#Sara Onsi
sophs-style · 11 months
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Zara McDermott (wearing Sara Onsi) at the 76th Cannes Film Festival and premiere of "Indiana Jones and The Dial of Destiny" on Thursday (18th May 2023) in Cannes, France.
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tipsythrifters · 10 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Sexy Santa Onsie.
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notenotenotenote · 2 years
Does "a" on one of the onsies stand for Ava? Did Sara buy that one? 😁😁😁
Oh no it stand for Atom 🙈 I googled the atom suit and the details overwhelmed me so i decided on just an A 😂
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fullcupofstyle · 3 years
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Sara Onsi design 
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arabnewsksa · 3 years
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superpregnantwomen · 3 years
pregnancy tips Pregnant ,Pregnancy outfits ,Pregnant outfits ,Pregnant belly ,Healthy pregnancy food,help baby sleep,baby sleep tips baby due date,how to announce baby 2,baby onsie announcement,baby bump announcement,may baby announcment,announce a baby girl,baby anouncement,expecting baby announcement,baby sleep,sleep baby tips baby due date,how to announce baby 2,baby onsie announcement,baby bump announcement,may baby announcment,announce a baby girl,baby anouncement,expecting baby
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pregnancy tips Pregnant ,Pregnancy outfits ,Pregnant outfits ,Pregnant belly ,Healthy pregnancy food,help baby sleep,baby sleep tips baby due date,how to announce baby 2,baby onsie announcement,baby bump announcement,may baby announcment,announce a baby girl,baby anouncement,expecting baby announcement,baby sleep,sleep baby tips baby due date,how to announce baby 2,baby onsie announcement,baby bump announcement,may baby announcment,announce a baby girl,baby anouncement,expecting baby from https://ift.tt/2KtilHe
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angelreports · 7 years
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[Delivered to Henna and Surge’s home] 
Card attached: 
Hey guys! 
So this is just the beginning. I promised Surge I’d only get stuff Sara needs so I thought the swing would be perf for when you guys want her to nap soundly. Trust me, that thing did wonders on me. And here are just a couple of onsies. You can never go wrong with that! 
Love always, 
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myserie · 7 years
Oliver Morrison jerked awake, dark eyes blinked blearily and he rubbed at them with the heels of his palms. He'd fallen asleep at his desk again, his computer long since powered down and he stretched, cracking his back noisily in the quietness of his study
What had woken him up?
Oh, right. Sara.
He stood and trundled his way downstairs, twisting around the steel pole at the base of the house's staircase and into the kitchen. Sara stood at the bench, apron around her waist and flour everywhere. Even on the tip of her freckled nose and the ends of her light brown hair. Her eyes, green as the Christmas tree the cat had knocked down yesterday, narrowed as he felt a grin come unbidden to his face at the sight.
“What are you so happy about?” She demanded, rolling pin in hand. He grinned wider. There was nothing more perfect than the way her nose scrunched up when she was trying not to laugh.
“That I married the most perfect woman on the planet,” he answered dutifully.
She glared at him, suspicious.
“Even if she is the messiest cook on the planet.”
His admission was answered with an egg hurled at his forehead. Sara had a good arm and a mean fastball.
Fast egg?
Either way it hit him directly on his forehead, the shell shattering on impact and splattering his face in wet egg yolk and shell shards that dripped down his face and onto his socked feet.
He knew Sara was grinning, wicked and shark-like and giving him the same look that made him fall in love with her in the first place, that gave him the feeling of being exactly where she wants him.
Oliver turned the tables quickly, taking three steps forward and grabbing his now wriggling wife around the waist and pressed his face against the flour splattered t-shirt, shaking his head back and forth to wipe the egg from his face.
“Why did I marry you?” Sara asked as she scowled down at her egg soaked shirt.
Oliver kissed her, arms tight around her waist. She grinned against him and curled her arms around his neck.
Of course, their moment was interrupted moments later.
“Daddy, Mama,” John called. “Ellie threw up all over her blanky!”
“I'll go run a bath,” Oliver said.
“I'll get Ellie cleaned up,” Sara said at the same time. They grinned at one another and separated.
Oliver dashed upstairs and into the bathroom, twisting the taps until the water was warm and pushed in the plug. He let it fill to nearly half way as his knees went numb against the cold orange and blue tiles.
Their house was odd, a physical display of his and Sara's own oddness. The ceilings were lime green and the walls were a different colour after every corner. There was sunflower wallpaper in their daughter's room and vintage stickers covering their son's room. There was a guest room with floor length windows and the master bedroom had a sliding door.
They'd bought it because it was weird, and had only made it more weird in the four years they had lived there.
“Dirty baby coming through!” Sara called, making aeroplane noises as she zoomed their daughter into the bathroom and plopped her directly onto the edge of the basin to undress her.
Eleanor Morrison was more like Oliver than Sara, dark hair and dark eyes and brown skin. She had round, fat cheeks that were constantly flushed and one exceptionally sharp tooth. Currently she wore nothing, having been stripped efficiently of her pink and green onsie and diaper, and her birthmark on her stomach was clearly visible.
If you squinted, it looked like a smudge.
“Daddy's gonna bathe you,” Sara told their daughter, who patted her cheek with one chubby hand.
“I don't think she understands,” Oliver supplied.
Sara handed Ellie to Oliver and pecked him on the cheek. “Your gifted son is very concerned over how I'm going to wash Ellie's blanket without getting rid of the jam stains,” she told him.
Oliver frowned. “Do we have any of your mother's plum jam left? I feel like toast.”
Sara skipped out of the bathroom and Oliver looked at his daughter.
Ellie patted him on the cheek and he placed her into the water.
She splashed happily.
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sophs-style · 2 years
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Flora Coquerel (wearing Sara Onsi) at the premiere of ‘Three Thousand Years Of Longing' during the 2022 Cannes Film Festival on Friday (20th May) in Cannes, France.
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Part 2: The bad...
So, like with anything, there are good days and bad days. I have to say, the majority of our days/ experiences were good but there were a select few that tested us and that we’d rather not relive.
The one with the infection
So, as you may have already read, when we went volcano boarding, we had to wear onsies to protect us from flying rocks as we slid down the hill. We had to tie these onesies tightly around our ankles and our wrists. Despite tying them tightly I still managed to get pretty scratched up on the way down. However, not as badly as Lucy. As soon as we were down she was in pain and upon pulling her trouser leg up, we saw two, perfectly circular scrapes. It wasn’t a huge deal at the time but because it was so humid when we got to Ometepe, it was impossible for the scrapes to get dry and scab. Everyone we met would wince and ask what could have happened. They looked like two cheese pizzas at one point. By the time we were in Laguna de Apoyo, her legs were looking really infected and she was feeling terribly. Sara and Jesse ended up taking her to the hospital and after a round of antibiotics the cuts started to heal and now she just has two perfectly round circles on the back of her calves.
The one with the crash (or three)
While we were on Isla de Ometepe, we decided it would be a good idea to rent mopeds to get to a waterfall hike. We didn't take into account that none of us had ever ridden mopeds or anything like them before and not even the whole group had their driving licenses. After a few tries, the people renting them to us decided that we were good to go and, in fairness, if the road had been smooth the whole way, I think we would have been fine. But, the road was smooth for about twenty minutes out of the hour. Almost as soon as we hit the dirt track, Jesse and Lucy slipped off their bikes. They weren’t too awful injured and after a little recuperation time, we were back on the track with Lucy on the back of my bike and Calum and Tom driving the other girls. We managed to get to the waterfall after about an hour (should have taken about 20 minutes) with only one more casualty: the stand on my bike had fallen off after I went over a big rock.
When we finally got to the place where we were to climb the falls, we were told that the hike would take 3 hours and we had to get the bikes back before then. So, we decided to have a swim in the lake and then head back. It was then that Tom discovered that there was no moped key at the end of his keychain. We looked around for about 30 minutes and finally found it in a plant. Just as we were leaving I crashed into the wall with Lucy on the back. Now my bike was scratched too. By the time we caught up with everyone we had crashed again and my stand came all the way off and we met a man that told us that we should get it fixed before we went back to avoid heavy fees when we took the bikes back. So we headed to a mechanic who fixed the stand, filled our tanks and spray painted over the damage. He also offered to take Tom and I up Maderas the next day for $20 which was a lot cheaper than we had seen around the island. We drove back to the bike shop and were told that we were going to have to pay $60 in repairs. When we argued, they told us the price had gone up to $100 then one of the men took Jesse’s iPod and wouldn't return it. Eventually, the boss came out and was a lot more reasonable. After a lot of debate, we eventually paid the $60 and walked away. Though it was one of the more expensive days and we didn’t do much, we all agreed that it was one of the best days that we had in Nicaragua.
The one with the waterfall
If you’ve already read volume one of the “The good” then you’ll know that we had to go to San Jose for a few days after the waterfall in Montezuma. There were two reasons for this. After I jumped off, I was trying to get back up to the top, lost my footing and fell off onto the rocks underneath. And, after she jumped off, climbed back up, climbed back down to the town, Jesse’s back pain became unbearable so she called an Ambulance.
I was completely fine immediately after it happened, just a little shocked. I swam over to the side with just a sore foot. As time passed though, my foot became a lot more sore and it became apparent that I wasn’t going to be able to climb back up to the others, let a lone back down to the town. So, we waited for about an hour while a rescue team came to help us.
The first man that came was the guy that was going to help get me out of the falls. Then a paramedic came with the morphine. I must have had quite a lot because there’s a few pictures of me with a massive smile on my face. They attached a rope to the back board that I was on and kind of shuffled me up the side of the falls. After being almost dry it was really cold to get back into the water and all of my friends lost their towels. There was another pool to get over once we were up the middle fall. The man was trying his hardest to get us across as quickly as possible but he almost drowned me as we crossed the last little bit. Then, I was carried up a lot of stairs by 14 men and eventually put into an ambulance. We spent a while at the local clinic while we were getting conformation from our insurance that they would cover us to be transported by plane to a hospital in San Jose, the capital. They said they would and we were taken to an airstrip. Sara and I in one plane and Jesse and Lucy in the other. The ride took about 30 minutes and when we got to the Emergency room they told us that I wouldn’t need to have surgery and  that I needed to wear a boot for the next month. Jesse also had a very attractive corset that she had to wear for the month after they found out that she had fractured her T-8 vertebrae.
We stayed the night in the Hospital and moved to a hotel the next morning. The boys were absolutely incredible and managed to bring all of our bags (I have 4 bags alone) to the hotel where we stayed for three nights just relaxing, doing some retail therapy at the MALL and watching movies in the theater at the MALL.
We’re all pretty much healed now, I got off my crutches in San Juan del Sur (Sunday Funday with one foot was interesting) and Jesse and I left our “accessories” in Utila. I wouldn’t run on it but I just did a surf lesson on it today so it’s not stopped me from doing too much and the boot turned out to be a great conversation starter!
The ones with the border crossings from hell
Border crossings aren’t generally that enjoyable, you wait in line for hours, usually have to pay more than you were expecting, usually have to walk further than you were expecting and as a result, end up in a new country exhausted and with no money.
Our first bad experience was from Nicaragua - Costa Rica.
There was no way to get to the boarder in a bus so we had to take a taxi and as soon as we pulled up we were swarmed by people asking for our passports and writing what looked like boarder crossing tickets. They wanted $10 for each ticket so we paid and asked for change. They said they were just going off to get our money and never came back. So, note to self, don’t give your passport or any money to people without being told by the guards that we needed too.
Turns out they weren’t boarder crossing tickets at all but bus ticket forms for a bus we weren’t getting on.
Though I said that the ankle hasn’t stopped me from doing much, the crutches did make traveling a bit more awkward than it should have been. The most awkward occurred at the boarder crossing as we were coming back into Nicaragua from Costa Rica. We really don’t like this boarder.  
Jesse and Lucy had to leave us because Lucy’s card had been swallowed in Montezuma (we really didn’t have much luck there) so they went to retrieve it. The boys, also had to leave us because after we got off our first bus, Calum realized that he’d left his wallet back in Manuel Antonio. So Sara and I decided to tackle the boarder by ourselves.
I couldn’t take my big bag so Sara had my bag on her front, her own big bag on her back and her smaller valuables bag in her hand. This particular boarder crossing was 500m long and we’re always trying to save money where we can so we didn’t want to get in a taxi across.
Another perk of the boot was that I got to go to the front of all the queues but Sara didn’t. At one point I was through to the final part of the crossing and Sara was told she was going to have to wait outside in the boiling hot sun until she got to the front of the line... which was about 100 miles long. The guard eventually let her in but not before an angry woman made it very clear that she and her family should be let in before. Anyway, I ditched the crutches as soon as we got to San Juan so none of the other borders were quite so bad.
The one with the exam
That one would be me. After essentially bombing my chemistry A level, I still really wanted to go to Queens to do nutrition so after talking to the head of the admissions for a while, he decided that I would be able to get in if I achieved the equivalent of B on the SAT chemistry, then I would be offered a place.
All the way back in November we booked the test to be in Guatemala City because we worked out that we would be nearish to there by the time of the test. (Just so happened that we were only 45 minutes away). So, while we’ve been traveling I’ve been trying to fit studying in where I could and trying not to miss anything at the same time. Long bus journeys are great places to study. While the others were in lake Atitlan, I stayed in a hotel room for 2 days cramming information into my head. It all culminated 5 days ago on the 21st of January at 9am. I think it was okay but we’ll find out in 5 weeks!
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fashionbuzz · 4 years
via "fashion week" - Google News
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superpregnantwomen · 3 years
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superpregnantwomen · 3 years
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superpregnantwomen · 3 years
pregnancy tips Pregnant ,Pregnancy outfits ,Pregnant outfits ,Pregnant belly ,Healthy pregnancy food,help baby sleep,baby sleep tips baby due date,how to announce baby 2,baby onsie announcement,baby bump announcement,may baby announcment,announce a baby girl,baby anouncement,expecting baby announcement,baby sleep,sleep baby tips baby due date,how to announce baby 2,baby onsie announcement,baby bump announcement,may baby announcment,announce a baby girl,baby anouncement,expecting baby
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superpregnantwomen · 3 years
pregnancy tips Pregnant ,Pregnancy outfits ,Pregnant outfits ,Pregnant belly ,Healthy pregnancy food,help baby sleep,baby sleep tips baby due date,how to announce baby 2,baby onsie announcement,baby bump announcement,may baby announcment,announce a baby girl,baby anouncement,expecting baby announcement,baby sleep,sleep baby tips baby due date,how to announce baby 2,baby onsie announcement,baby bump announcement,may baby announcment,announce a baby girl,baby anouncement,expecting baby
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