#Satsuki Mine
azure-recesses · 3 months
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✦ㅤRetro Remix PFPs
Created by me, credit if using
Square crop fitted (such as Tumblr square PFP)
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familyromantic · 2 years
Pressing your boobs against your sister's arm 🗣️👩‍❤️‍👩🥰🍒😏💕
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p-chux · 1 year
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suki suki satsuki!!! ^-^
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sl33py-g4m3r · 3 months
How Miyazaki Writes WOMEN
a video essay I thought was neat and wanted to share~~
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knbposting · 6 months
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hiii!!!! i posted the first chapter of my first proper actual knb fic to ao3! i have been writing for them forever but it's never been actually finished off or pretty before. please check it out :)
while out on one of his late-night runs, kagami bumps into touou's genius manager, momoi satsuki, who is in need of help! they team up and accomplish basically nothing. aomine is missing, and kagami has to try to think like his rival would in order to find him again. it seems impossible at first, but maybe they aren't as different as he once thought...
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moopermoment · 1 year
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when there’s another danganronpa idk
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seesaipepper · 2 years
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the amount of damage pen deals is CONCERNING
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winterfurst · 1 year
"....I forgot my rain jacket. At home..."
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estercity · 6 months
nobara is like my second favourite anime girl of all time next to maka she's so fucking cool and i hate that she comes from a shounen that doesnt give a fuck!!!!!
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variiawrites · 7 months
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SATSUKI || Naruto OC
The question isn't who's going to let me; it's who's going to stop me.
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sprinklina · 1 year
lady satsuki LOVES the coal mines
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image ID: a screenshot of a minecraft cave, with an official drawing of satsuki kiryūin is superimposed over the image to appear as if she's standing in the cave. she has long black hair reaching her waist and is wearing a sailor-uniform style dress, looking at the camera with a dissapointed expression. she's edited to be holding a stone pickaxe instead of the sword in the original art. there is a single minecraft torch next to her and a barely visable skeleton in the background. end id.
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echthr0s · 1 year
everyone that is like "I like Kill La Kill but I can't recommend it to anyone" is a coward. I promise you everything in that show is survivable, it's just a bit fuckin stupid is all
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Satsuki Momoi Aesthetic
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bluejaaay · 2 years
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Every passing minute I find myself wishing I'd taken time ta' talk to you sooner.
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aomine-ryo · 1 year
A lil scenario for Aomine’s birthday because he is, in fact, the best boy. It’s nothing too intricate, I just like to think that Aomine is super nervous around his crushes even though he’s a narcissistic bitch on court (love him tho)
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Scenario: Aomine’s crush confesses to him on his birthday
gender neutral reader
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Birthdays were just another day for Aomine, and he’s perfectly fine keeping it that way. His complaints begin when everyone around him makes it a bigger deal than it is. And the biggest culprit of this was Momoi.
As much as Aomine loved his friendship with Momoi, it’s days like this where he wished she would just tone it down a bit. He knew that whatever she did was out of love for him, but the way she showed it was way too flamboyant for Aomine.
This year round though, she seemed to be a little too quiet about her plans for the day. She still was the first one to wish him and give him a gift, but she hadn’t mentioned anything else. Either she finally respected his wishes to keep things low-key, or there was a surprise party looming around the corner. And Aomine had an awful feeling it was the latter.
“Dai-chan, you don’t have any plans later today, do you?” Momoi questioned as the two of them walked to school together that morning.
“I do,” Aomine murmured, letting out a big yawn as he rubbed his eyes to wake himself up .
“Huh? What plans?” Momoi questioned. Even though he was half asleep, he could hear the panic in her tone. She was so obvious.
“I have a date with my bed,” Aomine said simply, daydreaming about being wrapped under his warm blanket again.
Momoi clicked her tongue in annoyance. “It’s your birthday. You’re not just gonna spend it in your room.”
“There’s nothing stopping me,” Aomine replied.
“I’m stopping you,” Momoi snapped. “Let’s have a dinner at mine.”
“What? Just you and me?” Aomine questioned absentmindedly, dark blue eyes catching a glimpse of his classmate walking through the school gates.
As soon as Momoi noticed you, she knew she’d completely lost Aomine’s attention. But she carried on anyway, “I thought of inviting Tetsu,” she paused for a moment as a grin took over her face. “If you want, I can invite Y/N as well.”
Aomine snapped back into reality upon hearing your name. “What? No! That’d be so weird,” he protested, his face heating up.
Momoi sighed, “When will you make a move on them?”
“I don’t like Y/N like that,” he replied defensively, avoiding eye contact with Momoi as he did so.
“You’re not fooling anyone, but sure,” she said as the two of them approached their classrooms. “Anyways, you, me and Tetsu tonight, okay?”
“Yeah, yeah whatever,” Aomine rolled his eyes before entering his classroom and plopping down in the seat behind you.
“Daiki! Happy birthday!” You said, turning around to face him with a wide smile.
Aomine was suddenly more awake than ever. “Oh thanks,” he said curtly, “how come you’re not passed out on the desk like every other day?”
“Had to stay awake to be the first in the class to wish you,” you shrugged, “Plus you would’ve woken me up anyways because you’re an asshole like that.”
Aomine chuckled at the sentiment, “How sweet of you to stay up for me,” his tone was mocking; it made you want to punch him.
“You’re so annoying,” you rolled your eyes.
The rest of his school day was fairly normal— napping in class, finding any opportunity to annoy you, drooling over you when you weren’t looking— the usual. In a way, he was glad his birthday was on a Friday; being in school meant that he got to spend his day with you, though he wasn’t exactly pleased to be waking up at 7 a.m. for it.
“Dai-chan! Hurry up! I’ve got to prepare for the dinner!” Momoi called out as she stood at the door of your classroom at the end of the day, interrupting a nonsensical back and forth between you and Aomine.
The navy haired boy sighed, “Satsuki, that’s a problem you created for yourself.”
“You say that, but when the food takes too long to cook it’s non-stop complaining from your end,” Momoi retorted, earning a small laugh from you.
“Whatever. See you Monday, loser,” Aomine said to you, his hand reaching over to your head and messing with your hair.
“Stop that!” you whined, trying to swat his arm away and regaining your composure once you did. “Have a good birthday, stupid,” you said, packing up your stuff once he headed out.
“You guys are so cute,” Momoi beamed once it was just her and Aomine in the hallways.
“Can we please not have this conversation again? Just for today?” Aomine groaned, already frustrated with himself for the lack of flirting he’s been able to do with you. He didn’t know what it was. It was usually easy for him to flirt with girls he was interested in, but with you he was always nervous; afraid he’d mess it up with one wrong move.
Once Aomine had gotten home, he was absolutely exhausted. He laid down in his bed and let out a heavy sigh. He didn’t know if he had it in him to go for dinner with Momoi and Kuroko— let alone whatever Momoi was covering up. He just wanted to nap and maybe just scroll through his socials— maybe he’ll find the perfect meme to send to you so that he has an excuse to talk to you again. Nevertheless, he did end up drifting off into the nap he’d been waiting for since he had woken up that morning.
Aomine was stirred awake by the sound of his phone’s ringtone. He squinted at the bright screen, seeing Momoi’s name and quickly remembering that it was still his birthday. He brought the phone up to his ear, “Hello,” he said groggily, eyes closing once again.
“Where are you? I’ve been trying to reach you for the past half hour!” Momoi scolded into the phone.
“I was asleep,” Aomine answered simply.
Momoi sighed in disappointment, “Get to mine quick. Tetsu and I are hungry.”
“Mhm,” Aomine hummed before ending the phone call. It took him a moment, but he finally gathered the strength to drag himself out of bed and into the shower, cussing out his birthday each step of the way.
Aomine made it out of the house fairly quickly, but there wasn’t a single thought going through his head when he walked up the driveway of Momoi’s house. He didn’t bother ringing the doorbell— he never did. He took his shoes off and headed towards the living room, “Oi Satsuki—”
Aomine’s heart leaped out of his chest for a moment at the sudden chorus when he stepped into the room. He had fully forgotten about the possibility of a surprise party. Standing in front of him was a crowd of basically all the people he knew— the Miracles, his teammates, some of his classmates, and most notably— you.
“What on earth…” was all he was really able to say. He was still trying to process the fact that you were here. He definitely did not put enough effort into his outfit for this to be happening.
“Were you surprised?” Momoi asked, pouncing up and down like an excited puppy.
“No, you’re a bad liar. I’m just sleepy,” Aomine answered truthfully, causing everyone to erupt into a fit of joking booing and jeering.
“Okay okay, we’ll get to the cake in a second, but first you have to take your birthday shot,” Kagami grinned, swinging his arm around Aomine’s shoulders and handing him a shot glass filled with vodka.
Aomine downed the shot with no hesitation. He needed all the confidence he could get to try to flirt with you— not that he really had a game plan in mind.
Admittedly, it was rather nice to have everyone all together. It had been a while since he had seen Kuroko so it was nice catching up with him and also bullying Kagami whilst he was at it. Moreover, he couldn’t help but steal glances of you chatting with people and swaying along to the music— he still couldn’t believe that you were actually there.
He did, however, make the stupid mistake of matching his drinks with Kise— who had a much higher tolerance than he did. Aomine soon found himself needing to get away from the music and the crowd, so he stepped out to the front porch, taking a deep breath of the fresh air. He took a seat on the steps, blankly staring out into the empty street as he tried to stop his vision from spinning.
He heard the front door behind him open and shut, steps moving towards him. “What’s the birthday boy doing all alone out here?” you said, taking a seat next to him.
Aomine’s lips instinctively broke out into a smile upon hearing your voice, “Trying to stop the world from spinning. And also avoiding Kise because I cannot stomach another shot,” he answered honestly.
“I do not envy you right now,” you chuckled, knowing the feeling all too well.
“You haven’t had anything to drink?” Aomine questioned, trying to meet your eyes but failing miserably.
“Not really, I don’t let myself go all out around people I don’t know too well,” you shrugged.
“You don’t need to worry about that, I’ll take care of you if you get too drunk,” Aomine said, a slight slur in his words.
You couldn’t help but laugh at the gesture, “As sweet as that is, you are in no state to be taking care of yourself— let alone me.”
“I’d sober up if I need to,” Aomine said confidently.
“I’ll take your word for it,” you said, tone filled with sarcasm. A silence fell between you two as you both looked out into the street. It wasn’t an awkward silence, but it wasn’t exactly comfortable either— for you, at least. Aomine seemed to be in another dimension by the looks of it, but you felt like there was something that needed to be said. “Oh right!” You said shuffling around and breaking the silence suddenly as you reached into your pocket and pulled out an envelope. “Here, this is for you.”
“What is it?” Aomine asked, brows furrowed in confusion as he took the plain white envelope that said ‘To Daiki’ in your handwriting on it.
“It’s a birthday card,” you said, fidgeting with your hands nervously as you pondered over whether this was the right move.
“Can I open it?” Aomine asked, his respectful manners around you remaining even though he was absolutely hammered.
You hesitated for a moment as you thought over the contents of the card. While it was just a greeting card, you also put down how you felt about him— more specifically, how you had a crush on him. You weren’t sure how he’d react and it was eating you alive. “Um, okay. But don’t read it aloud. And don’t look at me when you read it,” you said, burying your face in your palms as he opened the envelope.
You saw his smile widen upon seeing the card in the first place— it had a cute little cartoon dog with a birthday hat and balloon on the front. Aomine thought that it was such a cute design, it almost reminded him of Nigou. He opened the card up eagerly, wondering what had you so shy. His eyes scanned over the words you had written down, his whole body seizing when he got to the words ‘I like you.’ He read it over and over again in disbelief, sure that it was his drunken mind making him see words that weren’t there. He even ran his finger over the words to make sure he wasn’t imagining it. Damn those birthday wishes work quick.
He slowly looked over at you, meeting your eyes through the gaps between your fingers. “Are you serious?” he asked softly.
“It would be really cruel for me to lie about something like that,” you said, trying to use humour to cope with the nervousness.
Aomine leaned over and wrapped his arms around you tightly, pulling you into a hug. It definitely caught you off guard because it was now your turn to freeze.
“I feel the same way,” he mumbled into your shoulder, your tension beginning to ease with his words. He didn’t exactly intend for the hug, it was something his body did before he could even process that it was happening. He wanted to kiss you, but he was afraid that he wouldn’t remember it the next day— a stupid thought, but what else could you expect from him?
“You have no idea how glad I am to hear that. I genuinely thought I was gonna vomit out of nervousness the whole way here,” you said, finding comfort in the sweet scent of Aomine’s cologne and the sound of his light chuckle.
Aomine finally broke away from the hug, cupping your face in his hands as his dark blue eyes met yours. “You’ve officially made this the best birthday I’ve had in a while,” he grinned, his lips were so close that you could feel his breath on your skin.
“You’re welcome, stupid,” you replied in what was barely a whisper, your eyes darting between his eyes and lips before he finally closed the gap. His lips were soft against yours. Even though he’d been waiting for this moment for ages, he wanted to savour it. There was no need for him to go all in. He just wanted to melt into your touch and bask in your gentleness. The world finally stopped spinning; as your fingers ran through his hair, he did his best to remember this moment. Your soft touch, your fresh scent, the sound of your gentle breaths— he wanted to remember every single bit of you that made his day.
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randomationality · 2 months
you know those post-war AUs were the main bots have kids or smth? Yeah uhhh this is mine and its connected to that PRE-WAR AU I have!!!!
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rambling because i was BORN to be a yapperpacker 🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣
(also i did NOT think this AU through this is actually the most ASS my writing skills have been💀)
How my version of this some AU works idk:
(Almost everyone names their kids after someone omg)
Okay, post-war, set on Cybertron, some bots have kids now, and everyone's happy, just the basics. This is about how the 'families' work, I guess.
Megatron and Optimus are brothers again!! Yay!! Optimus and Elita-1 are now CONJUXES YAYYY and had two* sparklings, Trion (a mech) and Elariel (a fembot) (I ACTUALLY need to work on names). Starscream and Windblade are the leaders of Cybertron, with two sparklings, Solrizon and Skylight, who have a Satsuki and Mei Kusakabe dynamic. Terminus, Orion and Paxton are cousins with Trion and Elariel, with Solrizon and Skylight being family friends. OKAY TIME TO TALK ABOUT THE THREE BUCKETEERS NOW.
Terminus is the eldest son, being around 15 in human terms. But out of him, Trion and Elariel (The three teens I guess) he's the youngest. He's got Megatronus' personality, being all smiley, energetic, confident, awkward and funny. He lets the lil' bots put stickers on him (well, he's kind of forced to so they won't "PLEEEASE".) but he doesn't really mind, even if they're THOSE kinda stickers from two dollar shops. He sometimes trains with Megatron to learn how to fight like how Meg was taught with his D-Construction Unit.
Just like his dad, he LOVES comics especially the climatic fight scenes. But, his favourites are those two-page ones with the most ETHEREAL, MAJESTIC, and BREATHTAKING pieces of artwork ever. He just doesn't tell his dad that 'coz he thinks it's something too "soft" for someone like him.
The Twins, Paxton and Orion
The troublemakers. At least one is more calm than the other. They're both around 7 in human terms, but Paxton is about a minute older. They're curious bots, eager to go on adventures and run about, but Orion - being more thoughtful and cautious - gets a wee bit concerned when a spot they've found looks a bit too sketchy for them to go to. Paxton on the other hand is the risktaker, and always the one that gets the two in trouble. The biggest hiding he got was when he got hurt from trying to save a Mechanimal stuck on the side of a CLIFF. But even from all those unfortunate times, the two are close and never leave each other's side.
Yet just like any young sparkling, they ask A LOT of questions, especially about their names.
"Kore*, why did you name us after Kora* Op?"
"Yeah, and why did you name Termie after Koro*?"
"Why did you give us someone else's name?"
"Why didn't you just name us our names?"
The naming-after-family-or-others thing is something Meg is tired about. He actually gets tired of all of them sometimes, but he's actually grateful and happy he has three sparklings, and would do anything to protect them.
*Just to clarify, sparklings aren't born the same way humans are coz yk aliens
**Kore is "Dad" in Kaonese, Kora is "Uncle", and Koro is "grandfather" is Māori (I was lazy because I'm tired and my laptop is gonna die so I had to think fast). I'm trying to get Sub-Cybertronian languages going on, I wrote a whole thing about Vostos - Vos' language - in a notebook. I still have a LOT to work on.
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