of ours was coming up.” He mentioned while you two stepped under the pier. A small private world for you two at the moment as far above you people made their way towards the end stretching out over the water, ready to drip lines for fishing in the surf. Here though, underneath it all, was just for you and Frank. 
Nothing but water crashing to the shore, wood above your heads and the morning bringing back fond memories. Memories of shared kisses against one of the ageless logs helping to hold the deck yards above them steady, the way your legs wrapped around his hips as he pinned you in place and loved you so freely out in the open where they could be caught. How afterwards Frank said those words that he never uttered to anyone else in the way he said it to you. 
Fuck I think I love you. 
You thought then you loved him to. Now you knew you did. Your fingers looped in his belt loops and you walked backwards, till your back pressed once more against that sand and salt aged wood, looking up at him in the now very present dawn. 
“You know Frank, I think I love you.” 
“You know what Y/N, I think I love you too.” He winked, sliding in closer till he was pressed against you, his hands cupping the side of your face and tilting up to meet him, his tongue sliding past soft lips to the sweet heat of your mouth and tangling his tongue with yours. It elicited a soft moan from the back of your throat. 
Warming salty air really agreed with Frank, mixing the tastes on your tongue, you curled your arms around his body, clutching at his back as you now clung to him, thoroughly enjoying the way this kiss made you feel. 
The sensations of love and passion curling in your belly and your heart thud against your breast bone, absorbing into Frank as he pressed into your body, trying to daze you from rational thoughts, away from the everyday thoughts. 
Frank had a talent at making you appreciate the here and now. 
And right here, with sand covering your feet, your shirt and pants clinging to you from the ocean spray and your man completely pressing every ounce of his affection into you, you could do nothing but appreciate being in the moment. 
“Scratch that, I don't think, I know I love you Frank Adler.” You managed to break out of his kiss for half a second. 
“I know you do.” He assured you as he grasped the back of your thighs and lifted you enough to fold your legs around his waist. “I plan on showing you just how I feel.” He promised, the glint in his ocean blue eyes turning mischievously playful under that pier.
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