bugcowboyart · 4 months
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Servants of the The Mad Goddess
Priests of the Mad Goddess in her threefold form serve their communities through couples counseling, officiating weddings, blessing births, incest tracking in small communities, adoptions, and clerical work for the other Mad Goddess sects.
Often called parrots because of their bright habits, these priests devote themselves to the quieter parts of love and its maintenance. The priesthood encourages individuals to foster familial and platonic love as devotion to the Goddess and each other.
In richer cities, priests might have heavily beaded and gilded feathers as pictured here in the capitol city, it is not uncommon in smaller cities to see wings made of quilted fabrics, complicated dye techniques, heavy embroidery, actual feathers or more depending on local availability. Guildsfolk fight over the honor to build the habits of their high priests when one is promoted, and retired high ranking habits are shortened to adorn priests in the lower ranks. By the time a set of wings is worn by a novitiate it may have been lovingly cared for by dozens of priests.
Aspirants and Postulants do not get wings, but instead wear embroidered, tasseled, and beaded cords that encourage them to meditate on the inherent connection of love across their lives and greater community. Because of their length and weight, the cords can become tangled, dirty, or even swing wide enough to cause harm if they aren’t carefully maintained and managed.
After taking first vows the cords are worn against the body as a personal reminder.
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savethegrishaverse · 8 months
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Our next twitter party discusses #TheLivesOfSaints! Join us as we talk about the book, Dan Zollinger's art, and the lives of Saints - both living and dead! Come prepared with your best tweets, questions, comments, gifs, memes, and more. Let's make some noise! 🗣️
#SaveShadowAndBone and #SixOfCrowsSpinoff TWEETING PARTY 1/14 at 12PM! Come check it out here!
Remember to:
Only use three hashtags.
Enjoy and be engaging with your tweets! Keep sharing! Timezones under read more.
If you cannot attend, you can always schedule tweets ahead of time on desktop in order to help out still!
ALL TIMEZONES: Sunday, Jan 14: 9am PST 10am MST 11am CST 12pm EST 2pm -03 5pm GMT 6pm CET 8pm MSK 9pm +04 10:30pm IST
Monday, Jan 15: 1am CST 2am JST 4am AEST 6am NZST
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Chester Bennington!
This was a tough one but i really wanted to do smth for him, Linkin Park was a huge part of my growing up and i saw some videos of shows and i just knew i had to
Hope is an acceptable tribute!
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jubaer01 · 4 months
TURKEY Turkish Electronic Visa System Online - Government of Turkey eVisa
Opinber rafræn vegabréfsáritun tyrkneskra stjórnvalda á netinu, hratt og hratt ferli á netinu
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Address : Lagmuli 7, 108 Reykjavík, Iceland
Phone : +354 520 1230
Website : https://www.turkeyonline-visa.com/is/visa/ 
Business Hours : 24/7/365
Owner / Official Contact Name : Albert Deniz Dilara
Description : Þeir gestir sem eru frá einu af fimmtíu 50 löndum eru nú gjaldgengir til að sækja um tyrkneska vegabréfsáritun algerlega á vefnum með símanum sínum eða tölvu. Hægt er að leggja fram umsóknareyðublað fyrir vegabréfsáritun fyrir Tyrkland úr farsíma, tölvu eða öðrum rafrænum tækjum. Allt sem þarf er nokkur augnablik til að klára rafrænt net fyrir tyrkneska eVisa. Með studdu rafrænu vegabréfsáritun, geta útlendingar skipulagt heimsókn til lýðveldisins Turkiye í allt að 30 eða 90 daga fyrir afþreyingarferðirnar eða viðskiptaheimsóknina. Tímabilið byggir á þjóðerni þínu á öðru vegabréfi, það getur verið 30 dagar eða 90 dagar. Umsækjendur þurfa alls EKKI að heimsækja tyrkneska ríkisskrifstofu eða sendiráð hvenær sem er. Einnig er engin þörf á að senda skjölin og vegabréfið með hraðboði eða pósti. Umsóknin er 100 prósent á vefnum. Þú færð rafrænt áritað vegabréfsáritun með tölvupósti sem þú getur prentað út og haft með þér á flugvöllinn á ferðalagi. Allir gjaldgengir vegabréfshafar þurfa að sækja um rafrænt vegabréfsáritun til að komast inn í Tyrkland, þar með talið ólögráða börn. Forráðamenn eða foreldrar geta klárað vegabréfsáritunarumsóknina fyrir hönd barns. Meðhöndlunartímar rafrænna vegabréfsáritana fyrir Tyrkland, rafræn vegabréfsáritun fyrir Tyrkland mun aðeins þurfa nokkra stund til að klára. Frambjóðendur geta klárað rafræna uppbyggingu frá heimili eða skrifstofu á 2-3 mínútum. Vegabréfið þitt verður að vera gilt í 6 mánuði við komu inn í lýðveldið Tyrkland. Eftirfarandi lönd eru gjaldgeng til að sækja um tyrkneskt vegabréfsáritun, Bahamaeyjar, Kanada, Grenada, Barbados, Bermúda, Saint Vincent, Mexíkó, Kýpur, Dóminíka, Dóminíska lýðveldið, Antígva og Barbúda, Ástralía, Sankti Lúsía, Suður Afríka, Hong Kong-BN (O), Sameinuðu arabísku furstadæmin, Kúveit, Maldíveyjar, Bandaríkin, Fiji, Jamaíka, Haítí, Óman, Barein, Súrínam, Kína, Máritíus, Austur-Tímor, Armenía og Sádi-Arabía. Those visitors who are from one of the fifty 50 countries are now eligible to apply for a Turkish visa totally on the web using their phone or pc. The Turkey visa application form can be submitted from a cell phone, PC, or other electronic gadgets. All that's needed is a couple of moments to finish the online electronic for for Turkish eVisa. With a supported e-Visa, foreigners can plan visit the Repubic of Turkiye for up to 30 or 90 days for the recreational trips or business visit. The time span relies upon your nationality on othe passport, it may be 30 days or 90 days. Applicants are NOT at all required to visit a Turkish government office or embassy anytime. Also, there is no need to courier the documents and passport by courier or mail. The application is 100 percent on the web. You will get an electronic endorsed visa by email, which you can print out and carry with yourself to the airport while travelling. All eligible passport holders need to apply for an eVisa to enter Turkey, including minors. Guardians or parents can finish the visa application on behalf of a kid. Turkey e-Visa Handling Times, The Turkey e-Visa application will just require a couple of moments to finish. Candidates can finish the electronic structure from the home or office in 2-3 minutes. Your passport must be valid for 6 months at the time of entry into the Repubic of Turkey. The following countries are eligible to apply for a Turkish Visa, Bahamas, Canada, Grenada, Barbados, Bermuda, Saint Vincent, Mexico, Cyprus, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Antigua and Barbuda, Australia, Saint Lucia, South Africa, Hong Kong-BN(O), United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Maldives, United States, Fiji, Jamaica, Haiti, Oman, Bahrain, Suriname, China, Mauritius, East Timor, Armenia and Saudi Arabia.
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zimmerberg · 9 months
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2:15 am: think more on how I have a writing assignment and exam due for one course tomorrow night and also another f*cking English assignment (for “focusing your topic” or some shit, it’s convulted as hell). Realize I may not have enough time to do all three of these tomorrow after work, especially since I still have to do the readings before taking the exam so I don’t suck as bad.
3:30 am: finish writing up writing assignment (it’s a short 600 word reflection on a source I had to find first related to the material this week), do citation and title page, and submit.
I totally bullshitted that assignment, but I feel like it’s reasonably decent bullshit. Also slightly pissed at myself because why at 2 in the morning am I suddenly productive and awake but not at 2 or 6 pm? Especially since I have work at 9 am. I both want to be kind of proud for pulling that off that fast after not doing so for three years and pissed because if I could /focus/ earlier in the day I wouldn’t have had to /do/ that. Would love to figure out how much of that is to do with it being also at my personal computer (that I screw around at), how much is to do with depression, and how much with something else because I need to figure out how to focus better please brain. It’s also already the 21st of October and I don’t know how time did that.
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usmsgutterson · 2 years
Sanktis Phantomma
o n e 
Okay, first things first, the title is the way it is because I didn’t want to write a female reader, to be honest. I wanted to keep it gender neutral but there aren’t any gender neutral terms for saints other than to say it in English, so I just sort of made it up? I’m sorry if thats offensive, and if it is, let me know and I’ll change the title!
Also, some context because I wrote a prologue and then google docs fucked around and deleted it--the reader is Genyas sibling
Fic warnings- water is present in most of these fics because the reader is a Tidemaker. Suffocation, drowning, and SOC canon-typical violence is depicted in this fic as well. As far as chapter specific warnings goes, illegal grisha indentures are discussed
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Per Haskell found Y/N Safin when they were thirteen, recruited them into the Dregs and took them to the Slat. They met Kaz a week later, and from there, it seemed as though things were going to go from terrible to bad. Still, in the general sense, pretty sucky, but at least better than it was before.
And, by the time they’d hit eighteen, they found that they were right. Things went from terrible to bad, and then they went from bad to simply ‘meh’. Y/N found that, in the Barrel, there were bad days, there were worse ones, and there were days in which one merely survived, and that was certainly enough.
“They’re calling you the Phantom saint,” Kaz said as Y/N walked into his office. They grinned, rolling their eyes a bit as they took off their Tidemaker kefta, a gift sent to them by Nina whilst she worked abroad with a tailor.
Kaz had the entirety of the third floor to himself, and as much was evident in the recent expansions of his office. As Y/N entered, they spot a settee to the left, books and papers scattered over a coffee table. Farther into the room sits Kaz behind his desk, DeKappel painting on a half wall to his left. Candles and lamps light the room, and as they approach, they catch a half melted candle just beyond a small archway leading to Kaz’s bedroom, sitting on a night stand.
“Saint?” Y/N asked.“I’m a killer, Brekker. Every person I’ve killed has been a means to an end.”
“Most kills are just that,” he said. “They’re a means to an end. In your case, they’re more. They’re a business transaction.”
“I kill for the fun of it,” Y/N placed their kefta on the settee, catching the sight of Kaz’s cane, leaned against his desk and glinting in the light. “The money I make is just an added bonus.”
“The ones you kill are what makes the people here believe you’re a saint,” said Kaz. “Be glad they don’t know your face, Y/N.”
“What, would you have to parade me around and pretend to be in love with me for the sake of getting pigeons to the Crow Club?” Y/N teased.
“You make me sound like a wonderful actor,” said Kaz. “Though, if we need someone to act like they’re in love with you, I’m afraid my performance will be a little too convincing.”
“I love you too, Brekker,” Y/N gave him their best grin and he rolled his eyes, pausing his work on the heist at hand.
“Two years with the winter solstice,” he said. Y/N leaned against the wall with the DeKappel on it, nodding at him.
“Feels like yesterday,” and it did. “I’ve loved every moment.”
“As have I,” Kaz said. Y/N ventured into his room, finding the glasses and brandy where he kept them; the second drawer of his nightstand. They walked out and placed the cups on his desk, popping open the brandy.
Y/N poured the glasses and slid one to him, the pair cheers’ing the glasses.
“To a year and a half,” said Y/N.
“To the best year and a half Barrel scum can hope to have,” Kaz said. The pair of them both nodded, taking sips of their respective glasses.
“What prompted your visit?” Kaz asked. Y/N shrugged at that.
“I have intel on Van Kaarl,” Y/N said. “Information about where he keeps his Grisha indentures.”
“Word of mouth?”
“Word of mouth that can be confirmed by Inej,” you quipped. “He was standing three feet from the waves. Be glad I used the water to eavesdrop rather than allowing it to swallow him and his associate whole.”
“You could’ve drowned him from the inside out that very second,” said Kaz. “I must admit, I admire your restraint. I wouldn’t have had such strength.”
“I barely managed to go without,” Y/N admitted. “Inej can confirm the intel. As can Nina.”
“Nina had taken her for waffles at the Kooperom,” you said. “They heard it by accident.”
“And what of you?”
“I’d grabbed tea from there earlier. I was watching the sunrise from the harbor. Van Kaarl stood a few feet away. He was within earshot.”
“And this intel?”
“Until he has them brought to his household, he keeps them in a series of farmhouses in southeastern Kerch.”
“That area borders Shu Han.”
Y/N nodded at that. “I have an idea of a location for the farmhouse. I know that there’s a village of them on the southeastern coast, most of them around or on beaches of some variety.”
“A village does the opposite of narrowing down a location.”
“Until you recall that Van Kaarl had a son,” Y/N said, grinning. “There are a few two floor lock ups in a beach town with townhomes and farmhomes for aesthetics purposes. Kerch government officials use them as vacation homes. Before Jan Van Eck got arrested and booted to Hellgate, he had three in Wylans mothers name.”
“You’re a genius,” Kaz said, taking a sip of his brandy. “Do you have Kaarls sons name, then?”
“His son died when he was seventeen. He was killed by Pekka Rollins after a con that lasted several months,” said Y/N. “His only daughter is alive and working for the Dime Lions as a result.”
“So, with his daughters name, which, by the way, has legally been changed, we get the names on the deed to the multiple houses that Van Kaarl uses as Grisha storage units.”
“Their names?”
“Jamie Van Kaarl and Cella Rollins,” Y/N said, taking a sip of their brandy. “However, Cellas name is not Cella Rollins on the deeds. It’s Cella Van Kaarl.”
Kaz downed the rest of his brandy before pouring himself another glass.
“If Jamie is deceased, and Cella has changed her name,” Kaz paused, clear enough but unclear in it all the same. Kerch laws had changed just after the Ice Court, and between other heists and jobs that needed to be handled, he’d not had the time to familiarize himself with the new rules of the country.  
“All assets belonging to a deceased person, by Kerch law, must either be passed down to the next of kin or be sold for a profit in Ghezens name,” Y/N said, filling in the blank. “The same goes for faulty names or names that’ve since been changed, with the exception of the findings of documents proving a marriage, meaning that, with this, we just need to get the Grisha, prove faulty names on the deeds, and Van Kaarl can still wind up dead by tomorrow morning.”
Kaz smirked at Y/N as they said the words. “You’re still in it for the kill, even after the fact that everything you just explained would keep you from having to do it?”
“I am,” Y/N said. “He’s taken so many captive. He does not get to escape me.”
“I pity the man who is to meet the fate of Sanktis Phantomma.”
“And you should,” Y/N said, taking a sip of their brandy as they lifted a hand to run it through their hair. They put the glass down and nodded at Kaz as they turned to leave.
With that, they exited, picking up their kefta from the settee as they went.
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rotzaprachim · 4 years
Suli conlang project #1- Duality and Gender
I’ll write a wider intro post w some info about script and diglossia later on, but it was getting to be a monster, so here’s some stuff I do feel I’ve nailed down a bit more
Duality + Gender 
One of the key things we get about Suli culture in the books is duality- the idea that actions have echos, that shadows can be created through our own actions. Rather than being a simplistic reciprocality I think of it more as a complicated dualism that probably has in-between-ness, and decided to represent through palindromic suli words: words that, when the order of the spelling is reversed, have opposite or related meanings backwards and forwards. For instance, in an elementary example, family members: 
Eim- mother - Mei- Daughter 
Rab- father  Bar- son 
Often the relations are more hypothetical and obscure 
Sheva: echo, also shadow (from root sh.v.a., suli “to return”)     
Avesh: the internal spark of life the suli believe all humans are born with, also an ember and the initial starting note in a song or starting word in a chant (also avesh relates to rage in sanskrit and burning/frenzy in colloquial telegu, thank you very much sri @mayabazaar)
Sankatam: holiness, also, justice (adjectival form sankiti/sankti/sankit, someone with the characteristics of sankatam, different from sankt/sankta, a specifically honored individual) 
Mataknas: injustice and disorder, the lack of holiness, also, conversely, the use of religion of invocation of holiness in the oppression of others (adjectival matkiti/matkti/matkit) 
Teyam: life 
Meyat: death 
 This theme of circularity and dualities extends to gender and tense, of which there are both three. 
Suli has three genders, feminine (nashit), masculine (anashti), and neutral/”between” (baaiyaniti). The neutral “between” is always reverted for individuals and it’s a mark of intimacy to move to a specific marked feminine or masculine form. Groups revert to the feminine 
Masculine suffix: -ti, examples Sulti, Shevrati 
Feminine suffix: -it, examples: Sulit, Shevrayit
Baaiyaniti: -iti, examples Suliti, Shevrayiti 
There are three sets of plurals as well: 
Masculine -im, sulim, shevrayim 
feminine - ot, sulyot, shevrayot 
Baaiyaniti: -er, suler, shevrayer 
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bugcowboyart · 2 years
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The Sanktis Project // Lord of the Long Silence
Welcome to the world of Sanktis, my ongoing worldbuilding project that will eventually be a full narrative but right now is 50+ illustrations, 100 slides of lore, and about 5 pages of actual written story (which is funny because there’s already spinoff fanfic written by a friend that is longer than the “book” itself). I started around 2015 when I graduated undergrad, but the oldest drawing I still have is from 2016.
The story explores the story of three nations and their beliefs, a rising charismatic King in the north, and what happens to a priest when the beings they serve disappear from the world overnight.
These are concepts of the Priesthood serving the Lord of Long Silence—God of Death, the Dead, and Necromancers (represented here in stained glass).
While most death priests are not necromancers, those priests with the Silent Gift are called Bonedancers.
Bonedancers are brought to the temples as soon as their talents manifest after being sold, stolen, or surrendered by their parents. They are then trained in combat, performance, and ritual, before being matched into a bonded pair around puberty. These pairs, called Tethers, are not only more powerful, but their bond mitigates the immense risk of messing with the other side.
The Bonedancer Heretic in the third image shows off a pretty standard bonedancer habit; though they themselves are a character I’ll expand on in other posts if you’re interested! The other two show a standard priest and a high priestess! Habits vary regionally. The only standard is the scapular and the blank mask. Novices wear half masks!
More priesthoods incoming!
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babyawacs · 2 years
@maischberger dafuer brauchtman #oekonomen. alsodoch. #wiesorubel: die sankti onen vernichten die rubelwaehrung. alle zwingen rubelzukaufen stabilisiert den r ubel. das ist ein geniestreicht und strategisch extrem wichtig die wirtschaf t zustabilisieren das  oder eine derbankenraus aus sanktionen  gasprombank
@maischberger dafuer brauchtman #oekonomen. alsodoch. #wiesorubel: die sankti onen vernichten die rubelwaehrung. alle zwingen rubelzukaufen stabilisiert den r ubel. das ist ein geniestreicht und strategisch extrem wichtig die wirtschaf t zustabilisieren das  oder eine derbankenraus aus sanktionen gasprombank
@maischberger dafuer brauchtman #oekonomen. alsodoch. #wiesorubel: die sanktionen vernichten die rubelwaehrung. alle zwingen rubelzukaufen stabilisiert den rubel. das ist ein geniestreicht und strategisch extrem wichtig die wirtschaft zustabilisieren das oder eine derbankenraus aus sanktionen gasprombank I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE…
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zimmerberg · 9 months
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usmsgutterson · 2 years
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pangeanews · 4 years
“Scomparendo polverizzato nell’opera del tuo Amore”. Clemente Rebora, il poeta che si gettò nell’enormità
Frantumazione, infermità: parole fatali, un ingresso in Clemente Rebora. Per le edizioni della “Voce” Rebora pubblica, nel 1913, i Frammenti lirici. Della Prima guerra coglie la frattura, il miasma di ciò che è rotto. “Si va per la strada profonda spastata, ingoiata. Confusion d’ordine; file perdute: barcollii di volumi spossati ricurvi, spossati e cacciati nel buio dal flutto dei morti che non è libero ancora, che non sarà libero mai”. Anche la scrittura è frantumata e inferma. In onore alla sparizione – il rischio di non essere compresi, una calligrafia così piccola che il foglio la ingoia – “fin dagli anni della giovinezza” Rebora ha l’abitudine “di appuntare note in calligrafia minuta su foglietti di carta altrettanto piccoli, spesso riciclati” (Roberto Cicala e Valerio Rossi).
Infermità, frattura, frammento. Rebora ama come il fuoco di una cometa, per consumarsi. Dalla trincea passa al “manicomio di Mombello”, “nel grande caos della psiche”, tra uomini sbrindellati, “gente scaduta a tutte le possibili minorazioni… Lo psichiatra, a Reggio, che mi diagnosticò, forse sentendomi parlare la definì con parola greca, mania dell’eterno” (cito dal Diario intimo, Interlinea, 2006). Andare all’eterno, per difetto d’atmosfera ed eccesso di vertigine, procura ferite in sbriciolamento. Scrivendo della sua morte, Eugenio Montale, sul “Corriere della sera”, sottolinea la “distruzione fisica” di Rebora, “il calvario”. Ripetuti ictus gli impediscono di muoversi, gli tolgono la parola. Rebora lavora, per tutta la vita, a colpi di taglierino, per togliersi la voce. Consegnare anche quella all’Alto.
Prima tenta di radicare i frantumi in Oriente. Conosce Tagore, a Milano, gli scrive: “La possibilità, fattami balenare, di poter poi venire alla Sua università di Sankti-Niketan è per me un’alta speranza, che alimento col rendermene intanto degno”; è il 18 settembre 1921. Più tardi il suo giudizio sarà laconico: “grande poeta, ma fallace profeta”. Nel 1929, Rebora si rompe in pianto. Al Lyceum milanese deve tenere una conferenza. La ‘cosa’ esplode. “Io avevo da poco iniziato il mio dire e lessi il verbale dei Martiri Scillitani: ed ecco che mi prese una commozione tale che non potei più proseguire e a stento non scoppiai in singhiozzi palesi. […] In fine io mi levai come folgorato di pianto – e pensarono i più ch’io mi fossi sentito male per l’eccessivo lavoro, ecc. Da quel momento Dio mi tolse il dono della parola in pubblico, come già da tempo quello dello scrivere – e me lo concesse soltanto nella carità e nell’insegnamento”. Darsi a Dio che è colui che toglie: la scrittura, la parola.
Clemente Rebora è come un Rimbaud: la sua Africa è il Sacro Monte Calvario di Domodossola, dove è novizio. In entrambi, la necessità di distaccarsi dall’opera, di renderla inoperosa, di cancellarla. E avventarsi nell’ignoto – geografico o di una topografia dell’assenza – di vivere la norma di ciò che è abnorme, anormale. Rebora si prepara alla distruzione con l’anonimato: nel 1922 pubblica i Canti anonimi; poi sparisce. Nel 1930 lascia la scuola dove insegna, lascia l’abitazione, distrugge le proprie carte. Tutto è vanità nella dimora dell’eterno. “A eccezione di pochi libri e oggetti consegnati ai familiari, le sue carte e libri finirono nelle mani di uno straccivendolo di passaggio” (Eleonora Cardinale). Per rinascere, occorre annientare.
Frantumi, frammenti, infermità, annientamento. “Infermo a Stresa, con mano un po’ paralitica, riscrivo e confermo, come non mai, il voto… di chiedere incessantemente al Signore la grazia di patire e morire oscuramente, scomparendo polverizzato nell’opera del tuo Amore”. Non annientato, polverizzato. La polvere è l’unità minima del creato, la cosa più piccola: “Dio plasmò l’uomo con polvere del suolo…”, dice Genesi. Ci si polverizza per tornare nelle mani di Dio, che ci riplasmi. Il ritorno alla polvere è grazia. Rebora polverizzato mi ricorda l’elogio della cenere di Robert Walser: “La cenere rappresenta in sé l’umiltà, l’insignificanza, l’assenza di valore. E, ciò che è ancora più bello: essa stessa è pervasa dalla convinzione di non valere nulla. Si può essere più inconsistenti, più deboli, più inetti della cenere? È davvero difficile”.
Legato alla pianista russa Lydia Natus, traduce Lev Tolstoj, La felicità domestica. Che paradosso: la sua felicità è rotta da una lacerazione ulteriore. Nel 1915 Lydia è incinta, la gravidanza le può essere fatale, accade l’aborto. Con il bambino possibile va in frantumi la possibilità dell’alcova, della famiglia.
Nel diario, in data 1946, un frammento che pare estratto da Tolstoj. “Ho conosciuto… un’autentica santa: una vecchia montanara, di 83 anni, curva, piena di dolori, senza un occhio per le battiture del suo defunto marito che era una belva; tuttora in servizio per sfamarsi e poter fino all’ultimo servire (secondo la sua richiesta al Signore 10 anni prima quand’era gravemente inferma all’ospedale: poter sempre lavorare); tribolata come aveva fatto fin da piccola nella famiglia poverissima, e poi, sposata, che doveva scappare con le sue piccole dal coniuge violento e bestiale (che teneva il coltello sotto il cuscino), lasciata agli stremi dell’indigenza, fino a dormire in un sacco; poi, per scampare da lui, fuggire e servire, in Germania, e via via… Eppure la divina Provvidenza non le è mai mancata, ricca della grazia di camminare sempre nella giustizia e onestà; e si sentiva felice”. Piuttosto, Rebora pare una specie di Padre Sergij, che consuma tutti i nomi e tutte le ambizioni fino a polverizzarsi in puro “servo di Dio”.
La Libreria Editoriale “Sodalitas” di Stresa ha pubblicato nel 1990 “Le pagine del Messale” di Rebora. Il libro, scarno, è commovente: Rebora riempie le pagine sante di frasi, sottolineature, pensieri. Siamo nel pieno della lotta; le notizie di Vincenzo Sala ci informano che il Messale è “usato da lui negli anni che vanno dal 1931, sua entrata in religione, al 1936, anno della sua ordinanza sacerdotale”. La scrittura è fitta, inquieta – prima di diventare Bibbia bisogna ulcerarla, divorarla; sarà il testo a emendarmi o io a cancellarlo? “Più l’ora del mondo è disperata, più cresce l’ora di Dio secondo il disegno della carità salvatrice, santificatrice, glorificatrice in Cristo Gesù”, scrive Rebora. Poi, sul margine di Luca, sottolinea in rosso mysterium regni Dei e Semen est verbum Dei. E scrive: “Chi non stima la vita non la merita”. Spesso Rebora riscrive dei versetti perché solo così possono saldarsi nelle ossa, fino a dissipare ogni passato. Scrivere, ora, è tortura blu. Infine, non serve più nulla. “Quando i superiori gli dissero di non continuare a prendere troppi appunti, Rebora fu ubbidiente e chiese un messale nuovo perché quello vecchio era pieno di annotazioni”. Il poeta – non più poeta o autenticamente tale – obbedisce alla sparizione, si azzera. In questo caso, però, i frantumi sono fuochi, la polvere una stellata, il niente l’evidenza del tutto – Rebora è nello spazio irraggiungibile, nell’enormità. (d.b.)
  L'articolo “Scomparendo polverizzato nell’opera del tuo Amore”. Clemente Rebora, il poeta che si gettò nell’enormità proviene da Pangea.
from pangea.news https://ift.tt/3dli3Ly
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sportpolls · 6 years
Пари на матч Ольгин - Санкти-Спиритус, который состоится 06 мар 2019 в рамках Национальная лига Куба Футбол
Новый пост опубликован на https://sportpolls.ru/pari-na-match-olgin-sankti-spiritus-kotoryj-sostoitsya-06-mar-2019-v-ramkax-nacionalnaya-liga-kuba-futbol/
Пари на матч Ольгин - Санкти-Спиритус, который состоится 06 мар 2019 в рамках Национальная лига Куба Футбол - Матч-центр
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willibald66 · 7 years
⚡️ Blitz Nachrichten ⚡️ sowie Infos 📝 von Lesern gefunden | Terra - Germania
⚡️ Blitz Nachrichten ⚡️ sowie Infos 📝 von Lesern gefunden | Terra – Germania
NTV: „Verlassen EU, nicht Europa“ Das ist der Brexit-Brief aus London Norw. Hassprediger – spricht in Interview offen über den Charakter des Islam Sputnik: Russland befreit Sankti… Quelle: ⚡️ Blitz Nachrichten ⚡️ sowie Infos 📝 von Lesern gefunden | Terra – Germania
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bugcowboyart · 2 years
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The Sanktis Project// The Bountiful Mother
Continuing with my ongoing worldbuilding project with another priesthood! This time of the Bountiful Mother, goddess of agriculture, harvest, domestication, and livestock.
Those that serve the Bountiful Mother are a strictly nomadic and mostly solitary order of priests that have no set habit, their bronze tools are often the only identifying factor.
Each priest, called a Teacher, travels between settlements big and small educating the local farmers on domestication, husbandry, farming techniques, irrigation, or new crops. Hosting a teacher is a high honor for local farmers and they will compete elaborately for the chance, as it is seen to gain the Goddess’s favor.
It is said that these priests have an almost supernatural green thumb or affinity with animals, bestowed by the goddess herself.
The two folks represented here are Teachers of agriculture and livestock husbandry respectively.
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